:: runtime support code :: => ..zuse => |% :: :: |dawn: pre-boot request/response de/serialization and validation :: ++ dawn => |% :: +live: public network state of a ship :: +$ live (unit [=life breach=?]) -- |% :: +come:dawn: mine a comet under a star :: :: Randomly generates comet addresses until we find one whose parent is :: in the list of supplied stars. Errors if any supplied ship :: is not a star. :: ++ come |= [tar=(list ship) eny=@uvJ] :: =| stars=(set ship) =. stars |- ^+ stars ?~ tar stars :: ~| [%come-not-king i.tar] ?> ?=(%king (clan:title i.tar)) $(tar t.tar, stars (~(put in stars) i.tar)) :: |- ^- seed:able:jael =/ cub=acru:ames (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 eny) =/ who=ship `@`fig:ex:cub :: disallow 64-bit or smaller addresses :: ?. ?=(%pawn (clan:title who)) $(eny +(eny)) ?: (~(has in stars) (^sein:title who)) [who 1 sec:ex:cub ~] $(eny +(eny)) :: |give:dawn: produce requests for pre-boot validation :: ++ give =, rpc:ethereum =, abi:ethereum =/ tract azimuth:contracts:azimuth |% :: +bloq:give:dawn: Eth RPC for latest block number :: ++ bloq ^- octs %- as-octt:mimes:html %- en-json:html %+ request-to-json `~.0 [%eth-block-number ~] :: +czar:give:dawn: Eth RPC for galaxy table :: ++ czar |= boq=@ud ^- octs %- as-octt:mimes:html %- en-json:html :- %a %+ turn (gulf 0 255) |= gal=@ %+ request-to-json `(cat 3 'gal-' (scot %ud gal)) :+ %eth-call =- [from=~ to=tract gas=~ price=~ value=~ data=-] (encode-call 'points(uint32)' [%uint gal]~) [%number boq] :: +point:give:dawn: Eth RPC for ship's contract state :: ++ point |= [boq=@ud who=ship] ^- octs %- as-octt:mimes:html %- en-json:html %+ request-to-json `~.0 :+ %eth-call =- [from=~ to=tract gas=~ price=~ value=~ data=-] (encode-call 'points(uint32)' [%uint `@`who]~) [%number boq] :: +turf:give:dawn: Eth RPC for network domains :: ++ turf |= boq=@ud ^- octs %- as-octt:mimes:html %- en-json:html :- %a %+ turn (gulf 0 2) |= idx=@ %+ request-to-json `(cat 3 'turf-' (scot %ud idx)) :+ %eth-call =- [from=~ to=tract gas=~ price=~ value=~ data=-] (encode-call 'dnsDomains(uint256)' [%uint idx]~) [%number boq] -- :: |take:dawn: parse responses for pre-boot validation :: ++ take =, abi:ethereum =, rpc:ethereum =, azimuth =, dejs-soft:format |% :: +bloq:take:dawn: parse block number :: ++ bloq |= rep=octs ^- (unit @ud) =/ jon=(unit json) (de-json:html q.rep) ?~ jon ~&([%bloq-take-dawn %invalid-json] ~) =/ res=(unit cord) ((ot result+so ~) u.jon) ?~ res ~&([%bloq-take-dawn %invalid-response rep] ~) =/ out %- mule |. (hex-to-num:ethereum u.res) ?: ?=(%& -.out) (some p.out) ~&([%bloq-take-dawn %invalid-block-number] ~) :: +czar:take:dawn: parse galaxy table :: ++ czar |= rep=octs ^- (unit (map ship [=rift =life =pass])) =/ jon=(unit json) (de-json:html q.rep) ?~ jon ~&([%czar-take-dawn %invalid-json] ~) =/ res=(unit (list [@t @t])) ((ar (ot id+so result+so ~)) u.jon) ?~ res ~&([%czar-take-dawn %invalid-response rep] ~) =/ dat=(unit (list [who=@p point:azimuth-types])) =- ?:(?=(%| -.out) ~ (some p.out)) ^= out %- mule |. %+ turn u.res |= [id=@t result=@t] ^- [who=ship point:azimuth-types] =/ who `@p`(slav %ud (rsh [3 4] id)) :- who %+ point-from-eth who :_ *deed:eth-noun %+ decode-results result point:eth-type ?