!: :: lighter than eyre :: |= our=ship =, eyre :: internal data structures :: => =~ :: :: internal data structures that won't go in zuse :: |% +$ move :: $: :: duct: request identifier :: =duct :: :: card=(wind note gift) == :: +note: private request from eyre to another vane :: +$ note $% :: %b: to behn :: $: %b :: :: $% [%rest p=@da] [%wait p=@da] == == $: %c $>(%warp task:clay) == :: %d: to dill :: $: %d :: :: $% [%flog =flog:dill] == == :: %g: to gall :: $: %g :: :: $>(%deal task:gall) == == :: +sign: private response from another vane to eyre :: +$ sign $% $: %behn $% [%wake error=(unit tang)] == == $: %gall gift:gall :: $>(%unto gift:gall) :: == $: %clay gift:clay :: $>(%writ gift:clay) :: == == -- :: more structures :: |% ++ axle $: :: date: date at which http-server's state was updated to this data structure :: date=%~2023.4.11 :: server-state: state of inbound requests :: =server-state == :: +server-state: state relating to open inbound HTTP connections :: +$ server-state $: :: bindings: actions to dispatch to when a binding matches :: :: Eyre is responsible for keeping its bindings sorted so that it :: will trigger on the most specific binding first. Eyre should send :: back an error response if an already bound binding exists. :: :: TODO: It would be nice if we had a path trie. We could decompose :: the :binding into a (map (unit @t) (trie knot =action)). :: bindings=(list [=binding =duct =action]) :: cache: mapping from url to versioned entry :: cache=(map url=@t [aeon=@ud val=(unit cache-entry)]) :: cors-registry: state used and managed by the +cors core :: =cors-registry :: connections: open http connections not fully complete :: connections=(map duct outstanding-connection) :: authentication-state: state managed by the +authentication core :: =authentication-state :: channel-state: state managed by the +channel core :: =channel-state :: domains: domain-names that resolve to us :: domains=(set turf) :: http-config: our server configuration :: =http-config :: ports: live servers :: ports=[insecure=@ud secure=(unit @ud)] :: outgoing-duct: to unix :: outgoing-duct=duct :: verb: verbosity :: verb=@ == :: channel-request: an action requested on a channel :: +$ channel-request $% :: %ack: acknowledges that the client has received events up to :id :: [%ack event-id=@ud] :: %poke: pokes an application, validating :noun against :mark :: [%poke request-id=@ud ship=@p app=term mark=@tas =noun] :: %poke-json: pokes an application, translating :json to :mark :: [%poke-json request-id=@ud ship=@p app=term mark=@tas =json] :: %watch: subscribes to an application path :: [%subscribe request-id=@ud ship=@p app=term =path] :: %leave: unsubscribes from an application path :: [%unsubscribe request-id=@ud subscription-id=@ud] :: %delete: kills a channel :: [%delete ~] == :: clog-timeout: the delay between acks after which clog-threshold kicks in :: ++ clog-timeout ~s30 :: clog-threshold: maximum per-subscription event buildup, after clog-timeout :: ++ clog-threshold 50 :: channel-timeout: the delay before a channel should be reaped :: ++ channel-timeout ~h12 :: session-timeout: the delay before an idle session expires :: ++ session-timeout ~d7 -- :: utilities :: |% :: +combine-octs: combine multiple octs into one :: ++ combine-octs |= a=(list octs) ^- octs :- %+ roll a |= [=octs sum=@ud] (add sum p.octs) (can 3 a) :: +prune-events: removes all items from the front of the queue up to :id :: :: also produces, per request-id, the amount of events that have got acked, :: for use with +subtract-acked-events. :: ++ prune-events =| acked=(map @ud @ud) |= [q=(qeu [id=@ud @ud channel-event]) id=@ud] ^+ [acked q] :: if the queue is now empty, that's fine :: ?: =(~ q) [acked ~] :: =/ next=[item=[id=@ud request-id=@ud channel-event] _q] ~(get to q) :: if the head of the queue is newer than the acknowledged id, we're done :: ?: (gth id.item.next id) [acked q] :: otherwise, note the ack, and check next item :: %_ $ q +:next :: acked =, item.next %+ ~(put by acked) request-id +((~(gut by acked) request-id 0)) == :: +subtract-acked-events: update the subscription map's pending ack counts :: ++ subtract-acked-events |= [acked=(map @ud @ud) unacked=(map @ud @ud)] ^+ unacked %+ roll ~(tap by acked) |= [[rid=@ud ack=@ud] unacked=_unacked] ?~ sus=(~(get by unacked) rid) unacked %+ ~(put by unacked) rid ?: (lte u.sus ack) 0 (sub u.sus ack) :: +find-channel-mode: deduce requested mode from headers :: ++ find-channel-mode |= [met=method:http hes=header-list:http] ^- ?(%json %jam) =+ ^- [hed=@t jam=@t] ?: ?=(%'GET' met) ['x-channel-format' 'application/x-urb-jam'] ['content-type' 'application/octet-stream'] =+ typ=(bind (get-header:http hed hes) :(cork trip cass crip)) ?:(=(`jam typ) %jam %json) :: +parse-channel-request: parses a list of channel-requests :: ++ parse-channel-request |= [mode=?(%json %jam) body=octs] ^- (each (list channel-request) @t) ?- mode %json ?~ maybe-json=(de-json:html q.body) |+'put body not json' ?~ maybe-requests=(parse-channel-request-json u.maybe-json) |+'invalid channel json' &+u.maybe-requests :: %jam ?~ maybe-noun=(bind (slaw %uw q.body) cue) |+'invalid request format' ?~ maybe-reqs=((soft (list channel-request)) u.maybe-noun) ~& [%miss u.maybe-noun] |+'invalid request data' &+u.maybe-reqs == :: +parse-channel-request-json: parses a json list of channel-requests :: :: Parses a json array into a list of +channel-request. If any of the items :: in the list fail to parse, the entire thing fails so we can 400 properly :: to the client. :: ++ parse-channel-request-json |= request-list=json ^- (unit (list channel-request)) :: parse top :: =, dejs-soft:format =- ((ar -) request-list) :: |= item=json ^- (unit channel-request) :: ?~ maybe-key=((ot action+so ~) item) ~ ?: =('ack' u.maybe-key) ((pe %ack (ot event-id+ni ~)) item) ?: =('poke' u.maybe-key) %. item %+ pe %poke-json (ot id+ni ship+(su fed:ag) app+so mark+(su sym) json+some ~) ?: =('subscribe' u.maybe-key) %. item %+ pe %subscribe (ot id+ni ship+(su fed:ag) app+so path+(su stap) ~) ?: =('unsubscribe' u.maybe-key) %. item %+ pe %unsubscribe (ot id+ni subscription+ni ~) ?: =('delete' u.maybe-key) `[%delete ~] :: if we reached this, we have an invalid action key. fail parsing. :: ~ :: +login-page: internal page to login to an Urbit :: ++ login-page |= [redirect-url=(unit @t) our=@p failed=?] ^- octs =+ redirect-str=?~(redirect-url "" (trip u.redirect-url)) %- as-octs:mimes:html %- crip %- en-xml:html =/ favicon %+ weld "" "" ;html ;head ;meta(charset "utf-8"); ;meta(name "viewport", content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"); ;link(rel "icon", type "image/svg+xml", href (weld "data:image/svg+xml;utf8," favicon)); ;title:"Urbit" ;style:''' @import url("https://rsms.me/inter/inter.css"); @font-face { font-family: "Source Code Pro"; src: url("https://storage.googleapis.com/media.urbit.org/fonts/scp-regular.woff"); font-weight: 400; font-display: swap; } :root { --red05: rgba(255,65,54,0.05); --red100: rgba(255,65,54,1); --blue05: rgba(33,157,255,0.05); --blue30: rgba(33,157,255,0.3); --blue100: rgba(33,157,255,1); --black05: rgba(0,0,0,0.05); --black20: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); --black60: rgba(0,0,0,0.6); --white: rgba(255,255,255,1); } html { font-family: Inter, sans-serif; height: 100%; margin: 0; width: 100%; background: var(--white); color: var(--black100); -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 12px; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; justify-content: center; } body { display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; justify-content: center; max-width: 300px; padding: 1rem; width: 100%; } body > *, form > input { width: 100%; } form { display: flex; flex-flow: column; align-items: flex-start; } input { background: transparent; border: 1px solid var(--black20); padding: 8px; border-radius: 4px; font-size: inherit; color: var(--black); box-shadow: none; } input:disabled { background: var(--black05); color: var(--black60); } input:focus { outline: none; border-color: var(--blue30); } input:invalid:not(:focus) { background: var(--red05); border-color: var(--red100); outline: none; color: var(--red100); } button[type=submit] { margin-top: 16px; padding: 8px 16px; border-radius: 4px; background: var(--blue100); color: var(--white); border: 1px solid var(--blue100); } input:invalid ~ button[type=submit] { border-color: currentColor; background: var(--blue05); color: var(--blue30); pointer-events: none; } span.failed { display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 16px; align-items: center; margin-top: 6px; color: var(--red100); } span.failed svg { height: 12px; margin-right: 6px; } span.failed circle, span.failed line { fill: transparent; stroke: currentColor } .mono { font-family: 'Source Code Pro', monospace; } @media all and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root { --white: rgb(51, 51, 51); --black100: rgba(255,255,255,1); --black05: rgba(255,255,255,0.05); --black20: rgba(255,255,255,0.2); } } ''' == ;body ;p:"Urbit ID" ;input(value "{(scow %p our)}", disabled "true", class "mono"); ;p:"Access Key" ;form(action "/~/login", method "post", enctype "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ;input =type "password" =name "password" =placeholder "sampel-ticlyt-migfun-falmel" =class "mono" =required "true" =minlength "27" =maxlength "27" =pattern "((?:[a-z]\{6}-)\{3}(?:[a-z]\{6}))" =autofocus "true"; ;input(type "hidden", name "redirect", value redirect-str); ;+ ?. failed ;span; ;span.failed ;svg(xmlns "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox "0 0 12 12") ;circle(cx "6", cy "6", r "5.5"); ;line(x1 "3.27", y1 "3.27", x2 "8.73", y2 "8.73"); ;line(x1 "8.73", y1 "3.27", x2 "3.27", y2 "8.73"); == Key is incorrect == ;button(type "submit"):"Continue" == == ;script:''' var failSpan = document.querySelector('.failed'); if (failSpan) { document.querySelector("input[type=password]") .addEventListener('keyup', function (event) { failSpan.style.display = 'none'; }); } ''' == :: +render-tang-to-marl: renders a tang and adds
