/- eth-watcher, *dice /+ ethereum, azimuth, naive, dice, default-agent, verb, dbug :: Generally don't update the snapshot until we have clay tombstoning. :: To update, run: :: =e -build-file %/lib/ethereum/hoon :: =l .^((list event-log:rpc:e) %gx /=azimuth=/logs/noun) :: */app/azimuth/logs/eth-logs ð-logs l :: /* snap %eth-logs /app/azimuth/logs/eth-logs :: =/ last-snap :: maybe just use the last one? %+ roll `(list event-log:rpc:ethereum)`snap ::~ |= [log=event-log:rpc:ethereum last=@ud] ?~ mined.log last (max block-number.u.mined.log last) :: =, jael |% +$ app-state $: %1 url=@ta =net whos=(set ship) nas=^state:naive own=owners spo=sponsors logs=(list =event-log:rpc:ethereum) == :: +$ poke-data $% :: %listen :: [%listen whos=(list ship) =source:jael] :: %watch: configure node url and network :: [%watch url=@ta =net] == :: +$ tagged-diff [=id:block diff:naive] +$ card card:agent:gall :: TODO: add to state? :: ++ refresh ~m5 -- :: =| state=app-state %- agent:dbug %+ verb | ^- agent:gall =< |_ =bowl:gall +* this . do ~(. +> bowl) def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl) :: ++ on-init ^- (quip card _this) =: net.state %default logs.state snap url.state 'http://eth-mainnet.urbit.org:8545' == :_ this :~ :* %pass /old-tracker %agent [our.bowl %hood] %poke %kiln-nuke !>([%azimuth-tracker %|]) == :: [%pass /init %arvo %b %wait now.bowl] == :: ++ on-save !>(state) ++ on-load |= old=vase ^- (quip card _this) |^ =+ !<(old-state=app-states old) =? old-state ?=(%0 -.old-state) ^- app-state =, old-state [%1 url net whos nas own *sponsors logs] ?> ?=(%1 -.old-state) `this(state old-state) :: ++ app-states $%(state-0 app-state) :: ++ state-0 $: %0 url=@ta =net whos=(set ship) nas=^state:naive own=owners logs=(list =event-log:rpc:ethereum) == -- :: ++ on-poke |= [=mark =vase] ^- (quip card _this) ?: =(%noun mark) ?+ q.vase !! %rerun ~& [%rerunning (lent logs.state)] =. points.nas.state ~ =. own.state ~ =^ * state (run-logs:do logs.state) `this :: %resub :_ this :_ ~ :* %pass /eth-watcher %agent [our.bowl %eth-watcher] %watch /logs/[dap.bowl] == :: %resnap =. logs.state snap $(mark %noun, vase !>(%rerun)) == ?: =(%eth-logs mark) =+ !<(logs=(list event-log:rpc:ethereum) vase) =. logs.state logs $(mark %noun, vase !>(%rerun)) :: ?. ?=(%azimuth-poke mark) (on-poke:def mark vase) =+ !<(poke=poke-data vase) ?- -.poke %listen [[%pass /lo %arvo %j %listen (silt whos.poke) source.poke]~ this] :: %watch :: TODO: only wipe out state when switching networks? :: ?: =(net.state net.poke) :: [~ this] =: nas.state *^state:naive net.state net.poke url.state url.poke own.state ~ spo.state ~ logs.state ?:(?=(%default net.poke) snap ~) == %- %- slog :_ ~ leaf+"azimuth: loading snapshot with {<(lent logs.state)>} events" =^ snap-cards state (run-logs:do logs.state) [(weld (jael-update:do (to-udiffs:do snap-cards)) start:do) this] == :: ++ on-watch |= =path ^- (quip card _this) ?< =(/sole/drum path) ?: =(/event path) :_ this [%give %fact ~ %naive-state !>([nas.state own.state spo.state])]~ =/ who=(unit ship) ?~ path ~ ?: ?=([@ ~] path) ~ `(slav %p i.path) =. whos.state ?~ who ~ (~(put in whos.state) u.who) ^- (quip card _this) :: Slow to recalculate all the diffs, but this is necessary to make :: sure Jael gets the updates from the snapshot :: %- %- slog :_ ~ leaf+"azimuth: loading snapshot with {<(lent logs.state)>} events" =/ res (%*(run-logs do nas.state *^state:naive) logs.state) [(weld (jael-update:do (to-udiffs:do -.res)) start:do) this] :: ++ on-leave on-leave:def ++ on-peek |= =path ^- (unit (unit cage)) |^ ?+ path (on-peek:def path) [%x %logs ~] ``noun+!>(logs.state) [%x %nas ~] ``noun+!>(nas.state) [%x %dns ~] ``noun+!>(dns.nas.state) [%x %own ~] ``noun+!>(own.state) [%x %refresh ~] ``atom+!>(refresh) [%x %point @ ~] ``noun+(point i.t.t.path) == :: ++ point |= wat=@t ^- vase !> ^- (unit point:naive) ?~ ship=(rush wat ;~(pfix sig fed:ag)) ~ (get:orm:naive points.nas.state u.ship) -- :: ++ on-agent |= [=wire =sign:agent:gall] ^- (quip card _this) ?. ?=([%eth-watcher ~] wire) (on-agent:def wire sign) ?. ?