Add argon2 and blake2b to zuse

This commit is contained in:
Fang 2018-07-19 21:47:06 +02:00
parent 050fa5d996
commit df63ff6208

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@ -3497,6 +3497,691 @@
++ blake
~% %blake ~
::TODO generalize for both blake2 variants
++ blake2b
~/ %blake2b
|= [msg=byts key=byts out=@ud]
^- @
:: initialization vector
=/ iv=@
:: per-round constants
=/ sigma=(list (list @ud))
:~ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ==
:~ 14 10 4 8 9 15 13 6 1 12 0 2 11 7 5 3 ==
:~ 11 8 12 0 5 2 15 13 10 14 3 6 7 1 9 4 ==
:~ 7 9 3 1 13 12 11 14 2 6 5 10 4 0 15 8 ==
:~ 9 0 5 7 2 4 10 15 14 1 11 12 6 8 3 13 ==
:~ 2 12 6 10 0 11 8 3 4 13 7 5 15 14 1 9 ==
:~ 12 5 1 15 14 13 4 10 0 7 6 3 9 2 8 11 ==
:~ 13 11 7 14 12 1 3 9 5 0 15 4 8 6 2 10 ==
:~ 6 15 14 9 11 3 0 8 12 2 13 7 1 4 10 5 ==
:~ 10 2 8 4 7 6 1 5 15 11 9 14 3 12 13 0 ==
:~ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ==
:~ 14 10 4 8 9 15 13 6 1 12 0 2 11 7 5 3 ==
=> |%
++ get-word-list
|= [h=@ w=@ud]
^- (list @)
%- flop
=+ l=(rip 6 h)
=- (weld - l)
(reap (sub w (lent l)) 0)
++ get-word
|= [h=@ i=@ud w=@ud]
^- @
%+ snag i
(get-word-list h w)
++ put-word
|= [h=@ i=@ud w=@ud d=@]
^- @
%+ rep 6
=+ l=(get-word-list h w)
%- flop
%+ weld (scag i l)
[d (slag +(i) l)]
++ mod-word
|* [h=@ i=@ud w=@ud g=$-(@ @)]
(put-word h i w (g (get-word h i w)))
++ pad
|= [byts len=@ud]
(lsh 3 (sub len wid) dat)
++ compress
|= [h=@ c=@ t=@ud l=?]
^- @
:: set up local work vector
=+ v=(add (lsh 6 8 h) iv)
:: xor the counter t into v
=. v
%- mod-word
:^ v 12 16
(cury mix (end 0 64 t))
=. v
%- mod-word
:^ v 13 16
(cury mix (rsh 0 64 t))
:: for the last block, invert v14
=? v l
%- mod-word
:^ v 14 16
(cury mix 0xffff.ffff.ffff.ffff)
:: twelve rounds of message mixing
=+ i=0
=| s=(list @)
?: =(i 12)
:: xor upper and lower halves of v into state h
=. h (mix h (rsh 6 8 v))
(mix h (end 6 8 v))
:: select message mixing schedule and mix v
=. s (snag (mod i 10) sigma)
=. v (do-mix 0 4 8 12 0 1)
=. v (do-mix 1 5 9 13 2 3)
=. v (do-mix 2 6 10 14 4 5)
=. v (do-mix 3 7 11 15 6 7)
=. v (do-mix 0 5 10 15 8 9)
=. v (do-mix 1 6 11 12 10 11)
=. v (do-mix 2 7 8 13 12 13)
=. v (do-mix 3 4 9 14 14 15)
$(i +(i))
++ do-mix
|= [na=@ nb=@ nc=@ nd=@ nx=@ ny=@]
^- @
=- =. v (put-word v na 16 a)
=. v (put-word v nb 16 b)
=. v (put-word v nc 16 c)
(put-word v nd 16 d)
%- b2mix
:* (get-word v na 16)
(get-word v nb 16)
(get-word v nc 16)
(get-word v nd 16)
(get-word c (snag nx s) 16)
(get-word c (snag ny s) 16)
++ b2mix
|= [a=@ b=@ c=@ d=@ x=@ y=@]
^- [a=@ b=@ c=@ d=@]
=. x (rev 3 8 x)
=. y (rev 3 8 y)
=+ fed=~(. fe 6)
=. a :(sum:fed a b x)
=. d (ror:fed 0 32 (mix d a))
=. c (sum:fed c d)
=. b (ror:fed 0 24 (mix b c))
=. a :(sum:fed a b y)
=. d (ror:fed 0 16 (mix d a))
=. c (sum:fed c d)
=. b (ror:fed 0 63 (mix b c))
[a b c d]
:: ensure inputs adhere to contraints
=. out (max 1 (min out 64))
=. wid.msg (min wid.msg (bex 128))
=. wid.key (min wid.key 64)
=. dat.msg (end 3 wid.msg dat.msg)
