/* g/h.c ** */ #include "all.h" static void _ch_slot_put(u3h_slot* sot_w, u3_noun kev, c3_w lef_w, c3_w rem_w, c3_w* use_w); static c3_o _ch_trim_slot(u3h_root* har_u, u3h_slot *sot_w, c3_w lef_w, c3_w rem_w); /* u3h_new_cache(): create hashtable with bounded size. */ u3p(u3h_root) u3h_new_cache(c3_w max_w) { u3h_root* har_u = u3a_walloc(c3_wiseof(u3h_root)); u3p(u3h_root) har_p = u3of(u3h_root, har_u); c3_w i_w; har_u->max_w = max_w; har_u->use_w = 0; har_u->arm_u.mug_w = 0; har_u->arm_u.inx_w = 0; har_u->arm_u.buc_o = c3n; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < 64; i_w++ ) { har_u->sot_w[i_w] = 0; } return har_p; } /* u3h_new(): create hashtable. */ u3p(u3h_root) u3h_new(void) { return u3h_new_cache(0); } /* _ch_popcount(): number of bits set in word. A standard intrinsic. */ static c3_w _ch_popcount(c3_w num_w) { return __builtin_popcount(num_w); } /* _ch_buck_new(): create new, empty bucket. */ static u3h_buck* _ch_buck_new(void) { u3h_buck* hab_u = u3a_walloc(c3_wiseof(u3h_buck)); hab_u->len_w = 0; return hab_u; } /* _ch_node_new(): create new, empty node. */ static u3h_node* _ch_node_new(void) { u3h_node* han_u = u3a_walloc(c3_wiseof(u3h_node)); han_u->map_w = 0; return han_u; } /* _ch_some_new(): create node or bucket. */ static void* _ch_some_new(c3_w lef_w) { if ( 0 == lef_w ) { return _ch_buck_new(); } else { return _ch_node_new(); } } /* _ch_node_add(): add to node. */ static u3h_node* _ch_node_add(u3h_node* han_u, c3_w lef_w, c3_w rem_w, u3_noun kev, c3_w *use_w) { c3_w bit_w, inx_w, map_w, i_w; lef_w -= 5; bit_w = (rem_w >> lef_w); rem_w = (rem_w & ((1 << lef_w) - 1)); map_w = han_u->map_w; inx_w = _ch_popcount(map_w & ((1 << bit_w) - 1)); if ( map_w & (1 << bit_w) ) { _ch_slot_put(&(han_u->sot_w[inx_w]), kev, lef_w, rem_w, use_w); return han_u; } else { // nothing was at this slot. // Optimize: use u3a_wealloc. // c3_w len_w = _ch_popcount(map_w); u3h_node* nah_u = u3a_walloc(c3_wiseof(u3h_node) + ((len_w + 1) * c3_wiseof(u3h_slot))); nah_u->map_w = han_u->map_w | (1 << bit_w); for ( i_w = 0; i_w < inx_w; i_w++ ) { nah_u->sot_w[i_w] = han_u->sot_w[i_w]; } nah_u->sot_w[inx_w] = u3h_noun_be_warm(u3h_noun_to_slot(kev)); for ( i_w = inx_w; i_w < len_w; i_w++ ) { nah_u->sot_w[i_w + 1] = han_u->sot_w[i_w]; } u3a_wfree(han_u); *use_w += 1; return nah_u; } } /* ch_buck_add(): add to bucket. */ static u3h_buck* _ch_buck_add(u3h_buck* hab_u, u3_noun kev, c3_w *use_w) { c3_w i_w; // if our key is equal to any of the existing keys in the bucket, // then replace that key-value pair with kev. // for ( i_w = 0; i_w < hab_u->len_w; i_w++ ) { u3_noun kov = u3h_slot_to_noun(hab_u->sot_w[i_w]); if ( c3y == u3r_sing(u3h(kev), u3h(kov)) ) { u3a_lose(kov); hab_u->sot_w[i_w] = u3h_noun_to_slot(kev); return hab_u; } } // create mutant bucket with added key-value pair. { c3_w len_w = hab_u->len_w; u3h_buck* bah_u = u3a_walloc(c3_wiseof(u3h_buck) + (len_w + 1) * c3_wiseof(u3h_slot)); bah_u->len_w = len_w + 1; bah_u->sot_w[0] = u3h_noun_to_slot(kev); // Optimize: use u3a_wealloc(). // for ( i_w = 0; i_w < hab_u->len_w; i_w++ ) { bah_u->sot_w[i_w + 1] = hab_u->sot_w[i_w]; } u3a_wfree(hab_u); *use_w += 1; return bah_u; } } /* _ch_some_add(): add to node or bucket. */ static void* _ch_some_add(void* han_v, c3_w lef_w, c3_w rem_w, u3_noun kev, c3_w *use_w) { if ( 0 == lef_w ) { return _ch_buck_add((u3h_buck*)han_v, kev, use_w); } else return _ch_node_add((u3h_node*)han_v, lef_w, rem_w, kev, use_w); } /* _ch_slot_put(): store a key-value pair in a u3h_slot (root or node) */ static void _ch_slot_put(u3h_slot* sot_w, u3_noun kev, c3_w lef_w, c3_w rem_w, c3_w* use_w) { if ( c3y == u3h_slot_is_null(*sot_w) ) { *sot_w = u3h_noun_be_warm(u3h_noun_to_slot(kev)); *use_w += 1; } else if ( c3y == u3h_slot_is_noun(*sot_w) ) { u3_noun kov = u3h_slot_to_noun(*sot_w); if ( c3y == u3r_sing(u3h(kev), u3h(kov)) ) { *sot_w = u3h_noun_be_warm(u3h_noun_to_slot(kev)); u3z(kov); } else { c3_w rom_w = u3r_mug(u3h(kov)) & ((1 << lef_w) - 1); void* hav_v = _ch_some_new(lef_w); *use_w -= 1; // take one out, add two hav_v = _ch_some_add(hav_v, lef_w, rom_w, kov, use_w); hav_v = _ch_some_add(hav_v, lef_w, rem_w, kev, use_w); *sot_w = u3h_node_to_slot(hav_v); } } else { c3_assert( c3y == u3h_slot_is_node(*sot_w) ); void* hav_v = _ch_some_add(u3h_slot_to_node(*sot_w), lef_w, rem_w, kev, use_w); *sot_w = u3h_node_to_slot(hav_v); } } /* _ch_trim_node(): trim one entry from a node slot or its children */ static c3_o _ch_trim_node(u3h_root* har_u, u3h_slot* sot_w, c3_w lef_w, c3_w rem_w) { c3_w bit_w, map_w, inx_w; u3h_slot* tos_w; u3h_node* han_u = (u3h_node*) u3h_slot_to_node(*sot_w); lef_w -= 5; bit_w = (rem_w >> lef_w); map_w = han_u->map_w; if ( 0 == (map_w & (1 << bit_w)) ) { return c3n; } rem_w = (rem_w & ((1 << lef_w) - 1)); inx_w = _ch_popcount(map_w & ((1 << bit_w) - 1)); tos_w = &(han_u->sot_w[inx_w]); if ( c3n == _ch_trim_slot(har_u, tos_w, lef_w, rem_w) ) { // nothing trimmed return c3n; } else if ( 0 != *tos_w ) { // something trimmed, but slot still has value return c3y; } else { // shrink! c3_w i_w, len_w = _ch_popcount(map_w); if ( 2 == len_w ) { // only one left, pick the other *sot_w = han_u->sot_w[ 0 == inx_w ? 1 : 0 ]; } else { // make smaller node c3_w nel_w = len_w - 1; u3h_node* nah_u = u3a_walloc(c3_wiseof(u3h_node) + (nel_w * c3_wiseof(u3h_slot))); nah_u->map_w = han_u->map_w & ~(1 << bit_w); for ( i_w = 0; i_w < inx_w; ++i_w ) { nah_u->sot_w[i_w] = han_u->sot_w[i_w]; } for ( i_w = inx_w; i_w < nel_w; ++i_w ) { nah_u->sot_w[i_w] = han_u->sot_w[i_w + 1]; } *sot_w = u3h_node_to_slot(nah_u); } u3a_wfree(han_u); return c3y; } } /* _ch_trim_node(): trim one entry from a bucket slot */ static c3_o _ch_trim_buck(u3h_root* har_u, u3h_slot* sot_w) { c3_w len_w; u3h_buck* hab_u = u3h_slot_to_node(*sot_w); for ( har_u->arm_u.buc_o = c3y, len_w = hab_u->len_w; har_u->arm_u.inx_w < len_w; har_u->arm_u.inx_w += 1 ) { u3h_slot* tos_w = &(hab_u->sot_w[har_u->arm_u.inx_w]); if ( c3y == _ch_trim_slot(har_u, tos_w, 0, 0) ) { if ( 2 == len_w ) { // 2 things in bucket: pick the other and promote *sot_w = hab_u->sot_w[ (0 == har_u->arm_u.inx_w) ? 