mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 11:32:22 +03:00
Less verbose log output.
This commit is contained in:
@ -97,6 +97,11 @@ Implement Pier-wide process start events
2. Make the serf IPC code not care about the shape of events and effects.
3. Support invalid events throughout the system (use `Lenient`?)
# Polish
- [x] Goot logging output in non-verbose mode.
- [ ] Command-Line flag to re-enable verbose output.
# Cleanup
@ -186,3 +186,10 @@ instance FromNoun Ef where
ReOrg "" s "vega" p _ -> fail "%vega effect expects nil value"
ReOrg "" s tag p val -> EfVane <$> parseNoun (toNoun (s, tag, p, val))
ReOrg _ _ _ _ _ -> fail "Non-empty first path-element"
summarizeEffect :: Lenient Ef -> Text
summarizeEffect ef =
fromNoun (toNoun ef) & \case
Nothing -> "//invalid %effect"
Just (pax :: [Cord], tag :: Cord, val :: Noun) ->
"/" <> intercalate "/" (unCord <$> pax) <> " %" <> unCord tag
@ -382,3 +382,10 @@ getSpinnerNameForEvent = \case
isRet (TermEvBelt _ (Ret ())) = True
isRet _ = False
summarizeEvent :: Ev -> Text
summarizeEvent ev =
fromNoun (toNoun ev) & \case
Nothing -> "//invalid %event"
Just (pax :: [Cord], tag :: Cord, val :: Noun) ->
"/" <> intercalate "/" (unCord <$> pax) <> " %" <> unCord tag
@ -73,19 +73,19 @@ instance HasKingId KingEnv where
-- Running KingEnvs ------------------------------------------------------------
runKingEnvStderr :: RIO KingEnv a -> IO a
runKingEnvStderr inner = do
runKingEnvStderr :: Bool -> RIO KingEnv a -> IO a
runKingEnvStderr verb inner = do
logOptions <-
logOptionsHandle stderr True <&> setLogUseTime True <&> setLogUseLoc False
logOptionsHandle stderr verb <&> setLogUseTime True <&> setLogUseLoc False
withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc -> runKingEnv logFunc logFunc inner
runKingEnvLogFile :: RIO KingEnv a -> IO a
runKingEnvLogFile inner = withLogFileHandle $ \h -> do
runKingEnvLogFile :: Bool -> RIO KingEnv a -> IO a
runKingEnvLogFile verb inner = withLogFileHandle $ \h -> do
logOptions <-
logOptionsHandle h True <&> setLogUseTime True <&> setLogUseLoc False
logOptionsHandle h verb <&> setLogUseTime True <&> setLogUseLoc False
stderrLogOptions <-
logOptionsHandle stderr True <&> setLogUseTime False <&> setLogUseLoc False
logOptionsHandle stderr verb <&> setLogUseTime False <&> setLogUseLoc False
withLogFunc stderrLogOptions $ \stderrLogFunc -> withLogFunc logOptions
$ \logFunc -> runKingEnv logFunc stderrLogFunc inner
@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ tryBootFromPill oExit pill lite ship boot multi = do
bootedPier vSlog = do
view pierPathL >>= lockFile
rio $ logTrace "Starting boot"
rio $ logDebug "Starting boot"
sls <- Pier.booted vSlog pill lite ship boot
rio $ logTrace "Completed boot"
rio $ logDebug "Completed boot"
pure sls
@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ runOrExitImmediately vSlog getPier oExit mStart multi = do
shutdownImmediately :: (Serf, Log.EventLog) -> RIO PierEnv ()
shutdownImmediately (serf, log) = do
logTrace "Sending shutdown signal"
logDebug "Sending shutdown signal"
Serf.stop serf
logTrace "Shutdown!"
logDebug "Shutdown!"
