:: /- *notify, resource, hark-store, post /+ default-agent, verb, dbug, group, agentio, graphlib=graph :: |% +$ card card:agent:gall :: +$ provider-state (map term provider-entry) +$ provider-entry $: notify-endpoint=@t binding-endpoint=@t auth-token=@t clients=(map ship binding=(unit @t)) =whitelist == :: +$ client-state $: providers=(jug @p term) == :: +$ base-state-0 $: =provider-state =client-state == :: +$ state-0 [%0 base-state-0] :: +$ state-1 [%1 base-state-0] :: +$ versioned-state $% state-0 state-1 == :: -- :: =| state-1 =* state - :: %- agent:dbug %+ verb | ^- agent:gall :: =< |_ =bowl:gall +* this . def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl) do ~(. +> bowl) io ~(. agentio bowl) pass pass:io :: ++ on-init :_ this [(~(watch-our pass:io /hark) %hark-store /notes)]~ :: ++ on-save !>(state) ++ on-load |= =old=vase ^- (quip card _this) =/ old !<(versioned-state old-vase) =| cards=(list card) |- ?- -.old %1 [(flop cards) this] :: %0 %_ $ :: cards %+ welp cards :~ (~(leave-our pass:io /hark) %hark-store) (~(watch-our pass:io /hark) %hark-store /notes) == == == :: ++ on-poke |= [=mark =vase] ^- (quip card _this) |^ =^ cards state ?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase) %notify-provider-action (handle-provider-action !<(provider-action vase)) %notify-client-action (handle-client-action !<(client-action vase)) == [cards this] :: ++ handle-provider-action |= act=provider-action ^- (quip card _state) ?- -.act %add ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) =/ new-entry=provider-entry :* notify.act binding.act auth-token.act ~ whitelist.act == [~ state(provider-state (~(put by provider-state) service.act new-entry))] :: %remove ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) =/ entry=(unit provider-entry) (~(get by provider-state) service.act) ?~ entry ~|("no such service: {}" !!) :_ state(provider-state (~(del by provider-state) service.act)) %+ turn ~(tap by clients.u.entry) |= [who=@p *] ^- card (leave-path:pass [who %notify] /notify/(scot %p who)/[service.act]) :: %client-join =/ entry=(unit provider-entry) (~(get by provider-state) service.act) ?~ entry ~|("no such service: {}" !!) ?. (is-whitelisted:do src.bowl u.entry) ~|("permission denied" !!) =. clients.u.entry (~(put by clients.u.entry) src.bowl ~) :_ state(provider-state (~(put by provider-state) service.act u.entry)) :~ %: register-binding:do service.act u.entry binding-endpoint.u.entry src.bowl address.act == %+ watch:pass [src.bowl %notify] /notify/(scot %p src.bowl)/[service.act] == :: %client-leave =/ entry=(unit provider-entry) (~(get by provider-state) service.act) ?~ entry ~|("no such service: {}" !!) ?. (is-client:do src.bowl u.entry) ~|("permission denied" !!) =/ client-info=(unit @t) (~(got by clients.u.entry) src.bowl) =. clients.u.entry (~(del by clients.u.entry) src.bowl) :_ state(provider-state (~(put by provider-state) service.act u.entry)) ?~ client-info :_ ~ %+ leave-path:pass [src.bowl %notify] /notify/(scot %p src.bowl)/[service.act] :~ %: remove-binding:do service.act u.entry src.bowl binding-endpoint.u.entry u.client-info == %+ leave-path:pass [src.bowl %notify] /notify/(scot %p src.bowl)/[service.act] == == :: ++ handle-client-action |= act=client-action ^- (quip card _state) ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) ?- -.act %connect-provider =. providers.client-state (~(put ju providers.client-state) who.act service.act) =/ pact=provider-action [%client-join service.act address.act] :_ state [(poke:pass [who.act %notify] %notify-provider-action !>(pact))]~ :: %remove-provider =. providers.client-state (~(del ju providers.client-state) who.act service.act) =/ pact=provider-action [%client-leave service.act] :_ state [(poke:pass [who.act %notify] %notify-provider-action !>(pact))]~ == -- :: ++ on-watch |= =path ^- (quip card _this) ?+ path (on-watch:def path) [%notify @ @ ~] =* service i.t.t.path ?. (~(has ju providers.client-state) src.bowl service) ~|("permission denied" !!) `this == :: ++ on-leave |= =path ^- (quip card _this) `this :: ++ on-peek on-peek:def :: ++ on-agent |= [=wire =sign:agent:gall] ^- (quip card _this) ?+ wire (on-agent:def wire sign) :: :: subscription from client to their own hark-store :: [%hark ~] ?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign) %fact :_ this ?. ?=(%hark-update p.cage.sign) ~ =+ !<(hark-update=update:hark-store q.cage.sign) ?~ not=(filter-notifications:do hark-update) ~ :: only send the last one, since hark accumulates notifcations =/ =update [%notification u.not] =/ card=(unit card) ~ ::(fact-all:io %notify-update !