=. dat.key (end 3 wid.key dat.key)
:: initialize state vector
=+ h=iv
:: mix key length and output length into h0
=. h
%- mod-word
:^ h 0 8
%+ cury mix
%+ add 0x101.0000
(add (lsh 3 1 wid.key) out)
:: keep track of how much we've compressed
=* mes dat.msg
=+ com=0
=+ rem=wid.msg
:: if we have a key, pad it and prepend to msg
=? mes (gth wid.key 0)
(can 3 ~[rem^mes 128^(pad key 128)])
=? rem (gth wid.key 0)
(add rem 128)
:: compress 128-byte chunks of the message
?: (gth rem 128)
=+ c=(cut 3 [(sub rem 128) 128] mes)
=. com (add com 128)
%_ $
rem (sub rem 128)
h (compress h c com |)
:: compress the final bytes of the msg
=+ c=(cut 3 [0 rem] mes)
=. com (add com rem)
=. c (pad [rem c] 128)
=. h (compress h c com &)
:: produce output of desired length
%^ rsh 3 (sub 64 out)
:: do some word
%+ rep 6
%+ turn (flop (gulf 0 7))
|= a=@
(rev 3 8 (get-word h a 8))
-- ::blake
++ argon2
~% %argon ~
:: structures
+= argon-type ?(%d %i %id %u)
:: shorthands
++ argon2-minimal
(argon2 32 %id 0x13 1 8 1 *byts *byts)
::TODO discuss and standardize?
++ argon2-urbit
(argon2 64 %u 0x13 4 1.024 10 *byts *byts)
:: argon2 proper
:: main argon2 operation
++ argon2
:: out: desired output size in bytes
:: typ: argon2 type
:: version: argon2 version (0x10/v1.0 or 0x13/v1.3)
:: threads: amount of threads/parallelism
:: mem-cost: kb of memory to use
:: time-cost: iterations to run
:: key: optional secret
:: extra: optional arbitrary data
|= $: out=@ud
^- $-([msg=byts sat=byts] @)
:: check configuration sanity
?: =(0 threads)
~| %parallelism-must-be-above-zero
?: =(0 time-cost)
~| %time-cost-must-be-above-zero
?: (lth mem-cost (mul 8 threads))
~| :- %memory-cost-must-be-at-least-threads
[threads %times 8 (mul 8 threads)]
?. |(=(0x10 version) =(0x13 version))
~| [%unsupported-version version %want [0x10 0x13]]
:: calculate constants and initialize buffer
:: for each thread, there is a row in the buffer.
:: the amount of columns depends on the memory-cost.
:: columns are split into groups of four.
:: a single such quarter section of a row is a segment.
:: blocks: (m_prime)
:: columns: row length (q)
:: seg-length: segment length
=/ blocks=@ud
:: round mem-cost down to the nearest multiple of 4*threads
=+ (mul 4 threads)
(mul (div mem-cost -) -)
=+ columns=(div blocks threads)
=+ seg-length=(div columns 4)
=/ buffer=(list (list @))
(reap threads (reap columns 0))
:: main function
:: msg: the main input
:: sat: optional salt
~% %argon2 ..argon2 ~
|= [msg=byts sat=byts]
^- @
?: (lth wid.sat 8)
~| [%min-salt-length-is-8 wid.sat]
:: h0: initial 64-byte block
=/ h0=@
=- (blake2b:blake - 0^0 64)
:- :(add 40 wid.msg wid.sat wid.key wid.extra)
%+ can 3
=+ (cury (cury rev 3) 4)
:~ (prep-wid extra)
(prep-wid key)
(prep-wid sat)
(prep-wid msg)
4^(- (type-to-num typ))
4^(- version)
4^(- time-cost)
4^(- mem-cost)
4^(- out)
4^(- threads)
:: do time-cost passes over the buffer
=+ t=0
?: (lth t time-cost)
:: process all four segments in the columns...
