:: :: %gall, user-level applications !? 164 :::: |= pit=vase => =~ |% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: structures ++ axle :: all %gall state $: %0 :: state version pol=(map ship mast) :: apps by ship == :: ++ bead ,[p=(set beam) q=cage] :: computed result ++ bone ,@ud :: opaque duct ++ gift :: out result <-$ $% [%back p=?] :: %mess ack good/bad [%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: physical error [%dumb ~] :: close duct [%mean p=ares] :: message failure [%meta p=vase] :: meta-gift [%nice ~] :: message success == :: ++ hasp ,[p=ship q=term] :: app identity ++ kiss :: in request ->$ $% [%init p=ship] :: initialize owner [%show p=hasp q=ship r=path] :: subscribe :: [%cuff p=(unit cuff) q=kiss] :: controlled kiss [%mess p=hasp q=ship r=cage] :: typed message [%nuke p=hasp q=ship] :: clear duct [%rote p=sack q=term r=*] :: remote request [%roth p=sack q=term r=*] :: remote response [%wipe p=hasp] :: forget app == :: ++ knob :: pending action $% [%boot ~] :: begin boot [%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: error [%load p=cage] :: continue boot [%mess p=ship q=cage] :: typed message [%show p=ship q=path] :: subscribe [%nuke p=ship] :: clear duct [%take p=path q=vase] :: user result == :: ++ mast :: apps by ship $: hun=duct :: control duct sap=(map ship scad) :: foreign contacts bum=(map ,@ta seat) :: apps by name == :: ++ move ,[p=duct q=(mold note gift)] :: typed move ++ note :: out request $-> $? $: %a :: to %ames $% [%wont p=sock q=path r=*] :: == == :: $: %c :: to %clay $% [%warp p=sock q=riff] :: == == :: $: %f :: to %ford $% [%exec p=@p q=(unit silk)] :: == == :: $: %g :: to %gall $% [%show p=hasp q=ship r=path] :: [%mess p=hasp q=ship r=cage] :: [%nuke p=hasp q=ship] :: == == :: $: @tas :: to any $% [%meta p=vase] :: == == == :: ++ rapt |*(a=$+(* *) (qual path path ,@da a)) :: versioned result ++ rave :: see %clay $% [& p=mood] :: single request [| p=moat] :: change range == :: ++ riff ,[p=desk q=(unit rave)] :: see %clay ++ scad :: opaque for foreign $: p=@ud :: index q=(map duct ,@ud) :: by duct r=(map ,@ud duct) :: by index == :: ++ scar :: opaque duct system $: p=@ud :: bone sequence q=(map duct ,[p=bone q=(unit cuff)]) :: by duct r=(map bone duct) :: by bone == :: ++ roon :: foreign response $% [%d p=mark q=*] :: diff [%e p=ares] :: error [%f p=mark q=*] :: full refresh [%k ~] :: message response == :: ++ rook :: foreign request $% [%m p=mark q=*] :: message [%s p=path] :: subscribe [%u ~] :: cancel/unsubscribe == :: ++ seat :: the living app $: huv=(unit vase) :: application vase