{- TODO What is this about? // if we don't explicitly set this field, h2o will send with // transfer-encoding: chunked // if ( 1 == has_len_i ) { rec_u->res.content_length = ( 0 == gen_u->bod_u ) ? 0 : gen_u->bod_u->len_w; } TODO Does this matter, is is using WAI's default behavior ok? rec_u->res.reason = (status < 200) ? "weird" : (status < 300) ? "ok" : (status < 400) ? "moved" : (status < 500) ? "missing" : "hosed"; TODO This uses `W.openFreePort` to find a free port, but I actually want to mimick the old kings behavior and try 8080, then 8081, etc. I think I'll have to reimplement a varianet of `openFreePort` myself, but this will work for now. -} module Vere.Http.Server where import Arvo hiding (ServerId, reqBody, reqUrl, secure) import Data.Conduit import Noun import PierConfig import UrbitPrelude hiding (Builder) import Vere.Pier.Types import Data.Binary.Builder (Builder, fromByteString) import Data.Bits (shiftL, (.|.)) import Network.Socket (SockAddr(..)) import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile) import System.Random (randomIO) import Vere.Http (convertHeaders, unconvertHeaders) import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H import qualified Network.Wai as W import qualified Network.Wai.Conduit as W import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as W import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS as W -- Internal Types -------------------------------------------------------------- type ReqId = UD type SeqId = UD -- Unused, always 1 {- The sequence of actions on a given request *should* be: [%head .] [%bloc .]* %done But we will actually accept anything, and mostly do the right thing. There are two situations where we ignore ignore the data from some actions. - If you send something *after* a %done action, it will be ignored. - If you send a %done before a %head, we will produce "444 No Response" with an empty response body. -} data RespAction = RAHead ResponseHeader File | RAFull ResponseHeader File | RABloc File | RADone deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data LiveReqs = LiveReqs { nextReqId :: ReqId , activeReqs :: Map ReqId (TQueue RespAction) } data Ports = Ports { pHttps :: Maybe Port , pHttp :: Port , pLoop :: Port } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) newtype Drv = Drv { unDrv :: MVar (Maybe Serv) } data Serv = Serv { sServId :: ServId , sConfig :: HttpServerConf , sLoopTid :: Async () , sHttpTid :: Async () , sHttpsTid :: Maybe (Async ()) , sPorts :: Ports , sPortsFile :: FilePath , sLiveReqs :: TVar LiveReqs } -- RespAction -- Reorganized HttpEvent for Cleaner Processing ------------------ reorgHttpEvent :: HttpEvent -> [RespAction] reorgHttpEvent = \case Start head mBlk True -> [RAFull head (fromMaybe "" mBlk)] Start head mBlk False -> [RAHead head (fromMaybe "" mBlk)] Cancel () -> [RADone] Continue mBlk isDone -> toList (RABloc <$> mBlk) <> if isDone then [RADone] else [] -- Generic Service Stop/Restart -- Using an MVar for Atomicity ----------------- {- Restart a running service. This can probably be made simpler, but it - Sets the MVar to Nothing if there was an exception whil starting or stopping the service. - Keeps the MVar lock until the restart process finishes. -} restartService :: ∀e s. HasLogFunc e => MVar (Maybe s) -> RIO e s -> (s -> RIO e ()) -> RIO e (Either SomeException s) restartService vServ sstart kkill = do logDebug "restartService" modifyMVar vServ $ \case Nothing -> doStart Just sv -> doRestart sv where doRestart :: s -> RIO e (Maybe s, Either SomeException s) doRestart serv = do logDebug "doStart" try (kkill serv) >>= \case Left exn -> pure (Nothing, Left exn) Right () -> doStart doStart :: RIO e (Maybe s, Either SomeException s) doStart = do logDebug "doStart" try sstart <&> \case Right s -> (Just s, Right s) Left exn -> (Nothing, Left exn) stopService :: HasLogFunc e => MVar (Maybe s) -> (s -> RIO e ()) -> RIO e (Either SomeException ()) stopService vServ kkill = do logDebug "stopService" modifyMVar vServ $ \case Nothing -> pure (Nothing, Right ()) Just sv -> do res <- try (kkill sv) pure (Nothing, res) -- Live Requests Table -- All Requests Still Waiting for Responses ------------- emptyLiveReqs :: LiveReqs emptyLiveReqs = LiveReqs 1 mempty respondToLiveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> ReqId -> RespAction -> STM () respondToLiveReq var req ev = do mVar <- lookup req . activeReqs <$> readTVar var case mVar of Nothing -> pure () Just tv -> writeTQueue tv ev rmLiveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> ReqId -> STM () rmLiveReq var reqId = do liv <- readTVar var writeTVar var (liv { activeReqs = deleteMap reqId (activeReqs liv) }) newLiveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> STM (ReqId, TQueue RespAction) newLiveReq var = do liv <- readTVar var tmv <- newTQueue let (nex, act) = (nextReqId liv, activeReqs liv) writeTVar var (LiveReqs (nex+1) (insertMap nex tmv act)) pure (nex, tmv) -- Ports File ------------------------------------------------------------------ removePortsFile :: FilePath -> RIO e () removePortsFile pax = io (doesFileExist pax) >>= \case True -> io $ removeFile pax False -> pure () portsFileText :: Ports -> Text portsFileText Ports{..} = unlines $ catMaybes [ pHttps <&> \p -> (tshow p <> " secure public") , Just (tshow (unPort pHttp) <> " insecure public") , Just (tshow (unPort pLoop) <> " insecure loopback") ] writePortsFile :: FilePath -> Ports -> RIO e () writePortsFile f = writeFile f . encodeUtf8 . portsFileText -- Random Helpers -------------------------------------------------------------- cordBytes :: Cord -> ByteString cordBytes = encodeUtf8 . unCord pass :: Monad m => m () pass = pure () whenJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m () whenJust Nothing act = pure () whenJust (Just a) act = act a cookMeth :: W.Request -> Maybe Method cookMeth = H.parseMethod . W.requestMethod >>> \case Left _ -> Nothing Right m -> Just m reqIdCord :: ReqId -> Cord reqIdCord = Cord . tshow reqBody :: W.Request -> RIO e (Maybe File) reqBody req = do bodyLbs <- io $ W.strictRequestBody req pure $ if length bodyLbs == 0 then Nothing else Just $ File $ Octs (toStrict bodyLbs) reqAddr :: W.Request -> Address reqAddr = W.remoteHost >>> \case SockAddrInet _ a -> AIpv4 (Ipv4 a) SockAddrInet6 _ _ a _ -> AIpv6 (mkIpv6 a) _ -> error "invalid sock addr" mkIpv6 :: (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32) -> Ipv6 mkIpv6 (p, q, r, s) = Ipv6 (pBits .|. qBits .|. rBits .|. sBits) where pBits = shiftL (fromIntegral p) 0 qBits = shiftL (fromIntegral q) 32 rBits = shiftL (fromIntegral r) 64 sBits = shiftL (fromIntegral s) 96 reqUrl :: W.Request -> Cord reqUrl r = Cord $ decodeUtf8 $ W.rawPathInfo r <> W.rawQueryString r -- Utilities for Constructing Events ------------------------------------------- data WhichServer = Secure | Insecure | Loopback deriving (Eq) servEv :: HttpServerEv -> Ev servEv = EvBlip . BlipEvHttpServer bornEv :: KingId -> Ev bornEv king = servEv $ HttpServerEvBorn (king, ()) () liveEv :: ServId -> Ports -> Ev liveEv sId Ports{..