=+ s=0
?. (lth s 4) ^$(t +(t))
:: ...of every row/thread
=+ r=0
?. (lth r threads) ^$(s +(s))
=; new=_buffer
$(buffer new, r +(r))
%- fill-segment
:* buffer h0
t s r
blocks columns seg-length
threads time-cost typ version
:: mix all rows together and hash the result
=+ r=0
=| final=@
?: =(r threads)
(hash 1.024^final out)
=- $(final -, r +(r))
%+ mix final
(snag (dec columns) (snag r buffer))
:: per-segment computation
++ fill-segment
|= $: buffer=(list (list @))
:: fill-segment utilities
=> |%
++ put-word
|= [rob=(list @) i=@ud d=@]
%+ weld (scag i rob)
[d (slag +(i) rob)]
^+ buffer
:: rob: row buffer to operate on
:: do-i: whether to use prns from input rather than state
:: rands: prns generated from input, if we do-i
=+ rob=(snag row buffer)
=/ do-i=?
?| ?=(%i typ)
&(?=(%id typ) =(0 itn) (lte seg 1))
&(?=(%u typ) =(0 itn) (lte seg 2))
=/ rands=(list (pair @ @))
?. do-i ~
:: keep going until we have a list of :seg-length prn pairs
=+ l=0
=+ counter=1
|- ^- (list (pair @ @))
?: (gte l seg-length) ~
=- (weld - $(counter +(counter), l (add l 128)))
:: generate pseudorandom block by compressing metadata
=/ random-block=@
%+ compress 0
%+ compress 0
%^ lsh 3 968
%+ rep 6
=+ (cury (cury rev 3) 8)
:~ (- counter)
(- (type-to-num typ))
(- time-cost)
(- blocks)
(- seg)
(- row)
(- itn)
:: split the random-block into 64-bit sections,
:: then extract the first two 4-byte sections from each.
%+ turn (flop (rip 6 random-block))
|= a=@
^- (pair @ @)
:- (rev 3 4 (rsh 5 1 a))
(rev 3 4 (end 5 1 a))
:: iterate over the entire segment length
=+ sin=0
:: when done, produce the updated buffer
?: =(sin seg-length)
%+ weld (scag row buffer)
[rob (slag +(row) buffer)]
:: col: current column to process
=/ col=@ud
(add (mul seg seg-length) sin)
:: first two columns are generated from h0
?: &(=(0 itn) (lth col 2))
=+ (app-num (app-num 64^h0 col) row)
=+ (hash - 1.024)
$(rob (put-word rob col -), sin +(sin))
:: c1, c2: prns for picking reference block
=+ ^- [c1=@ c2=@] ::TODO =/ w/o face
?: do-i (snag sin rands)
=+ =- (snag - rob)
?: =(0 col) (dec columns)
(mod (dec col) columns)
:- (rev 3 4 (cut 3 [1.020 4] -))
(rev 3 4 (cut 3 [1.016 4] -))
:: ref-row: reference block row
=/ ref-row=@ud
?: &(=(0 itn) =(0 seg)) row
(mod c2 threads)
:: ref-col: reference block column
=/ ref-col=@ud
=- (mod - columns)
%+ add
:: starting index
?: |(=(0 itn) =(3 seg)) 0
(mul +(seg) seg-length)
:: pseudorandom offset
=- %+ sub (dec -)
%^ rsh 0 32
%+ mul -
(rsh 0 32 (mul c1 c1))
:: reference area size
?: =(0 itn)
?: |(=(0 seg) =(row ref-row)) (dec col)
?: =(0 sin) (dec (mul seg seg-length))
(mul seg seg-length)
=+ sul=(sub columns seg-length)
?: =(ref-row row) (dec (add sul sin))
?: =(0 sin) (dec sul)
:: compress the previous and reference block
:: to create the new block
=/ new=@
%+ compress
=- (snag - rob)
:: previous index, wrap-around
?: =(0 col) (dec columns)
(mod (dec col) columns)
:: get reference block
%+ snag ref-col
?: =(ref-row row) rob
(snag ref-row buffer)
:: starting from v1.3, we xor the new block in,
:: rather than directly overwriting the old block
=? new &(!=(0 itn) =(0x13 version))
(mix new (snag col rob))
$(rob (put-word rob col new), sin +(sin))
:: compression function (g)
++ compress
:: x, y: assumed to be 1024 bytes
|= [x=@ y=@]
^- @
=+ r=(mix x y)
=| q=(list @)
:: iterate over rows of r to get q
=+ i=0
?: (lth i 8)
=; p=(list @)
$(q (weld q p), i +(i))
%- permute
=- (weld (reap (sub 8 (lent -)) 0) -)
%- flop
%+ rip 7
(cut 10 [(sub 7 i) 1] r)
:: iterate over columns of q to get z
=/ z=(list @) (reap 64 0)
=. i 0
:: when done, assemble z and xor it with r
?. (lth i 8)
(mix (rep 7 (flop z)) r)
:: permute the column
=/ out=(list @)
%- permute
:~ (snag i q)
(snag (add i 8) q)
(snag (add i 16) q)
(snag (add i 24) q)
(snag (add i 32) q)
(snag (add i 40) q)
(snag (add i 48) q)
(snag (add i 56) q)
:: put the result into z per column
=+ j=0
?: =(8 j) ^$(i +(i))
=- $(z -, j +(j))
=+ (add i (mul j 8))
%+ weld (scag - z)
[(snag j out) (slag +(-) z)]
:: permutation function (p)
++ permute
::NOTE this function really just takes and produces
:: 8 values, but taking and producing them as
:: lists helps clean up the code significantly.
