mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 04:11:49 +03:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'cgyarvin/learning' into learning
This commit is contained in:
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
:: 2n: functional hacks ::
:: 2o: normalizing containers ::
:: 2p: serialization ::
:: 2q: molds
:: 2q: molds and mold builders ::
~% %two + ~
@ -273,9 +273,6 @@
:::: 2b: list logic ::
:: ::
:: flop, homo, lent, levy, lien, limo, murn, reap, ::
:: reel, roll, skid, skim, skip, scag, slag, snag, ::
:: sort, swag, turn, weld, welp, zing ::
:: ::
++ flop :: reverse
~/ %flop
@ -463,8 +460,6 @@
:: ::
:::: 2c: bit arithmetic ::
:: ::
:: bex, can, cat, cut, end, fil, lsh, met, ::
:: rap, rep, rip, rsh, swp, xeb ::
++ bex :: binary exponent
~/ %bex
@ -555,7 +550,6 @@
:: ::
:::: 2d: bit logic ::
:: ::
:: con, dis, mix, not ::
++ con :: binary or
~/ %con
@ -610,7 +604,6 @@
:: ::
:::: 2e: insecure hashing ::
:: ::
:: fnv, mum, mug ::
++ fnv |=(a/@ (end 5 1 (mul 16.777.619 a))) :: FNV scrambler
++ mum :: mug with murmur3
@ -661,7 +654,7 @@
|- ^- @
=+ c=(fnv (mix p.b (fnv q.b)))
=+ d=(mix (rsh 0 31 c) (end 0 31 c))
?. =(0 c) c
?. =(0 d) d
$(q.b +(q.b))
=+ b=
|- ^- @
@ -753,7 +746,6 @@
:::: ::
:: 2g: unsigned powers ::
:: ::
:: pow, sqt ::
++ pow :: unsigned exponent
~/ %pow
@ -783,7 +775,6 @@
:: ::
:: 2h: set logic ::
:: ::
:: in ::
++ in :: set engine
~/ %in
@ -978,7 +969,6 @@
:: ::
:::: 2i: map logic ::
:: ::
:: by ::
++ by :: map engine
~/ %by
@ -1262,7 +1252,6 @@
:: ::
:::: 2k: queue logic ::
:: ::
:: to ::
++ to :: queue engine
|_ a/(tree)
@ -1312,7 +1301,7 @@
+- tap :: adds list to end
|= b/(list _?>(?=(^ a) n.a))
=+ 0 :: breaks tap.in match
=+ 0 :: hack for jet match
^+ b
?~ a
@ -1326,7 +1315,6 @@
:: ::
:::: 2l: container from container ::
:: ::
:: malt, molt, silt ::
++ malt :: map from list
|* a/(list)
@ -1343,7 +1331,6 @@
:: ::
:::: 2m: container from noun ::
:: ::
:: ly, my, sy ::
++ ly :: list from raw noun
|* a/*
@ -1359,8 +1346,6 @@
:: ::
:::: 2n: functional hacks ::
:: ::
:: aftr, cork, corl, cury, curr, fore, ::
:: hard, head, same, soft, tail, test ::
++ aftr |*(a/$-(* *) |*(b/$-(* *) (pair b a))) :: pair after
++ cork |*({a/_|=(* **) b/gate} (corl b a)) :: compose forward
@ -1403,7 +1388,6 @@
:: ::
:::: 2o: normalizing containers ::
:: ::
:: jar, jug, map, set, qeu ::
++ jar |*({a/mold b/mold} (map a (list b))) :: map of lists
++ jug |*({a/mold b/mold} (map a (set b))) :: map of sets
@ -1416,7 +1400,6 @@
:::: 2p: serialization ::
:: ::
:: cue, jam, mat, rub ::
++ cue :: unpack
~/ %cue
@ -1491,7 +1474,6 @@
:::: 2q: molds and mold builders ::
:: ::
:: tape ::
++ char @t :: UTF8 byte
++ cord @t :: UTF8, LSB first
@ -1522,12 +1504,19 @@
:: ::
:::: 3: layer three ::
:: ::
:: 3a: signed and modular ints ::
:: 3b: floating point ::
:: 3c: urbit time ::
:: 3d: SHA hash family ::
:: 3e: AES encryption ::
:: 3f: scrambling ::
:: 3g: molds and mold builders ::
:: ::
~% %tri + ~
:::: 3a: signed and modular ints ::
:: ::
:: egcd, fe, fo, si ::
++ egcd :: schneier's egcd
|= {a/@ b/@}
@ -1660,9 +1649,6 @@
:: ::
:::: 3b: floating point ::
:: ::
:: rd, rh, rs, rq ::
:: rlyd, rlys, rlyh, rlyq ::
:: ryld, ryls, rylh, rylq ::
++ fn :: float, infinity, or NaN
:: s=sign, e=exponent, a=arithmetic form
@ -2683,10 +2669,8 @@
++ yer 31.536.000 :: (mul 365 day)
:: ::
:::: 3d: SHA family ::
:::: 3d: SHA hash family ::
:: ::
:: shad, shaf, sham, shas, shax, shay, shaw, ::
:: shal, shaz, shan, og ::
++ shad |=(ruz/@ (shax (shax ruz))) :: double sha-256
++ shaf :: half sha-256
@ -3014,7 +2998,7 @@
[r +>.$(a (shas %og-s r))]
:: ::
:::: 3e: AES and friends ::
:::: 3e: AES encryption ::
:: ::
:: aesc, ga ::
@ -3514,6 +3498,22 @@
:: ::
:::: 4: layer four ::
:: ::
:: 4a: exotic bases ::
:: 4b: text processing ::
:: 4c: tank printer ::
:: 4d: parsing (tracing) ::