=(%fact -.sign) (on-agent:def wire sign) ?. ?=(%eth-watcher-diff p.cage.sign) (on-agent:def wire sign) =+ !<(diff=diff:eth-watcher q.cage.sign) ?: ?=(%disavow -.diff) [(jael-update:do [*ship id.diff %disavow ~]~) this] :: =. logs.state ?- -.diff :: %history loglist.diff %history (welp logs.state loglist.diff) %logs (welp logs.state loglist.diff) == =? nas.state ?=(%history -.diff) *^state:naive =^ effects state (run-logs:do loglist.diff) :: :_ this %+ weld (event-update:do effects) (jael-update:do (to-udiffs:do effects)) :: ++ on-arvo |= [=wire =sign-arvo] ?. &(=(/init wire) ?=(%wake +<.sign-arvo)) (on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo) :_ this :~ :* %pass /eth-watcher %agent [our.bowl %eth-watcher] %watch /logs/[dap.bowl] == :: [%pass /lo %arvo %j %listen ~ [%| dap.bowl]] == :: ++ on-fail on-fail:def -- |_ =bowl:gall :: TODO: maybe flop the endianness here so metamask signs it in normal :: order? :: ++ verifier ^- ^verifier:naive |= [dat=octs v=@ r=@ s=@] ?: (gth v 3) ~ :: TODO: move to jet =/ result %- mule |. =, secp256k1:secp:crypto %- address-from-pub:key:ethereum %- serialize-point (ecdsa-raw-recover (keccak-256:keccak:crypto dat) v r s) ?- -.result %| ~ %& `p.result == :: ++ topics |= ships=(set ship) ^- (list ?(@ux (list @ux))) ~ :: ++ data-to-hex |= data=@t ?~ data *@ux ?: =(data '0x') *@ux (hex-to-num:ethereum data) :: ++ run-logs |= [logs=(list event-log:rpc:ethereum)] ^- (quip tagged-diff _state) =+ net=(get-network net.state) ?~ logs `state ?~ mined.i.logs $(logs t.logs) =/ [raw-effects=effects:naive new-nas=_nas.state] =/ =^input:naive :- block-number.u.mined.i.logs ?: =(azimuth.net address.i.logs) =/ data (data-to-hex data.i.logs) =/ =event-log:naive [address.i.logs data topics.i.logs] [%log event-log] ?~ input.u.mined.i.logs [%bat *@] [%bat u.input.u.mined.i.logs] =/ res %- mule |.((%*(. naive lac |) verifier chain-id.net nas.state input)) ?- -.res %& p.res %| ((slog 'naive-fail' p.res) `nas.state) == :: TODO: move to /lib/dice ? :: =/ [new-own=_own.state new-spo=_spo.state] =< [own spo] ?. =(azimuth.net address.i.logs) %: apply-effects:dice chain-id.net raw-effects nas.state own.state spo.state == %: update-indices:dice raw-effects nas.state new-nas own.state spo.state == =: nas.state new-nas own.state new-own spo.state new-spo == =/ effects-1 =/ =id:block [block-hash block-number]:u.mined.i.logs (turn raw-effects |=(=diff:naive [id diff])) =^ effects-2 state $(logs t.logs) [(welp effects-1 effects-2) state] :: ++ to-udiffs |= effects=(list tagged-diff) ^- =udiffs:point %+ murn effects |= tag=tagged-diff ^- (unit [=ship =udiff:point]) ?. ?=(%point +<.tag) ~ ?+ +>+<.tag ~ %rift `[ship.tag id.tag %rift rift.tag] %sponsor `[ship.tag id.tag %spon sponsor.tag] %keys =/ =pass (pass-from-eth:azimuth 32^crypt.keys.tag 32^auth.keys.tag suite.keys.tag) `[ship.tag id.tag %keys life.keys.tag suite.keys.tag pass] == :: ++ jael-update |= =udiffs:point ^- (list card) :: ?: & ~ :: XX :- [%give %fact ~[/] %azimuth-udiffs !>(udiffs)] |- ^- (list card) ?~ udiffs ~ =/ =path /(scot %p ship.i.udiffs) :: Should really give all diffs involving each ship at the same time :: :- [%give %fact ~[path] %azimuth-udiffs !>(~[i.udiffs])] $(udiffs t.udiffs) :: ++ event-update |= effects=(list tagged-diff) ^- (list card) %+ murn effects |= tag=tagged-diff ^- (unit card) ?. |(?=(%tx +<.tag) ?=(%point +<.tag)) ~ %- some ^- card [%give %fact ~[/event] %naive-diffs !>(+.tag)] :: ++ get-network |= =net ^- [azimuth=@ux naive=@ux chain-id=@ launch=@] =< [azimuth naive chain-id launch] =, azimuth ?- net %mainnet mainnet-contracts %ropsten ropsten-contracts %local local-contracts %default contracts == :: ++ start ^- (list card) =+ net=(get-network net.state) =/ args=vase !> :+ %watch /[dap.bowl] ^- config:eth-watcher :* url.state =(%czar (clan:title our.bowl)) refresh ~h30 (max launch.net ?:(=(net.state %default) last-snap 0)) ~[azimuth.net] ~[naive.net] (topics whos.state) == [%pass /wa %agent [our.bowl %eth-watcher] %poke %eth-watcher-poke args]~ --