|= s=(list @)
?> =(8 (lent s))
^- (list @)
:: list inputs as 16 8-byte values
=/ v=(list @)
%- zing
^- (list (list @))
%+ turn s
|= a=@
:: rev for endianness
=+ (rip 6 (rev 3 16 a))
(weld - (reap (sub 2 (lent -)) 0))
:: do permutation rounds
=. v (do-round v 0 4 8 12)
=. v (do-round v 1 5 9 13)
=. v (do-round v 2 6 10 14)
=. v (do-round v 3 7 11 15)
=. v (do-round v 0 5 10 15)
=. v (do-round v 1 6 11 12)
=. v (do-round v 2 7 8 13)
=. v (do-round v 3 4 9 14)
:: rev for endianness
=. v (turn v (cury (cury rev 3) 8))
:: cat v back together into 8 16-byte values
%+ turn (gulf 0 7)
|= i=@
=+ (mul 2 i)
(cat 6 (snag +(-) v) (snag - v))
:: perform a round and produce updated value list
++ do-round
|= [v=(list @) na=@ nb=@ nc=@ nd=@]
^+ v
=> |%
++ get-word
|= i=@ud
(snag i v)
++ put-word
|= [i=@ud d=@]
^+ v
%+ weld (scag i v)
[d (slag +(i) v)]
=- =. v (put-word na a)
=. v (put-word nb b)
=. v (put-word nc c)
(put-word nd d)
%- round
:* (get-word na)
(get-word nb)
(get-word nc)
(get-word nd)
:: perform a round (bg) and produce updated values
++ round
|= [a=@ b=@ c=@ d=@]
^- [a=@ b=@ c=@ d=@]
:: operate on 64 bit words
=+ fed=~(. fe 6)
=* sum sum:fed
=* ror ror:fed
=+ end=(cury (cury end 5) 1)
=. a :(sum a b :(mul 2 (end a) (end b)))
=. d (ror 0 32 (mix d a))
=. c :(sum c d :(mul 2 (end c) (end d)))
=. b (ror 0 24 (mix b c))
=. a :(sum a b :(mul 2 (end a) (end b)))
=. d (ror 0 16 (mix d a))
=. c :(sum c d :(mul 2 (end c) (end d)))
=. b (ror 0 63 (mix b c))
[a b c d]
:: argon2 wrapper around blake2b (h')
++ hash
=, blake
|= [byts out=@ud]
^- @
:: msg: input with byte-length prepended
=+ msg=(prep-num [wid dat] out)
:: if requested size is low enough, hash directly
?: (lte out 64)
(blake2b msg 0^0 out)
:: build up the result by hashing and re-hashing
:: the input message, adding the first 32 bytes
:: of the hash to the result, until we have the
:: desired output size.
=+ tmp=(blake2b msg 0^0 64)
=+ res=(rsh 3 32 tmp)
=. out (sub out 32)
?: (gth out 64)
=. tmp (blake2b 64^tmp 0^0 64)
=. res (add (lsh 3 32 res) (rsh 3 32 tmp))
$(out (sub out 32))
%+ add (lsh 3 out res)
(blake2b 64^tmp 0^0 out)
:: utilities
++ type-to-num
|= t=argon-type
?- t
%d 0
%i 1
%id 2
%u 10
++ app-num
|= [byts num=@ud]
^- byts
:- (add wid 4)
%+ can 3
~[4^(rev 3 4 num) wid^dat]
++ prep-num
|= [byts num=@ud]
^- byts
:- (add wid 4)
%+ can 3
~[wid^dat 4^(rev 3 4 num)]
++ prep-wid
|= a=byts
(prep-num a wid.a)
-- ::crypto
:: ::::
:::: ++unity :: (2c) unit promotion