:: :::: /app/collections/hoon :: /? 309 /- hall /+ collections :: :: cols: :: :: run collections-item renderer on children of /web/collections :: combine with a bunted config in a +collection structure defined in :: /lib/collections because the top level collection has no config file :: :: whenever any of the clay files that compose this renderer change, this app :: will recompile and the +prep arm will fire. we then check which files :: changed and notify the corresponding hall circle of that change :: /= cols /^ collection:collections /; |= a=(map knot item:collections) [*config:collections a] /: /===/web/collections /_ /collections-item/ :: =, collections =, space:userlib :: :: state: :: :: stores the collection built by above by :cols so that we can compare old :: and new versions whenever the rendered data changes :: ~% %landscape ..^is ~ |_ [bol=bowl:gall sta=state] :: :: +this: app core subject :: ++ this . :: :: +prep: :: :: on initial boot, create top level hall circle for collections, called %c :: :: on subsequent compiles, call +ta-update:ta on the old collection data, :: then update state to store the new collection data :: ++ prep ~/ %land-prep |= old=(unit state) ^- (quip move _this) ?~ old :_ this ;: welp =< ta-done (~(ta-hall-create-circle ta ~ bol) /c 'collections') :: :~ [ost.bol %peer /circles [our.bol %hall] /circles/[(scot %p our.bol)]] [ost.bol %peer /inbox [our.bol %hall] /circle/inbox/config/grams] [ost.bol %peer /invites [our.bol %hall] /circle/i/grams] :: :: ?. =(%duke (clan:title our.bol)) :: ~ :: :_ ~ :: :* ost.bol %poke /client-action [our.bol %hall] :: %hall-action %source %inbox & :: (sy [[(^sein:title our.bol) %urbit-meta] ~]~) :: == == == ?- -.u.old %0 =/ mow=(list move) =< ta-done (~(ta-update ta ~ bol) col.u.old cols) :- mow %= this sta [%0 cols str.u.old] == == :: :: +mack: :: :: recieve acknowledgement for permissions changes, print error if it failed :: ++ mack |= [wir=wire err=(unit tang)] ^- (quip move _this) ?~ err [~ this] (mean u.err) :: :: +coup: recieve acknowledgement for poke, print error if it failed :: ++ coup |= [wir=wire err=(unit tang)] ^- (quip move _this) ?~ err [~ this] (mean u.err) :: :: +poke-collections-action: :: :: the main interface for creating and deleting collections and items :: ++ poke-collections-action ~/ %coll-poke-collections-action |= act=action ^- (quip move _this) ?: =(who.act our.bol) :_ this =< ta-done (~(ta-act ta ~ bol) act) :: forward poke if its not meant for us :: :_ this :_ ~ :* ost.bol %poke /forward-collections-action [who.act %collections] %collections-action act == :: :: +poke-json :: :: utility for setting whether or not to display the onboarding page :: ++ poke-json ~/ %coll-poke-json |= jon=json ^- (quip move _this) ?: ?=([%o [[%onboard %b ?] ~ ~]] jon) :_ this =< ta-done (~(ta-write ta ~ bol) /web/landscape/onboard/json [%json !>(jon)]) [~ this] :: :: +poke-collections-command :: ++ poke-collections-command |= cod=command ^- (quip move _this) ?- -.cod %invite :_ this :- :* ost.bol %poke /permit [our.bol %hall] %hall-action %permit nom.cod %.y who.cod == %+ turn ~(tap in who.cod) |= guy=@p ^- move :* ost.bol %poke /invite [our.bol %hall] %hall-action %phrase aud=(sy [guy %i] ~) ses=[%inv & our.bol nom.cod]~ == == :: :: +peer: :: ++ peer |= wir=wire ^- (quip move _this) ::~& peer-prize+str.sta :_ this [ost.bol %diff %collections-prize str.sta]~ :: :: +reap: recieve acknowledgement for peer, retry on failure :: ++ reap |= [wir=wire err=(unit tang)] ^- (quip move _this) ::~& reap+[wir =(~ err)] ?~ err [~ this] ?~ wir (mean [leaf+"invalid wire for diff: {(spud wir)}"]~) ?