/* v/loop.c ** ** This file is in the public domain. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "all.h" #include "v/vere.h" #define AMES #if defined(U2_OS_linux) #include #define fpurge(fd) __fpurge(fd) #define DEVRANDOM "/dev/urandom" #else #define DEVRANDOM "/dev/random" #endif static jmp_buf Signal_buf; #ifndef SIGSTKSZ # define SIGSTKSZ 16384 #endif static uint8_t Sigstk[SIGSTKSZ]; typedef enum { sig_none, sig_overflow, sig_interrupt, sig_terminate, sig_memory, sig_assert, sig_timer } u2_kill; volatile u2_kill Sigcause; // reasons for exception static void _lo_signal_handle_over(int emergency, stackoverflow_context_t scp) { if ( u2_Critical ) { // Careful not to grow the stack during critical sections. // write(2, "stack disaster\n", strlen("stack disaster" + 2)); abort(); } #if 0 if ( 1 == emergency ) { write(2, "stack emergency\n", strlen("stack emergency" + 2)); abort(); } else #endif { Sigcause = sig_overflow; longjmp(Signal_buf, 1); } } static void _lo_signal_handle_term(int x) { if ( !u2_Critical ) { Sigcause = sig_terminate; u2_Host.liv = u2_no; longjmp(Signal_buf, 1); } } static void _lo_signal_handle_intr(int x) { if ( !u2_Critical ) { Sigcause = sig_interrupt; longjmp(Signal_buf, 1); } } static void _lo_signal_handle_alrm(int x) { if ( !u2_Critical ) { Sigcause = sig_timer; longjmp(Signal_buf, 1); } } /* _lo_signal_done(): */ static void _lo_signal_done() { // signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGVTALRM, SIG_IGN); stackoverflow_deinstall_handler(); { struct itimerval itm_u; timerclear(&itm_u.it_interval); timerclear(&itm_u.it_value); setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &itm_u, 0); } u2_unix_ef_move(); } /* _lo_signal_deep(): start deep processing; set timer for sec_w or 0. */ static void _lo_signal_deep(c3_w sec_w) { u2_unix_ef_hold(); stackoverflow_install_handler(_lo_signal_handle_over, Sigstk, SIGSTKSZ); signal(SIGINT, _lo_signal_handle_intr); signal(SIGTERM, _lo_signal_handle_term); { struct itimerval itm_u; timerclear(&itm_u.it_interval); itm_u.it_value.tv_sec = sec_w; itm_u.it_value.tv_usec = 0; setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &itm_u, 0); } signal(SIGVTALRM, _lo_signal_handle_alrm); } /* u2_loop_signal_memory(): end computation for out-of-memory. */ void u2_loop_signal_memory() { fprintf(stderr, "\r\nout of memory\r\n"); Sigcause = sig_memory; longjmp(Signal_buf, 1); } /* _lo_init(): initialize I/O across the process. */ static void _lo_init() { u2_unix_io_init(); u2_ames_io_init(); u2_term_io_init(); u2_http_io_init(); u2_save_io_init(); u2_batz_io_init(); } /* _lo_talk(): bring up listeners across the process. */ static void _lo_talk() { u2_unix_io_talk(); u2_ames_io_talk(); u2_http_io_talk(); } /* _lo_exit(): terminate I/O across the process. */ static void _lo_exit(void) { u2_unix_io_exit(); u2_ames_io_exit(); u2_term_io_exit(); u2_http_io_exit(); u2_save_io_exit(); u2_batz_io_exit(); } /* _lo_poll(): reset event flags across the process. */ static void _lo_poll(void) { u2_ames_io_poll(); u2_http_io_poll(); u2_term_io_poll(); u2_save_io_poll(); u2_unix_io_poll(); u2_batz_io_poll(); } #if 0 /* _lo_how(): print how. */ static const c3_c* _lo_how(u2_noun how) { switch ( how ) { default: c3_assert(0); break; case c3__ames: return "ames"; case c3__batz: return "batz"; case c3__term: return "cons"; case c3__htcn: return "http-conn"; case c3__htls: return "http-lisn"; case c3__save: return "save"; case c3__unix: return "unix"; } } #endif /* u2_lo_bail(): clean up all event state. */ void u2_lo_bail(u2_reck* rec_u) { fflush(stdout); _lo_exit(); exit(1); } int c3_cooked() { _lo_exit(); return 0; } /* _lo_tape(): dump a tape, old style. Don't do this. */ static void _lo_tape(u2_reck* rec_u, FILE* fil_u, u2_noun tep) { u2_noun tap = tep; while ( u2_nul != tap ) { c3_c car_c; if ( u2h(tap) >= 127 ) { car_c = '?'; } else car_c = u2h(tap); putc(car_c, fil_u); tap = u2t(tap); } u2z(tep); } /* _lo_wall(): dump a wall, old style. Don't do this. */ static void _lo_wall(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun wol) { FILE* fil_u = u2_term_io_hija(); u2_noun wal = wol; while ( u2_nul != wal ) { _lo_tape(rec_u, fil_u, u2k(u2h(wal))); putc(13, fil_u); putc(10, fil_u); wal = u2t(wal); } u2_term_io_loja(0); u2z(wol); } /* u2_lo_tank(): dump single tank. */ void u2_lo_tank(c3_l tab_l, u2_noun tac) { u2_lo_punt(tab_l, u2nc(tac, u2_nul)); } /* u2_lo_punt(): dump tank list. */ void u2_lo_punt(c3_l tab_l, u2_noun tac) { u2_noun blu = u2_term_get_blew(0); c3_l col_l = u2h(blu); u2_noun cat = tac; // We are calling nock here, but hopefully need no protection. // while ( u2_yes == u2_cr_du(cat) ) { u2_noun wol = u2_dc("wash", u2nc(tab_l, col_l), u2k(u2h(cat))); _lo_wall(u2_Arv, wol); cat = u2t(cat); } u2z(tac); u2z(blu); } /* u2_lo_sway(): print trace. */ void u2_lo_sway(c3_l tab_l, u2_noun tax) { u2_noun mok = u2_dc("mook", 2, tax); u2_lo_punt(tab_l, u2k(u2t(mok))); u2z(mok); } /* _lo_soft(): standard soft wrapper. unifies unix and nock errors. ** ** Produces [%$ result] or [%error (list tank)]. */ static u2_noun _lo_soft(u2_reck* rec_u, c3_w sec_w, u2_funk fun_f, u2_noun arg) { u2_noun hoe, pro, rop; u2_rl_leap(u2_Wire, c3__rock); // system level setjmp, for signals // c3_assert(u2_nul == u2_wire_tax(u2_Wire)); c3_assert(0 == u2_wire_kit_r(u2_Wire)); // stop signals // u2_unix_ef_hold(); _lo_signal_deep(sec_w); if ( 0 != setjmp(Signal_buf) ) { u2_noun tax, pre, mok; // return to blank state // _lo_signal_done(); // acquire trace and reset memory // tax = u2_wire_tax(u2_Wire); u2_rl_fall(u2_Wire); u2z(arg); tax = u2_rl_take(u2_Wire, tax); u2_wire_tax(u2_Wire) = u2_nul; mok = u2_dc("mook", 2, tax); // other ugly disgusting cleanups { u2_wire_kit_r(u2_Wire) = 0; u2_hevx_be(u2_wire_hev_r(u2_Wire), u2_pryr, god) = 0; u2_hevx_at(u2_wire_hev_r(u2_Wire), lad) = 0; } switch ( Sigcause ) { default: pre = c3__wyrd; break; case sig_none: pre = c3__none; break; case sig_overflow: pre = c3__over; break; case sig_interrupt: pre = c3__intr; break; case sig_terminate: pre = c3__term; break; case sig_memory: pre = c3__full; break; case sig_assert: pre = c3__lame; break; case sig_timer: fprintf(stderr, "timer!!\r\n"); pre = c3__slow; break; } rop = u2nc(pre, u2k(u2t(mok))); u2z(mok); fprintf(stderr, "error computed\r\n"); return rop; } if ( 0 != (hoe = u2_cm_trap()) ) { u2_noun mok; u2_rl_fall(u2_Wire); hoe = u2_rl_take(u2_Wire, hoe); u2_rl_flog(u2_Wire); mok = u2_dc("mook", 2, u2k(u2t(hoe))); rop = u2nc(u2k(u2h(hoe)), u2k(u2t(mok))); u2z(arg); u2z(hoe); u2z(mok); } else { u2_noun pro = fun_f(rec_u, arg); _lo_signal_done(); u2_cm_done(); u2_rl_fall(u2_Wire); pro = u2_rl_take(u2_Wire, pro); u2_rl_flog(u2_Wire); u2z(arg); rop = u2nc(u2_blip, pro); } pro = rop; return pro; } #if 0 /* _lo_hard(): standard hard wrapper. Produces result and/or asserts. */ static u2_noun _lo_hard(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_funk fun_f, u2_noun arg) { u2_noun pro = _lo_soft(rec_u, 0, fun_f, arg); if ( u2_blip == u2h(pro) ) { u2_noun poo = u2k(u2t(pro)); u2z(pro); return poo; } else { u2_lo_punt(2, u2k(u2t(pro))); u2z(pro); c3_assert(0); } } #endif /* _lo_mung(): formula wrapper with gate and sample. */ static u2_noun _lo_mung_in(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun gam) { u2_noun pro = u2_cn_mung(u2k(u2h(gam)), u2k(u2t(gam))); u2z(gam); return pro; } static u2_noun _lo_mung(u2_reck* rec_u, c3_w sec_w, u2_noun gat, u2_noun sam) { u2_noun gam = u2nc(gat, sam); return _lo_soft(rec_u, 0, _lo_mung_in, gam); } /* _lo_pack(): save an ovum at the present time. sync; sync; sync. */ static void _lo_pack(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun ron) { u2_ulog* lug_u = &u2_Host.lug_u; c3_w len_w, tar_w; c3_w* img_w; u2_ular lar_u; if ( rec_u->key ) { ron = u2_dc("en:crya", u2k(rec_u->key), ron); } len_w = u2_cr_met(5, ron); tar_w = (lug_u->len_w + len_w); lar_u.syn_w = u2_mug(tar_w); lar_u.mug_w = u2_mug(ron); lar_u.ent_w = rec_u->ent_w; lar_u.len_w = len_w; // XX: this is not in any way, shape or form a proper 2PC! // if ( -1 == lseek(lug_u->fid_i, 4 * tar_w, SEEK_SET) ) { perror("lseek"); uL(fprintf(uH, "lo_save: seek failed\n")); c3_assert(0); } if ( sizeof(lar_u) != write(lug_u->fid_i, &lar_u, sizeof(lar_u)) ) { perror("write"); uL(fprintf(uH, "lo_save: write failed\n")); c3_assert(0); } if ( -1 == lseek(lug_u->fid_i, 4 * lug_u->len_w, SEEK_SET) ) { perror("lseek"); uL(fprintf(uH, "lo_save: seek failed\n")); c3_assert(0); } #if 0 uL(fprintf(uH, "log: write: at %d, %d: lar ent %d, len %d, mug %x\n", lug_u->len_w, tar_w, lar_u.ent_w, lar_u.len_w, lar_u.mug_w)); #endif img_w = malloc(4 * len_w); u2_cr_words(0, len_w, img_w, ron); u2z(ron); if ( (4 * len_w) != write(lug_u->fid_i, img_w, (4 * len_w)) ) { perror("lseek"); uL(fprintf(uH, "lo_save: write failed\n")); c3_assert(0); } lug_u->len_w += (lar_u.len_w + c3_wiseof(lar_u)); free(img_w); // Sync. Or, what goes by sync. { fsync(lug_u->fid_i); // fsync is useless, F_FULLFSYNC too slow } } /* _lo_save(): log an ovum at the present time. */ static void _lo_save(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun ovo) { u2_noun ron = u2_cke_jam(u2nc(u2k(rec_u->now), ovo)); if ( u2_Host.lug_u.len_w ) { _lo_pack(rec_u, ron); rec_u->ent_w += 1; } else { rec_u->roe = u2nc(ron, rec_u->roe); } } /* _lo_pike(): poke with floating core. */ static u2_noun _lo_pike(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun ovo, u2_noun cor) { u2_noun fun = u2_cn_nock(cor, u2k(u2_cx_at(42, cor))); u2_noun