:: hark-store: notifications [landscape] :: /- store=hark-store, post, group-store, metadata-store /+ resource, metadata, default-agent, dbug, graph-store :: ~% %hark-store-top ..part ~ |% +$ card card:agent:gall +$ versioned-state $% state-0 == :: +$ state-0 $: %0 =notifications:store archive=notifications:store last-seen=@da dnd=_| == +$ inflated-state $: state-0 cache == :: $cache: useful to have precalculated, but can be derived from state :: albeit expensively +$ cache $: unread-count=@ud by-index=(jug index:store @da) ~ == :: ++ orm ((ordered-map @da timebox:store) gth) -- :: =| inflated-state =* state - :: =< %- agent:dbug ^- agent:gall ~% %hark-store-agent ..card ~ |_ =bowl:gall +* this . ha ~(. +> bowl) def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl) met ~(. metadata bowl) :: ++ on-init :_ this ~[autoseen-timer] :: ++ on-save !>(-.state) ++ on-load |= =old=vase ^- (quip card _this) =/ old !<(state-0 old-vase) =. notifications.old (gas:orm *notifications:store (tap:orm notifications.old)) =. archive.old (gas:orm *notifications:store (tap:orm archive.old)) `this(-.state old, +.state (inflate-cache old)) :: ++ on-watch |= =path ^- (quip card _this) |^ ?+ path (on-watch:def path) :: [%updates ~] :_ this [%give %fact ~ hark-update+!>(initial-updates)]~ == :: ++ initial-updates ^- update:store :- %more ^- (list update:store) :- unreads :+ [%set-dnd dnd] [%count unread-count] %+ weld %+ turn %+ scag 3 (tap-nonempty:ha archive) (timebox-update &) %+ turn %+ scag 3 (tap-nonempty:ha notifications) (timebox-update |) :: ++ unreads ^- update:store :- %unreads ^- (list [index:store @ud]) %+ turn ~(tap by by-index) |=([=index:store =(set @da)] [index ~(wyt in set)]) :: ++ timebox-update |= archived=? |= [time=@da =timebox:store] ^- update:store [%timebox time archived ~(tap by timebox)] -- :: ++ on-peek |= =path ^- (unit (unit cage)) ?+ path (on-peek:def path) :: [%x %recent ?(%archive %inbox) @ @ ~] =/ is-archive =(%archive i.t.t.path) =/ offset=@ud (slav %ud i.t.t.t.path) =/ length=@ud (slav %ud i.t.t.t.t.path) :^ ~ ~ %hark-update !> ^- update:store :- %more %+ turn %+ scag length %+ slag offset %- tap-nonempty:ha ?:(is-archive archive notifications) |= [time=@da =timebox:store] ^- update:store :^ %timebox time is-archive ~(tap by timebox) == :: ++ on-poke ~/ %hark-store-poke |= [=mark =vase] ^- (quip card _this) |^ ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) =^ cards state ?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase) %hark-action (hark-action !<(action:store vase)) == [cards this] :: ++ hark-action |= =action:store ^- (quip card _state) |^ ?- -.action %add (add +.action) %archive (do-archive +.action) %seen seen %read (read +.action) %read-index (read-index +.action) %unread (unread +.action) %set-dnd (set-dnd +.action) == ++ add |= [=index:store =notification:store] ^- (quip card _state) =/ =timebox:store (gut-orm:ha notifications last-seen) =/ existing-notif (~(get by timebox) index) =/ new=notification:store ?~ existing-notif notification (merge-notification:ha u.existing-notif notification) =/ new-read=? ?~ existing-notif %.y read.u.existing-notif =. read.new %.n =/ new-timebox=timebox:store (~(put by timebox) index new) :- (give:ha [/updates]~ %added last-seen index new) %_ state + ?.(new-read +.state (upd-unreads:ha index last-seen %.n)) notifications (put:orm notifications last-seen new-timebox) == ++ read-index |= =index:store ^- (quip card _state) =/ times=(list @da) ~(tap in (~(gut by by-index) index ~)) =| cards=(list card) |- ?~ times [cards state] =* time i.times =^ crds state (read time index) $(cards (weld cards crds), times t.times) :: ++ do-archive |= [time=@da =index:store] ^- (quip card _state) =/ =timebox:store (gut-orm:ha notifications time) =/ =notification:store (~(got by timebox) index) =/ new-timebox=timebox:store (~(del by timebox) index) :- (give:ha [/updates]~ %archive time index) %_ state + ?.