:: group-store: Store groups of ships :: :: group-store stores groups of ships, so that resources in other apps can be :: associated with a group. The current model of group-store rolls :: permissions and invites inside this store for simplicity reasons, although :: these should be prised apart in a future revision of group store. :: :: :: ## Scry paths :: :: /y/groups: :: A listing of the current groups :: /x/groups/[resource]: :: The group itself :: /x/groups/[resource]/join/[ship]: :: A flag indicated if the ship is permitted to join :: :: ## Subscription paths :: :: /groups: :: A stream of the current updates to the state, sending the initial state :: upon subscribe. :: :: ## Pokes :: :: %group-action: :: Modify the group. Further documented in /sur/group-store.hoon :: :: /- *group, permission-store /+ store=group-store, default-agent, verb, dbug, resource |% +$ card card:agent:gall :: +$ versioned-state $% state-zero state-one == :: +$ state-zero $: %0 =groups:state-zero:store == :: :: +$ state-one $: %1 =groups == :: +$ diff $% [%group-update update:store] [%group-initial groups] == -- :: =| state-one =* state - :: %- agent:dbug %+ verb | ^- agent:gall =< |_ =bowl:gall +* this . group-core +> gc ~(. group-core bowl) def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl) :: ++ on-init on-init:def ++ on-save !>(state) ++ on-load |= =old=vase =/ old !<(versioned-state old-vase) ?: ?=(%1 -.old) `this(state old) |^ :- ~[kick-all] =* paths ~(key by groups.old) =/ [unmanaged=(list path) managed=(list path)] (skid ~(tap in paths) |=(=path =('~' (snag 0 path)))) =. groups (all-unmanaged unmanaged) =. groups (all-managed managed) this :: ++ all-managed |= paths=(list path) ^+ groups ?~ paths groups =/ [rid=resource =group] (migrate-group i.paths) %= $ paths t.paths :: groups (~(put by groups) rid group) == :: ++ all-unmanaged |= paths=(list path) ^+ groups ?~ paths groups ?: =(/~/default i.paths) $(paths t.paths) =/ [=resource =group] (migrate-unmanaged i.paths) %= $ paths t.paths :: groups (~(put by groups) resource group) == ++ kick-all ^- card :+ %give %kick :_ ~ %~ tap by %+ roll ~(val by sup.bowl) |= [[=ship pax=path] paths=(set path)] (~(put in paths) pax) :: ++ migrate-unmanaged |= pax=path ^- [resource group] =/ =group:state-zero:store (~(got by groups.old) pax) =/ [=policy members=(set ship)] (unmanaged-permissions pax) =. members (~(uni in members) group) ?> ?=(^ pax) =/ rid=resource (resource-from-old-path t.pax) =/ =tags (~(put ju *tags) %admin entity.rid) [rid members tags policy %.y] :: ++ resource-from-old-path |= pax=path ^- resource ?> ?=([@ @ *] pax) =/ ship (slav %p i.pax) [ship i.t.pax] :: ++ unmanaged-permissions |= pax=path ^- [policy (set ship)] =/ perm ~| pax (scry-group-permissions pax) ?~ perm [*invite:policy ~] ?: ?=(%black kind.u.perm) :- [%open ~ who.u.perm] ~ :_ who.u.perm *invite:policy :: ++ migrate-group |= pax=path =/ members (~(got by groups.old) pax) =^ =policy members (migrate-permissions pax members) =/ rid=resource (resource-from-old-path pax) =/ =tags (~(put ju *tags) %admin entity.rid) [rid members tags policy %.n] :: ++ migrate-permissions |= [pax=path ships=(set ship)] ^- [policy (set ship)] =/ perm (scry-group-permissions pax) ?~ perm [*invite:policy ships] ?> ?=(%white kind.u.perm) [[%invite ~] (~(uni in ships) who.u.perm)] :: ++ scry-unmanaged-groups ^- (set path) .^ (set path) %gx (scot %p our.bowl) %permission-store (scot %da now.bowl) /keys/noun == :: ++ scry-group-permissions |= pax=path ^- (unit permission:permission-store) .