/- spider /+ strandio =, strand=strand:spider =, clay ^- thread:spider |= arg=vase =/ m (strand ,vase) ^- form:m |^ :: workaround to make the shallow flag optional. if it's specified we :: do require a non-empty path - however this shouldn't be called with :: empty paths to begin with. =+ !<([~ =a=path b=$~([/hi &] $^([(lest @ta) flag] path))] arg) =/ [b-path=path shallow=flag] ?:(?=([^ *] b) b [`path`b |]) =/ a-beam (need (de-beam a-path)) =/ b-beam (need (de-beam b-path)) ;< a-dome=dome bind:m (get-from-clay a-beam dome %v) ;< b-dome=dome bind:m (get-from-clay b-beam dome %v) ;< diffs=(list diff-type) bind:m (diff-beams a-beam b-beam) %- pure:m !> ^- tang :: our tang is built in reverse order %- flop ?: shallow (format-shallow diffs a-beam b-beam) (format-deep diffs a-beam b-beam) :: :: $diff-type: type for diffs produced. :: 1. %txt-diff is a standard diff (i.e. for hoon and txt files) :: 2. %directory-diff shows unique files between two directories :: 3. %other is for files that don't use txt-diff - we just take :: the mug of the files +$ diff-type :: paths of the diffed beams $: a=path b=path $% [%txt-diff diff=(urge cord)] [%directory-diff p=(list path) q=(list path)] [%other p=@ q=@] == == :: +diff-is-empty: check if a diff is empty (for two identical files) :: ++ diff-is-empty |= d=diff-type ^- flag ?: ?=([%txt-diff *] +.+.d) :: levy produces & on empty lists %+ levy diff.d |= u=(unce cord) ^- flag -:u ?: ?=([%directory-diff *] +.+.d) =(p.d q.d) =(p.d q.d) :: +get-file: retrieve a cage of a file from clay :: ++ get-file |= =beam =/ m (strand ,cage) ^- form:m ;< =riot:clay bind:m (warp:strandio p.beam q.beam ~ %sing %x r.beam s.beam) ?~ riot (strand-fail:strandio %file-not-found >s.beam< ~) (pure:m r.u.riot) :: +get-from-clay: retrieve other data from clay based on care :: ++ get-from-clay |* [=beam mol=mold =care] =/ m (strand ,mol) ^- form:m ;< =riot:clay bind:m (warp:strandio p.beam q.beam ~ %sing care r.beam s.beam) ?~ riot (strand-fail:strandio %file-not-found >s.beam< ~) (pure:m !<(mol q.r.u.riot)) :: +diff-beams: recursively diff two beams. produces a vase :: of (list diff-type) :: ++ diff-beams =< |= [a=beam b=beam] =/ m (strand ,(list diff-type)) ^- form:m ;< hash-a=@ bind:m (get-from-clay a @ %z) ;< hash-b=@ bind:m (get-from-clay b @ %z) :: if the recursive hashes for each beam are the same we bail early ?: =(hash-a hash-b) (pure:m *(list diff-type)) ;< a-arch=arch bind:m (get-from-clay a arch %y) ;< b-arch=arch bind:m (get-from-clay b arch %y) ;< file-diff=(unit diff-type) bind:m (diff-file-contents a a-arch b b-arch) :: get distinct files along with shared files =/ a-keys=(set @t) ~(key by dir.a-arch) =/ b-keys=(set @t) ~(key by dir.b-arch) :: unique children =/ a-unique-children=(set @t) (~(dif in a-keys) b-keys) =/ b-unique-children=(set @t) (~(dif in b-keys) a-keys) ;< a-unique=(list path) bind:m (format-unique-children a a-arch a-unique-children) ;< b-unique=(list path) bind:m (format-unique-children b b-arch b-unique-children) =/ unique-diff=diff-type [s.a s.b %directory-diff a-unique b-unique] :: shared children =/ find-common-diffs |. ^- form:m =| acc=(list diff-type) =/ common-children=(list @t) ~(tap in (~(int in a-keys) b-keys)) |- =* loop $ ^- form:m ?~ common-children (pure:m acc) =/ child=@t i.common-children =/ new-a=beam a(s (snoc s.a child)) =/ new-b=beam b(s (snoc s.b child)) ;< diffs=(list diff-type) bind:m (diff-beams new-a new-b) :: ;< introduces another $ so we use "loop" instead. %= loop acc (weld diffs acc) common-children t.common-children == ;< common-diffs=(list diff-type) bind:m (find-common-diffs) %- pure:m ^- (list diff-type) %+ skip ;: weld (drop file-diff) [unique-diff ~] common-diffs == diff-is-empty |% :: +format-unique-children: produce list of paths representing :: files that are unique within a directory. :: ++ format-unique-children |= [bem=beam ark=arch children=(set @t)] =/ m (strand ,(list path)) ^- form:m =/ children=(list @t) ~(tap in children) =| acc=(list path) |- =* loop $ ^- form:m ?