sam = u2nc(u2k(rec_u->now), ovo); return _lo_mung(rec_u, 0, fun, sam); } /* _lo_sure(): apply and save an input ovum and its result. */ static void _lo_sure(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun ovo, u2_noun vir, u2_noun cor) { // Whatever worked, save it. (XX - should be concurrent with execute.) // We'd like more events that don't change the state but need work here. { u2_mug(cor); u2_mug(rec_u->roc); #if 0 if ( (c3__belt == u2h(u2t(ovo))) && (c3__ctl == u2h(u2t(u2t(ovo)))) && ('g' == u2t(u2t(u2t(ovo)))) ) { if ( u2_yes == u2_sing(cor, rec_u->roc) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "bell matches\n")); } else { uL(fprintf(uH, "bell does NOT match\n")); } } if ( c3__noop == u2h(u2t(ovo)) ) { if ( u2_yes == u2_sing(cor, rec_u->roc) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "noop matches\n")); } else { uL(fprintf(uH, "noop does NOT match\n")); } } #endif if ( u2_no == u2_sing(cor, rec_u->roc) ) { _lo_save(rec_u, u2k(ovo)); u2z(rec_u->roc); rec_u->roc = cor; } else { u2z(cor); } u2z(ovo); } // Evaluate external side effects. Not allowed to fail. // { while ( u2_nul != vir ) { u2_noun ovo = u2k(u2h(vir)); u2_noun nex = u2k(u2t(vir)); // c3_c* hed_c = u2_cr_string(u2h(u2t(ovo))); u2z(vir); vir = nex; // uL(fprintf(uH, "kick: %s\n", hed_c)); u2_reck_kick(rec_u, ovo); } } } /* _lo_lame(): handle an application failure. */ static void _lo_lame(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun ovo, u2_noun why, u2_noun tan) { u2_noun bov, gon; #if 1 { c3_c* oik_c = u2_cr_string(u2h(u2t(ovo))); // uL(fprintf(uH, "lame: %s\n", oik_c)); free(oik_c); } #endif // Formal error in a network packet generates a hole card. // // There should be a separate path for crypto failures, // to prevent timing attacks, but isn't right now. To deal // with a crypto failure, just drop the packet. // if ( (c3__exit == why) && (c3__hear == u2h(u2t(ovo))) ) { u2_lo_punt(2, u2_ckb_flop(u2k(tan))); bov = u2nc(u2k(u2h(ovo)), u2nc(c3__hole, u2k(u2t(u2t(ovo))))); u2z(why); } else { bov = u2nc(u2k(u2h(ovo)), u2nt(c3__crud, why, u2k(tan))); u2_hevn_at(lad) = u2_nul; } // u2_lo_show("data", u2k(u2t(u2t(ovo)))); u2z(ovo); gon = _lo_soft(rec_u, 0, u2_reck_poke, u2k(bov)); if ( u2_blip == u2h(gon) ) { _lo_sure(rec_u, bov, u2k(u2h(u2t(gon))), u2k(u2t(u2t(gon)))); u2z(gon); } else { u2z(gon); { u2_noun vab = u2nc(u2k(u2h(bov)), u2nc(c3__warn, u2_ci_tape("crude crash!"))); u2_noun nog = _lo_soft(rec_u, 0, u2_reck_poke, u2k(vab)); if ( u2_blip == u2h(nog) ) { _lo_sure(rec_u, vab, u2k(u2h(u2t(nog))), u2k(u2t(u2t(nog)))); u2z(nog); } else { u2z(nog); u2z(vab); uL(fprintf(uH, "crude: all delivery failed!\n")); } } } } static void _lo_punk(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun ovo); /* _lo_nick(): transform enveloped packets, [vir cor]. */ static u2_noun _lo_nick(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun vir, u2_noun cor) { if ( u2_nul == vir ) { return u2nt(u2_blip, vir, cor); } else { u2_noun i_vir = u2h(vir); u2_noun pi_vir, qi_vir; u2_noun vix; if ( (u2_yes == u2_cr_cell((i_vir=u2h(vir)), &pi_vir, &qi_vir)) && (u2_yes == u2du(qi_vir)) && (c3__hear == u2h(qi_vir)) ) { u2_noun gon; gon = _lo_pike(rec_u, u2k(i_vir), cor); if ( u2_blip != u2h(gon) ) { u2z(vir); return gon; } else { u2_noun viz; vix = u2k(u2h(u2t(gon))); cor = u2k(u2t(u2t(gon))); u2z(gon); viz = u2_ckb_weld(vix, u2k(u2t(vir))); u2z(vir); return _lo_nick(rec_u, viz, cor); } } else { u2_noun nez = _lo_nick(rec_u, u2k(u2t(vir)), cor); if ( u2_blip != u2h(nez) ) { u2z(vir); return nez; } else { u2_noun viz; viz = u2nc(u2k(i_vir), u2k(u2h(u2t(nez)))); cor = u2k(u2t(u2t(nez))); u2z(vir); u2z(nez); return u2nt(u2_blip, viz, cor); } } } } /* _lo_punk(): insert and apply an input ovum (unprotected). */ static void _lo_punk(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun ovo) { // c3_c* txt_c = u2_cr_string(u2h(u2t(ovo))); c3_w sec_w; // static c3_w num_w; u2_noun gon; // uL(fprintf(uH, "punk: %s: %d\n", u2_cr_string(u2h(u2t(ovo))), num_w++)); // XX this is wrong - the timer should be on the original hose. // if ( (c3__term == u2h(u2t(u2h(ovo)))) || (c3__batz == u2h(u2t(u2h(ovo)))) ) { sec_w = 0; } else sec_w = 60; // Control alarm loops. // if ( c3__wake != u2h(u2t(ovo)) ) { u2_Host.beh_u.run_w = 0; } gon = _lo_soft(rec_u, sec_w, u2_reck_poke, u2k(ovo)); if ( u2_blip != u2h(gon) ) { u2_noun why = u2k(u2h(gon)); u2_noun tan = u2k(u2t(gon)); u2z(gon); _lo_lame(rec_u, ovo, why, tan); } else { u2_noun vir = u2k(u2h(u2t(gon))); u2_noun cor = u2k(u2t(u2t(gon))); u2_noun nug; u2z(gon); nug = _lo_nick(rec_u, vir, cor); if ( u2_blip != u2h(nug) ) { u2_noun why = u2k(u2h(nug)); u2_noun tan = u2k(u2t(nug)); u2z(nug); _lo_lame(rec_u, ovo, why, tan); } else { vir = u2k(u2h(u2t(nug))); cor = u2k(u2t(u2t(nug))); u2z(nug); _lo_sure(rec_u, ovo, vir, cor); } } // uL(fprintf(uH, "punk oot %s\n", txt_c)); } /* _lo_suck(): past failure. */ static void _lo_suck(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun ovo, u2_noun gon) { uL(fprintf(uH, "sing: ovum failed!