:: :: :: :::: /app/talk/hoon :: :: :: :: :: :: ::TODO maybe keep track of received grams per circle, too? :: ::TODO [type query] => [press tab to cycle search results, newest-first] :: => [escape to clear] :: ::> This client implementation makes use of the %inbox ::> for all its subscriptions and messaging. All ::> rumors received are exclusively about the %inbox, ::> since that's the only thing the client ever ::> subscribes to. :: /- hall, sole ::< structures /+ hall, sole ::< libraries /= seed /~ !>(.) :: :::: :: =, hall =, sole => ::> || ::> || %arch ::> || ::> data structures :: |% ++ state ::> application state $: :: messaging state :: count/@ud ::< (lent grams) grams/(list telegram) ::< all history known/(map serial @ud) ::< messages heard sources/(set circle) ::< our subscriptions :: circle details :: remotes/(map circle group) ::< remote presences mirrors/(map circle config) ::< remote configs :: ui state :: nicks/(map ship nick) ::< human identities bound/(map audience char) ::< bound circle glyphs binds/(jug char audience) ::< circle glyph lookup cli/shell ::< interaction state == :: ++ shell ::> console session $: id/bone ::< identifier latest/@ud ::< latest shown msg num say/sole-share ::< console state active/audience ::< active targets settings/(set term) ::< frontend settings width/@ud ::< display width timez/(pair ? @ud) ::< timezone adjustment == :: ++ move (pair bone card) ::< all actions ++ lime ::> diff fruit $% {$sole-effect sole-effect} :: == :: ++ pear ::> poke fruit $% {$hall-command command} :: {$hall-action action} :: == :: ++ card ::> general card $% {$diff lime} :: {$poke wire dock pear} :: {$peer wire dock path} :: == :: ++ work ::> interface action $% :: circle management :: {$join (map circle range)} ::< subscribe to {$leave audience} ::< unsubscribe from {$create security naem cord} ::< create circle {$delete naem (unit cord)} ::< delete circle {$depict naem cord} ::< change description {$filter naem ? ?} ::< change message rules {$invite naem (set ship)} ::< give permission {$banish naem (set ship)} ::< deny permission {$source naem (map circle range)} ::< add source {$unsource naem (map circle range)} ::< remove source :: personal metadata :: {$attend audience (unit presence)} ::< set our presence {$name audience human} ::< set our name :: messaging :: {$say (list speech)} ::< send message {$eval cord hoon} ::< send #-message {$target p/audience q/(unit work)} ::< set active targets {$reply $@(@ud {@u @ud}) (list speech)} ::< reply to :: displaying info :: {$number $@(@ud {@u @ud})} ::< relative/absolute {$who audience} ::< presence {$what (unit $@(char audience))} ::< show bound glyph :: ui settings :: {$bind char (unit audience)} ::< bind glyph {$unbind char (unit audience)} ::< unbind glyph {$nick (unit ship) (unit cord)} ::< un/set/show nick {$set term} ::< enable setting {$unset term} ::< disable setting {$width @ud} ::< change display width {$timez ? @ud} ::< adjust shown times :: miscellaneous :: {$show circle} ::< show membership {$hide circle} ::< hide membership {$help $~} ::< print usage info == :: ++ glyphs `wall`~[">=+-" "}),." "\"'`^" "$%&@"] ::< circle char pool ' -- :: ::> || ::> || %work ::> || ::> functional cores and arms. :: |_ {bol/bowl:gall state} :: ++ prep ::< prepare state ::> adapts state. :: |= old/(unit state) ^- (quip move _..prep) ?~ old ta-done:ta-init:ta =* o u.old =. count.o (lent grams.o) =+ %+ reel grams.o |= {t/telegram c/@ud k/(map serial @ud)} [+(c) (~(put by k) uid.t c)] =. known.o k [~ ..prep(+<+ u.old)] :: ::> || ::> || %utility ::> || ::> small utility functions. ::+| :: ++ our (true-self our.bol) :: ++ server ::< our hall instance ^- dock [our %hall] :: ++ inbox ::< client's circle name ::> produces the name of the circle used by this ::> client for all its operations ^- naem %inbox :: ++ incir ::< client's circle ::> ++inbox, except a full circle. ^- circle [our inbox] :: ++ renum ::< gram i# by serial ::> find the grams list index for gram with serial. |= ser/serial ^- (unit @ud) =+ num=(~(get by known) ser) ?~ num ~ `(sub count +(u.num)) :: ++ recall ::< gram by serial ::> find a known gram with serial {ser}. |= ser/serial ^- (unit telegram) =+ num=(renum ser) ?~ num ~ `(snag u.num grams) :: ++ bound-from-binds ::< bound from binds ::> using a mapping of character to audiences, create ::> a mapping of audience to character. :: |= bin/_binds ^+ bound %- ~(gas by *(map audience char)) =- (zing -) %+ turn ~(tap by bin) |= {a/char b/(set audience)} (turn ~(tap by b) |=(c/audience [c a])) :: ++ glyph ::< grab a glyph ::> finds a new glyph for assignment. :: |= idx/@ =< cha %+ reel glyphs |= {all/tape ole/{cha/char num/@}} =+ new=(snag (mod idx (lent all)) all) =+ num=~(wyt in (~(get ju binds) new)) ?~ cha.ole [new num] ?: (lth num.ole num) ole [new num] :: ++ peer-client ::< ui state peer move ^- move :* ost.bol %peer /server/client server /client == :: ++ peer-inbox ^- move :* ost.bol %peer /server/inbox server /circle/[inbox]/grams/config/group/(scot %ud count) == :: ::> || ::> || %engines ::> || ::> main cores. ::+| :: ++ ta :: per transaction ::> for every transaction/event (poke, peer etc.) ::> talk receives, the ++ta transaction core is ::> called. ::> in processing transactions, ++ta may modify app ::> state, or create moves. these moves get produced ::> upon finalizing the core's with with ++ta-done. ::> when making changes to the shell, the ++sh core is ::> used. :: |_ ::> moves: moves created by core operations. :: moves/(list move) :: ++ ta-done ::< resolve core ::> produces the moves stored in ++ta's moves. ::> %sole-effect moves get squashed into a %mor. :: ^+ [*(list move) +>] :_ +> :: seperate our sole-effects from other moves. =/ yop |- ^- (pair (list move) (list sole-effect)) ?