:: hark-store: notifications and unread counts [landscape] :: :: hark-store can store unread counts differently, depending on the :: resource. :: - last seen. This way, hark-store simply stores an index into :: graph-store, which represents the last "seen" item, useful for :: high-volume applications which are intrinsically time-ordered. i.e. :: chats, comments :: - each. Hark-store will store an index for each item that is unread. :: Usefull for non-linear, low-volume applications, i.e. blogs, :: collections :: /- store=hark-store /+ verb, dbug, default-agent, re=hark-unreads, agentio :: :: ~% %hark-store-top ..part ~ |% +$ card card:agent:gall +$ versioned-state $% state-2 state-3 state-4 state-5 state-6 state-7 state-8 == :: +$ base-state $: places=(map place:store stats:store) seen=timebox:store unseen=timebox:store =archive:store half-open=(map bin:store @da) == :: +$ state-2 [%2 *] :: +$ state-3 [%3 *] :: +$ state-4 [%4 *] :: +$ state-5 [%5 *] :: +$ state-6 [%6 *] :: +$ state-7 [%7 *] :: +$ state-8 [%8 base-state] :: :: +$ cached-state $: by-place=(jug place:store [=lid:store =path]) ~ == +$ inflated-state [state-8 cached-state] :: ++ orm ((ordered-map @da timebox:store) gth) -- :: =| inflated-state =* state - :: =< %+ verb & %- agent:dbug ^- agent:gall ~% %hark-store-agent ..card ~ |_ =bowl:gall +* this . ha ~(. +> bowl) def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl) io ~(. agentio bowl) pass pass:io :: ++ on-init `this :: ++ on-save !>(-.state) ++ on-load |= =old=vase =/ old !<(versioned-state old-vase) =| cards=(list card) |^ ^- (quip card _this) ?: ?=(%8 -.old) =. -.state old =. +.state inflate :_(this (flop cards)) :: :_ this (poke-our:pass %hark-graph-hook hark-graph-migrate+old-vase)^~ :: ++ index-timebox |= [=lid:store =timebox:store out=_by-place] ^+ by-place %+ roll ~(tap by timebox) |= [[=bin:store =notification:store] out=_out] (~(put ju out) place.bin [lid path.bin]) :: ++ inflate =. by-place (index-timebox seen+~ seen by-place) =. by-place (index-timebox unseen+~ unseen by-place) =. by-place %+ roll (tap:orm archive) |= [[=time =timebox:store] out=_by-place] (index-timebox archive/time timebox out) +.state -- :: ++ on-watch |= =path ^- (quip card _this) ?> (team:title [src our]:bowl) |^ ?+ path (on-watch:def path) [%notes ~] `this :: [%updates ~] :_ this [%give %fact ~ hark-update+!>(initial-updates)]~ :: == :: ++ initial-updates ^- update:store :- %more ^- (list update:store) :~ [%timebox unseen+~ ~(val by unseen)] [%timebox seen+~ ~(val by seen)] [%all-stats places] == -- :: ++ on-peek |= =path ^- (unit (unit cage)) ?+ path (on-peek:def path) :: [%x %recent %inbox @ @ ~] =/ date=@da (slav %ud i.t.t.t.path) =/ length=@ud (slav %ud i.t.t.t.t.path) :^ ~ ~ %hark-update !> ^- update:store :- %more %+ turn (tab:orm archive `date length) |= [time=@da =timebox:store] ^- update:store [%timebox archive+time ~(val by timebox)] == :: ++ on-poke ~/ %hark-store-poke |= [=mark =vase] ^- (quip card _this) |^ ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) =^ cards state ?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase) %hark-action (hark-action !<(action:store vase)) %noun (poke-noun !<(* vase)) == [cards this] :: ++ poke-noun |= val=* ?+ val ~|(%bad-noun-poke !!) %print ~&(+.state [~ state]) %clear [~ state(. *inflated-state)] == :: ++ poke-us |= =action:store ^- card [%pass / %agent [our dap]:bowl %poke hark-action+!>(action)] :: ++ hark-action |= =action:store ^- (quip card _state) abet:(abed:poke-engine:ha action) -- :: ++ on-agent on-agent:def :: ++ on-leave on-leave:def ++ on-arvo |= [=wire =sign-arvo] ^- (quip card _this) ?. ?