~ children (pure:m acc) :: the %t care gives all paths with the specified prefix ;< res=(list path) bind:m (get-from-clay bem(s (snoc s.bem i.children)) (list path) %t) %= loop acc (weld res acc) children t.children == :: +diff-file-contents: diff two files at specified beams, :: producing a vase of (unit diff-type) ++ diff-file-contents =< |= [a=beam a-arch=arch b=beam b-arch=arch] =/ m (strand ,(unit diff-type)) ^- form:m ?: =(fil.a-arch fil.b-arch) (pure:m *(unit diff-type)) ?~ fil.a-arch :: only b has contents %- pure:m ^- (unit diff-type) %- some :^ s.a s.b %txt-diff :_ ~ ^- (unce cord) :+ %| ~ ~[(format-file-content-missing s.b q.b)] ?~ fil.b-arch :: only a has contents %- pure:m ^- (unit diff-type) %- some :^ s.a s.b %txt-diff :_ ~ ^- (unce cord) :+ %| ~[(format-file-content-missing s.a q.a)] ~ :: have two file contents - check that they have :: the same mark. =/ mar=mark -:(flop s.a) ?: !=(mar -:(flop s.b)) (strand-fail:strandio %files-not-same-type >s.a< >s.b< ~) ;< =a=cage bind:m (get-file a) ;< =b=cage bind:m (get-file b) ;< =dais:clay bind:m (build-mark:strandio -.a mar) :: for txt-diff we produce an actual diff with type (urge cord). :: for all other marks we just take the mug) %- pure:m ?: =(form:dais %txt-diff) ^- (unit diff-type) %- some :^ s.a s.b %txt-diff !<((urge cord) (~(diff dais q.a-cage) q.b-cage)) ^- (unit diff-type) %- some :^ s.a s.b %other :: For some reason, vases for identical files on different desks :: can sometimes have different types. for this reason, we only :: take the mug of the data. [(mug q.q.a-cage) (mug q.q.b-cage)] |% ++ format-file-content-missing |= [p=path d=desk] ^- cord %- crip ;: weld "only "

" in desk " " has file contents" == -- -- :: +format-beams: helper to combine two beams into a tank :: ++ format-beams |= [a=beam b=beam] ^- tank [%rose [" " ~ ~] ~[(smyt (en-beam a)) (smyt (en-beam b))]] :: +format-directory-diff: helper for producing a tank based on :: a %directory-diff :: ++ format-directory-diff |= [paths=(list path) =beam] ^- tang =/ prefix=tape (weld "only in " <(en-beam beam)>) %+ turn paths |= p=path ^- tank [%rose [": " ~ ~] [leaf+prefix (smyt p) ~]] :: +format-shallow: converts a list of diff-type generated :: between desks a and b into a tang in a shallow manner (just :: listing files that differ). :: ++ format-shallow |= [diffs=(list diff-type) a=beam b=beam] ^- tang %+ reel diffs |= [d=diff-type acc=tang] ^- tang ?: ?=([%txt-diff *] +.+.d) [(format-beams a(s a.d) b(s b.d)) acc] ?: ?=([%other *] +.+.d) [(format-beams a(s a.d) b(s b.d)) acc] ?: ?=([%directory-diff *] +.+.d) ;: weld (format-directory-diff p.d a) (format-directory-diff q.d b) acc == !! :: +format-deep: converts a list of diff-type generated :: between desks a and b into a tang in a deep manner (preserving :: diff information for files) ++ format-deep |= [diffs=(list diff-type) a=beam b=beam] ^- tang %+ reel diffs |= [d=diff-type acc=tang] ^- tang ?: ?=([%txt-diff *] +.+.d) :+ (format-beams a(s a.d) b(s b.d)) >diff.d< acc ?: ?=([%directory-diff *] +.+.d) ;: weld (format-directory-diff p.d a) (format-directory-diff q.d b) acc == ?: ?=([%other *] +.+.d) =/ a-tank=tank (smyt (en-beam a(s a.d))) =/ b-tank=tank (smyt (en-beam b(s b.d))) :+ [%rose [" " "files " ~] ~[a-tank b-tank]] [%rose [" and " "have mugs: " ~] ~[leaf+ leaf+]] acc !! --