^ (unit permission:permission-store) %gx (scot %p our.bowl) %permission-store (scot %da now.bowl) ;: weld /permission pax /noun == == -- :: ++ on-poke |= [=mark =vase] ^- (quip card _this) ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) =^ cards state ?: ?=(?(%group-update %group-action) mark) (poke-group-update:gc !<(update:store vase)) (on-poke:def mark vase) [cards this] :: ++ on-watch |= =path ^- (quip card _this) ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) ?> ?=([%groups ~] path) :_ this [%give %fact ~ %group-update !>([%initial groups])]~ :: ++ on-leave on-leave:def :: ++ on-peek |= =path ^- (unit (unit cage)) ?+ path (on-peek:def path) [%y %groups ~] =/ =arch :- ~ %- malt %+ turn ~(tap by groups) |= [rid=resource *] ^- [@ta ~] =/ group=^path (en-path:resource rid) [(spat group) ~] ``noun+!>(arch) :: [%x %groups %ship @ @ ~] =/ rid=(unit resource) (de-path-soft:resource t.t.path) ?~ rid ~ ``noun+!>((peek-group u.rid)) :: [%x %groups %ship @ @ %join @ ~] =/ rid=(unit resource) (de-path-soft:resource t.t.path) =/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.t.t.t.t.path) ?~ rid ~ ``noun+!>((peek-group-join u.rid ship)) == :: ++ on-agent on-agent:def ++ on-arvo on-arvo:def ++ on-fail on-fail:def -- :: |_ bol=bowl:gall ++ peek-group |= rid=resource ^- (unit group) (~(get by groups) rid) ++ peek-group-join |= [rid=resource =ship] =/ =group (~(gut by groups) rid *group) =* policy policy.group ?- -.policy %invite ?| (~(has in pending.policy) ship) (~(has in members.group) ship) == %open ?! ?| (~(has in banned.policy) ship) (~(has in ban-ranks.policy) (clan:title ship)) == == :: ++ poke-group-update |= =update:store ^- (quip card _state) ?> (team:title our.bol src.bol) |^ ?- -.update %add-group (add-group +.update) %add-members (add-members +.update) %remove-members (remove-members +.update) %add-tag (add-tag +.update) %remove-tag (remove-tag +.update) %change-policy (change-policy +.update) %remove-group (remove-group +.update) %expose (expose +.update) %initial-group (initial-group +.update) %initial [~ state] == :: +expose: unset .hidden flag :: ++ expose |= [rid=resource ~] ^- (quip card _state) =/ =group (~(got by groups) rid) =. hidden.group %.n =. groups (~(put by groups) rid group) :_ state (send-diff %expose rid ~) :: +add-group: add group to store :: :: no-op if group already exists :: ++ add-group |= [rid=resource =policy hidden=?] ^- (quip card _state) ?< (~(has by groups) rid) =| =group =. policy.group policy =. hidden.group hidden =. tags.group (~(put ju tags.group) %admin our.bol) =. groups (~(put by groups) rid group) :_ state (send-diff %add-group rid policy hidden) :: +add-members: add members to group :: ++ add-members |= [rid=resource new-ships=(set ship)] ^- (quip card _state) =. groups %+ ~(jab by groups) rid |= group %= +< members (~(uni in members) new-ships) :: policy ?. ?=(%invite -.policy) policy policy(pending (~(dif in pending.policy) new-ships)) == :_ state (send-diff %add-members rid new-ships) :: +remove-members: remove members from group :: :: no-op if group does not exist :: :: ++ remove-members |= [rid=resource ships=(set ship)] ^- (quip card _state) ?. (~(has by groups) rid) [~ state] =. groups %+ ~(jab by groups) rid |= group %= +< members (~(dif in members) ships) tags (remove-tags +< ships) == :_ state (send-diff %remove-members rid ships) :: +add-tag: add tag to ships :: :: crash if ships are not in group :: ++ add-tag |= [rid=resource =tag ships=(set ship)] ^- (quip card _state) =. groups %+ ~(jab by groups) rid |= group ?> ?