:: A library for printing doccords =/ debug | => |% :> an overview of all named things in the type. :> :> each element in the overview list is either a documentation for a sublist :> or an association betwen a term and documentation for it +$ overview (list overview-item) :: :> an element of an overview +$ overview-item $% [%header doc=what children=overview] [%item name=tape doc=what] == :: :> the part of a type being inspected +$ item $% :: overview of a type :: [%view items=overview] :: inspecting a full core $: %core name=tape docs=what sut=type con=coil children=(unit item) == :: inspecting a single arm on a core $: %arm name=tape adoc=what pdoc=what cdoc=what gen=hoon sut=type == :: inspecting a face and what's behind it $: %face name=tape docs=what children=(unit item) == :: inspecting a single chapter on a core $: %chapter name=tape docs=what sut=type con=coil chapter-id=term == == :: -- |% %dprint :> contains arms used for looking for docs inside of a type :> :> the entrypoint for finding docs within a type is +find-item-in-type. +| %searching :> returns the item to print while searching through topic :> :> this gate is optionally called recursively to find the path (topic) in the :> type (sut). once it finds the correct part of the type, it switches to :> +signify to describe that part of the type. recursion is turned off (for some :> cases) when a hint type is found, in case it is wrapping a match. ++ find-item-in-type :: TODO make this work with a list of topics |= [topics=(list term) sut=type rec=?] ^- (unit item) ~? > debug topics ?~ topics :: we have no more search paths, return an overview of what remains (signify sut) ?- sut %noun ~ %void ~ [%atom *] ~ :: [%cell *] =+ lhs=$(sut p.sut) ?~ lhs :: not sure if this should recurse when rec=%.n $(sut q.sut) lhs :: [%core *] :: checks for a core name match, then tries to find a chapter, arm, or :: arm in a chapter depending on how many topics remain. will still work :: if core is unnamed =+ core-name=p.p.q.sut ?: !=(`i.topics core-name) =+ arm=(make-arm i.topics sut ~) ?~ arm ?:(rec $(sut p.sut) ~) arm ?~ t.topics =* compiled-against (signify p.sut) `[%core (trip i.topics) *what sut q.sut compiled-against] =/ tom=(unit tome) (~(get by q.r.q.sut) i.t.topics) ?~ tom (make-arm i.t.topics sut ~) ?~ t.t.topics `[%chapter (trip i.t.topics) p.u.tom sut q.sut i.t.topics] (make-arm i.t.t.topics sut tom) :: [%face *] ?. ?=(term p.sut) :: TODO: handle tune case ~ ?. =(i.topics p.sut) :: this face has a name, but not the one we're looking for ~ ?~ t.topics :: we found a match, and there are no further topics :: this might have been wrapped with a hint type, that case will handle :: docs for this face `[%face (trip p.sut) *what (signify q.sut)] :: the first topic matched the face, but there are more left. ?:(rec $(topics t.topics, sut q.sut) ~) :: [%fork *] =/ types=(list type) ~(tap in p.sut) |- ?~ types ~ =+ res=^$(sut i.types) ?~ res $(types t.types) res :: [%hint *] :: If we found a help hint, it is wrapping a type for which we might want to :: produce an item, so we should peek inside of it to see what type it is :: and grab the docs from +signify :: :: check to see if type inside the hint is a match :: TODO: should i be trying to match both types in the hint? :: TODO: actually hints can be nested, if e.g. an arm has a product with a hint, whose :: product also has a hint. so this won't actually work for nested hints as written :: :: this should only be doing something for cores right now. you run into an :: arm's name before you run into its docs :: =/ shallow-match=(unit item) $(sut q.sut, rec %.n) ?~ shallow-match :: hint isn't wrapping a match, so step through it $(sut q.sut, rec %.y) :: hint was wrapping a match, so signify the type and emblazon it :: =/ wat=what (unwrap-hint sut) `(emblazon u.shallow-match (unwrap-hint sut)) ::=/ uitm=(unit item) (signify q.sut) ::?