qic=(unit toil) :: current project onz=(unit (pair duct path)) :: live fords vey=(qeu toil) :: pending projects nuc=(set duct) :: nuked ducts tik=@ud :: build number act=@ud :: action number lat=@da :: last change orm=(unit ,@da) :: build date sup=(map bone (pair ship path)) :: subscribers pus=(jug path bone) :: srebircsbus peq=(map bone ,@uvI) :: peekers ped=(set (pair ship desk)) :: active depends zam=scar :: opaque ducts == :: ++ silk :: see %ford $& [p=silk q=silk] :: $% [%boil p=mark q=beam r=path] :: [%call p=silk q=silk] :: [%done p=(set beam) q=cage] :: [%mute p=silk q=(list (pair wing silk))] :: [%ride p=twig q=silk] :: [%vale p=mark q=ship r=*] :: == :: ++ sill :: see %ford $% [%dirt p=twig] :: == :: ++ sign :: in result $<- $? [?(%b %c %d %e) @tas *] :: $: %a :: by %ames $% [%woot p=ship q=coop] :: == == :: $: %g :: by %gall $% [%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: [%dumb ~] :: [%mean p=ares] :: [%nice ~] :: [%rush p=mark q=*] :: [%rust p=mark q=*] :: == == :: $: %f :: by %ford $% [%made p=(each bead (list tank))] :: == == == :: ++ toil (pair duct knob) :: work in progress -- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: functions ++ byby :: double bind |* [a=(unit (unit)) b=$+(* *)] ?~ a ~ ?~ u.a [~ u=~] [~ u=[~ u=(b u.u.a)]] :: :: ++ colt :: reduce to save |= all=axle :: all :: ++ read :: read permission |= law=(unit cuff) ^- (unit (set monk)) ?~(law [~ ~] p.u.law) :: ++ ride :: all permission |= [use=(unit (set monk)) say=(unit (set monk))] ^- (unit cuff) ?~(say ~ `[use u.say]) :: ++ rite :: write permission |= law=(unit cuff) ^- (unit (set monk)) ?~(law ~ `q.u.law) :: ++ grom :: merge sets |* [one=(set) two=(set)] ^+ one (~(gas in one) (~(tap in two) ~)) :: XX ugh :: ++ grum :: merge maps |* [one=(map) two=(map)] ^+ one (~(gas by one) (~(tap by two) ~)) :: XX ugh :: ++ limp :: merge cuffs |= [a=(unit cuff) b=(unit cuff)] ^- (unit cuff) ?~ a b ?~ b a :- ~ :- ?~(p.u.a ~ ?~(p.u.b ~ `(grom u.p.u.b u.p.u.a))) (grom q.u.b q.u.a) :: ++ lump :: position |= pax=path ^- [p=[p=ship q=term] q=path] ?> ?=([@ @ *] pax) :- :- (need (slaw %p i.pax)) (need ((sand %tas) i.t.pax)) t.t.pax -- . == :: end preface =| all=axle :: all vane state |= $: now=@da :: urban time eny=@ :: entropy ska=sled :: activate == :: opaque core =< ^? |% :: vane interface ++ call :: handle request |= [hen=duct hic=(hypo (hobo kiss))] => .(q.hic ?.(?=(%soft -.q.hic) q.hic ((hard kiss) p.q.hic))) ?: ?=(%init -.q.hic) [p=~ q=..^$(pol.all (~(put by pol.all) p.q.hic hen ~ ~))] ?: ?=(%rote -.q.hic) :: remote layer (gawk hen p.q.hic q.q.hic ((hard ,[@ud rook]) r.q.hic)) ?: ?