:: chat-view: sets up chat JS client, paginates data, and combines commands :: into semantic actions for the UI :: /- *permission-store, *permission-hook, *group-store, *invite-store, *metadata-store, *permission-group-hook, *chat-hook, *metadata-hook /+ *server, *chat-json, default-agent, verb, dbug /= index /^ octs /; as-octs:mimes:html /: /===/app/chat/index /| /html/ /~ ~ == /= tile-js /^ octs /; as-octs:mimes:html /: /===/app/chat/js/tile /| /js/ /~ ~ == /= script /^ octs /; as-octs:mimes:html /: /===/app/chat/js/index /| /js/ /~ ~ == /= style /^ octs /; as-octs:mimes:html /: /===/app/chat/css/index /| /css/ /~ ~ == /= chat-png /^ (map knot @) /: /===/app/chat/img /_ /png/ :: |% +$ card card:agent:gall :: +$ poke $% [%launch-action [@tas path @t]] [%chat-action chat-action] [%group-action group-action] [%chat-hook-action chat-hook-action] [%permission-hook-action permission-hook-action] [%permission-group-hook-action permission-group-hook-action] == -- %+ verb | %- agent:dbug ^- agent:gall =< |_ bol=bowl:gall +* this . chat-core +> cc ~(. chat-core bol) def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bol) :: ++ on-init ^- (quip card _this) =/ launcha [%launch-action !>([%chat-view /configs '/~chat/js/tile.js'])] :_ this :~ [%pass /updates %agent [our.bol %chat-store] %watch /updates] [%pass / %arvo %e %connect [~ /'~chat'] %chat-view] [%pass /chat-view %agent [our.bol %launch] %poke launcha] == ++ on-poke |= [=mark =vase] ^- (quip card _this) ?> (team:title our.bol src.bol) ?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase) %handle-http-request =+ !<([eyre-id=@ta =inbound-request:eyre] vase) :_ this %+ give-simple-payload:app eyre-id %+ require-authorization:app inbound-request poke-handle-http-request:cc :: %json :_ this (poke-chat-view-action:cc (json-to-view-action !<(json vase))) :: %chat-view-action :_ this (poke-chat-view-action:cc !<(chat-view-action vase)) == :: ++ on-watch |= =path ^- (quip card _this) ?> (team:title our.bol src.bol) |^ ?: ?=([%http-response *] path) [~ this] ?: =(/primary path) :: create inbox with 20 messages max per mailbox and send that along :: then quit the subscription :_ this [%give %fact ~ %json !>((inbox-to-json truncated-inbox-scry))]~ ?: =(/configs path) [[%give %fact ~ %json !>(*json)]~ this] (on-watch:def path) :: ++ message-limit 20 :: ++ truncated-inbox-scry ^- inbox =/ =inbox .^(inbox %gx /=chat-store/(scot %da now.bol)/all/noun) %- ~(run by inbox) |= =mailbox ^- ^mailbox [config.mailbox (truncate-envelopes envelopes.mailbox)] :: ++ truncate-envelopes |= envelopes=(list envelope) ^- (list envelope) =/ length (lent envelopes) ?: (lth length message-limit) envelopes (slag (sub length message-limit) envelopes) -- :: ++ on-agent |= [=wire =sign:agent:gall] ^- (quip card _this) ?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign) %kick :_ this [%pass / %agent [our.bol %chat-store] %watch /updates]~ :: %fact ?+ p.cage.sign (on-agent:def wire sign) %chat-update :_ this (diff-chat-update:cc !<(chat-update q.cage.sign)) == == :: ++ on-arvo |= [=wire =sign-arvo] ^- (quip card _this) ?. ?=(%bound +<.sign-arvo) (on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo) [~ this] :: ++ on-save on-save:def ++ on-load on-load:def ++ on-leave on-leave:def ++ on-peek on-peek:def ++ on-fail on-fail:def -- :: :: |_ bol=bowl:gall :: ++ poke-handle-http-request |= =inbound-request:eyre ^- simple-payload:http =+ url=(parse-request-line url.request.inbound-request) ?+ site.url not-found:gen [%'~chat' %css %index ~] (css-response:gen style) [%'~chat' %js %tile ~] (js-response:gen tile-js) [%'~chat' %js %index ~] (js-response:gen script) :: [%'~chat' %img @t *] =/ name=@t i.t.t.site.url =/ img (~(get by chat-png) name) ?~ img not-found:gen (png-response:gen (as-octs:mimes:html u.img)) :: [%'~chat' %paginate @t @t *] =/ start (need (rush i.t.t.site.url dem)) =/ end (need (rush i.t.t.t.site.url dem)) =/ pax t.t.t.t.site.url =/ envelopes (envelope-scry [(scot %ud start) (scot %ud end) pax]) %- json-response:gen %- json-to-octs %- update-to-json [%messages pax start end envelopes] :: [%'~chat' *] (html-response:gen index) == :: ++ poke-json |= jon=json ^- (list card) ?