{-| WAI Application for `eyre` driver. # Request Lifecycles - Requests come in, are given an identifier and are passed to a callback. - When requests timeout, the identifier is passed to anothing callback. - The server pulls response actions, and passes them to the associated request. -} module Urbit.Vere.Http.Server.WAIApp ( ReqId , RespAct(..) , RespApi(..) , LiveReqs(..) , ReqInfo(..) , emptyLiveReqs , routeRespAct , rmLiveReq , newLiveReq , app ) where import Urbit.Prelude hiding (Builder) import Data.Binary.Builder (Builder, fromByteString) import Data.Bits (shiftL, (.|.)) import Data.Conduit (ConduitT, Flush(Chunk, Flush), yield) import Network.Socket (SockAddr(..)) import Urbit.Arvo (Address(..), Ipv4(..), Ipv6(..), Method) import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H import qualified Network.Wai as W import qualified Network.Wai.Conduit as W -- Types ----------------------------------------------------------------------- type ReqId = Word64 data RespAct = RAFull H.Status [H.Header] ByteString | RAHead H.Status [H.Header] ByteString | RABloc ByteString | RADone deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data RespApi = RespApi { raAct :: RespAct -> STM Bool , raKil :: STM () } data LiveReqs = LiveReqs { nextReqId :: ReqId , activeReqs :: Map ReqId RespApi } data ReqInfo = ReqInfo { riAdr :: Address , riMet :: H.StdMethod , riUrl :: ByteString , riHdr :: [H.Header] , riBod :: ByteString } -- Live Requests Table -- All Requests Still Waiting for Responses ------------- emptyLiveReqs :: LiveReqs emptyLiveReqs = LiveReqs 1 mempty routeRespAct :: TVar LiveReqs -> ReqId -> RespAct -> STM Bool routeRespAct vLiv reqId act = (lookup reqId . activeReqs <$> readTVar vLiv) >>= \case Nothing -> pure False Just tv -> raAct tv act rmLiveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> ReqId -> STM () rmLiveReq var reqId = modifyTVar' var $ \liv -> liv { activeReqs = deleteMap reqId (activeReqs liv) } newLiveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> STM (ReqId, STM RespAct) newLiveReq var = do liv <- readTVar var tmv <- newTQueue kil <- newEmptyTMVar let waitAct = (<|>) (readTMVar kil $> RADone) (readTQueue tmv) (nex, act) = (nextReqId liv, activeReqs liv) respApi = RespApi { raKil = putTMVar kil () , raAct = \act -> tryReadTMVar kil >>= \case Nothing -> writeTQueue tmv act $> True Just () -> pure False } writeTVar var (LiveReqs (nex + 1) (insertMap nex respApi act)) pure (nex, waitAct) -- Random Helpers -------------------------------------------------------------- cookMeth :: W.Request -> Maybe Method cookMeth = H.parseMethod . W.requestMethod >>> \case Left _ -> Nothing Right m -> Just m reqAddr :: W.Request -> Address reqAddr = W.remoteHost >>> \case SockAddrInet _ a -> AIpv4 (Ipv4 a) SockAddrInet6 _ _ a _ -> AIpv6 (mkIpv6 a) _ -> error "invalid sock addr" mkIpv6 :: (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32) -> Ipv6 mkIpv6 (p, q, r, s) = Ipv6 (pBits .|. qBits .|. rBits .|. sBits) where pBits = shiftL (fromIntegral p) 0 qBits = shiftL (fromIntegral q) 32 rBits = shiftL (fromIntegral r) 64 sBits = shiftL (fromIntegral s) 96 reqUrl :: W.Request -> ByteString reqUrl r = W.rawPathInfo r <> W.rawQueryString r -- Responses ------------------------------------------------------------------- noHeader :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e a noHeader = do logError "Response block with no response header." error "Bad HttpEvent: Response block with no response header." emptyChunk :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e a emptyChunk = do logError "Bad response action: empty chunk" error "Bad response action: empty chunk" dupHead :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e a dupHead = do logError "Multiple %head actions on one request" error "Bad HttpEvent: Multiple header actions per on one request." {-| - Immediately yield all of the initial chunks - Yield the data from %bloc action. - Close the stream when we hit a %done action. -} streamBlocks :: HasLogFunc e => e -> ByteString -> STM RespAct -> ConduitT () (Flush Builder) IO () streamBlocks env init getAct = send init >> loop where loop = atomically getAct >>= \case RAHead _ _ _ -> runRIO env dupHead RAFull _ _ _ -> runRIO env dupHead RADone -> pure () RABloc c -> send c >> loop send "" = runRIO env emptyChunk send c = do runRIO env (logTrace (display ("sending chunk " <> tshow c))) yield $ Chunk $ fromByteString c yield Flush sendResponse :: HasLogFunc e => (W.Response -> IO W.ResponseReceived) -> STM RespAct -> RIO e W.ResponseReceived sendResponse cb waitAct = do env <- ask atomically waitAct >>= \case RADone -> io $ cb $ W.responseLBS (H.mkStatus 444 "No Response") [] "" RAFull s h b -> io $ cb $ W.responseLBS s h $ fromStrict b RAHead s h b -> io $ cb $ W.responseSource s h $ streamBlocks env b waitAct RABloc _ -> noHeader liveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> RAcquire e (ReqId, STM RespAct) liveReq vLiv = mkRAcquire ins del where ins = atomically (newLiveReq vLiv) del = atomically . rmLiveReq vLiv . fst app :: HasLogFunc e => e -> TVar LiveReqs -> (ReqId -> ReqInfo -> STM ()) -> (ReqId -> STM ()) -> W.Application app env liv inform cancel req respond = runRIO env $ rwith (liveReq liv) $ \(reqId, respApi) -> do bod <- io (toStrict <$> W.strictRequestBody req) met <- maybe (error "bad method") pure (cookMeth req) let adr = reqAddr req hdr = W.requestHeaders req url = reqUrl req atomically $ inform reqId $ ReqInfo adr met url hdr bod try (sendResponse respond respApi) >>= \case Right rr -> pure rr Left exn -> do atomically (cancel reqId) logError $ display ("Exception during request" <> tshow exn) throwIO (exn :: SomeException)