(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o 3) { anim = 0; } return this.setState({ anim: anim }); }, render: function() { return span({ className: "loading state-" + this.state.anim }, ''); } }); },{}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ var Ship, div, input, recl, ref, rele, textarea; Ship = window.tree.util.components.ship; recl = React.createClass; rele = React.createElement; ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, input = ref.input, textarea = ref.textarea; module.exports = recl({ displayName: "Member", render: function() { var k, ref1, ship; ship = (ref1 = this.props.ship) != null ? ref1 : ""; k = "ship"; if (this.props.presence) { k += " " + this.props.presence; } return div({ className: "iden", key: "iden" }, [ rele(Ship, { ship: ship }) ]); } }); },{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ var Member, a, clas, div, h2, h3, label, pre, recl, ref, util, indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; util = require('../util.coffee'); clas = require('classnames'); recl = React.createClass; ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, pre = ref.pre, a = ref.a, label = ref.label, h2 = ref.h2, h3 = ref.h3; Member = require('./MemberComponent.coffee'); module.exports = recl({ displayName: "Message", lz: function(n) { if (n < 10) { return "0" + n; } else { return "" + n; } }, convTime: function(time) { var d, h, m, s; d = new Date(time); h = this.lz(d.getHours()); m = this.lz(d.getMinutes()); s = this.lz(d.getSeconds()); return "~" + h + "." + m + "." + s; }, _handleAudi: function(e) { var audi; audi = _.map($(e.target).closest('.path').find('div'), function(div) { return $(div).text(); }); return this.props._handleAudi(audi); }, _handlePm: function(e) { var user; if (!this.props._handlePm) { return; } user = $(e.target).closest('.iden').text(); if (user[0] === "~") { user = user.slice(1); } if (user.toLowerCase() === 'system') { return; } return this.props._handlePm(user); }, renderSpeech: function(arg) { var app, exp, fat, inv, ire, lin, prex, ref1, url, x; lin = arg.lin, url = arg.url, exp = arg.exp, ire = arg.ire, fat = arg.fat, inv = arg.inv, app = arg.app; switch (false) { case !lin: return lin.msg; case !url: return a({ href: url, target: "_blank", rel: "noopener", key: "speech" }, url); case !exp: return div({}, exp.exp, div({ className: "fat" }, pre({}, exp.res.join("\n")))); case !ire: return this.renderSpeech(ire.sep); case !fat: return div({}, this.renderSpeech(fat.sep), div({ className: "fat" }, this.renderAttache(fat.tac))); case !inv: prex = (ref1 = inv.inv) != null ? ref1 : { "invited you to ": "banished you from " }; return prex + inv.cir; case !app: return this.renderSpeech(app.sep); default: return "Unknown speech type:" + ((function() { var results; results = []; for (x in arguments[0]) { results.push(" %" + x); } return results; }).apply(this, arguments)).join(''); } }, renderAttache: function(arg) { var name, tank, text; text = arg.text, tank = arg.tank, name = arg.name; switch (false) { case text == null: return pre({}, text); case tank == null: return pre({}, tank.join("\n")); case name == null: return pre({}, name.nom, ":\n", this.renderAttache(name.tac)); } }, classesInSpeech: function(arg) { var app, exp, fat, inv, ire, lin, url; lin = arg.lin, url = arg.url, exp = arg.exp, ire = arg.ire, fat = arg.fat, inv = arg.inv, app = arg.app; switch (false) { case !lin: return { say: lin.pat }; case !url: return "url"; case !exp: return "exp"; case !ire: return this.classesInSpeech(ire.sep); case !fat: return this.classesInSpeech(fat.sep); case !inv: return { say: true }; case !app: return "exp"; } }, render: function() { var audi, className, gam, heard, mainStation, name, speech, style, type; gam = this.props; heard = gam.heard; speech = gam.sep; if (speech == null) { return; } name = this.props.name ? this.props.name : ""; audi = util.clipAudi(gam.aud).map(function(_audi) { return div({ key: _audi }, _audi); }); mainStation = util.mainStationPath(window.urb.user); type = indexOf.call(gam.aud, mainStation) >= 0 ? 'private' : 'public'; /* if(_.filter(bouquet, ["comment"]).length > 0) comment = true for k,v of speech.mor if v.fat url = v.fat.taf.url.txt txt = v.fat.tor.text if v.app then path = v.app.txt.replace "comment on ", "" audi = (a {href:url}, path) speech = {com:{txt,url}} */ className = clas('gram', (this.props.sameAs ? "same" : "first"), (heard ? "received" : "pending"), { 'new': this.props.unseen }, { comment: false }, this.classesInSpeech(speech)); style = { height: this.props.height, marginTop: this.props.marginTop }; return div({ className: className, 'data-index': this.props.index, key: "message", style: style }, div({ className: "meta", key: "meta" }, label({ className: "type " + type, "data-glyph": this.props.glyph || "*" }), h2({ className: 'author planet', onClick: this._handlePm, key: "member" }, React.createElement(Member, { ship: this.props.ship, glyph: this.props.glyph, key: "member" })), h3({ className: "path", onClick: this._handleAudi, key: "audi" }, audi), h3({ className: "time", key: "time" }, this.convTime(gam.wen))), div({ className: "speech", key: "speech" }, this.renderSpeech(speech))); } }); },{"../util.coffee":15,"./MemberComponent.coffee":4,"classnames":16}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ var FONT_SIZE, INFINITE, Infinite, Load, MESSAGE_HEIGHT_FIRST, MESSAGE_HEIGHT_FIRST_MARGIN_TOP, MESSAGE_HEIGHT_SAME, Message, MessageActions, MessageStore, StationActions, StationStore, div, recl, rele, util; util = require('../util.coffee'); Infinite = null; recl = React.createClass; rele = React.createElement; div = React.DOM.div; MessageActions = require('../actions/MessageActions.coffee'); MessageStore = require('../stores/MessageStore.coffee'); StationActions = require('../actions/StationActions.coffee'); StationStore = require('../stores/StationStore.coffee'); Message = require('./MessageComponent.coffee'); Load = require('./LoadComponent.coffee'); INFINITE = true; MESSAGE_HEIGHT_SAME = 27; MESSAGE_HEIGHT_FIRST = 56 - MESSAGE_HEIGHT_SAME; MESSAGE_HEIGHT_FIRST_MARGIN_TOP = 16; FONT_SIZE = parseInt($('body').css('font-size').match(/(\d*)px/)[1]); module.exports = recl({ displayName: "Messages", pageSize: 200, paddingTop: 100, paddingBottom: 100, stateFromStore: function() { return { messages: MessageStore.getAll(), oldest: MessageStore.getOldest(), fetching: MessageStore.getFetching(), listening: MessageStore.getListening(), station: StationStore.getStation(), stations: StationStore.getStations(), configs: StationStore.getConfigs(), typing: MessageStore.getTyping(), glyph: StationStore.getGlyphMap() }; }, getInitialState: function() { return this.stateFromStore(); }, _blur: function() { this.focused = false; return this.lastSeen = this.last; }, _focus: function() { this.focused = true; this.lastSeen = null; $('.message.new').removeClass('new'); return document.title = document.title.replace(/\ \([0-9]*\)/, ""); }, atScrollEdge: function() { switch (this.props.chrono) { case "reverse": return $(window).height() < $(window).scrollTop() + $(window)[0].innerHeight + this.paddingBottom; default: return $(window).scrollTop() < this.paddingTop; } }, checkMore: function() { var end; this.state.oldest = MessageStore.getOldest(); if (this.atScrollEdge() && this.state.fetching === false && this.state.oldest && this.state.oldest > 0) { end = this.state.oldest - this.pageSize; if (end < 0) { end = 0; } this.lastLength = this.length; if (end >= 0) { return MessageActions.getMore(this.state.station, this.state.oldest + 1, end); } } }, setAudience: function() { var laudi; if (this.state.typing || !this.last) { return; } laudi = this.last.aud; if ((_.isEmpty(laudi)) || !