!: :: /vane/jael :: :: %reference/0 !? 150 :: :: :: %jael: secrets and promises. :: :: todo: :: :: - communication with other vanes: :: - actually use %behn for expiring secrets :: - report %ames propagation errors to user :: :: - nice features: :: - scry namespace :: - task for converting invites to tickets :: |= pit/vase =, pki:jael =, able:jael =, crypto =, jael =, ethereum =, rpc =, azimuth =, point=point:able:jael :: :::: :::: # models :: data structures :: :::: :: the %jael state comes in two parts: absolute :: and relative. :: :: ++state-relative is subjective, denormalized and :: derived. it consists of all the state we need to :: manage subscriptions efficiently. :: => |% +$ state :: all vane state $: ver=$0 :: vane version pki=state-pki :: etn=state-eth-node :: eth connection state == :: +$ state-pki :: urbit metadata $: $= own :: vault (vein) $: yen=(set duct) :: trackers sig=(unit oath) :: for a moon tuf=(list turf) :: domains boq=@ud :: boot block nod=purl:eyre :: eth gateway fak=_| :: fake keys lyf=life :: version jaw=(map life ring) :: private keys == :: $= zim :: public $: yen=(jug duct ship) :: trackers ney=(jug ship duct) :: reverse trackers nel=(set duct) :: trackers of all dns=dnses :: on-chain dns state pos=(map ship point) :: on-chain ship state == :: == :: +$ message :: message to her jael $% [%nuke whos=(set ship)] :: cancel trackers [%public-keys whos=(set ship)] :: view ethereum events == :: +$ message-result $% [%public-keys-result =public-keys-result] :: public keys boon == +$ card :: i/o action (wind note gift) :: :: :: +$ move :: output [p=duct q=card] :: :: :: +$ note :: out request $-> $~ [%a %plea *ship *plea:ames] :: $% $: %a :: to %ames $>(%plea task:able:ames) :: send request message == :: $: %b :: to %behn $>(%wait task:able:behn) :: set timer == :: $: %g :: to %gall $>(%deal task:able:gall) :: talk to app == :: $: %j :: to self $>(%listen task) :: set ethereum source == :: $: @tas :: $% $>(%init vane-task) :: report install == == == :: :: :: +$ peer-sign [=ship =udiff:point] :: :: :: +$ sign :: in result $<- $~ [%a %done ~] :: $% $: %a :: $% $>(%boon gift:able:ames) :: message response $>(%done gift:able:ames) :: message (n)ack $>(%lost gift:able:ames) :: lost boon == == :: $: %b :: $>(%wake gift:able:behn) :: == :: $: %g :: $> $? %onto :: %unto :: == :: gift:able:gall :: == == :: -- :: :: :::: :::: # light :: light cores :: :::: => |% :: :: ++ez :::: ## ethereum^light :: wallet algebra :: :::: ++ ez :: simple ethereum-related utility arms. :: |% :: :: +order-events: sort changes by block and log numbers :: ++ order-events |= loz=(list (pair event-id diff-azimuth)) ^+ loz %+ sort loz :: sort by block number, then by event log number, ::TODO then by diff priority. |= [[[b1=@ud l1=@ud] *] [[b2=@ud l2=@ud] *]] ?. =(b1 b2) (lth b1 b2) ?. =(l1 l2) (lth l1 l2) & -- -- :: :::: :::: # heavy :: heavy engines :: :::: => ~% %jael ..is ~ |% :: :: ++of :::: ## main^heavy :: main engine :: :::: ++ of :: this core handles all top-level %jael semantics, :: changing state and recording moves. :: :: logically we could nest the ++su core within it, but :: we keep them separated for clarity. the ++curd and :: ++cure arms complete relative and absolute effects, :: respectively, at the top level. :: :: XX doc :: :: a general pattern here is that we use the ++et core :: to generate absolute effects (++change), then invoke :: ++su to calculate the derived effect of these changes. :: :: for ethereum-related events, this is preceded by :: invocation of ++et, which produces ethereum-level :: changes (++chain). these get turned into absolute :: effects by ++cute. :: :: arvo issues: should be merged with the top-level :: vane interface when that gets cleaned up a bit. :: =| moz/(list move) =| $: $: :: our: identity :: now: current time :: eny: unique entropy :: our=ship now=@da eny=@uvJ == :: all vane state :: state == :: lex: all durable state :: moz: pending actions :: =* lex -> |% :: :: ++abet:of ++ abet :: resolve [(flop moz) lex] :: :: ++sein:of ++ emit |= =move +>.$(moz [move moz]) :: ++ poke-watch |= [hen=duct app=term =purl:eyre] %- emit :* hen %pass /[app]/poke %g %deal [our our] app %poke %azimuth-tracker-poke !>([%watch (crip (en-purl:html purl))]) == :: ++ sein :: sponsor |= who=ship ^- ship :: XX save %dawn sponsor in .own.sub, check there :: =/ pot (~(get by pos.zim.pki) who) ?: ?& ?=(^ pot) ?=(^ sponsor.u.pot) == u.sponsor.u.pot (^sein:title who) :: :: ++saxo:of ++ saxo :: sponsorship chain |= who/ship ^- (list ship) =/ dad (sein who) [who ?:(=(who dad) ~ $(who dad))] :: :: ++call:of ++ call :: invoke |= $: :: hen: event cause :: tac: event data :: hen/duct tac/task == ^+ +> ?- -.tac :: :: boot from keys :: $: $dawn :: =seed :: spon=ship :: czar=(map ship [=rift =life =pass]) :: turf=(list turf)} :: bloq=@ud :: node=purl :: == :: %dawn :: single-homed :: ~| [our who.seed.tac] ?> =(our who.seed.tac) :: save our boot block :: =. boq.own.pki bloq.tac :: save our ethereum gateway (required for galaxies) :: =. nod.own.pki %+ fall node.tac (need (de-purl:html 'http://eth-mainnet.urbit.org:8545')) :: save our parent signature (only for moons) :: =. sig.own.pki sig.seed.tac :: load our initial public key :: =/ spon-ship=(unit ship) =/ flopped-spon (flop spon.tac) ?~(flopped-spon ~ `ship.i.flopped-spon) =. pos.zim.pki =/ cub (nol:nu:crub:crypto key.seed.tac) %+ ~(put by pos.zim.pki) our [0 lyf.seed.tac (my [lyf.seed.tac [1 pub:ex:cub]] ~) spon-ship] :: our initial private key :: =. lyf.own.pki lyf.seed.tac =. jaw.own.pki (my [lyf.seed.tac key.seed.tac] ~) :: XX save sponsor in .own.pki :: XX reconcile with .dns.eth :: set initial domains :: =. tuf.own.pki turf.tac :: our initial galaxy table as a +map from +life to +public :: =/ spon-points=(list [ship point]) %+ turn spon.tac |= [=ship az-point=point:azimuth] ~| [%sponsor-point az-point] ?> ?=(^ net.az-point) :* ship continuity-number.u.net.az-point life.u.net.az-point (malt [life.u.net.az-point 1 pass.u.net.az-point] ~) ?. has.sponsor.u.net.az-point ~ `who.sponsor.u.net.az-point == =/ points=(map =ship =point) %- ~(run by czar.tac) |= [=a=rift =a=life =a=pass] ^- point [a-rift a-life (malt [a-life 1 a-pass] ~) ~] =. points (~(gas by points) spon-points) =. +>.$ %- curd =< abet (public-keys:~(feel su hen our now pki etn) %full points) :: :: start subscriptions :: =. +>.$ (poke-watch hen %azimuth-tracker nod.own.pki) =. +>.$ :: get everything from azimuth-tracker because jael subscriptions :: seem to be flaky for now :: ?: & %- curd =< abet (sources:~(feel su hen our now pki etn) ~ [%| %azimuth-tracker]) :: ?- (clan:title our) %czar %- curd =< abet (sources:~(feel su hen our now pki etn) ~ [%| %azimuth-tracker]) :: * =. +>.