:: %khan, thread runner :: :: this vane presents a command/response interface for running :: threads. two modes are supported: %fard for intra-arvo :: requests (i.e. within the same kernel space) and %fyrd for :: external requests (e.g. from the unix control plane.) :: :: both modes take a thread start request consisting of a :: namespace, thread name, and input data; they respond over the :: same duct with either success or failure. %fard takes its :: input arguments as a $vase and produces %arow, which contains :: a $vase on success (or $tang on failure). %fyrd takes an :: output mark and input `(cask)` (short for `(caskĀ *)`); it :: produces %avow, which contains a `(cask)` on success. :: :: %fard passes its arguments and produces its result :: unmodified. %fyrd does mark conversion on both ends, and :: additionally lifts its input into a $unit. this second step :: is done because threads conventionally take their input as a :: $unit, with ~ for the case of "no arguments". :: :: n.b. the current convention for threads is to use !< to :: unpack their input into a well-defined type. !< imposes the :: requirement that the input type nests within the specified :: type. this limits %fyrd to threads with inputs for which a :: named mark exists; it is impossible to use %noun in general :: since it does not nest. to support using the %noun mark for :: inputs, it would be sufficient to convert threads to use ;; :: rather than !< on their inputs, at the cost of losing type :: validation. !: !? 164 :: |= our=ship => |% :: %khan types +$ move [p=duct q=(wite note gift:khan)] :: +$ note :: out request $-> $~ [%g %deal *sock *term *deal:gall] :: $% $: %g :: to %gall $>(%deal task:gall) :: full transmission == :: $: %k :: to self $>(%fard task:khan) :: internal thread == == :: +$ sign :: in response $<- $% $: %gall :: from %gall $>(%unto gift:gall) :: update == :: $: %khan :: from self $> ?(%arow %avow) :: thread result gift:khan :: == == :: +$ khan-state :: [%2 hey=duct] :: current unix duct -- :: => |% ++ get-beak |= [=bear:khan now=@da] ?@(bear [our bear %da now] bear) ++ get-dais |= [=beak =mark rof=roof] ^- dais:clay ?~ ret=(rof ~ %cb beak /[mark]) ~|(%mark-unknown !!) ?~ u.ret ~|(%mark-invalid !!) ?> =(%dais p.u.u.ret) !<(dais:clay q.u.u.ret) ++ make-wire |= [=beak =mark] ^- wire :~ %fyrd (scot %p p.beak) q.beak -.r.beak ?- -.r.beak %da (scot %da p.r.beak) %tas p.r.beak %ud (scot %ud p.r.beak) == mark == ++ read-wire |= =wire ^- (pair beak mark) =/ ras (snag 4 wire) :_ (snag 5 wire) :+ (slav %p (snag 1 wire)) (snag 2 wire) ?+ (snag 3 wire) !! %da [%da (slav %da ras)] %tas [%tas ras] %ud [%ud (slav %ud ras)] == ++ start-spider |= [our=@p =vase] ^- note [%g %deal [our our] %spider %poke %spider-start vase] ++ watch-spider |= [our=@p =path] ^- note [%g %deal [our our] %spider %watch path] -- =| khan-state =* state - |= [now=@da eny=@uvJ rof=roof] =* khan-gate . ^? |% :: +call: handle a +task:khan request :: ++ call |= $: hen=duct dud=(unit goof) wrapped-task=(hobo task:khan) == ^- [(list move) _khan-gate] :: =/ =task:khan ((harden task:khan) wrapped-task) ?+ -.task [~ khan-gate] %born [~ khan-gate(hey hen)] :: %fard =* fyd p.task =/ =beak (get-beak bear.fyd now) =/ wir=wire (head hen) =/ rid=@ta (rear wir) =/ tid=@ta (cat 3 'khan-fyrd--' rid) =/ args [~ `tid beak name.fyd args.fyd] =/ start-moves=(list move) %+ turn :~ (watch-spider our /thread-result/[tid]) (start-spider our !>(args)) == |=(=note ^-(move [hen %pass //g note])) [start-moves khan-gate] :: %fyrd =* fyd p.task =/ =beak (get-beak bear.fyd now) =/ =dais:clay (get-dais beak p.q.args.fyd rof) =/ =vase (slam !>(some) (vale.dais q.q.args.fyd)) =/ =wire (make-wire beak p.args.fyd) :_ khan-gate [hen %pass wire %k %fard bear.fyd name.fyd vase]~ == :: +load: migrate an old state to a new khan version :: ++ load |= $= old $% [?(%0 %1) hey=duct *] khan-state == ^+ khan-gate =/ new=khan-state ?: ?=(%2 -.old) old :- %2 hey.old khan-gate(state new) :: +scry: nothing to see as yet :: ++ scry ^- roon |= [lyc=gang car=term bem=beam] ^- (unit (unit cage)) ~ ++ stay state :: +take: handle responses. :: ++ take |= [tea=wire hen=duct dud=(unit goof) hin=sign] ^- [(list move) _khan-gate] ?^ dud ~|(%khan-take-dud (mean tang.u.dud)) :_ khan-gate ?- -.hin %gall ?+ -.p.hin ~ ?(%poke-ack %watch-ack) ?~ p.p.hin ~ %- (slog 'khan-ack' u.p.p.hin) [hen %give %arow %| -.p.hin u.p.p.hin]~ :: %fact =* cag cage.p.hin ?+ p.cag ~&(bad-fact+p.cag !!) %thread-fail =/ =tang !<(tang q.cag) %- (slog 'khan-fact' tang) [hen %give %arow %| p.cag tang]~ :: %thread-done [hen %give %arow %& q.cag]~ == == :: %khan ?. ?=(%arow +<.hin) ~ ?~ hen ~ ?. ?=(%fyrd -.tea) ~ =* row p.hin ?. ?=(%& -.row) [hen %give %avow row]~ =/ [=beak =mark] (read-wire tea) =/ =dais:clay (get-dais beak mark rof) =/ =vase (vale:dais q.p.row) [hen %give %avow %& mark q.vase]~ == --