/* include/all.h ** ** This file is in the public domain. */ # include "version.h" /** c3: C environment. **/ # include "c/portable.h" // C and OS portability # include "c/types.h" // c3 types # include "c/defs.h" // c3 macros # include "c/motes.h" // c3 constants /** u3: noun environment. **/ # include "noun/aliases.h" // general u3 # include "noun/allocate.h" // u3a: allocation # include "noun/events.h" // u3e: persistence # include "noun/hashtable.h" // u3h: hashtables # include "noun/imprison.h" // u3i: noun construction # include "noun/jets.h" // u3j: jet control # include "noun/manage.h" // u3m: master state # include "noun/nock.h" // u3n: nock execution # include "noun/options.h" // u3o: config options # include "noun/retrieve.h" // u3r: noun access (error returns) # include "noun/trace.h" // u3t: profiling / tracing # include "noun/xtract.h" // u3x: noun access (error crashes) # include "noun/vortex.h" // u3v: arvo kernel # include "noun/zave.h" // u3z: memoization # include "jets/k.h" // u3k: jets (transfer, args) # include "jets/q.h" // u3q: jets (retain, args) # include "jets/w.h" // u3w: jets (retain, core)