> (team:title our.bol src.bol) (poke-chat-view-action (json-to-view-action jon)) :: ++ poke-chat-view-action |= act=chat-view-action ^- (list card) |^ ?> (team:title our.bol src.bol) ?- -.act %create ?> ?=(^ app-path.act) ?> |(=(group-path.act app-path.act) =(~(tap in members.act) ~)) ?^ (chat-scry app-path.act) ~& %chat-already-exists ~ %- zing :~ (create-chat app-path.act allow-history.act) %- create-group :* group-path.act app-path.act security.act members.act title.act description.act == (create-metadata title.act description.act group-path.act app-path.act) == :: %delete ?> ?=(^ app-path.act) :: always just delete the chat from chat-store :: :+ (chat-hook-poke [%remove app-path.act]) (chat-poke [%delete app-path.act]) :: if we still have metadata for the chat, remove it, and the associated :: group if it's unmanaged :: :: we aren't guaranteed to have metadata: the chat might have been :: deleted by the host, which pushes metadata deletion down to us. :: =/ group-path=(unit path) (maybe-group-from-chat app-path.act) ?~ group-path ~ =* group u.group-path %- zing :~ ?. (is-creator group %chat app-path.act) ~ [(metadata-poke [%remove group [%chat app-path.act]])]~ :: ?: (is-managed group) ~ :~ (group-poke [%unbundle group]) (metadata-hook-poke [%remove group]) (metadata-store-poke [%remove group [%chat app-path.act]]) == == :: %join =/ group-path ?. (is-managed app-path.act) app-path.act (group-from-chat app-path.act) :~ (chat-hook-poke [%add-synced ship.act app-path.act ask-history.act]) (permission-hook-poke [%add-synced ship.act group-path]) (metadata-hook-poke [%add-synced ship.act group-path]) == :: %groupify ?> ?=([%'~' ^] app-path.act) :: retrieve old data :: =/ data=(unit mailbox) (scry-for (unit mailbox) %chat-store [%mailbox app-path.act]) ?~ data ~& [%cannot-groupify-nonexistent app-path.act] ~ =/ permission=(unit permission) (scry-for (unit permission) %permission-store [%permission app-path.act]) ?: |(?=(~ permission) ?=(%black kind.u.permission)) ~& [%cannot-groupify-blacklist app-path.act] ~ =/ =metadata =- (fall - *metadata) %^ scry-for (unit metadata) %metadata-store =/ encoded-path=@ta (scot %t (spat app-path.act)) /metadata/[encoded-path]/chat/[encoded-path] :: figure out new data :: =/ chat-path=^path (slag 1 `path`app-path.act) :: group-path: the group to associate with the chat :: members: members of group, if it's new :: new-members: new members of group, if it already exists :: =/ [group-path=path members=(set ship) new-members=(set ship)] ?~ existing.act [chat-path who.u.permission ~] :+ group-path.u.existing.act ~ ?. inclusive.u.existing.act ~ %- ~(dif in who.u.permission) ~| [%groupifying-with-nonexistent-group group-path.u.existing.act] %- need (group-scry group-path.u.existing.act) :: make changes :: ;: weld :: delete the old chat :: (poke-chat-view-action %delete app-path.act) :: :: create the new chat. if needed, creates the new group. :: %- poke-chat-view-action :* %create title.metadata description.metadata chat-path group-path %village members & == :: :: if needed, add members to the existing group :: ?~ new-members ~ [(group-poke [%add new-members group-path])]~ :: :: import messages into the new chat :: [(chat-poke %messages chat-path envelopes.u.data)]~ == == :: ++ create-chat |= [=path history=?] ^- (list card) :~ (chat-poke [%create path]) (chat-hook-poke [%add-owned path history]) == :: ++ create-group |= [=path app-path=path sec=rw-security ships=(set ship) title=@t desc=@t] ^- (list card) ?^ (group-scry path) ~ :: do not create a managed group if this is a sig path or a blacklist :: ?: =(sec %channel) :~ (group-poke [%bundle path]) (create-security path sec) (permission-hook-poke [%add-owned path path]) == ?: (is-managed path) ~[(contact-view-poke [%create path ships title desc])] %+ welp :~ (group-poke [%bundle path]) (group-poke [%add ships path]) (create-security path sec) (permission-hook-poke [%add-owned path path]) == %- zing %+ turn ~(tap in ships) |= =ship ?: =(ship our.bol) ~ [(send-invite app-path ship)]~ :: ++ create-security |= [pax=path sec=rw-security] ^- card ?