_(laudi).difference(this.state.audi).isEmpty()) { return StationActions.setAudience(this.last.aud); } }, sortedMessages: function(messages) { var station; station = this.state.station; return _.sortBy(messages, (function(_this) { return function(message) { return message.key; }; })(this)); }, componentWillMount: function() { return Infinite = window.Infinite; }, componentDidMount: function() { MessageStore.addChangeListener(this._onChangeStore); StationStore.addChangeListener(this._onChangeStore); if (this.state.station && this.state.listening.indexOf(this.state.station) === -1) { MessageActions.listenStation(this.state.station); } if (this.props["static"] == null) { $(window).on('scroll', this.checkMore); } if (this.props.chrono !== "reverse") { util.scrollToBottom(); } this.focused = true; $(window).on('blur', this._blur); $(window).on('focus', this._focus); return $(window).on('resize', _.debounce((function(_this) { return function() { return _this.forceUpdate(); }; })(this), 250)); }, componentWillUpdate: function(props, state) { return this.scrollBottom = $(document).height() - ($(window).scrollTop() + window.innerHeight); }, componentDidUpdate: function(_props, _state) { var _messages, _oldMessages, appendedToBottom, d, ref, ref1, ref2, setOffset, t; _messages = this.sortedMessages(this.state.messages); _oldMessages = this.sortedMessages(_state.messages); appendedToBottom = (((ref = _.last(_messages)) != null ? ref.key : void 0) == null) || ((ref1 = _.last(_messages)) != null ? ref1.key : void 0) > ((ref2 = _.last(_oldMessages)) != null ? ref2.key : void 0); setOffset = $(document).height() - window.innerHeight - this.scrollBottom; if (this.props.chrono !== "reverse") { if (!(this.scrollBottom > 0 && appendedToBottom)) { $(window).scrollTop(setOffset); } } if (this.focused === false && this.last !== this.lastSeen) { d = _messages.length - _messages.indexOf(this.lastSeen) - 1; t = document.title; if (document.title.match(/\([0-9]*\)/)) { return document.title = document.title.replace(/\([0-9]*\)/, "(" + d + ")"); } else { return document.title = document.title + (" (" + d + ")"); } } }, componentWillUnmount: function() { MessageStore.removeChangeListener(this._onChangeStore); return StationStore.removeChangeListener(this._onChangeStore); }, _onChangeStore: function() { return this.setState(this.stateFromStore()); }, _handlePm: function(user) { var audi; if (this.props['audience-lock'] != null) { return; } audi = [util.mainStationPath(user)]; if (user === window.urb.user) { audi.pop(); } return StationActions.setAudience(audi); }, _handleAudi: function(audi) { return StationActions.setAudience(audi); }, _getSpeechArr: function(spec) { if (spec.lin != null) { return spec.lin.msg.split(/(\s|-)/); } else if (spec.url != null) { return spec.url.split(/(\s|-)/); } else if (spec.exp != null) { return [spec.exp.exp]; } else if (spec.app != null) { return this._getSpeechArr(spec.app.sep); } else if (spec.fat != null) { return this._getSpeechArr(spec.fat.sep); } else { return []; } }, render: function() { var _messageGroups, _messages, aud, body, canvas, context, fetching, height, i, index, lastIndex, lastSaid, len, lineNums, marginTop, message, messageHeights, messages, mez, nowSaid, ref, sameAs, speechArr, speechLength, station; station = this.state.station; messages = this.sortedMessages(this.state.messages); this.last = messages[messages.length - 1]; if (((ref = this.last) != null ? ref.aut : void 0) && this.last.aut === window.urb.user) { this.lastSeen = this.last; } this.length = messages.length; setTimeout(((function(_this) { return function() { if (_this.length < _this.pageSize) { return _this.checkMore(); } }; })(this)), 1); lastIndex = this.lastSeen ? messages.indexOf(this.lastSeen) + 1 : null; lastSaid = null; messageHeights = []; canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); context = canvas.getContext('2d'); speechLength = $('.grams').width() - (FONT_SIZE * 1.875); _messageGroups = [[]]; for (index = i = 0, len = messages.length; i < len; index = ++i) { message = messages[index]; if (message.sep.app) { message.aut = message.sep.app.app; } nowSaid = [message.aut, message.aud]; sameAs = _.isEqual(lastSaid, nowSaid); lastSaid = nowSaid; lineNums = 1; speechArr = this._getSpeechArr(message.sep); context.font = FONT_SIZE + 'px bau'; _.reduce(_.tail(speechArr), function(base, word) { if (context.measureText(base + word).width > speechLength) { lineNums += 1; if (word === ' ') { return ''; } else if (word === '-') { return _.head(base.split(/\s|-/).reverse()) + word; } else { return word; } } else { return base + word; } }, _.head(speechArr)); if (INFINITE) { height = MESSAGE_HEIGHT_SAME * lineNums; if (sameAs) { marginTop = 0; } else { height += MESSAGE_HEIGHT_FIRST; marginTop = MESSAGE_HEIGHT_FIRST_MARGIN_TOP; } } else { height = null; marginTop = null; } aud = message.aud.join(" "); mez = rele(Message, _.extend({}, message, { station: station, sameAs: sameAs, _handlePm: this._handlePm, _handleAudi: this._handleAudi, height: height, marginTop: marginTop, index: message.key, key: "message-" + message.key, ship: message.aut, glyph: this.state.glyph[aud] || this.props['default-glyph'], unseen: lastIndex && lastIndex === index })); mez.computedHeight = height + marginTop; if (sameAs) { _messageGroups[0].push(mez); } else { _messageGroups.unshift([mez]); } } if (this.props.chrono !== "reverse") { _messageGroups = _messageGroups.reverse(); } _messages = _.flatten(_messageGroups); if ((this.props.readOnly == null) && INFINITE) { body = rele(Infinite, { useWindowAsScrollContainer: true, containerHeight: window.innerHeight, elementHeight: _.map(_messages, 'computedHeight'), key: "messages-infinite" }, _messages); } else { body = _messages; } fetching = this.state.fetching ? rele(Load, {}) : void 0; return div({ className: "grams", key: "messages" }, body, fetching); } }); },{"../actions/MessageActions.coffee":1,"../actions/StationActions.coffee":2,"../stores/MessageStore.coffee":13,"../stores/StationStore.coffee":14,"../util.coffee":15,"./LoadComponent.coffee":3,"./MessageComponent.coffee":5}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ var Load, Member, MessageActions, MessageStore, StationActions, StationStore, a, clas, div, h1, h2, input, label, recl, ref, rele, span, style, util, indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; util = require('../util.coffee'); clas = require('classnames'); recl = React.createClass; rele = React.createElement; ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, style = ref.style, input = ref.input, h1 = ref.h1, h2 = ref.h2, label = ref.label, span = ref.span, a = ref.a; MessageStore = require('../stores/MessageStore.coffee'); StationStore = require('../stores/StationStore.coffee'); MessageActions = require('../actions/MessageActions.coffee'); StationActions = require('../actions/StationActions.coffee'); Member = require('./MemberComponent.coffee'); Load = require('./LoadComponent.coffee'); module.exports = recl({ displayName: "Station", stateFromStore: function() { var ref1; return { audi: StationStore.getAudience(), members: StationStore.getMembers(), station: util.mainStation(), filter: MessageStore.getFilter(), stations: StationStore.getStations(), configs: StationStore.getConfigs(), fetching: MessageStore.getFetching(), typing: StationStore.getTyping(), listening: StationStore.getListening(), open: (((ref1 = this.state) != null ? ref1.open : void 0) ? this.state.open : null) }; }, getInitialState: function() { return this.stateFromStore(); }, componentDidMount: function() { this.