:: 4e: parsing (combinators) ::
:: 4f: parsing (rule builders) ::
:: 4g: parsing (outside caller) ::
:: 4h: parsing (ascii glyphs) ::
:: 4i: parsing (useful idioms) ::
:: 4j: parsing (bases and base digits) ::
:: 4k: atom printing ::
:: 4l: atom parsing ::
:: 4m: formatting functions ::
:: 4n: virtualization ::
:: 4o: molds and mold builders ::
~% %qua
@ -3602,7 +3602,7 @@
:::: 4b: miscellaneous text processing
:::: 4b: text processing
++ at :: basic printing
|_ a/@
@ -5432,9 +5432,6 @@
++ palo (pair vein opal) :: wing trace, match
++ pock (pair axis nock) :: changes
++ port (each palo (pair span nock)) :: successful match
++ rule _|=(nail *edge) :: parsing rule
++ spot {p/path q/pint} :: range in file
++ tape (list char) :: string as list
++ tiki :: test case
$% {$& p/(unit term) q/wing} :: simple wing
{$| p/(unit term) q/twig} :: named wing
@ -5646,7 +5643,15 @@
== ::
-- =>
:: ::
:::: 5: layer five
:::: 5: layer five ::
:: ::
:: 5a: compiler utilities ::
:: 5b: macro expansion ::
:: 5c: compiler backend and prettyprinter ::
:: 5d: parser ::
:: 5e: caching compiler ::
:: 5f: molds and mold builders ::
:: 5g: profiling support (XX remove) ::
~% %pen
@ -5659,6 +5664,7 @@
:::: 5a: compiler utilities
++ bool `span`(fork [%atom %f `0] [%atom %f `1] ~) :: make loobean
++ cell :: make %cell span
~/ %cell
|= {hed/span tal/span}
@ -5679,7 +5685,6 @@
[%face giz der]
++ bool `span`(fork [%atom %f `0] [%atom %f `1] ~) :: make loobeal
++ fork :: make %fork span
~/ %fork
|= yed/(list span)
@ -8424,7 +8429,7 @@
[%sure [%fits [%leaf %tas -.q.vax] [%& 2]~] [%$ 1]]
(~(fuse ut p.vax) [%cell %noun %noun])
:::: 5d: hoon parser
:::: 5d: parser
++ vang
|= {bug/? wer/path}
@ -9664,7 +9669,92 @@
(slot axe xav)
:::: 5f: profiling support (XX move)
:::: 5f: molds and mold builders
++ arch {fil/(unit @uvI) dir/(map @ta $~)} :: fundamental node
++ arvo (wind {p/term q/mill} mill) :: arvo card
++ beam {{p/ship q/desk r/case} s/path} :: global name
++ beak {p/ship q/desk r/case} :: path prefix
++ bone @ud :: opaque duct
++ care ?($$ $u $v $w $x $y $z) :: namespace mode
++ case :: version
$% {$da p/@da} :: date
{$tas p/@tas} :: label
{$ud p/@ud} :: sequence
== ::
++ desk @tas :: ship desk case spur
++ cage (cask vase) :: global metadata
++ cask |*(a/$-(* *) (pair mark a)) :: global data
++ cuff :: permissions
$: p/(unit (set monk)) :: can be read by
q/(set monk) :: caused or created by
== ::
++ curd {p/@tas q/*} :: spanless card
++ dock (pair @p term) :: message target
++ duct (list wire) :: causal history
++ hypo |*(a/$-(* *) (pair span a)) :: span associated
++ hobo |* a/$-(* *) :: kiss wrapper
$? $% {$soft p/*} ::
== ::
a ::
== ::
++ kirk (unit (set monk)) :: audience
++ lens :: observation core
$_ ^? ::
|% ++ u *(unit (unit $~)) :: existence
++ v *(unit (unit cage)) :: full history
++ w *(unit (unit (unit cage))) :: latest diff
++ x *(unit (unit cage)) :: data at path
++ y *(unit (unit arch)) :: directory
++ z *(unit (unit cage)) :: current subtree
-- ::
++ mane $@(@tas {@tas @tas}) :: XML name+space
++ manx {g/marx c/marl} :: XML node
++ marc :: structured mark
$@ mark :: plain mark
$% {$tabl p/(list (pair marc marc))} :: map
== ::
++ mark @tas :: content span
++ marl (list manx) :: XML node list
++ mars {t/{n/$$ a/{i/{n/$$ v/tape} t/$~}} c/$~} :: XML cdata
++ mart (list {n/mane v/tape}) :: XML attributes
++ marx {n/mane a/mart} :: XML tag
++ mash |=(* (mass +<)) :: producing mass
++ mass (pair cord (each noun (list mash))) :: memory usage
++ mill (each vase milt) :: vase+metavase
++ milt {p/* q/*} :: metavase
++ monk (each ship {p/@tas q/@ta}) :: general identity
++ muse {p/@tas q/duct r/arvo} :: sourced move
++ move {p/duct q/arvo} :: arvo move
++ ovum {p/wire q/curd} :: spanless ovum
++ pane (list {p/@tas q/vase}) :: kernel modules
++ pass @ :: public key