~ dat ~&([%bloq-take-dawn %invalid-galaxy-table] ~) :- ~ %+ roll u.dat |= $: [who=ship =point:azimuth-types] kyz=(map ship [=rift =life =pass]) == ^+ kyz ?~ net.point kyz (~(put by kyz) who [continuity-number life pass]:u.net.point) :: +point:take:dawn: parse ship's contract state :: ++ point |= [who=ship rep=octs] ^- (unit point:azimuth) =/ jon=(unit json) (de-json:html q.rep) ?~ jon ~&([%point-take-dawn %invalid-json] ~) =/ res=(unit cord) ((ot result+so ~) u.jon) ?~ res ~&([%point-take-dawn %invalid-response rep] ~) ~? =(u.res '0x') :- 'bad result from node; is azimuth address correct?' azimuth:contracts =/ out %- mule |. %+ point-from-eth who :_ *deed:eth-noun ::TODO call rights to fill (decode-results u.res point:eth-type) ?: ?=(%& -.out) (some p.out) ~&([%point-take-dawn %invalid-point] ~) :: +turf:take:dawn: parse network domains :: ++ turf |= rep=octs ^- (unit (list ^turf)) =/ jon=(unit json) (de-json:html q.rep) ?~ jon ~&([%turf-take-dawn %invalid-json] ~) =/ res=(unit (list [@t @t])) ((ar (ot id+so result+so ~)) u.jon) ?~ res ~&([%turf-take-dawn %invalid-response rep] ~) =/ dat=(unit (list (pair @ud ^turf))) =- ?:(?=(%| -.out) ~ (some p.out)) ^= out %- mule |. %+ turn u.res |= [id=@t result=@t] ^- (pair @ud ^turf) :- (slav %ud (rsh [3 5] id)) =/ dom=tape (decode-results result [%string]~) =/ hot=host:eyre (scan dom thos:de-purl:html) ?>(?=(%& -.hot) p.hot) ?~ dat ~&([%turf-take-dawn %invalid-domains] ~) :- ~ =* dom u.dat :: sort by id, ascending, removing duplicates :: =| tuf=(map ^turf @ud) |- ^- (list ^turf) ?~ dom %+ turn %+ sort ~(tap by tuf) |=([a=(pair ^turf @ud) b=(pair ^turf @ud)] (lth q.a q.b)) head =? tuf !(~(has by tuf) q.i.dom) (~(put by tuf) q.i.dom p.i.dom) $(dom t.dom) -- :: +veri:dawn: validate keys, life, discontinuity, &c :: ++ veri |= [=seed:able:jael =point:azimuth =live] ^- (unit error=term) =/ rac (clan:title who.seed) =/ cub (nol:nu:crub:crypto key.seed) ?- rac %pawn :: a comet address is the fingerprint of the keypair :: ?. =(who.seed `@`fig:ex:cub) `%key-mismatch :: a comet can never be breached :: ?^ live `%already-booted :: a comet can never be re-keyed :: ?. ?=(%1 lyf.seed) `%invalid-life ~ :: %earl ~ :: * :: on-chain ships must be launched :: ?~ net.point `%not-keyed =* net u.net.point :: boot keys must match the contract :: ?. =(pub:ex:cub pass.net) ~& [%key-mismatch pub:ex:cub pass.net] `%key-mismatch :: life must match the contract :: ?. =(lyf.seed life.net) `%life-mismatch :: the boot life must be greater than and discontinuous with :: the last seen life (per the sponsor) :: ?: ?& ?=(^ live) ?| ?=(%| breach.u.live) (lte life.net life.u.live) == == `%already-booted :: produce the sponsor for vere :: ~? !has.sponsor.net [%no-sponsorship-guarantees-from who.sponsor.net] ~ == :: +sponsor:dawn: retreive sponsor from point :: ++ sponsor |= [who=ship =point:azimuth] ^- (each ship error=term) ?- (clan:title who) %pawn [%& (^sein:title who)] %earl [%& (^sein:title who)] %czar [%& (^sein:title who)] * ?~ net.point [%| %not-booted] ?. has.sponsor.u.net.point [%| %no-sponsor] [%& who.sponsor.u.net.point] == -- -- :: =/ pit !>(.) => |% ++ load _[~ ..load] :: +4 ++ peek _~ :: +22 ++ poke _[~ ..poke] :: +23 ++ wish :: +10 |= txt=* q:(slap pit (ream ;;(@t txt))) -- :: |=(* .(+> +:(poke +<)))