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This commit is contained in:
Anton Dyudin 2016-04-27 15:38:01 -07:00
parent ba9f00d5ba
commit f6cd262bc2

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@ -377,19 +377,19 @@
?> ?=({$~ $& *} sta)
sta(q.p.u (~(put fo q.p.u.sta) (neis who) pla))
++ get-live
++ get-live :: last-heard time ++live
|= a/ship ^- live
?: =(a our) %live
=+ rue=(ames-last-seen a)
?~ rue %cold
?:((gth (sub now u.rue) ~m5) %seen %live)
++ stat-any
++ stat-any :: unsplit status
|= {who/@p man/(managed _!!)} ^- stat
:- (get-live who)
?~(man [%free ~] [%owned])
++ stat-planet
++ stat-planet :: stat of planet
|= {who/@p man/planet} ^- stat
?. ?=({$~ $& ^} man) (stat-any who man)
:- (get-live who)
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@
%+ turn (~(tap by box.p.pla))
|=({a/@u b/moon} =+((rep 5 who a ~) [- (stat-any - b)]))
++ stat-star
++ stat-star :: stat of star
|= {who/@p man/star} ^- stat
?. ?=({$~ $& ^} man) (stat-any who man)
:- (get-live who)
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
%+ turn (~(tap by box.q.sta))
|=({a/@u b/planet} =+((rep 4 who a ~) [- (stat-planet - b)]))
++ stat-galaxy
++ stat-galaxy :: stat of galaxy
|= {who/@p man/galaxy} ^- stat
?. ?=({$~ $& ^} man) (stat-any who man)
=+ gal=u:(divided man)
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
%+ bind (~(get by bureau) pas)
|=(bal/balance [%womb-balance bal])
++ peer-scry-x
++ peer-scry-x :: subscription like .^
|= tyl/path
=< abet
=+ gil=(peek-x tyl)
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
?~ u.gil ~|(%bad-path !!)
(emit %diff u.u.gil)
++ peek-x
++ peek-x :: stateless read
|= tyl/path ^- (unit (unit gilt))
~| peek+x+tyl
?~ tyl ~
@ -506,7 +506,7 @@
~|(already-managing+i.a !!)
++ email
++ email :: send email
|= {wir/wire adr/mail msg/tape} ^+ +>
(emit %poke [%mail wir] [our %gmail] %email adr msg)
::~&([%email-stub adr msg] +>)
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
?> =(src src) :: self-authenticated
(emit %knew /report her wyl)
++ use-reference
++ use-reference :: bonus stars
|= a/(each @p mail) ^- (unit _+>)
?. (~(has by hotel) a) ~
=+ cli=(~(get by hotel) a)