=([%autoseen ~] wire) (on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo) `this :: ++ on-fail on-fail:def -- |_ =bowl:gall +* met ~(. metadata bowl) io ~(. agentio bowl) pass pass:io ++ poke-engine |_ [out=(list update:store) cards=(list card)] ++ poke-core . :: ++ abed |= in=action:store ^+ poke-core ?- -.in :: %add-note (add-note +.in) %del-place (del-place +.in) %archive (do-archive +.in) :: %unread-count (unread-count +.in) %read-count (read-count +.in) :: %read-each (read-each +.in) %unread-each (unread-each +.in) :: %read-note (read-note +.in) :: %saw-place (saw-place +.in) :: %opened opened %archive-all archive-all :: == :: ++ abet ^- (quip card _state) :_ state %+ snoc (flop cards) [%give %fact ~[/updates] %hark-update !>([%more (flop out)])] :: ++ give |=(=update:store poke-core(out [update out])) ++ emit |=(=card poke-core(cards [card cards])) :: :: :: +| %note :: :: notification tracking ++ put-notifs |= [time=@da =timebox:store] poke-core(archive (put:orm archive time timebox)) :: ++ put-lid |= [=lid:store =bin:store =notification:store] ^+ poke-core =. by-place (~(put ju by-place) place.bin [lid path.bin]) ?- -.lid %seen poke-core(seen (~(put by seen) bin notification)) :: %unseen poke-core(unseen (~(put by unseen) bin notification)) :: %archive poke-core(archive (~(put re archive) time.lid bin notification)) == :: ++ del-lid |= [=lid:store =bin:store] =. by-place (~(del ju by-place) place.bin [lid path.bin]) ?- -.lid %seen poke-core(seen (~(del by seen) bin)) %unseen poke-core(unseen (~(del by unseen) bin)) %archive poke-core(archive (~(del re archive) time.lid bin)) == :: ++ add-note |= [=bin:store =body:store] ^+ poke-core =. poke-core (emit (fact:io hark-update+!>([%add-note bin body]) /notes ~)) =. by-place (~(put ju by-place) place.bin unseen+~ path.bin) =/ existing-notif (~(gut by unseen) bin *notification:store) =/ new=notification:store [now.bowl bin [body body.existing-notif]] =. unseen (~(put by unseen) bin new) (give %added new) :: ++ del-place |= =place:store =. poke-core (give %del-place place) =/ notes=(list [=lid:store =path]) ~(tap in (~(get ju by-place) place)) |- ^+ poke-core ?~ notes poke-core =, i.notes =. poke-core (del-lid lid path place) $(notes t.notes) :: ++ do-archive |= [=lid:store =bin:store] ^+ poke-core ~| %already-archived ?< ?=(%time -.lid) ~| %non-existent =/ =notification:store (need (get-lid lid bin)) =. poke-core (del-lid lid bin) =. poke-core (put-lid archive+now.bowl bin notification) =? poke-core ?=(%unseen -.lid) ?~ n=(get-lid seen+~ bin) poke-core =. archive %^ ~(job re archive) now.bowl bin |= og=(unit notification:store) (merge-notification og u.n) poke-core (give %archived now.bowl lid notification) :: ++ read-note |= =bin:store =/ =notification:store (~(got by unseen) bin) =. unseen (~(del by unseen) bin) =/ =time (fall timebox:(gut-place place.bin) now.bowl) =. date.notification time =. archive (~(put re archive) time bin notification) (give %note-read time bin) :: :: :: +| %each :: :: each unread tracking :: ++ unread-each |= [=place:store =path] =. poke-core (saw-place place ~) =. poke-core (give %unread-each place path) %+ jub-place place |=(=stats:store stats(each (~(put in each.stats) path))) :: ++ read-index-each |= [=place:store =path] %- read-bins %+ skim ~(tap in ~(key by unseen)) |= =bin:store ?. =(place place.bin) %.n =/ not=notification:store (~(got by unseen) bin) (lien body.not |=(=body:store =(binned.body path))) :: ++ read-each |= [=place:store =path] =. poke-core (read-index-each place path) =. poke-core (give %read-each place path) %+ jub-place place |= =stats:store %_ stats timebox `now.bowl each (~(del in