~ uitm :: ~ :: [%hold *] $(sut (~(play ut p.sut) q.sut)) :: == ++ make-arm |= [name=term sut=type tom=(unit tome)] ^- (unit item) ?> ?=([%core *] sut) =+ arm=(find-arm-in-coil name q.sut) ?~ arm ~ =+ [adoc pdoc cdoc]=(all-arm-docs u.arm sut (trip name)) ?~ tom `[%arm (trip name) adoc pdoc cdoc u.arm p.sut] ?. (~(has by q.u.tom) name) ~ `[%arm (trip name) adoc pdoc cdoc u.arm p.sut] -- :: :> changes a type into a item :> :> this does not actually assign the docs, since they usually come from a hint :> wrapping the type. ++ signify |= sut=type ^- (unit item) ?- sut :: [%atom *] ~ :: [%cell *] %+ join-items $(sut p.sut) $(sut q.sut) :: [%core *] =/ name=(unit term) p.p.q.sut :: should check if core is built with an arm and use that name? =* compiled-against $(sut p.sut) ?~ name `[%core ~ *what sut q.sut compiled-against] `[%core (trip u.name) *what sut q.sut compiled-against] :: [%face *] ?. ?=(term p.sut) ~ :: TODO: handle tune case =* compiled-against $(sut q.sut) `[%face (trip p.sut) *what compiled-against] :: [%fork *] =* types ~(tap in p.sut) =* items (turn types signify) (roll items join-items) :: [%hint *] =* rest-type $(sut q.sut) :: check to see if it is a help hint ?> ?=(%help -.q.p.sut) `[%view [%header `crib.p.q.p.sut (item-as-overview rest-type)]~] :: [%hold *] $(sut (~(play ut p.sut) q.sut)) %noun ~ %void ~ == :: :> checks if a hint type is a help hint and returns the docs if so ++ unwrap-hint |= sut=type ^- what :: should I care what the type in the (pair type note) is? ?. ?=([%hint *] sut) ~? > debug %not-hint-type ~ ?>(?=(%help -.q.p.sut) `crib.p.q.p.sut) :: :> inserts docs into an item :> :> when matching for a core or a face type, the docs for that type will be in :> a hint that wraps it. thus we end up producing an item for that type, then :> need to add the docs to it. ++ emblazon |= [=item =what] ~? >> debug %emblazon ^+ item ?+ item item :: no-op on %chapter, %arm, $view ?([%core *] [%face *]) item(docs what) == :: :> looks for an arm in a coil and returns its hoon ++ find-arm-in-coil |= [arm-name=term con=coil] ~? >> debug %find-arm-in-coil ^- (unit hoon) =/ tomes=(list [p=term q=tome]) ~(tap by q.r.con) |- ?~ tomes ~ =+ gen=(~(get by q.q.i.tomes) arm-name) ?~ gen $(tomes t.tomes) `u.gen :: :> gets the documentation inside of a hint, or a hold that plays to a hint ++ what-from-hint |= sut=type ^- what ?- sut :: ~? > debug %what-from-hint-miss ~ %noun ~? >> debug %what-from-hint-noun-miss ~ %void ~? >> debug %what-from-hint-void-miss ~ :: [%core *] ~? >> debug %what-from-hint-core-miss ~ :: [%cell *] ~? >> debug %what-from-hint-cell-miss ~ :: [%face *] ~? >> debug %what-from-hint-face-miss ~ :: [%fork *] ~? >> debug %what-from-hint-fork-miss ~ :: [%atom *] ~? >> debug %what-from-hint-atom-miss ~ :: [%hold *] ~? >> debug %what-from-hint-hold $(sut (~(play ut p.sut) q.sut)) :: [%hint *] ~? >> debug :- %what-from-hint-hint -.q.p.sut ?: ?=(%help -.q.p.sut) `crib.p.q.p.sut ~ == :> gets the $help from a %help %hint type and returns it as a unit ++ help-from-hint |= sut=type ^- (unit help) ?+ sut ~ [%hold *] ~? >> debug %help-from-hold $(sut (~(play ut p.sut) q.sut)) :: [%hint *] ~? >> debug %help-from-hint ?. ?=(%help -.q.p.sut) ~ `p.q.p.sut == :: :> returns 0, 1, or 2 whats for an arm :> :> this arm should be handed the compiled type of the hoon of an arm, as well :> as the name of that arm. it checks for up to 2 nested hints on the outermost :> layer of the type. if you have 2, it is presumed to be arm-doc followed by :> product-doc. if you only have one, we check links in the $help of the hint :> to determine whether it is an arm doc or product doc. :> :> this returns ~ if there are no docs. if there are docs, the first one is the :> arm-doc, and the second one is the product-doc. ++ arm-product-docs |= [sut=type name=term] ^- (unit [what what]) =/ doc-one=(unit help) (help-from-hint sut) ?