tags between each line :: ++ render-tang-to-marl |= [wid=@u tan=tang] ^- marl =/ raw=(list tape) (zing (turn tan |=(a=tank (wash 0^wid a)))) :: |- ^- marl ?~ raw ~ [;/(i.raw) ;br; $(raw t.raw)] :: +render-tang-to-wall: renders tang as text lines :: ++ render-tang-to-wall |= [wid=@u tan=tang] ^- wall (zing (turn tan |=(a=tank (wash 0^wid a)))) :: +wall-to-octs: text to binary output :: ++ wall-to-octs |= =wall ^- (unit octs) :: ?: =(~ wall) ~ :: :- ~ %- as-octs:mimes:html %- crip %- zing ^- ^wall %- zing ^- (list ^wall) %+ turn wall |= t=tape ^- ^wall ~[t "\0a"] :: +internal-server-error: 500 page, with a tang :: ++ internal-server-error |= [authorized=? url=@t t=tang] ^- octs %- as-octs:mimes:html %- crip %- en-xml:html ;html ;head ;title:"500 Internal Server Error" == ;body ;h1:"Internal Server Error" ;p:"There was an error while handling the request for {(trip url)}." ;* ?: authorized ;= ;code:"*{(render-tang-to-marl 80 t)}" == ~ == == :: +error-page: error page, with an error string if logged in :: ++ error-page |= [code=@ud authorized=? url=@t t=tape] ^- octs :: =/ code-as-tape=tape (format-ud-as-integer code) =/ message=tape ?+ code "{(scow %ud code)} Error" %400 "Bad Request" %403 "Forbidden" %404 "Not Found" %405 "Method Not Allowed" %500 "Internal Server Error" == :: %- as-octs:mimes:html %- crip %- en-xml:html ;html ;head ;title:"{code-as-tape} {message}" == ;body ;h1:"{message}" ;p:"There was an error while handling the request for {(trip url)}." ;* ?: authorized ;= ;code:"{t}" == ~ == == :: +format-ud-as-integer: prints a number for consumption outside urbit :: ++ format-ud-as-integer |= a=@ud ^- tape ?: =(0 a) ['0' ~] %- flop |- ^- tape ?:(=(0 a) ~ [(add '0' (mod a 10)) $(a (div a 10))]) :: +host-matches: %.y if the site :binding should be used to handle :host :: ++ host-matches |= [binding=(unit @t) host=(unit @t)] ^- ? :: if the binding allows for matching anything, match :: ?~ binding %.y :: if the host is ~, that means we're trying to bind nothing to a real :: binding. fail. :: ?~ host %.n :: otherwise, do a straight comparison :: =(u.binding u.host) :: +find-suffix: returns [~ /tail] if :full is (weld :prefix /tail) :: ++ find-suffix |= [prefix=path full=path] ^- (unit path) ?~ prefix `full ?~ full ~ ?. =(i.prefix i.full) ~ $(prefix t.prefix, full t.full) :: +simplified-url-parser: returns [(each @if @t) (unit port=@ud)] :: ++ simplified-url-parser ;~ plug ;~ pose %+ stag %ip =+ tod=(ape:ag ted:ab) %+ bass 256 ;~(plug tod (stun [3 3] ;~(pfix dot tod))) :: (stag %site (cook crip (star ;~(pose dot alp)))) == ;~ pose (stag ~ ;~(pfix col dim:ag)) (easy ~) == == :: +host-sans-port: strip the : from a host string :: ++ host-sans-port ;~ sfix %+ cook crip %- star ;~ less ;~(plug col (punt dem) ;~(less next (easy ~))) next == (star next) == :: +per-server-event: per-event server core :: ++ per-server-event ~% %eyre-per-server-event ..part ~ :: gate that produces the +per-server-event core from event information :: |= [[eny=@ =duct now=@da rof=roof] state=server-state] =/ eyre-id (scot %ta (cat 3 'eyre_' (scot %uv (sham duct)))) |% :: +request-local: bypass authentication for local lens connections :: ++ request-local |= [secure=? =address =request:http] ^- [(list move) server-state] :: =/ act [%app app=%lens] :: =/ connection=outstanding-connection [act [& secure address request] ~ 0] :: =. connections.state %. (~(put by connections.state) duct connection) (trace 2 |.("{} creating local")) :: :_ state (subscribe-to-app app.act inbound-request.connection) :: +request: starts handling an inbound http request :: ++ request |= [secure=? =address =request:http] ^- [(list move) server-state] =* headers header-list.request :: for requests from localhost, respect the "forwarded" header :: =/ [secure=? =^address] =* same [secure address] ?. =([%ipv4 .] address) same ?~ forwards=(forwarded-params headers) same :- (fall (forwarded-secure u.forwards) secure) (fall (forwarded-for u.forwards) address) :: =/ host (get-header:http 'host' headers) =/ [=action suburl=@t] (get-action-for-binding host url.request) :: =/ authenticated (request-is-logged-in:authentication request) :: record that we started an asynchronous response :: =/ connection=outstanding-connection [action [authenticated secure address request] ~ 0] =. connections.state :: XX pretty sure this is superfluous - done in +handle-response (~(put by connections.state) duct connection) :: redirect to https if insecure, redirects enabled :: and secure port live :: ?: ?& !secure redirect.http-config.state ?=(^ secure.ports.state) == =/ location=@t %+ rap 3 :~ 'https://' (rash (fall host '') host-sans-port) ?: =(443 u.secure.ports.state) '' (crip ":{(a-co:co u.secure.ports.state)}") ?: ?=([[~ ~] ~] (parse-request-line url.request)) '/' url.request == %- handle-response :* %start :- status-code=301 headers=['location' location]~ data=~ complete=%.y == :: figure out whether this is a cors request, :: whether the origin is approved or not, :: and maybe add it to the "pending approval" set :: =/ origin=(unit origin) (get-header:http 'origin' headers) =^ cors-approved requests.cors-registry.state =, cors-registry.state ?~ origin [| requests] ?: (~(has in approved) u.origin) [& requests] ?: (~(has in rejected) u.origin) [| requests] [| (~(put in requests) u.origin)] :: if this is a cors preflight request from an approved origin :: handle it synchronously :: ?: &(?=(^ origin) cors-approved ?=(%'OPTIONS' method.request)) %- handle-response =; =header-list:http [%start [204 header-list] ~ &] :: allow the method and headers that were asked for, :: falling back to wildcard if none specified :: ::NOTE +handle-response will add the rest of the headers :: :~ :- 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' =- (fall - '*') (get-header:http 'access-control-request-method' headers) :: :- 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' =- (fall - '*') (get-header:http 'access-control-request-headers' headers) == :: handle requests to the cache :: =/ entry (~(get by cache.state) url.request) ?: &(?=(^ entry) ?=(%'GET' method.request)) (handle-cache-req authenticated request val.u.entry) :: ?- -.action %gen =/ bek=beak [our desk.generator.action da+now] =/ sup=spur path.generator.action =/ ski (rof ~ %ca bek sup) =/ cag=cage (need (need ski)) ?> =(%vase p.cag) =/ gat=vase !<(vase q.cag) =/ res=toon %- mock :_ (look rof ~) :_ [%9 2 %0 1] |. %+ slam %+ slam gat !>([[now=now eny=eny bek=bek] ~ ~]) !>([authenticated request]) ?: ?=(%2 -.res) =+ connection=(~(got by connections.state) duct) %^ return-static-data-on-duct 500 'text/html' %: internal-server-error authenticated.inbound-request.connection url.request.inbound-request.connection leaf+"generator crashed" p.res == ?: ?=(%1 -.res) =+ connection=(~(got by connections.state) duct) %^ return-static-data-on-duct 500 'text/html' %: internal-server-error authenticated.inbound-request.connection url.request.inbound-request.connection leaf+"scry blocked on" (fall (bind (bind ((soft path) p.res) smyt) (late ~)) ~) == =/ result ;;(simple-payload:http +.p.res) :: ensure we have a valid content-length header :: :: We pass on the response and the headers the generator produces, but :: ensure that we have a single content-length header set correctly in :: the returned if this has a body, and has no content-length if there :: is no body returned to the client. :: =. headers.response-header.result ?~ data.result (delete-header:http 'content-length' headers.response-header.result) :: %^ set-header:http 'content-length' (crip (format-ud-as-integer p.u.data.result)) headers.response-header.result :: %- handle-response ^- http-event:http :* %start response-header.result data.result complete=%.y == :: %app :_ state (subscribe-to-app app.action inbound-request.connection) :: %authentication (handle-request:authentication secure address request) :: %logout (handle-logout:authentication authenticated request) :: %channel (handle-request:by-channel secure authenticated address request) :: %scry (handle-scry authenticated address request(url suburl)) :: %name (handle-name authenticated request) :: %four-oh-four %^ return-static-data-on-duct 404 'text/html' (error-page 404 authenticated url.request ~) == :: +handle-name: respond with our @p or 403 :: ++ handle-name |= [authenticated=? =request:http] |^ ^- (quip move server-state) ?. authenticated (error-response 403 ~) ?. =(%'GET' method.request) (error-response 405 "may only GET name") %^ return-static-data-on-duct 200 'text/plain' (as-octs:mimes:html (scot %p our)) :: ++ error-response |= [status=@ud =tape] ^- (quip move server-state) %^ return-static-data-on-duct status 'text/html' (error-page status authenticated url.request tape) -- :: +handle-cache-req: respond with cached value, 404 or 500 :: ++ handle-cache-req |= [authenticated=? =request:http entry=(unit cache-entry)] |^ ^- (quip move server-state) ?