:: invite-hook [landscape]: receive invites from any source :: :: only handles %invite actions: :: - can be poked by the host team to send an invite out to someone. :: - can be poked by foreign ships to send an invite to us. :: /- *invite-store /+ default-agent, dbug :: |% +$ state-0 [%0 ~] +$ card card:agent:gall -- :: =| state-0 =* state - %- agent:dbug ^- agent:gall :: |_ =bowl:gall +* this . def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl) :: ++ on-init [~ this] ++ on-save !>(state) ++ on-load |= old=vase ^- (quip card _this) [~ this(state !<(state-0 old))] :: ++ on-poke |= [=mark =vase] ^- (quip card _this) |^ :_ this ?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase) %invite-action =/ act=action !<(action vase) ?+ -.act ~ %invites ?. (team:title [our src]:bowl) ~ :: outgoing. we must be inviting other ships. send them each an invite :: %+ turn ~(tap in recipients.invites.act) |= recipient=ship ^- card ?< (team:title our.bowl recipient) %+ invite-hook-poke recipient :^ %invite term.act uid.act ^- invite :* ship.invites.act app.invites.act resource.invites.act recipient text.invites.act == :: %invite ?: (team:title [our src]:bowl) :: outgoing. we must be inviting another ship. send them the invite. :: ?< (team:title our.bowl recipient.invite.act) [(invite-hook-poke recipient.invite.act act)]~ :: else incoming. ensure invitatory exists and invite is not a duplicate. :: ?> ?=(^ (invitatory-scry term.act)) ?> ?=(~ (invite-scry term.act uid.act)) [(invite-poke term.act act)]~ == == :: ++ invite-hook-poke |= [=ship =action] ^- card :* %pass /invite-hook %agent [ship %invite-hook] %poke %invite-action !>(action) == :: ++ invite-poke |= [=term =action] ^- card :* %pass /[term] %agent [our.bowl %invite-store] %poke %invite-action !>(action) == :: ++ invitatory-scry |= =term .^ (unit invitatory) %gx %+ weld /(scot %p our.bowl)/invite-store/(scot %da now.bowl)/invitatory /[term]/noun == :: ++ invite-scry |= [=term uid=serial] .^ (unit invite) %gx %+ weld /(scot %p our.bowl)/invite-store/(scot %da now.bowl)/invite /[term]/(scot %uv uid)/noun == -- :: ++ on-peek on-peek:def ++ on-watch on-watch:def ++ on-leave on-leave:def ++ on-agent on-agent:def ++ on-arvo on-arvo:def ++ on-fail on-fail:def --