$ %- curd =< abet %+ sources:~(feel su hen our now pki etn) (silt (turn spon-points head)) [%| %azimuth-tracker] %- curd =< abet (sources:~(feel su hen our now pki etn) ~ [%& (need spon-ship)]) == :: =. moz %+ weld moz :: order is crucial! :: :: %dill must init after %gall :: the %give init (for unix) must be after %dill init :: %jael init must be deferred (makes http requests) :: ^- (list move) :~ [hen %give %init our] [hen %slip %e %init our] [hen %slip %d %init our] [hen %slip %g %init our] [hen %slip %c %init our] [hen %slip %a %init our] == +>.$ :: :: boot fake :: [%fake =ship] :: %fake :: single-homed :: ?> =(our ship.tac) :: fake keys are deterministically derived from the ship :: =/ cub (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 our) :: our initial public key :: =. pos.zim.pki %+ ~(put by pos.zim.pki) our [rift=1 life=1 (my [`@ud`1 [`life`1 pub:ex:cub]] ~) `(^sein:title our)] :: our private key :: :: Private key updates are disallowed for fake ships, :: so we do this first. :: =. lyf.own.pki 1 =. jaw.own.pki (my [1 sec:ex:cub] ~) :: set the fake bit :: =. fak.own.pki & :: initialize other vanes per the usual procedure :: :: Except for ourselves! :: =. moz %+ weld moz ^- (list move) :~ [hen %give %init our] [hen %slip %e %init our] [hen %slip %d %init our] [hen %slip %g %init our] [hen %slip %c %init our] [hen %slip %a %init our] == +>.$ :: :: set ethereum source :: [%listen whos=(set ship) =source] :: %listen ~& [%jael-listen whos source]:tac %- curd =< abet (sources:~(feel su hen our now pki etn) [whos source]:tac) :: :: cancel all trackers from duct :: {$nuke whos=(set ship)} :: $nuke =/ ships=(list ship) %~ tap in %- ~(int in whos.tac) (~(get ju yen.zim.pki) hen) =. ney.zim.pki |- ^- (jug ship duct) ?~ ships ney.zim.pki (~(del ju $(ships t.ships)) i.ships hen) =. yen.zim.pki |- ^- (jug duct ship) ?~ ships yen.zim.pki (~(del ju $(ships t.ships)) hen i.ships) =? nel.zim.pki ?=(~ whos.tac) (~(del in nel.zim.pki) hen) ?^ whos.tac +>.$ %_ +>.$ yen.own.pki (~(del in yen.own.pki) hen) == :: :: update private keys :: %rekey %- curd =< abet (private-keys:~(feel su hen our now pki etn) life.tac ring.tac) :: :: update private keys :: %moon ?. =(%earl (clan:title ship.tac)) ~& [%not-moon ship.tac] +>.$ ?. =(our (^sein:title ship.tac)) ~& [%not-our-moon ship.tac] +>.$ %- curd =< abet (~(new-event su hen our now pki etn) [ship udiff]:tac) :: :: watch public keys :: [%public-keys ships=(set ship)] :: %public-keys %- curd =< abet (~(public-keys ~(feed su hen our now pki etn) hen) ships.tac) :: :: seen after breach :: [%meet our=ship who=ship] :: %meet +>.$ :: :: XX should be a subscription :: XX reconcile with .dns.eth :: request domains :: [%turf ~] :: %turf :: ships with real keys must have domains, :: those with fake keys must not :: ~| [fak.own.pki tuf.own.pki] ?< =(fak.own.pki ?=(^ tuf.own.pki)) +>.$(moz [[hen %give %turf tuf.own.pki] moz]) :: :: learn of kernel upgrade :: [%vega ~] :: %vega +>.$:: :: in response to memory pressure :: [%trim p=@ud] :: %trim +>.$ :: :: watch private keys :: {$private-keys $~} :: %private-keys (curd abet:~(private-keys ~(feed su hen our now pki etn) hen)) :: %wegh %_ +> moz :_ moz ^- move :^ hen %give %mass ^- mass :+ %jael %| :~ pki+&+pki etn+&+etn dot+&+lex == == :: :: authenticated remote request :: {$west p/ship q/path r/*} :: %plea =* her ship.tac =/ mes ;;(message payload.plea.tac) ?