runPier :: (Serf, Log.EventLog) -> RIO PierEnv ()
runPier serfLog = do
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ tryPlayShip exitImmediately fullReplay playFrom mStart multi = do
wipeSnapshot = do
shipPath <- view pierPathL
logTrace "wipeSnapshot"
logDebug "wipeSnapshot"
logDebug $ display $ pack @Text ("Wiping " <> north shipPath)
logDebug $ display $ pack @Text ("Wiping " <> south shipPath)
removeFileIfExists (north shipPath)
@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ tryPlayShip exitImmediately fullReplay playFrom mStart multi = do
resumeShip :: TVar (Text -> IO ()) -> RAcquire PierEnv (Serf, Log.EventLog)
resumeShip vSlog = do
view pierPathL >>= lockFile
rio $ logTrace "RESUMING SHIP"
rio $ logDebug "RESUMING SHIP"
sls <- Pier.resumed vSlog playFrom
rio $ logTrace "SHIP RESUMED"
rio $ logDebug "SHIP RESUMED"
pure sls
runRAcquire :: (MonadUnliftIO (m e), MonadIO (m e), MonadReader e (m e))
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ checkEvs pierPath first last = do
rwith (Log.existing logPath) $ \log -> do
let ident = Log.identity log
let pbSty = PB.defStyle { PB.stylePostfix = PB.exact }
logTrace (displayShow ident)
logDebug (displayShow ident)
last <- atomically $ Log.lastEv log <&> \lastReal -> min last lastReal
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ checkEvs pierPath first last = do
showEvents pb eId cycle = await >>= \case
Nothing -> do
lift $ PB.killProgressBar pb
lift $ logTrace "Everything checks out."
lift $ logDebug "Everything checks out."
Just bs -> do
lift $ PB.incProgress pb 1
lift $ do
@ -315,10 +315,10 @@ collectAllFx = error "TODO"
collectAllFx :: FilePath -> RIO KingEnv ()
collectAllFx top = do
logTrace $ display $ pack @Text top
logDebug $ display $ pack @Text top
vSlog <- logSlogs
rwith (collectedFX vSlog) $ \() ->
logTrace "Done collecting effects!"
logDebug "Done collecting effects!"
tmpDir :: FilePath
tmpDir = top </> ".tmpdir"
@ -339,10 +339,10 @@ collectAllFx top = do
replayPartEvs :: FilePath -> Word64 -> RIO KingEnv ()
replayPartEvs top last = do
logTrace $ display $ pack @Text top
logDebug $ display $ pack @Text top
rwith replayedEvs $ \() ->
logTrace "Done replaying events!"
logDebug "Done replaying events!"
fetchSnapshot :: RIO KingEnv ()
fetchSnapshot = do
@ -385,57 +385,57 @@ replayPartEvs top last = do
testPill :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> Bool -> Bool -> RIO e ()
testPill pax showPil showSeq = do
logTrace "Reading pill file."
logDebug "Reading pill file."
pillBytes <- readFile pax
logTrace "Cueing pill file."
logDebug "Cueing pill file."
pillNoun <- io $ cueBS pillBytes & either throwIO pure
logTrace "Parsing pill file."
logDebug "Parsing pill file."
pill <- fromNounErr pillNoun & either (throwIO . uncurry ParseErr) pure
logTrace "Using pill to generate boot sequence."
logDebug "Using pill to generate boot sequence."
bootSeq <- genBootSeq (Ship 0) pill False (Fake (Ship 0))
logTrace "Validate jam/cue and toNoun/fromNoun on pill value"
logDebug "Validate jam/cue and toNoun/fromNoun on pill value"
reJam <- validateNounVal pill
logTrace "Checking if round-trip matches input file:"
logDebug "Checking if round-trip matches input file:"
unless (reJam == pillBytes) $ do
logTrace " Our jam does not match the file...\n"
logTrace " This is surprising, but it is probably okay."
logDebug " Our jam does not match the file...\n"
logDebug " This is surprising, but it is probably okay."