~ moves [~ ~] =+ mor=$(moves t.moves) ?: ?& =(id.cli p.i.moves) ?=({$diff $sole-effect *} q.i.moves) == [p.mor [+>.q.i.moves q.mor]] [[i.moves p.mor] q.mor] :: flop moves, flop and squash sole-effects into a %mor. =+ moz=(flop p.yop) =/ foc/(unit sole-effect) ?~ q.yop ~ ?~ t.q.yop `i.q.yop ::< single sole-effect `[%mor (flop q.yop)] ::< more sole-effects :: produce moves or sole-effects and moves. ?~ foc moz ?~ id.cli ~&(%client-no-sole moz) [[id.cli %diff %sole-effect u.foc] moz] :: ::> || ::> || %emitters ::> || ::> arms that create outward changes. ::+| :: ++ ta-emil ::< emit move list ::> adds multiple moves to the core's list. ::> flops to emulate ++ta-emit. :: |= mol/(list move) %_(+> moves (welp (flop mol) moves)) :: ++ ta-emit ::< emit a move ::> adds a move to the core's list. :: |= mov/move %_(+> moves [mov moves]) :: ::> || ::> || %interaction-events ::> || ::> arms that apply events we received. ::+| :: ++ ta-init ::< initialize app ::> subscribes to our hall. :: %- ta-emil ^- (list move) ~[peer-client peer-inbox] :: ++ ta-take ::< accept prize ::> :: |= piz/prize ^+ +> ?+ -.piz +> $client %= +> binds gys.piz bound (bound-from-binds gys.piz) nicks nis.piz == :: $circle %. nes.piz %= ta-unpack sources (~(run in src.loc.cos.piz) head) mirrors (~(put by rem.cos.piz) incir loc.cos.piz) remotes (~(put by rem.pes.piz) incir loc.pes.piz) == == :: ++ ta-hear ::< apply change ::> :: |= rum/rumor ^+ +> ?+ -.rum +> $client ?- -.rum.rum $glyph (ta-change-glyph +.rum.rum) :: $nick +>(nicks (change-nicks nicks who.rum.rum nic.rum.rum)) == :: $circle (ta-change-circle rum.rum) == :: ++ ta-change-circle ::< apply circle change ::> :: |= rum/rumor-story ^+ +> ?+ -.rum ~&([%unexpected-circle-rumor -.rum] +>) :: $gram (ta-learn gam.nev.rum) :: $config =+ cur=(fall (~(get by mirrors) cir.rum) *config) =. +>.$ =< sh-done %- ~(sh-show-config sh cli) [cir.rum cur dif.rum] =? +>.$ &(?=($source -.dif.rum) add.dif.rum) =* cir cir.src.dif.rum =+ ren=~(cr-phat cr cir) =+ gyf=(~(get by bound) [cir ~ ~]) =< sh-done => :_ . %- ~(sh-act sh cli) [%notify [cir ~ ~] `%hear] ?^ gyf (sh-note "has glyph {[u.gyf ~]} for {ren}") :: we use the rendered circle name to determine :: the glyph for higher glyph consistency when :: federating. =+ cha=(glyph (mug ren)) (sh-work %bind cha `[cir ~ ~]) %= +>.$ sources ?. &(?=($source -.dif.rum) =(cir.rum incir)) sources %. cir.src.dif.rum ?: add.dif.rum ~(put in sources) ~(del in sources) :: mirrors ?: ?=($remove -.dif.rum) (~(del by mirrors) cir.rum) %+ ~(put by mirrors) cir.rum (change-config cur dif.rum) == :: $status =+ rem=(fall (~(get by remotes) cir.rum) *group) =+ cur=(fall (~(get by rem) who.rum) *status) =. +>.$ =< sh-done %- ~(sh-show-status sh cli) [cir.rum who.rum cur dif.rum] %= +>.$ remotes %+ ~(put by remotes) cir.rum ?: ?=($remove -.dif.rum) (~(del by rem) who.rum) %+ ~(put by rem) who.rum (change-status cur dif.rum) == == :: ++ ta-change-glyph ::< apply changed glyphs ::> applies new set of glyph bindings. :: |= {bin/? gyf/char aud/audience} ^+ +> =+ nek=(change-glyphs binds bin gyf aud) ?: =(nek binds) +>.$ :: no change =. binds nek =. bound (bound-from-binds nek) sh-done:~(sh-prod sh cli) :: ::> || ::> || %messages ::> || ::> storing and updating messages. ::+| :: ++ ta-unpack ::< open envelopes ::> the client currently doesn't care about nums. :: |= nes/(list envelope) ^+ +> (ta-lesson (turn nes tail)) :: ++ ta-lesson ::< learn messages ::> learn all telegrams in a list. :: |= gaz/(list telegram) ^+ +> ?~ gaz +> $(gaz t.gaz, +> (ta-learn i.gaz)) :: ++ ta-learn ::< save/update message ::> store an incoming telegram, updating if it ::> already exists. :: |= gam/telegram ^+ +> =+ old=(renum uid.gam) ?~ old (ta-append gam) ::< add (ta-revise u.old gam) ::< modify :: ++ ta-append ::< append message ::> store a new telegram. :: |= gam/telegram ^+ +> =: grams [gam grams] count +(count) known (~(put by known) uid.gam count) == =< sh-done (~(sh-gram sh cli) gam) :: ++ ta-revise ::< revise message ::> modify a telegram we know. :: |= {num/@ud gam/telegram} =+ old=(snag num grams) ?: =(gam old) +>.$ :: no change =. grams (oust [num 1] grams) ?: =(sep.gam sep.old) +>.