- -.mes :: :: cancel trackers :: [%nuke whos=(set ship)] :: %nuke =. moz [[hen %give %done ~] moz] $(tac mes) :: :: view ethereum events :: [%public-keys whos=(set ship)] :: %public-keys =. moz [[hen %give %done ~] moz] $(tac mes) == == :: ++ take |= [tea=wire hen=duct hin=sign] ^+ +> ?- hin [%a %done *] ?~ error.hin +>.$ ~& [%done-bad tag.u.error.hin] %- (slog tang.u.error.hin) ::TODO fail:et +>.$ :: [%a %boon *] =+ ;; [%public-keys-result =public-keys-result] payload.hin %- curd =< abet (public-keys:~(feel su hen our now pki etn) public-keys-result) :: [%a %lost *] :: TODO: better error handling :: ~| %jael-ames-lost !! :: [%b %wake *] ?^ error.hin %- %+ slog leaf+"jael unable to resubscribe, run :azimuth-tracker|listen" u.error.hin +>.$ ?> ?=([%breach @ ~] tea) =/ =source-id (slav %ud i.t.tea) =/ =source (~(got by sources.etn) source-id) =/ ships (~(get ju ship-sources-reverse.etn) source-id) %- curd =< abet (sources:~(feel su hen our now pki etn) ships source) :: [%g %onto *] ~& [%jael-onto tea hin] +>.$ :: [%g %unto *] ?- +>-.hin $kick ~|([%jael-unexpected-quit tea hin] !!) $poke-ack ?~ p.p.+>.hin +>.$ %- (slog leaf+"jael-bad-coup" u.p.p.+>.hin) +>.$ :: $watch-ack ?~ p.p.+>.hin +>.$ %- (slog u.p.p.+>.hin) ~|([%jael-unexpected-reap tea hin] +>.$) :: $fact ?> ?=([@ *] tea) =* app i.tea =/ =peer-sign ;;(peer-sign q.q.cage.p.+>.hin) %- curd =< abet (~(new-event su hen our now pki etn) peer-sign) == == :: :: ++curd:of ++ curd :: relative moves |= $: moz/(list move) pki/state-pki etn/state-eth-node == +>(pki pki, etn etn, moz (weld (flop moz) ^moz)) -- :: :: ++su :::: ## relative^heavy :: subjective engine :: :::: ++ su :: the ++su core handles all derived state, :: subscriptions, and actions. :: :: ++feed:su registers subscriptions. :: :: ++feel:su checks if a ++change should notify :: any subscribers. :: =| moz=(list move) =| $: hen=duct our=ship now=@da state-pki state-eth-node == :: moz: moves in reverse order :: pki: relative urbit state :: =* pki ->+>- =* etn ->+>+ |% ++ this-su . :: :: ++abet:su ++ abet :: resolve [(flop moz) pki etn] :: :: ++exec:su ++ emit |= =move +>.$(moz [move moz]) :: ++ exec :: mass gift |= {yen/(set duct) cad/card} =/ noy ~(tap in yen) |- ^+ this-su ?~ noy this-su $(noy t.noy, moz [[i.noy cad] moz]) :: ++ emit-peer |= [app=term =path] %- emit :* hen %pass [app path] %g %deal [our our] app %watch path == :: ++ peer |= [app=term whos=(set ship)] ?: =(~ whos) (emit-peer app /) =/ whol=(list ship) ~(tap in whos) |- ^+ this-su ?~ whol this-su =. this-su (emit-peer app /(scot %p i.whol)) $(whol t.whol) :: ++ public-keys-give |= [yen=(set duct) =public-keys-result] |^ =+ yez=(sort ~(tap in yen) sorter) |- ^+ this-su ?~ yez this-su =* d i.yez =. this-su ?. &(?=([[%a @ @ *] *] d) !=(%public-keys i.t.i.d)) %- emit [d %give %public-keys public-keys-result] %- emit [d %give %boon %public-keys-result public-keys-result] $(yez t.yez) :: :: We want to notify Ames, then Clay, then Gall. This happens to :: be alphabetical, but this is mostly a coincidence. :: ++ sorter |= [a=duct b=duct] ?. ?=([[@ *] *] a) | ?. ?=([[@ *] *] b) & (lth i.i.a i.i.b) -- :: ++ get-source |= who=@p ^- source =/ ship-source (~(get by ship-sources.etn) who) ?^ ship-source (~(got by sources) u.ship-source) ?: =((clan:title who) %earl) [%& (^sein:title who)] (~(got by sources) default-source.etn) :: ++ get-source-id |= =source ^- [source-id _this-su] =/ source-reverse (~(get by sources-reverse) source) ?