>(update)) (drop card) :: %kick :_ this [%pass /hark %agent [our.bowl %hark-store] %watch /updates]~ == :: :: subscription from provider to client :: [%agentio-watch %notify @ @ ~] =/ who (slav %p i.t.t.wire) =* service i.t.t.t.wire ?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign) %fact ?> ?=(%notify-update p.cage.sign) =+ !<(=update q.cage.sign) :_ this ?- -.update %notification =/ entry=(unit provider-entry) (~(get by provider-state) service) ?~ entry ~ [(send-notification:do u.entry who notification.update)]~ == :: %kick :_ this [(watch:pass [who %notify] /notify/(scot %p who)/[service])]~ :: %watch-ack ?~ p.sign `this ((slog u.p.sign) `this) == == :: ++ on-arvo |= [=wire =sign-arvo] ^- (quip card _this) ?+ wire (on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo) [%register-binding @ @ @ ~] =/ who=@p (slav %p i.t.wire) =* service i.t.t.wire :: ?> ?=(%iris -.sign-arvo) ?> ?=(%http-response +<.sign-arvo) ?> ?=(%finished -.client-response.sign-arvo) ?> ?=(^ full-file.client-response.sign-arvo) =/ =mime-data:iris u.full-file.client-response.sign-arvo ?> =('application/json' type.mime-data) =/ jon=json (fall (rush (@t q.data.mime-data) apex:de-json:html) *json) =/ [sid=@t message=@t] %. jon %- ot:dejs:format :~ sid+so:dejs:format message+so:dejs:format == :: =/ entry=(unit provider-entry) (~(get by provider-state) service) :- ~ ?~ entry this =. clients.u.entry (~(put by clients.u.entry) who `sid) this(provider-state (~(put by provider-state) service u.entry)) :: [%remove-binding *] `this :: [%send-notification *] `this == :: ++ on-fail on-fail:def -- |_ bowl=bowl:gall +* gra ~(. graphlib bowl) :: ++ filter-notifications |= =update:hark-store ^- (unit notification) ?. ?=(%add-note -.update) ~ =* place place.bin.update ?. ?=(%landscape desk.place) ~ ?. ?=([%graph *] path.place) ~ =/ link=path link.body.update ?. ?=([@ @ @ *] link) ~ ?~ ship=(slaw %p i.t.link) ~ =* name i.t.t.link =/ =resource:resource [u.ship name] =/ =index:graph-store (turn t.t.t.link (curr rash dim:ag)) `[resource index] :: ++ group-is-hidden |= =resource:resource ^- (unit ?) =/ grp=(unit group:group) (~(scry-group group bowl) resource) ?~ grp ~ `hidden.u.grp :: ++ is-whitelisted |= [who=@p entry=provider-entry] ^- ? |^ ?| public.whitelist.entry =(our.bowl who) is-kid (~(has in users.whitelist.entry) who) in-group == :: ++ is-kid ?& kids.whitelist.entry =(our.bowl (sein:title our.bowl now.bowl who)) == :: ++ in-group =/ gs ~(tap in groups.whitelist.entry) |- ?~ gs %.n ?: (~(is-member group bowl) who i.gs) %.y $(gs t.gs) -- :: ++ is-client |= [who=@p entry=provider-entry] ^- ? (~(has by clients.entry) who) :: ++ post-form |= [=wire url=@t auth=@t params=(list [@t @t])] ^- card =/ data %+ roll %+ sort params |= [[p=@t @t] [q=@t @t]] (aor p q) |= [[p=@t q=@t] out=_url] (rap 3 out p q ~) =/ hmac-sig (hmac-sha1t:hmac:crypto auth data) =/ b64-sig (en:base64:mimes:html (met 3 hmac-sig) (swp 3 hmac-sig)) =/ headers :~ ['X-Twilio-Signature' b64-sig] ['Content-Type' 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'] == =/ form-data (build-form-data params) =/ =request:http [%'POST' url headers `[(met 3 form-data) form-data]] [%pass wire %arvo %i %request request *outbound-config:iris] :: ++ build-form-data |= data=(list [@t @t]) ^- @t %+ roll data |= [[p=@t q=@t] out=@t] ?: =(out '') (rap 3 p '=' q ~) (rap 3 out '&' p '=' q ~) :: ++ send-notification |= [entry=provider-entry who=@p =notification] ^- card =/ params=(list [@t @t]) :~ identity+(rsh [3 1] (scot %p who)) ship+(rsh [3 1] (scot %p entity.resource.notification)) graph+name.resource.notification :- %node %+ roll index.notification |= [in=@ out=@t] (rap 3 out '/' (scot %ud in) ~) == %: post-form /send-notification/(scot %uv (sham eny.bowl)) notify-endpoint.entry auth-token.entry params == :: ++ register-binding |= [service=term entry=provider-entry url=@t who=@p address=@t] ^- card =/ params=(list [@t @t]) :~ identity+(rsh [3 1] (scot %p who)) bindingtype+'apn' address+address action+'add' == %: post-form /register-binding/(scot %p who)/[service]/(scot %uv (sham eny.bowl)) binding-endpoint.entry auth-token.entry params == :: ++ remove-binding |= [service=term entry=provider-entry who=@p url=@t sid=@t] ^- card =/ params=(list [@t @t]) :~ sid+sid action+'remove' == %: post-form /remove-binding/(scot %p who)/[service]/(scot %uv (sham eny.bowl)) binding-endpoint.entry auth-token.entry params == --