$ :: no worthy change =< sh-done (~(sh-gram sh cli) gam) :: ::> || ::> || %console ::> || ::> arms for shell functionality. ::+| :: ++ ta-console ::< initialize shell ::> initialize the shell of this client. :: ^+ . =/ she/shell %*(. *shell id ost.bol, active (sy incir ~), width 80) sh-done:~(sh-prod sh she) :: ++ ta-sole ::< apply sole input ::> applies sole-action. :: |= act/sole-action ^+ +> ?. =(id.cli ost.bol) ~&(%strange-sole !!) sh-done:(~(sh-sole sh cli) act) :: ++ sh ::< per console ::> shell core, responsible for handling user input ::> and the related actions, and outputting changes ::> to the cli. :: |_ $: ::> she: console state. ::> man: our mailbox :: she/shell == :: ++ sh-done ::< resolve core ::> stores changes to the cli. :: ^+ +> +>(cli she) :: ::> || ::> || %emitters ::> || ::> arms that create outward changes. ::+| :: ++ sh-fact ::< send console effect ::> adds a console effect to ++ta's moves. :: |= fec/sole-effect ^+ +> +>(moves [[id.she %diff %sole-effect fec] moves]) :: ++ sh-act ::< send action ::> adds an action to ++ta's moves. :: |= act/action ^+ +> %= +> moves :_ moves :* ost.bol %poke /client/action server [%hall-action act] == == :: ::> || ::> || %cli-interaction ::> || ::> processing user input as it happens. ::+| :: ++ sh-sole ::< apply edit ::> applies sole action. :: |= act/sole-action ^+ +> ?- -.act $det (sh-edit +.act) $clr ..sh-sole :: (sh-pact ~) :: XX clear to PM-to-self? $ret sh-obey == :: ++ sh-edit ::< apply sole edit ::> called when typing into the cli prompt. ::> applies the change and does sanitizing. :: |= cal/sole-change ^+ +> =^ inv say.she (~(transceive sole say.she) cal) =+ fix=(sh-sane inv buf.say.she) ?~ lit.fix +>.$ :: just capital correction ?~ err.fix (sh-slug fix) :: allow interior edits and deletes ?. &(?=($del -.inv) =(+(p.inv) (lent buf.say.she))) +>.$ (sh-slug fix) :: ++ sh-read ::< command parser ::> parses the command line buffer. produces work ::> items which can be executed by ++sh-work. :: =< work ::> || %parsers ::> various parsers for command line input. |% ++ expr ::< [cord hoon] |= tub/nail %. tub %+ stag (crip q.tub) wide:(vang & [&1:% &2:% (scot %da now.bol) |3:%]) :: ++ dare ::< @dr %+ sear |= a/coin ?. ?=({$$ $dr @} a) ~ (some `@dr`+>.a) nuck:so :: ++ ship ;~(pfix sig fed:ag) ::< ship ++ shiz ::< ship set %+ cook |=(a/(list ^ship) (~(gas in *(set ^ship)) a)) (most ;~(plug com (star ace)) ship) :: ++ cire ::< local circle ;~(pfix cen sym) :: ++ circ ::< circle ;~ pose (cold incir col) ;~(pfix cen (stag our sym)) ;~(pfix fas (stag (sein:title our) sym)) :: %+ cook |= {a/@p b/(unit term)} [a ?^(b u.b %inbox)] ;~ plug ship (punt ;~(pfix fas urs:ab)) == == :: ++ circles-flat ::< collapse mixed list |= a/(list (each circle (set circle))) ^- (set circle) ?~ a ~ ?- -.i.a $& (~(put in $(a t.a)) p.i.a) $| (~(uni in $(a t.a)) p.i.a) == :: ++ cirs ::< non-empty circles %+ cook circles-flat %+ most ;~(plug com (star ace)) (^pick circ (sear sh-glyf glyph)) :: ++ drat ::< @da or @dr ::> pas: whether @dr's are in the past or not. |= pas/? =- ;~(pfix sig (sear - crub:so)) |= a/^dime ^- (unit @da) ?+ p.a ~ $da `q.a $dr :- ~ %. [now.bol q.a] ?:(pas sub add) == :: ++ pont ::< point for range ::> hed: whether this is the head or tail point. |= hed/? ;~ pose (cold [%da now.bol] (jest 'now')) (stag %da (drat hed)) (stag %ud dem:ag) == :: ++ rang ::< subscription range =+ ;~ pose (cook some ;~(pfix fas (pont |))) (easy ~) == ;~ pose (cook some ;~(plug ;~(pfix fas (pont &)) -)) (easy ~) == :: ++ sorz ::< non-empty sources %+ cook ~(gas by *(map circle range)) (most ;~(plug com (star ace)) ;~(plug circ rang)) :: ++ pick ::< message reference ;~(pose nump (cook lent (star sem))) :: ++ nump ::< number reference ;~ pose ;~(pfix hep dem:ag) ;~ plug (cook lent (plus (just '0'))) ;~(pose dem:ag (easy 0)) == (stag 0 dem:ag) == :: ++ pore ::< security (perk %channel %village %journal %mailbox ~) :: ++ lobe ::< y/n loob ;~ pose (cold %& ;~(pose (jest 'y') (jest '&') (just 'true'))) (cold %| ;~(pose (jest 'n') (jest '|') (just 'false'))) == :: ++ message ::< exp, lin or url msg ;~ pose ;~(plug (cold %eval hax) expr) (stag %say speeches) == :: ++ speeches ::< lin or url msgs %+ most (jest '•') ;~ pose (stag %url aurf:de-purl:html) :(stag %lin & ;~(pfix pat text)) :(stag %lin | ;~(less sem hax text)) == :: ++ text ::< msg without break %+ cook crip (plus ;~(less (jest '•') next)) :: ++ nick (cook crip (plus next)) ::< nickname ++ glyph (mask "/\\\{( parses cli prompt input using ++sh-read and ::> sanitizes when invalid. :: |= {inv/sole-edit buf/(list @c)} ^- {lit/(list sole-edit) err/(unit @u)} =+ res=(rose (tufa buf) sh-read) ?: ?=($| -.res) [[inv]~ `p.res] :_ ~ ?~ p.res ~ =+ wok=u.p.res |- ^- (list sole-edit) ?+ -.wok ~ :: $target ?~(q.wok ~ $(wok u.q.wok)) == :: ++ sh-slug ::< edit to sanity ::> corrects invalid prompt input. :: |= {lit/(list sole-edit) err/(unit @u)} ^+ +> ?~ lit +> =^ lic say.she (~(transmit sole say.she) `sole-edit`?~(t.lit i.lit [%mor lit])) (sh-fact [%mor [%det lic] ?~(err ~ [%err u.err]~)]) :: ++ sh-obey ::< apply result ::> called upon hitting return in the prompt. if ::> input is invalid, ++sh-slug is called. ::> otherwise, the appropriate work is done and ::> the entered command (if any) gets displayed ::> to the user. :: =+ fix=(sh-sane [%nop ~] buf.say.she) ?^ lit.fix (sh-slug fix) =+ jub=(rust (tufa buf.say.she) sh-read) ?~ jub (sh-fact %bel ~) %. u.jub =< sh-work =+ buf=buf.say.she =^ cal say.she (~(transmit sole say.she) [%set ~]) %- sh-fact :* %mor [%nex ~] [%det cal] ?. ?=({$';' *} buf) ~ ?: ?=($reply -.u.jub) ~ :_ ~ [%txt (runt [14 '-'] `tape`['|' ' ' (tufa `(list @)`buf)])] == :: ::> || ::> || %user-action ::> || ::> processing user actions. ::+| :: ++ sh-work ::< do work ::> implements worker arms for different talk ::> commands. ::> worker arms must produce updated state. :: |= job/work ^+ +> =< work |% :: ::> || ::> || %helpers ::> || ::+| :: ++ work ::< call correct worker ?