=(%roth -.q.hic) (gawd hen p.q.hic q.q.hic ((hard ,[@ud roon]) r.q.hic)) ?: ?=(%wipe -.q.hic) =+ mat=(~(got by pol.all) p.p.q.hic) =. bum.mat (~(del by bum.mat) q.p.q.hic) =. pol.all (~(put by pol.all) p.p.q.hic mat) [p=~ q=..^$] |- ^- [p=(list move) q=_..^^$] =+ =| law=(unit cuff) |- ^- $: law=(unit cuff) hap=hasp kon=knob == ?- -.q.hic :: %cuff $(q.hic q.q.hic, law (limp p.q.hic law)) %mess [law p.q.hic %mess q.q.hic r.q.hic] %show [law p.q.hic %show q.q.hic r.q.hic] %nuke [law p.q.hic %nuke q.q.hic] == ((goad hen law) p.hap q.hap kon) :: ++ take :: accept response |= [pax=path hen=duct hin=(hypo sign)] :: ^- [p=(list move) q=_..^$] ?: ?=(%crud +<.q.hin) ~& [%gall-crud-error pax hen q.hin] [~ ..^$] ?: ?=([%r *] pax) (gave hen t.pax q.hin) ?: ?=([%x *] pax) (gasp hen t.pax q.hin) ?> ?=([%a *] pax) =+ lum=(lump t.pax) =< abet =< work (more:(bear:(gaff p.lum) hen) q.lum hin) :: ++ scry |= $: use=(unit (set monk)) ren=@tas who=ship syd=desk lot=coin tyl=path == ^- (unit (unit (pair mark ,*))) =+ ^= vew ^- lens :: XX future scry %. :- use :- [who syd ((hard case) p.lot)] (flop tyl) |= $: use=(unit (set monk)) :: observers bid=beam :: position == :: (beef:(gaff p.bid q.bid) use r.bid s.bid) %+ bind ?+ ren ~ %u u.vew %v v.vew %w w.vew %x x.vew %y y.vew %z z.vew == |=(a=(unit) (bind a |=(b=* [%noun b]))) :: ++ doze |= [now=@da hen=duct] ^- (unit ,@da) ~ :: ++ load |= old=axle ^+ ..^$ ..^$(all old) :: ++ stay `axle`+>-.$ -- |% :: inner core :: ++ best :: cage to gift |= [sem=?(%rush %rust) cay=cage] ^- gift :- %meta ^- vase :- :+ %cell [%cube sem %atom %tas] [%cell [%atom %tas] p.q.cay] [sem p.cay q.q.cay] :: ++ gaff :: take and go |= [our=@p app=@tas] =+ mat=(need (~(get by pol.all) our)) =+ sat=(need (~(get by bum.mat) app)) ~(. go [our app] mat sat) :: ++ gape :: %r send query |= [hen=duct law=(unit cuff)] |= [our=@p app=@tas kon=knob] ^- [(list move) _..^^$] ?> ?=(?(%mess %show %nuke) -.kon) =+ you=`ship`?-(-.kon %mess p.kon, %nuke p.kon, %show p.kon) =+ mat=(need (~(get by pol.all) you)) =+ sad==+(sad=(~(get by sap.mat) our) ?^(sad u.sad *scad)) =^ num sad =+ nym=(~(get by q.sad) hen) ?^ nym [u.nym sad] :- p.sad :+ +(p.sad) (~(put by q.sad) hen p.sad) (~(put by r.sad) p.sad hen) :- =+ ^= roc ^- rook ?- -.kon %mess [%m p.q.kon q.q.q.kon] %nuke [%u ~] %show [%s q.kon] == ^- (list move) :~ :- hen :+ %pass ~[%x -.roc (scot %p you) app (scot %p our) (scot %ud num)] `note`[%a [%wont [you our] [%q %ge app ~] [num roc]]] == %= ..^^$ pol.all %+ ~(put by pol.all) you mat(sap (~(put by sap.mat) our sad)) == :: ++ gasp :: %x take |= [hen=duct pax=path sih=sign] ^- [(list move) _..