$el = $(ReactDOM.findDOMNode()); MessageStore.addChangeListener(this._onChangeStore); StationStore.addChangeListener(this._onChangeStore); if (this.state.listening.indexOf(this.state.station) === -1) { return StationActions.listenStation(this.state.station); } }, componentWillUnmount: function() { return StationStore.removeChangeListener(this._onChangeStore); }, _onChangeStore: function() { return this.setState(this.stateFromStore()); }, componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) { if (this.props.open === true && nextProps.open === false) { return this.setState({ open: null }); } }, validateSource: function(s) { var src; src = this.state.configs[this.state.station].src; return indexOf.call(src, s) < 0 && indexOf.call(s, "/") >= 0 && s[0] === "~" && s.length >= 5; }, onKeyUp: function(e) { var $input, v; $('.menu.depth-1 .add').removeClass('valid-false'); if (e.keyCode === 13) { $input = $(e.target); v = $input.val().toLowerCase(); if (v[0] !== "~") { v = "~" + v; } if (this.validateSource(v)) { StationActions.addSources(this.state.station, [v]); $input.val(''); return $input.blur(); } else { return $('.menu.depth-1 .add').addClass('valid-false'); } } }, _openStation: function(e) { return this.setState({ open: $(e.target).attr('data-station') }); }, _closeStation: function() { return this.setState({ open: null }); }, _filterStation: function(e) { var station; station = $(e.target).attr('data-station'); if (this.state.filter !== station) { return MessageActions.setFilter(station); } else { return MessageActions.clearFilter(); } }, _remove: function(e) { var _station; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); _station = $(e.target).attr("data-station"); return StationActions.remSources(this.state.station, [_station]); }, render: function() { var _clas, member, members, parts, source, sources, sourcesSum, station; parts = []; members = []; if (this.state.station && this.state.configs[this.state.station]) { members = (function() { var ref1, results; ref1 = this.state.members; results = []; for (station in ref1) { members = ref1[station]; _clas = clas({ open: this.state.open === station, closed: !(this.state.open === station), menu: true, 'depth-2': true }); results.push(div({ className: _clas, "data-members": station, key: station }, div({ className: "contents", onClick: this._closeStation }, div({ className: "close" }, "✕"), h2({}, span({}, "Members"), label({ className: "sum" }, _.keys(members).length)), (function() { var results1; results1 = []; for (member in members) { results1.push(div({ key: member }, div({ className: "name" }, ""), div({ className: "planet" }, member))); } return results1; })()))); } return results; }).call(this); } if (this.state.station && this.state.configs[this.state.station]) { sources = (function() { var i, len, ref1, results; ref1 = this.state.configs[this.state.station].src; results = []; for (i = 0, len = ref1.length; i < len; i++) { source = ref1[i]; results.push(div({ key: source, className: "room" }, div({ className: (this.state.open === source ? "selected" : ""), onClick: this._openStation, "data-station": source }, source), div({ className: 'options' }, div({ onClick: this._filterStation, "data-station": source }, this.state.filter === source ? "Clear" : "Filter"), div({ onClick: this._remove, "data-station": source }, "Leave")))); } return results; }).call(this); sources.push(input({ key: "placeholder", className: "action add", placeholder: "+ Listen", onKeyUp: this.onKeyUp })); sourcesSum = this.state.configs[this.state.station].src.length; } else { sources = ""; sourcesSum = 0; } _clas = clas({ open: this.props.open === true, closed: this.props.open !== true, menu: true, 'depth-1': true }); return div({ key: "station-container" }, div({ className: _clas, key: 'station' }, div({ className: "contents" }, div({ className: "close", onClick: this.props.toggle }, "✕"), h2({}, span({}, "Stations"), label({ className: "sum" }, sourcesSum)), div({}, sources))), members); } }); },{"../actions/MessageActions.coffee":1,"../actions/StationActions.coffee":2,"../stores/MessageStore.coffee":13,"../stores/StationStore.coffee":14,"../util.coffee":15,"./LoadComponent.coffee":3,"./MemberComponent.coffee":4,"classnames":16}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ var Audience, Member, MessageActions, MessageStore, PO, SHIPSHAPE, StationActions, StationStore, br, div, husl, input, recl, ref, textToHTML, textarea, util, hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty; util = require('../util.coffee'); recl = React.createClass; ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, br = ref.br, input = ref.input, textarea = ref.textarea; husl = require('husl'); MessageActions = require('../actions/MessageActions.coffee'); MessageStore = require('../stores/MessageStore.coffee'); StationActions = require('../actions/StationActions.coffee'); StationStore = require('../stores/StationStore.coffee'); Member = require('./MemberComponent.coffee'); SHIPSHAPE = /^~?([a-z]{3}|[a-z]{6}(-[a-z]{6}){0,3}|[a-z]{6}(-[a-z]{6}){3}(--[a-z]{6}(-[a-z]{6}){3})+)$/; PO = 'dozmarbinwansamlitsighidfidlissogdirwacsabwissib\nrigsoldopmodfoglidhopdardorlorhodfolrintogsilmir\nholpaslacrovlivdalsatlibtabhanticpidtorbolfosdot\nlosdilforpilramtirwintadbicdifrocwidbisdasmidlop\nrilnardapmolsanlocnovsitnidtipsicropwitnatpanmin\nritpodmottamtolsavposnapnopsomfinfonbanporworsip\nronnorbotwicsocwatdolmagpicdavbidbaltimtasmallig\nsivtagpadsaldivdactansidfabtarmonranniswolmispal\nlasdismaprabtobrollatlonnodnavfignomnibpagsopral\nbilhaddocridmocpacravripfaltodtiltinhapmicfanpat\ntaclabmogsimsonpinlomrictapfirhasbosbatpochactid\nhavsaplindibhosdabbitbarracparloddosbortochilmac\ntomdigfilfasmithobharmighinradmashalraglagfadtop\nmophabnilnosmilfopfamdatnoldinhatnacrisfotribhoc\nnimlarfitwalrapsarnalmoslandondanladdovrivbacpol\nlaptalpitnambonrostonfodponsovnocsorlavmatmipfap\n\nzodnecbudwessevpersutletfulpensytdurwepserwylsun\nrypsyxdyrnuphebpeglupdepdysputlughecryttyvsydnex\nlunmeplutseppesdelsulpedtemledtulmetwenbynhexfeb\npyldulhetmevruttylwydtepbesdexsefwycburderneppur\nrysrebdennutsubpetrulsynregtydsupsemwynrecmegnet\nsecmulnymtevwebsummutnyxrextebfushepbenmuswyxsym\nselrucdecwexsyrwetdylmynmesdetbetbeltuxtugmyrpel\nsyptermebsetdutdegtexsurfeltudnuxruxrenwytnubmed\nlytdusnebrumtynseglyxpunresredfunrevrefmectedrus\nbexlebduxrynnumpyxrygryxfeptyrtustyclegnemfermer\ntenlusnussyltecmexpubrymtucfyllepdebbermughuttun\nbylsudpemdevlurdefbusbeprunmelpexdytbyttyplevmyl\nwedducfurfexnulluclennerlexrupnedlecrydlydfenwel\nnydhusrelrudneshesfetdesretdunlernyrsebhulryllud\nremlysfynwerrycsugnysnyllyndyndemluxfedsedbecmun\nlyrtesmudnytbyrsenwegfyrmurtelreptegpecnelnevfes'; textToHTML = function(txt) { return { __html: $('