1 : 0 ]; } else { // make a smaller bucket c3_w i_w, nel_w = len_w - 1; u3h_buck* bah_u = u3a_walloc(c3_wiseof(u3h_buck) + nel_w * c3_wiseof(u3h_slot)); bah_u->len_w = nel_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < har_u->arm_u.inx_w; ++i_w ) { bah_u->sot_w[i_w] = hab_u->sot_w[i_w]; } for ( i_w = har_u->arm_u.inx_w; i_w < nel_w; ++i_w ) { bah_u->sot_w[i_w] = hab_u->sot_w[i_w + 1]; } *sot_w = u3h_node_to_slot(bah_u); } u3a_wfree(hab_u); return c3y; } } har_u->arm_u.buc_o = c3n; return c3n; } /* _ch_trim_some(): trim one entry from a bucket or node slot */ static c3_o _ch_trim_some(u3h_root* har_u, u3h_slot* sot_w, c3_w lef_w, c3_w rem_w) { if ( 0 == lef_w ) { return _ch_trim_buck(har_u, sot_w); } else { return _ch_trim_node(har_u, sot_w, lef_w, rem_w); } } /* _ch_trim_slot(): trim one entry from a slot */ static c3_o _ch_trim_slot(u3h_root* har_u, u3h_slot *sot_w, c3_w lef_w, c3_w rem_w) { if ( _(u3h_slot_is_null(*sot_w)) ) { return c3n; } else if ( _(u3h_slot_is_node(*sot_w)) ) { return _ch_trim_some(har_u, sot_w, lef_w, rem_w); } else if ( _(u3h_slot_is_warm(*sot_w)) ) { *sot_w = u3h_noun_be_cold(*sot_w); return c3n; } else { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(*sot_w); *sot_w = 0; u3z(kev); return c3y; } } /* _ch_trim_slot(): trim one entry from a hashtable */ static c3_o _ch_trim_root(u3h_root* har_u) { c3_w mug_w = har_u->arm_u.mug_w; c3_w inx_w = mug_w >> 25; // 6 bits c3_w rem_w = mug_w & ((1 << 25) - 1); u3h_slot* sot_w = &(har_u->sot_w[inx_w]); return _ch_trim_slot(har_u, sot_w, 25, rem_w); } /* u3h_trim_to(): trim to n key-value pairs */ void u3h_trim_to(u3p(u3h_root) har_p, c3_w n_w) { u3h_root* har_u = u3to(u3h_root, har_p); while ( har_u->use_w > n_w ) { if ( c3y == _ch_trim_root(har_u) ) { har_u->use_w -= 1; } if ( c3n == har_u->arm_u.buc_o ) { // lower 31 bits of increment (next mug) har_u->arm_u.mug_w = (har_u->arm_u.mug_w + 1) & 0x80000000; har_u->arm_u.inx_w = 0; } } } /* u3h_put(): insert in hashtable. ** ** `key` is RETAINED; `val` is transferred. */ void u3h_put(u3p(u3h_root) har_p, u3_noun key, u3_noun val) { u3h_root* har_u = u3to(u3h_root, har_p); u3_noun kev = u3nc(u3k(key), val); c3_w mug_w = u3r_mug(key); c3_w inx_w = (mug_w >> 25); // 6 bits c3_w rem_w = (mug_w & ((1 << 25) - 1)); _ch_slot_put(&(har_u->sot_w[inx_w]), kev, 25, rem_w, &(har_u->use_w)); if ( har_u->max_w > 0 ) { u3h_trim_to(har_p, har_u->max_w); } } /* _ch_buck_hum(): read in bucket. */ static c3_o _ch_buck_hum(u3h_buck* hab_u, c3_w mug_w) { c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < hab_u->len_w; i_w++ ) { if ( mug_w == u3r_mug(u3h(u3h_slot_to_noun(hab_u->sot_w[i_w]))) ) { return c3y; } } return c3n; } /* _ch_node_hum(): read in node. */ static c3_o _ch_node_hum(u3h_node* han_u, c3_w lef_w, c3_w rem_w, c3_w mug_w) { c3_w bit_w, map_w; lef_w -= 5; bit_w = (rem_w >> lef_w); rem_w = (rem_w & ((1 << lef_w) - 1)); map_w = han_u->map_w; if ( !