^$] ?: ?=(%a -.sih) [~ ..^$] ?> ?=(%f -.sih) :_ ..^$ :_ ~ :- hen ?- -.p.+.sih %| [%give %crud %gasp-crud p.p.+.sih] :: %& =+ cay=`cage`q.p.p.+.sih ?+ -.pax !! %d [%give (best %rush cay)] %f [%give (best %rust cay)] == == :: ++ gave :: %r take |= [hen=duct pax=path sih=sign] ^- [(list move) _..^$] ?> ?=([@ @ @ @ @ ~] pax) =+ :* our=`ship`(slav %p i.t.pax) app=`term`i.t.t.pax you=`ship`(slav %p i.t.t.t.pax) num=(slav %ud i.t.t.t.t.pax) == :_ ..^$ =+ rod=|=(ron=roon `note`[%a %wont [our you] [%q %gh app ~] num ron]) ?+ -.pax !! %m ?: ?=(%a -.sih) ~ :_ ~ :- hen ?+ -.sih ~& [%gall-gave-m -.sih] !! %f ?- -.p.+.sih %| [%give %mean ~ %ford-fail p.p.+.sih] %& [%pass [%r pax] %g %mess [our app] you `cage`q.p.p.+.sih] == :: %g ?- -.+.sih %crud !! %dumb !! %mean [%give %mean p.+.sih] %nice [%give %nice ~] %rush !! %rust !! == == %s ?+ -.sih !! %a ~ %g :_ ~ :- hen ?- -.+.sih %crud !! %dumb !! %mean [%give %mean p.+.sih] %nice [%give %nice ~] %rush [%pass [%r pax] (rod %d p.+.sih q.+.sih)] %rust [%pass [%r pax] (rod %f p.+.sih q.+.sih)] == == %u !! == :: ++ gawd :: %r handle response |= [hen=duct saq=sack app=term num=@ud ron=roon] ^- [p=(list move) q=_..^$] =+ mat=(need (~(get by pol.all) p.saq)) =+ sad=(need (~(get by sap.mat) q.saq)) =+ neh=(need (~(get by r.sad) num)) :_ ..^$ :- [hen %give %nice ~] :_ ~ ^- move :- neh ?- -.ron %d [%pass /x/d `note`[%f %exec p.saq ~ %vale p.ron q.saq q.ron]] %e [%give %mean p.ron] %f [%pass /x/f `note`[%f %exec p.saq ~ %vale p.ron q.saq q.ron]] %k [%give %nice ~] == :: ++ gawk :: %r call/request |= [hen=duct saq=sack app=term num=@ud rok=rook] ^- [p=(list move) q=_..^$] :_ ..^$ :_ ~ ^- move :- hen :+ %pass :~ %r ?-(-.rok %m %m, %s %s, %u %s) (scot %p p.saq) app (scot %p q.saq) (scot %ud num) == ^- note ?- -.rok %m [%f %exec p.saq ~ %vale p.rok q.saq q.rok] %s [%g %show [p.saq app] q.saq p.rok] %u [%g %nuke [p.saq app] q.saq] == :: ++ gent :: seat in mast |= [our=@p app=@tas mat=mast] =+ ^= sat ^- seat =+ syt=(~(get by bum.mat) app) ?^ syt u.syt %* . *seat zam ^- scar :+ 1 [[hun.mat 0 ~] ~ ~] [[0 hun.mat] ~ ~] == ~(. go [our app] mat sat) :: ++ goad :: handle request |= [hen=duct law=(unit cuff)] |= [our=@p app=@tas kon=knob] ^- [(list move) _..^^$] =+ mut=(~(get by pol.all) our) ?^ mut abet:work:(quem:(boar:(gent our app u.mut) hen law) kon) ((gape hen law) our app kon) :: ++ goat :: call and go |= [our=@p app=@tas] =+ mat=(need (~(get by pol.all) our)) =+ ^= sat ^- seat =+ syt=(~(get by bum.mat) app) ?