Per yosoyubik's commentary in urbit/urbit#1799:
The test is expecting that qeu to not be correct.. when it is.
The test [98 [97 ~ ~] [100 ~ [99 ~ ~]]] is a correct queue if we look at
vertical ordering: (mor 98 97), (mor 98 100) & (mor 100 99) all return
%.y, so vertical ordering is correct.
The previous implementation of +apt:to checked only horizontal ordering
between siblings, in this case that would fail: (mor 97 100) returns
%.n, but that is not how you check correctness of hoon treaps.
The solution is to modify that test with a proper "incorrect" +qeu, for
example: ((soft (qeu)) [97 [98 ~ ~] [100 ~ [99 ~ ~]]]). Vertical
ordering is not correct with any of the children.