').text(txt).html() }; }; Audience = recl({ displayName: "Audience", onKeyDown: function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.props.validate()) { setTimeout((function() { return $('.writing').focus(); }), 0); return false; } } if (e.keyCode === 9) { e.preventDefault(); this._autoCompleteAudience(); return false; } else if ((this.tabAudList != null) && e.keyCode !== 16) { this.tabAudList = null; return this.tabAudIndex = null; } }, _autoCompleteAudience: function() { var aud, g, i, j, len, len1, ref1, ref2, s, stations, txt; txt = $('#audience .input').text().trim(); if (this.tabAudList == null) { this.tabAudList = []; if (txt.length === 1 && StationStore.getGlyphs()[txt[0]]) { ref1 = this._getGlyphExpansions(txt[0]); for (i = 0, len = ref1.length; i < len; i++) { s = ref1[i]; this.tabAudList.push(s[0]); } } else { if (!(txt[0] === '~')) { txt = '~' + txt; } ref2 = StationStore.getGlyphs(); for (g in ref2) { stations = ref2[g]; for (j = 0, len1 = stations.length; j < len1; j++) { aud = stations[j]; if (aud[0].indexOf(txt) === 0 && this.tabAudList.indexOf(aud[0]) < 0) { this.tabAudList.push(aud[0]); } } } } } if ((this.tabAudList != null) && this.tabAudList.length > 0) { if (this.tabAudIndex != null) { if (event.shiftKey) { this.tabAudIndex--; } else { this.tabAudIndex++; } this.tabAudIndex = (this.tabAudIndex % this.tabAudList.length + this.tabAudList.length) % this.tabAudList.length; } else { this.tabAudIndex = 0; } return StationActions.setAudience(this.tabAudList[this.tabAudIndex].split(/\ +/)); } }, _getGlyphExpansions: function(g) { var glyphs; glyphs = StationStore.getGlyphs(); if (glyphs[g]) { return glyphs[g]; } }, render: function() { return div({ className: 'audience', id: 'audience', key: 'audience' }, div({ className: "input valid-" + this.props.valid, key: 'input', contentEditable: this.props.editable ? true : void 0, onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown, onBlur: this.props.onBlur, dangerouslySetInnerHTML: textToHTML(this.props.audi.join(" ")) })); } }); module.exports = recl({ displayName: "Writing", set: function() { if (window.localStorage && this.$message) { return window.localStorage.setItem('writing', this.$message.text()); } }, get: function() { if (window.localStorage) { return window.localStorage.getItem('writing'); } }, stateFromStore: function() { var s; s = { audi: StationStore.getAudience(), ludi: MessageStore.getLastAudience(), config: StationStore.getConfigs(), members: StationStore.getMembers(), typing: StationStore.getTyping(), station: StationStore.getStation(), valid: StationStore.getValidAudience() }; if (s.audi.length > 1) { s.audi = _.without(s.audi, util.mainStationPath(window.urb.user)); } if (s.ludi.length > 1) { s.ludi = _.without(s.ludi, util.mainStationPath(window.urb.user)); } return s; }, getInitialState: function() { return _.extend(this.stateFromStore(), { length: 0, lengthy: false }); }, typing: function(state) { if (this.state.typing[this.state.station] !== state) { return StationActions.setTyping(this.state.station, state); } }, onBlur: function() { this.$message.text(this.$message.text()); MessageActions.setTyping(false); return this.typing(false); }, onFocus: function() { MessageActions.setTyping(true); this.typing(true); return this.cursorAtEnd; }, addCC: function(audi) { var listening, ref1, ref2; if (urb.user !== urb.ship) { return audi; } listening = (ref1 = (ref2 = this.state.config[this.props.station]) != null ? ref2.src : void 0) != null ? ref1 : []; if (_.isEmpty(_.intersection(audi, listening))) { audi.push("~" + window.urb.user + "/" + this.props.station); } return audi; }, sendMessage: function() { var audi, txt; if (this._validateAudi() === false) { setTimeout((function() { return $('#audience .input').focus(); }), 0); return; } if (!(this.state.audi.length === 0 && $('#audience').text().trim().length > 0)) { audi = this.state.audi; } else { audi = this._setAudi() || this.state.ludi; } if (_.isEmpty(audi)) { console.warn("No audience"); return; } if (this.props['audience-lock'] != null) { audi = _.union(audi, ["~" + window.urb.ship + "/" + this.props.station]); } audi = this.addCC(audi); txt = this.$message.text().trim().replace(/\xa0/g, ' '); MessageActions.sendMessage(txt, audi); this.$message.text(''); this.setState({ length: 0 }); this.set(); return this.typing(false); }, onKeyUp: function(e) { if (!window.urb.util.isURL(this.$message.text())) { return this.setState({ lengthy: this.$message.text().length > 62 }); } }, onKeyDown: function(e) { var txt; if (e.keyCode === 13) { txt = this.$message.text(); e.preventDefault(); if (txt.length > 0) { if (window.talk.online) { this.sendMessage(); } else { $('#offline').addClass('error').one('transitionend', function() { return $('#offline').removeClass('error'); }); } } return false; } if (e.keyCode === 9) { e.preventDefault(); this._autoComplete(); return false; } else if ((this.tabList != null) && e.keyCode !== 16) { this.tabList = null; this.tabIndex = null; } this.onInput(); return this.set(); }, _autoComplete: function() { var i, msg, name, obj, ptxt, ref1, ref2, tindex, txt; txt = this.$message.text(); tindex = txt.lastIndexOf('~'); if (tindex === -1) { return; } if (this.tabList == null) { ptxt = txt.substr(tindex + 1); if (ptxt.length < 13 && (ptxt.match('^[a-z]{0,6}([\\-\\^_][a-z]{0,5})?$') != null)) { this.tabList = []; ref1 = MessageStore.getAll(); for (i = ref1.length - 1; i >= 0; i += -1) { msg = ref1[i]; this._processAutoCompleteName(ptxt, msg.aut); } ref2 = this.state.members[this.state.ludi[0]]; for (name in ref2) { if (!hasProp.call(ref2, name)) continue; obj = ref2[name]; this._processAutoCompleteName(ptxt, name.substr(1)); } } } if ((this.tabList != null) && this.tabList.length > 0) { if (this.tabIndex != null) { if (event.shiftKey) { this.tabIndex--; } else { this.tabIndex++; } this.tabIndex = (this.tabIndex % this.tabList.length + this.tabList.length) % this.tabList.length; } else { this.tabIndex = 0; } name = this.tabList[this.tabIndex]; this.$message.text(this.$message.text().substr(0, tindex + 1) + name); return this.cursorAtEnd(); } }, _processAutoCompleteName: function(ptxt, name) { if (name.length === 27) { name = name.substr(-13).replace('-', '^'); } else if (name.length === 56) { name = name.substr(0, 6) + '_' + name.substr(-6); } if (name.indexOf(ptxt) === 0 && this.tabList.indexOf(name) === -1) { return this.tabList.push(name); } }, onInput: function(e) { var length, text; text = this.$message.text(); length = text.length; return this.setState({ length: length }); }, _validateAudiPart: function(a) { var _a, ship; a = a.trim(); if (a.indexOf("/") !== -1) { _a = a.split("/"); if (_a[1].length === 0) { return false; } ship = _a[0]; } else { ship = a; } return (SHIPSHAPE.test(ship)) && _.all(ship.match(/[a-z]{3}/g), function(a) { return -1 !== PO.indexOf(a); }); }, _validateAudi: function() { var v; v = $('#audience .input').text(); v = v.trim(); if (v.length === 0) { return true; } if (v.length < 5) { return false; } return _.all(v.split(/\ +/), this._validateAudiPart); }, _setAudi: function() { var stan, valid; valid = this._validateAudi(); StationActions.setValidAudience(valid); if (valid === true) { stan = $('#audience .input').text() || util.mainStationPath(window.urb.user); stan = (stan.split(/\ +/)).map(function(v) { if (v[0] === "~") { return v; } else { return "~" + v; } }); StationActions.setAudience(stan); return stan; } else { return false; } }, getTime: function() { var d, seconds; d = new Date(); seconds = d.getSeconds(); if (seconds < 10) { seconds = "0" + seconds; } return "~" + d.getHours() + "." + d.getMinutes() + "." + seconds; }, cursorAtEnd: function() { var range, selection; range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(this.$message[0]); range.collapse(false); selection = window.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); return selection.addRange(range); }, componentDidMount: function() { util.sendMessage = this.sendMessage; StationStore.addChangeListener(this._onChangeStore); MessageStore.addChangeListener(this._onChangeStore); this.