(map_w & (1 << bit_w)) ) { return c3n; } else { c3_w inx_w = _ch_popcount(map_w & ((1 << bit_w) - 1)); c3_w sot_w = han_u->sot_w[inx_w]; if ( _(u3h_slot_is_noun(sot_w)) ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(sot_w); if ( mug_w == u3r_mug(u3h(kev)) ) { return c3y; } else { return c3n; } } else { void* hav_v = u3h_slot_to_node(sot_w); if ( 0 == lef_w ) { return _ch_buck_hum(hav_v, mug_w); } else return _ch_node_hum(hav_v, lef_w, rem_w, mug_w); } } } /* u3h_hum(): check presence in hashtable. ** ** `key` is RETAINED. */ c3_o u3h_hum(u3p(u3h_root) har_p, c3_w mug_w) { u3h_root* har_u = u3to(u3h_root, har_p); c3_w inx_w = (mug_w >> 25); c3_w rem_w = (mug_w & ((1 << 25) - 1)); c3_w sot_w = har_u->sot_w[inx_w]; if ( _(u3h_slot_is_null(sot_w)) ) { return c3n; } else if ( _(u3h_slot_is_noun(sot_w)) ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(sot_w); if ( mug_w == u3r_mug(u3h(kev)) ) { return c3y; } else { return c3n; } } else { u3h_node* han_u = u3h_slot_to_node(sot_w); return _ch_node_hum(han_u, 25, rem_w, mug_w); } } /* _ch_buck_git(): read in bucket. */ static u3_weak _ch_buck_git(u3h_buck* hab_u, u3_noun key) { c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < hab_u->len_w; i_w++ ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(hab_u->sot_w[i_w]); if ( _(u3r_sing(key, u3h(kev))) ) { return u3t(kev); } } return u3_none; } /* _ch_node_git(): read in node. */ static u3_weak _ch_node_git(u3h_node* han_u, c3_w lef_w, c3_w rem_w, u3_noun key) { c3_w bit_w, map_w; lef_w -= 5; bit_w = (rem_w >> lef_w); rem_w = (rem_w & ((1 << lef_w) - 1)); map_w = han_u->map_w; if ( !(map_w & (1 << bit_w)) ) { return u3_none; } else { c3_w inx_w = _ch_popcount(map_w & ((1 << bit_w) - 1)); c3_w sot_w = han_u->sot_w[inx_w]; if ( _(u3h_slot_is_noun(sot_w)) ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(sot_w); if ( _(u3r_sing(key, u3h(kev))) ) { return u3t(kev); } else { return u3_none; } } else { void* hav_v = u3h_slot_to_node(sot_w); if ( 0 == lef_w ) { return _ch_buck_git(hav_v, key); } else return _ch_node_git(hav_v, lef_w, rem_w, key); } } } /* u3h_git(): read from hashtable. ** ** `key` is RETAINED; result is RETAINED. */ u3_weak u3h_git(u3p(u3h_root) har_p, u3_noun key) { u3h_root* har_u = u3to(u3h_root, har_p); c3_w mug_w = u3r_mug(key); c3_w inx_w = (mug_w >> 25); c3_w rem_w = (mug_w & ((1 << 25) - 1)); c3_w sot_w = har_u->sot_w[inx_w]; if ( _(u3h_slot_is_null(sot_w)) ) { return u3_none; } else if ( _(u3h_slot_is_noun(sot_w)) ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(sot_w); if ( _(u3r_sing(key, u3h(kev))) ) { har_u->sot_w[inx_w] = u3h_noun_be_warm(sot_w); return u3t(kev); } else { return u3_none; } } else { u3h_node* han_u = u3h_slot_to_node(sot_w); return _ch_node_git(han_u, 