- -.job :: circle management $join (join +.job) $leave (leave +.job) $create (create +.job) $delete (delete +.job) $depict (depict +.job) $filter (filter +.job) $invite (permit & +.job) $banish (permit | +.job) $source (source & +.job) $unsource (source | +.job) :: personal metadata $attend (attend +.job) $name (name +.job) :: messaging $say (say +.job) $eval (eval +.job) $target (target +.job) $reply (reply +.job) :: displaying info $number (number +.job) $who (who +.job) $what (what +.job) :: ui settings $bind (bind +.job) $unbind (unbind +.job) $nick (nick +.job) $set (wo-set +.job) $unset (unset +.job) $width (width +.job) $timez (timez +.job) :: miscelaneous $show (public & +.job) $hide (public | +.job) $help help == :: ++ activate ::< from %number ::> prints message details. :: |= gam/telegram ^+ ..sh-work =+ tay=~(. tr settings.she gam) =. ..sh-work (sh-fact tr-fact:tay) sh-prod(active.she aud.gam) :: ++ deli ::< find number ::> gets absolute message number from relative. :: |= {max/@ud nul/@u fin/@ud} ^- @ud =+ dog=|-(?:(=(0 fin) 1 (mul 10 $(fin (div fin 10))))) =. dog (mul dog (pow 10 nul)) =- ?:((lte - max) - (sub - dog)) (add fin (sub max (mod max dog))) :: ++ set-glyph ::< new glyph binding ::> applies glyph binding to our state and sends ::> an action. :: |= {cha/char aud/audience} =: bound (~(put by bound) aud cha) binds (~(put ju binds) cha aud) == sh-prod:(sh-act %glyph cha aud &) :: ++ unset-glyph ::< old glyph binding ::> removes either {aud} or all bindings on a ::> glyph and sends an action. :: |= {cha/char aud/(unit audience)} =/ ole/(set audience) ?^ aud [u.aud ~ ~] (~(get ju binds) cha) =. ..sh-work (sh-act %glyph cha (fall aud ~) |) |- ^+ ..sh-work ?~ ole ..sh-work =. ..sh-work $(ole l.ole) =. ..sh-work $(ole r.ole) %= ..sh-work bound (~(del by bound) n.ole) binds (~(del ju binds) cha n.ole) == :: ++ reverse-nicks ::< find by handle ::> finds all ships whose handle matches {nym}. :: |= nym/^nick ^- (list ship) %+ murn ~(tap by nicks) |= {p/ship q/^nick} ?. =(q nym) ~ [~ u=p] :: ++ hoon-head ::< eval data ::> makes a vase of environment data to evaluate ::> against (for #-messages). :: ^- vase !> ^- {our/@p now/@da eny/@uvI} [our now.bol (shas %eny eny.bol)] :: ::> || ::> || %circle-management ::> || ::+| :: ++ join ::< %join ::> change local mailbox config to include ::> subscriptions to {pas}. :: |= pos/(map circle range) ^+ ..sh-work =+ pas=~(key by pos) =. ..sh-work sh-prod(active.she pas) (sh-act %source inbox & pos) :: ++ leave ::< %leave ::> change local mailbox config to exclude ::> subscriptions to {pas}. :: |= pas/(set circle) ^+ ..sh-work =/ pos %- ~(run in pas) |=(p/circle [p ~]) =. ..sh-work (sh-act %source inbox | pos) (sh-act %notify pas ~) :: ++ create ::< %create ::> creates circle {nom} with specified config. :: |= {sec/security nom/naem txt/cord} ^+ ..sh-work =. ..sh-work (sh-act %create nom txt sec) (join [[[our nom] ~] ~ ~]) :: ++ delete ::< %delete ::> deletes our circle {nom}, after optionally ::> sending a last announce message {say}. :: |= {nom/naem say/(unit cord)} ^+ ..sh-work (sh-act %delete nom say) :: ++ depict ::< %depict ::> changes the description of {nom} to {txt}. :: |= {nom/naem txt/cord} ^+ ..sh-work (sh-act %depict nom txt) :: ++ permit ::< %invite / %banish ::> invites or banishes {sis} to/from our ::> circle {nom}. :: |= {inv/? nom/naem sis/(set ship)} ^+ ..sh-work (sh-act %permit nom inv sis) :: ++ filter |= {nom/naem cus/? utf/?} ^+ ..sh-work (sh-act %filter nom cus utf) :: ++ source ::< %source ::> adds {pas} to {nom}'s src. :: |= {sub/? nom/naem pos/(map circle range)} ^+ ..sh-work (sh-act %source nom sub pos) :: ::> || ::> || %personal-metadata ::> || ::+| :: ++ attend ::< set our presence ::> sets our presence to {pec} for {aud}. :: |= {aud/audience pec/(unit presence)} ^+ ..sh-work (sh-act %notify aud pec) :: ++ name ::< set our name ::> sets our name to {man} for {aud}. :: |= {aud/audience man/human} ^+ ..sh-work (sh-act %naming aud man) :: ::> || ::> || %messaging ::> || ::+| :: ++ say ::< publish ::> sends message. :: |= sep/(list speech) ^+ ..sh-work (sh-act %phrase active.she sep) :: ++ eval ::< run ::> executes {exe} and sends both its code and ::> result. :: |= {txt/cord exe/hoon} => |.([(sell (slap (slop hoon-head seed) exe))]~) =+ tan=p:(mule .) (say [%exp txt tan] ~) :: ++ target ::< %target ::> sets messaging target, then execute {woe}. :: |= {aud/audience woe/(unit ^work)} ^+ ..sh-work =. ..sh-pact (sh-pact aud) ?~(woe ..sh-work work(job u.woe)) :: ++ reply ::< %reply ::> send a reply to the selected message. :: |= {num/$@(@ud {p/@u q/@ud}) sep/(list speech)} ^+ ..sh-work :: =- (say (turn ... [%ire - s])) nest-fails on the - ??? ::TODO what's friendlier, reply-to-null or error? =/ ser/serial ?@ num ?: (gte num count) 0v0 uid:(snag num grams) ?: (gth q.num count) 0v0 ?: =(count 0) 0v0 =+ msg=(deli (dec count) num) uid:(snag (sub count +(msg)) grams) (say (turn sep |=(s/speech [%ire ser s]))) :: ::> || ::> || %displaying-info ::> || ::+| :: ++ who ::< %who ::> prints presence lists for {cis} or all. :: |= cis/(set circle) ^+ ..sh-work =< (sh-fact %mor (murn (sort ~(tap by remotes) aor) .)) |= {cir/circle gop/group} ^- (unit sole-effect) ?. |(=(~ cis) (~(has in cis) cir)) ~ ?: =(%mailbox sec.con:(fall (~(get by mirrors) cir) *config)) ~ ?. (~(has in sources) cir) ~ =- `[%tan rose+[", " `~]^- leaf+~(cr-full cr cir) ~] =< (murn (sort ~(tap by gop) aor) .) |= {a/ship b/presence c/human} ^- (unit tank) =? c =(han.c `(scot %p a)) [~ tru.c] ?