::REVIEW duplicate of mar/urb, probably want to just get rid of that one :: :::: /hoon/x-urb/mar :: /? 310 /= urb-wasp-data-js /: /%%/urb/wasp-data /js/ =, format =, mimes:html =, html :: |_ {{dep/@uvH hed/marl} {dep-bod/@uvH bod/marl}} ++ grow :: convert to |% ++ mime [/text/html (as-octs html)] :: convert to %mime ++ html (crip (en-xml hymn)) :: convert to %html ++ hymn :: inject dependencies ^- manx ;html ;head ;meta(charset "utf-8", urb_injected ""); ;* hed == ;body ;* bod ;* ?~ dep ~ :~ ;script@"/~/on/{}.js"(urb_injected "", async "", onload "setTimeout(urb.onDep,2000)"); ;script(urb_injected "") ;- (trip urb-wasp-data-js) ; urb.waspWait = [] ; urb.wasp = urb.wasp || [].push.bind(urb.waspWait) ; urb.onDep = function()\{ ; urb.waspWait.map(urb.wasp) ; urb.onLoadUrbJS() ; urb.waspData({(en-json %s (scot %uv dep-bod))}) ; } == == == == -- ++ grab |% :: convert from ++ noun {@uvH manx} :: clam from %noun -- --