^ syt u.syt %* . *seat zam ^- scar :+ 1 [[hun.mat 0 ~] ~ ~] [[0 hun.mat] ~ ~] == ~(. go [our app] mat sat) :: ++ go :: application core |_ $: $: our=@p :: application owner app=@tas :: application name == :: mat=mast :: per owner sat=seat :: per application == :: ++ abet :: resolve %_ ..$ all %_ all pol %+ ~(put by pol.all) our mat(bum (~(put by bum.mat) app sat)) == == :: ++ away :: application path |= pax=path ^- path [%a (scot %p our) app pax] :: ++ bear :: write backward |= hen=duct =+ orf=(need (~(get by q.zam.sat) hen)) ~(apex bo:~(. au (read q.orf)) hen p.orf (rite q.orf) ~) :: ++ beef :: read in |= [use=(unit (set monk)) lok=case pax=path] ^- lens ?. =([%da now] lok) *lens (~(show au use) pax) :: ++ boar :: write forward |= $: hen=duct :: cause law=(unit cuff) :: permissions == =^ orf zam.sat =+ orf=(~(get by q.zam.sat) hen) ?^ orf [[p=p.u.orf q=(limp law q.u.orf)] zam.sat] :^ [p=p.zam.sat q=law] +(p.zam.sat) (~(put by q.zam.sat) hen [p.zam.sat law]) (~(put by r.zam.sat) p.zam.sat hen) ~(apex bo:~(. au (read q.orf)) hen p.orf (rite q.orf) ~) :: ++ au :: read |_ use=(unit (set monk)) :: read permission ++ abet ^abet :: resolve ++ show :: view |= pax=path ^- lens ?~ huv.sat *lens =+ gat=(slap u.huv.sat [%cnzy %peek]) =+ cor=(slam gat !>(pax)) =+ ^= dek |* fun=$+(vase *) |= nam=@tas =+ vax=(slap cor [%cnzy nam]) ^- (unit (unit fun)) ?: =(~ q.vax) ~ ?: =([~ ~] q.vax) [~ ~] [~ ~ (fun (slot 7 vax))] =+ ^= nib |= vax=vase ((hard null) q.vax) =+ ^= yob |= vax=vase ^- cage [((hard mark) -.q.vax) (slot 3 vax)] =+ ^= yar |= vax=vase ^- arch ((hard arch) q.vax) =+ ^= dif |= vax=vase ^- (unit cage) ?: =(~ q.vax) ~ [~ (yob (slot 3 vax))] |% ++ u ((dek nib) %u) ++ v ((dek yob) %v) ++ w ((dek dif) %w) ++ x ((dek yob) %x) ++ y ((dek yar) %y) ++ z ((dek yob) %z) -- :: ++ bo |_ $: hen=duct :: system cause ost=bone :: opaque cause say=(unit (set monk)) :: write permission mow=(list move) :: actions == ++ abet [(flop mow) ^abet] :: resolve ++ apex :: enter ^+ . ?. &(=(~ huv.sat) =(~ qic.sat) =(~ vey.sat) =(~ ped.sat)) . %_(. vey.sat (~(put to vey.sat) hen [%boot ~])) :: ++ bing :: reset to duct |= neh=duct =+ orf=(need (~(get by q.zam.sat) neh)) %_ +>.$ hen neh ost p.orf use (read q.orf) say (rite q.orf) == :: ++ blow ^+ . => (give %nice ~) =+ pax=+:(fall (~(get by sup.sat) ost) *[ship path]) %= + qic.sat ~ sup.sat (~(del by sup.sat) ost) pus.sat (~(del ju pus.sat) pax ost) peq.sat (~(del by peq.sat) ost) == :: ++ cave :: vase as silk |= vax=vase [%done ~ %$ vax] :: ++ conf :: configured core |= kas=silk ^- silk :+ %mute kas :~ [[%$ 12]~ (cave !