=(~ (~(dif in ships) members)) +<(tags (merge-tags tags ships (sy tag ~))) :_ state (send-diff %add-tag rid tag ships) :: +remove-tag: remove tag from ships :: :: crash if ships are not in group or tag does not exist :: ++ remove-tag |= [rid=resource =tag ships=(set ship)] ^- (quip card _state) =. groups %+ ~(jab by groups) rid |= group ?> ?& ?=(~ (~(dif in ships) members)) (~(has by tags) tag) == %= +< :: tags %+ ~(jab by tags) tag |=((set ship) (~(dif in +<) ships)) == :_ state (send-diff %remove-tag rid tag ships) :: initial-group: initialize foreign group :: ++ initial-group |= [rid=resource =group] ^- (quip card _state) =. groups (~(put by groups) rid group) :_ state (send-diff %initial-group rid group) :: +change-policy: modify group access control :: :: If the change will kick members, then send a separate :: %remove-members diff after the %change-policy diff ++ change-policy |= [rid=resource =diff:policy] ^- (quip card _state) ?. (~(has by groups) rid) [~ state] =/ =group (~(got by groups) rid) |^ =^ cards group ?- -.diff %open (open +.diff) %invite (invite +.diff) %replace (replace +.diff) == =. groups (~(put by groups) rid group) :_ state %+ weld (send-diff %change-policy rid diff) cards :: ++ open |= =diff:open:policy ?- -.diff %allow-ranks (allow-ranks +.diff) %ban-ranks (ban-ranks +.diff) %allow-ships (allow-ships +.diff) %ban-ships (ban-ships +.diff) == :: ++ invite |= =diff:invite:policy ?- -.diff %add-invites (add-invites +.diff) %remove-invites (remove-invites +.diff) == :: ++ allow-ranks |= ranks=(set rank:title) ^- (quip card _group) ?> ?=(%open -.policy.group) =. ban-ranks.policy.group (~(dif in ban-ranks.policy.group) ranks) `group :: ++ ban-ranks |= ranks=(set rank:title) ^- (quip card _group) ?> ?=(%open -.policy.group) =. ban-ranks.policy.group (~(uni in ban-ranks.policy.group) ranks) `group :: ++ allow-ships |= ships=(set ship) ^- (quip card _group) ?> ?=(%open -.policy.group) =. banned.policy.group (~(dif in banned.policy.group) ships) `group :: ++ ban-ships |= ships=(set ship) ^- (quip card _group) ?> ?=(%open -.policy.group) =. banned.policy.group (~(uni in banned.policy.group) ships) =/ to-remove=(set ship) (~(int in members.group) banned.policy.group) :- ~[(poke-us %remove-members rid to-remove)] group :: ++ add-invites |= ships=(set ship) ^- (quip card _group) ?> ?=(%invite -.policy.group) =. pending.policy.group (~(uni in pending.policy.group) ships) `group :: ++ remove-invites |= ships=(set ship) ^- (quip card _group) ?> ?=(%invite -.policy.group) =. pending.policy.group (~(dif in pending.policy.group) ships) `group ++ replace |= =policy ^- (quip card _group) =. policy.group policy `group -- :: +remove-group: remove group from store :: :: no-op if group does not exist ++ remove-group |= [rid=resource ~] ^- (quip card _state) ?. (~(has by groups) rid) `state =. groups (~(del by groups) rid) :_ state (send-diff %remove-group rid ~) :: -- ++ merge-tags |= [=tags ships=(set ship) new-tags=(set tag)] ^+ tags =/ tags-list ~(tap in new-tags) |- ?~ tags-list tags =* tag i.tags-list =/ old-ships=(set ship) (~(gut by tags) tag ~) %= $ tags-list t.tags-list :: tags %+ ~(put by tags) tag (~(uni in old-ships) ships) == ++ remove-tags |= [=group ships=(set ship)] ^- tags %- malt %+ turn ~(tap by tags.group) |= [=tag tagged=(set ship)] :- tag (~(dif in tagged) ships) :: ++ poke-us |= =action:store ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %group-store] %poke %group-action !>(action)] :: +send-diff: update subscribers of new state :: :: We only allow subscriptions on /groups :: so just give the fact there. ++ send-diff |= =update:store ^- (list card) [%give %fact ~[/groups] %group-update !>(update)]~ :: --