} = servEv $ HttpServerEvLive (sId, ()) pHttp pHttps cancelEv :: ServId -> ReqId -> Ev cancelEv sId reqId = servEv $ HttpServerEvCancelRequest (sId, reqId, 1, ()) () reqEv :: ServId -> ReqId -> WhichServer -> Address -> HttpRequest -> Ev reqEv sId reqId which addr req = case which of Loopback -> servEv $ HttpServerEvRequestLocal (sId, reqId, 1, ()) $ HttpServerReq False addr req _ -> servEv $ HttpServerEvRequest (sId, reqId, 1, ()) $ HttpServerReq (which == Secure) addr req -- Http Server Flows ----------------------------------------------------------- data Req = RHead ResponseHeader [File] | RFull ResponseHeader [File] | RNone {- This accepts all action orderings so that there are no edge-cases to be handled: - If %bloc before %head, collect it and wait for %head. - If %done before %head, ignore all chunks and produce Nothing. -} getReq :: TQueue RespAction -> RIO e Req getReq tmv = go [] where go çunks = atomically (readTQueue tmv) >>= \case RAHead head ç -> pure $ RHead head $ reverse (ç : çunks) RAFull head ç -> pure $ RFull head $ reverse (ç : çunks) RABloc ç -> go (ç : çunks) RADone -> pure RNone {- - Immediatly yield all of the initial chunks - Yield the data from %bloc action. - Close the stream when we hit a %done action. -} streamBlocks :: HasLogFunc e => e -> [File] -> TQueue RespAction -> ConduitT () (Flush Builder) IO () streamBlocks env init tmv = for_ init yieldÇunk >> go where yieldFlush = \x -> yield (Chunk x) >> yield Flush logDupHead = runRIO env $ logError "Multiple %head actions on one request" yieldÇunk = \case "" -> pure () c -> (yieldFlush . fromByteString . unOcts . unFile) c go = atomically (readTQueue tmv) >>= \case RAHead head c -> logDupHead >> yieldÇunk c >> go RAFull head c -> logDupHead >> yieldÇunk c >> go RABloc c -> yieldÇunk c RADone -> pure () sendResponse :: HasLogFunc e => (W.Response -> IO W.ResponseReceived) -> TQueue RespAction -> RIO e W.ResponseReceived sendResponse cb tmv = do env <- ask getReq tmv >>= \case RNone -> io $ cb $ W.responseLBS (H.mkStatus 444 "No Response") [] $ "" RFull h f -> io $ cb $ W.responseLBS (hdrStatus h) (hdrHeaders h) $ fromStrict $ concat $ unOcts . unFile <$> f RHead h i -> io $ cb $ W.responseSource (hdrStatus h) (hdrHeaders h) $ streamBlocks env i tmv where hdrHeaders :: ResponseHeader -> [H.Header] hdrHeaders = unconvertHeaders . headers hdrStatus :: ResponseHeader -> H.Status hdrStatus = toEnum . fromIntegral . statusCode liveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> RAcquire e (ReqId, TQueue RespAction) liveReq vLiv = mkRAcquire ins del where ins = atomically (newLiveReq vLiv) del = atomically . rmLiveReq vLiv . fst app :: HasLogFunc e => e -> ServId -> TVar LiveReqs -> (Ev -> STM ()) -> WhichServer -> W.Application app env sId liv plan which req respond = runRIO env $ rwith (liveReq liv) $ \(reqId, respVar) -> do body <- reqBody req meth <- maybe (error "bad method") pure (cookMeth req) let addr = reqAddr req hdrs = convertHeaders $ W.requestHeaders req evReq = HttpRequest meth (reqUrl req) hdrs body atomically $ plan (reqEv sId reqId which addr evReq) try (sendResponse respond respVar) >>= \case Right rr -> pure rr Left exn -> do io $ atomically $ plan (cancelEv sId reqId) logError $ display ("Exception during