:: Shell :: :::: /hook/core/shell/app :: /? 314 /- term-line /= pit /~ !>(.) :: kernel vase :: :::: structures :: |% :: ++ gift :: $% [%rush p=gilt] :: [%mean p=ares] :: [%nice ~] :: [%meta p=vase] :: [%veer p=@ta q=path r=@t] :: [%vega p=path] :: == :: ++ gilt :: $% [%term-line p=term-line] :: [%txt p=cord] :: == :: ++ hapt ,[p=ship q=path] :: ++ move ,[p=bone q=(mold note gift)] :: ++ note :: $% $: %g :: $% [%cide p=span] :: [%show p=hapt q=ship r=path] :: [%sire p=term q=span] :: [%mess p=hapt q=ship r=cage] :: [%meta p=vase] :: == == == :: ++ mand ,[p=term q=(list twig)] :: ++ coma :: $% [%run p=(list mand) q=mand] :: pipe into [%end p=(each ,@u cord)] :: [%path p=path] :: [%hoon p=twig] :: [%var p=term q=twig] :: [%rvar p=term] :: == :: ++ sign :: $% $: %g :: $% [%gone p=hapt] :: [%mean p=ares] :: [%nice ~] :: [%rush p=mark q=*] :: [%rust p=mark q=*] :: [%veer p=@ta q=path r=@t] :: [%vega p=path] :: == == == :: -- !: :::: parsers :: |% ++ maybe |*(fel=_rule (cook |*(a=(unit) (fall a ~)) (opts fel))) ++ opts |* fel=_rule ;~ pose (cook some fel) (easy ~) == :: ++ from =+ tol=`?(0 1 2)`%2 |_ [pax=path lat=time] ++ rail |* [wid=_rule wif=_rule tal=_rule] ?~ tol wid ;~ pose wid ?: ?=(1 tol) wif ;~(pose wif tal) == :: ++ parse ^- $+(nail (like coma)) =+ paf=pax =. pax ?.(=('0' &3.pax) pax pax(&3 (scot da/lat))) ;~ pose (stag %run ;~(plug (star ;~(sfix (comd(tol %0) bar) ace)) (comd col))) (stag %end ;~(pfix sem ;~(pose (stag %& dem) (stag %| sym)))) (stag %path (sear plex rood):(vang & paf)) (stag %var ;~(plug ;~(pfix tis sym) ;~(pfix ace tall:(vang & pax)))) (stag %rvar ;~(pfix ;~(plug tis tis) sym)) (stag %hoon tall:(vang & pax)) == ++ args =+ wid=wide:(vang & pax) %^ rail (ifix sel^ser (most ace wid)) (plus ;~(pfix ace wid)) ;~(sfix (plus ;~(pfix gap tall:(vang & pax))) ;~(plug gap duz)) :: ++ comd |*(fel=_rule ;~(pfix fel ;~(plug sym (maybe args)))) :: -- -- !: :::: program :: |_ $: hid=hide pid=@u pax=_`path`/=try= act=(unit span) pip=(map span span) pop=(map span span) var=(map term vase) == :: ++ peer |= [ost=bone you=ship pax=path] ^- [(list move) _+>] ?~ pax `+>.$ ?+ i.pax `+>.$ %in :: to app ?~ t.pax `+>.$ ?. (~(has by cub.hid) i.t.pax) `+>.$ ?: (~(has by pop) i.t.pax) `+>.$ :_ +>.$(act `i.t.pax) (print ost you ~) %out :: to terminal ?> ?=(~ t.pax) :_ +>.$ [ost %give %rush %term-line `term-line`[prompt ~ ~]]~ == :: ++ cubs %- sort :_ |=([a=span b=span] (lth (slav %ud a) (slav %ud b))) ^- (list span) %+ murn (~(tap by sup.hid)) |= [@ @ a=path] ?. ?& ?=([%in cord ~] a) (~(has by cub.hid) i.t.a) !(~(has by pop) i.t.a) == ~ (some i.t.a) :: ++ poke-txt |= [ost=bone you=ship txt=cord] ^- [(list move) _+>] ?: =('\\' (end 3 1 txt)) ?+ (rsh 3 1 txt) :_ +>.$ :- [ost %give %nice ~] (print ost you leaf/"no command {(trip txt)}" ~) %x =. act =+ ^= opt :- i=`(unit span)`~ t=(turn cubs |=(a=span `(unit span)`[~ a])) |- ?~ t.opt ~ ?: =(act i.opt) i.t.opt $(opt t.opt) :_ +>.$ :- [ost %give %nice ~] (print ost you ~) %l ~& [pip pop] =+ =- tak=rose/[" " "[" "]"]^(turn cubs -) |= a=span leaf/(trip (rap 3 (~(got by cub.hid) a) '(' a ')' ~)) [[[ost give/nice/~] (print ost you tak ~)] +>.$] == ?^ act :_ +>.$ :- [ost %give %nice ~] (spam /in/[u.act] %rush %txt txt) :: =- :_ con %+ welp (stash:con ost you txt) ?~ tak mof %+ welp (print:con ost you tak ~) [[ost %give %nice ~] mof] ^- [con=_+>.