~ entry (error-response 404 "cache entry for that binding was deleted") ?: &(auth.u.entry !authenticated) (error-response 403 ~) =* body body.u.entry ?- -.body %payload %- handle-response :* %start response-header.simple-payload.body data.simple-payload.body complete=%.y == == :: ++ error-response |= [status=@ud =tape] ^- (quip move server-state) %^ return-static-data-on-duct status 'text/html' (error-page status authenticated url.request tape) -- :: +handle-scry: respond with scry result, 404 or 500 :: ++ handle-scry |= [authenticated=? =address =request:http] |^ ^- (quip move server-state) ?. authenticated (error-response 403 ~) ?. =(%'GET' method.request) (error-response 405 "may only GET scries") :: make sure the path contains an app to scry into :: =+ req=(parse-request-line url.request) ?. ?=(^ site.req) (error-response 400 "scry path must start with app name") :: attempt the scry that was asked for :: =/ res=(unit (unit cage)) (do-scry %gx i.site.req (snoc t.site.req (fall ext.req %mime))) ?~ res (error-response 500 "failed scry") ?~ u.res (error-response 404 "no scry result") =* mark p.u.u.res =* vase q.u.u.res :: attempt to find conversion gate to mime :: =/ tub=(unit tube:clay) (find-tube i.site.req mark %mime) ?~ tub (error-response 500 "no tube from {(trip mark)} to mime") :: attempt conversion, then send results :: =/ mym=(each mime tang) (mule |.(!<(mime (u.tub vase)))) ?- -.mym %| (error-response 500 "failed tube from {(trip mark)} to mime") %& %+ return-static-data-on-duct 200 [(rsh 3 (spat p.p.mym)) q.p.mym] == :: ++ find-tube |= [dap=term from=mark to=mark] ^- (unit tube:clay) ?: =(from to) `(bake same vase) =/ des=(unit (unit cage)) (do-scry %gd dap ~) ?. ?=([~ ~ *] des) ~ =+ !<(=desk q.u.u.des) =/ tub=(unit (unit cage)) (do-scry %cc desk /[from]/[to]) ?. ?=([~ ~ %tube *] tub) ~ `!<(tube:clay q.u.u.tub) :: ++ do-scry |= [care=term =desk =path] ^- (unit (unit cage)) (rof ~ care [our desk da+now] path) :: ++ error-response |= [status=@ud =tape] ^- (quip move server-state) %^ return-static-data-on-duct status 'text/html' (error-page status authenticated url.request tape) -- :: +subscribe-to-app: subscribe to app and poke it with request data :: ++ subscribe-to-app |= [app=term =inbound-request:eyre] ^- (list move) :~ :* duct %pass /watch-response/[eyre-id] %g %deal [our our] app %watch /http-response/[eyre-id] == :: :* duct %pass /run-app-request/[eyre-id] %g %deal [our our] app %poke %handle-http-request !>(`[@ta inbound-request:eyre]`[eyre-id inbound-request]) == == :: +cancel-request: handles a request being externally aborted :: ++ cancel-request ^- [(list move) server-state] :: ?~ connection=(~(get by connections.state) duct) :: nothing has handled this connection :: [~ state] :: =. connections.state (~(del by connections.state) duct) :: ?- -.action.u.connection %gen [~ state] %app :_ state :_ ~ %- (trace 1 |.("leaving subscription to {}")) :* duct %pass /watch-response/[eyre-id] %g %deal [our our] app.action.u.connection %leave ~ == :: ?(%authentication %logout %name) [~ state] :: %channel on-cancel-request:by-channel :: ?(%scry %four-oh-four) :: it should be impossible for a scry or 404 page to be asynchronous :: !! == :: +return-static-data-on-duct: returns one piece of data all at once :: ++ return-static-data-on-duct |= [code=@ content-type=@t data=octs] ^- [(list move) server-state] :: %- handle-response :* %start :- status-code=code ^= headers :~ ['content-type' content-type] ['content-length' (crip (format-ud-as-integer p.data))] == data=[~ data] complete=%.y == :: +authentication: per-event authentication as this Urbit's owner :: :: Right now this hard codes the authentication page using the old +code :: system, but in the future should be pluggable so we can use U2F or :: WebAuthn or whatever is more secure than passwords. :: ++ authentication |% :: +handle-request: handles an http request for the login page :: ++ handle-request |= [secure=? =address =request:http] ^- [(list move) server-state] :: :: if we received a simple get, just return the page :: ?: =('GET' method.request) :: parse the arguments out of request uri :: =+ request-line=(parse-request-line url.request) %^ return-static-data-on-duct 200 'text/html' (login-page (get-header:http 'redirect' args.request-line) our %.n) :: if we are not a post, return an error :: ?. =('POST' method.request) (return-static-data-on-duct 400 'text/html' (login-page ~ our %.n)) :: we are a post, and must process the body type as form data :: ?~ body.request (return-static-data-on-duct 400 'text/html' (login-page ~ our %.n)) :: =/ parsed=(unit (list [key=@t value=@t])) (rush q.u.body.request yquy:de-purl:html) ?~ parsed (return-static-data-on-duct 400 'text/html' (login-page ~ our %.n)) :: =/ redirect=(unit @t) (get-header:http 'redirect' u.parsed) ?~ password=(get-header:http 'password' u.parsed) (return-static-data-on-duct 400 'text/html' (login-page redirect our %.n)) :: check that the password is correct :: ?. =(u.password code) (return-static-data-on-duct 400 'text/html' (login-page redirect our %.y)) :: mint a unique session cookie :: =/ session=@uv |- =/ candidate=@uv (~(raw og eny) 128) ?. (~(has by sessions.authentication-state.state) candidate) candidate $(eny (shas %try-again candidate)) :: record cookie and record expiry time :: =/ first-session=? =(~ sessions.authentication-state.state) =/ expires-at=@da (add now session-timeout) =. sessions.authentication-state.state (~(put by sessions.authentication-state.state) session [expires-at ~]) :: =/ cookie-line=@t (session-cookie-string session &) :: =; out=[moves=(list move) server-state] =. moves.out [give-session-tokens moves.out] :: if we didn't have any cookies previously, start the expiry timer :: ?. first-session out =- out(moves [- moves.out]) [duct %pass /sessions/expire %b %wait expires-at] :: ?~ redirect %- handle-response :* %start :- status-code=204 ^= headers :~ ['set-cookie' cookie-line] == data=~ complete=%.y == :: =/ actual-redirect ?:(=(u.redirect '') '/' u.redirect) %- handle-response :* %start :- status-code=303 ^= headers :~ ['location' actual-redirect] ['set-cookie' cookie-line] == data=~ complete=%.y == :: +handle-logout: handles an http request for logging out :: ++ handle-logout |= [authenticated=? =request:http] ^- [(list move) server-state] :: whatever we end up doing, we always redirect to the login page :: =/ response=$>(%start http-event:http) :* %start response-header=[303 ['location' '/~/login']~] data=~ complete=%.y == :: =/ session-id=(unit @uv) (session-id-from-request request) =? headers.response-header.response ?=(^ session-id) :_ headers.response-header.response ['set-cookie' (session-cookie-string u.session-id |)] ?. &(authenticated ?=(^ session-id)) (handle-response response) :: delete the requesting session, or all sessions if so specified :: =^ channels=(list @t) sessions.authentication-state.state =* sessions sessions.authentication-state.state =/ all=? ?~ body.request | =- ?=(^ -) %+ get-header:http 'all' (fall (rush q.u.body.request yquy:de-purl:html) ~) ?. all :_ (~(del by sessions) u.session-id) %~ tap in channels:(~(gut by sessions) u.session-id *session) :_ ~ %~ tap in %+ roll ~(val by sessions) |= [session all=(set @t)] (~(uni in all) channels) :: close all affected channels, then send the response :: =| moves=(list move) |- ^- (quip move server-state) ?~ channels =^ moz state (handle-response response) [[give-session-tokens (weld moves moz)] state] %- (trace 1 |.("{(trip i.channels)} discarding channel due to logout")) =^ moz state (discard-channel:by-channel i.channels |) $(moves (weld moves moz), channels t.channels) :: +session-id-from-request: attempt to find a session cookie :: ++ session-id-from-request |= =request:http ^- (unit @uv) :: are there cookies passed with this request? :: :: TODO: In HTTP2, the client is allowed to put multiple 'Cookie' :: headers. :: ?~ cookie-header=(get-header:http 'cookie' header-list.request) ~ :: is the cookie line is valid? :: ?~ cookies=(rush u.cookie-header cock:de-purl:html) ~ :: is there an urbauth cookie? :: ?~ urbauth=(get-header:http (crip "urbauth-{(scow %p our)}") u.cookies) ~ :: if it's formatted like a valid session cookie, produce it :: `(unit @)`(rush u.urbauth ;~(pfix (jest '0v') viz:ag)) :: +request-is-logged-in: checks to see if the request is authenticated :: :: We are considered logged in if this request has an urbauth :: Cookie which is not expired. :: ++ request-is-logged-in |= =request:http ^- ? :: does the request pass a session cookie? :: ?~ session-id=(session-id-from-request request) %.n :: is this a session that we know about? :: ?~ session=(~(get by sessions.authentication-state.state) `@uv`u.session-id) %.n :: is this session still valid? :: (lte now expiry-time.u.session) :: +code: returns the same as |code :: ++ code ^- @ta =/ res=(unit (unit cage)) (rof ~ %j [our %code da+now] /(scot %p our)) (rsh 3 (scot %p ;;(@ q.q:(need (need res))))) :: +session-cookie-string: compose session cookie :: ++ session-cookie-string |= [session=@uv extend=?] ^- @t %- crip =; max-age=tape "urbauth-{(scow %p our)}={(scow %uv session)}; Path=/; Max-Age={max-age}" %- format-ud-as-integer ?. extend 0 (div (msec:milly session-timeout) 1.000) -- :: +channel: per-event handling of requests to the channel system :: :: Eyre offers a remote interface to your Urbit through channels, which :: are persistent connections on the server which can be disconnected and :: reconnected on the client. :: ++ by-channel :: moves: the moves to be sent out at the end of this event, reversed :: =| moves=(list move) |% :: +handle-request: handles an http request for the subscription system :: ++ handle-request |= [secure=? authenticated=? =address =request:http] ^- [(list move) server-state] :: if we're not authenticated error, but don't redirect. :: :: We don't redirect because subscription stuff is never the toplevel :: page; issuing a redirect won't help. :: ?. authenticated %^ return-static-data-on-duct 403 'text/html' (error-page 403 authenticated url.request "unauthenticated channel usage") :: parse out the path key the subscription is on :: =+ request-line=(parse-request-line url.request) ?. ?