- b $gone ~ $idle `leaf+:(weld "idle " (scow %p a) " " (trip (fall han.c ''))) $hear `leaf+:(weld "hear " (scow %p a) " " (trip (fall han.c ''))) $talk `leaf+:(weld "talk " (scow %p a) " " (trip (fall han.c ''))) == :: ++ what ::< %what ::> prints binding details. goes both ways. :: |= qur/(unit $@(char audience)) ^+ ..sh-work ?^ qur ?^ u.qur =+ cha=(~(get by bound) u.qur) (sh-fact %txt ?~(cha "none" [u.cha]~)) =+ pan=~(tap in (~(get ju binds) u.qur)) ?: =(~ pan) (sh-fact %txt "~") =< (sh-fact %mor (turn pan .)) |=(a/audience [%txt ~(ar-phat ar a)]) %+ sh-fact %mor %- ~(rep by binds) |= $: {gyf/char aus/(set audience)} lis/(list sole-effect) == %+ weld lis ^- (list sole-effect) %- ~(rep in aus) |= {a/audience l/(list sole-effect)} %+ weld l ^- (list sole-effect) [%txt [gyf ' ' ~(ar-phat ar a)]]~ :: ++ number ::< %number ::> finds selected message, expand it. :: |= num/$@(@ud {p/@u q/@ud}) ^+ ..sh-work |- ?@ num ?: (gte num count) (sh-lame "{(scow %s (new:si | +(num)))}: no such telegram") =. ..sh-fact (sh-fact %txt "? {(scow %s (new:si | +(num)))}") (activate (snag num grams)) ?. (gth q.num count) ?: =(count 0) (sh-lame "0: no messages") =+ msg=(deli (dec count) num) =. ..sh-fact (sh-fact %txt "? {(scow %ud msg)}") (activate (snag (sub count +(msg)) grams)) (sh-lame "…{(reap p.num '0')}{(scow %ud q.num)}: no such telegram") :: ::> || ::> || %ui-settings ::> || ::+| :: ++ bind ::< %bind ::> binds targets {aud} to the glyph {cha}. :: |= {cha/char aud/(unit audience)} ^+ ..sh-work ?~ aud $(aud `active.she) =+ ole=(~(get by bound) u.aud) ?: =(ole [~ cha]) ..sh-work %. "bound {} {}" sh-note:sh-prod:(set-glyph cha u.aud) :: ++ unbind ::< %unbind ::> unbinds targets {aud} to glyph {cha}. :: |= {cha/char aud/(unit audience)} ^+ ..sh-work ?. ?| &(?=(^ aud) (~(has by bound) u.aud)) &(?=($~ aud) (~(has by binds) cha)) == ..sh-work %. "unbound {}" sh-note:sh-prod:(unset-glyph cha aud) :: ++ nick ::< %nick ::> either shows, sets or unsets nicknames ::> depending on arguments. :: |= {her/(unit ship) nym/(unit ^nick)} ^+ ..sh-work ::> no arguments, show all ?: ?=({$~ $~} +<) %+ sh-fact %mor %+ turn ~(tap by nicks) |= {p/ship q/^nick} :- %txt "{

}: {}" ::> show her nick ?~ nym ?> ?=(^ her) =+ asc=(~(get by nicks) u.her) %+ sh-fact %txt ?~ asc "{} unbound" "{}: {}" ::> show nick ship ?~ her %+ sh-fact %mor %+ turn (reverse-nicks u.nym) |= p/ship [%txt "{

}: {}"] %. [%nick u.her (fall nym '')] %= sh-act nicks ?~ u.nym ::> unset nickname (~(del by nicks) u.her) ::> set nickname (~(put by nicks) u.her u.nym) == :: ++ wo-set ::< %set ::> enables ui setting flag. :: |= seg/term ^+ ..sh-work ?~ seg %+ sh-fact %mor %+ turn ~(tap in settings.she) |= s/term [%txt (trip s)] %= ..sh-work settings.she (~(put in settings.she) seg) == :: ++ unset ::< %unset ::> disables ui setting flag. :: |= neg/term ^+ ..sh-work %= ..sh-work settings.she (~(del in settings.she) neg) == :: ++ width ::< ;set width ::> change the display width in cli. :: |= wid/@ud ^+ ..sh-work ..sh-work(width.she (max 30 wid)) :: ++ timez ::< ;set timezone ::> adjust the displayed timestamp. :: |= tim/(pair ? @ud) ^+ ..sh-work ..sh-work(timez.she tim) :: ::> || ::> || %miscellaneous ::> || ::+| :: ++ public ::< show/hide membership ::> adds or removes the circle from the public ::> membership list. :: |= {add/? cir/circle} (sh-act %public add cir) :: ++ help ::< %help ::> prints help message :: (sh-fact %txt "see http://urbit.org/docs/using/messaging/") -- :: ++ sh-pact ::< update active aud ::> change currently selected audience to {aud} ::> and update the prompt. :: |= aud/audience ^+ +> ::> ensure we can see what we send. =+ act=(sh-pare aud) ?: =(active.she act) +>.$ sh-prod(active.she act) :: ++ sh-pare ::< adjust target list ::> if the audience {aud} does not contain a ::> circle we're subscribed to, add our mailbox ::> to the audience (so that we can see our own ::> message). :: |= aud/audience ?: (sh-pear aud) aud (~(put in aud) incir) :: ++ sh-pear ::< hearback ::> produces true if any circle is included in ::> our subscriptions, meaning, we hear messages ::> sent to {aud}. :: |= aud/audience ?~ aud | ?| (~(has in sources) `circle`n.aud) $(aud l.aud) $(aud r.aud) == :: ++ sh-glyf ::< decode glyph ::> finds the circle(s) that match a glyph. :: |= cha/char ^- (unit audience) =+ lax=(~(get ju binds) cha) ::> no circle. ?: =(~ lax) ~ ::> single circle. ?: ?=({* $~ $~} lax) `n.lax ::> in case of multiple audiences, pick the most recently active one. |- ^- (unit audience) ?~ grams ~ ::> get first circle from a telegram's audience. =+ pan=(silt ~(tap in aud.i.grams)) ?: (~(has in lax) pan) `pan $(grams t.grams) :: ::> || ::> || %differs ::> || ::> arms that calculate differences between datasets. ::+| :: ++ sh-group-diff ::< group diff parts ::> calculates the difference between two presence ::> lists, producing lists of removed, added and ::> changed presences. :: |= {one/group two/group} =| $= ret $: old/(list (pair ship status)) new/(list (pair ship status)) cha/(list (pair ship status)) == ^+ ret =. ret =+ eno=~(tap by one) |- ^+ ret ?