++ pone (list {p/@tas q/vise}) :: kernel modules old
++ ring @ :: private key
++ ship @p :: network identity
++ sink (trel bone ship path) :: subscription
++ sley $- {* (unit (set monk)) term beam} :: namespace function
(unit (unit cage)) ::
++ slyd $- {* (unit (set monk)) term beam} :: super advanced
(unit (unit (cask))) ::
++ slyt $-({* *} (unit (unit))) :: old namespace
++ time @da :: galactic time
++ vile :: reflexive constants
$: typ/span :: -:!>(*span)
duc/span :: -:!>(*duct)
pah/span :: -:!>(*path)
mev/span :: -:!>([%meta *vase])
== ::
++ wind :: new kernel action
|* {a/$-(* *) b/$-(* *)} :: forward+reverse
$% {$pass p/path q/a} :: advance
{$slip p/a} :: lateral
{$sick p/b} :: lame refactoring
{$give p/b} :: retreat
== ::
++ wire path :: event pretext
:::: 5g: profiling support (XX move)
++ doss
$: mon/moan :: sample count
@ -9811,91 +9901,6 @@
:::: 5g: molds and mold builders
++ arch {fil/(unit @uvI) dir/(map @ta $~)} :: fundamental node
++ arvo (wind {p/term q/mill} mill) :: arvo card
++ beam {{p/ship q/desk r/case} s/path} :: global name
++ beak {p/ship q/desk r/case} :: path prefix
++ bone @ud :: opaque duct
++ care ?($$ $u $v $w $x $y $z) :: namespace mode
++ case :: version
$% {$da p/@da} :: date
{$tas p/@tas} :: label
{$ud p/@ud} :: sequence
== ::
++ desk @tas :: ship desk case spur
++ cage (cask vase) :: global metadata
++ cask |*(a/$-(* *) (pair mark a)) :: global data
++ cuff :: permissions
$: p/(unit (set monk)) :: can be read by
q/(set monk) :: caused or created by
== ::
++ curd {p/@tas q/*} :: spanless card
++ dock (pair @p term) :: message target
++ duct (list wire) :: causal history
++ hypo |*(a/$-(* *) (pair span a)) :: span associated
++ hobo |* a/$-(* *) :: kiss wrapper
$? $% {$soft p/*} ::
== ::
a ::
== ::
++ kirk (unit (set monk)) :: audience
++ lens :: observation core
$_ ^? ::
|% ++ u *(unit (unit $~)) :: existence
++ v *(unit (unit cage)) :: full history
++ w *(unit (unit (unit cage))) :: latest diff
++ x *(unit (unit cage)) :: data at path
++ y *(unit (unit arch)) :: directory
++ z *(unit (unit cage)) :: current subtree
-- ::
++ mane $@(@tas {@tas @tas}) :: XML name+space
++ manx {g/marx c/marl} :: XML node
++ marc :: structured mark
$@ mark :: plain mark
$% {$tabl p/(list (pair marc marc))} :: map
== ::
++ mark @tas :: content span
++ marl (list manx) :: XML node list
++ mars {t/{n/$$ a/{i/{n/$$ v/tape} t/$~}} c/$~} :: XML cdata
++ mart (list {n/mane v/tape}) :: XML attributes
++ marx {n/mane a/mart} :: XML tag
++ mash |=(* (mass +<)) :: producing mass
++ mass (pair cord (each noun (list mash))) :: memory usage
++ mill (each vase milt) :: vase+metavase
++ milt {p/* q/*} :: metavase
++ monk (each ship {p/@tas q/@ta}) :: general identity
++ muse {p/@tas q/duct r/arvo} :: sourced move
++ move {p/duct q/arvo} :: arvo move
++ ovum {p/wire q/curd} :: spanless ovum
++ pane (list {p/@tas q/vase}) :: kernel modules
++ pass @ :: public key
++ pone (list {p/@tas q/vise}) :: kernel modules old
++ ring @ :: private key
++ ship @p :: network identity
++ sink (trel bone ship path) :: subscription
++ sley $- {* (unit (set monk)) term beam} :: namespace function
(unit (unit cage)) ::
++ slyd $- {* (unit (set monk)) term beam} :: super advanced
(unit (unit (cask))) ::
++ slyt $-({* *} (unit (unit))) :: old namespace
++ time @da :: galactic time
++ vile :: reflexive constants
$: typ/span :: -:!>(*span)
duc/span :: -:!>(*duct)
pah/span :: -:!>(*path)
mev/span :: -:!>([%meta *vase])
== ::
++ wind :: new kernel action
|* {a/$-(* *) b/$-(* *)} :: forward+reverse
$% {$pass p/path q/a} :: advance
{$slip p/a} :: lateral
{$sick p/b} :: lame refactoring
{$give p/b} :: retreat
== ::
++ wire path :: event pretext
-- =>
:: ::
:::: 6: layer six
@ -5,10 +5,5 @@
/= dat /% /tree-json/ :: default include
^- marl
;= ;script(type "text/javascript"): window.tree = {(pojo (joba %data dat))}
