:: https://developer.github.com/v3/ :: :: These types correspond to the types that Github's API :: produces, so please check Github's documentation for :: details. :: :: For parsing JSON into these types, check out the gh-parse :: library. :: |% ++ repository $: id/id name/@t full-name/@t owner/user private/? html-url/@t description/@t fork/? url/@t forks-url/@t keys-url/@t collaborators-url/@t teams-url/@t hooks-url/@t issue-events-url/@t events-url/@t assignees-url/@t branches-url/@t tags-url/@t blobs-url/@t git-tags-url/@t git-refs-url/@t trees-url/@t statuses-url/@t languages-url/@t stargazers-url/@t contributors-url/@t subscribers-url/@t subscription-url/@t commits-url/@t git-commits-url/@t comments-url/@t issue-comment-url/@t contents-url/@t compare-url/@t merges-url/@t archive-url/@t downloads-url/@t issues-urls/@t pulls-url/@t milestones-url/@t notifications-url/@t labels-url/@t releases-url/@t created-at/time updated-at/time pushed-at/time git-url/@t ssh-url/@t clone-url/@t svn-url/@t homepage/json size/@ud stargazers-count/@ud watchers-count/@ud language/json has-issues/? has-downloads/? has-wiki/? has-pages/? forks-count/@ud mirror-url/json open-issues-count/@ud forks/@ud open-issues/@ud watchers/@ud default-branch/@t == ++ user $: login/@t id/id avatar-url/@t gravatar-id/@t url/@t html-url/@t followers-url/@t following-url/@t gists-url/@t starred-url/@t subscriptions-url/@t organizations-url/@t repos-url/@t events-url/@t received-events/@t type/@t site-admin/? == ++ issue $: raw/json url/@t labels-url/@t comments-url/@t events-url/@t html-url/@t id/id number/@ud title/@t user/user labels/(list label) state/@t locked/? assignee/(unit user) milestone/json comments/@ud created-at/time updated-at/time closed-at/(unit time) body/@t == ++ label $: url/@t name/@t color/@t == ++ comment $: url/@t html-url/@t issue-url/@t id/id user/user created-at/time updated-at/time body/@t == ++ id @t ++ time @t ++ issues $: repository/repository sender/user $= action $% {$assigned assignee/user} {$unassigned assignee/user} {$labeled label/label} {$unlabeled label/label} {$opened $~} {$closed $~} {$reopened $~} == issue/issue == ++ issue-comment $: repository/repository sender/user action/@t issue/issue comment/comment == ++ ping {repo/json sender/json hok/(list @t) hook-id/@t zen/json} --