\n")); { c3_c* hed_c = u2_cr_string(u2h(u2t(ovo))); uL(fprintf(uH, "fail %s\n", hed_c)); free(hed_c); } u2_lo_punt(2, u2_ckb_flop(u2k(u2t(gon)))); u2_loom_exit(); _lo_exit(); exit(1); } /* _lo_sing(): replay ovum from the past, time already set. */ static void _lo_sing(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun ovo) { u2_noun gon = _lo_soft(rec_u, 0, u2_reck_poke, u2k(ovo)); if ( u2_blip != u2h(gon) ) { _lo_suck(rec_u, ovo, gon); } else { u2_noun vir = u2k(u2h(u2t(gon))); u2_noun cor = u2k(u2t(u2t(gon))); u2_noun nug; u2z(gon); nug = _lo_nick(rec_u, vir, cor); if ( u2_blip != u2h(nug) ) { _lo_suck(rec_u, ovo, nug); } else { vir = u2h(u2t(nug)); cor = u2k(u2t(u2t(nug))); while ( u2_nul != vir ) { u2_noun fex = u2h(vir); u2_noun fav = u2t(fex); if ( (c3__init == u2h(fav)) || (c3__inuk == u2h(fav)) ) { rec_u->own = u2nc(u2k(u2t(fav)), rec_u->own); } vir = u2t(vir); } u2z(nug); u2z(rec_u->roc); rec_u->roc = cor; } u2z(ovo); } } /* _lo_work(): work in rec_u. */ static void _lo_work(u2_reck* rec_u) { while ( rec_u->ova.egg_u ) { u2_cart* egg_u = rec_u->ova.egg_u; u2_noun egg = egg_u->egg; rec_u->ova.egg_u = egg_u->nex_u; if ( 0 == rec_u->ova.egg_u ) { c3_assert(egg_u == rec_u->ova.geg_u); rec_u->ova.geg_u = 0; } free(egg_u); { #if 0 // u2_noun old, new; // c3_c* her_c = u2_cr_string(u2h(u2t(egg))); // uint8_t her_t = (c3__hear == u2h(u2t(egg))); if ( her_t ) { u2_reck_time(u2A); old = u2k(u2A->now); // uL(fprintf(uH, "hear...\n")); } #endif _lo_punk(rec_u, egg); #if 0 if ( her_t ) { c3_w tms_w; u2_reck_time(u2A); new = u2k(u2A->now); tms_w = (c3_w)u2_time_gap_ms(old, new); if ( tms_w >= 20 ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "hear: %d ms\n", tms_w)); } } #endif } } } /* u2_lo_open(): begin callback processing. */ void u2_lo_open(void) { // update time // u2_reck_time(u2A); } /* u2_lo_shut(): end callback processing. */ void u2_lo_shut(u2_bean inn) { // u2_lo_grab("lo_shut a", u2_none); // process actions // _lo_work(u2A); // u2_lo_grab("lo_shut b", u2_none); // update time // u2_reck_time(u2A); // u2_lo_grab("lo_shut c", u2_none); // for input operations, poll fs (XX not permanent) // if ( u2_yes == inn ) { u2_unix_ef_look(); } // u2_lo_grab("lo_shut d", u2_none); // clean shutdown // if ( u2_no == u2_Host.liv ) { // direct save and die // u2_cm_purge(); // u2_lo_grab("lo_exit", u2_none); u2_loom_save(u2A->ent_w); u2_loom_exit(); _lo_exit(); exit(0); } else { // poll arvo to generate any event binding changes // _lo_poll(); } } /* _lo_home(): create ship directory. */ static void _lo_home(u2_reck* rec_u) { c3_c ful_c[2048]; // Create subdirectories. // { mkdir(u2_Host.cpu_c, 0700); snprintf(ful_c, 2048, "%s/get", u2_Host.cpu_c); if ( 0 != mkdir(ful_c, 0700) ) { perror(ful_c); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } snprintf(ful_c, 2048, "%s/put", u2_Host.cpu_c); if ( 0 != mkdir(ful_c, 0700) ) { perror(ful_c); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } } // Copy urbit.pill. // { snprintf(ful_c, 2048, "cp %s/urbit.pill %s", u2_Host.ops_u.hom_c, u2_Host.cpu_c); if ( 0 != system(ful_c) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "could not %s\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } } } /* _lo_cask(): ask for a passcode. */ static u2_noun _lo_cask(u2_reck* rec_u, c3_c* dir_c, u2_bean nun) { c3_c paw_c[60]; u2_noun key; uH; while ( 1 ) { printf("passcode for %s%s? ~", dir_c, (u2_yes == nun) ? " [none]" : ""); paw_c[0] = 0; fpurge(stdin); fgets(paw_c, 59, stdin); if ( '\n' == paw_c[0] ) { if ( u2_yes == nun ) { key = 0; break; } else { continue; } } else { c3_c* say_c = malloc(strlen(paw_c) + 2); u2_noun say; say_c[0] = '~'; say_c[1] = 0; strncat(say_c, paw_c, strlen(paw_c) - 1); say = u2_do("slay", u2_ci_string(say_c)); if ( (u2_nul == say) || (u2_blip != u2h(u2t(say))) || ('p' != u2h(u2t(u2t(say)))) ) { printf("invalid passcode\n"); continue; } key = u2k(u2t(u2t(u2t(say)))); u2z(say); break; } } uL(0); return key; } /* _lo_text(): ask for a name string. */ static u2_noun _lo_text(u2_reck* rec_u, c3_c* pom_c) { c3_c paw_c[60]; u2_noun say; uH; while ( 1 ) { printf("%s: ", pom_c); paw_c[0] = 0; fpurge(stdin); fgets(paw_c, 59, stdin); if ( '\n' == paw_c[0] ) { continue; } else { c3_w len_w = strlen(paw_c); if ( paw_c[len_w - 1] == '\n' ) { paw_c[len_w-1] = 0; } say = u2_ci_string(paw_c); break; } } uL(0); return say; } #if 0 /* _lo_bask(): ask a yes or no question. */ static u2_bean _lo_bask(c3_c* pop_c, u2_bean