^ source-reverse [u.source-reverse this-su] :- top-source-id.etn %_ this-su top-source-id.etn +(top-source-id.etn) sources.etn (~(put by sources) top-source-id.etn source) sources-reverse.etn (~(put by sources-reverse) source top-source-id.etn) == :: ++ new-event |= [=a=ship =a=udiff:point] ^+ this-su =/ a-point=point (~(gut by pos.zim.pki) a-ship *point) =/ a-diff=(unit diff:point) (udiff-to-diff:point a-udiff a-point) ?~ a-diff this-su (public-keys:feel %diff a-ship u.a-diff) :: ++ subscribers-on-ship |= =ship ^- (set duct) =/ specific-subs (~(get ju ney.zim) ship) =/ general-subs=(set duct) ?: ?=(?(%czar %king %duke) (clan:title ship)) nel.zim ~ (~(uni in specific-subs) general-subs) :: ++ feed |_ :: hen: subscription source :: hen/duct :: :: Handle subscription to public-keys :: ++ public-keys |= whos=(set ship) ?: fak.own.pki (public-keys:fake whos) :: Subscribe to parent of moons :: =. ..feed =/ moons=(jug ship ship) %- ~(gas ju *(jug spon=ship who=ship)) %+ murn ~(tap in whos) |= who=ship ^- (unit [spon=ship child=ship]) ?. =(%earl (clan:title who)) ~ ?: (~(has by ship-sources) who) ~ `[(^sein:title who) who] =/ moonl=(list [spon=ship ships=(set ship)]) ~(tap by moons) |- ^+ ..feed ?~ moonl ..feed ?: =(our spon.i.moonl) $(moonl t.moonl) =. ..feed (sources:feel ships.i.moonl [%& spon.i.moonl]) $(moonl t.moonl) :: Add to subscriber list :: =. ney.zim =/ whol=(list ship) ~(tap in whos) |- ^- (jug ship duct) ?~ whol ney.zim (~(put ju $(whol t.whol)) i.whol hen) =. yen.zim %- ~(gas ju yen.zim) %+ turn ~(tap in whos) |= who=ship [hen who] =? nel.zim ?=(~ whos) (~(put in nel.zim) hen) :: Give initial result :: =/ =public-keys-result :- %full ?: =(~ whos) pos.zim %- my ^- (list (pair ship point)) %+ murn ~(tap in whos) |= who=ship ^- (unit (pair ship point)) =/ pub (~(get by pos.zim) who) ?~ pub ~ ?: =(0 life.u.pub) ~ `[who u.pub] =. ..feed (public-keys-give (sy hen ~) public-keys-result) ..feed :: :: Handle subscription to private-keys :: ++ private-keys %_ ..feed moz [[hen %give %private-keys [lyf jaw]:own] moz] yen.own (~(put in yen.own) hen) == :: ++ fake ?> fak.own.pki |% ++ public-keys |= whos=(set ship) =/ whol=(list ship) ~(tap in whos) =/ passes |- ^- (list [who=ship =pass]) ?~ whol ~ =/ cub (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 i.whol) :- [i.whol pub:ex:cub] $(whol t.whol) =/ points=(list (pair ship point)) %+ turn passes |= [who=ship =pass] ^- [who=ship =point] [who [rift=1 life=1 (my [1 1 pass] ~) `(^sein:title who)]] =. moz [[hen %give %public-keys %full (my points)] moz] ..feel -- -- :: ++ feel |% :: :: Update public-keys :: ++ public-keys |= =public-keys-result ^+ ..feel ?: ?=(%full -.public-keys-result) =/ pointl=(list [who=ship =point]) ~(tap by points.public-keys-result) |- ^+ ..feel ?~ pointl ..feel(pos.zim (~(uni by pos.zim) points.public-keys-result)) :: if changing rift upward, then signal a breach :: =? ..feel =/ point (~(get by pos.zim) who.i.pointl) ?& ?=(^ point) (gth rift.point.i.pointl rift.u.point) == =. ..feel %+ public-keys-give (subscribers-on-ship who.i.pointl) [%breach who.i.pointl] =/ sor (~(get by sources-reverse) %& who.i.pointl) ?~ sor ..feel :: delay resubscribing because Ames is going to clear any :: messages we send now. :: (emit hen %pass /breach/(scot %ud u.sor) %b %wait now) :: =. ..feel %+ public-keys-give (subscribers-on-ship who.i.pointl) [%full (my i.pointl ~)] $(pointl t.pointl) :: ?: ?