Merge remote-tracking branch 'ryjm/jm/ship-globs' into dist

This commit is contained in:
Ted Blackman 2021-09-06 21:29:38 +03:00
commit f58d115ce5
7 changed files with 94 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
/* Examples
Shared urbit and urbit-worker binaries:

View File

@ -260,6 +260,15 @@
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card card)
(take-watch-ack wire)
++ watch-one
|= [=wire =dock =path]
=/ m (strand ,cage)
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m (watch wire dock path)
;< =cage bind:m (take-fact wire)
;< ~ bind:m (take-kick wire)
(pure:m cage)
++ watch-our
|= [=wire =term =path]
=/ m (strand ,~)

View File

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
$: title=(unit @t)
info=(unit @t)
color=(unit @ux)
glob=(unit url)
glob-http=(unit url)
glob-ames=(unit =ship)
base=(unit term)
site=(unit path)
image=(unit url)
@ -28,8 +29,11 @@
=/ href=(unit href)
?^ site.draft `[%site]
?~ base.draft ~
?~ glob.draft ~
`[%glob [u.base.draft [%http u.glob]:draft]]
?^ glob-http.draft
`[%glob [u.base %http u.glob-http]:draft]
?~ glob-ames.draft
`[%glob [u.base %ship u.glob-ames]:draft]
?~ href ~
=, draft
:- ~
@ -56,7 +60,8 @@
%title draft(title `title.clause)
%info draft(info `info.clause)
%color draft(color `color.clause)
%glob draft(glob `url.clause)
%glob-http draft(glob-http `url.clause)
%glob-ames draft(glob-ames `ship:clause)
%base draft(base `base.clause)
%site draft(site `path.clause)
%image draft(image `url.clause)
@ -79,10 +84,12 @@
?~ image.d ~ ~[image+u.image.d]
?: ?=(%site -.href.d) ~[site+path.href.d]
=/ loc=glob-location glob-location.href.d
:~ base+base.href.d
?- -.loc
%http [%glob-http url.loc]
%ship [%glob-ames ship.loc]
== == ==
++ spit-clause
|= =clause
@ -91,6 +98,7 @@
?+ -.clause "'{(trip +.clause)}'"
%color (scow %ux color.clause)
%site (spud path.clause)
%glob-ames ~& ship+ship.clause "{(scow %p ship.clause)}"
=, version.clause
@ -154,13 +162,27 @@
++ href
|= h=^href
%+ frond -.h
?- -.h
%glob (pairs base+s+base.h ~)
%site s+(spat path.h)
?- -.h
%site s+(spat path.h)
%- pairs
:~ base+s+base.h
glob-location+(glob-location glob-location.h)
++ glob-location
|= loc=^glob-location
^- json
%+ frond -.loc
?- -.loc
%http (pairs url+s+url.loc ~)
%ship (ship ship.loc)
++ charge
|= c=^charge
~! charge+charge
%+ merge (docket docket.c)
%- pairs
:~ chad+(chad chad.c)

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+$ glob-location
$% [%http =url]
[%ship =ship]
:: $href: Where a tile links to
@ -45,7 +46,8 @@
$% [%title title=@t]
[%info info=@t]
[%color color=@ux]
[%glob url=cord]
[%glob-http url=cord]
[%glob-ames =ship]
[%image =url]
[%site =path]
[%base base=term]

View File

@ -123,6 +123,17 @@
[%charges ~]
?> (team:title [our src]:bowl)
[%glob @ ~]
~& path+path
=/ desk (~(got by by-base) i.t.path)
=/ =charge (~(got by charges) desk)
~& charge+charge
?> ?=(%glob -.chad.charge)
:_ state
:~ [%give %fact ~[path] %glob !>(`glob`glob.chad.charge)] ::
[%give %kick ~[path] ~]
[cards this]
@ -348,11 +359,12 @@
++ new-chad |=(c=chad (~(jab by charges) desk |=(charge +<(chad c))))
++ fetch-glob
=/ =charge (~(got by charges) desk)
~& charge+charge
=/ tid=@t (cat 3 'docket-' (scot %uv (sham (mix eny.bowl desk))))
?> ?=(%glob -.href.docket.charge)
?> ?=(%http -.glob-location.href.docket.charge)
=* url url.glob-location.href.docket.charge
=/ =cage spider-start+!>([~ `tid byk.bowl(r da+now.bowl) %glob !>(`url)])
=* loc glob-location.href.docket.charge
~& loc+loc
=/ =cage spider-start+!>([~ `tid byk.bowl(r da+now.bowl) %glob !>(`[loc desk])])
:~ (watch-our:(pass %glob) %spider /thread-result/[tid])
(poke-our:(pass %glob) %spider cage)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
:~ title+'Grid'
info+'An app launcher for urbit.'
:~ title+'Garden'
info+'An app launcher for Urbit.'
version+[0 0 1]

View File

@ -5,13 +5,33 @@
|= arg=vase
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
=+ !<([~ url=cord] arg)
;< =glob:docket bind:m
%+ (retry:strandio ,glob:docket) `5
=/ n (strand ,(unit glob:docket))
;< =cord bind:n (fetch-cord:strandio (trip url))
%- pure:n
%- mole
;;(=glob:docket (cue cord))
(pure:m !>(glob))
=+ !<([~ loc=glob-location:docket base=term] arg)
?- -.loc
%http (fetch-http url.loc)
%ship (fetch-ames ship.loc base)
++ fetch-http
|= url=cord
^- form:m
;< =glob:docket bind:m
%+ (retry:strandio ,glob:docket) `5
=/ n (strand ,(unit glob:docket))
;< =cord bind:n (fetch-cord:strandio (trip url))
%- pure:n
%- mole
;;(=glob:docket (cue cord))
(pure:m !>(glob))
:: download from ship's docket state
++ fetch-ames
|= [=ship base=term]
^- form:m
;< =bowl:spider bind:m get-bowl:strandio
;< =cage bind:m
(watch-one:strandio /glob/(scot %da now:bowl) [ship %docket] /glob/[base])
?> ?=(%glob p.cage)
(pure:m q.cage)