{-| Handles sending packets to galaxies. We need to get their IP addresses from DNS, which is more complicated. -- Asynchronous thread per galaxy which handles domain resolution, and can -- block its own queue of ByteStrings to send. -- -- Maybe perform the resolution asynchronously, injecting into the resolver -- queue as a message. -- -- TODO: Figure out how the real haskell time library works. -- We've failed to lookup the IP. Drop the outbound packet -- because we have no IP for our galaxy, including possible -- previous IPs. {- - Sending Packets to Galaxies. - Each galaxy has it's own DNS resolution thread. - Initially, no threads are started. - To send a message to a galaxy, - Check to see if it already has a resolution thread. - If it does, pass the packet to that thread. - If it doesn't, start a new thread and give it the packet. - Galaxy resolution threads work as follows: - First, they are given: - They know which galaxy they are responsible for. - They have access to the turfs TVar (shared state with Ames driver). - They can be given packets (to be send to their galaxy). - They must be given a way to send UDP packets. - Next, we loop forever - In the loop we track: - the last-known IP address. - the time when we last looked up the IP address. - We wait to be given a packet. - We get the IP address. - If we looked up the IP address in the last 5 minute, use the cached IP address. - Just use the one from last time. - Otherwise, - Do a DNS lookup. - Go through the turf list one item at a time. - Try each one. - If it resolves to one-or-more IP addresses, - Use the first one. - If it resolves to zero IP addresses, move on to the next turf. - If none of the turfs can be used to resolve the IP address, then we don't know where the galaxy is. - Drop the packet. -} -} module Urbit.Vere.Ames.DNS ( NetworkMode(..) , ResolvServ(..) , resolvServ , galaxyPort , renderGalaxy ) where import Urbit.Prelude import Network.Socket hiding (recvFrom, sendTo) import Urbit.Arvo hiding (Fake) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Urbit.Noun.Time as Time import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob -- Types ----------------------------------------------------------------------- data NetworkMode = Fake | Localhost | Real | NoNetwork deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data ResolvServ = ResolvServ { rsSend :: Galaxy -> ByteString -> IO () , rsKill :: IO () } -- Utils ----------------------------------------------------------------------- galaxyPort :: NetworkMode -> Galaxy -> PortNumber galaxyPort Fake (Patp g) = fromIntegral g + 31337 galaxyPort Localhost (Patp g) = fromIntegral g + 13337 galaxyPort Real (Patp g) = fromIntegral g + 13337 galaxyPort NoNetwork _ = fromIntegral 0 turfText :: Turf -> Text turfText = intercalate "." . reverse . fmap unCord . unTurf renderGalaxy :: Galaxy -> Text renderGalaxy = Ob.renderPatp . Ob.patp . fromIntegral . unPatp galaxyHostname :: Galaxy -> Turf -> Text galaxyHostname g t = galaName g ++ "." ++ turfText t where stripSig :: Text -> Text stripSig inp = fromMaybe inp (stripPrefix "~" inp) galaName :: Galaxy -> Text galaName = stripSig . renderGalaxy resolv :: Galaxy -> [Turf] -> IO (Maybe (Turf, Text, PortNumber, SockAddr)) resolv gal = go where go = \case [] -> pure Nothing turf : turfs -> do let host = galaxyHostname gal turf port = galaxyPort Real gal getAddrInfo Nothing (Just (unpack host)) (Just (show port)) >>= \case [] -> go turfs ip : _ -> pure $ Just (turf, host, port, addrAddress ip) doResolv :: HasLogFunc e => Galaxy -> (Time.Wen, Maybe SockAddr) -> [Turf] -> (Text -> RIO e ()) -> RIO e (Maybe SockAddr, Time.Wen) doResolv gal (prevWen, prevIP) turfs stderr = do current <- io $ Time.now if (Time.gap current prevWen ^. Time.secs) < 300 then pure (prevIP, prevWen) else do tim <- io (Time.now) io (resolv gal turfs) >>= \case Nothing -> do stderr $ "ames: czar at " ++ galStr ++ ": not found" logDebug $ displayShow ("(ames) Failed to lookup IP for ", gal) pure (prevIP, tim) Just (turf, host, port, addr) -> do when (Just addr /= prevIP) (printCzar addr) logDebug $ displayShow ("(ames) Looked up ", host, port, turf, addr) pure (Just addr, tim) where galStr = renderGalaxy gal printCzar addr = stderr $ "ames: czar " ++ galStr ++ ": ip " ++ tshow addr resolvWorker :: forall e . HasLogFunc e => Galaxy -> TVar (Maybe [Turf]) -> TVar (Time.Wen, Maybe SockAddr) -> STM ByteString -> (SockAddr -> ByteString -> IO ()) -> (Text -> RIO e ()) -> RIO e (Async ()) resolvWorker gal vTurfs vLast waitMsg send stderr = async (forever go) where logDrop = logDebug $ displayShow ("(ames) Dropping packet; no ip for galaxy ", gal) go :: RIO e () go = do (packt, turfs, (lastTime, lastAddr)) <- atomically ((,,) <$> waitMsg <*> readTVar vTurfs <*> readTVar vLast) (newAddr, newTime) <- doResolv gal (lastTime, lastAddr) (fromMaybe [] turfs) stderr maybe logDrop (\ip -> io (send ip packt)) newAddr atomically $ writeTVar vLast (newTime, newAddr) resolvServ :: HasLogFunc e => TVar (Maybe [Turf]) -> (SockAddr -> ByteString -> IO ()) -> (Text -> RIO e ()) -> RIO e ResolvServ resolvServ vTurfs send stderr = do vGala <- newTVarIO (mempty :: Map Galaxy (Async (), TQueue ByteString)) vDead <- newTVarIO False envir <- ask let spawnWorker :: Galaxy -> IO (Async (), TQueue ByteString) spawnWorker gal = runRIO envir $ do que <- newTQueueIO las <- newTVarIO (Time.unixEpoch, Nothing) tid <- resolvWorker gal vTurfs las (readTQueue que) send stderr pure (tid, que) let getWorker :: Galaxy -> IO (Async (), TQueue ByteString) getWorker gal = do (fmap (lookup gal) $ atomically $ readTVar vGala) >>= \case Just (tid, que) -> do pure (tid, que) Nothing -> do (tid, que) <- spawnWorker gal atomically $ modifyTVar' vGala (M.insert gal (tid, que)) pure (tid, que) let doSend :: Galaxy -> ByteString -> IO () doSend gal byt = do dead <- atomically (readTVar vDead) unless dead $ do (_, que) <- getWorker gal atomically (writeTQueue que byt) let doKill :: IO () doKill = do galas <- atomically $ do writeTVar vDead True readTVar vGala for_ galas (cancel . fst) pure (ResolvServ doSend doKill)