/+ *test =, format |% :: split a cord on newlines :: ++ test-to-wain ;: weld :: basic usage :: %+ expect-eq !> ~['hello' 'world'] !> (to-wain 'hello\0aworld') :: string with no newlines :: %+ expect-eq !> ~['hey'] !> (to-wain 'hey') :: empty string works fine :: %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (to-wain '') :: leading/trailing/consecutive newlines all work fine :: %+ expect-eq !> ~['' 'hi' '' '' 'there'] !> (to-wain '\0ahi\0a\0a\0athere\0a') == :: join a list of lines (cords) into a single cord :: ++ test-of-wain ;: weld :: basic usage :: %+ expect-eq !> 'hey\0athere\0aworld!' !> (of-wain ~['hey' 'there' 'world!']) :: empty list :: %+ expect-eq !> '' !> (of-wain ~) :: single list :: %+ expect-eq !> 'hey' !> (of-wain ~['hey']) :: list with empties :: %+ expect-eq !> 'hey\0a\0athere' !> (of-wain ~['hey' '' 'there']) == :: join a list of lines (tapes) into a single cord. :: :: Appends an extra newline - this matches unix conventions of a :: trailing newline. Also see #1, #2 :: ++ test-of-wall ;: weld :: basic usage :: %+ expect-eq !> "hey\0athere\0aworld!\0a" !> (of-wall ~["hey" "there" "world!"]) :: empty list :: %+ expect-eq !> "" !> (of-wall ~) :: single list :: %+ expect-eq !> "hey\0a" !> (of-wall ~["hey"]) :: list with empties :: %+ expect-eq !> "hey\0a\0athere\0a" !> (of-wall ~["hey" "" "there"]) == :: encoding and decoding of beams <-> paths :: (a beam is a fully-qualified file reference. ship, desk, version, :: path) :: ++ test-beam =/ b=beam [[p=~zod q=%home r=[%ud p=12]] s=/hoon/zuse/sys] =/ p=path /~zod/home/12/sys/zuse/hoon ;: weld :: proper encode :: %+ expect-eq !> p !> (en-beam b) :: proper decode :: %+ expect-eq !> (some b) !> (de-beam p) :: proper round trip :: %+ expect-eq !> (some b) !> (de-beam (en-beam b)) :: path too short :: %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (de-beam /~zod/home) :: invalid ship :: %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (de-beam /'~zodisok'/home/12/sys/zuse/hoon) :: invalid desk :: %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (de-beam /~zod/12/12/sys/zuse/hoon) :: invalid case :: %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (de-beam /~zod/home/~zod/sys/zuse/hoon) == :: example values used in test :: ++ ex |% ++ nul `json`~ ++ tru `json`[%b &] ++ num `json`[%n ~.12] ++ str `json`[%s 'hey'] ++ frond `json`(frond:enjs 'foo' num) ++ obj `json`(pairs:enjs ~[['foo' num] ['bar' str]]) -- :: functions for creating `json` values :: ++ test-enjs =, enjs ;: weld :: numbers :: %+ expect-eq !> num:ex !> (numb 12) %+ expect-eq !> num:ex !> (numb 0xc) %+ expect-eq !> [%n '0'] !> (numb 0) :: strings :: %+ expect-eq !> str:ex !> (tape "hey") %+ expect-eq :: uses of-wall, so adds the trailing newline :: !> [%s 'hi\0athere\0a'] !> (wall ~["hi" "there"]) :: objects :: %+ expect-eq !> [%o (molt ~[['foo' num:ex]])] !> (frond 'foo' num:ex) =+ props=~[['foo' num:ex] ['bar' tru:ex]] %+ expect-eq !> [%o (molt props)] !> (pairs props) :: time - stored as integer number of milliseconds since the unix epoch :: %+ expect-eq !> [%n '1000'] !> (time ~1970.1.1..0.0.1) :: ship - store ship identity as a string :: %+ expect-eq !> [%s 'zod'] !