>([[our app] sup.sat pus.sat [act.sat eny now]]))] == ++ core |=(vax=vase (cove %core vax)) :: core as silk ++ cove :: cage as silk |= cay=cage ^- silk [%done ~ cay] :: ++ deal :: reboot ^+ . =. tik.sat +(tik.sat) =+ pys=(~(tap by sup.sat) ~) :: ~& [%gall-deal tik.sat pys] |- ^+ +>.$ ?~ pys +>.$ =. +>.$ $(pys t.pys) %= +>.$ vey.sat %- ~(put to vey.sat) :- (need (~(get by r.zam.sat) p.i.pys)) [%show q.i.pys] == :: ++ drug :: set dependencies |= pen=(set (pair ship desk)) :: ~& [%drug %pen pen] :: ~& [%drug %ped ped.sat] ^+ +> =+ ^= new ^- (list move) %+ turn %+ skip (~(tap in pen) ~) |=(a=(pair ship desk) (~(has in ped.sat) a)) |= a=(pair ship desk) :- hun.mat :^ %pass (away %w %drug (scot %p p.a) q.a ~) %c [%warp [our p.a] q.a ~ %| [%da now] [%da (add now ~d1000)]] =+ ^= old ^- (list move) %+ turn %+ skip (~(tap in ped.sat) ~) |=(a=(pair ship desk) (~(has in pen) a)) |= a=(pair ship desk) :- hun.mat :^ %pass (away %w %drug (scot %p p.a) q.a ~) %c [%warp [our p.a] q.a ~] %_(+>.$ ped.sat pen, mow :(weld new old mow)) :: ++ drum :: raw dependencies |= dep=(set beam) ^+ +> ?> ?=(^ orm.sat) %- drug =+ ped=`(set (pair ship desk))`[[our %main] ~ ~] =+ mav=(~(tap by dep) ~) |- ^+ ped ?~ mav ped ?: =(r.i.mav [%da u.orm.sat]) $(mav t.mav, ped (~(put in ped) p.i.mav q.i.mav)) $(mav t.mav) :: ++ ford :: exec to ford |= [pax=path kas=silk] ^+ +> %_ +> mow :_(mow [hen %pass (away pax) %f [%exec our `kas]]) onz.sat `[hen pax] == :: ++ give :: give a gift |= gip=gift %_(+> mow [[hen %give gip] mow]) :: ++ harm :: arm as silk |= [arm=term kas=silk] ^- silk [%ride [%cnzy arm] kas] :: ++ home :: load application ^- silk [%boil %core [[our %main [%da now]] app %app ~] ~] :: ++ mack :: apply standard |= sih=sign ?> ?=(%f -.sih) ^- [(unit (list tank)) _+>] ?- -.p.+.sih & :- ~ %- obey:(morn (slot 3 q.q.p.p.+.sih)) (slot 2 q.q.p.p.+.sih) | [`p.p.+.sih (give %crud %made p.p.+.sih)] == :: ++ meek :: apply peek |= sih=sign ^- [(unit cage) _+>] ?> ?=(%f -.sih) ?- -.p.+.sih & =+ vax=`vase`q.q.p.p.+.sih ?. &(?=(^ q.vax) ?=(@ -.q.vax)) [~ (give %crud %peek-lame *(list tank))] :: ~> %slog.[0 (skol p:(slot 3 vax))] :- `[((hard mark) -.q.vax) (slot 3 vax)] +>.$ | [~ (give %crud %made p.p.+.sih)] == :: ++ mick :: apply w/depends |= sih=sign ?> ?=(%f -.sih) ^- [(unit (set beam)) _+>] ?- -.p.+.sih & :- `p.p.p.+.sih %- obey:(morn (slot 3 q.q.p.p.+.sih)) (slot 2 q.q.p.p.+.sih) | [~ (give %crud %made p.p.+.sih)] == :: ++ murk :: apply park |= sih=sign ^- [(unit cage) _+>] ?> ?=(%f -.sih) ?- -.p.+.sih & [`q.p.p.+.sih +>.$] | [~ (give %crud %made p.p.+.sih)] == :: ++ moar :: foreign take |= $: pax=path sih=sign == ^+ +> !! :: ++ more :: domestic take |= $: pax=path :: internal position hin=(hypo sign) :: typed event == ^+ +> ?