Got fast cue working.

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Summers 2019-07-02 22:14:39 -07:00
parent 095aba7509
commit f4db869fd2
5 changed files with 122 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
module Noun.Cue.Fast where
import ClassyPrelude
import ClassyPrelude
import Noun
import Noun.Atom
@ -44,6 +43,23 @@ cue :: Atom -> Either DecodeExn Noun
cue = cueBS . view atomBS
-- Debugging -------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# INLINE debugM #-}
debugM :: Monad m => String -> m ()
debugM _ = pure ()
{-# INLINE debugMId #-}
debugMId :: (Monad m, Show a) => String -> m a -> m a
debugMId _ a = a
-- debugMId tag m = do
-- r <- m
-- debugM (tag <> ": " <> show r)
-- pure r
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -69,7 +85,7 @@ data DecodeExn
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data GetResult a = GetResult {-# UNPACK #-} !S !a
deriving Functor
deriving (Show, Functor)
newtype Get a = Get
{ runGet :: Ptr Word
@ -125,7 +141,7 @@ instance Monad Get where
runGet (f x') end tbl s'
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
fail msg = Get $ \end tbl s ->
fail msg = Get $ \end tbl s -> do
badEncoding end s msg
{-# INLINE fail #-}
@ -146,18 +162,20 @@ insRef pos now = Get \_ tbl s -> do
pure $ GetResult s ()
getRef :: Word -> Get Noun
getRef ref = Get \_ tbl s -> do
getRef ref = Get \x tbl s -> do
H.lookup tbl ref >>= \case
Nothing -> fail "Invalid Reference"
Nothing -> runGet (fail ("Invalid Reference: " <> show ref)) x tbl s
Just no -> pure (GetResult s no)
advance :: Word -> Get ()
advance 0 = debugM "advance: 0" >> pure ()
advance n = Get \_ _ s -> do
debugM ("advance: " <> show n)
let newUsed = n + usedBits s
newS = s { pos = pos s + n
, usedBits = newUsed `mod` 64
, currPtr = plusPtr (currPtr s)
(fromIntegral $ newUsed `div` 64)
(8 * (fromIntegral (newUsed `div` 64)))
pure (GetResult newS ())
@ -166,20 +184,25 @@ advance n = Get \_ _ s -> do
-- TODO Should this be (>= end) or (> end)?
peekCurWord :: Get Word
peekCurWord = Get \end _ s ->
peekCurWord = Get \end _ s -> do
debugMId "peekCurWord" $ do
if ptrToWordPtr (currPtr s) >= ptrToWordPtr end
then pure (GetResult s 0)
else GetResult s <$> peek (currPtr s)
-- TODO Same question as above.
peekNextWord :: Get Word
peekNextWord = Get \end _ s ->
if ptrToWordPtr (currPtr s) > ptrToWordPtr end
peekNextWord = Get \end _ s -> do
debugMId "peekNextWord" $ do
let pTarget = currPtr s `plusPtr` 8
if ptrToWordPtr pTarget >= ptrToWordPtr end
then pure (GetResult s 0)
else GetResult s <$> peek (currPtr s `plusPtr` 1)
else GetResult s <$> peek pTarget
peekUsedBits :: Get Word
peekUsedBits = Get \_ _ s -> pure (GetResult s (usedBits s))
peekUsedBits =
debugMId "peekUsedBits" $ do
Get \_ _ s -> pure (GetResult s (usedBits s))
Get a bit.
@ -190,16 +213,18 @@ peekUsedBits = Get \_ _ s -> pure (GetResult s (usedBits s))
dBit :: Get Bool
dBit = do
wor <- peekCurWord
use <- fromIntegral <$> peekUsedBits
advance 1
pure (0 /= shiftR wor use .&. 1)
debugMId "dBit" $ do
wor <- peekCurWord
use <- fromIntegral <$> peekUsedBits
advance 1
pure (0 /= shiftR wor use .&. 1)