=([@t @t @t ~] site.request-line) :: url is not of the form '/~/channel/' :: %^ return-static-data-on-duct 400 'text/html' (error-page 400 authenticated url.request "malformed channel url") :: channel-id: unique channel id parsed out of url :: =+ channel-id=i.t.t.site.request-line :: ?: =('PUT' method.request) :: PUT methods starts/modifies a channel, and returns a result immediately :: (on-put-request channel-id request) :: ?: =('GET' method.request) (on-get-request channel-id request) ?: =('POST' method.request) :: POST methods are used solely for deleting channels (on-put-request channel-id request) :: ((trace 0 |.("session not a put")) `state) :: +on-cancel-request: cancels an ongoing subscription :: :: One of our long lived sessions just got closed. We put the associated :: session back into the waiting state. :: ++ on-cancel-request ^- [(list move) server-state] :: lookup the session id by duct :: %- (trace 1 |.("{} moving channel to waiting state")) :: ?~ maybe-channel-id=(~(get by duct-to-key.channel-state.state) duct) ((trace 0 |.("{} no channel to move")) `state) :: =/ maybe-session (~(get by session.channel-state.state) u.maybe-channel-id) ?~ maybe-session ((trace 1 |.("{} session doesn't exist")) `state) :: =/ heartbeat-cancel=(list move) ?~ heartbeat.u.maybe-session ~ :~ %^ cancel-heartbeat-move u.maybe-channel-id date.u.heartbeat.u.maybe-session duct.u.heartbeat.u.maybe-session == :: =/ expiration-time=@da (add now channel-timeout) :: :- %+ weld heartbeat-cancel [(set-timeout-move u.maybe-channel-id expiration-time) moves] %_ state session.channel-state %+ ~(jab by session.channel-state.state) u.maybe-channel-id |= =channel :: if we are canceling a known channel, it should have a listener :: ?> ?=([%| *] state.channel) channel(state [%& [expiration-time duct]], heartbeat ~) :: duct-to-key.channel-state (~(del by duct-to-key.channel-state.state) duct) == :: +set-timeout-timer-for: sets a timeout timer on a channel :: :: This creates a channel if it doesn't exist, cancels existing timers :: if they're already set (we cannot have duplicate timers), and (if :: necessary) moves channels from the listening state to the expiration :: state. :: ++ update-timeout-timer-for |= [mode=?(%json %jam) channel-id=@t] ^+ ..update-timeout-timer-for :: when our callback should fire :: =/ expiration-time=@da (add now channel-timeout) :: if the channel doesn't exist, create it and set a timer :: ?~ maybe-channel=(~(get by session.channel-state.state) channel-id) :: %_ ..update-timeout-timer-for session.channel-state.state %+ ~(put by session.channel-state.state) channel-id [mode [%& expiration-time duct] 0 now ~ ~ ~ ~] :: moves [(set-timeout-move channel-id expiration-time) moves] == :: if the channel has an active listener, we aren't setting any timers :: ?: ?=([%| *] state.u.maybe-channel) ..update-timeout-timer-for :: we have a previous timer; cancel the old one and set the new one :: %_ ..update-timeout-timer-for session.channel-state.state %+ ~(jab by session.channel-state.state) channel-id |= =channel channel(state [%& [expiration-time duct]]) :: moves :* (cancel-timeout-move channel-id p.state.u.maybe-channel) (set-timeout-move channel-id expiration-time) moves == == :: ++ set-heartbeat-move |= [channel-id=@t heartbeat-time=@da] ^- move :^ duct %pass /channel/heartbeat/[channel-id] [%b %wait heartbeat-time] :: ++ cancel-heartbeat-move |= [channel-id=@t heartbeat-time=@da =^duct] ^- move :^ duct %pass /channel/heartbeat/[channel-id] [%b %rest heartbeat-time] :: ++ set-timeout-move |= [channel-id=@t expiration-time=@da] ^- move [duct %pass /channel/timeout/[channel-id] %b %wait expiration-time] :: ++ cancel-timeout-move |= [channel-id=@t expiration-time=@da =^duct] ^- move :^ duct %pass /channel/timeout/[channel-id] [%b %rest expiration-time] :: +on-get-request: handles a GET request :: :: GET requests open a channel for the server to send events to the :: client in text/event-stream format. :: ++ on-get-request |= [channel-id=@t =request:http] ^- [(list move) server-state] :: if there's no channel-id, we must 404 ::TODO but arm description says otherwise? :: ?~ maybe-channel=(~(get by session.channel-state.state) channel-id) %^ return-static-data-on-duct 404 'text/html' (error-page 404 %.y url.request ~) :: find the requested "mode" and make sure it doesn't conflict :: =/ mode=?(%json %jam) (find-channel-mode %'GET' header-list.request) ?. =(mode mode.u.maybe-channel) %^ return-static-data-on-duct 406 'text/html' =; msg=tape (error-page 406 %.y url.request msg) "channel already established in {(trip mode.u.maybe-channel)} mode" :: when opening an event-stream, we must cancel our timeout timer :: if there's no duct already bound. Else, kill the old request :: and replace it :: =^ cancel-moves state ?. ?=([%| *] state.u.maybe-channel) :_ state (cancel-timeout-move channel-id p.state.u.maybe-channel)^~ =/ cancel-heartbeat ?~ heartbeat.u.maybe-channel ~ :_ ~ %+ cancel-heartbeat-move channel-id [date duct]:u.heartbeat.u.maybe-channel =- [(weld cancel-heartbeat -<) ->] (handle-response(duct p.state.u.maybe-channel) [%cancel ~]) :: the request may include a 'Last-Event-Id' header :: =/ maybe-last-event-id=(unit @ud) ?~ maybe-raw-header=(get-header:http 'last-event-id' header-list.request) ~ (rush u.maybe-raw-header dum:ag) :: flush events older than the passed in 'Last-Event-ID' :: =? state ?=(^ maybe-last-event-id) (acknowledge-events channel-id u.maybe-last-event-id) :: combine the remaining queued events to send to the client :: =/ event-replay=wall %- zing %- flop =/ queue events.u.maybe-channel =| events=(list wall) |- ^+ events ?: =(~ queue) events =^ head queue ~(get to queue) =, p.head ::NOTE these will only fail if the mark and/or json types changed, :: since conversion failure also gets caught during first receive. :: we can't do anything about this, so consider it unsupported. =/ sign (channel-event-to-sign u.maybe-channel request-id channel-event) ?~ sign $ =/ said (sign-to-tape u.maybe-channel request-id u.sign) ?~ said $ $(events [(event-tape-to-wall id +.u.said) events]) :: send the start event to the client :: =^ http-moves state %- handle-response :* %start :- 200 :~ ['content-type' 'text/event-stream'] ['cache-control' 'no-cache'] ['connection' 'keep-alive'] == (wall-to-octs event-replay) complete=%.n == :: associate this duct with this session key :: =. duct-to-key.channel-state.state (~(put by duct-to-key.channel-state.state) duct channel-id) :: associate this channel with the session cookie :: =. sessions.authentication-state.state =/ session-id=(unit @uv) (session-id-from-request:authentication request) ?~ session-id sessions.authentication-state.state %+ ~(jab by sessions.authentication-state.state) u.session-id |= =session session(channels (~(put in channels.session) channel-id)) :: initialize sse heartbeat :: =/ heartbeat-time=@da (add now ~s20) =/ heartbeat (set-heartbeat-move channel-id heartbeat-time) :: clear the event queue, record the mode & duct for future output, :: and record heartbeat-time for possible future cancel :: =. session.channel-state.state %+ ~(jab by session.channel-state.state) channel-id |= =channel %_ channel mode mode events ~ state [%| duct] heartbeat (some [heartbeat-time duct]) == :: [[heartbeat :(weld http-moves cancel-moves moves)] state] :: +acknowledge-events: removes events before :last-event-id on :channel-id :: ++ acknowledge-events |= [channel-id=@t last-event-id=@u] ^- server-state %_ state session.channel-state %+ ~(jab by session.channel-state.state) channel-id |= =channel ^+ channel =^ acked events.channel (prune-events events.channel last-event-id) =. unacked.channel (subtract-acked-events acked unacked.channel) channel(last-ack now) == :: +on-put-request: handles a PUT request :: :: PUT requests send commands from the client to the server. We receive :: a set of commands in JSON format in the body of the message. :: ++ on-put-request |= [channel-id=@t =request:http] ^- [(list move) server-state] :: error when there's no body :: ?~ body.request %^ return-static-data-on-duct 400 'text/html' (error-page 400 %.y url.request "no put body") :: =/ mode=?(%json %jam) (find-channel-mode %'PUT' header-list.request) :: if we cannot parse requests from the body, give an error :: =/ maybe-requests=(each (list channel-request) @t) (parse-channel-request mode u.body.request) ?: ?