+ sec !! %channel (perm-group-hook-poke [%associate pax [[pax %black] ~ ~]]) :: %village (perm-group-hook-poke [%associate pax [[pax %white] ~ ~]]) == :: ++ create-metadata |= [title=@t description=@t group-path=path app-path=path] ^- (list card) =/ =metadata %* . *metadata title title description description date-created now.bol creator %+ slav %p ?: (is-managed app-path) (snag 0 app-path) (snag 1 app-path) == :~ (metadata-poke [%add group-path [%chat app-path] metadata]) (metadata-hook-poke [%add-owned group-path]) == :: ++ contact-view-poke |= act=[%create =path ships=(set ship) title=@t description=@t] ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %contact-view] %poke %contact-view-action !>(act)] :: ++ metadata-poke |= act=metadata-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %metadata-hook] %poke %metadata-action !>(act)] :: ++ metadata-store-poke |= act=metadata-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %metadata-store] %poke %metadata-action !>(act)] :: ++ metadata-hook-poke |= act=metadata-hook-action ^- card :* %pass / %agent [our.bol %metadata-hook] %poke %metadata-hook-action !>(act) == :: ++ send-invite |= [=path =ship] ^- card =/ =invite :* our.bol %chat-hook path ship '' == =/ act=invite-action [%invite /chat (shaf %msg-uid eny.bol) invite] [%pass / %agent [our.bol %invite-hook] %poke %invite-action !>(act)] :: ++ chat-scry |= pax=path ^- (unit mailbox) =. pax ;:(weld /=chat-store/(scot %da now.bol)/mailbox pax /noun) .^((unit mailbox) %gx pax) :: ++ maybe-group-from-chat |= app-path=path ^- (unit path) ?. .^(? %gu (scot %p our.bol) %metadata-store (scot %da now.bol) ~) ?: ?=([@ ^] app-path) ~& [%assuming-ported-legacy-chat app-path] `[%'~' app-path] ~& [%weird-chat app-path] !! =/ resource-indices .^ (jug resource group-path) %gy (scot %p our.bol) %metadata-store (scot %da now.bol) /resource-indices == =/ groups=(set path) %+ fall (~(get by resource-indices) [%chat app-path]) *(set path) ?~ groups ~ `n.groups :: ++ group-from-chat (cork maybe-group-from-chat need) :: ++ is-managed |= =path ^- ? ?> ?=(^ path) !=(i.path '~') :: ++ is-creator |= [group-path=path app-name=@ta app-path=path] ^- ? =/ meta=(unit metadata) .^ (unit metadata) %gx (scot %p our.bol) %metadata-store (scot %da now.bol) %metadata (scot %t (spat group-path)) app-name (scot %t (spat app-path)) /noun == ?~ meta !! =(our.bol creator.u.meta) -- :: ++ diff-chat-update |= upd=chat-update ^- (list card) =/ updates-json (update-to-json upd) =/ configs-json (configs-to-json configs-scry) :~ [%give %fact ~[/primary] %json !>(updates-json)] [%give %fact ~[/configs] %json !>(configs-json)] == :: :: +utilities :: ++ chat-poke |= act=chat-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %chat-store] %poke %chat-action !>(act)] :: ++ group-poke |= act=group-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %group-store] %poke %group-action !>(act)] :: ++ permission-poke |= act=permission-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %permission-store] %poke %permission-action !>(act)] :: ++ chat-hook-poke |= act=chat-hook-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %chat-hook] %poke %chat-hook-action !>(act)] :: ++ permission-hook-poke |= act=permission-hook-action ^- card :* %pass / %agent [our.bol %permission-hook] %poke %permission-hook-action !>(act) == :: ++ perm-group-hook-poke |= act=permission-group-hook-action ^- card :* %pass / %agent [our.bol %permission-group-hook] %poke %permission-group-hook-action !>(act) == :: ++ envelope-scry |= pax=path ^- (list envelope) (scry-for (list envelope) %chat-store [%envelopes pax]) :: ++ configs-scry ^- chat-configs (scry-for chat-configs %chat-store /configs) :: ++ group-scry |= pax=path ^- (unit group) (scry-for (unit group) %group-store pax) :: ++ scry-for |* [=mold app=term =path] .^ mold %gx (scot %p our.bol) app (scot %da now.bol) (snoc `^path`path %noun) == --