+ -.pax !! %s :: core operation ?> ?& ?=([@ *] t.pax) !=(~ qic.sat) =(`[hen pax] onz.sat) == =: onz.sat ~ qic.sat ~ == ?+ i.t.pax !! :: %park =^ gyd +>.$ (murk q.hin) ?~ gyd +>.$ (quen %load u.gyd) :: %peek ?> ?=([@ *] t.t.pax) =+ you=(need (slaw %p i.t.t.pax)) =^ gyd +>.$ (meek q.hin) ?~ gyd =. +>.$ (give %mean ~ %peer-fail ~) (give [%dumb ~]) =+ kee=[you t.t.t.pax] =+ ash=(sham q.q.u.gyd) ?: =(`ash (~(get by peq.sat) ost)) +>.$ =. +>.$ ?: (~(has by sup.sat) ost) +>.$ (give %nice ~) %- %= give peq.sat (~(put by peq.sat) ost ash) sup.sat (~(put by sup.sat) ost kee) pus.sat (~(put ju pus.sat) +.kee ost) == (best %rust u.gyd) :: %peer ?> ?=([@ *] t.t.pax) =+ you=(need (slaw %p i.t.t.pax)) =^ gud +>.$ (mack q.hin) ?^ gud =. +>.$ (give %mean ~ %peer-fail ~) (give [%dumb ~]) =. +>.$ (give %nice ~) %= +>.$ sup.sat (~(put by sup.sat) ost [you t.t.t.pax]) pus.sat (~(put ju pus.sat) t.t.t.pax ost) == :: %poke =^ gud +>.$ (mack q.hin) ?^ gud (give %mean ~ %poke-mack-fail ~) +>.$ :: %pour =^ gud +>.$ (mack q.hin) ?^ gud ~& -.gud +>.$ +>.$ :: %prep =^ gad +>.$ (mick q.hin) ?~ gad (drum ~) deal:(drum u.gad) :: %pull =^ gud +>.$ (mack q.hin) ?^ gud +>.$ blow == :: %u :: user request %_ +>.$ vey.sat (~(put to vey.sat) [hen [%take t.pax hin]]) == :: %w :: autoboot ?> ?=([%drug @ @ ~] t.pax) =+ :* sin=((hard ,[%c %writ p=riot]) q.hin) our=(need (slaw %p i.t.t.pax)) syd=(need ((sand %tas) i.t.t.t.pax)) == =. ped.sat (~(del by ped.sat) [our syd]) ?~ p.+.sin +>.$ +>.$(vey.sat (~(put to vey.sat) hen %boot ~)) == :: ++ morn :: install core |= vax=vase ^+ +> =+ new=?~(huv.sat & !=(+<+.q.vax +<+.q.u.huv.sat)) =. huv.sat `vax ?. new +>.$ =: act.sat +(act.sat) lat.sat now == =+ pex=(~(tap by peq.sat) ~) |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ pex +>.^$ %= $ pex t.pex +>.^$ %- quem(hen (need (~(get by r.zam.sat) p.i.pex))) [%show (need (~(get by sup.sat) p.i.pex))] == :: ++ mort :: failed boot |= tan=(list tank) (give %crud %boot-lost tan) :: ++ nile [%done ~ [%$ [%cube 0 [%atom %n]] ~]] :: null silk ++ obey :: process app moves |= vax=vase %_(+> mow (weld (flop (said vax)) mow)) :: ++ quem :: queue action |= kon=knob :: content ^+ +> =. +> ?. ?=(%nuke -.kon) +> ?. &(?=(^ onz.sat) =(hen p.u.onz.sat)) +> %= +> onz.sat ~ mow :_(mow [hen %pass (away q.u.onz.sat) %f [%exec our ~]]) == +>.$(vey.sat (~(put to vey.sat) hen kon)) :: ++ quen :: push on front |= kon=knob ^+ +> =+ yov=(~(tap by vey.sat) ~) :: XX ++pun +>.