when showPil $ do
logTrace "\n\n== Pill ==\n"
logDebug "\n\n== Pill ==\n"
io $ pPrint pill
when showSeq $ do
logTrace "\n\n== Boot Sequence ==\n"
logDebug "\n\n== Boot Sequence ==\n"
io $ pPrint bootSeq
validateNounVal :: (HasLogFunc e, Eq a, ToNoun a, FromNoun a)
=> a -> RIO e ByteString
validateNounVal inpVal = do
logTrace " jam"
logDebug " jam"
inpByt <- evaluate $ jamBS $ toNoun inpVal
logTrace " cue"
logDebug " cue"
outNon <- cueBS inpByt & either throwIO pure
logTrace " fromNoun"
logDebug " fromNoun"
outVal <- fromNounErr outNon & either (throwIO . uncurry ParseErr) pure
logTrace " toNoun"
logDebug " toNoun"
outNon <- evaluate (toNoun outVal)
logTrace " jam"
logDebug " jam"
outByt <- evaluate $ jamBS outNon
logTrace "Checking if: x == cue (jam x)"
logDebug "Checking if: x == cue (jam x)"
unless (inpVal == outVal) $
error "Value fails test: x == cue (jam x)"
logTrace "Checking if: jam x == jam (cue (jam x))"
logDebug "Checking if: jam x == jam (cue (jam x))"
unless (inpByt == outByt) $
error "Value fails test: jam x == jam (cue (jam x))"
@ -447,11 +447,11 @@ validateNounVal inpVal = do
pillFrom :: CLI.PillSource -> RIO KingEnv Pill
pillFrom = \case
CLI.PillSourceFile pillPath -> do
logTrace $ display $ "boot: reading pill from " ++ (pack pillPath :: Text)
logDebug $ display $ "boot: reading pill from " ++ (pack pillPath :: Text)
io (loadFile pillPath >>= either throwIO pure)
CLI.PillSourceURL url -> do
logTrace $ display $ "boot: retrieving pill from " ++ (pack url :: Text)
logDebug $ display $ "boot: retrieving pill from " ++ (pack url :: Text)
-- Get the jamfile with the list of stars accepting comets right now.
manager <- io $ C.newManager tlsManagerSettings
request <- io $ C.parseRequest url
@ -640,8 +640,10 @@ main = do
CLI.CmdCon pier -> connTerm pier
runKingEnv args | willRunTerminal args = runKingEnvLogFile
runKingEnv args | otherwise = runKingEnvStderr
verboseLogging = False
runKingEnv args | willRunTerminal args = runKingEnvLogFile verboseLogging
runKingEnv args | otherwise = runKingEnvStderr verboseLogging
setupSignalHandlers = do
mainTid <- myThreadId
@ -691,7 +693,7 @@ runShipRestarting r o multi = do
logTrace $ display (pier <> " shutdown requested")
race_ (wait tid) $ do
threadDelay 5_000_000
logTrace $ display (pier <> " not down after 5s, killing with fire.")
logDebug $ display (pier <> " not down after 5s, killing with fire.")
cancel tid
logTrace $ display ("Ship terminated: " <> pier)
@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ forceBind :: HasLogFunc e => PortNumber -> HostAddress -> RIO e Socket
forceBind por hos = go
go = do
logTrace (display ("AMES: UDP: Opening socket on port " <> tshow por))
logDebug (display ("AMES: UDP: Opening socket on port " <> tshow por))
io (doBind por hos) >>= \case
Right sk -> do
logTrace (display ("AMES: UDP: Opened socket on port " <> tshow por))
logDebug (display ("AMES: UDP: Opened socket on port " <> tshow por))
pure sk
Left err -> do
logTrace (display ("AMES: UDP: " <> tshow err))
logTrace ("AMES: UDP: Failed to open UDP socket. Waiting")
logDebug (display ("AMES: UDP: " <> tshow err))
logDebug ("AMES: UDP: Failed to open UDP socket. Waiting")
threadDelay 250_000
@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ forceBind por hos = go
sendPacket :: HasLogFunc e => ByteString -> SockAddr -> Socket -> RIO e Bool
sendPacket fullBytes adr sok = do
logTrace $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "Sending packet.")
logDebug $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "Sending packet.")