may) { u2_bean yam; uH; while ( 1 ) { c3_c ans_c[3]; printf("%s [y/n]? ", pop_c); ans_c[0] = 0; fpurge(stdin); fgets(ans_c, 2, stdin); if ( (ans_c[0] != 'y') && (ans_c[0] != 'n') ) { continue; } else { yam = (ans_c[0] != 'n') ? u2_yes : u2_no; break; } } uL(0); return yam; } #endif /* _lo_rand(): fill a 256-bit (8-word) buffer. */ static void _lo_rand(u2_reck* rec_u, c3_w* rad_w) { c3_i fid_i = open(DEVRANDOM, O_RDONLY); if ( 32 != read(fid_i, (c3_y*) rad_w, 32) ) { c3_assert(!"lo_rand"); } close(fid_i); } /* _lo_fast(): offer to save passcode by mug in home directory. */ static void _lo_fast(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun pas, c3_l key_l) { c3_c ful_c[2048]; c3_c* hom_c = getenv("HOME"); u2_noun gum = u2_dc("scot", 'p', key_l); c3_c* gum_c = u2_cr_string(gum); u2_noun yek = u2_dc("scot", 'p', pas); c3_c* yek_c = u2_cr_string(yek); printf("saving passcode in %s/.urbit/%s.txt\r\n", hom_c, gum_c); printf("(for real security, write it down and delete the file...)\r\n"); { c3_i fid_i; snprintf(ful_c, 2048, "%s/.urbit", hom_c); mkdir(ful_c, 0700); snprintf(ful_c, 2048, "%s/.urbit/%s.txt", hom_c, gum_c); if ( (fid_i = open(ful_c, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0600)) < 0 ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "fast: could not save %s\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } write(fid_i, yek_c, strlen(yek_c)); close(fid_i); } free(gum_c); u2z(gum); free(yek_c); u2z(yek); } /* _lo_staf(): try to load passcode by mug from home directory. */ static u2_noun _lo_staf(u2_reck* rec_u, c3_l key_l) { c3_c ful_c[2048]; c3_c* hom_c = getenv("HOME"); u2_noun gum = u2_dc("scot", 'p', key_l); c3_c* gum_c = u2_cr_string(gum); u2_noun txt; snprintf(ful_c, 2048, "%s/.urbit/%s.txt", hom_c, gum_c); free(gum_c); u2z(gum); txt = u2_walk_safe(ful_c); if ( 0 == txt ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "staf: no passcode %s\n", ful_c)); return 0; } else { // c3_c* txt_c = u2_cr_string(txt); u2_noun say = u2_do("slay", txt); u2_noun pas; if ( (u2_nul == say) || (u2_blip != u2h(u2t(say))) || ('p' != u2h(u2t(u2t(say)))) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "staf: %s is corrupt\n", ful_c)); u2z(say); return 0; } uL(fprintf(uH, "loaded passcode from %s\n", ful_c)); pas = u2k(u2t(u2t(u2t(say)))); u2z(say); return pas; } } /* _lo_fatt(): stretch a 64-bit passcode to make a 128-bit key. */ static u2_noun _lo_fatt(c3_l sal_l, u2_noun pas) { c3_w i_w; u2_noun key = pas; // XX use scrypt() - this is a stupid iterated hash // for ( i_w = 0; i_w < 32768; i_w++ ) { key = u2_dc("shaf", sal_l, key); } return key; } /* _lo_zest(): create a new, empty record. */ static void _lo_zest(u2_reck* rec_u) { struct stat buf_b; c3_i fid_i; c3_c ful_c[8193]; c3_l sal_l; // Create the ship directory. // _lo_home(rec_u); // Create the record file. { snprintf(ful_c, 2048, "%s/egz.hope", u2_Host.cpu_c); if ( ((fid_i = open(ful_c, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_EXCL, 0600)) < 0) || (fstat(fid_i, &buf_b) < 0) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "can't create record (%s)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } u2_Host.lug_u.fid_i = fid_i; } // Generate a 31-bit salt. // { c3_w rad_w[8]; _lo_rand(rec_u, rad_w); sal_l = (0x7fffffff & rad_w[0]); } // Create and save a passcode. // { c3_w rad_w[8]; u2_noun pas; _lo_rand(rec_u, rad_w); pas = u2_ci_words(2, rad_w); rec_u->key = _lo_fatt(sal_l, u2k(pas)); _lo_fast(rec_u, pas, u2_mug(rec_u->key)); } // Write the header. { u2_uled led_u; led_u.mag_l = u2_mug('f'); led_u.kno_w = rec_u->kno_w; if ( 0 == rec_u->key ) { led_u.key_l = 0; } else { led_u.key_l = u2_mug(rec_u->key); c3_assert(!(led_u.key_l >> 31)); } led_u.sal_l = sal_l; led_u.sev_l = rec_u->sev_l; led_u.tno_l = 1; if ( sizeof(led_u) != write(fid_i, &led_u, sizeof(led_u)) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "can't write record (%s)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } u2_Host.lug_u.len_w = c3_wiseof(led_u); } // Save the boot events. { u2_noun nor = u2_ckb_flop(rec_u->roe); rec_u->roe = nor; while ( u2_nul != nor ) { _lo_pack(rec_u, u2k(u2h(nor))); rec_u->ent_w += 1; nor = u2t(nor); } u2z(rec_u->roe); rec_u->roe = 0; } #if 0 // Copy the egz into ham, the factory default. { snprintf(ful_c, 8193, "rm -f %s/~ham.hope; cp %s/~egz.hope %s/~ham.hope", u2_Host.cpu_c, u2_Host.cpu_c, u2_Host.cpu_c); if ( 0 != system(ful_c) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "zest: could not save ham\n")); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } } #endif } /* _lo_make(): boot from scratch. */ static void _lo_make(u2_reck* rec_u, u2_noun fav) { // Authenticate and initialize terminal. // u2_term_ef_bake(fav); // Work through start