+ i.wir (mean [leaf+"invalid wire for diff: {(spud wir)}"]~) :: %circles :_ this [ost.bol %peer /circles [our.bol %hall] /circles/[(scot %p our.bol)]]~ :: %inbox :_ this [ost.bol %peer /inbox [our.bol %hall] /circle/inbox/config/grams]~ :: %invites :_ this [ost.bol %peer /invites [our.bol %hall] /circle/i/grams]~ :: %our [~ this] == :: :: +quit: :: ++ quit |= [wir=wire err=(unit tang)] ^- (quip move _this) ::~& quit+[wir =(~ err)] ?~ err [~ this] ?~ wir (mean [leaf+"invalid wire for diff: {(spud wir)}"]~) ?+ i.wir (mean [leaf+"invalid wire for diff: {(spud wir)}"]~) :: %circles :_ this [ost.bol %peer /circles [our.bol %hall] /circles/[(scot %p our.bol)]]~ :: %inbox :_ this [ost.bol %peer /inbox [our.bol %hall] /circle/inbox/config/grams]~ :: %invites :_ this [ost.bol %peer /invites [our.bol %hall] /circle/i/grams]~ :: %our [~ this] == :: :: +diff-hall-prize: :: ++ diff-hall-prize |= [wir=wire piz=prize:hall] ^- (quip move _this) :: :: ::~& prize+[wir piz] ?~ wir (mean [leaf+"invalid wire for diff: {(spud wir)}"]~) ?+ i.wir (mean [leaf+"invalid wire for diff: {(spud wir)}"]~) :: :: %circles: subscribe to the configuration of each of our circles :: %circles ?> ?=(%circles -.piz) =/ noms=(set name:hall) (~(dif in cis.piz) (sy ~[%inbox %i %public])) :_ this(our-circles.str.sta (~(uni in our-circles.str.sta) noms)) ^- (list move) %+ turn ~(tap in noms) |= nom=name:hall ^- move [ost.bol %peer /our/[nom] [our.bol %hall] /circle/[nom]/config] :: :: %inbox: fill inbox config, messages and remote configs with prize data :: %inbox ?> ?=(%circle -.piz) :- ~ %= this con.inbox.str.sta `loc.cos.piz :: env.inbox.str.sta nes.piz :: circles.str.sta %- ~(uni in circles.str.sta) ^- (map circle:hall (unit config:hall)) (~(run by rem.cos.piz) |=(a=config:hall `a)) == :: :: %invites: fill invite messages with prize data :: %invites ?> ?=(%circle -.piz) :- ~ %= this invites.str.sta nes.piz == :: :: %our: :: %our ?> ?=(%circle -.piz) =/ nom=name:hall &2:wir :: XX todo: send rumor or let config-change handle it? :: :- ~ %= this circles.str.sta (~(put by circles.str.sta) [our.bol nom] `loc.cos.piz) :: our-circles.str.sta (~(put in our-circles.str.sta) nom) == == :: :: +diff-hall-rumor :: ++ diff-hall-rumor |= [wir=wire rum=rumor:hall] ^- (quip move _this) ::~& rumor+[wir rum] ?~ wir (mean [leaf+"invalid wire for diff: {(spud wir)}"]~) =; upd=[mow=(list move) sta=_this] :_ sta.upd %+ welp mow.upd %+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib /primary bol) |= [=bone *] [bone %diff %hall-rumor rum] ?+ i.wir (mean [leaf+"invalid wire for diff: {(spud wir)}"]~) :: :: %circles: :: %circles ::~& %circles ?> ?=(%circles -.rum) =? dms.str.sta ?& (is-dm-circle our.bol cir.rum) !(~(has by dms.str.sta) cir.rum) == (~(put by dms.str.sta) cir.rum our.bol ~) ?: add.rum :_ this(our-circles.str.sta (~(put in our-circles.str.sta) cir.rum)) [ost.bol %peer /our/[cir.rum] [our.bol %hall] /circle/[cir.rum]/config]~ :_ this(our-circles.str.sta (~(del in our-circles.str.sta) cir.rum)) [ost.bol %pull /our/[cir.rum] [our.bol %hall] ~]~ :: :: %inbox: :: %inbox ?> ?=(%circle -.rum) ?+ -.rum.rum ::~& inbox-unprocessed-rumor+rum.rum [~ this] :: :: %remove: :: %remove ::~& %inbox-remove ::~& %removed-story [~ this] :: :: %gram: inbox has recieved messages :: %gram ::~& %inbox-gram :: XX TODO: handle stack trace message when foreign circle is killed? :: ?: (is-dm-circle src.rum.rum) =/ dms=[ini=ship env=(list envelope:hall)] (~(got by dms.str.sta) nom.src.rum.rum) =. env.dms [nev.rum.rum env.dms] :- ~ %= this env.inbox.str.sta [nev.rum.rum env.inbox.str.sta] dms.str.sta (~(put by dms.str.sta) nom.src.rum.rum dms) == :- ~ ::(send-rumor [%new-msg %inbox nev.rum.rum]) this(env.inbox.str.sta [nev.rum.rum env.inbox.str.sta]) :: :: %config: inbox config has changed :: %config =* circ cir.rum.rum ?