res <- io $ tryIOError $ go fullBytes
case res of
Left err -> do
logError $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "Failed to send packet", err)
pure False
Right () -> do
logTrace $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "Packet sent.")
logDebug $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "Packet sent.")
pure True
go byt = do
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ recvPacket sok = do
fakeUdpServ :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e UdpServ
fakeUdpServ = do
logTrace $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "\"Starting\" fake UDP server.")
logDebug $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "\"Starting\" fake UDP server.")
pure UdpServ { .. }
usSend = \_ _ -> pure ()
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ fakeUdpServ = do
:: forall e . HasLogFunc e => PortNumber -> HostAddress -> RIO e UdpServ
realUdpServ por hos = do
logTrace $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "Starting real UDP server.")
logDebug $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "Starting real UDP server.")
env <- ask
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ realUdpServ por hos = do
let signalBrokenSocket :: Socket -> RIO e ()
signalBrokenSocket sock = do
logTrace $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP"
logDebug $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP"
, "Socket broken. Requesting new socket"
atomically $ do
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ realUdpServ por hos = do
sk <- forceBind por hos
atomically (writeTVar vSock (Just sk))
broken <- atomically (takeTMVar vFail)
logTrace "AMES: UDP: Closing broken socket."
logWarn "AMES: UDP: Closing broken socket."
io (close broken)
tSend <- async $ forever $ join $ atomically $ do
@ -223,15 +223,15 @@ realUdpServ por hos = do
logError "AMES: UDP: Dropping non-ipv4 packet"
pure ()
Right (Just (b, p, a)) -> do
logTrace "AMES: UDP: Received packet."
logDebug "AMES: UDP: Received packet."
enqueueRecvPacket p a b
let shutdown = do
logTrace "AMES: UDP: Shutting down. (killing threads)"
logDebug "AMES: UDP: Shutting down. (killing threads)"
cancel tOpen
cancel tSend
cancel tRecv
logTrace "AMES: UDP: Shutting down. (closing socket)"
logDebug "AMES: UDP: Shutting down. (closing socket)"
io $ join $ atomically $ do
res <- readTVar vSock <&> maybe (pure ()) close
writeTVar vSock Nothing
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ execRespActs :: HasLogFunc e => Drv -> Ship -> Word64 -> HttpEvent -> RIO e ()
execRespActs (Drv v) who reqId ev = readMVar v >>= \case
Nothing -> logError "Got a response to a request that does not exist."
Just sv -> do
logTrace $ displayShow ev
logDebug $ displayShow ev
for_ (parseHttpEvent ev) $ \act -> do
atomically (routeRespAct who (sLiveReqs sv) reqId act)
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ startServ
-> (EvErr -> STM ())
-> RIO e Serv
startServ multi who isFake conf plan = do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "startServ"))
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "startServ"))
let vLive = meaLive multi
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ startServ multi who isFake conf plan = do
let onKilReq :: Ship -> Word64 -> STM ()
onKilReq _ship = plan . cancelEv srvId . fromIntegral
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "joinMultiEyre", who, mTls, mCre))
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "joinMultiEyre", who, mTls, mCre))
atomically (joinMultiEyre multi who mCre onReq onKilReq)
logTrace $ displayShow ("EYRE", "Starting loopback server")
logDebug $ displayShow ("EYRE", "Starting loopback server")
lop <- serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = soHost (pttLop ptt)
, scPort = soWhich (pttLop ptt)
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ startServ multi who isFake conf plan = do
logTrace $ displayShow ("EYRE", "Starting insecure server")
logDebug $ displayShow ("EYRE", "Starting insecure server")
