{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {- TODO Handle 32-bit architectures TODO Handle big-endian. TODO A faster version of this is possible: - Get the byte-length of a file. - Round up to a multiple of 8 (or 4 if 32bit cpu) - Allocate a mutable vector of Word8 with that size. - Read the file into the array. - Manually cast to an array of Word. - On big endian, update each words with `System.Endian.fromLE64`. - If there are trailing 0 words, adjust the vector size to delete them. - unsafeFreeze the vector. - Run `byteArrayToBigNat#` on the underlying byte array. - Convert the BigNat to a Natural, to an Atom. - The whole thing becomes zero-copy for little endian machines, with one zero-copy transformation of the whole structure on big-endian machines. -} module Data.Noun.Pill where import ClassyPrelude import Data.Noun hiding (toList, fromList) import Data.Noun.Atom -- import Data.Noun.Jam hiding (main) import Data.Flat hiding (from, to) import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Lens hiding (index, Index) import Data.Either.Extra (mapLeft) import GHC.Natural import Data.Bits import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals import GHC.Int import GHC.Word import GHC.Exts (sizeofByteArray#) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Primitive.Types as Prim import qualified Data.Primitive.ByteArray as Prim import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as VP import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BU import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.TH import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import Test.QuickCheck -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- A `Pill` is a bytestring without trailing zeros. -} newtype Pill = Pill { unPill :: ByteString } instance Eq Pill where (==) x y = (x ^. pillBS) == (y ^. pillBS) instance Show Pill where show = show . view pillBS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- strip :: (IsSequence seq, Int ~ Index seq, Eq (Element seq), Num (Element seq)) => seq -> seq strip buf = take (len - go 0 (len - 1)) buf where len = length buf go n i | i < 0 = n | 0 == unsafeIndex buf i = go (n+1) (i-1) | otherwise = n pillBS :: Iso' Pill ByteString pillBS = iso to from where to :: Pill -> ByteString to = strip . unPill from :: ByteString -> Pill from = Pill . strip -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bigNatWords :: Iso' BigNat (VP.Vector Word) bigNatWords = iso to from where to (BN# bArr) = VP.Vector 0 (I# (sizeofByteArray# bArr) `div` 8) (Prim.ByteArray bArr) from v@(VP.Vector off (I# len) (Prim.ByteArray buf)) = case VP.length v of 0 -> zeroBigNat 1 -> wordToBigNat (case VP.unsafeIndex v 0 of W# w -> w) n -> if off /= 0 then error "words2Nat: bad-vec" else byteArrayToBigNat# buf len -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bigNatBits :: Iso' BigNat (VU.Vector Bool) bigNatBits = undefined natWords :: Iso' Natural (VP.Vector Word) natWords = naturalBigNat . bigNatWords naturalBigNat :: Iso' Natural BigNat naturalBigNat = iso to from where to = \case NatS# w -> wordToBigNat w NatJ# bn -> bn from bn = case sizeofBigNat# bn of 0# -> 0 1# -> NatS# (bigNatToWord bn) _ -> NatJ# bn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dumbPackWord :: ByteString -> Word dumbPackWord bs = go 0 0 (toList bs) where go acc i [] = acc go acc i (x:xs) = go (acc .|. shiftL (fromIntegral x) (8*i)) (i+1) xs -- TODO This assumes 64-bit words packedWord :: Iso' ByteString Word packedWord = iso to from where from wor = reverse $ fromList $ go 0 [] where go i acc | i >= 8 = acc go i acc | otherwise = go (i+1) (fromIntegral (shiftR wor (i*8)) : acc) to buf = go 0 0 where top = min 8 (length buf) i idx off = shiftL (fromIntegral $ BS.index buf idx) off go acc idx = if idx >= top then acc else go (acc .|. i idx (8*idx)) (idx+1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wordsToBytes :: VP.Vector Word -> VP.Vector Word8 wordsToBytes (VP.Vector off sz buf) = VP.Vector (off*8) (sz*8) buf bsToWords :: ByteString -> VP.Vector Word bsToWords bs = VP.generate (1 + length bs `div` 8) $ \i -> view packedWord (BS.drop (i*8) bs) {- TODO Support Big-Endian TODO This still has a (small) risk of segfaulting. The right thing to do is to manually copy the data to the C heap, setup the finalizers, and then manually construct a bytestring from that pointer. -- finalizers, and make a bytestring from that. -} bytesBS :: Iso' (VP.Vector Word8) ByteString bytesBS = iso to from where to :: VP.Vector Word8 -> ByteString to (VP.Vector off sz buf) = unsafePerformIO $ do Prim.Addr ptr <- evaluate $ Prim.byteArrayContents buf bs <- BU.unsafePackAddressLen sz ptr evaluate $ force $ BS.copy $ BS.drop off bs from :: ByteString -> VP.Vector Word8 from bs = VP.generate (length bs) (BS.index bs) pillWords :: Iso' Pill (VP.Vector Word) pillWords = iso toVec fromVec where toVec = view (pillBS . to bsToWords) fromVec = view (to wordsToBytes . bytesBS . from pillBS) -- _CueBytes :: Prism' ByteString Noun -- _CueBytes = from pillBS . from pill . _Cue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- This is a stupid, but obviously correct version of `view (from pill)`. -} dumbPackAtom :: Pill -> Atom dumbPackAtom = go 0 0 . toList . view pillBS where go acc i [] = acc go acc i (x:xs) = go (acc .|. shiftL (fromIntegral x) (8*i)) (i+1) xs atomNat :: Iso' Atom Natural atomNat = iso unAtom MkAtom pill :: Iso' Atom Pill pill = iso toAtom fromPill where toAtom = view (atomNat . natWords . from pillWords) fromPill = view (pillBS . to bsToWords . from natWords . from atomNat) atomBS :: Iso' Atom ByteString atomBS = pill . pillBS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- _Cue :: Prism' Atom Noun -- _Cue = prism' jam cue _Tall :: Flat a => Prism' ByteString a _Tall = prism' flat (eitherToMaybe . unflat) where eitherToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b eitherToMaybe (Left x) = Nothing eitherToMaybe (Right x) = Just x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loadPill :: FilePath -> IO Pill loadPill = fmap Pill . readFile loadAtom :: FilePath -> IO Atom loadAtom = fmap (view $ from pillBS . from pill) . readFile -- loadNoun :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Noun) -- loadNoun = fmap (preview $ from pillBS . from pill . _Cue) . readFile loadFlat :: Flat a => FilePath -> IO (Either Text a) loadFlat = fmap (mapLeft tshow . unflat) . readFile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dumpPill :: FilePath -> Pill -> IO () dumpPill fp = writeFile fp . view pillBS dumpAtom :: FilePath -> Atom -> IO () dumpAtom fp = writeFile fp . view (pill . pillBS) -- dumpJam :: FilePath -> Noun -> IO () -- dumpJam fp = writeFile fp . view (re _Cue . pill . pillBS) dumpFlat :: Flat a => FilePath -> a -> IO () dumpFlat fp = writeFile fp . flat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data PillFile = Brass | Ivory | Solid instance Show PillFile where show = \case Brass -> "./bin/brass.pill" Solid -> "./bin/solid.pill" Ivory -> "./bin/ivory.pill" tryLoadPill :: PillFile -> IO Atom tryLoadPill pill = do a@(MkAtom nat) <- loadAtom (show pill) putStrLn "loaded" print (a > 0) putStrLn "evaled" print (take 10 $ VP.toList $ nat ^. natWords) pure a tryPackPill :: PillFile -> IO () tryPackPill pf = do atm <- tryLoadPill pf print $ length (atm ^. pill . pillBS) -- tryCuePill :: PillFile -> IO () -- tryCuePill pill = -- loadNoun (show pill) >>= \case Nothing -> print "nil" -- Just (Atom _) -> print "atom" -- _ -> print "cell" -- Tests ----------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Arbitrary ByteString where arbitrary = fromList <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary Pill where arbitrary = Pill <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary BigNat where arbitrary = view naturalBigNat <$> arbitrary instance Show BigNat where show = show . NatJ# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testIso :: Eq a => Iso' a b -> a -> Bool testIso iso x = x == (x ^. iso . from iso) roundTrip :: Eq a => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> (a -> Bool) roundTrip dump load x = x == load (dump x) equiv :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> Bool) equiv f g x = f x == g x check :: Atom -> Atom check = toAtom . (id :: Integer -> Integer) . fromAtom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prop_packWordSane = equiv (view packedWord) dumbPackWord . fromList prop_packWord = testIso (from packedWord) prop_unpackWord = roundTrip (view packedWord) (strip . view (from packedWord)) . strip . take 8 prop_unpackBigNat = testIso bigNatWords prop_packBigNat = roundTrip (view (from bigNatWords) . VP.fromList) (strip . VP.toList . view bigNatWords) . strip prop_implodeBytes = roundTrip (view pillWords) (view (from pillWords)) prop_explodeBytes = roundTrip (view (from pillWords) . VP.fromList) (strip . VP.toList . view pillWords) . strip prop_packAtomSane = equiv (view (from pill)) dumbPackAtom . Pill . fromList prop_unpackAtom = roundTrip (view pill) (view (from pill)) prop_packAtom = roundTrip (view (from pill)) (view pill) . Pill . strip -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = $(defaultMainGenerator)