$ tak=$|(~ tank) mof=(list move)] =+ pas=((full ~(parse from pax lat.hid)) [1 1] (trip txt)) ?~ q.pas [+>.$ leaf/"}>" ~] =+ com=(wonk pas) ^- [con=_+>.$ tak=$|(~ tank) mof=(list move)] ?- -.com %path =. pax p.com [+>.$ leaf/"=% {(spud p.com)}" ~] :: %run =+ mof=(print ost you leaf/"+ :{(trip p.q.com)}" ~) =| inp=(unit span) =< [+>.$ ~ mof] %+ roll `(list mand)`(welp p.com q.com ~) =+ a=[app=*mand .] |. => a =+ cil=(scot %ud pid) ::~& [%pipsqueak ] =: pid +(pid) pip ?~ inp pip (~(put by pip) u.inp cil) pop ?~ inp pop (~(put by pop) cil u.inp) inp `cil == ~& shelling/[inp pip pop] %_ +> mof =+ yon=[our.hid cil imp.hid] =+ mez=[(cat 3 p.app '-args') (exec [%clsg q.app])] =- (weld (flop -) mof) :: XX strange order ^- (list move) :~ [ost %pass /child/[cil] %g %sire p.app cil] [ost %pass /child/[cil]/out %g %show yon you /out] [ost %pass /child/[cil]/main %g %meta !>([%mess yon you mez])] == == :: %end ?: ?=(%& -.p.com) =+ cil=(scot %ud p.p.com) =+ cin=(trip (~(got by cub.hid) cil)) :- +>.$ :- ~ :_ (print ost you leaf/"- :{cin}({(trip cil)})" ~) [ost %pass /child/[cil] %g %cide cil] =* cil p.p.com =- [+>.$ leaf/"-{<(lent moz)>} :{(trip cil)}" moz] ^= moz %+ murn (~(tap by cub.hid)) |= [a=span b=term] ?. =(b cil) ~ %- some [ost %pass /child/[a] %g %cide a] :: %var =. var (~(put by var) p.com (exec q.com)) [+>.$ leaf/"created variable '{(trip p.com)}'" ~] :: %rvar =. var (~(del by var) p.com) [+>.$ leaf/"deleted variable '{(trip p.com)}'" ~] :: %hoon [+>.$ (sell (exec p.com)) ~] == :: ++ purr |= [ost=bone pax=path typ=type sih=sign] ^- [(list move) _+>] ::~& shel-purr/pax :: ~& [%shell-pour -.sih (,@ta +<.sih)] ::=+ sih=((hard sign) sih) ?: ?=(%veer +<.sih) :: vomit [[ost %give +.sih]~ +>.$] ?: ?=(%vega +<.sih) :: vomit [[ost %give +.sih]~ +>.$] ?~ pax ~& %no-path !! ?+ &1.pax ~& %strange-path !! %print `+>.$ :: %child ?~ |1.pax ~& %no-child !! ?~ |2.pax ?> ?=(%gone +<.sih) :- [ost %give %nice ~]~ +>.$(act ?:(=(act [~ &2.pax]) ~ act)) :_ +>.$ ?+ &3.pax ~& %strange-child-path !! %main ?> ?=(?(%nice %mean) +<.sih) :- [ost %give +.sih] ::~& act (print ost our.hid ~) %out ?. ?=(?(%rust %rush) +<.sih) ~ ?: (~(has by pip) &2.pax) ~& [%yay &2.pax ] ~& [%spamming-to /in/(~(got by pip) &2.pax) (~(get ju pus.hid) /in/(~(got by pip) &2.pax))] (spam /in/(~(got by pip) &2.pax) %meta (slot 3 typ sih)) ~& [%nay &2.pax ] %^ print-vase ost our.hid ?+ p.sih !>([(sell (slot 15 [typ sih]))]~) %tang (slot 15 [typ sih]) %txt ?^ q.sih !! :: move to vase space? !>([leaf/(trip q.sih)]~) == == == :: ++ stash |= [a=bone b=ship c=cord] ::~& shel-stash/[prompt c] %^ spam /out %meta !>([%rush %term-line `term-line`[prompt [c]~ ~]]) :: ++ print |=([a=bone b=ship c=(list tank)] (print-vase a b !>(c))) ++ print-vase |= [ost=bone you=ship tan=vase] :: [p=p:!>(*(list tank)) q=*] ^- (list move) ::~& shel-print/prompt %^ spam /out %meta :(slop !>(%rush) !>(%term-line) !>(prompt) !>(~) tan) :: ++ prompt ^- @t ?^ act (rap 3 (~(got by cub.hid) u.act) '(' u.act ') ' ~) ?. =('0' &3.pax) (spat pax) (rap 3 '/' &1.pax '/' &2.pax '=' ?~(|3.pax ~ [(spat |3.pax)]~)) ++ exec |= gen=twig %- slap :_ gen %+ roll (~(tap by var)) =< .(q pit) |= [[n=term v=vase] q=vase] (slop [[%face n p.v] q.v] q) :: ++ spam |= [pax=path gip=gift] ^- (list move) %+ turn (~(tap in (~(get ju pus.hid) pax))) |=(a=bone [a %give gip]) --