ins <- serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = soHost (pttIns ptt)
, scPort = soWhich (pttIns ptt)
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ startServ multi who isFake conf plan = do
mSec <- for mTls $ \tls -> do
logTrace "Starting secure server"
logDebug "Starting secure server"
serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = soHost (pttSec ptt)
, scPort = soWhich (pttSec ptt)
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ startServ multi who isFake conf plan = do
let por = Ports secPor insPor lopPor
fil = pierPath <> "/.http.ports"
logTrace $ displayShow ("EYRE", "All Servers Started.", srvId, por, fil)
logDebug $ displayShow ("EYRE", "All Servers Started.", srvId, por, fil)
pure (Serv srvId conf lop ins mSec por fil vLive)
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ leaveMultiEyre MultiEyreApi {..} who = do
multiEyre :: HasLogFunc e => MultiEyreConf -> RIO e MultiEyreApi
multiEyre conf@MultiEyreConf {..} = do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "MULTI", conf))
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "MULTI", conf))
vLive <- io emptyLiveReqs >>= newTVarIO
vPlan <- newTVarIO mempty
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ multiEyre conf@MultiEyreConf {..} = do
Just cb -> cb who reqId
mIns <- for mecHttpPort $ \por -> do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "MULTI", "HTTP", por))
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "MULTI", "HTTP", por))
serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = host
, scPort = SPChoices $ singleton $ fromIntegral por
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ multiEyre conf@MultiEyreConf {..} = do
mSec <- for mecHttpsPort $ \por -> do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "MULTI", "HTTPS", por))
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "MULTI", "HTTPS", por))
serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = host
, scPort = SPChoices $ singleton $ fromIntegral por
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ retry :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e (Either IOError a) -> RIO e a
retry act = act >>= \case
Right res -> pure res
Left exn -> do
logTr ctx ("Failed to open ports. Waiting 5s, then trying again.", exn)
logDbg ctx ("Failed to open ports. Waiting 5s, then trying again.", exn)
threadDelay 5_000_000
retry act
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ tryOpenChoices
tryOpenChoices hos = go
go (p :| ps) = do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "Trying to open port.", p))
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "Trying to open port.", p))
io (tryOpen hos p) >>= \case
Left err -> do
logError (displayShow ("EYRE", "Failed to open port.", p))
@ -178,14 +178,14 @@ tryOpenAny
:: HasLogFunc e => String -> RIO e (Either IOError (W.Port, Net.Socket))
tryOpenAny hos = do
let ctx = ["EYRE", "SERV", "tryOpenAny"]
logTr ctx "Asking the OS for any free port."
logDbg ctx "Asking the OS for any free port."
io (openFreePort hos) >>= \case
Left exn -> pure (Left exn)
Right (p, s) -> do
pure (Right (p, s))
logTr :: (HasLogFunc e, Show a) => [Text] -> a -> RIO e ()
logTr ctx msg = logTrace (prefix <> suffix)
logDbg :: (HasLogFunc e, Show a) => [Text] -> a -> RIO e ()
logDbg ctx msg = logDebug (prefix <> suffix)
prefix = display (concat $ fmap (<> ": ") ctx)
suffix = displayShow msg
@ -202,11 +202,11 @@ forceOpenSocket hos por = mkRAcquire opn kil
opn = do
let ctx = ["EYRE", "SERV", "forceOpenSocket"]
logTr ctx (hos, por)
logDbg ctx (hos, por)
(p, s) <- retry $ case por of
SPAnyPort -> tryOpenAny bind
SPChoices ps -> tryOpenChoices bind ps
logTr ctx ("Opened port.", p)
logDbg ctx ("Opened port.", p)
pure (p, s)
bind = case hos of
@ -230,11 +230,11 @@ onSniHdr
:: HasLogFunc e => e -> MultiTlsConfig -> Maybe String -> IO Credentials
onSniHdr env (MTC mtls) mHos = do
tabl <- atomically (readTVar mtls)
runRIO env $ logTr ctx (tabl, mHos)
runRIO env $ logDbg ctx (tabl, mHos)
ship <- hostShip (encodeUtf8 . pack <$> mHos)
runRIO env $ logTr ctx ship