~ doc-one ~? > debug %doc-one-empty ~ :: no need to look for a second doc if there is no first one ?: =(~ links.u.doc-one) :: doc-one is a product-doc [~ [~ `crib.u.doc-one]] ?: !=([%funk name] -.links.u.doc-one) :: link on doc-one doesnt match arm name, so that means its calling a :: different arm and trying to use its docs. don't let it ~ :: technically doc-two doesn't need to be a help, i could just grab the what :: directly since we aren't testing it to see if its an arm-doc, but it makes :: the code more confusing to use a different structure. ~? > debug :- %doc-one doc-one =/ doc-two=(unit help) ?+ sut ~ [%hint *] (help-from-hint p.p.sut) [%hold *] ~? > debug %doc-two-hold ~ == ?~ doc-two ~? > debug %doc-two-empty ?~ links.u.doc-one :: if links are empty, doc-one is a product-doc ~? > debug %link-empty [~ [~ `crib.u.doc-one]] ?: =([%funk name] i.links.u.doc-one) :: if links are non-empty, check that the link is for the arm ~? > debug %link-match [~ [`crib.u.doc-one ~]] ~? > debug %link-doesnt-match-arm :: this can happen if +bar calls +foo which has doccords [~ [`crib.u.doc-one ~]] :: doc-two is non-empty. make sure that doc-one is an arm-doc ?~ links.u.doc-one ~? > debug %doc-one-empty-link [~ [`crib.u.doc-one `crib.u.doc-two]] [~ [`crib.u.doc-one `crib.u.doc-two]] :: :> grabs the docs for an arm. :> :> there are three possible places with relevant docs for an arm: :> docs for the arm itself, docs for the product of the arm, and :> if the arm builds a core, docs for the default arm of that core. :> :> arm-doc: docs written above the the arm :> product-doc: docs for the product of the arm :> core-doc: docs for the default arm of the core produced by the arm :> this will be the first of the arm-doc or product-doc on the default :> arm. maybe this should be recursive and/or give both but its a decision :> ill leave for later ++ all-arm-docs |= [gen=hoon sut=type name=tape] ~? > debug %all-arm-docs ^- [what what what] =+ hoon-type=(~(play ut sut) gen) =+ arm-prod=(arm-product-docs hoon-type `@tas`(crip name)) ::~? >> debug :- %arm-prod arm-prod |^ :: check arm-prod to determine how many layers to look into the type :: for core docs =/ depth=@ ?~ arm-prod 0 (add =(~ +<.arm-prod) =(~ +>.arm-prod)) ?+ depth ``~ %0 ``(extract hoon-type) %1 :+ +<.arm-prod +>.arm-prod ?> ?=([%hint *] hoon-type) (extract q.hoon-type) %2 :+ +<.arm-prod +>.arm-prod ?> ?=([%hint *] hoon-type) ?> ?=([%hint *] q.hoon-type) (extract q.q.hoon-type) == :> grabs the first doc for the default arm of a core :> :> this could end up being an arm doc or a product doc. ++ extract |= sut=type ^- what ?. ?=([%core *] sut) ~? > debug %no-nested-core ~ ~? > debug %found-nested-core =+ carm=(find-arm-in-coil %$ q.sut) ?~ carm ~? > debug %empty-carm ~ ~? > debug %found-default-arm ::~? >>> debug u.carm =+ carm-type=(~(play ut sut) u.carm) (what-from-hint carm-type) -- :: :> returns an overview for a cores arms and chapters :> :> returns an overview for arms which are part of unnamed chapters, and :> an overview of the named chapters ++ arm-and-chapter-overviews |= [sut=type con=coil core-name=tape] ^- [overview overview] =| arm-docs=overview =| chapter-docs=overview =/ tomes ~(tap by q.r.con) |- ?~ tomes [(sort-overview arm-docs) (sort-overview chapter-docs)] =* current i.tomes ::[term tome] ?~ p.current :: chapter has no name. add documentation for its arms to arm-docs =. arm-docs (weld arm-docs (arms-as-overview q.q.current sut)) $(tomes t.tomes) :: chapter has a name. add to list of chapters =. chapter-docs %+ weld chapter-docs ^- overview [%item :(weld (trip -.current) ":" core-name) p.q.current]~ $(tomes t.tomes) :: :> returns an overview of the arms in a specific chapter ++ arms-in-chapter |= [sut=type con=coil chapter-id=term] ^- overview =/ chapter-tome (~(got by q.r.con) chapter-id) (sort-overview (arms-as-overview q.chapter-tome sut)) :: :> sort items in an overview in alphabetical order ++ sort-overview |= ovr=overview ^- overview %+ sort ovr |= [lhs=overview-item rhs=overview-item] (aor (get-overview-name lhs) (get-overview-name rhs)) :: :> returns the name of an overview ++ get-overview-name |= ovr=overview-item ?