=(%| -.maybe-requests) %^ return-static-data-on-duct 400 'text/html' (error-page 400 & url.request (trip p.maybe-requests)) :: while weird, the request list could be empty :: ?: =(~ p.maybe-requests) %^ return-static-data-on-duct 400 'text/html' (error-page 400 %.y url.request "empty list of actions") :: check for the existence of the channel-id :: :: if we have no session, create a new one set to expire in :: :channel-timeout from now. if we have one which has a timer, update :: that timer. :: =. ..on-put-request (update-timeout-timer-for mode channel-id) :: for each request, execute the action passed in :: =+ requests=p.maybe-requests :: gall-moves: put moves here first so we can flop for ordering :: :: TODO: Have an error state where any invalid duplicate subscriptions :: or other errors cause the entire thing to fail with a 400 and a tang. :: =| gall-moves=(list move) |- :: ?~ requests :: this is a PUT request; we must mark it as complete :: =^ http-moves state %- handle-response :* %start [status-code=204 headers=~] data=~ complete=%.y == :: [:(weld (flop gall-moves) http-moves moves) state] :: ?- -.i.requests %ack :: client acknowledges that they have received up to event-id :: %_ $ state (acknowledge-events channel-id event-id.i.requests) requests t.requests == :: ?(%poke %poke-json) :: =. gall-moves :_ gall-moves ^- move :^ duct %pass /channel/poke/[channel-id]/(scot %ud request-id.i.requests) =, i.requests :* %g %deal `sock`[our ship] app ^- task:agent:gall :+ %poke-as mark ?- -.i.requests %poke [%noun !>(noun)] %poke-json [%json !>(json)] == == :: $(requests t.requests) :: %subscribe :: =, i.requests :: =. gall-moves :_ gall-moves ^- move :^ duct %pass (subscription-wire channel-id request-id ship app) %- (trace 1 |.("subscribing to {} on {}")) :* %g %deal [our ship] app `task:agent:gall`[%watch path] == :: =. session.channel-state.state %+ ~(jab by session.channel-state.state) channel-id |= =channel =- channel(subscriptions -) %+ ~(put by subscriptions.channel) request-id [ship app path duct] :: $(requests t.requests) :: %unsubscribe =, i.requests :: =/ usession (~(get by session.channel-state.state) channel-id) ?~ usession $(requests t.requests) =/ subscriptions subscriptions:u.usession :: ?~ maybe-subscription=(~(get by subscriptions) subscription-id) :: the client sent us a weird request referring to a subscription :: which isn't active. :: %. $(requests t.requests) =* msg=tape "{(trip channel-id)} {}" (trace 0 |.("missing subscription in unsubscribe {msg}")) :: =. gall-moves :_ gall-moves ^- move =, u.maybe-subscription :^ duc %pass (subscription-wire channel-id subscription-id.i.requests ship app) %- (trace 1 |.("leaving subscription to {}")) :* %g %deal [our ship] app `task:agent:gall`[%leave ~] == :: =. session.channel-state.state %+ ~(jab by session.channel-state.state) channel-id |= =channel %_ channel subscriptions (~(del by subscriptions.channel) subscription-id) unacked (~(del by unacked.channel) subscription-id) == :: $(requests t.requests) :: %delete %- (trace 1 |.("{} discarding due to %delete PUT")) =^ moves state (discard-channel channel-id |) =. gall-moves (weld gall-moves moves) $(requests t.requests) :: == :: +on-gall-response: sanity-check a gall response, send as event :: ++ on-gall-response |= [channel-id=@t request-id=@ud extra=wire =sign:agent:gall] ^- [(list move) server-state] :: if the channel doesn't exist, we should clean up subscriptions :: :: this is a band-aid solution. you really want eyre to have cleaned :: these up on-channel-delete in the first place. :: until the source of that bug is discovered though, we keep this :: in place to ensure a slightly tidier home. :: ?. ?& !(~(has by session.channel-state.state) channel-id) ?=(?(%fact %watch-ack) -.sign) ?=([@ @ ~] extra) == (emit-event channel-id request-id sign) =/ =ship (slav %p i.extra) =* app=term i.t.extra =* msg=tape "{(trip channel-id)} {(trip app)}" %- (trace 0 |.("removing watch for non-existent channel {msg}")) :_ state :_ ~ ^- move :^ duct %pass (subscription-wire channel-id request-id ship app) [%g %deal [our ship] app `task:agent:gall`[%leave ~]] :: +emit-event: records an event occurred, possibly sending to client :: :: When an event occurs, we need to record it, even if we immediately :: send it to a connected browser so in case of disconnection, we can :: resend it. :: :: This function is responsible for taking the event sign and converting :: it into a text/event-stream. The :sign then may get sent, and is :: stored for later resending until acknowledged by the client. :: ++ emit-event |= [channel-id=@t request-id=@ud =sign:agent:gall] ^- [(list move) server-state] :: =/ channel=(unit channel) (~(get by session.channel-state.state) channel-id) ?~ channel :_ state :_ ~ [duct %pass /flog %d %flog %crud %eyre-no-channel >id=channel-id< ~] :: it's possible that this is a sign emitted directly alongside a fact :: that triggered a clog & closed the subscription. in that case, just :: drop the sign. :: poke-acks are not paired with subscriptions, so we can process them :: regardless. :: ?: ?& !?=(%poke-ack -.sign) !(~(has by subscriptions.u.channel) request-id) == [~ state] :: attempt to convert the sign to json. :: if conversion succeeds, we *can* send it. if the client is actually :: connected, we *will* send it immediately. :: =/ said=(unit (quip move tape)) (sign-to-tape u.channel request-id sign) =? moves ?=(^ said) (weld moves -.u.said) =* sending &(?=([%| *] state.u.channel) ?=(^ said)) :: =/ next-id next-id.u.channel :: if we can send it, store the event as unacked :: =? events.u.channel ?=(^ said) %- ~(put to events.u.channel) [next-id request-id (sign-to-channel-event sign)] :: if it makes sense to do so, send the event to the client :: =? moves sending ^- (list move) :_ moves ::NOTE assertions in this block because =* is flimsy ?> ?=([%| *] state.u.channel) :+ p.state.u.channel %give ^- gift :* %response %continue :: ^= data %- wall-to-octs (event-tape-to-wall next-id +:(need said)) :: complete=%.n == =? next-id ?=(^ said) +(next-id) :: update channel's unacked counts, find out if clogged :: =^ clogged unacked.u.channel :: only apply clog logic to facts. :: and of course don't count events we can't send as unacked. :: ?: ?| !?=(%fact -.sign) ?=(~ said) == [| unacked.u.channel] =/ num=@ud (~(gut by unacked.u.channel) request-id 0) :_ (~(put by unacked.u.channel) request-id +(num)) ?& (gte num clog-threshold) (lth (add last-ack.u.channel clog-timeout) now) == :: if we're clogged, or we ran into an event we can't serialize, :: kill this gall subscription. :: =* msg=tape "on {(trip channel-id)} for {(trip request-id)}" =/ kicking=? ?: clogged ((trace 0 |.("clogged {msg}")) &) ?. ?=(~ said) | ((trace 0 |.("can't serialize event, kicking {msg}")) &) =? moves kicking :_ moves ::NOTE this shouldn't crash because we :: - never fail to serialize subscriptionless signs (%poke-ack), :: - only clog on %facts, which have a subscription associated, :: - and already checked whether we still have that subscription. =+ (~(got by subscriptions.u.channel) request-id) %- (trace 1 |.("leaving subscription to {}")) :^ duct %pass (subscription-wire channel-id request-id ship app) [%g %deal [our ship] app %leave ~] :: update channel state to reflect the %kick :: =? u.channel kicking %_ u.channel subscriptions (~(del by subscriptions.u.channel) request-id) unacked (~(del by unacked.u.channel) request-id) events %- ~(put to events.u.channel) [next-id request-id (sign-to-channel-event %kick ~)] == :: if a client is connected, send the kick event to them :: =? moves &(kicking ?=([%| *] state.u.channel)) :_ moves :+ p.state.u.channel %give ^- gift :* %response %continue :: ^= data %- wall-to-octs %+ event-tape-to-wall next-id +:(need (sign-to-tape u.channel request-id %kick ~)) :: complete=%.n == =? next-id kicking +(next-id) :: :- (flop moves) %_ state session.channel-state %+ ~(put by session.channel-state.state) channel-id u.channel(next-id next-id) == :: +sign-to-channel-event: strip the vase from a sign:agent:gall :: ++ sign-to-channel-event |= =sign:agent:gall ^- channel-event ?. ?=(%fact -.sign) sign [%fact [p q.q]:cage.sign] :: +app-to-desk :: ++ app-to-desk |= [=channel request-id=@ud] ^- (unit desk) =/ sub (~(get by subscriptions.channel) request-id) ?~ sub ((trace 0 |.("no subscription for request-id {(trip request-id)}")) ~) =/ des=(unit (unit cage)) (rof ~ %gd [our app.u.sub da+now] ~) ?. ?=([~ ~ *] des) ((trace 0 |.("no desk for app {}")) ~) `!<(=desk q.u.u.des) :: +channel-event-to-sign: attempt to recover a sign from a channel-event :: ++ channel-event-to-sign ~% %eyre-channel-event-to-sign ..part ~ |= [=channel request-id=@ud event=channel-event] ^- (unit sign:agent:gall) ?. ?=(%fact -.event) `event :: rebuild vase for fact data :: =/ des=(unit desk) (app-to-desk channel request-id) ?~ des ~ =* have=mark mark.event =/ val=(unit (unit cage)) (rof ~ %cb [our u.des da+now] /[have]) ?. ?=([~ ~ *] val) ((trace 0 |.("no mark {(trip have)}")) ~) =+ !<(=dais:clay q.u.u.val) =/ res (mule |.((vale:dais noun.event))) ?: ?=(%| -.res) ((trace 0 |.("stale fact of mark {(trip have)}")) ~) `[%fact have p.res] :: +sign-to-tape: render sign from request-id in specified mode :: ++ sign-to-tape |= [=channel request-id=@ud =sign:agent:gall] ^- (unit (quip move tape)) ?- mode.channel %json %+ bind (sign-to-json channel request-id sign) |=((quip move json) [+<- (en-json:html +<+)]) %jam =- `[~ (scow %uw (jam -))] [request-id (sign-to-channel-event sign)] == :: +sign-to-json: render sign from request-id as json channel event :: ++ sign-to-json ~% %sign-to-json ..part ~ |= [=channel request-id=@ud =sign:agent:gall] ^- (unit (quip move json)) :: for facts, we try to convert the result to json :: =/ [from=(unit [=desk =mark]) jsyn=(unit sign:agent:gall)] ?. ?