section 2dD, casual containers ==============================


Map from list ++ mo :: map from list |* a=(list) => .(a `_(homo a)`a) => .(a `(list ,[p=_-<.a q=_->.a])`a) =+ b=*(map ,_?>(?=(^ a) p.i.a) ,_?>(?=(^ a) q.i.a)) (~(gas by b) a) :: Produces a map of key-value pairs from the left-right cell pairs of list `a`. `a` is a [list](). ~zod/try=> (mo `(list ,[@t *])`[[`a` 1] [`b` 2] ~]) {[p=`a` q=1] [p=`b` q=2]} ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Set from list ++ sa :: set from list |* a=(list) => .(a `_(homo a)`a) =+ b=*(set ,_?>(?=(^ a) i.a)) (~(gas in b) a) :: Produces a set of the elements in list `a`. `a` is a [list](). ~zod/try=> (sa `(list ,@)`[1 2 3 4 5 ~]) {5 4 1 3 2} ~zod/try=> (sa `(list ,[@t *])`[[`a` 1] [`b` 2] ~]) {[`a` 1] [`b` 2]} ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Queue from list ++ qu :: queue from list |* a=(list) => .(a `_(homo a)`a) =+ b=*(qeu ,_?>(?=(^ a) i.a)) (~(gas to b) a) Produces a queue from list `a`. `a` is a [list](). ~zod/try=> (qu `(list ,@ud)`~[1 2 3 5]) {5 3 2 1} ~zod/try=> (qu "sada") {'a' 'd' 'a' 's'} ~zod/try=> ~(top to (qu "sada")) [~ 's'] ------------------------------------------------------------------------