~ eno ret =. ret $(eno t.eno) ?: =(%gone pec.q.i.eno) ret =+ unt=(~(get by two) p.i.eno) ?~ unt ret(old [i.eno old.ret]) ?: =(%gone pec.u.unt) ret(old [i.eno old.ret]) ?: =(q.i.eno u.unt) ret ret(cha [[p.i.eno u.unt] cha.ret]) =. ret =+ owt=~(tap by two) |- ^+ ret ?~ owt ret =. ret $(owt t.owt) ?: =(%gone pec.q.i.owt) ret ?. (~(has by one) p.i.owt) ret(new [i.owt new.ret]) ?: =(%gone pec:(~(got by one) p.i.owt)) ret(new [i.owt new.ret]) ret ret :: ++ sh-rempe-diff ::< remotes diff ::> calculates the difference between two remote ::> presence maps, producing a list of removed, ::> added and changed presences maps. :: |= {one/(map circle group) two/(map circle group)} =| $= ret $: old/(list (pair circle group)) new/(list (pair circle group)) cha/(list (pair circle group)) == ^+ ret =. ret =+ eno=~(tap by one) |- ^+ ret ?~ eno ret =. ret $(eno t.eno) =+ unt=(~(get by two) p.i.eno) ?~ unt ret(old [i.eno old.ret]) ?: =(q.i.eno u.unt) ret ret(cha [[p.i.eno u.unt] cha.ret]) =. ret =+ owt=~(tap by two) |- ^+ ret ?~ owt ret =. ret $(owt t.owt) ?: (~(has by one) p.i.owt) ret ret(new [i.owt new.ret]) ret :: ++ sh-remco-diff ::< config diff parts ::> calculates the difference between two config ::> maps, producing lists of removed, added and ::> changed configs. :: |= {one/(map circle config) two/(map circle config)} =| $= ret $: old/(list (pair circle config)) new/(list (pair circle config)) cha/(list (pair circle config)) == ^+ ret =. ret =+ eno=~(tap by one) |- ^+ ret ?~ eno ret =. ret $(eno t.eno) =+ unt=(~(get by two) p.i.eno) ?~ unt ret(old [i.eno old.ret]) ?: =(q.i.eno u.unt) ret ret(cha [[p.i.eno u.unt] cha.ret]) =. ret =+ owt=~(tap by two) |- ^+ ret ?~ owt ret =. ret $(owt t.owt) ?: (~(has by one) p.i.owt) ret ret(new [i.owt new.ret]) ret :: ++ sh-set-diff ::< set diff ::> calculates the difference between two sets, ::> procuding lists of removed and added items. :: |* {one/(set *) two/(set *)} :- ^= old ~(tap in (~(dif in one) two)) ^= new ~(tap in (~(dif in two) one)) :: ::> || ::> || %printers ::> || ::> arms for printing data to the cli. ::+| :: ++ sh-lame ::< send error ::> just puts some text into the cli as-is. :: |= txt/tape (sh-fact [%txt txt]) :: ++ sh-note ::< shell message ::> left-pads {txt} with heps and prints it. :: |= txt/tape ^+ +> (sh-fact %txt (runt [14 '-'] `tape`['|' ' ' (scag 64 txt)])) :: ++ sh-prod ::< show prompt ::> makes and stores a move to modify the cli ::> prompt to display the current audience. :: ^+ . %+ sh-fact %pro :+ & %talk-line ^- tape =/ rew/(pair (pair cord cord) audience) [['[' ']'] active.she] =+ cha=(~(get by bound) q.rew) ?^ cha ~[u.cha ' '] =+ por=~(ar-prom ar q.rew) (weld `tape`[p.p.rew por] `tape`[q.p.rew ' ' ~]) :: ++ sh-rend ::< print telegram ::> prints a telegram as rendered by ++tr-rend. :: |= gam/telegram ^+ +> =+ lis=~(tr-rend tr settings.she gam) ?~ lis +>.$ %+ sh-fact %mor %+ turn `(list tape)`lis =+ nom=(scag 7 (cite:title our)) |= t/tape ?. ?& (~(has in settings.she) %notify) ?=(^ (find nom (slag 15 t))) == [%txt t] [%mor [%txt t] [%bel ~] ~] :: ++ sh-numb ::< print msg number ::> prints a message number, left-padded by heps. :: |= num/@ud ^+ +> =+ bun=(scow %ud num) %+ sh-fact %txt (runt [(sub 13 (lent bun)) '-'] "[{bun}]") :: ++ sh-cure ::< readable security ::> renders a security kind. :: |= a/security ^- tape (scow %tas a) :: ++ sh-scis ::< render status ::> gets the presence of {saz} as a tape. :: |= sat/status ^- tape ['%' (trip pec.sat)] :: ++ sh-show-status ::< print status diff ::> prints presence changes to the cli. :: |= {cir/circle who/ship cur/status dif/diff-status} ^+ +> ?: (~(has in settings.she) %quiet) +> %- sh-note %+ weld (weld ~(cr-phat cr cir) ": ") ?- -.dif $full "hey {(scow %p who)} {(scow %tas pec.sat.dif)}" :: $presence "see {(scow %p who)} {(scow %tas pec.dif)}" :: $human %+ weld "nom {(scow %p who)}" ?: ?=($true -.dif.dif) ~ =- " '{(trip (fall han.man.cur ''))}' -> '{-}'" %- trip =- (fall - '') ?- -.dif.dif $full han.man.dif.dif $handle han.dif.dif == :: $remove "bye {(scow %p who)}" == :: ++ sh-show-config ::< show config ::> prints config changes to the cli. :: |= {cir/circle cur/config dif/diff-config} ^+ +> ?: (~(has in settings.she) %quiet) +> ?: ?=($full -.dif) (sh-note (weld "new " (~(cr-show cr cir) ~))) ?: ?=($remove -.dif) (sh-note (weld "rip " (~(cr-show cr cir) ~))) %- sh-note %+ weld (weld ~(cr-phat cr cir) ": ") ?- -.dif $source %+ weld ?:(add.dif "onn " "off ") ~(cr-full cr cir.src.dif) :: $caption "cap {(trip cap.dif)}" :: $filter ;: weld "fit: caps:" ?:(cas.fit.dif "Y" "n") " unic:" ?:(utf.fit.dif "✔" "n") == :: $secure "sec {(trip sec.con.cur)} -> {(trip sec.dif)}" :: $permit %+ weld =? add.dif ?=(?($channel $mailbox) sec.con.cur) !add.dif ?:(add.dif "inv " "ban ") ^- tape %- ~(rep in sis.dif) |= {s/ship t/tape} =? t ?=(^ t) (weld t ", ") (weld t (cite:title s)) == :: ++ sh-gram ::< show telegram ::> prints the telegram. every fifth message, ::> print the message number also. :: |= gam/telegram ^+ +> =+ num=(~(got by known) uid.gam) =. +>.$ :: if the number isn't directly after latest, print it always. ?. =(num +(latest.she)) (sh-numb num) :: if the number is directly after latest, print every fifth. ?. =(0 (mod num 5)) +>.