=(%fact -.sign) [~ `sign] ?: ?=(%json p.cage.sign) [~ `sign] :: find and use tube from fact mark to json :: =/ des=(unit desk) (app-to-desk channel request-id) ?~ des [~ ~] :: =* have=mark p.cage.sign =/ convert=(unit vase) =/ cag=(unit (unit cage)) (rof ~ %cf [our u.des da+now] /[have]/json) ?. ?=([~ ~ *] cag) ~ `q.u.u.cag ?~ convert ((trace 0 |.("no convert from {(trip have)} to json")) [~ ~]) ~| "conversion failed from {(trip have)} to json" [`[u.des have] `[%fact %json (slym u.convert q.q.cage.sign)]] ?~ jsyn ~ %- some :- ?~ from ~ :_ ~ :^ duct %pass /conversion-cache/[mark.u.from] [%c %warp our desk.u.from `[%sing %f da+now /[mark.u.from]/json]] =* sign u.jsyn =, enjs:format %- pairs ^- (list [@t json]) :- ['id' (numb request-id)] ?- -.sign %poke-ack :~ ['response' [%s 'poke']] :: ?~ p.sign ['ok' [%s 'ok']] ['err' (wall (render-tang-to-wall 100 u.p.sign))] == :: %fact :+ ['response' [%s 'diff']] :- 'json' ~| [%unexpected-fact-mark p.cage.sign] ?> =(%json p.cage.sign) !<(json q.cage.sign) :: ?~ from ~ ['mark' [%s mark.u.from]]~ :: %kick ['response' [%s 'quit']]~ :: %watch-ack :~ ['response' [%s 'subscribe']] :: ?~ p.sign ['ok' [%s 'ok']] ['err' (wall (render-tang-to-wall 100 u.p.sign))] == == :: ++ event-tape-to-wall ~% %eyre-tape-to-wall ..part ~ |= [event-id=@ud =tape] ^- wall :~ (weld "id: " (format-ud-as-integer event-id)) (weld "data: " tape) "" == :: ++ on-channel-heartbeat |= channel-id=@t ^- [(list move) server-state] :: =/ res %- handle-response :* %continue data=(some (as-octs:mimes:html ':\0a')) complete=%.n == =/ http-moves -.res =/ new-state +.res =/ heartbeat-time=@da (add now ~s20) :_ %_ new-state session.channel-state %+ ~(jab by session.channel-state.state) channel-id |= =channel channel(heartbeat (some [heartbeat-time duct])) == (snoc http-moves (set-heartbeat-move channel-id heartbeat-time)) :: +discard-channel: remove a channel from state :: :: cleans up state, timers, and gall subscriptions of the channel :: ++ discard-channel |= [channel-id=@t expired=?] ^- [(list move) server-state] :: =/ usession=(unit channel) (~(get by session.channel-state.state) channel-id) ?~ usession [~ state] =/ session=channel u.usession :: :_ %_ state session.channel-state (~(del by session.channel-state.state) channel-id) :: duct-to-key.channel-state ?. ?=(%| -.state.session) duct-to-key.channel-state.state (~(del by duct-to-key.channel-state.state) p.state.session) == =/ heartbeat-cancel=(list move) ?~ heartbeat.session ~ :~ %^ cancel-heartbeat-move channel-id date.u.heartbeat.session duct.u.heartbeat.session == =/ expire-cancel=(list move) ?: expired ~ ?. ?=(%& -.state.session) ~ =, p.state.session [(cancel-timeout-move channel-id date duct)]~ %+ weld heartbeat-cancel %+ weld expire-cancel :: produce a list of moves which cancels every gall subscription :: %+ turn ~(tap by subscriptions.session) |= [request-id=@ud ship=@p app=term =path duc=^duct] ^- move %- (trace 1 |.("{} leaving subscription to {}")) :^ duc %pass (subscription-wire channel-id request-id ship app) [%g %deal [our ship] app %leave ~] -- :: +handle-gall-error: a call to +poke-http-response resulted in a %coup :: ++ handle-gall-error |= =tang ^- [(list move) server-state] :: =+ connection=(~(got by connections.state) duct) =/ moves-1=(list move) ?. ?=(%app -.action.connection) ~ :_ ~ %- (trace 1 |.("leaving subscription to {}")) :* duct %pass /watch-response/[eyre-id] %g %deal [our our] app.action.connection %leave ~ == :: =^ moves-2 state %^ return-static-data-on-duct 500 'text/html' :: %- internal-server-error :* authenticated.inbound-request.connection url.request.inbound-request.connection tang == [(weld moves-1 moves-2) state] :: +handle-response: check a response for correctness and send to earth :: :: All outbound responses including %http-server generated responses need to go :: through this interface because we want to have one centralized place :: where we perform logging and state cleanup for connections that we're :: done with. :: ++ handle-response |= =http-event:http ^- [(list move) server-state] :: verify that this is a valid response on the duct :: ?~ connection-state=(~(get by connections.state) duct) ((trace 0 |.("{} invalid outstanding connection")) `state) :: |^ ^- [(list move) server-state] :: ?- -.http-event :: %start ?^ response-header.u.connection-state ((trace 0 |.("{} error multiple start")) error-connection) :: if request was authenticated, extend the session & cookie's life :: =^ response-header sessions.authentication-state.state =, authentication =* sessions sessions.authentication-state.state =* inbound inbound-request.u.connection-state =* no-op [response-header.http-event sessions] :: ?. authenticated.inbound no-op ?~ session-id=(session-id-from-request request.inbound) :: cookies are the only auth method, so this is unexpected :: ((trace 0 |.("error authenticated without cookie")) no-op) ?. (~(has by sessions) u.session-id) :: if the session has expired since the request was opened, :: tough luck, we don't create/revive sessions here :: no-op :_ %+ ~(jab by sessions) u.session-id |= =session session(expiry-time (add now session-timeout)) =- response-header.http-event(headers -) %^ set-header:http 'set-cookie' (session-cookie-string u.session-id &) headers.response-header.http-event :: =/ connection=outstanding-connection (~(got by connections.state) duct) :: if the request was a simple cors request from an approved origin :: append the necessary cors headers to the response :: =/ origin=(unit origin) %+ get-header:http 'origin' header-list.request.inbound-request.connection =? headers.response-header ?& ?=(^ origin) (~(has in approved.cors-registry.state) u.origin) == %^ set-header:http 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' u.origin %^ set-header:http 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true' headers.response-header :: =. response-header.http-event response-header =. connections.state %- (trace 2 |.("{} start")) %+ ~(put by connections.state) duct %_ connection response-header `response-header bytes-sent ?~(data.http-event 0 p.u.data.http-event) == :: =? state complete.http-event log-complete-request :: pass-response :: %continue ?~ response-header.u.connection-state %. error-connection (trace 0 |.("{} error continue without start")) :: =. connections.state %- (trace 2 |.("{} continuing ")) %+ ~(jab by connections.state) duct |= connection=outstanding-connection =+ size=?~(data.http-event 0 p.u.data.http-event) connection(bytes-sent (add bytes-sent.connection size)) :: =? state complete.http-event log-complete-request :: pass-response :: %cancel :: todo: log this differently from an ise. :: ((trace 1 |.("cancel http event")) error-connection) == :: ++ pass-response ^- [(list move) server-state] [[duct %give %response http-event]~ state] :: ++ log-complete-request :: todo: log the complete request :: :: remove all outstanding state for this connection :: =. connections.state %. (~(del by connections.state) duct) (trace 2 |.("{} completed")) state :: ++ error-connection :: todo: log application error :: :: remove all outstanding state for this connection :: =. connections.state (~(del by connections.state) duct) :: respond to outside with %error :: ^- [(list move) server-state] :_ state :- [duct %give %response %cancel ~] ?. ?=(%app -.action.u.connection-state) ~ :_ ~ %- %+ trace 1 |.("leaving subscription to {}") :* duct %pass /watch-response/[eyre-id] %g %deal [our our] app.action.u.connection-state %leave ~ == -- :: +set-response: remember (or update) a cache mapping :: ++ set-response |= [url=@t entry=(unit cache-entry)] ^- [(list move) server-state] =/ aeon ?^(prev=(~(get by cache.state) url) +(aeon.u.prev) 1) =. cache.state (~(put by cache.state) url [aeon entry]) :_ state [outgoing-duct.state %give %grow /cache/(scot %ud aeon)/(scot %t url)]~ :: +add-binding: conditionally add a pairing between binding and action :: :: Adds =binding =action if there is no conflicting bindings. :: ++ add-binding |= [=binding =action] ^- [(list move) server-state] =^ success bindings.state :: prevent binding in reserved namespaces :: ?: ?| ?=([%'~' *] path.binding) :: eyre ?=([%'~_~' *] path.binding) :: runtime == [| bindings.state] [& (insert-binding [binding duct action] bindings.state)] :_ state [duct %give %bound & binding]~ :: +remove-binding: removes a binding if it exists and is owned by this duct :: ++ remove-binding |= =binding :: ^- server-state %_ state bindings %+ skip bindings.state |= [item-binding=^binding item-duct=^duct =action] ^- ? &(=(item-binding binding) =(item-duct duct)) == :: +get-action-for-binding: finds an action for an incoming web request :: ++ get-action-for-binding |= [raw-host=(unit @t) url=@t] ^- [=action suburl=@t] :: process :raw-host :: :: If we are missing a 'Host:' header, if that header is a raw IP :: address, or if the 'Host:' header refers to [our].urbit.org, we want :: to return ~ which means we're unidentified and will match against any :: wildcard matching. :: :: Otherwise, return the site given. :: =/ host=(unit @t) ?~ raw-host ~ :: Parse the raw-host so that we can ignore ports, usernames, etc. :: =+ parsed=(rush u.raw-host simplified-url-parser) ?~ parsed ~ :: if the url is a raw IP, assume default site. :: ?: ?=([%ip *] -.u.parsed) ~ :: if the url is "localhost", assume default site. :: ?: =([%site 'localhost'] -.u.parsed) ~ :: render our as a tape, and cut off the sig in front. :: =/ with-sig=tape (scow %p our) ?> ?