$el = $(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this)); this.$message = $('#message .input'); this.$message.focus(); if (this.get()) { this.$message.text(this.get()); this.onInput(); } return this.interval = setInterval((function(_this) { return function() { return _this.$el.find('.time').text(_this.getTime()); }; })(this), 1000); }, componentWillUnmount: function() { StationStore.removeChangeListener(this._onChangeStore); return clearInterval(this.interval); }, _onChangeStore: function() { return this.setState(this.stateFromStore()); }, render: function() { var audi, iden, k, name, ship, user, v; user = "~" + window.urb.user; iden = StationStore.getMember(user); ship = iden ? iden.ship : user; name = iden ? iden.name : ""; audi = this.state.audi.length === 0 ? this.state.ludi : this.state.audi; audi = util.clipAudi(audi); for (k in audi) { v = audi[k]; if (audi[k].indexOf('~~') === 0) { audi[k] = v.slice(1); } } return div({ className: 'writing', key: 'writing' }, React.createElement(Audience, { audi: audi, valid: this.state.valid, validate: this._validateAudi, editable: this.props['audience-lock'] == null, onBlur: this._setAudi }), div({ className: 'message', id: 'message', key: 'message' }, div({ className: 'input', contentEditable: true, onPaste: this.onInput, onInput: this.onInput, onFocus: this.onFocus, onBlur: this.onBlur, onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown, onKeyUp: this.onKeyUp, dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: "" } }))); } }); },{"../actions/MessageActions.coffee":1,"../actions/StationActions.coffee":2,"../stores/MessageStore.coffee":13,"../stores/StationStore.coffee":14,"../util.coffee":15,"./MemberComponent.coffee":4,"husl":18}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = _.extend(new Flux.Dispatcher(), { handleServerAction: function(action) { return this.dispatch({ source: 'server', action: action }); }, handleViewAction: function(action) { return this.dispatch({ source: 'view', action: action }); } }); },{}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ var MessageListComponent, StationActions, StationComponent, TreeActions, WritingComponent, div, link, ref, util; util = require('./util.coffee'); _.merge(window, { util: util, talk: { online: true } }); StationActions = require('./actions/StationActions.coffee'); TreeActions = window.tree.actions; setInterval((function() { window.talk.online = window.urb.poll.dely < 500; if (window.talk.online) { return $('body').removeClass('offline'); } else { return $('body').addClass('offline'); } }), 300); StationComponent = require('./components/StationComponent.coffee'); MessageListComponent = React.createFactory(require('./components/MessageListComponent.coffee')); WritingComponent = React.createFactory(require('./components/WritingComponent.coffee')); ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, link = ref.link; TreeActions.registerComponent("talk", React.createClass({ displayName: "talk", getStation: function() { return this.props.station || util.defaultStation(); }, componentWillMount: function() { var station; if (!this.props.readonly) { $(window).on('scroll', util.checkScroll); } station = this.getStation(); StationActions.listen(); return StationActions.switchStation(station); }, render: function() { var children, station; station = this.getStation(); children = [ div({ key: "grams-container" }, MessageListComponent(_.merge({}, this.props, { station: station, key: 'grams' }), '')), this.props.readOnly == null ? div({ key: 'writing-container' }, WritingComponent(_.merge({}, this.props, { station: station, key: 'writing' }), '')) : void 0 ]; if (this.props.chrono === "reverse") { children = children.reverse(); } return div({ key: "talk-container" }, children); } })); TreeActions.registerComponent("talk-station", StationComponent); },{"./actions/StationActions.coffee":2,"./components/MessageListComponent.coffee":6,"./components/StationComponent.coffee":7,"./components/WritingComponent.coffee":8,"./util.coffee":15}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ var send, util; util = require('../util.coffee'); window.urb.appl = "hall"; send = function(data, cb) { return window.urb.send(data, { mark: "hall-action" }, cb); }; module.exports = function(arg) { var MessageActions; MessageActions = arg.MessageActions; return { listenStation: function(station, since) { var $this, begin, path; $this = this; begin = since; if (typeof since === "object") { begin = window.urb.util.toDate(since); } path = util.talkPath('circle', station, 'grams', begin); return window.urb.bind(path, function(err, res) { var ref, ref1, ref2, ref3; if (err || !res.data) { console.log(path, 'err!'); console.log(err); console.log(res); $this.listenStation(station, since); return; } if (res.data.ok === true) { MessageActions.listeningStation(station); } if ((ref = res.data) != null ? (ref1 = ref.circle) != null ? ref1.nes : void 0 : void 0) { if ((res.data.circle.nes.length === 0) && (typeof since === "object")) { console.log('trying for older than ' + begin); $this.listenStation(station, new Date(since - 6 * 3600 * 1000)); } else { res.data.circle.nes.map(function(env) { env.gam.heard = true; return env; }); MessageActions.loadMessages(res.data.circle.nes); } } if ((ref2 = res.data) != null ? (ref3 = ref2.circle) != null ? ref3.gram : void 0 : void 0) { res.data.circle.gram.gam.heard = true; return MessageActions.loadMessages([res.data.circle.gram]); } }); }, get: function(station, start, end) { var path; end = window.urb.util.numDot(end); start = window.urb.util.numDot(start); path = util.talkPath('circle', station, 'grams', end, start); return window.urb.bind(path, function(err, res) { var ref, ref1; if (err || !res.data) { console.log(path, '/circle err'); console.log(err); return; } if ((ref = res.data) != null ? (ref1 = ref.circle) != null ? ref1.nes : void 0 : void 0) { res.data.circle.nes.map(function(env) { env.gam.heard = true; return env; }); MessageActions.loadMessages(res.data.circle.nes); return window.urb.drop(path, function(err, res) { console.log('done'); return console.log(res); }); } }); }, sendMessage: function(message, cb) { return send({ convey: [message] }, function(err, res) { console.log('sent'); console.log(arguments); if (cb) { return cb(err, res); } }); } }; }; },{"../util.coffee":15}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ var create, remove, send, source, subscribed, util; util = require('../util.coffee'); window.urb.appl = "hall"; send = function(data, cb) { return window.urb.send(data, { mark: "hall-action" }, cb); }; create = function(nom, des, sec, cb) { return send({ create: { nom: nom, des: des, sec: sec } }, cb); }; remove = function(nom, why, cb) { return send({ "delete": { nom: nom, why: why } }, cb); }; source = function(nom, sub, srs, cb) { return send({ source: { nom: nom, sub: sub, srs: srs } }, cb); }; subscribed = {}; module.exports = function(arg) { var StationActions; StationActions = arg.StationActions; return { createStation: function(name, cb) { return create(name, "", "black", cb); }, removeStation: function(name, cb) { return remove(name, 'deleted through webtalk', cb); }, modSources: function(station, sub, sources) { return source(station, sub, sources, function(err, res) { console.log('hall-action source'); return console.log(arguments); }); }, addSources: function(station, sources) { return this.modSources(station, true, sources); }, remSources: function(station, sources) { return this.modSources(station, false, sources); }, listen: function() { var date; date = window.urb.util.toDate(new Date()); return window.urb.bind('/client', function(err, res) { var gys, nis, ref; if (err || !res.data) { console.log('sp err'); console.log(err); return; } ref = res.data.client, gys = ref.gys, nis = ref.nis; return StationActions.loadGlyphs(gys); }); }, listenStation: function(station) { var path; if (subscribed[station] == null) { subscribed[station] = {}; } path = util.talkPath('circle', station, 'config-l', 'group-r', '0'); return window.urb.bind(path, function(err, res) { var config, cos, pes, ref, status; if (err || !res) { console.log(path, 'err'); console.log(err); return; } ref = res.data.circle, cos = ref.cos, pes = ref.pes, config = ref.config, status = ref.status; if (res.data.ok) { StationActions.listeningStation(station); } switch (false) { case !cos: return StationActions.loadConfig(station, cos.loc); case !pes: return StationActions.loadMembers(station, pes.loc); case !config: if (config.dif.source != null) { if (config.dif.source.add) { return StationActions.addStation(config.dif.source.src); } else { return StationActions.remStation(config.dif.source.src); } } break; case !status: break; } }); } }; }; },{"../util.coffee":15}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ var EventEmitter, MessageDispatcher, MessageStore, _fetching, _filter, _listening, _messages, _oldest, _station, _typing, moment; moment = window.moment.tz; EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; MessageDispatcher = require('../dispatcher/Dispatcher.coffee'); _messages = {}; _fetching = false; _oldest = null; _station = null; _filter = null; _listening = []; _typing = false; MessageStore = _.merge(new EventEmitter, { removeChangeListener: function(cb) { return this.removeListener("change", cb); }, emitChange: function() { return this.emit('change'); }, addChangeListener: function(cb) { return this.on('change', cb); }, leadingZero: function(str) { if (Number(str) < 10) { return "0" + str; } else { return str; } }, convertDate: function(time) { var d; time = time.substr(1).split("."); time[1] = this.leadingZero(time[1]); time[2] = this.leadingZero(time[2]); d = new moment(time[0] + "-" + time[1] + "-" + time[2] + "T" + time[4] + ":" + time[5] + ":" + time[6] + "Z"); d.tz("Europe/London"); return d; }, getListening: function() { return _listening; }, getTyping: function() { return _typing; }, getLastAudience: function() { var messages; if (_.keys(_messages).length === 0) { return []; } messages = _.sortBy(_messages, function(_message) { return _message.wen; }); return messages[messages.length - 1].aud; }, setTyping: function(state) { return _typing = state; }, setListening: function(station) { if (_listening.indexOf(station) !== -1) { return console.log('already listening on that station (somehow).'); } else { return _listening.push(station); } }, setStation: function(station) { return _station = station; }, getFilter: function() { return _filter; }, setFilter: function(station) { return _filter = station; }, clearFilter: function(station) { return _filter = null; }, sendMessage: function(message) { return _messages[message.uid] = message; }, loadMessages: function(messages, get) { var i, len, min, serial, v; min = _oldest; for (i = 0, len = messages.length; i < len; i++) { v = messages[i]; v.gam.key = v.num; if (v.num < min || min === null) { min = v.num; } v = v.gam || v; serial = v.uid; _messages[serial] = v; } if (min < _oldest || _oldest === null || get === true) { _oldest = min; } return _fetching = false; }, getAll: function() { var mess; mess = _.values(_messages); if (!_filter) { return mess; } else { return _.filter(mess, function(mess) { return mess.aud.indexOf(_filter) !== -1; }); } }, getFetching: function() { return _fetching; }, setFetching: function(state) { return _fetching = state; }, getOldest: function() { return _oldest; } }); MessageStore.setMaxListeners(100); MessageStore.dispatchToken = MessageDispatcher.register(function(payload) { var action; action = payload.action; switch (action.type) { case 'station-switch': MessageStore.setStation(action.station); break; case 'messages-filter': MessageStore.setFilter(action.station); MessageStore.emitChange(); break; case 'messages-filter-clear': MessageStore.clearFilter(action.station); MessageStore.emitChange(); break; case 'messages-listen': MessageStore.setListening(action.station); MessageStore.emitChange(); break; case 'messages-typing': MessageStore.setTyping(action.state); MessageStore.emitChange(); break; case 'messages-fetch': MessageStore.setFetching(true); MessageStore.emitChange(); break; case 'messages-load': MessageStore.loadMessages(action.messages, action.last, action.get); MessageStore.emitChange(); break; case 'message-load': MessageStore.loadMessage(action.time, action.message, action.author); MessageStore.emitChange(); break; case 'message-send': MessageStore.sendMessage(action.message); MessageStore.emitChange(); break; } }); module.exports = MessageStore; },{"../dispatcher/Dispatcher.coffee":9,"events":17}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ var EventEmitter, StationDispatcher, StationStore, _audience, _config, _glyphs, _listening, _members, _shpylg, _station, _stations, _typing, _validAudience; EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; StationDispatcher = require('../dispatcher/Dispatcher.coffee'); _audience = []; _members = {}; _stations = []; _listening = []; _station = null; _config = {}; _typing = {}; _glyphs = {}; _shpylg = {}; _validAudience = true; StationStore = _.merge(new EventEmitter, { removeChangeListener: function(cb) { return this.removeListener("change", cb); }, emitChange: function() { return this.emit('change'); }, addChangeListener: function(cb) { return this.on('change', cb); }, getAudience: function() { return _audience; }, setAudience: function(audience) { return _audience = audience; }, getValidAudience: function() { return _validAudience; }, setValidAudience: function(valid) { return _validAudience = valid; }, toggleAudience: function(station) { if (_audience.indexOf(station) !== -1) { return _audience.splice(_audience.indexOf(station), 1); } else { return _audience.push(station); } }, loadConfig: function(station, config) { return _config[station] = config; }, getConfigs: function() { return _config; }, getConfig: function(station) { return _config[station]; }, getGlyph: function(station) { return _shpylg[station]; }, getGlyphMap: function() { return _shpylg; }, getGlyphAudience: function(glyph) { var aud, ref; aud = (ref = _glyphs[glyph]) != null ? ref : []; if (aud.length === 1) { return aud[0]; } }, getMember: function(ship) { return { ship: ship }; }, loadMembers: function(station, members) { return _members[station] = members; }, getMembers: function(station) { return _members[station]; }, getListening: function() { return _listening; }, setListening: function(station) { if (_listening.indexOf(station) !