dWord :: Get Word
dWord = do
res <- peekWord
advance 64
pure res
debugMId "dWord" $ do
res <- peekWord
advance 64
pure res
Get n bits, where n > 64:
@ -211,13 +236,14 @@ dWord = do
- Construct a bit-vector using the buffer*length*offset.
dAtomBits :: Word -> Get Atom
dAtomBits (fromIntegral -> bits) =
fmap (view $ from atomWords) $
VP.generateM bufSize \i ->
if (i == lastIdx && numExtraBits /= 0)
then dWordBits (fromIntegral numExtraBits)
else dWord
dAtomBits (fromIntegral -> bits) = do
debugMId ("dAtomBits(" <> show bits <> ")") $ do
fmap (view $ from atomWords) $
VP.generateM bufSize \i -> do
debugM (show i)
if (i == lastIdx && numExtraBits /= 0)
then dWordBits (fromIntegral numExtraBits)
else dWord
bufSize = numFullWords + min 1 numExtraBits
lastIdx = bufSize - 1
@ -241,27 +267,22 @@ dAtomBits (fromIntegral -> bits) =
peekWord :: Get Word
peekWord = do
debugMId "peekWord" $ do
off <- peekUsedBits
cur <- peekCurWord
if off == 0 then pure cur else
nex <- peekNextWord
advance 64
pure (dropLowBits off cur .|. dropHighBits off nex)
nex <- peekNextWord
let res = swiz off (cur, nex)
debugM ("\t" <> (take 10 $ reverse $ printf "%b" (fromIntegral res :: Integer)) <> "..")
pure res
dropLowBits :: Word -> Word -> Word
dropLowBits bits wor = shiftR wor (fromIntegral bits :: Int)
swiz :: Word -> (Word, Word) -> Word
swiz (fromIntegral -> off) (low, hig) =
(.|.) (shiftR low off) (shiftL hig (64-off))
takeLowBits :: Word -> Word -> Word
takeLowBits 64 wor = wor
takeLowBits wid wor = (2^wid - 1) .&. wor
takeHighBits :: Word -> Word -> Word
takeHighBits off wor = dropLowBits (64-off) wor
dropHighBits :: Word -> Word -> Word
dropHighBits off wor = takeLowBits (64-off) wor
Make a word from the next n bits (where n <= 64).
@ -272,8 +293,10 @@ dropHighBits off wor = takeLowBits (64-off) wor
dWordBits :: Word -> Get Word
dWordBits n = do
debugMId ("dWordBits(" <> show n <> ")") $ do
w <- peekWord
advance n
debugM ("dWordBits: " <> show (takeLowBits n w))
pure (takeLowBits n w)
@ -290,27 +313,32 @@ dWordBits n = do
dExp :: Get Word
dExp = do
debugMId "dExp" $ do
W# w <- peekWord
let res = W# (ctz# w)
advance res
advance (res+1)
pure res
dAtomLen :: Get Word
dAtomLen = do
e <- dExp
p <- dWordBits (e-1)
pure (2^e .|. p)
debugMId "dAtomLen" $ do
dExp >>= \case
0 -> pure 0
e -> do p <- dWordBits (e-1)
pure (2^(e-1) .|. p)
dRef :: Get Word
dRef = dAtomLen >>= dWordBits
dRef = debugMId "dRef" (dAtomLen >>= dWordBits)
dAtom :: Get Atom
dAtom = do
n <- dAtomLen
dAtomBits n
debugMId "dAtom" $ do
dAtomLen >>= \case
0 -> pure 0
n -> dAtomBits n
dCell :: Get Noun
dCell = Cell <$> dNoun <*> dNoun
dCell = debugMId "dCell" $ Cell <$> dNoun <*> dNoun
Get a Noun.
@ -323,12 +351,16 @@ dCell = Cell <$> dNoun <*> dNoun
dNoun :: Get Noun
dNoun = do
debugMId "dNoun" $ do
p <- getPos
let yield r = insRef p r >> pure r
dBit >>= \case
False -> (Atom <$> dAtom) >>= yield
False -> do debugM "It's an atom"
(Atom <$> dAtom) >>= yield
True -> dBit >>= \case
False -> dCell >>= yield
True -> dRef >>= getRef
False -> do debugM "It's a cell"
dCell >>= yield
True -> do debugM "It's a backref"
dRef >>= getRef