=(^ with-sig) ?: =(u.raw-host (crip t.with-sig)) :: [our].urbit.org is the default site :: ~ :: raw-host :: url is the raw thing passed over the 'Request-Line'. :: :: todo: this is really input validation, and we should return a 500 to :: the client. :: =/ request-line (parse-request-line url) =/ parsed-url=(list @t) site.request-line =? parsed-url ?=([%'~' %channel-jam *] parsed-url) parsed-url(i.t %channel) :: =/ bindings bindings.state |- :: ?~ bindings [[%four-oh-four ~] url] :: ?. (host-matches site.binding.i.bindings raw-host) $(bindings t.bindings) ?~ suffix=(find-suffix path.binding.i.bindings parsed-url) $(bindings t.bindings) :: :- action.i.bindings %^ cat 3 %+ roll ^- (list @t) (join '/' (flop ['' u.suffix])) (cury cat 3) ?~ ext.request-line '' (cat 3 '.' u.ext.request-line) :: +give-session-tokens: send valid session tokens to unix :: ++ give-session-tokens ^- move :- outgoing-duct.state =* ses sessions.authentication-state.state [%give %sessions (~(run in ~(key by ses)) (cury scot %uv))] :: ++ trace |= [pri=@ print=(trap tape)] ?: (lth verb.state pri) same (slog leaf+"eyre: {(print)}" ~) -- :: ++ forwarded-params |= =header-list:http ^- (unit (list (map @t @t))) %+ biff (get-header:http 'forwarded' header-list) unpack-header:http :: ++ forwarded-for |= forwards=(list (map @t @t)) ^- (unit address) ?. ?=(^ forwards) ~ =* forward i.forwards ?~ for=(~(get by forward) 'for') ~ ::NOTE per rfc7239, non-ip values are also valid. they're not useful :: for the general case, so we ignore them here. if needed, :: request handlers are free to inspect the headers themselves. :: %+ rush u.for ;~ sfix ;~(pose (stag %ipv4 ip4) (stag %ipv6 (ifix [sel ser] ip6))) ;~(pose ;~(pfix col dim:ag) (easy ~)) == :: ++ forwarded-secure |= forwards=(list (map @t @t)) ^- (unit ?) ?. ?=(^ forwards) ~ =* forward i.forwards ?~ proto=(~(get by forward) 'proto') ~ ?+ u.proto ~ %http `| %https `& == :: ++ parse-request-line |= url=@t ^- [[ext=(unit @ta) site=(list @t)] args=(list [key=@t value=@t])] (fall (rush url ;~(plug apat:de-purl:html yque:de-purl:html)) [[~ ~] ~]) :: +insert-binding: add a new binding, replacing any existing at its path :: ++ insert-binding |= $: new=[=binding =duct =action] bindings=(list [=binding =duct =action]) == ^+ bindings ?~ bindings [new]~ =* bid binding.i.bindings :: replace already bound paths :: ?: =([site path]:bid [site path]:binding.new) ~> %slog.[0 leaf+"eyre: replacing existing binding at {<`path`path.bid>}"] [new t.bindings] :: if new comes before bid, prepend it. :: otherwise, continue our search. :: =; new-before-bid=? ?: new-before-bid [new bindings] [i.bindings $(bindings t.bindings)] ?: =(site.binding.new site.bid) (aor path.bid path.binding.new) (aor (fall site.bid '') (fall site.binding.new '')) :: ++ channel-wire |= [channel-id=@t request-id=@ud] ^- wire /channel/subscription/[channel-id]/(scot %ud request-id) :: ++ subscription-wire |= [channel-id=@t request-id=@ud =ship app=term] ^- wire (weld (channel-wire channel-id request-id) /(scot %p ship)/[app]) -- :: end the =~ :: . == :: begin with a default +axle as a blank slate :: =| ax=axle :: a vane is activated with current date, entropy, and a namespace function :: |= [now=@da eny=@uvJ rof=roof] :: allow jets to be registered within this core :: ~% %http-server ..part ~ |% ++ call ~/ %eyre-call |= [=duct dud=(unit goof) wrapped-task=(hobo task)] ^- [(list move) _http-server-gate] :: =/ task=task ((harden task) wrapped-task) :: :: XX handle error notifications :: ?^ dud =/ moves=(list move) [[duct %slip %d %flog %crud [-.task tang.u.dud]] ~] [moves http-server-gate] :: %init: tells us what our ship name is :: ?: ?=(%init -.task) :: initial value for the login handler :: =. bindings.server-state.ax =- (roll - insert-binding) ^- (list [binding ^duct action]) :~ [[~ /~/login] duct [%authentication ~]] [[~ /~/logout] duct [%logout ~]] [[~ /~/channel] duct [%channel ~]] [[~ /~/scry] duct [%scry ~]] [[~ /~/name] duct [%name ~]] == [~ http-server-gate] :: %trim: in response to memory pressure :: :: Cancel all inactive channels :: XX cancel active too if =(0 trim-priority) ? :: ?: ?=(%trim -.task) =* event-args [[eny duct now rof] server-state.ax] =* by-channel by-channel:(per-server-event event-args) =* channel-state channel-state.server-state.ax :: =/ inactive=(list @t) =/ full=(set @t) ~(key by session.channel-state) =/ live=(set @t) (~(gas in *(set @t)) ~(val by duct-to-key.channel-state)) ~(tap in (~(dif in full) live)) :: ?: =(~ inactive) [~ http-server-gate] :: =/ len=tape (scow %ud (lent inactive)) ~> %slog.[0 leaf+"eyre: trim: closing {len} inactive channels"] :: =| moves=(list (list move)) |- ^- [(list move) _http-server-gate] =* channel-id i.inactive ?~ inactive [(zing (flop moves)) http-server-gate] :: discard channel state, and cancel any active gall subscriptions :: =^ mov server-state.ax (discard-channel:by-channel channel-id |) $(moves [mov moves], inactive t.inactive) :: :: %vega: notifies us of a completed kernel upgrade :: ?: ?=(%vega -.task) [~ http-server-gate] :: %born: new unix process :: ?: ?=(%born -.task) :: close previously open connections :: :: When we have a new unix process, every outstanding open connection is :: dead. For every duct, send an implicit close connection. :: =^ closed-connections=(list move) server-state.ax =/ connections=(list [=^duct *]) ~(tap by connections.server-state.ax) :: =| closed-connections=(list move) |- ?~ connections [closed-connections server-state.ax] :: =/ event-args [[eny duct.i.connections now rof] server-state.ax] =/ cancel-request cancel-request:(per-server-event event-args) =^ moves server-state.ax cancel-request :: $(closed-connections (weld moves closed-connections), connections t.connections) :: save duct for future %give to unix :: =. outgoing-duct.server-state.ax duct :: send all cache mappings to runtime :: =/ cache-moves=(list move) %+ turn ~(tap by cache.server-state.ax) |= [url=@t cache-val=[aeon=@ud val=(unit cache-entry)]] [duct %give %grow /cache/(scot %u aeon.cache-val)/(scot %t url)] :: :_ http-server-gate :* :: hand back default configuration for now :: [duct %give %set-config http-config.server-state.ax] :: provide a list of valid auth tokens :: =< give-session-tokens (per-server-event [eny duct now rof] server-state.ax) :: (zing ~[closed-connections cache-moves]) == :: ?: ?=(%code-changed -.task) ~> %slog.[0 leaf+"eyre: code-changed: throwing away cookies and sessions"] =. authentication-state.server-state.ax *authentication-state :: =/ event-args [[eny duct now rof] server-state.ax] =* by-channel by-channel:(per-server-event event-args) =* channel-state channel-state.server-state.ax :: =/ channel-ids=(list @t) ~(tap in ~(key by session.channel-state)) =| moves=(list (list move)) |- ^- [(list move) _http-server-gate] ?~ channel-ids [(zing (flop moves)) http-server-gate] :: discard channel state, and cancel any active gall subscriptions :: =^ mov server-state.ax (discard-channel:by-channel i.channel-ids |) $(moves [mov moves], channel-ids t.channel-ids) :: :: all other commands operate on a per-server-event :: =/ event-args [[eny duct now rof] server-state.ax] =/ server (per-server-event event-args) :: ?- -.task :: %live: notifies us of the ports of our live http servers :: %live =. ports.server-state.ax +.task :: enable http redirects if https port live and cert set :: =. redirect.http-config.server-state.ax &(?=(^ secure.task) ?=(^ secure.http-config.server-state.ax)) [~ http-server-gate] :: %rule: updates our http configuration :: %rule ?- -.http-rule.task :: %cert: install tls certificate :: %cert =* config http-config.server-state.ax ?: =(secure.config cert.http-rule.task) [~ http-server-gate] =. secure.config cert.http-rule.task =. redirect.config ?& ?=(^ secure.ports.server-state.ax) ?=(^ cert.http-rule.task) == :_ http-server-gate =* out-duct outgoing-duct.server-state.ax ?~ out-duct ~ [out-duct %give %set-config config]~ :: %turf: add or remove domain name :: %turf =* domains domains.server-state.ax =/ mod=(set turf) ?: ?=(%put action.http-rule.task) (~(put in domains) turf.http-rule.task) (~(del in domains) turf.http-rule.task) ?: =(domains mod) [~ http-server-gate] =. domains mod :_ http-server-gate =/ cmd [%acme %poke `cage`[%acme-order !>(mod)]] [duct %pass /acme/order %g %deal [our our] cmd]~ == :: %request =^ moves server-state.ax (request:server +.task) [moves http-server-gate] :: %request-local =^ moves server-state.ax (request-local:server +.task) [moves http-server-gate] :: %cancel-request =^ moves server-state.ax cancel-request:server [moves http-server-gate] :: %connect =^ moves server-state.ax %+ add-binding:server binding.task [%app app.task] [moves http-server-gate] :: %serve =^ moves server-state.ax %+ add-binding:server binding.task [%gen generator.task] [moves http-server-gate] :: %disconnect =. server-state.ax (remove-binding:server binding.task) [~ http-server-gate] :: %approve-origin =. cors-registry.server-state.ax =, cors-registry.server-state.ax :+ (~(del in requests) origin.task) (~(put in approved) origin.task) (~(del in rejected) origin.task) [~ http-server-gate] :: %reject-origin =. cors-registry.server-state.ax =, cors-registry.server-state.ax :+ (~(del in requests) origin.task) (~(del in approved) origin.task) (~(put in rejected) origin.task) [~ http-server-gate] :: %spew =. verb.server-state.ax veb.task `http-server-gate :: %set-response =^ moves server-state.ax (set-response:server +.task) [moves http-server-gate] == :: ++ take ~/ %eyre-take |= [=wire =duct dud=(unit goof) =sign] ^- [(list move) _http-server-gate] ?