> (ship ~zod) == :: dejs - recursive processing of `json` values :: :: This version crashes when used on improper input. Prefer using :: dejs-soft (also tested below) which returns units instead. :: :: decoding from null, booleans, numbers, strings :: ++ test-dejs-primitives =, dejs ;: weld :: null :: %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (ul `json`~) :: booleans :: :: bo extracts as-is, bu negates it :: %+ expect-eq !> & !> (bo tru:ex) %+ expect-eq !> | !> (bu tru:ex) %- expect-fail |. (bo num:ex) %- expect-fail |. (bu num:ex) :: integers :: :: as @ :: %+ expect-eq !> 12 !> (ni num:ex) %- expect-fail |. (ni tru:ex) :: as cord :: %+ expect-eq !> '12' !> (no num:ex) %- expect-fail |. (no tru:ex) :: timestamp - ms since the unix epoch :: %+ expect-eq !> ~1970.1.1..00.00.01 !> (di [%n ~.1000]) %- expect-fail |. (di tru:ex) :: strings :: :: string as tape :: %+ expect-eq !> "hey" !> (sa str:ex) %- expect-fail |. (sa tru:ex) :: string as cord :: %+ expect-eq !> 'hey' !> (so str:ex) %- expect-fail |. (so tru:ex) :: string with custom parser :: %+ expect-eq !> ' ' !> ((su (just ' ')) [%s ' ']) %- expect-fail |. ((su (just ' ')) tru:ex) == :: decoding arrays :: ++ test-dejs-arrays =, dejs ;: weld :: ar - as list :: %+ expect-eq !> ~[1 2 3] !> ((ar ni) [%a ~[[%n '1'] [%n '2'] [%n '3']]]) %- expect-fail |. ((ar ni) str:ex) %- expect-fail |. ((ar ni) [%a ~[str:ex]]) :: at - as tuple :: :: handlers must match exactly :: %+ expect-eq !> [1 'hey'] !> ((at ~[ni so]) [%a ~[[%n '1'] [%s 'hey']]]) :: too few or many handlers crash :: %- expect-fail |. ((at ~[ni so]) [%a ~]) %- expect-fail |. ((at ~[ni so]) [%a ~[[%n '1'] [%s 'hey'] [%b &]]]) :: a nested error will crash :: %- expect-fail |. ((at ~[ni]) [%a ~[[%s 'hey']]]) == :: decoding objects :: ++ test-dejs-objects =, dejs ;: weld :: of - single-property objects :: %+ expect-eq !> ['foo' 12] !> ((of ~[['foo' ni]]) frond:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ['foo' 12] !> ((of ~[['bar' so] ['foo' ni]]) frond:ex) %- expect-fail :: the handler needs to apply properly to the value :: |. ((of ~[['foo' ni]]) num:ex) %- expect-fail :: the key of the frond needs to exist in the handler list :: |. ((of ~[['bar' so]]) frond:ex) %- expect-fail :: an object with multiple properties is an error :: |. ((of ~[['bar' so] ['foo' ni]]) obj:ex) :: ot - exact-shape objects to tuple :: %+ expect-eq !> [12 'hey'] !> ((ot ~[['foo' ni] ['bar' so]]) obj:ex) %- expect-fail :: it checks it's called on an actual object :: |. ((ot ~[['foo' ni]]) num:ex) %- expect-fail :: missing property on the object :: |. ((ot ~[['foo' ni] ['baz' so]]) obj:ex) :: ou - object to tuple, with optional properties. value handlers :: :: are passed (unit json) :: %+ expect-eq !> [12 14] !> ((ou ~[['foo' (uf 14 ni)] ['baz' (uf 14 ni)]]) obj:ex) :: om - simple object as map :: %+ expect-eq !> (molt ~[['foo' num:ex] ['bar' str:ex]]) !> ((om same) obj:ex) :: op - object to map, but run a parsing function on the keys :: %+ expect-eq !> (molt ~[[12 num:ex] [14 str:ex]]) !> ((op dem same) (pairs:enjs ~[['12' num:ex] ['14' str:ex]])) == :: decoder transformers :: ++ test-dejs-transformers =, dejs ;: weld :: cu - decode, then transform :: %+ expect-eq !> 11 !