== -1) { return console.log('already listening on that station (somehow).'); } else { return _listening.push(station); } }, createStation: function(station) { if (_stations.indexOf(station) === -1) { return _stations.push(station); } }, removeStation: function(station) { var i; i = _stations.indexOf(station); if (i > -1) { return _stations.splice(i, 1); } }, loadStations: function(stations) { return _stations = stations; }, loadGlyphs: function(glyphs) { var aud, auds, char, results; _glyphs = glyphs; _shpylg = {}; results = []; for (char in glyphs) { auds = glyphs[char]; results.push((function() { var j, len, results1; results1 = []; for (j = 0, len = auds.length; j < len; j++) { aud = auds[j]; results1.push(_shpylg[aud.join(" ")] = char); } return results1; })()); } return results; }, getGlyphs: function() { return _glyphs; }, getStations: function() { return _stations; }, setStation: function(station) { return _station = station; }, unsetStation: function(station) { if (_station === station) { return _station = null; } }, getStation: function() { return _station; }, joinStation: function(station) { var ref; if (((ref = _config.court) != null ? ref.sources.indexOf(station) : void 0) === -1) { return _config.court.sources.push(station); } }, getTyping: function() { return _typing; }, setTyping: function(station, state) { var k, v; for (k in _typing) { v = _typing[k]; _typing[k] = k === station; } return _typing[station] = state; } }); StationStore.setMaxListeners(100); StationStore.dispatchToken = StationDispatcher.register(function(payload) { var action; action = payload.action; switch (action.type) { case 'station-audience-toggle': StationStore.toggleAudience(action.station); StationStore.emitChange(); break; case 'station-set-audience': StationStore.setAudience(action.audience); StationStore.emitChange(); break; case 'station-set-valid-audience': StationStore.setValidAudience(action.valid); StationStore.emitChange(); break; case 'station-switch': StationStore.setAudience([]); StationStore.setStation(action.station); StationStore.emitChange(); break; case 'station-listen': StationStore.setListening(action.station); StationStore.emitChange(); break; case "config-load": StationStore.loadConfig(action.station, action.config); StationStore.emitChange(); break; case "glyphs-load": StationStore.loadGlyphs(action.glyphs); StationStore.emitChange(); break; case "stations-load": StationStore.loadStations(action.stations); StationStore.emitChange(); break; case "stations-leave": StationStore.loadStations(action.stations); StationStore.unsetStation(action.station); StationStore.emitChange(); break; case "station-create": StationStore.createStation(action.station); StationStore.emitChange(); break; case "station-remove": StationStore.removeStation(action.station); StationStore.emitChange(); break; case "members-load": StationStore.loadMembers(action.members); StationStore.emitChange(); break; case "typing-set": StationStore.setTyping(action.station, action.state); StationStore.emitChange(); break; } }); module.exports = StationStore; },{"../dispatcher/Dispatcher.coffee":9,"events":17}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ var util, slice = [].slice; module.exports = util = { defaultStation: function() { var station; if (document.location.search) { station = document.location.search.replace(/^\?/, ''); if (station.indexOf('dbg.nopack') !== -1) { return station = util.mainStation(); } } else { return util.mainStation(); } }, mainStationPath: function(user) { if (user) { return "~" + user + "/inbox"; } }, mainStation: function(user) { return "inbox"; }, clipAudi: function(audi) { var ms, regx; audi = audi.join(" "); ms = util.mainStationPath(window.urb.user); regx = new RegExp("/" + ms, "g"); audi = audi.replace(regx, ""); return audi.split(" "); }, expandAudi: function(audi) { var ms; audi = audi.join(" "); ms = util.mainStationPath(window.urb.user); if (audi.indexOf(ms) === -1) { if (audi.length > 0) { audi += " "; } audi += "" + ms; } return audi.split(" "); }, create: function(name) { return window.talk.StationPersistence.createStation(name, function(err, res) {}); }, subscribe: function(name) { return window.talk.StationPersistence.addSource("main", window.urb.ship, ["~zod/" + name]); }, uuid32: function() { var _str, i, j, str; str = "0v"; str += Math.ceil(Math.random() * 8) + "."; for (i = j = 0; j <= 5; i = ++j) { _str = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000000).toString(32); _str = ("00000" + _str).substr(-5, 5); str += _str + "."; } return str.slice(0, -1); }, populate: function(station, number) { var c, send; c = 0; send = function() { var _audi, _message; if (c < number) { c++; } else { console.log('done'); return true; } _audi = {}; _audi[station] = "pending"; _message = { serial: util.uuid32(), audience: _audi, statement: { speech: { say: "Message " + c }, time: Date.now(), now: Date.now() } }; return window.talk.MessagePersistence.sendMessage(_message, send); }; return send(); }, scrollToBottom: function() { return $(window).scrollTop($(".container").outerHeight(true)); }, getScroll: function() { return this.writingPosition = $('.container').outerHeight(true) + $('.container').offset().top - $(window).height(); }, setScroll: function() { util.getScroll(); return $(window).scrollTop($(".container").height()); }, isScrolling: function() { if (!util.writingPosition) { util.getScroll(); } return $(window).scrollTop() + $('.writing').outerHeight() < util.writingPosition; }, talkPath: function() { var components; components = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : []; return [''].concat(slice.call(components)).join('/'); } }; },{}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ /*! Copyright (c) 2016 Jed Watson. Licensed under the MIT License (MIT), see http://jedwatson.github.io/classnames */ /* global define */ (function () { 'use strict'; var hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty; function classNames () { var classes = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var arg = arguments[i]; if (!arg) continue; var argType = typeof arg; if (argType === 'string' || argType === 'number') { classes.push(arg); } else if (Array.isArray(arg)) { classes.push(classNames.apply(null, arg)); } else if (argType === 'object') { for (var key in arg) { if (hasOwn.call(arg, key) && arg[key]) { classes.push(key); } } } } return classes.join(' '); } if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = classNames; } else if (typeof define === 'function' && typeof define.amd === 'object' && define.amd) { // register as 'classnames', consistent with npm package name define('classnames', [], function () { return classNames; }); } else { window.classNames = classNames; } }()); },{}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. function EventEmitter() { this._events = this._events || {}; this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || undefined; } module.exports = EventEmitter; // Backwards-compat with node 0.10.x EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter; EventEmitter.prototype._events = undefined; EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = undefined; // By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are // added to it. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks. EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 10; // Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows // that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited. EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) { if (!isNumber(n) || n < 0 || isNaN(n)) throw TypeError('n must be a positive number'); this._maxListeners = n; return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) { var er, handler, len, args, i, listeners; if (!this._events) this._events = {}; // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw. if (type === 'error') { if (!this._events.error || (isObject(this._events.error) && !this._events.error.length)) { er = arguments[1]; if (er instanceof Error) { throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event } else { // At least give some kind of context to the user var err = new Error('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event. (' + er + ')'); err.context = er; throw err; } } } handler = this._events[type]; if (isUndefined(handler)) return false; if (isFunction(handler)) { switch (arguments.length) { // fast cases case 1: handler.call(this); break; case 2: handler.call(this, arguments[1]); break; case 3: handler.call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]); break; // slower default: args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); handler.apply(this, args); } } else if (isObject(handler)) { args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); listeners = handler.slice(); len = listeners.