sequence. // _lo_work(rec_u); // Further server configuration. // { u2_http_ef_bake(); } // Work some more. // _lo_work(rec_u); // Create the ship directory. // _lo_zest(rec_u); } /* _lo_rest(): restore from record, or exit. */ static void _lo_rest(u2_reck* rec_u) { struct stat buf_b; c3_i fid_i; c3_c ful_c[2048]; c3_w old_w = rec_u->ent_w; c3_w las_w = 0; u2_noun roe = u2_nul; u2_noun sev_l, tno_l, key_l, sal_l; if ( 0 != rec_u->ent_w ) { u2_noun ent = u2_dc("scot", c3__ud, rec_u->ent_w); c3_c* ent_c = u2_cr_string(ent); uL(fprintf(uH, "rest: checkpoint to event %s\n", ent_c)); free(ent_c); } // Open the fscking file. Does it even exist? { snprintf(ful_c, 2048, "%s/egz.hope", u2_Host.cpu_c); if ( ((fid_i = open(ful_c, O_RDWR)) < 0) || (fstat(fid_i, &buf_b) < 0) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "rest: can't open record (%s)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); return; } u2_Host.lug_u.fid_i = fid_i; u2_Host.lug_u.len_w = ((buf_b.st_size + 3) >> 2); } // Check the fscking header. It's probably corrupt. { u2_uled led_u; if ( sizeof(led_u) != read(fid_i, &led_u, sizeof(led_u)) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record (%s) is corrupt (a)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } if ( u2_mug('f') != led_u.mag_l ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record (%s) is obsolete (or corrupt)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } if ( led_u.kno_w != rec_u->kno_w ) { // XX perhaps we should actually do something here // uL(fprintf(uH, "rest: (not) translating events (old %d, now %d)\n", led_u.kno_w, rec_u->kno_w)); } sev_l = led_u.sev_l; sal_l = led_u.sal_l; key_l = led_u.key_l; tno_l = led_u.tno_l; { u2_noun old = u2_dc("scot", c3__uv, sev_l); u2_noun nuu = u2_dc("scot", c3__uv, rec_u->sev_l); c3_c* old_c = u2_cr_string(old); c3_c* nuu_c = u2_cr_string(nuu); uL(fprintf(uH, "rest: old %s, new %s\n", old_c, nuu_c)); free(old_c); free(nuu_c); u2z(old); u2z(nuu); } c3_assert(sev_l != rec_u->sev_l); // 1 in 2 billion, just retry } // Oh, and let's hope you didn't forget the fscking passcode. { if ( 0 != key_l ) { u2_noun pas = _lo_staf(rec_u, key_l); u2_noun key; while ( 1 ) { pas = pas ? pas : _lo_cask(rec_u, u2_Host.cpu_c, u2_no); key = _lo_fatt(sal_l, pas); if ( u2_mug(key) != key_l ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "incorrect passcode\n")); u2z(key); pas = 0; } else { u2z(rec_u->key); rec_u->key = key; break; } } } } // Read in the fscking events. These are probably corrupt as well. { c3_w end_w, ent_w; end_w = u2_Host.lug_u.len_w; ent_w = 0; if ( -1 == lseek(fid_i, 4 * end_w, SEEK_SET) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record (%s) is corrupt (c)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } while ( end_w != c3_wiseof(u2_uled) ) { c3_w tar_w = (end_w - c3_wiseof(u2_ular)); u2_ular lar_u; c3_w* img_w; u2_noun ron; // hL(fprintf(uH, "rest: reading event at %d\n", end_w)); if ( -1 == lseek(fid_i, 4 * tar_w, SEEK_SET) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record (%s) is corrupt (d)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } if ( sizeof(u2_ular) != read(fid_i, &lar_u, sizeof(u2_ular)) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record (%s) is corrupt (e)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } if ( lar_u.syn_w != u2_mug(tar_w) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record (%s) is corrupt (f)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } #if 0 uL(fprintf(uH, "log: read: at %d, %d: lar ent %d, len %d, mug %x\n", (tar_w - lar_u.len_w), tar_w, lar_u.ent_w, lar_u.len_w, lar_u.mug_w)); #endif img_w = malloc(4 * lar_u.len_w); if ( end_w == u2_Host.lug_u.len_w ) { ent_w = las_w = lar_u.ent_w; } else { if ( lar_u.ent_w != (ent_w - 1) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record (%s) is corrupt (g)\n", ful_c)); uL(fprintf(uH, "lar_u.ent_w %x, ent_w %x\n", lar_u.ent_w, ent_w)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } ent_w -= 1; } end_w = (tar_w - lar_u.len_w); if ( ent_w < old_w ) { free(img_w); break; } if ( -1 == lseek(fid_i, 4 * end_w, SEEK_SET) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record (%s) is corrupt (h)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } if ( (4 * lar_u.len_w) != read(fid_i, img_w, (4 * lar_u.len_w)) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record (%s) is corrupt (i)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } ron = u2_ci_words(lar_u.len_w, img_w); free(img_w); if ( u2_mug(ron) != lar_u.mug_w ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record (%s) is corrupt (j)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } if ( rec_u->key ) { u2_noun dep; dep = u2_dc("de:crya", u2k(rec_u->key), ron); if ( u2_no == u2du(dep) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record (%s) is corrupt (k)\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } else { ron = u2k(u2t(dep)); u2z(dep); } } roe = u2nc(u2_cke_cue(ron), roe); } rec_u->ent_w = c3_max(las_w + 1, old_w); } if ( u2_nul == roe ) { // Nothing in the log that was not also in the checkpoint. // c3_assert(rec_u->ent_w == old_w); c3_assert((las_w + 1) == old_w); } else { u2_noun rou = roe; c3_w xno_w; // Execute the fscking things. This is pretty much certain to crash. // uL(fprintf(uH, "rest: replaying through event %d\n", las_w)); fprintf(uH, "---------------- playback starting----------------\n"); xno_w = 0; while ( u2_nul != roe ) { u2_noun i_roe = u2h(roe); u2_noun t_roe = u2t(roe); u2_noun now = u2h(i_roe); u2_noun ovo = u2t(i_roe); u2_reck_wind(rec_u, u2k(now)); if ( (u2_yes == u2_Host.ops_u.vno) && (c3__veer == u2h(u2t(ovo))) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "replay: skipped veer\n")); } else { _lo_sing(rec_u, u2k(ovo)); } fputc('.', stderr); // uL(fprintf(uH, "playback: sing: %d\n", xno_w)); roe = t_roe; xno_w++; if ( 0 == (xno_w % 1000) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "{%d}\n", xno_w)); } } u2z(rou); } uL(fprintf(stderr, "\n---------------- playback complete----------------\n")); #if 0 // If you see this error, your record is totally fscking broken! // Which probably serves you right. Please consult a consultant. { if ( u2_nul == rec_u->own ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record did not install a master!\n")); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } rec_u->our = u2k(u2h(rec_u->own)); rec_u->pod = u2_dc("scot", 'p', u2k(rec_u->our))); } // Now, who the fsck are you? No, really. { u2_noun who; c3_c* fil_c; c3_c* who_c; if ( (fil_c = strrchr(u2_Host.cpu_c, '/')) ) { fil_c++; } else fil_c = u2_Host.cpu_c; who = u2_dc("scot", 'p', u2k(rec_u->our))); who_c = u2_cr_string(who); u2z(who); if ( strncmp(fil_c, who_c + 1, strlen(fil_c)) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record master (%s) does not match filename!\n", who_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } free(who_c); } #endif // Rewrite the header. Will probably corrupt the record. { u2_uled led_u; led_u.mag_l = u2_mug('f'); led_u.sal_l = sal_l; led_u.sev_l = rec_u->sev_l; led_u.key_l = rec_u->key ? u2_mug(rec_u->key) : 0; led_u.kno_w = rec_u->kno_w; // may need actual translation! led_u.tno_l = 1; if ( (-1 == lseek(fid_i, 0, SEEK_SET)) || (sizeof(led_u) != write(fid_i, &led_u, sizeof(led_u))) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "record (%s) failed to rewrite\n", ful_c)); u2_lo_bail(rec_u); } } // Hey, fscker! It worked. { u2_term_ef_boil(tno_l); } } /* _lo_zen(): get OS entropy. */ static u2_noun _lo_zen(u2_reck* rec_u) { c3_w rad_w[8]; _lo_rand(rec_u, rad_w); return u2_ci_words(8, rad_w); } /* _lo_boot(): restore or create. */ static void _lo_boot(void) { if ( u2_yes == u2_Host.ops_u.nuu ) { u2_noun pig; if ( 0 == u2_Host.ops_u.imp_c ) { c3_c get_c[2049]; snprintf(get_c, 2048, "%s/get", u2_Host.cpu_c); if ( 0 == access(get_c, 0) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "pier: already built\n")); exit(1); } u2_noun ten = _lo_zen(u2A); uL(fprintf(uH, "generating 2048-bit RSA pair...\n")); pig = u2nq(c3__make, u2_nul, 11, ten); } else { u2_noun imp = u2_ci_string(u2_Host.ops_u.imp_c); u2_noun whu = u2_dc("slaw", 'p', u2k(imp)); if ( (u2_nul == whu) ) { fprintf(stderr, "czar: incorrect format\r\n"); exit(1); } else { u2_noun gen = _lo_text(u2A, "generator"); u2_noun gun = u2_dc("slaw", c3__uw, gen); if ( u2_nul == gun ) { fprintf(stderr, "czar: incorrect format\r\n"); exit(1); } pig = u2nt(c3__sith, u2k(u2t(whu)), u2k(u2t(gun))); u2z(whu); u2z(gun); } u2z(imp); } _lo_make(u2A, pig); } else { _lo_rest(u2A); } } #if 0 // _lo_bench_noop(): benchmark no-op events. // static void _lo_bench_noop(c3_w num_w) { c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < num_w; i_w++ ) { u2_reck_plan(u2A, u2nq(c3__gold, c3__term, 1, u2_nul), u2nc(c3__noop, u2_nul)); } _lo_work(u2A); } // _lo_bench_scot_p(): benchmark prettyprint. // static void _lo_bench_scot_p(c3_w num_w) { c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < num_w; i_w++ ) { u2_noun soc = u2_dc("scot", 'p', u2k(u2A->now)); u2z(soc); } } // _lo_bench_slay_p(): benchmark prettyprint. // static void _lo_bench_slay_p(c3_w num_w) { c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < num_w; i_w++ ) { u2_noun soc = u2_dc("scot", 'p', u2k(u2A->now)); u2_noun dub = u2_do("slay", soc); u2z(dub); } } // _lo_bench_scot_da(): benchmark prettyprint. // static void _lo_bench_scot_da(c3_w num_w) { c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < num_w; i_w++ ) { u2_noun soc = u2_dc("scot", c3__da, u2k(u2A->now)); u2z(soc); } } // _lo_bench_dec(): benchmark decrement. // static void _lo_bench_dec(c3_w num_w) { c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < num_w; i_w++ ) { u2_noun soc = u2_do("dec", u2k(u2A->now)); u2z(soc); } } // _lo_bench_scot_ud(): benchmark prettyprint. // static void _lo_bench_scot_ud(c3_w num_w) { c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; i_w < num_w; i_w++ ) { u2_noun soc = u2_dc("scot", c3__ud, u2k(u2A->now)); u2z(soc); } } // _lo_bench(): lo-tech profiling. // static void _lo_bench(const c3_c* lab_c, void (*fun)(c3_w), c3_w num_w) { u2_noun old, new; uL(fprintf(uH, "bench: %s: start...