> ((cu dec ni) [%n ~.12]) :: ci - decode, then assert a transformation succeeds :: %+ expect-eq !> 12 !> ((ci some ni) num:ex) %- expect-fail |. ((ci |=(* ~) ni) num:ex) :: mu - decode if not null :: %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> ((mu ni) nul:ex) %+ expect-eq !> (some 12) !> ((mu ni) num:ex) :: pe - add prefix to decoded value :: %+ expect-eq !> ['a' 12] !> ((pe 'a' ni) num:ex) :: uf - defaults for empty (unit json) :: %+ expect-eq !> 'nah' !> ((uf 'nah' ni) ~) %+ expect-eq !> 12 !> ((uf 'nah' ni) (some num:ex)) :: un - dangerous ensure a (unit json) :: %+ expect-eq !> 12 !> ((un ni) (some num:ex)) %- expect-fail |. ((un ni) ~) == :: various unit/collection helpers :: ++ test-dejs-helpers =, dejs =+ all=`(list (unit @))`~[(some 1) (some 2) (some 3)] =+ nall=`(list (unit @))`~[(some 1) ~ (some 3)] ;: weld :: za - are all units in this list full? :: %+ expect-eq !> & !> (za ~) %+ expect-eq !> & !> (za all) %+ expect-eq !> | !> (za nall) :: zl - collapse (list (unit)) -> (unit (list)) :: %+ expect-eq !> (some ~[1 2 3]) !> (zl all) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (zl nall) %+ expect-eq !> (some ~) !> (zl ~) :: zp - force unwrap a (list (unit)) as tuple :: %+ expect-eq !> [1 2 3] !> (zp all) %- expect-fail |. (zp nall) %- expect-fail |. (zp ~) :: zm - collapse a (map @tas (unit *)) -> (unit (map @tas *)) :: %+ expect-eq !> (some (molt ~[['a' 1] ['b' 2]])) !> (zm (molt ~[['a' (some 1)] ['b' (some 2)]])) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (zm (molt ~[['a' `(unit @)`(some 1)] ['b' ~]])) %+ expect-eq !> (some ~) !> (zm ~) == :: :: dejs-soft recursive processing of `json` values :: :: These functions return units, which will be nil if the input :: doesn't match the defined structure. :: ++ test-dejs-soft-primitives =, dejs-soft ;: weld :: null :: %+ expect-eq !> `~ !> (ul `json`~) :: booleans :: :: bo extracts as-is, bu negates it :: %+ expect-eq !> `& !> (bo tru:ex) %+ expect-eq !> `| !> (bu tru:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (bo num:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (bu num:ex) :: integers :: as @ :: %+ expect-eq !> `12 !> (ni num:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (ni tru:ex) :: as cord :: %+ expect-eq !> `'12' !> (no num:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (no tru:ex) :: timestamp - ms since the unix epoch :: %+ expect-eq !> `~1970.1.1..00.00.01 !> (di [%n ~.1000]) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (di tru:ex) :: string as tape :: %+ expect-eq !> `"hey" !> (sa str:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (sa tru:ex) :: string as cord :: %+ expect-eq !> `'hey' !> (so str:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (so tru:ex) :: string with custom parser :: %+ expect-eq !> `' ' !> ((su (just ' ')) [%s ' ']) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> ((su (just ' ')) tru:ex) == :: decoding arrays :: ++ test-dejs-soft-arrays =, dejs-soft ;: weld :: ar - as list :: %+ expect-eq !> `~[1 2 3] !> ((ar ni) [%a ~[[%n '1'] [%n '2'] [%n '3']]]) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> ((ar ni) str:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> ((ar ni) [%a ~[str:ex]]) :: at - as tuple :: :: handlers must match exactly :: %+ expect-eq !