(read.notification (upd-unreads:ha index time %.y) +.state) :: notifications (put:orm notifications time new-timebox) :: archive %^ jub-orm:ha archive time |= archive-box=timebox:store ^- timebox:store (~(put by archive-box) index notification(read %.y)) == :: ++ read |= [time=@da =index:store] ^- (quip card _state) :- (give:ha [/updates]~ %read time index) %_ state + (upd-unreads:ha index time %.y) unread-count (dec unread-count) notifications (change-read-status:ha time index %.y) == :: ++ unread |= [time=@da =index:store] ^- (quip card _state) :- (give:ha [/updates]~ %unread time index) %_ state + (upd-unreads:ha index time %.n) unread-count +(unread-count) notifications (change-read-status:ha time index %.n) == :: ++ seen ^- (quip card _state) :_ state(last-seen now.bowl) :~ cancel-autoseen:ha autoseen-timer:ha == :: ++ set-dnd |= d=? ^- (quip card _state) :_ state(dnd d) (give:ha [/updates]~ %set-dnd d) -- -- :: ++ on-agent on-agent:def :: ++ on-leave on-leave:def ++ on-arvo |= [=wire =sign-arvo] ^- (quip card _this) ?. ?=([%autoseen ~] wire) (on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo) ?> ?=([%b %wake *] sign-arvo) :_ this(last-seen now.bowl) ~[autoseen-timer:ha] :: ++ on-fail on-fail:def -- |_ =bowl:gall +* met ~(. metadata bowl) :: ++ tap-nonempty |= =notifications:store ^- (list [@da timebox:store]) %+ skip (tap:orm notifications) |=([@da =timebox:store] =(0 ~(wyt by timebox))) :: ++ merge-notification |= [existing=notification:store new=notification:store] ^- notification:store ?- -.contents.existing :: %chat ?> ?=(%chat -.contents.new) existing(list.contents (weld list.contents.existing list.contents.new)) :: %graph ?> ?=(%graph -.contents.new) existing(list.contents (weld list.contents.existing list.contents.new)) :: %group ?> ?=(%group -.contents.new) existing(list.contents (weld list.contents.existing list.contents.new)) == :: ++ change-read-status |= [time=@da =index:store read=?] ^+ notifications %^ jub-orm notifications time |= =timebox:store %+ ~(jab by timebox) index |= =notification:store ?> !=(read read.notification) notification(read read) :: +key-orm: +key:by for ordered maps ++ key-orm |= =notifications:store ^- (list @da) (turn (tap:orm notifications) |=([key=@da =timebox:store] key)) :: +jub-orm: combo +jab/+gut for ordered maps :: TODO: move to zuse.hoon ++ jub-orm |= [=notifications:store time=@da fun=$-(timebox:store timebox:store)] ^- notifications:store =/ =timebox:store (fun (gut-orm notifications time)) (put:orm notifications time timebox) :: +gut-orm: +gut:by for ordered maps :: TODO: move to zuse.hoon ++ gut-orm |= [=notifications:store time=@da] ^- timebox:store (fall (get:orm notifications time) ~) :: ++ autoseen-interval ~h3 ++ cancel-autoseen ^- card [%pass /autoseen %arvo %b %rest (add last-seen autoseen-interval)] :: ++ autoseen-timer ^- card [%pass /autoseen %arvo %b %wait (add now.bowl autoseen-interval)] :: ++ give |= [paths=(list path) update=update:store] ^- (list card) [%give %fact paths [%hark-update !>(update)]]~ :: ++ upd-unreads |= [=index:store time=@da read=?] ^+ +.state %_ +.state :: by-index %. [index time] ?: read ~(del ju by-index) ~(put ju by-index) == :: ++ inflate-cache |= state-0 ^+ +.state =/ nots=(list [p=@da =timebox:store]) (tap:orm notifications) |- =* outer $ ?~ nots +.state =/ unreads ~(tap by timebox.i.nots) |- =* inner $ ?~ unreads outer(nots t.nots) =* notification q.i.unreads =* index p.i.unreads ?: read.notification inner(unreads t.unreads) =. +.state (upd-unreads index p.i.nots %.n) inner(unreads t.unreads) --