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) listeners[i].apply(this, args); } return true; }; EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function(type, listener) { var m; if (!isFunction(listener)) throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); if (!this._events) this._events = {}; // To avoid recursion in the case that type === "newListener"! Before // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListener". if (this._events.newListener) this.emit('newListener', type, isFunction(listener.listener) ? listener.listener : listener); if (!this._events[type]) // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object. this._events[type] = listener; else if (isObject(this._events[type])) // If we've already got an array, just append. this._events[type].push(listener); else // Adding the second element, need to change to array. this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener]; // Check for listener leak if (isObject(this._events[type]) && !this._events[type].warned) { if (!isUndefined(this._maxListeners)) { m = this._maxListeners; } else { m = EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners; } if (m && m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) { this._events[type].warned = true; console.error('(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' + 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' + 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.', this._events[type].length); if (typeof console.trace === 'function') { // not supported in IE 10 console.trace(); } } } return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener; EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener) { if (!isFunction(listener)) throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); var fired = false; function g() { this.removeListener(type, g); if (!fired) { fired = true; listener.apply(this, arguments); } } g.listener = listener; this.on(type, g); return this; }; // emits a 'removeListener' event iff the listener was removed EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener) { var list, position, length, i; if (!isFunction(listener)) throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) return this; list = this._events[type]; length = list.length; position = -1; if (list === listener || (isFunction(list.listener) && list.listener === listener)) { delete this._events[type]; if (this._events.removeListener) this.emit('removeListener', type, listener); } else if (isObject(list)) { for (i = length; i-- > 0;) { if (list[i] === listener || (list[i].listener && list[i].listener === listener)) { position = i; break; } } if (position < 0) return this; if (list.length === 1) { list.length = 0; delete this._events[type]; } else { list.splice(position, 1); } if (this._events.removeListener) this.emit('removeListener', type, listener); } return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) { var key, listeners; if (!this._events) return this; // not listening for removeListener, no need to emit if (!this._events.removeListener) { if (arguments.length === 0) this._events = {}; else if (this._events[type]) delete this._events[type]; return this; } // emit removeListener for all listeners on all events if (arguments.length === 0) { for (key in this._events) { if (key === 'removeListener') continue; this.removeAllListeners(key); } this.removeAllListeners('removeListener'); this._events = {}; return this; } listeners = this._events[type]; if (isFunction(listeners)) { this.removeListener(type, listeners); } else if (listeners) { // LIFO order while (listeners.length) this.removeListener(type, listeners[listeners.length - 1]); } delete this._events[type]; return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(type) { var ret; if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) ret = []; else if (isFunction(this._events[type])) ret = [this._events[type]]; else ret = this._events[type].slice(); return ret; }; EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = function(type) { if (this._events) { var evlistener = this._events[type]; if (isFunction(evlistener)) return 1; else if (evlistener) return evlistener.length; } return 0; }; EventEmitter.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) { return emitter.listenerCount(type); }; function isFunction(arg) { return typeof arg === 'function'; } function isNumber(arg) { return typeof arg === 'number'; } function isObject(arg) { return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null; } function isUndefined(arg) { return arg === void 0; } },{}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ (function(){function b(){}function h(){}function n(){}function k(){}function f(){}function e(a){return function(b,c,l){return a([b,c,l])}}f.j=function(a){a=a.charCodeAt(1);if(a==a)return a};f.substr=function(a,b,c){if(null==c)c=a.length;else if(0>c)if(0==b)c=a.length+c;else return"";return a.substr(b,c)};k.parseInt=function(a){var b=parseInt(a,10);0!=b||120!=f.j(a)&&88!=f.j(a)||(b=parseInt(a));return isNaN(b)?null:b};n.L=function(a){for(var b="";b="0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(a&15)+b,a>>>=4,0 b.length;)b="0"+b;return b};h.K=function(a){return Math.abs(a.v)/Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.J,2)+1)};h.X=function(a,b){return b.v/(Math.sin(a)-b.J*Math.cos(a))};b.m=function(a){for(var d=[],c=Math.pow(a+16,3)/1560896,c=c>b.l?c:a/b.g,l=0;3>l;)for(var g=l++,p=b.b[g][0],f=b.b[g][1],g=b.b[g][2],e=0;2>e;){var h=e++,k=(632260*g-126452*f)*c+126452*h;d.push({J:(284517*p-94839*g)*c/k,v:((838422*g+769860*f+731718*p)*a*c-769860*h*a)/k})}return d};b.B=function(a){a=b.m(a);for(var d=1.7976931348623157E308,c=0;2>c;)d= Math.min(d,h.K(a[c++]));return d};b.A=function(a,d){for(var c=d/360*Math.PI*2,l=b.m(a),g=1.7976931348623157E308,f=0;f=a?12.92*a:1.055*Math.pow(a,.4166666666666667)-.055};b.i=function(a){return.04045=a?b.c*a/b.g:b.c*Math.pow((a+16)/116,3)};b.aa=function(a){var d=a[0],c=a[1];a=d+15*c+3*a[2];0!=a?(d=4*d/a,a=9*c/a):a=d=NaN;c=b.ca(c);return 0==c?[0,0,0]:[c,13*c*(d-b.C),13*c*(a-b.D)]};b.Z=function(a){var d=a[0];if(0==d)return[0,0,0];var c=a[1]/(13*d)+b.C;a=a[2]/(13*d)+b.D;d=b.T(d);c=0- 9*d*c/((c-4)*a-c*a);return[c,d,(9*d-15*a*d-a*c)/(3*a)]};b.Y=function(a){var b=a[0],c=a[1],e=a[2];a=Math.sqrt(c*c+e*e);1E-8>a?c=0:(c=180*Math.atan2(e,c)/3.141592653589793,0>c&&(c=360+c));return[b,a,c]};b.W=function(a){var b=a[1],c=a[2]/360*2*Math.PI;return[a[0],Math.cos(c)*b,Math.sin(c)*b]};b.P=function(a){var d=a[0],c=a[1];a=a[2];return 99.9999999a?[0,0,d]:[a,b.A(a,d)/100*c,d]};b.U=function(a){var d=a[0],c=a[2];return 99.9999999d?[c,0,0]:[c,a[1]/b.A(d,c)*100,d]}; b.S=function(a){var d=a[0],c=a[1];a=a[2];return 99.9999999a?[0,0,d]:[a,b.B(a)/100*c,d]};b.V=function(a){var d=a[0],c=a[2];return 99.9999999d?[c,0,0]:[c,a[1]/b.B(d)*100,d]};b.F=function(a){for(var b="#",c=0,e=a.length;c