> `[1 'hey'] !> ((at ~[ni so]) [%a ~[[%n '1'] [%s 'hey']]]) :: too few or many handlers won't match :: %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> ((at ~[ni so]) [%a ~]) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> ((at ~[ni so]) [%a ~[[%n '1'] [%s 'hey'] [%b &]]]) :: a nested failure to match will propagate upwards :: %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> ((at ~[ni]) [%a ~[[%s 'hey']]]) == :: decoding objects :: ++ test-dejs-soft-objects =, dejs-soft ;: weld :: of - single-property objects :: %+ expect-eq !> `['foo' 12] !> ((of ~[['foo' ni]]) frond:ex) %+ expect-eq !> `['foo' 12] !> ((of ~[['bar' so] ['foo' ni]]) frond:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ~ :: the handler needs to apply properly to the value :: !> ((of ~[['foo' ni]]) num:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ~ :: the key of the frond needs to exist in the handler list :: !> ((of ~[['bar' so]]) frond:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ~ :: an object with multiple properties is an error :: !> ((of ~[['bar' so] ['foo' ni]]) obj:ex) :: ot - exact-shape objects to tuple :: %+ expect-eq !> `[12 'hey'] !> ((ot ~[['foo' ni] ['bar' so]]) obj:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ~ :: missing property on the object :: !> ((ot ~[['foo' ni] ['baz' so]]) obj:ex) :: om - simple object as map :: %+ expect-eq !> `(molt ~[['foo' num:ex] ['bar' str:ex]]) !> ((om some) obj:ex) :: op - object to map, but run a parsing function on the keys :: %+ expect-eq !> `(molt ~[[12 num:ex] [14 str:ex]]) !> ((op dem some) (pairs:enjs ~[['12' num:ex] ['14' str:ex]])) == :: decoder transformers :: ++ test-dejs-soft-transformers =, dejs-soft ;: weld :: cu - decode, then transform :: %+ expect-eq !> `11 !> ((cu dec ni) [%n ~.12]) :: ci - decode, then transform, adapting the transformer to return a :: unit :: %+ expect-eq !> `12 !> ((ci some ni) num:ex) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> ((ci |=(* ~) ni) num:ex) :: mu - decode if not null :: %+ expect-eq !> `~ !> ((mu ni) nul:ex) %+ expect-eq !> `(some 12) !> ((mu ni) num:ex) :: pe - add prefix to decoded value :: %+ expect-eq !> `['a' 12] !> ((pe 'a' ni) num:ex) == :: various unit/collection helpers :: ++ test-dejs-soft-helpers =, dejs-soft =+ all=`(list (unit @))`~[(some 1) (some 2) (some 3)] =+ nall=`(list (unit @))`~[(some 1) ~ (some 3)] ;: weld :: za - are all units in this list full? :: %+ expect-eq !> & !> (za ~) %+ expect-eq !> & !> (za all) %+ expect-eq !> | !> (za nall) :: zl - collapse (list (unit)) -> (unit (list)) :: %+ expect-eq !> (some ~[1 2 3]) !> (zl all) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (zl nall) %+ expect-eq !> (some ~) !> (zl ~) :: zp - force unwrap a (list (unit)) as tuple :: %+ expect-eq !> [1 2 3] !> (zp all) %- expect-fail |. (zp nall) %- expect-fail |. (zp ~) :: zm - collapse a (map @tas (unit *)) -> (unit (map @tas *)) :: %+ expect-eq !> (some (molt ~[['a' 1] ['b' 2]])) !> (zm (molt ~[['a' (some 1)] ['b' (some 2)]])) %+ expect-eq !> ~ !> (zm (molt ~[['a' `(unit @)`(some 1)] ['b' ~]])) %+ expect-eq !> (some ~) !> (zm ~) == --