:: invite-view: provide a json interface to invite-store :: :: accepts subscriptions at the /primary path. :: passes through all invites and their updates. :: only accepts subcriptions from the host's team. :: ::TODO could maybe use /lib/proxy-hook, be renamed invite-proxy-hook :: /+ *invite-json, default-agent, dbug :: |% +$ card card:agent:gall -- :: => |% ++ watch-updates |= our=ship ^- card [%pass /store %agent [our %invite-store] %watch /updates] -- :: %- agent:dbug ^- agent:gall |_ =bowl:gall +* this . def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl) :: ++ on-init ^- (quip card _this) [[(watch-updates our.bowl)]~ this] :: ++ on-save on-save:def ++ on-load |= old=vase ^- (quip card _this) [~ this] :: ++ on-watch |= =path ^- (quip card _this) ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) ?. =(/primary path) (on-watch:def path) :_ this =/ =invites .^(invites %gx /=invite-store/(scot %da now.bowl)/all/noun) [%give %fact ~ %json !>((invites-to-json invites))]~ :: ++ on-agent |= [=wire =sign:agent:gall] ^- (quip card _this) :_ this ?- -.sign %poke-ack ~|([dap.bowl %unexpected-poke-ack] !!) %watch-ack ~ %kick [(watch-updates our.bowl)]~ :: %fact ~| [dap.bowl %unexpected-fact-mark p.cage.sign] ?> ?=(%invite-update p.cage.sign) :~ :* %give %fact ~[/primary] %json !>((update-to-json !<(invite-update q.cage.sign))) == == == :: ++ on-poke on-poke:def ++ on-peek on-peek:def ++ on-leave on-leave:def ++ on-arvo on-arvo:def ++ on-fail on-fail:def --