|* [input-type=mold card-type=mold contract-type=mold] |% +$ trad-input [=bowl:gall in=(unit [=wire sign=input-type])] +$ trad-move (pair bone card-type) :: :: notes: notes to send immediately. These will go out even if a :: later stage of the process fails, so they shouldn't have :: any semantic effect on the rest of the system. Path is :: included exclusively for documentation and |verb. :: effects: moves to send after the process ends. :: contracts: stuff to cancel at end of transaction. :: wait: don't move on, stay here. The next sign should come back :: to this same callback. :: cont: continue process with new callback. :: fail: abort process; don't send effects :: done: finish process; send effects :: ++ trad-output-raw |* a=mold $~ [~ ~ ~ %done *a] $: notes=(list [path card-type]) effects=(list trad-move) contracts=(set [add=? contract=contract-type]) $= next $% [%wait ~] [%cont self=(trad-form-raw a)] [%fail err=(pair term tang)] [%done value=a] == == :: ++ trad-form-raw |* a=mold $-(trad-input (trad-output-raw a)) :: ++ trad-fail |= err=(pair term tang) |= trad-input [~ ~ ~ %fail err] :: ++ trad |* a=mold |% ++ output (trad-output-raw a) ++ form (trad-form-raw a) ++ pure |= arg=a ^- form |= trad-input [~ ~ ~ %done arg] :: ++ bind |* b=mold |= [m-b=(trad-form-raw b) fun=$-(b form)] ^- form |= input=trad-input =/ b-res=(trad-output-raw b) (m-b input) ^- output :^ notes.b-res effects.b-res contracts.b-res ?- -.next.b-res %wait [%wait ~] %cont [%cont ..$(m-b self.next.b-res)] %fail [%fail err.next.b-res] %done [%cont (fun value.next.b-res)] == :: :: The trad monad must be evaluted in a particular way to maintain :: its monadic character. +take:eval implements this. :: ++ eval |% :: Indelible state of a trad :: +$ eval-form $: effects=(list trad-move) contracts=(set contract-type) =form == :: :: Convert initial form to eval-form :: ++ from-form |= =form ^- eval-form [~ ~ form] :: :: The cases of results of +take :: +$ eval-result $% [%next ~] [%fail contracts=(set contract-type) err=(pair term tang)] [%done contracts=(set contract-type) value=a] == :: :: Take a new sign and run the trad against it :: ++ take :: moves: accumulate throughout recursion the moves to be :: produced now =| moves=(list trad-move) |= [=eval-form =bone =trad-input] ^- [[(list trad-move) =eval-result] _eval-form] =* take-loop $ :: run the trad callback :: =/ =output (form.eval-form trad-input) :: add notes to moves :: =. moves %+ welp moves %+ turn notes.output |= [=path card=card-type] ^- trad-move [bone card] :: add effects to list to be produced when done :: =. effects.eval-form (weld effects.eval-form effects.output) :: add or remove contracts :: =. . =* loop-result . =/ new=(list [add=? contract=contract-type]) ~(tap in contracts.output) |- ^+ loop-result =* loop $ ?~ new loop-result ?: add.i.new ?: (~(has in contracts.eval-form) contract.i.new) %= loop-result next.output [%fail %contract-already-exists >contract.i.new< ~] == %= loop contracts.eval-form (~(put in contracts.eval-form) contract.i.new) new t.new == ?: (~(has in contracts.eval-form) contract.i.new) %= loop contracts.eval-form (~(del in contracts.eval-form) contract.i.new) new t.new == %= loop-result next.output [%fail %contract-doesnt-exist >contract.i.new< ~] == :: if done, produce effects :: =? moves ?=(%done -.next.output) %+ welp moves effects.eval-form :: case-wise handle next steps :: ?- -.next.output %wait [[moves %next ~] eval-form] %fail [[moves %fail contracts.eval-form err.next.output] eval-form] %done [[moves %done contracts.eval-form value.next.output] eval-form] %cont :: recurse to run continuation with initialization input :: %_ take-loop form.eval-form self.next.output trad-input [bowl.trad-input ~] == == -- -- --