=(%breach -.public-keys-result) :: we calculate our own breaches based on our local state :: ..feel =* who who.public-keys-result =/ a-diff=diff:point diff.public-keys-result =/ maybe-point (~(get by pos.zim) who) =/ =point (fall maybe-point *point) :: if changing rift upward, then signal a breach :: =? ..feel ?& ?=(^ maybe-point) ?=(%rift -.a-diff) (gth to.a-diff rift.point) == %+ public-keys-give (subscribers-on-ship who) [%breach who] :: =. point ?- -.a-diff %spon point(sponsor to.a-diff) %rift point(rift to.a-diff) %keys %_ point life life.to.a-diff keys %+ ~(put by keys.point) life.to.a-diff [crypto-suite pass]:to.a-diff == == :: =. pos.zim (~(put by pos.zim) who point) %+ public-keys-give (subscribers-on-ship who) ?~ maybe-point [%full (my [who point]~)] [%diff who a-diff] :: :: Update private-keys :: ++ private-keys |= [=life =ring] ^+ ..feel ?: &(=(lyf.own life) =((~(get by jaw.own) life) `ring)) ..feel =. lyf.own life =. jaw.own (~(put by jaw.own) life ring) (exec yen.own [%give %private-keys lyf.own jaw.own]) :: :: Change sources for ships :: ++ sources |= [whos=(set ship) =source] ^+ ..feel =^ =source-id this-su (get-source-id source) =. ..feed ?~ whos ..feed(default-source.etn source-id) =/ whol=(list ship) ~(tap in `(set ship)`whos) =. ship-sources.etn |- ^- (map ship ^source-id) ?~ whol ship-sources.etn (~(put by $(whol t.whol)) i.whol source-id) =. ship-sources-reverse.etn %- ~(gas ju ship-sources-reverse.etn) (turn whol |=(=ship [source-id ship])) ..feed :: ?: ?=(%& -.source) =/ send-message |= =message [hen %pass /public-keys %a %plea p.source %j /public-keys message] (emit (send-message %public-keys whos)) (peer p.source whos) -- :: :: No-op :: ++ meet |= [who=ship =life =pass] ^+ +> +>.$ -- -- :: :::: :::: # vane :: interface :: :::: :: :: lex: all durable %jael state :: =| lex/state |= $: :: :: our: identity :: now: current time :: eny: unique entropy :: ski: namespace resolver :: our=ship now=@da eny=@uvJ ski=sley == ^? |% :: :: ++call ++ call :: request |= $: :: hen: cause of this event :: hic: event data :: hen/duct dud=(unit goof) hic/(hypo (hobo task:able)) == ^- [(list move) _..^$] ?^ dud ~|(%jael-call-dud (mean tang.u.dud)) :: =/ =task:able ((harden task:able) q.hic) =^ did lex abet:(~(call of [our now eny] lex) hen task) [did ..^$] :: :: ++load ++ load :: upgrade |= $: :: old: previous state :: :: old/* old/state == ^+ ..^$ :: ..^$ ..^$(lex old) :: :: ++scry ++ scry :: inspect |= $: :: fur: event security :: ren: access mode :: why: owner :: syd: desk (branch) :: lot: case (version) :: tyl: rest of path :: fur/(unit (set monk)) ren/@tas why/shop syd/desk lot/coin tyl/spur == ^- (unit (unit cage)) :: XX review for security, stability, cases other than now :: ?. =(lot [%$ %da now]) ~ ?. =(%$ ren) [~ ~] ?+ syd ~ :: %code ?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~] ?. =([%& our] why) [~ ~] =/ who (slaw %p i.tyl) ?~ who [~ ~] =/ sec (~(got by jaw.own.pki.lex) lyf.own.pki.lex) =/ cub (nol:nu:crub:crypto sec) :: XX use pac:ex:cub? :: ``[%noun !>((end 6 1 (shaf %pass (shax sec:ex:cub))))] :: %life ?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~] ?. =([%& our] why) [~ ~] =/ who (slaw %p i.tyl) ?~ who [~ ~] :: fake ships always have life=1 :: ?: fak.own.pki.lex ``[%atom !>(1)] ?: =(u.who p.why) ``[%atom !