:: Gets a Google Storage access token. :: :: This thread produces a pair of [access-token expires-at], where :: access-token is a @t that can be used as a bearer token to talk to the :: GCP Storage API on behalf of some service account, and expires-at is :: a @da after which the token will stop working and need to be refreshed. :: :: It expects settings-store to contain relevant fields from a GCP service :: account JSON file, generally as poked by sh/poke-gcp-account-json. :: Specifically, it depends on the `token_uri`, `client_email`, :: `private_key_id`, and `private_key` fields. If these fields are not :: in settings-store at the time the thread is run, it will fail. :: :: The thread works by first constructing a self-signed JWT using the :: fields in settings-store. Then, it sends this JWT to the specified :: token URI (usually https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token), which responds :: with a bearer token and expiry. :: :: /- spider, settings /+ jose, pkcs, primitive-rsa, strandio =, strand=strand:spider =, rsa=primitive-rsa ^- thread:spider |^ |= * =/ m (strand ,vase) ^- form:m ;< =bowl:spider bind:m get-bowl:strandio ;< iss=@t bind:m (read-setting %client-email) ;< =key:rsa bind:m read-private-key ;< kid=@t bind:m (read-setting %private-key-id) ;< aud=@t bind:m (read-setting %token-uri) =/ sot=@t %: make-jwt key kid iss 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' aud now.bowl == ;< p=[access-token=@t expires-at=@da] bind:m (get-access-token sot aud now.bowl) (pure:m !>(p)) :: ++ read-setting |= key=term =/ m (strand @t) ^- form:m ;< has=? bind:m (scry:strandio ? /gx/settings-store/has-entry/gcp-store/[key]/noun) ?. has (strand-fail:strandio %no-setting key ~) ;< =data:settings bind:m %+ scry:strandio data:settings /gx/settings-store/entry/gcp-store/[key]/settings-data ?> ?=([%entry %s @] data) (pure:m p.val.data) :: ++ read-private-key =/ m (strand ,key:rsa) ^- form:m ;< dat=@t bind:m (read-setting %private-key) %- pure:m %. dat ;: cork to-wain:format ring:de:pem:pkcs8:pkcs need == :: construct and return a self-signed JWT issued now, expiring in ~h1. :: TODO: maybe move this into lib/jose/hoon :: ++ make-jwt |= [=key:rsa kid=@t iss=@t scope=@t aud=@t iat=@da] ^- @t =/ job=json =, enjs:format %^ sign:jws:jose key :: the JWT's "header" %: pairs alg+s+'RS256' typ+s+'JWT' kid+s+kid ~ == :: the JWT's "payload" %: pairs iss+s+iss sub+s+iss :: per g.co, use iss for sub scope+s+scope aud+s+aud iat+(sect iat) exp+(sect (add iat ~h1)) ~ == =/ [pod=@t pad=@t sig=@t] =, dejs:format ((ot 'protected'^so 'payload'^so 'signature'^so ~) job) (rap 3 (join '.' `(list @t)`~[pod pad sig])) :: RPC to get an access token. Probably only works with Google. :: Described at: :: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/service-account :: ++ get-access-token |= [jot=@t url=@t now=@da] =/ m (strand ,[@t @da]) ^- form:m ;< ~ bind:m %: send-request:strandio method=%'POST' url=url header-list=['Content-Type'^'application/json' ~] ^= body %- some %- as-octt:mimes:html %- en-json:html %: pairs:enjs:format :- 'grant_type' s+'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer' assertion+s+jot ~ == == ;< rep=client-response:iris bind:m take-client-response:strandio ?> ?=(%finished -.rep) ?~ full-file.rep (strand-fail:strandio %no-response ~) =/ body=@t q.data.u.full-file.rep =/ jon=(unit json) (de-json:html body) ?~ jon (strand-fail:strandio %bad-body ~[body]) =* job u.jon ~| job =, dejs:format =/ [typ=@t exp=@dr tok=@t] %. job %: ot 'token_type'^so 'expires_in'^(cu |=(a=@ (mul a ~s1)) ni) 'access_token'^so ~ == ?> =('Bearer' typ) %- pure:m [tok (add exp now)] --