\n", lab_c)); u2_reck_time(u2A); old = u2k(u2A->now); fun(num_w); u2_reck_time(u2A); new = u2k(u2A->now); { c3_w tms_w = (c3_w)u2_time_gap_ms(old, new); if ( tms_w > (10 * num_w) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "bench: %s*%d: %d ms, %d ms each.\n", lab_c, num_w, tms_w, (tms_w / num_w))); } else { uL(fprintf(uH, "bench: %s*%d: %d ms, %d us each.\n", lab_c, num_w, tms_w, ((tms_w * 1000) / num_w))); } } } #endif /* u2_lo_show(): generic noun print. */ void u2_lo_show(c3_c* cap_c, u2_noun nun) { u2_noun pav = u2_dc("pave", c3__noun, nun); c3_c* txt_c = (c3_c*)u2_cr_tape(pav); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\r\n", cap_c, txt_c); u2z(pav); free(txt_c); } static void _lo_slow() { #if 0 _lo_bench("scot %p", _lo_bench_scot_p, 256); _lo_bench("scot %da", _lo_bench_scot_da, 256); _lo_bench("scot %ud", _lo_bench_scot_ud, 256); _lo_bench("slay %p", _lo_bench_slay_p, 256); _lo_bench("noop", _lo_bench_noop, 256); #endif } /* u2_lo_boot(): restore or create pier. */ void u2_lo_boot() { uv_loop_t* lup_u = uv_default_loop(); u2_Host.lup_u = lup_u; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); // pipe, schmipe // signal(SIGIO, SIG_IGN); // linux is wont to produce for some reason _lo_init(); _lo_boot(); } /* u2_lo_loop(): begin main event loop. */ void u2_lo_loop(u2_reck* rec_u) { _lo_talk(); { u2_unix_ef_look(); u2_reck_plan(rec_u, u2nt(c3__gold, c3__ames, u2_nul), u2nc(c3__kick, u2k(rec_u->now))); } _lo_poll(); #if 1 u2_loom_save(rec_u->ent_w); u2_Host.sav_u.ent_w = rec_u->ent_w; #endif if ( u2_yes == u2_Host.ops_u.nuu ) { u2_term_ef_boil(1); } #if 1 _lo_slow(); #endif uv_run(u2L, UV_RUN_DEFAULT); } /* _lo_mark_reck(): mark a reck. */ static c3_w _lo_mark_reck(u2_reck* rec_u) { c3_w siz_w = 0; c3_w egg_w; siz_w += u2_cm_mark_noun(rec_u->ken); siz_w += u2_cm_mark_noun(rec_u->roc); siz_w += u2_cm_mark_noun(rec_u->yot); siz_w += u2_cm_mark_noun(rec_u->now); siz_w += u2_cm_mark_noun(rec_u->wen); siz_w += u2_cm_mark_noun(rec_u->sen); siz_w += u2_cm_mark_noun(rec_u->own); siz_w += u2_cm_mark_noun(rec_u->roe); siz_w += u2_cm_mark_noun(rec_u->key); { u2_cart* egg_u; egg_w = 0; for ( egg_u = rec_u->ova.egg_u; egg_u; egg_u = egg_u->nex_u ) { egg_w += u2_cm_mark_noun(egg_u->egg); } siz_w += egg_w; } #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "ken %d, roc %d, yot %d, roe %d, egg %d\r\n", ken_w, roc_w, yot_w, roe_w, egg_w); #endif return siz_w; } /* _lo_mark(): mark the whole vere system. */ static c3_w _lo_mark() { c3_w siz_w; siz_w = u2_cm_mark_internal(); siz_w += _lo_mark_reck(u2_Host.arv_u); return siz_w; } /* _lo_word(): print a word to stderr. */ static void _lo_word(c3_w wod_w) { u2_bean top = u2_yes; if ( wod_w / (1000 * 1000 * 1000) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "%u.", wod_w / (1000 * 1000 * 1000))); wod_w %= (1000 * 1000 * 1000); top = u2_no; } if ( wod_w / (1000 * 1000) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, ((top == u2_yes) ? "%u." : "%03u."), wod_w / (1000 * 1000))); wod_w %= (1000 * 1000); top = u2_no; } if ( wod_w / 1000 ) { uL(fprintf(uH, ((top == u2_yes) ? "%u." : "%03u."), wod_w / 1000)); wod_w %= 1000; top = u2_no; } uL(fprintf(uH, ((top == u2_yes) ? "%u" : "%03u"), wod_w)); } /* u2_lo_grab(): garbage-collect the world, plus roots. */ void u2_lo_grab(c3_c* cap_c, u2_noun som, ...) { c3_w siz_w, lec_w; siz_w = _lo_mark(); { va_list vap; u2_noun tur; va_start(vap, som); if ( som != u2_none ) { siz_w += u2_cm_mark_noun(som); while ( u2_none != (tur = va_arg(vap, u2_noun)) ) { siz_w += u2_cm_mark_noun(tur); } } va_end(vap); } lec_w = u2_cm_sweep(siz_w); // if ( lec_w || (u2_yes == u2_Flag_Verbose) ) if ( lec_w || !strcmp("init", cap_c) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "%s: gc: ", cap_c)); if ( lec_w ) { _lo_word(4 * lec_w); uL(fprintf(uH, " bytes shed; ")); } _lo_word(4 * siz_w); uL(fprintf(uH, " bytes live\n")); #if 0 if ( lec_w ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "zero garbage tolerance!\n")); _lo_exit(); c3_assert(0); exit(1); } #endif } u2_wire_lan(u2_Wire) = u2_yes; }