+ -.dif.rum.rum ::~& inbox-unprocessed-config+dif.rum.rum [~ this] :: :: %remove: circle has been erased :: %remove ::~& %inbox-config-remove :- ~ ::(send-rumor %config-change cir.rum.rum ~) %= this circles.str.sta (~(del by circles.str.sta) cir.rum.rum) == :: :: %source: the sources of our inbox have changed :: %source ::~& %inbox-config-source ?. =(circ [our.bol %inbox]) [~ this] :: we've added a source to our inbox :: ?> ?=(^ con.inbox.str.sta) ?: add.dif.rum.rum =/ conf=config:hall %= u.con.inbox.str.sta src (~(put in src.u.con.inbox.str.sta) src.dif.rum.rum) == :- ~ ::(send-rumor %config-change [our.bol %inbox] `conf) %= this con.inbox.str.sta `conf :: circles.str.sta ?: (~(has by circles.str.sta) cir.src.dif.rum.rum) circles.str.sta (~(put by circles.str.sta) cir.src.dif.rum.rum ~) == :: we've removed a source from our inbox :: =/ conf=config:hall %= u.con.inbox.str.sta src (~(del in src.u.con.inbox.str.sta) src.dif.rum.rum) == ::~& inbox+conf :- ~ ::(send-rumor %config-change [our.bol %inbox] `conf) %= this con.inbox.str.sta `conf :: circles.str.sta ?: =(our.bol hos.cir.src.dif.rum.rum) circles.str.sta (~(del by circles.str.sta) cir.src.dif.rum.rum) == :: :: %full: recieved a full config update for one of our sources :: %full ::~& %inbox-config-full =* conf cof.dif.rum.rum :- ~ ::(send-rumor %config-change circ `conf) %= this circles.str.sta (~(put by circles.str.sta) circ `conf) == :: :: %read: recieved a read reciept :: %read ?. =([our.bol %inbox] cir.rum.rum) [~ this] ?> ?=(^ con.inbox.str.sta) :- ~ %= this red.u.con.inbox.str.sta red.dif.rum.rum == == == :: :: %invites: :: %invites ::~& %invites ?> ?=(%circle -.rum) ?> ?=(%gram -.rum.rum) ?> ?=(%inv -.sep.gam.nev.rum.rum) =/ circ=circle:hall cir.sep.gam.nev.rum.rum ?: (is-dm-circle circ) =/ who=(set ship) (sy (rash nom.circ (more dot fed:ag))) =/ act=poke [%hall-action %newdm who] :- [ost.bol %poke /join-dm [our.bol %hall] act]~ %= this invites.str.sta [nev.rum.rum invites.str.sta] dms.str.sta (~(put by dms.str.sta) nom.circ hos.circ ~) == =/ act=poke [%hall-action %source %inbox & (sy [circ ~] ~)] :- ~ this(invites.str.sta [nev.rum.rum invites.str.sta]) :: :: %our: :: %our ?> ?=(%circle -.rum) ?+ -.rum.rum ::~& our-unprocessed-rumor+rum.rum [~ this] :: :: %remove: :: %remove ::~& %our-remove [~ this] :: :: %config: :: %config =* circ cir.rum.rum =* diff dif.rum.rum ?+ -.diff ::~& our-unprocessed-config+diff [~ this] :: :: %full: recieved a full config update for one of our sources :: %full ::~& %our-config-full =* conf cof.dif.rum.rum :- ~ ::(send-rumor %config-change circ `conf) %= this circles.str.sta (~(put by circles.str.sta) circ `conf) == :: :: %read: recieved a read reciept :: %read =/ conf (need (~(got by circles.str.sta) circ)) =. red.conf red.dif.rum.rum :- ~ %= this circles.str.sta (~(put by circles.str.sta) circ `conf) == == == == :: :: +send-rumor: send a rumor to all subscribers :: ++ send-rumor |= rum=rumor ::~& send-rumor+rum ^- (list move) %+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib /primary bol) |= [=bone *] [bone %diff %collections-rumor rum] :: :: +poke-noun: debugging stuff :: ++ poke-noun |= a=@t ^- (quip move _this) ?: =(a 'check all subs') ~& 'here are all incoming subs' ~& ^- (list (pair ship path)) %+ turn ~(tap by sup.bol) |= [b=bone s=ship p=path] ^- (pair ship path) [s p] [~ this] :: ?: =(a 'print state') ~& str.sta [~ this] [~ this] :: ++ is-dm-circle |= circ=circle:hall ^- ? ?= ^ (rush nom.circ (more dot fed:ag)) --