>(lyf.own.pki.lex)] =/ pub (~(get by pos.zim.pki.lex) u.who) ?~ pub ~ ``[%atom !>(life.u.pub)] :: %lyfe :: unitized %life ?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~] ?. =([%& our] why) [~ ~] =/ who (slaw %p i.tyl) ?~ who [~ ~] :: fake ships always have life=1 :: ?: fak.own.pki.lex ``[%noun !>((some 1))] ?: =(u.who p.why) ``[%noun !>((some lyf.own.pki.lex))] =/ pub (~(get by pos.zim.pki.lex) u.who) ?~ pub ``[%noun !>(~)] ``[%noun !>((some life.u.pub))] :: %rift ?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~] ?. =([%& our] why) [~ ~] =/ who (slaw %p i.tyl) ?~ who [~ ~] :: fake ships always have rift=1 :: ?: fak.own.pki.lex ``[%atom !>(1)] =/ pos (~(get by pos.zim.pki.lex) u.who) ?~ pos ~ ``[%atom !>(rift.u.pos)] :: %ryft :: unitized %rift ?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~] ?. =([%& our] why) [~ ~] =/ who (slaw %p i.tyl) ?~ who [~ ~] :: fake ships always have rift=1 :: ?: fak.own.pki.lex ``[%noun !>((some 1))] =/ pos (~(get by pos.zim.pki.lex) u.who) ?~ pos ``[%noun !>(~)] ``[%noun !>((some rift.u.pos))] :: %vein ?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~] ?. &(?=(%& -.why) =(p.why our)) [~ ~] =/ lyf (slaw %ud i.tyl) ?~ lyf [~ ~] :: ?~ r=(~(get by jaw.own.pki.lex) u.lyf) [~ ~] :: [~ ~ %noun !>(u.r)] :: %deed ?. ?=([@ @ ~] tyl) [~ ~] ?. &(?=(%& -.why) =(p.why our)) [~ ~] =/ who (slaw %p i.tyl) =/ lyf (slaw %ud i.t.tyl) ?~ who [~ ~] ?~ lyf [~ ~] :: ?: fak.own.pki.lex =/ cub (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 u.who) :^ ~ ~ %noun !> [1 pub:ex:cub ~] :: =/ rac (clan:title u.who) ?: ?=(%pawn rac) ?. =(u.who p.why) [~ ~] ?. =(1 u.lyf) [~ ~] =/ sec (~(got by jaw.own.pki.lex) u.lyf) =/ cub (nol:nu:crub:crypto sec) =/ sig (sign:as:cub (shaf %self (sham [u.who 1 pub:ex:cub]))) :^ ~ ~ %noun !> [1 pub:ex:cub `sig] :: =/ pub (~(get by pos.zim.pki.lex) u.who) ?~ pub ~ ?: (gth u.lyf life.u.pub) ~ =/ pas (~(get by keys.u.pub) u.lyf) ?~ pas ~ :^ ~ ~ %noun !> [u.lyf pass.u.pas ~] :: %earl ?. ?=([@ @ ~] tyl) [~ ~] ?. =([%& our] why) [~ ~] =/ who (slaw %p i.tyl) =/ lyf (slaw %ud i.t.tyl) ?~ who [~ ~] ?~ lyf [~ ~] ?: (gth u.lyf lyf.own.pki.lex) ~ ?: (lth u.lyf lyf.own.pki.lex) [~ ~] :: XX check that who/lyf hasn't been booted :: =/ sec (~(got by jaw.own.pki.lex) u.lyf) =/ moon-sec (shaf %earl (sham our u.lyf sec u.who)) =/ cub (pit:nu:crub:crypto 128 moon-sec) =/ =seed [u.who 1 sec:ex:cub ~] ``[%seed !>(seed)] :: %sein ?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~] ?. =([%& our] why) [~ ~] =/ who (slaw %p i.tyl) ?~ who [~ ~] :^ ~ ~ %atom !> ^- ship (~(sein of [our now eny] lex) u.who) :: %saxo ?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~] ?. =([%& our] why) [~ ~] =/ who (slaw %p i.tyl) ?~ who [~ ~] :^ ~ ~ %noun !> ^- (list ship) (~(saxo of [our now eny] lex) u.who) :: %subscriptions ?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~] ?. =([%& our] why) [~ ~] :^ ~ ~ %noun !>([yen ney nel]:zim.pki.lex) :: %sources ?. ?=(~ tyl) [~ ~] :^ ~ ~ %noun !> etn.lex :: %turf ?. ?=(~ tyl) [~ ~] [~ ~ %noun !>(tuf.own.pki.lex)] == :: :: ++stay ++ stay :: preserve lex :: :: ++take ++ take :: accept |= $: :: tea: order :: hen: cause :: hin: result :: tea/wire hen/duct dud=(unit goof) hin/(hypo sign) == ^- [(list move) _..^$] ?^ dud ~|(%jael-take-dud (mean tang.u.dud)) :: =^ did lex abet:(~(take of [our now eny] lex) tea hen q.hin) [did ..^$] --