$ (sh-numb num) (sh-rend(latest.she num) gam) :: ++ sh-grams ::< do show telegrams ::> prints multiple telegrams. :: |= gaz/(list telegram) ^+ +> ?~ gaz +> $(gaz t.gaz, +> (sh-gram i.gaz)) :: -- -- :: ::> || ::> || %renderers ::> || ::> rendering cores. ::+| :: ++ cr ::< circle renderer ::> used in both circle and ship rendering. :: |_ ::> one: the circle. :: one/circle :: ++ cr-beat ::< {one} more relevant? ::> returns true if one is better to show, false ::> otherwise. prioritizes: our > main > size. :: |= two/circle ^- ? :: the circle that's ours is better. ?: =(our hos.one) ?. =(our hos.two) & ?< =(nom.one nom.two) :: if both circles are ours, the main story is better. ?: =(%inbox nom.one) & ?: =(%inbox nom.two) | :: if neither are, pick the "larger" one. (lth nom.one nom.two) :: if one isn't ours but two is, two is better. ?: =(our hos.two) | ?: =(hos.one hos.two) :: if they're from the same ship, pick the "larger" one. (lth nom.one nom.two) :: if they're from different ships, neither ours, pick hierarchically. (lth (xeb hos.one) (xeb hos.two)) :: ++ cr-best ::< get most relevant ::> returns the most relevant circle. :: |= two/circle ?:((cr-beat two) one two) :: ++ cr-curt ::< render name in 14 ::> prints a ship name in 14 characters. left-pads ::> with spaces. {mup} signifies "are there other ::> targets besides this one?" :: |= mup/? ^- tape =+ raw=(cite:title hos.one) (runt [(sub 14 (lent raw)) ' '] raw) :: ++ cr-nick ::< nick or name in 14 ::> get nick for ship, or shortname if no nick. ::> left-pads with spaces. :: |= aud/audience ^- tape =/ nic/(unit cord) ?: (~(has by nicks) hos.one) (~(get by nicks) hos.one) %- ~(rep in aud) |= {cir/circle han/(unit cord)} ?^ han han =+ gop=(~(get by remotes) cir) ?~ gop ~ han.man:(fall (~(get by u.gop) hos.one) *status) ?~ nic (cr-curt |) =+ raw=(scag 14 (trip u.nic)) =+ len=(sub 14 (lent raw)) (weld (reap len ' ') raw) :: ++ cr-phat ::< render accurately ::> prints a circle fully, but still taking ::> "shortcuts" where possible: ::> ":" for local mailbox, "~ship" for foreign ::> mailbox, "%channel" for local circle, ::> "/channel" for parent circle. :: ^- tape ?: =(hos.one our) ?: =(nom.one inbox) ":" ['%' (trip nom.one)] =+ wun=(cite:title hos.one) ?: =(nom.one %inbox) wun ?: =(hos.one (sein:title our)) ['/' (trip nom.one)] :(welp wun "/" (trip nom.one)) :: ++ cr-full (cr-show ~) ::< render full width :: ++ cr-show ::< render circle ::> renders a circle as text. :: ::> moy: multiple circles in audience? |= moy/(unit ?) ^- tape :: render circle (as glyph if we can). ?~ moy =+ cha=(~(get by bound) one ~ ~) =- ?~(cha - "{u.cha ~} {-}") ~(cr-phat cr one) (~(cr-curt cr one) u.moy) -- :: ++ ar ::< audience renderer ::> used for representing audiences (sets of circles) ::> as tapes. :: |_ ::> aud: members of the audience. :: aud/audience :: ++ ar-best ::< most relevant ::> find the most relevant circle in the set. :: ^- (unit circle) ?~ aud ~ :- ~ |- ^- circle =+ lef=`(unit circle)`ar-best(aud l.aud) =+ rit=`(unit circle)`ar-best(aud r.aud) =? n.aud ?=(^ lef) (~(cr-best cr n.aud) u.lef) =? n.aud ?=(^ rit) (~(cr-best cr n.aud) u.rit) n.aud :: ++ ar-deaf ::< except for self ::> remove ourselves from the audience. :: ^+ . .(aud (~(del in aud) `circle`incir)) :: ++ ar-maud ::< multiple audience ::> checks if there's multiple circles in the ::> audience via pattern matching. :: ^- ? =. . ar-deaf !?=($@($~ {* $~ $~}) aud) :: ++ ar-phat ::< render full-size ::> render all circles, no glyphs. :: ^- tape %- ~(rep in aud) |= {c/circle t/tape} =? t ?=(^ t) (weld t ", ") (weld t ~(cr-phat cr c)) :: ++ ar-prom ::< render targets ::> render all circles, ordered by relevance. :: ^- tape =. . ar-deaf =/ all %+ sort `(list circle)`~(tap in aud) |= {a/circle b/circle} (~(cr-beat cr a) b) =+ fir=& |- ^- tape ?~ all ~ ;: welp ?:(fir "" " ") (~(cr-show cr i.all) ~) $(all t.all, fir |) == :: ++ ar-whom ::< render sender ::> render sender as the most relevant circle. :: (~(cr-show cr (need ar-best)) ~ ar-maud) :: ++ ar-dire ::< direct message ::> returns true if circle is a mailbox of ours. :: |= cir/circle ^- ? ?& =(hos.cir our) =+ sot=(~(get by mirrors) cir) &(?=(^ sot) ?=($mailbox sec.con.u.sot)) == :: ++ ar-glyf ::< audience glyph ::> get the glyph that corresponds to the audience. ::> for mailbox messages and complex audiences, use ::> reserved "glyphs". :: ^- tape =+ cha=(~(get by bound) aud) ?^ cha ~[u.cha] ?. (lien ~(tap by aud) ar-dire) "*" ?: ?=({^ $~ $~} aud) ":" ";" -- :: ++ tr ::< telegram renderer ::> responsible for converting telegrams and ::> everything relating to them to text to be ::> displayed in the cli. :: |_ $: ::> sef: settings flags. ::> \ telegram ::> who: author. ::> \ thought ::> sen: unique identifier. ::> aud: audience. ::> \ statement ::> wen: timestamp. ::> bou: complete aroma. ::> sep: message contents. :: sef/(set term) who/ship sen/serial aud/audience wen/@da sep/speech == :: ++ tr-fact ::< activate effect ::> produces sole-effect for printing message ::> details. :: ^- sole-effect ~[%mor [%tan tr-meta] tr-body] :: ++ tr-rend ::< render telegram ::> renders a telegram. ::> the first line will contain the author and ::> optional timestamp. :: ^- (list tape) =/ wyd %+ sub width.cli :: termwidth, %+ add 14 :: minus author, ?:((~(has in sef) %showtime) 10 0) :: minus timestamp. =+ txs=(tr-text wyd) ?