View File

@ -222,6 +222,9 @@ prop_fastJamSlow n = x == y || (bitWidth y <= bitWidth x && cue y == cue x)
prop_fastRub :: Atom -> Bool
prop_fastRub a = Right (Atom a) == Cue.cue (jam (Atom a))
prop_fastCue :: Noun -> Bool
prop_fastCue n = Right n == Cue.cue (jam n)
prop_fastJam :: Noun -> Bool
prop_fastJam n = Just n == cue (Jam.jam n)
@ -252,3 +255,9 @@ matSz' a = length s - 1
s :: String
s = printf "%b" $ fromIntegral @Atom @Integer $ jam $ Atom a
(a, c) = (Atom, Cell)
printJam :: Noun -> IO ()
printJam n = do
j <- evaluate (force (fromIntegral $ jam n))
printf "0b%b\n" (j :: Integer)

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@ -8,25 +8,42 @@ import Noun
import Noun.Atom
import Control.Lens
import Noun.Jam.Fast (jam, jamBS)
import Noun.Jam (cue)
import Noun.Cue.Fast (cue, cueBS)
eitherToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing
eitherToMaybe (Right x) = Just x
_CueBytes :: Prism' ByteString Noun
_CueBytes = prism' jamBS unJamBS
where unJamBS = preview (from pillBS . from pill . _Cue)
_CueBytes = prism' jamBS (eitherToMaybe . cueBS)
_Cue :: Prism' Atom Noun
_Cue = prism' jam cue
_Cue = prism' jam (eitherToMaybe . cue)
loadNoun :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Noun)
loadNoun = fmap (preview $ from pillBS . from pill . _Cue) . readFile
loadNoun = fmap (preview _CueBytes) . readFile
dumpJam :: FilePath -> Noun -> IO ()
dumpJam fp = writeFile fp . view (re _Cue . pill . pillBS)
dumpJam fp = writeFile fp . view (re _CueBytes)
tryCuePill :: PillFile -> IO ()
tryCuePill pill =
loadNoun (show pill) >>= \case Nothing -> print "nil"
Just (Atom _) -> print "atom"
_ -> print "cell"
tryCueJamPill :: PillFile -> IO ()
tryCueJamPill pill = do
n <- loadNoun (show pill) >>= \case
Nothing -> do print "failure"
pure (Atom 0)
Just (Atom a) -> do print "atom"
pure (Atom a)
Just (Cell h t) -> do print "cell"
pure (Cell h t)
bs <- evaluate (force (jamBS n))
print ("jam size: " <> show (length bs))

View File

@ -177,9 +177,6 @@ pillWords = iso toVec fromVec
toVec = view (pillBS . to bsToWords)
fromVec = view (to wordsToBytes . bytesBS . from pillBS)
-- _CueBytes :: Prism' ByteString Noun
-- _CueBytes = from pillBS . from pill . _Cue
@ -208,9 +205,6 @@ atomBS = pill . pillBS
-- _Cue :: Prism' Atom Noun
-- _Cue = prism' jam cue
_Tall :: Flat a => Prism' ByteString a
_Tall = prism' flat (eitherToMaybe . unflat)
@ -226,9 +220,6 @@ loadPill = fmap Pill . readFile
loadAtom :: FilePath -> IO Atom
loadAtom = fmap (view $ from pillBS . from pill) . readFile
-- loadNoun :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Noun)
-- loadNoun = fmap (preview $ from pillBS . from pill . _Cue) . readFile
loadFlat :: Flat a => FilePath -> IO (Either Text a)
loadFlat = fmap (mapLeft tshow . unflat) . readFile
@ -240,9 +231,6 @@ dumpPill fp = writeFile fp . view pillBS
dumpAtom :: FilePath -> Atom -> IO ()
dumpAtom fp = writeFile fp . view (pill . pillBS)
-- dumpJam :: FilePath -> Noun -> IO ()
-- dumpJam fp = writeFile fp . view (re _Cue . pill . pillBS)
dumpFlat :: Flat a => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
dumpFlat fp = writeFile fp . flat
@ -270,12 +258,6 @@ tryPackPill pf = do
atm <- tryLoadPill pf
print $ length (atm ^. pill . pillBS)
-- tryCuePill :: PillFile -> IO ()
-- tryCuePill pill =
-- loadNoun (show pill) >>= \case Nothing -> print "nil"
-- Just (Atom _) -> print "atom"
-- _ -> print "cell"
-- Tests -----------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Arbitrary ByteString where

View File

@ -9,20 +9,20 @@ import Noun.Lens
main :: IO ()
main = do
print "load brass" >> void getLine
print "load brass" -- void getLine
tryLoadPill Brass
print "load ivory" >> void getLine
print "load ivory" -- void getLine
tryLoadPill Ivory
print "load solid" >> void getLine
print "load solid" -- void getLine
tryLoadPill Solid
print "cue brass" >> void getLine
tryCuePill Brass
print "cue brass" -- void getLine
tryCueJamPill Brass
print "cue ivory" >> void getLine
tryCuePill Ivory
print "cue ivory" -- void getLine
tryCueJamPill Ivory
print "cue solid" >> void getLine
tryCuePill Solid
print "cue solid" -- void getLine
tryCueJamPill Solid