This commit is contained in:
Galen Wolfe-Pauly 2015-02-04 14:59:15 -08:00
parent b796b9d8e0
commit dde694b535
2 changed files with 127 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
:::: /hoon/core/react-snip/mar
/? 314
/= react-elems
/; sa /~
:~ %a %abbr %address %area %article %aside %audio %b %base
%bdi %bdo %big %blockquote %body %br %button %canvas %caption
%cite %code %col %colgroup %data %datalist %dd %del %details
%dfn %dialog %div %dl %dt %em %embed %fieldset %figcaption
%figure %footer %form %h1 %h2 %h3 %h4 %h5 %h6 %head %header
%hr %html %i %iframe %img %input %ins %kbd %keygen %label
%legend %li %link %main %map %mark %menu %menuitem %meta
%meter %nav %noscript %object %ol %optgroup %option %output %p
%param %picture %pre %progress %q %rp %rt %ruby %s %samp
%script %section %select %small %source %span %strong %style
%sub %summary %sup %table %tbody %td %textarea %tfoot %th
%thead %time %title %tr %track %u %ul %var %video %wbr
%circle %defs %ellipse %g %line %linear-gradient %mask %path
%pattern %polygon %polyline %radial-gradient %rect %stop %svg
%text %tspan
|_ own=manx
++ vale ~(has in react-elems)
++ grow :: convert to
++ tape
;: weld
=* tan n.g.own
?^ tan !! :: namespaces unsupported
?: (vale tan)
"'{(trip tan)}'"
(trip tan)
", "
=- (pojo (jobe (turn a.g.own -)))
|= [a=mane b=^tape]
=. a ?+(a a %class 'className')
?^(a !! [a (jape b)])
", "
=- ~(ram re %rose [", " "[" "]"] (turn c.own -))
|= a=manx
?: ?=(_:/(**) a)
leaf/(pojo (jape v.i.a.g.a))
leaf/tape(own a)
++ react-snip-js (crip tape)
++ js react-snip-js :: convert to %js
++ mime [/text/javascript (taco js)] :: convert to %mime
++ grab |% :: convert from
++ noun manx :: clam from %noun
++ snip |= a=manx a
-- --

main/mar/snip/door.hook Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
:::: /hoon/core/psal/mar
/? 314
++ words 10
++ hedtal
|= a=marl ^- [hed=tape tal=marl]
?~ a [~ ~]
?. ?=(%h1 n.g.i.a)
=+ had=$(a c.i.a)
?^ -.had had
$(a t.a)
[(extract c.i.a) (limit words t.a)]
++ extract
|= a=marl ^- tape
?~ a ~
%- weld :_ $(a t.a)
?. ?=(_:/(**) i.a)
$(a c.i.a)
++ limit
|= [lim=@u mal=marl]
=< res
|- ^- [rem=@u res=marl]
?~ mal [lim ~]
?~ lim [0 ~]
=+ ^- [lam=@u hed=manx]
?: ?=(_:/(**) i.mal)
[lim :/(tay)]:(deword lim v.i.a.g.i.mal)
[rem ele(c res)]:[ele=i.mal $(mal c.i.mal)]
[rem - res]:[hed $(lim lam, mal t.mal)]
++ deword
|= [lim=@u tay=tape] ^- [lim=@u tay=tape]
?~ tay [lim tay]
?~ lim [0 ~]
=+ wer=((plus alp) 1^1 tay)
?~ q.wer
[lim - tay]:[i.tay $(tay t.tay)]
=+ nex=$(lim (dec lim), tay q.q.u.q.wer)
[-.nex (welp (wonk wer) +.nex)]
|_ own=manx
++ grow :: convert to
++ psal own
++ hymn ;html:(head:title:"snip" body:"+{psal}") :: convert to %hymn
++ html (crip (poxo hymn)) :: convert to %html
++ mime [/text/html (taco html)] :: convert to %mime
++ garb [%react-snip ~]
++ grab |% :: convert from
++ noun manx :: clam from %noun
++ psal
|= a=manx
=+ (hedtal +.a)
;div:(h1:"{hed}" div:"*{tal}")
-- --