request" <> tshow exn) throwIO (exn :: SomeException) -- Top-Level Driver Interface -------------------------------------------------- {- TODO Need to find an open port. -} startServ :: (HasPierConfig e, HasLogFunc e) => HttpServerConf -> (Ev -> STM ()) -> RIO e Serv startServ conf plan = do logDebug "startServ" let tls = hscSecure conf <&> \(PEM key, PEM cert) -> (W.tlsSettingsMemory (cordBytes cert) (cordBytes key)) sId <- io $ ServId . UV . fromIntegral <$> (randomIO :: IO Word32) liv <- newTVarIO emptyLiveReqs (httpPortInt, httpSock) <- io $ W.openFreePort -- 8080 -- 80 if real ship (httpsPortInt, httpsSock) <- io $ W.openFreePort -- 8443 -- 443 if real ship (loopPortInt, loopSock) <- io $ W.openFreePort -- 12321 -- ??? if real ship let httpPort = Port (fromIntegral httpPortInt) httpsPort = Port (fromIntegral httpsPortInt) loopPort = Port (fromIntegral loopPortInt) let loopOpts = W.defaultSettings & W.setPort (fromIntegral loopPort) & W.setHost "" & W.setTimeout (5 * 60) httpOpts = W.defaultSettings & W.setPort (fromIntegral httpPort) httpsOpts = W.defaultSettings & W.setPort (fromIntegral httpsPort) env <- ask logDebug "Starting loopback server" loopTid <- async $ io $ W.runSettingsSocket loopOpts loopSock $ app env sId liv plan Loopback logDebug "Starting HTTP server" httpTid <- async $ io $ W.runSettingsSocket httpOpts httpSock $ app env sId liv plan Insecure logDebug "Starting HTTPS server" httpsTid <- for tls $ \tlsOpts -> async $ io $ W.runTLSSocket tlsOpts httpsOpts httpsSock $ app env sId liv plan Secure pierPath <- getPierPath let por = Ports (tls <&> const httpsPort) httpPort loopPort fil = pierPath <> "/.http.ports" logDebug $ displayShow (sId, por, fil) logDebug "Finished started HTTP Servers" pure $ Serv sId conf loopTid httpTid httpsTid por fil liv killServ :: HasLogFunc e => Serv -> RIO e () killServ Serv{..} = do cancel sLoopTid cancel sHttpTid traverse_ cancel sHttpsTid removePortsFile sPortsFile (void . waitCatch) sLoopTid (void . waitCatch) sHttpTid traverse_ (void . waitCatch) sHttpsTid kill :: HasLogFunc e => Drv -> RIO e () kill (Drv v) = stopService v killServ >>= fromEither respond :: HasLogFunc e => Drv -> ReqId -> HttpEvent -> RIO e () respond (Drv v) reqId ev = do readMVar v >>= \case Nothing -> pure () Just sv -> do logDebug $ displayShow $ reorgHttpEvent ev for_ (reorgHttpEvent ev) $ atomically . respondToLiveReq (sLiveReqs sv) reqId serv :: ∀e. (HasPierConfig e, HasLogFunc e) => KingId -> QueueEv -> ([Ev], RAcquire e (EffCb e HttpServerEf)) serv king plan = (initialEvents, runHttpServer) where initialEvents :: [Ev] initialEvents = [bornEv king] runHttpServer :: RAcquire e (EffCb e HttpServerEf) runHttpServer = handleEf <$> mkRAcquire (Drv <$> newMVar Nothing) kill restart :: Drv -> HttpServerConf -> RIO e Serv restart (Drv var) conf = do logDebug "Restarting http server" res <- fromEither =<< restartService var (startServ conf plan) killServ logDebug "Done restating http server" pure res handleEf :: Drv -> HttpServerEf -> RIO e () handleEf drv = \case HSESetConfig (i, ()) conf -> do -- print (i, king) -- when (i == fromIntegral king) $ do logDebug "restarting" Serv{..} <- restart drv conf logDebug "Enqueue %live" atomically $ plan (liveEv sServId sPorts) logDebug "Write ports file" writePortsFile sPortsFile sPorts HSEResponse (i, req, _seq, ()) ev -> do -- print (i, king) -- when (i == fromIntegral king) $ do logDebug "respond" respond drv (fromIntegral req) ev