mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 19:46:36 +03:00
kh: support rendering +stub as ansi escape codes
Adds support to term.hs for a %klr blit, containing a +stub describing styled text. Dill will start making use of this in a separate commit, for release cutting reasons.
This commit is contained in:
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ data Blit
= Bel ()
| Clr ()
| Hop Word64
| Klr Stub
| Lin [Char]
| Mor ()
| Sag Path Noun
@ -119,12 +120,84 @@ data Blit
| Url Cord
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Deco
= DecoBl
| DecoBr
| DecoUn
| DecoNull
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Tint
= TintR
| TintG
| TintB
| TintC
| TintM
| TintY
| TintK
| TintW
| TintNull
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Stye = Stye
{ deco :: (HoonSet Deco)
, back :: Tint
, fore :: Tint
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Stub = Stub [(Stye, [Char])]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance ToNoun Deco where
toNoun = \case
DecoBl -> toNoun $ Cord "bl"
DecoBr -> toNoun $ Cord "br"
DecoUn -> toNoun $ Cord "un"
DecoNull -> Atom 0
instance FromNoun Deco where
parseNoun = named "Deco" . \case
Atom 0 -> pure DecoNull
n -> parseNoun @Cord n <&> unCord >>= \case
"bl" -> pure DecoBl
"br" -> pure DecoBr
"un" -> pure DecoUn
t -> fail ("invalid: " <> unpack t)
instance ToNoun Tint where
toNoun = \case
TintR -> toNoun $ Cord "r"
TintG -> toNoun $ Cord "g"
TintB -> toNoun $ Cord "b"
TintC -> toNoun $ Cord "c"
TintM -> toNoun $ Cord "m"
TintY -> toNoun $ Cord "y"
TintK -> toNoun $ Cord "k"
TintW -> toNoun $ Cord "w"
TintNull -> Atom 0
instance FromNoun Tint where
parseNoun = named "Tint" . \case
Atom 0 -> pure TintNull
n -> parseNoun @Cord n <&> unCord >>= \case
"r" -> pure TintR
"g" -> pure TintG
"b" -> pure TintB
"c" -> pure TintC
"m" -> pure TintM
"y" -> pure TintY
"k" -> pure TintK
"w" -> pure TintW
t -> fail ("invalid: " <> unpack t)
-- Manual instance to not save the noun/atom in Sag/Sav, because these can be
-- megabytes and makes king hang.
instance Show Blit where
show (Bel ()) = "Bel ()"
show (Clr ()) = "Clr ()"
show (Hop x) = "Hop " ++ (show x)
show (Klr s) = "Klr " ++ (show s)
show (Lin c) = "Lin " ++ (show c)
show (Mor ()) = "Mor ()"
show (Sag path _) = "Sag " ++ (show path)
@ -144,6 +217,8 @@ data TermEf
| TermEfMass Path Noun -- Irrelevant
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriveNoun ''Stye
deriveNoun ''Stub
deriveNoun ''Blit
deriveNoun ''TermEf
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Urbit.King.API (readPortsFile)
import Urbit.TermSize (TermSize(TermSize))
import Urbit.Vere.Term.API (Client(Client))
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BS
import qualified System.Console.ANSI as ANSI
@ -342,6 +343,8 @@ localClient doneSignal = fst <$> mkRAcquire start stop
Clr () -> do T.clearScreen
termRefreshLine ls
Hop w -> termShowCursor ls (fromIntegral w)
Klr s -> do ls2 <- termShowClear ls
termShowStub ls2 s
Lin c -> do ls2 <- termShowClear ls
termShowLine ls2 (pack c)
Mor () -> termShowMore ls
@ -349,6 +352,55 @@ localClient doneSignal = fst <$> mkRAcquire start stop
Sav path atom -> pure ls
Url url -> pure ls
termRenderDeco :: Deco -> Char
termRenderDeco = \case
DecoBr -> '1'
DecoUn -> '4'
DecoBl -> '5'
DecoNull -> '0'
termRenderTint :: Tint -> Char
termRenderTint = \case
TintK -> '0'
TintR -> '1'
TintG -> '2'
TintY -> '3'
TintB -> '4'
TintM -> '5'
TintC -> '6'
TintW -> '7'
TintNull -> '9'
-- Wraps the appropriate escape sequence around a piece of styled text
termRenderStubSegment :: Stye -> [Char] -> [Char]
termRenderStubSegment Stye {..} tape =
case (S.null decoset, back, fore) of
(True, TintNull, TintNull) -> tape
_ -> styled
decoset = setFromHoonSet deco
escape = [chr 27, '[']
styles = intercalate ";" $ filter (not . null)
[ intersperse ';' $ fmap termRenderDeco $ toList decoset
, case back of
TintNull -> []
tint -> ['4', termRenderTint tint]
, case fore of
TintNull -> []
tint -> ['3', termRenderTint tint]
styled = mconcat [escape, styles, "m", tape, escape, "0m"]
-- Displays and sets styled text as the current line
termShowStub :: LineState -> Stub -> RIO e LineState
termShowStub ls (Stub s) = do
let visualLength = sum $ fmap (length . snd) s
let outText = pack $ mconcat $ fmap (uncurry termRenderStubSegment) s
putStr outText
pure ls { lsLine = outText, lsCurPos = visualLength }
-- Moves the cursor to the requested position
termShowCursor :: LineState -> Int -> RIO e LineState
termShowCursor ls@LineState{..} {-line pos)-} newPos = do
Reference in New Issue
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