runRIO env $ logDbg ctx ship
tcfg <- lookup ship tabl & maybe (notRunning ship) (pure . snd)
runRIO env $ logTr ctx tcfg
runRIO env $ logDbg ctx tcfg
pure (Credentials [tcfg])
notRunning ship = error ("Ship not running: ~" <> show ship)
@ -293,9 +293,9 @@ startServer typ hos por sok red vLive = do
app = \req resp -> do
runRIO envir $ logTr ctx "Got request"
runRIO envir $ logDbg ctx "Got request"
who <- reqShip req
runRIO envir $ logTr ctx ("Parsed HOST", who)
runRIO envir $ logDbg ctx ("Parsed HOST", who)
runAppl who (rcReq api who) (rcKil api who) req resp
io (W.runTLSSocket tlsMany opts sok app)
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ configCreds TlsConfig {..} =
fakeServ :: HasLogFunc e => ServConf -> RIO e ServApi
fakeServ conf = do
let por = fakePort (scPort conf)
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "Running Fake Server", por))
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "Running Fake Server", por))
pure $ ServApi
{ saKil = pure ()
, saPor = pure por
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ getFirstTlsConfig (MTC var) = do
realServ :: HasLogFunc e => TVar E.LiveReqs -> ServConf -> RIO e ServApi
realServ vLive conf@ServConf {..} = do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "Running Real Server"))
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "Running Real Server"))
kil <- newEmptyTMVarIO
por <- newEmptyTMVarIO
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ realServ vLive conf@ServConf {..} = do
runServ vPort = do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "runServ"))
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "runServ"))
rwith (forceOpenSocket scHost scPort) $ \(por, sok) -> do
atomically (putTMVar vPort por)
startServer scType scHost por sok scRedi vLive
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ pier (serf, log) vSlog startedSig multi = do
RunSwap _ _ _ _ _ -> putMVar okaySig ()
RunBail _ -> inject (n + 1)
logTrace ("Boot Event" <> displayShow ev)
-- logTrace ("[BOOT EVENT]: " <> display (summarizeEvent ev))
io (inject 0)
let slog :: Text -> IO ()
@ -493,13 +493,17 @@ router slog waitFx Drivers {..} = do
-- Compute (Serf) Thread -------------------------------------------------------
logEvent :: HasLogFunc e => Ev -> RIO e ()
logEvent ev = logDebug $ display $ "[EVENT]\n" <> pretty
logEvent ev = do
logTrace $ "<- " <> display (summarizeEvent ev)
logDebug $ "[EVENT]\n" <> display pretty
pretty :: Text
pretty = pack $ unlines $ fmap ("\t" <>) $ lines $ ppShow ev
logEffect :: HasLogFunc e => Lenient Ef -> RIO e ()
logEffect ef = logDebug $ display $ "[EFFECT]\n" <> pretty ef
logEffect ef = do
logTrace $ " -> " <> display (summarizeEffect ef)
logDebug $ display $ "[EFFECT]\n" <> pretty ef
pretty :: Lenient Ef -> Text
pretty = \case
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ withSerf config = mkRAcquire startup kill
startup = do
(serf, st) <- io $ start config
logTrace (displayShow st)
logDebug (displayShow ("serf state", st))
pure serf
kill serf = do
void $ rio $ stop serf
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ execReplay serf log last = do
doBoot :: RIO e (Either PlayBail Word)
doBoot = do
logTrace "Beginning boot sequence"
logDebug "Beginning boot sequence"
let bootSeqLen = lifecycleLen (Log.identity log)
@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ execReplay serf log last = do
when (numEvs /= bootSeqLen) $ do
throwIO (MissingBootEventsInEventLog numEvs bootSeqLen)
logTrace $ display ("Sending " <> tshow numEvs <> " boot events to serf")
logDebug $ display ("Sending " <> tshow numEvs <> " boot events to serf")
io (boot serf evs) >>= \case
Just err -> do
logTrace "Error on replay, exiting"
logDebug "Error on replay, exiting"
pure (Left err)
Nothing -> do
logTrace "Finished boot events, moving on to more events from log."
logDebug "Finished boot events, moving on to more events from log."
doReplay <&> \case
Left err -> Left err
Right num -> Right (num + numEvs)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user