each.stats) path) == :: ++ gut-place |= =place:store ?: (~(has by places) place) (~(got by places) place) =| def=stats:store def(timebox ~, last now.bowl) :: ++ jub-place |= $: =place:store f=$-(stats:store stats:store) == ^+ poke-core =/ =stats:store (gut-place place) poke-core(places (~(put by places) place (f stats))) :: ++ unread-count |= [=place:store inc=? count=@ud] =. poke-core (give %unread-count place inc count) =. poke-core (saw-place place ~) =/ f ?: inc (cury add count) (curr sub count) %+ jub-place place |= =stats:store stats(count (f count.stats)) :: ++ half-archive |= =place:store =/ bins=(list [=lid:store =path]) ~(tap in (~(get ju by-place) place)) |- ?~ bins poke-core =/ =bin:store [path.i.bins place] =* lid lid.i.bins ?: ?=(%archive -.lid) $(bins t.bins) =/ seen-place (~(get by seen) bin) =/ n=(unit notification:store) (get-lid lid bin) ?~ n $(bins t.bins) =* note u.n =/ =time (~(gut by half-open) bin now.bowl) =? half-open !(~(has by half-open) bin) (~(put by half-open) bin now.bowl) =. archive %^ ~(job re archive) time bin |=(n=(unit notification:store) (merge-notification n note)) =. by-place (~(put ju by-place) place [archive/now.bowl path.bin]) =. poke-core (give %archived now.bowl unseen+~ (~(got re archive) time bin)) =. poke-core (give %archived now.bowl seen+~ (~(got re archive) time bin)) $(bins t.bins) :: ++ read-count |= =place:store =. poke-core (give %read-count place) =. poke-core (half-archive place) %+ jub-place place |= =stats:store stats(count 0, timebox `now.bowl) :: ++ read-bins |= bins=(list bin:store) |- ?~ bins poke-core =/ core (read-note i.bins) $(poke-core core, bins t.bins) :: ++ saw-place |= [=place:store time=(unit time)] =. poke-core (give %saw-place place time) %+ jub-place place |=(=stats:store stats(last (fall time now.bowl))) :: ++ archive-seen =/ seen=(list [=bin:store =notification:store]) ~(tap by seen) poke-core :: ++ opened =. seen %- ~(gas by *timebox:store) %+ murn ~(tap in (~(uni in ~(key by seen)) ~(key by unseen))) |= =bin:store =/ se (~(get by seen) bin) =/ un (~(get by unseen) bin) ?~ un ?~(se ~ `[bin u.se]) `[bin (merge-notification se u.un)] =. unseen ~ =. poke-core (turn-places |=(=stats:store stats(timebox ~))) (give %opened ~) :: ++ archive-all |^ =. poke-core (archive-lid unseen/~ unseen) (archive-lid seen/~ seen) ++ archive-lid |= [=lid:store =timebox:store] %+ roll ~(tap ~(key by timebox)) |= [=bin:store out=_poke-core] (do-archive:out lid bin) -- :: ++ turn-places |= f=$-(stats:store stats:store) =/ places ~(tap in ~(key by places)) |- ^+ poke-core ?~ places poke-core =/ core=_poke-core (jub-place i.places f) $(poke-core core, places t.places) -- :: ++ get-lid |= [=lid:store =bin:store] =/ =timebox:store ?:(?=(%unseen -.lid) unseen seen) (~(get by timebox) bin) :: ++ merge-notification |= [existing=(unit notification:store) new=notification:store] ^- notification:store ?~ existing new [(max date.u.existing date.new) bin.new (welp body.new body.u.existing)] :: :: +key-orm: +key:by for ordered maps ++ key-orm |= =archive:store ^- (list @da) (turn (tap:orm archive) |=([@da *] +<-)) :: :: +gut-orm: +gut:by for ordered maps :: TODO: move to zuse.hoon ++ gut-orm |= [=archive:store time=@da] ^- timebox:store (fall (get:orm archive time) ~) :: :: ++ scry |* [=mold p=path] ?> ?=(^ p) ?> ?=(^ t.p) .^(mold i.p (scot %p our.bowl) i.t.p (scot %da now.bowl) t.t.p) :: ++ give |= [paths=(list path) update=update:store] ^- (list card) [%give %fact paths [%hark-update !>(update)]]~ :: ++ tap-nonempty |= =archive:store ^- (list [@da timebox:store]) %+ skim (tap:orm archive) |=([@da =timebox:store] !=(~(wyt by timebox) 0)) --