~ txs ~ :: render the author. =/ nom/tape ?: (~(has in sef) %nicks) (~(cr-nick cr [who %inbox]) aud) (~(cr-curt cr [who %inbox]) |) :: regular indent. =/ den/tape (reap (lent nom) ' ') :: timestamp, if desired. =/ tam/tape ?. (~(has in sef) %showtime) "" =. wen %. [wen (mul q.timez.cli ~h1)] ?:(p.timez.cli add sub) =+ dat=(yore wen) =/ t |= a/@ %+ weld ?:((lth a 10) "0" ~) (scow %ud a) =/ time ;: weld "~" (t h.t.dat) "." (t m.t.dat) "." (t s.t.dat) == %+ weld (reap (sub +(wyd) (min wyd (lent (tuba i.txs)))) ' ') time %- flop %+ roll `(list tape)`txs |= {t/tape l/(list tape)} ?~ l [:(weld nom t tam) ~] [(weld den t) l] :: ++ tr-meta ::< metadata ::> builds string that display metadata, including ::> message serial, timestamp, author and audience. :: ^- tang =. wen (sub wen (mod wen (div wen ~s0..0001))) :: round =+ hed=leaf+"{(scow %uv sen)} at {(scow %da wen)}" =/ cis %+ turn ~(tap in aud) |= a/circle leaf+~(cr-full cr a) [%rose [" " ~ ~] [hed >who< [%rose [", " "to " ~] cis] ~]]~ :: ++ tr-body ::< message content ::> long-form display of message contents, specific ::> to each speech type. :: |- ^- sole-effect ?- -.sep $lin tan+~[leaf+"{?:(pat.sep "@ " "")}{(trip msg.sep)}"] :: $url url+(crip (apix:en-purl:html url.sep)) :: $exp mor+~[txt+"# {(trip exp.sep)}" tan+res.sep] :: $ire =+ gam=(recall top.sep) ?~ gam $(sep sep.sep) =- mor+[tan+- $(sep sep.sep) ~] %- flop %+ weld [%leaf "in reply to: {(cite:title aut.u.gam)}: "]~ %+ turn (~(tr-text tr sef u.gam) width.cli) |=(t/tape [%leaf t]) :: $fat [%mor $(sep sep.sep) tan+(tr-tach tac.sep) ~] :: $inv :- %tan :_ ~ :- %leaf %+ weld ?: inv.sep "you have been invited to " "you have been banished from " ~(cr-phat cr cir.sep) :: $app [%mor tan+~[leaf+"[{(trip app.sep)}]: "] $(sep sep.sep) ~] == :: ++ tr-tach ::< attachment ::> renders an attachment. :: |= a/attache ^- tang ?- -.a $name (welp $(a tac.a) leaf+"= {(trip nom.a)}" ~) $tank +.a $text (turn (flop +.a) |=(b/cord leaf+(trip b))) == :: ++ tr-chow ::< truncate ::> truncates the {txt} to be of max {len} ::> characters. if it does truncate, indicates it ::> did so by appending _ or …. :: |= {len/@u txt/tape} ^- tape ?: (gth len (lent txt)) txt =. txt (scag len txt) |- ?~ txt txt ?: =(' ' i.txt) |- :- '_' ?. ?=({$' ' *} t.txt) t.txt $(txt t.txt) ?~ t.txt "…" [i.txt $(txt t.txt)] :: ++ tr-text ::< compact contents ::> renders just the most important data of the ::> message. if possible, these stay within a single ::> line. ::TODO this should probably be redone someday. :: ::> pre: replace/append line prefix =| pre/(unit (pair ? tape)) |= wyd/@ud ^- (list tape) ?- -.sep $fat %+ weld $(sep sep.sep) ^- (list tape) ?+ -.tac.sep [" attached: ..." ~] $name [(scag wyd " attached: {(trip nom.tac.sep)}") ~] == :: $exp :- (tr-chow wyd '#' ' ' (trip exp.sep)) ?~ res.sep ~ =- [' ' (tr-chow (dec wyd) ' ' -)]~ ~(ram re (snag 0 `(list tank)`res.sep)) :: $ire $(sep sep.sep, pre `[| "^ "]) :: $url :_ ~ =+ ful=(apix:en-purl:html url.sep) =+ pef=q:(fall pre [p=| q=""]) :: clean up prefix if needed. =? pef =((scag 1 (flop pef)) " ") (scag (dec (lent pef)) pef) =. pef (weld "/" pef) =. wyd (sub wyd +((lent pef))) :: account for prefix. :: if the full url fits, just render it. ?: (gte wyd (lent ful)) :(weld pef " " ful) :: if it doesn't, prefix with _ and render just (the tail of) the domain. %+ weld (weld pef "_") =+ hok=r.p.p.url.sep =- (swag [a=(sub (max wyd (lent -)) wyd) b=wyd] -) ^- tape =< ?: ?=($& -.hok) (reel p.hok .) +:(scow %if p.hok) |= {a/knot b/tape} ?~ b (trip a) (welp b '.' (trip a)) :: $lin :: glyph prefix =/ pef/tape ?: &(?=(^ pre) p.u.pre) q.u.pre ?: pat.sep " " =- (weld - q:(fall pre [p=| q=" "])) %~ ar-glyf ar ?: =(who our) aud (~(del in aud) [who %inbox]) == =. wyd (sub wyd (min (div wyd 2) (lent pef))) =/ txt (tuba (trip msg.sep)) |- ^- (list tape) ?~ txt ~ =+ ^- {end/@ud nex/?} ?: (lte (lent txt) wyd) [(lent txt) &] =+ ace=(find " " (flop (scag +(wyd) `(list @c)`txt))) ?~ ace [wyd |] [(sub wyd u.ace) &] :- (weld pef (tufa (scag end `(list @c)`txt))) $(txt (slag ?:(nex +(end) end) `(list @c)`txt), pef (reap (lent pef) ' ')) :: $inv :_ ~ %+ tr-chow wyd %+ weld ?: inv.sep " invited you to " " banished you from " ~(cr-phat cr cir.sep) :: $app $(sep sep.sep, pre `[& "[{(trip app.sep)}]: "]) == -- :: ::> || ::> || %events ::> || ::+| :: ++ quit-server-client |= wir/wire ^- (quip move _+>) [[peer-client]~ +>] :: ++ quit-server-inbox |= wir/wire ^- (quip move _+>) [[peer-inbox]~ +>] :: ++ peer ::< accept subscription ::> incoming subscription on pax. :: |= pax/path ^- (quip move _+>) ?. (team:title src.bol our.bol) ~& [%peer-talk-stranger src.bol] [~ +>] ?. ?=({$sole *} pax) ~& [%peer-talk-strange pax] [~ +>] ta-done:ta-console:ta :: ++ diff-hall-prize ::< accept query answer ::> :: |= {way/wire piz/prize} ^- (quip move _+>) ta-done:(ta-take:ta piz) :: ++ diff-hall-rumor ::< accept query change ::> :: |= {way/wire rum/rumor} ^- (quip move _+>) ta-done:(ta-hear:ta rum) :: ++ poke-sole-action ::< accept console ::> incoming sole action. process it. :: |= act/sole-action ta-done:(ta-sole:ta act) :: ++ coup-client-action ::< accept n/ack ::> :: |= {wir/wire fal/(unit tang)} ^- (quip move _+>) ?~ fal [~ +>] %- (slog leaf+"action failed: " u.fal) [~ +>] --