^ dud ~|(%eyre-take-dud (mean tang.u.dud)) => %= . sign ?: ?=(%gall -.sign) ?> ?=(%unto +<.sign) sign sign == :: :wire must at least contain two parts, the type and the build :: ?> ?=([@ *] wire) :: |^ ^- [(list move) _http-server-gate] :: ?+ i.wire ~|([%bad-take-wire wire] !!) :: %run-app-request run-app-request %watch-response watch-response %sessions sessions %channel channel %acme acme-ack %conversion-cache `http-server-gate == :: ++ run-app-request :: ?> ?=([%gall %unto *] sign) :: :: ?> ?=([%poke-ack *] p.sign) ?> ?=([@ *] t.wire) ?~ p.p.sign :: received a positive acknowledgment: take no action :: [~ http-server-gate] :: we have an error; propagate it to the client :: =/ event-args [[eny duct now rof] server-state.ax] =/ handle-gall-error handle-gall-error:(per-server-event event-args) =^ moves server-state.ax (handle-gall-error u.p.p.sign) [moves http-server-gate] :: ++ watch-response :: =/ event-args [[eny duct now rof] server-state.ax] :: ?> ?=([@ *] t.wire) ?: ?=([%gall %unto %watch-ack *] sign) ?~ p.p.sign :: received a positive acknowledgment: take no action :: [~ http-server-gate] :: we have an error; propagate it to the client :: =/ handle-gall-error handle-gall-error:(per-server-event event-args) =^ moves server-state.ax (handle-gall-error u.p.p.sign) [moves http-server-gate] :: ?: ?=([%gall %unto %kick ~] sign) =/ handle-response handle-response:(per-server-event event-args) =^ moves server-state.ax (handle-response %continue ~ &) [moves http-server-gate] :: ?> ?=([%gall %unto %fact *] sign) =/ =mark p.cage.p.sign =/ =vase q.cage.p.sign ?. ?= ?(%http-response-header %http-response-data %http-response-cancel) mark =/ handle-gall-error handle-gall-error:(per-server-event event-args) =^ moves server-state.ax (handle-gall-error leaf+"eyre bad mark {(trip mark)}" ~) [moves http-server-gate] :: =/ =http-event:http ?- mark %http-response-header [%start !<(response-header:http vase) ~ |] %http-response-data [%continue !<((unit octs) vase) |] %http-response-cancel [%cancel ~] == =/ handle-response handle-response:(per-server-event event-args) =^ moves server-state.ax (handle-response http-event) [moves http-server-gate] :: ++ channel :: =/ event-args [[eny duct now rof] server-state.ax] :: channel callback wires are triples. :: ?> ?=([@ @ @t *] wire) :: ?+ i.t.wire ~|([%bad-channel-wire wire] !!) :: %timeout ?> ?=([%behn %wake *] sign) ?^ error.sign [[duct %slip %d %flog %crud %wake u.error.sign]~ http-server-gate] =* id i.t.t.wire %- %+ trace:(per-server-event event-args) 1 |.("{(trip id)} cancelling channel due to timeout") =^ moves server-state.ax (discard-channel:by-channel:(per-server-event event-args) id &) [moves http-server-gate] :: %heartbeat =/ on-channel-heartbeat on-channel-heartbeat:by-channel:(per-server-event event-args) =^ moves server-state.ax (on-channel-heartbeat i.t.t.wire) [moves http-server-gate] :: ?(%poke %subscription) ?> ?=([%gall %unto *] sign) ~| eyre-sub=wire ?> ?=([@ @ @t @ *] wire) ?< ?=(%raw-fact -.p.sign) =* channel-id i.t.t.wire =* request-id i.t.t.t.wire =* extra-wire t.t.t.t.wire =/ on-gall-response on-gall-response:by-channel:(per-server-event event-args) :: ~& [%gall-response sign] =^ moves server-state.ax %- on-gall-response [channel-id (slav %ud request-id) extra-wire p.sign] [moves http-server-gate] == :: ++ sessions :: ?> ?=([%behn %wake *] sign) :: ?^ error.sign [[duct %slip %d %flog %crud %wake u.error.sign]~ http-server-gate] ::NOTE we are not concerned with expiring channels that are still in :: use. we require acks for messages, which bump their session's :: timer. channels have their own expiry timer, too. :: remove cookies that have expired :: =* sessions sessions.authentication-state.server-state.ax =. sessions.authentication-state.server-state.ax %- ~(gas by *(map @uv session)) %+ skip ~(tap in sessions) |= [cookie=@uv session] (lth expiry-time now) :: if there's any cookies left, set a timer for the next expected expiry :: ^- [(list move) _http-server-gate] :_ http-server-gate :- =< give-session-tokens (per-server-event [eny duct now rof] server-state.ax) ?: =(~ sessions) ~ =; next-expiry=@da [duct %pass /sessions/expire %b %wait next-expiry]~ %+ roll ~(tap by sessions) |= [[@uv session] next=@da] ?: =(*@da next) expiry-time (min next expiry-time) :: ++ acme-ack ?> ?=([%gall %unto *] sign) :: ?> ?=([%poke-ack *] p.sign) ?~ p.p.sign :: received a positive acknowledgment: take no action :: [~ http-server-gate] :: received a negative acknowledgment: XX do something :: [((slog u.p.p.sign) ~) http-server-gate] -- :: ++ http-server-gate ..$ :: +load: migrate old state to new state (called on vane reload) :: ++ load => |% +$ axle-any $% [%~2020.10.18 =server-state-0] [%~2022.7.26 =server-state-0] [%~2023.2.17 =server-state-1] [%~2023.3.16 server-state-2] [%~2023.4.11 server-state] == :: +$ server-state-0 $: bindings=(list [=binding =duct =action]) =cors-registry connections=(map duct outstanding-connection) =authentication-state channel-state=channel-state-2 domains=(set turf) =http-config ports=[insecure=@ud secure=(unit @ud)] outgoing-duct=duct == :: +$ server-state-1 $: bindings=(list [=binding =duct =action]) =cors-registry connections=(map duct outstanding-connection) =authentication-state channel-state=channel-state-2 domains=(set turf) =http-config ports=[insecure=@ud secure=(unit @ud)] outgoing-duct=duct verb=@ == :: +$ server-state-2 $: bindings=(list [=binding =duct =action]) cache=(map url=@t [aeon=@ud val=(unit cache-entry)]) =cors-registry connections=(map duct outstanding-connection) =authentication-state channel-state=channel-state-2 domains=(set turf) =http-config ports=[insecure=@ud secure=(unit @ud)] outgoing-duct=duct verb=@ == +$ channel-state-2 $: session=(map @t channel-2) duct-to-key=(map duct @t) == +$ channel-2 $: state=(each timer duct) next-id=@ud last-ack=@da events=(qeu [id=@ud request-id=@ud =channel-event]) unacked=(map @ud @ud) subscriptions=(map @ud [ship=@p app=term =path duc=duct]) heartbeat=(unit timer) == -- |= old=axle-any ^+ ..^$ ?- -.old %~2020.10.18 =, server-state-0.old %= $ old :* %~2023.3.16 (insert-binding [[~ /~/name] outgoing-duct [%name ~]] bindings) *(map url=@t [aeon=@ud val=(unit cache-entry)]) cors-registry connections authentication-state channel-state domains http-config ports outgoing-duct 0 == == :: %~2022.7.26 =, server-state-0.old %= $ old :* %~2023.3.16 bindings *(map url=@t [aeon=@ud val=(unit cache-entry)]) cors-registry connections authentication-state channel-state domains http-config ports outgoing-duct 0 == == :: %~2023.2.17 =, server-state-1.old %= $ old :* %~2023.3.16 bindings *(map url=@t [aeon=@ud val=(unit cache-entry)]) cors-registry connections authentication-state channel-state domains http-config ports outgoing-duct verb == == :: %~2023.3.16 %= $ old :- %~2023.4.11 %= +.old session.channel-state (~(run by session.channel-state.old) (lead %json)) :: redirect.http-config :: enable https redirects if certificate configured :: ?& ?=(^ secure.ports.old) ?=(^ secure.http-config.old) == == == :: %~2023.4.11 ..^$(ax old) == :: +stay: produce current state :: ++ stay `axle`ax :: +scry: request a path in the urbit namespace :: ++ scry ~/ %eyre-scry ^- roon |= [lyc=gang car=term bem=beam] ^- (unit (unit cage)) =* ren car =* why=shop &/p.bem =* syd q.bem =/ lot=coin $/r.bem =* tyl s.bem :: ?. ?=(%& -.why) ~ =* who p.why ?: =(tyl /whey) =/ maz=(list mass) :~ bindings+&+bindings.server-state.ax auth+&+authentication-state.server-state.ax connections+&+connections.server-state.ax channels+&+channel-state.server-state.ax axle+&+ax == ``mass+!>(maz) ?. ?=(%$ -.lot) [~ ~] ?. =(our who) ?. =([%da now] p.lot) [~ ~] ~& [%r %scry-foreign-host who] ~ ?: &(?=(%x ren) ?=(~ syd)) =, server-state.ax ?+ tyl [~ ~] [%cors ~] ``noun+!>(cors-registry) [%cors %requests ~] ``noun+!>(requests.cors-registry) [%cors %approved ~] ``noun+!>(approved.cors-registry) [%cors %rejected ~] ``noun+!>(rejected.cors-registry) :: [%cors ?(%approved %rejected) @ ~] =* kind i.t.tyl =* orig i.t.t.tyl ?~ origin=(slaw %t orig) [~ ~] ?- kind %approved ``noun+!>((~(has in approved.cors-registry) u.origin)) %rejected ``noun+!>((~(has in rejected.cors-registry) u.origin)) == :: [%authenticated %cookie @ ~] ?~ cookies=(slaw %t i.t.t.tyl) [~ ~] :^ ~ ~ %noun !> ^- ? %- =< request-is-logged-in:authentication (per-server-event [eny *duct now rof] server-state.ax) %*(. *request:http header-list ['cookie' u.cookies]~) :: [%cache @ @ ~] ?~ aeon=(slaw %ud i.t.tyl) [~ ~] ?~ url=(slaw %t i.t.t.tyl) [~ ~] ?~ entry=(~(get by cache) u.url) [~ ~] ?. =(u.aeon aeon.u.entry) [~ ~] ?~ val=val.u.entry [~ ~] ``noun+!>(u.val) == ?. ?=(%$ ren) [~ ~] ?+ syd [~ ~] %bindings ``noun+!>(bindings.server-state.ax) %connections ``noun+!>(connections.server-state.ax) %authentication-state ``noun+!>(authentication-state.server-state.ax) %channel-state ``noun+!>(channel-state.server-state.ax) :: %host %- (lift (lift |=(a=hart:eyre [%hart !>(a)]))) ^- (unit (unit hart:eyre)) =. p.lot ?.(=([%da now] p.lot) p.lot [%tas %real]) ?+ p.lot [~ ~] :: [%tas %fake] ``[& [~ 8.443] %& /localhost] :: [%tas %real] =* domains domains.server-state.ax =* ports ports.server-state.ax =/ =host:eyre [%& ?^(domains n.domains /localhost)] =/ port=(unit @ud) ?. ?=(^ secure.ports) ?:(=(80 insecure.ports) ~ `insecure.ports) ?:(=(443 u.secure.ports) ~ secure.ports) ``[?=(^ secure.ports) port host] == == --