:: dbug: agent wrapper for generic debugging tools :: :: usage: %-(agent:dbug your-agent) :: |% +$ poke $% [%bowl ~] [%state grab=cord] [%incoming =about] [%outgoing =about] == :: +$ about $@ ~ $% [%ship =ship] [%path =path] [%wire =wire] [%term =term] == :: ++ agent |= =agent:gall ^- agent:gall !. |_ =bowl:gall +* this . ag ~(. agent bowl) :: ++ on-poke |= [=mark =vase] ^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall) ?. ?=(%dbug mark) =^ cards agent (on-poke:ag mark vase) [cards this] =/ dbug !<(poke vase) =; =tang ((%*(. slog pri 1) tang) [~ this]) ?- -.dbug %bowl [(sell !>(bowl))]~ :: %state =? grab.dbug =('' grab.dbug) '-' =; product=^vase [(sell product)]~ =/ state=^vase :: if the underlying app has implemented a /dbug/state scry endpoint, :: use that vase in place of +on-save's. :: =/ result=(each ^vase tang) (mule |.(q:(need (need (on-peek:ag /x/dbug/state))))) ?:(?=(%& -.result) p.result on-save:ag) %+ slap (slop state !>([bowl=bowl ..zuse])) (ream grab.dbug) :: %incoming =; =tang ?^ tang tang [%leaf "no matching subscriptions"]~ %+ murn %+ sort ~(tap by sup.bowl) |= [[* a=[=ship =path]] [* b=[=ship =path]]] (aor [path ship]:a [path ship]:b) |= [=duct [=ship =path]] ^- (unit tank) =; relevant=? ?. relevant ~ `>[path=path from=ship duct=duct]< ?: ?=(~ about.dbug) & ?- -.about.dbug %ship =(ship ship.about.dbug) %path ?=(^ (find path.about.dbug path)) %wire %+ lien duct |=(=wire ?=(^ (find wire.about.dbug wire))) %term !! == :: %outgoing =; =tang ?^ tang tang [%leaf "no matching subscriptions"]~ %+ murn %+ sort ~(tap by wex.bowl) |= [[[a=wire *] *] [[b=wire *] *]] (aor a b) |= [[=wire =ship =term] [acked=? =path]] ^- (unit tank) =; relevant=? ?. relevant ~ `>[wire=wire agnt=[ship term] path=path ackd=acked]< ?: ?=(~ about.dbug) & ?- -.about.dbug %ship =(ship ship.about.dbug) %path ?=(^ (find path.about.dbug path)) %wire ?=(^ (find wire.about.dbug wire)) %term =(term term.about.dbug) == == :: ++ on-peek |= =path ^- (unit (unit cage)) ?. ?=([@ %dbug *] path) (on-peek:ag path) ?+ path [~ ~] [%u %dbug ~] ``noun+!>(&) [%x %dbug %state ~] ``noun+!>(on-save:ag) [%x %dbug %subscriptions ~] ``noun+!>([wex sup]:bowl) == :: ++ on-init ^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall) =^ cards agent on-init:ag [cards this] :: ++ on-save on-save:ag :: ++ on-load |= old-state=vase ^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall) =^ cards agent (on-load:ag old-state) [cards this] :: ++ on-watch |= =path ^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall) =^ cards agent (on-watch:ag path) [cards this] :: ++ on-leave |= =path ^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall) =^ cards agent (on-leave:ag path) [cards this] :: ++ on-agent |= [=wire =sign:agent:gall] ^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall) =^ cards agent (on-agent:ag wire sign) [cards this] :: ++ on-arvo |= [=wire =sign-arvo] ^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall) =^ cards agent (on-arvo:ag wire sign-arvo) [cards this] :: ++ on-fail |= [=term =tang] ^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall) =^ cards agent (on-fail:ag term tang) [cards this] -- --