$(vey.sat (~(gas to *(qeu toil)) `_yov`[[hen kon] yov])) :: ++ said |= vud=vase |- ^- (list move) ?: =(~ q.vud) ~ [(sump (slot 2 vud)) $(vud (slot 3 vud))] :: ++ show :: subscribe |= [you=ship pax=path] :: subscription %_(+> vey.sat (~(put to vey.sat) hen %show you pax)) :: ++ sumo :: standard gift |= vig=vase ^- gift [%meta vig] :: ++ sump |= wec=vase ^- move :- (need (~(get by r.zam.sat) ((hard bone) -.q.wec))) =+ caq=(spec (slot 3 wec)) ?+ q.caq ~&(%sump-bad !!) :: [%pass p=* q=@tas r=[p=@tas q=*]] :^ %pass (away %u ((hard path) p.q.caq)) (need ((sand %tas) ((hard ,@) q.q.caq))) [%meta (spec (slot 15 caq))] :: [%give p=[p=@tas q=*]] :- %give ?: ?=(%mean p.p.q.caq) [%mean (ares q.p.q.caq)] ?: ?=(%nice p.p.q.caq) [%nice ~] (sumo (spec (slot 3 caq))) == :: ++ warm :: vase has arm |= cog=@tas ^- ? ?~(huv.sat | (slab cog p.u.huv.sat)) :: ++ work :: eat queue |- ^+ + ?: |(?=(^ qic.sat) =(~ vey.sat)) +.$ :: nothing to do =^ yev vey.sat [p q]:~(get to vey.sat) ?: (~(has in nuc.sat) p.yev) $ work:(yawn:(bing p.yev) q.yev) :: ++ yawl :: invoke core |= [[arm=term pax=path] vax=vase sam=vase] ^+ +> %+ ford [%s arm pax] [%call (harm arm (conf (core vax))) (cove %$ sam)] :: ++ yawn :: start event |= kon=knob ^+ +> :: ~& [%gall-yawn ost -.kon] =. qic.sat `[hen kon] ?- -.kon %boot =. orm.sat `now %+ ford /s/park ^- silk :- home ?~ huv.sat nile ?: =(~ q.u.huv.sat) nile :- nile ?. (warm %park) [%done ~ %$ (slot 13 u.huv.sat)] (harm %park (conf (core u.huv.sat))) :: %load =+ [hom=(slot 2 q.p.kon) old=(slot 3 q.p.kon)] %+ ford /s/prep ?. (warm(huv.sat `hom) %prep) :- nile ?: =(~ q.old) (core hom) :+ %mute `silk`(core hom) :~ [[%$ 13]~ (cave (slot 3 old))] == [%call (harm %prep (conf (core hom))) [nile (cave old)]] :: %crud (give(qic.sat ~) %crud p.kon q.kon) :: %nuke ?. (warm %pull) blow ?> ?=(^ huv.sat) (yawl [%pull ~] u.huv.sat [[%atom %ud] ost]) :: %mess =+ ^= cog ^- term ?: =(%$ p.q.kon) %poke =+ goc=(cat 3 'poke-' p.q.kon) ?:((warm goc) goc %poke) ?. (warm cog) (give(qic.sat ~) %mean ~ %poke-find-fail ~) ?> ?=(^ huv.sat) =+ sam=:(slop [[%atom %ud] ost] [[%atom %p] p.kon] q.q.kon) :: ~& [%mess-poke cog] %+ ford /s/poke [%call (harm cog (conf (core u.huv.sat))) (cove %$ sam)] :: %show ?: (warm %peer) =+ sam=!>([ost p.kon q.kon]) ?> ?=(^ huv.sat) =. peq.sat (~(del by peq.sat) ost) (yawl [%peer (scot %p p.kon) q.kon] u.huv.sat sam) ?: (warm %peek) =+ sam=!>([p.kon q.kon]) ?> ?=(^ huv.sat) (yawl [%peek (scot %p p.kon) q.kon] u.huv.sat sam) (give(qic.sat ~) %dumb ~) :: %take ?. (warm %pour) +>.$(qic.sat ~) ?> ?=(^ huv.sat) =+ sam=(slop !>(p.kon) q.kon) %+ ford /s/pour [%call (harm %pour (conf (core u.huv.sat))) (cove %$ sam)] == -- -- -- --