import { Terminal, ITerminalOptions } from 'xterm'; import { FitAddon } from 'xterm-addon-fit'; import bel from './lib/bel'; import api from './api'; import { Belt, pokeTask, pokeBelt } from '@urbit/api/term'; import { Session } from './state'; import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import useTermState from './state'; import React from 'react'; import { Box, Col } from '@tlon/indigo-react'; import { makeTheme } from './lib/theme'; import { showBlit, csi } from './lib/blit'; import { DEFAULT_SESSION } from './constants'; import { retry } from './lib/retry'; const termConfig: ITerminalOptions = { logLevel: 'warn', // convertEol: true, // rows: 24, cols: 80, scrollback: 10000, // fontFamily: '"Source Code Pro", "Roboto mono", "Courier New", monospace', fontWeight: 400, // NOTE theme colors configured dynamically // bellStyle: 'sound', bellSound: bel, // // allows text selection by holding modifier (option, or shift) macOptionClickForcesSelection: true }; const readInput = (term: Terminal, e: string): Belt[] => { const belts: Belt[] = []; let strap = ''; while (e.length > 0) { let c = e.charCodeAt(0); // text input // if (c >= 32 && c !== 127) { strap += e[0]; e = e.slice(1); continue; } else if ('' !== strap) { belts.push({ txt: strap.split('') }); strap = ''; } // special keys/characters // if (0 === c) { term.write('\x07'); // bel } else if (8 === c || 127 === c) { belts.push({ bac: null }); } else if (13 === c) { belts.push({ ret: null }); } else if (c <= 26) { const k = String.fromCharCode(96 + c); //NOTE prevent remote shut-downs if ('d' !== k) { belts.push({ mod: { mod: 'ctl', key: k } }); } } // escape sequences // if (27 === c) { // ESC e = e.slice(1); c = e.charCodeAt(0); if (91 === c || 79 === c) { // [ or O e = e.slice(1); c = e.charCodeAt(0); /* eslint-disable max-statements-per-line */ switch (c) { case 65: belts.push({ aro: 'u' }); break; case 66: belts.push({ aro: 'd' }); break; case 67: belts.push({ aro: 'r' }); break; case 68: belts.push({ aro: 'l' }); break; // case 77: { const m = e.charCodeAt(1) - 31; if (1 === m) { const c = e.charCodeAt(2) - 32; const r = e.charCodeAt(3) - 32; belts.push({ hit: { y: term.rows - r, x: c - 1 } }); } e = e.slice(3); break; } // default: term.write('\x07'); break; // bel } } else if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) { // a <= c <= z belts.push({ mod: { mod: 'met', key: e[0] } }); } else if (c === 46) { // . belts.push({ mod: { mod: 'met', key: '.' } }); } else if (c === 8 || c === 127) { belts.push({ mod: { mod: 'met', key: { bac: null } } }); } else { term.write('\x07'); break; // bel } } e = e.slice(1); } if ('' !== strap) { belts.push({ txt: strap.split('') }); strap = ''; } return belts; }; const onResize = (session: Session) => () => { //TODO debounce, if it ever becomes a problem //TODO test that we only send this to the selected session, // and that we *do* send it on-selected-change if necessary. session?; }; const onInput = (name: string, session: Session, e: string) => { if (!session) { return; } const term = session.term; const belts = readInput(term, e); => { api.poke(pokeBelt(name, b)); }); }; interface BufferProps { name: string, selected: boolean, dark: boolean, } export default function Buffer({ name, selected, dark }: BufferProps) { const container = useRef(null); const session: Session = useTermState(s => s.sessions[name]); const initSession = useCallback(async (name: string, dark: boolean) => { console.log('setting up', name === DEFAULT_SESSION ? 'default' : name); // set up xterm terminal // const term = new Terminal(termConfig); term.setOption('theme', makeTheme(dark)); const fit = new FitAddon(); term.loadAddon(fit);; term.focus(); // start mouse reporting // term.write(csi('?9h')); const ses: Session = { term, fit, hasBell: false, subscriptionId: null }; // set up event handlers // term.onData(e => onInput(name, ses, e)); term.onBinary(e => onInput(name, ses, e)); term.onResize((e) => { api.poke(pokeTask(name, { blew: { w: e.cols, h: e.rows } })); }); // open subscription // const initSubscription = async () => { const subscriptionId = await api.subscribe({ app: 'herm', path: '/session/' + name + '/view', event: (e) => { showBlit(ses.term, e); if (e.bel && !selected) { useTermState.getState().set((state) => { state.sessions[name].hasBell = true; }); } //TODO should handle %bye on this higher level though, for deletion }, err: (e, id) => { console.log(`subscription error, id ${id}:`, e); }, quit: async () => { // quit console.error('quit, reconnecting...'); try { const newSubscriptionId = await retry(initSubscription, () => { console.log('attempting to reconnect ...'); }, 5); useTermState.getState().set((state) => { state.sessions[name].subscriptionId = newSubscriptionId; }); } catch (error) { console.log('unable to reconnect', error); } } }); return subscriptionId; }; ses.subscriptionId = await initSubscription(); useTermState.getState().set((state) => { state.sessions[name] = ses; }); }, []); // init session useEffect(() => { if(session) { return; } initSession(name, dark); }, [name]); // on selected change, maybe setup the term, or put it into the container // const setContainer = useCallback((containerRef: HTMLDivElement | null) => { const newContainer = containerRef || container.current; if(session && newContainer) { container.current = newContainer; } }, [session]); // on-init, open slogstream and fetch existing sessions // useEffect(() => { window.addEventListener('resize', onResize(session)); return () => { // TODO clean up subs? window.removeEventListener('resize', onResize(session)); }; }, []); // on dark mode change, change terminals' theme // useEffect(() => { const theme = makeTheme(dark); if (session) { session.term.setOption('theme', theme); } if (container.current) { = theme.background || ''; } }, [session, dark]); useEffect(() => { if (session && selected && !session.term.isOpen) {;; session.term.focus(); session.term.isOpen = true; } }, [selected, session]); return ( !session && !selected ?


: ); }