25, rem_w, key); } } /* u3h_get(): read from hashtable, incrementing refcount. ** ** `key` is RETAINED; result is PRODUCED. */ u3_weak u3h_get(u3p(u3h_root) har_p, u3_noun key) { u3_noun pro = u3h_git(har_p, key); if ( u3_none != pro ) { u3a_gain(pro); } return pro; } /* _ch_buck_gut(): read in bucket, unifying key nouns. */ static u3_weak _ch_buck_gut(u3h_buck* hab_u, u3_noun key) { c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < hab_u->len_w; i_w++ ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(hab_u->sot_w[i_w]); if ( _(u3r_sung(key, u3h(kev))) ) { return u3a_gain(u3t(kev)); } } return u3_none; } /* _ch_node_gut(): read in node, unifying key nouns. */ static u3_weak _ch_node_gut(u3h_node* han_u, c3_w lef_w, c3_w rem_w, u3_noun key) { c3_w bit_w, map_w; lef_w -= 5; bit_w = (rem_w >> lef_w); rem_w = (rem_w & ((1 << lef_w) - 1)); map_w = han_u->map_w; if ( !(map_w & (1 << bit_w)) ) { return u3_none; } else { c3_w inx_w = _ch_popcount(map_w & ((1 << bit_w) - 1)); c3_w sot_w = han_u->sot_w[inx_w]; if ( _(u3h_slot_is_noun(sot_w)) ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(sot_w); if ( _(u3r_sung(key, u3h(kev))) ) { return u3a_gain(u3t(kev)); } else { return u3_none; } } else { void* hav_v = u3h_slot_to_node(sot_w); if ( 0 == lef_w ) { return _ch_buck_gut(hav_v, key); } else return _ch_node_gut(hav_v, lef_w, rem_w, key); } } } /* u3h_gut(): read from hashtable, unifying key nouns. ** ** `key` is RETAINED. */ u3_weak u3h_gut(u3p(u3h_root) har_p, u3_noun key) { u3h_root* har_u = u3to(u3h_root, har_p); c3_w mug_w = u3r_mug(key); c3_w inx_w = (mug_w >> 25); c3_w rem_w = (mug_w & ((1 << 25) - 1)); c3_w sot_w = har_u->sot_w[inx_w]; if ( _(u3h_slot_is_null(sot_w)) ) { return u3_none; } else if ( _(u3h_slot_is_noun(sot_w)) ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(sot_w); if ( _(u3r_sung(key, u3h(kev))) ) { har_u->sot_w[inx_w] = u3h_noun_be_warm(sot_w); return u3a_gain(u3t(kev)); } else { return u3_none; } } else { u3h_node* han_u = u3h_slot_to_node(sot_w); return _ch_node_gut(han_u, 25, rem_w, key); } } /* _ch_free_buck(): free bucket */ static void _ch_free_buck(u3h_buck* hab_u) { c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < hab_u->len_w; i_w++ ) { u3a_lose(u3h_slot_to_noun(hab_u->sot_w[i_w])); } u3a_wfree(hab_u); } /* _ch_free_node(): free node. */ static void _ch_free_node(u3h_node* han_u, c3_w lef_w) { c3_w len_w = _ch_popcount(han_u->map_w); c3_w i_w; lef_w -= 5; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < len_w; i_w++ ) { c3_w sot_w = han_u->sot_w[i_w]; if ( _(u3h_slot_is_noun(sot_w)) ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(sot_w); u3a_lose(kev); } else { void* hav_v = u3h_slot_to_node(sot_w); if ( 0 == lef_w ) { _ch_free_buck(hav_v); } else { _ch_free_node(hav_v, lef_w); } } } u3a_wfree(han_u); } /* u3h_free(): free hashtable. */ void u3h_free(u3p(u3h_root) har_p) { u3h_root* har_u = u3to(u3h_root, har_p); c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < 64; i_w++ ) { c3_w sot_w = har_u->sot_w[i_w]; if ( _(u3h_slot_is_noun(sot_w)) ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(sot_w); u3a_lose(kev); } else if ( _(u3h_slot_is_node(sot_w)) ) { u3h_node* han_u = u3h_slot_to_node(sot_w); _ch_free_node(han_u, 25); } } u3a_wfree(har_u); } /* _ch_walk_buck(): walk bucket for gc. */ static void _ch_walk_buck(u3h_buck* hab_u, void (*fun_f)(u3_noun)) { c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < hab_u->len_w; i_w++ ) { fun_f(u3h_slot_to_noun(hab_u->sot_w[i_w])); } } /* _ch_walk_node(): walk node for gc. */ static void _ch_walk_node(u3h_node* han_u, c3_w lef_w, void (*fun_f)(u3_noun)) { c3_w len_w = _ch_popcount(han_u->map_w); c3_w i_w; lef_w -= 5; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < len_w; i_w++ ) { c3_w sot_w = han_u->sot_w[i_w]; if ( _(u3h_slot_is_noun(sot_w)) ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(sot_w); fun_f(kev); } else { void* hav_v = u3h_slot_to_node(sot_w); if ( 0 == lef_w ) { _ch_walk_buck(hav_v, fun_f); } else { _ch_walk_node(hav_v, lef_w, fun_f); } } } } /* u3h_walk(): walk hashtable for gc. */ void u3h_walk(u3p(u3h_root) har_p, void (*fun_f)(u3_noun)) { u3h_root* har_u = u3to(u3h_root, har_p); c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < 64; i_w++ ) { c3_w sot_w = har_u->sot_w[i_w]; if ( _(u3h_slot_is_noun(sot_w)) ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(sot_w); fun_f(kev); } else if ( _(u3h_slot_is_node(sot_w)) ) { u3h_node* han_u = u3h_slot_to_node(sot_w); _ch_walk_node(han_u, 25, fun_f); } } } /* _ch_mark_buck(): mark bucket for gc. */ c3_w _ch_mark_buck(u3h_buck* hab_u) { c3_w tot_w = 0; c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < hab_u->len_w; i_w++ ) { tot_w += u3a_mark_noun(u3h_slot_to_noun(hab_u->sot_w[i_w])); } tot_w += u3a_mark_ptr(hab_u); return tot_w; } /* _ch_mark_node(): mark node for gc. */ c3_w _ch_mark_node(u3h_node* han_u, c3_w lef_w) { c3_w tot_w = 0; c3_w len_w = _ch_popcount(han_u->map_w); c3_w i_w; lef_w -= 5; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < len_w; i_w++ ) { c3_w sot_w = han_u->sot_w[i_w]; if ( _(u3h_slot_is_noun(sot_w)) ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(sot_w); tot_w += u3a_mark_noun(kev); } else { void* hav_v = u3h_slot_to_node(sot_w); if ( 0 == lef_w ) { tot_w += _ch_mark_buck(hav_v); } else { tot_w += _ch_mark_node(hav_v, lef_w); } } } tot_w += u3a_mark_ptr(han_u); return tot_w; } /* u3h_mark(): mark hashtable for gc. */ c3_w u3h_mark(u3p(u3h_root) har_p) { c3_w tot_w = 0; u3h_root* har_u = u3to(u3h_root, har_p); c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < 64; i_w++ ) { c3_w sot_w = har_u->sot_w[i_w]; if ( _(u3h_slot_is_noun(sot_w)) ) { u3_noun kev = u3h_slot_to_noun(sot_w); tot_w += u3a_mark_noun(kev); } else if ( _(u3h_slot_is_node(sot_w)) ) { u3h_node* han_u = u3h_slot_to_node(sot_w); tot_w += _ch_mark_node(han_u, 25); } } tot_w += u3a_mark_ptr(har_u); return tot_w; }