- ovr [%header *] "" [%item *] name.ovr == :: :> translate a tome into an overview ++ arms-as-overview |= [a=(map term hoon) sut=type] ^- overview %+ turn ~(tap by a) |= ar=(pair term hoon) =+ [adoc pdoc cdoc]=(all-arm-docs q.ar sut (trip p.ar)) [%item (weld "++" (trip p.ar)) adoc] :: :> changes an item into an overview ++ item-as-overview |= uit=(unit item) ^- overview ?~ uit ~ =+ itm=(need uit) ?- itm :: [%view *] items.itm :: [%core *] ?~ name.itm (item-as-overview children.itm) :- [%item name.itm docs.itm] (item-as-overview children.itm) :: [%arm *] [%item name.itm adoc.itm]~ :: [%chapter *] [%item name.itm docs.itm]~ :: [%face *] ?~ name.itm ~ [%item name.itm docs.itm]~ == :: :> combines two (unit items) together ++ join-items |= [lhs=(unit item) rhs=(unit item)] ^- (unit item) ?~ lhs rhs ?~ rhs lhs `[%view (weld (item-as-overview lhs) (item-as-overview rhs))] :: +| %printing :> prints a doccords item ++ print-item |= =item ~? >> debug %print-item ^- tang ?- item [%view *] (print-overview items.item) [%core *] (print-core +.item) [%arm *] (print-arm +.item) [%chapter *] (print-chapter +.item) [%face *] (print-face +.item) == :: :> renders documentation for a full core ++ print-core |= [name=tape docs=what sut=type con=coil uit=(unit item)] ^- tang =+ [arms chapters]=(arm-and-chapter-overviews sut con name) ;: weld (print-header name docs) :: ?~ arms ~ (print-overview [%header `['arms:' ~] arms]~) :: ?~ chapters ~ (print-overview [%header `['chapters:' ~] chapters]~) :: =+ compiled=(item-as-overview uit) ?~ compiled ~ (print-overview [%header `['compiled against: ' ~] compiled]~) == :: ++ print-chapter |= [name=tape doc=what sut=type con=coil chapter-id=term] ^- tang ~? > debug %print-chapter ;: weld (print-header name doc) :: ::?~ doc :: ~ ::(print-sections q.u.doc) :: =+ arms=(arms-in-chapter sut con chapter-id) ?~ arms ~ (print-overview [%header `['arms:' ~] arms]~) == :: :> renders documentation for a single arm in a core ++ print-arm |= [name=tape adoc=what pdoc=what cdoc=what gen=hoon sut=type] ^- tang ~? >> debug %print-arm ;: weld (print-header name adoc) `tang`[[%leaf ""] [%leaf "product:"] ~] (print-header "" pdoc) `tang`[[%leaf ""] [%leaf "default arm in core:"] ~] (print-header "" cdoc) == :: :> renders documentation for a face ++ print-face |= [name=tape doc=what children=(unit item)] ^- tang ~? >> debug %print-face %+ weld (print-header name doc) ?~ children ~ (print-item u.children) :: :> prints name and docs only ++ print-header |= [name=tape doc=what] ^- tang ~? >> debug %print-header ?~ name ?~ doc [%leaf "(undocumented)"]~ %+ weld `tang`[%leaf "{(trip p.u.doc)}"]~ (print-sections q.u.doc) ?~ doc [%leaf name]~ %+ weld `tang`[%leaf "{name}: {(trip p.u.doc)}"]~ (print-sections q.u.doc) :: ++ print-overview |= =overview ^- tang ~? >> debug %print-overview =| out=tang |- ?~ overview out =/ oitem i.overview ?- oitem [%header *] %= $ overview t.overview out ;: weld out ?~ doc.oitem ~ `tang`[[%leaf ""] [%leaf "{(trip p.u.doc.oitem)}"] ~] ::?~ doc.oitem ~ ::(print-sections q.u.doc.oitem) ^$(overview children.oitem) == == :: [%item *] %= $ overview t.overview out ;: weld out `tang`[[%leaf ""] [%leaf name.oitem] ~] ?~ doc.oitem ~ `tang`[[%leaf ""] [%leaf "{(trip p.u.doc.oitem)}"] ~] ::?~ doc.oitem ~ ::(print-sections q.u.doc.oitem) == == == :: :> renders a list of sections as tang :> :> prints the longform documentation ++ print-sections |= sections=(list sect) ^- tang =| out=tang |- ?~ sections out =. out ;: weld out `tang`[%leaf ""]~ (print-section i.sections) == $(sections t.sections) :: :> renders a sect as a tang ++ print-section |= section=sect ^- tang %+ turn section |= =pica ^- tank ?: p.pica [%leaf (trip q.pica)] [%leaf " {(trip q.pica)}"] --