:: aggregator/send: send rollup tx :: /- rpc=json-rpc, *dice /+ naive, ethereum, ethio, strandio :: :: |= args=vase =+ !<(rpc-send-roll args) =/ m (strand:strandio ,vase) |^ ^- form:m =* not-sent (pure:m !>(%.y^next-gas-price)) :: =/ =address:ethereum (address-from-prv:key:ethereum pk) ;< expected-nonce=@ud bind:m (get-next-nonce:ethio endpoint address) :: if chain expects a different nonce, don't send this transaction :: ?. =(nonce expected-nonce) not-sent :: if a gas-price of 0 was specified, fetch the recommended one :: ;< use-gas-price=@ud bind:m ?: =(0 next-gas-price) fetch-gas-price (pure:(strand:strandio @ud) next-gas-price) :: =/ batch-data=octs %+ cad:naive 3 %+ roll txs |= [=raw-tx:naive out=(list octs)] %+ weld out :_ [raw.raw-tx ~] (met 3 sig.raw-tx)^sig.raw-tx :: each l2 signature is 65 bytes + XX bytes for the raw data :: from the ethereum yellow paper: :: gasLimit = G_transaction + G_txdatanonzero × dataByteLength :: where :: G_transaction = 21000 gas (base fee) :: + G_txdatanonzero = 68 gas :: * dataByteLength = (65 + raw) * (lent txs) bytes :: :: TODO: enforce max number of tx in batch? :: =/ gas-limit=@ud (add 21.000 (mul 68 p.batch-data)) :: if we cannot pay for the transaction, don't bother sending it out :: =/ max-cost=@ud (mul gas-limit use-gas-price) ;< balance=@ud bind:m (get-balance:ethio endpoint address) ?: (gth max-cost balance) ~& [%insufficient-aggregator-balance address] not-sent :: ::NOTE this fails the thread if sending fails, which in the app gives us :: the "retry with same gas price" behavior we want ;< =response:rpc bind:m %+ send-batch endpoint =; tx=transaction:rpc:ethereum (sign-transaction:key:ethereum tx pk) :* nonce use-gas-price gas-limit contract 0 q.batch-data chain-id == %- pure:m !> ^- (each @ud @t) ?+ -.response %.n^'unexpected rpc response' %error %.n^message.response :: TODO: :: check that tx-hash in +.response is non-zero? :: log tx-hash to getTransactionReceipt(tx-hash)? :: enforce max here, or in app? :: add five gwei to gas price of next attempt :: %result %.y^(add use-gas-price == :: ::TODO should be distilled further, partially added to strandio? ++ fetch-gas-price =/ m (strand:strandio @ud) ::NOTE return in wei ^- form:m =/ =request:http :* method=%'GET' url='https://api.etherscan.io/api?module=gastracker&action=gasoracle' header-list=~ ~ == ;< ~ bind:m (send-request:strandio request) ;< rep=(unit client-response:iris) bind:m take-maybe-response:strandio =* fallback ~& %fallback-gas-price (pure:m ?. ?& ?=([~ %finished *] rep) ?=(^ full-file.u.rep) == fallback ?~ jon=(de-json:html q.data.u.full-file.u.rep) fallback =; res=(unit @ud) ?~ res fallback %- pure:m (mul u.res) ::NOTE gwei to wei %. u.jon =, dejs-soft:format (ot 'result'^(ot 'FastGasPrice'^ni ~) ~) :: ++ send-batch |= [endpoint=@ta batch=@ux] =/ m (strand:strandio ,response:rpc) ^- form:m =/ req=[(unit @t) request:rpc:ethereum] [`'sendRawTransaction' %eth-send-raw-transaction batch] ;< res=(list response:rpc) bind:m (request-batch-rpc-loose:ethio endpoint [req]~) ?: ?=([* ~] res) (pure:m i.res) %+ strand-fail:strandio %unexpected-multiple-results [>(lent res)< ~] :: --