Usage: |fuse %dest /=kids= mate//~nel/home= meet//~zod/kids/track |fuse %old-desk /=kids= only-that//~nus/test=, =overwrite & |fuse %desk-to-cancel-fuse-into %cancel A %fuse request in clay replaces the contents of %destination-desk with the merge of the specified beaks according to their merge strategies. This has no dependence on the previous state of %dest so any commits/work there will be overwritten. |fuse extends this concept with the idea of a tracked source. When specifying beaks to include in your fuse, specify %track instead of a case. This will tell |fuse to retrieve the latest version of the source beak AND to rerun the %fuse request whenever that tracked source changes. A fuse can have many tracked sources, or none. The base may be tracked as well. The overwrite flag allows you to overwrite a currently ongoing fuse. Without this flag, attempting a fuse into a desk that you already |fuse'd into will error.