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border-color: #64de79;
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@ -4823,7 +4823,7 @@ button.close {
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line-height: 1.5;
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a.text-success:focus, a.text-success:hover {
color: #029e1b;
color: #3ad555;
.text-info {
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background-color: #64de79 !important;
a.bg-success:focus, a.bg-success:hover {
background-color: #029e1b;
background-color: #3ad555;
.bg-info {
@ -6004,6 +6004,10 @@ ul {
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b, strong {
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hr {
width: 66.666667%;
height: 1px;
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h3 {
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h3, h4 {
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line-height: 1rem;
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div.meta label,
div.meta h2,
div.meta h3 {
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div.meta h2,
div.meta h3 {
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div.meta h3 {
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line-height: 1rem; }
div.meta .time {
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div.gram.first:first-of-type {
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max-height: 2rem; }
font-size: .9rem; }
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color: #fff;
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@ -89,6 +90,19 @@ div.gram.same:hover div.meta {
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color: #fff; }
.comment .speech a.btn {
background-color: transparent;
color: #B1B7BD;
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@ -590,11 +590,13 @@ module.exports = recl({
if (this.state.station && this.state.listening.indexOf(this.state.station) === -1) {
if (this.props.readOnly == null) {
$(window).on('scroll', this.checkMore);
this.focused = true;
$(window).on('blur', this._blur);
$(window).on('focus', this._focus);
return window.util.scrollToBottom();
return $(window).on('focus', this._focus);
componentWillUpdate: function(props, state) {
var $window, i, j, key, lastSaid, len, len1, message, nowSaid, old, ref, ref1, results, sameAs, scrollTop;
@ -623,7 +625,7 @@ module.exports = recl({
componentDidUpdate: function(_props, _state) {
var _messages, d, t;
if (this.setOffset) {
if (this.setOffset && (this.props.readOnly == null)) {
this.setOffset = null;
@ -657,7 +659,7 @@ module.exports = recl({
return StationActions.setAudience(audi);
render: function() {
var _messages, lastIndex, lastSaid, messageHeights, messages, ref, station;
var _messages, body, lastIndex, lastSaid, messageHeights, messages, ref, station;
station = this.state.station;
messages = this.sortedMessages(this.state.messages);
this.last = messages[messages.length - 1];
@ -696,15 +698,20 @@ module.exports = recl({
return div({
className: "grams",
key: "messages"
}, React.createElement(Infinite, {
if (this.props.readOnly == null) {
body = React.createElement(Infinite, {
useWindowAsScrollContainer: true,
containerHeight: window.innerHeight,
elementHeight: messageHeights,
key: "messages-infinite"
}, _messages));
}, _messages);
} else {
body = _messages;
return div({
className: "grams",
key: "messages"
}, body);
@ -1280,6 +1287,9 @@ TreeActions.registerComponent("talk", React.createClass({
var station;
if (!this.props.readonly) {
$(window).on('scroll', window.util.checkScroll);
station = this.getStation();
@ -1959,8 +1969,6 @@ $(window).on('scroll', function(e) {
return so.ls = so.cs;
$(window).on('scroll', window.util.checkScroll);
if (!window.util) {
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