:: clay (4c), revision control !: :: This is split in three top-level sections: structure definitions, main :: logic, and arvo interface. :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: Here are the structures. `++raft` is the formal arvo state. It's also :: worth noting that many of the clay-related structures are defined in zuse. :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |= pit/vase =, clay => |% +$ aeon @ud :: version number :: :: Recursive structure of a desk's data. :: :: We keep an ankh only for the current version of local desks. Everywhere :: else we store it as (map path lobe). :: +$ ankh :: expanded node $~ [~ ~] $: fil/(unit {p/lobe q/cage}) :: file dir/(map @ta ankh) :: folders == :: :: :: Part of ++mery, representing the set of changes between the mergebase and :: one of the desks being merged. :: :: -- `new` is the set of files in the new desk and not in the mergebase. :: -- `cal` is the set of changes in the new desk from the mergebase except :: for any that are also in the other new desk. :: -- `can` is the set of changes in the new desk from the mergebase and that :: are also in the other new desk (potential conflicts). :: -- `old` is the set of files in the mergebase and not in the new desk. :: +$ cane $: new/(map path lobe) cal/(map path lobe) can/(map path cage) old/(map path ~) == :: :: Type of request. :: :: %d produces a set of desks, %p gets file permissions, %t gets all paths :: with the specified prefix, %u checks for existence, %v produces a ++dome :: of all desk data, %w gets @ud and @da variants for the given case, %x :: gets file contents, %y gets a directory listing, and %z gets a recursive :: hash of the file contents and children. :: :: ++ care ?($d $p $t $u $v $w $x $y $z) :: :: Keeps track of subscribers. :: :: A map of requests to a set of all the subscribers who should be notified :: when the request is filled/updated. :: +$ cult (jug wove duct) :: :: Domestic desk state. :: :: Includes subscriber list, dome (desk content), possible commit state (for :: local changes), possible merge state (for incoming merges), and permissions. :: ++ dojo $: qyx/cult :: subscribers dom/dome :: desk state per/regs :: read perms per path pew/regs :: write perms per path == :: :: Desk state. :: :: Includes a checked-out ankh with current content, most recent version, map :: of all version numbers to commit hashes (commits are in hut.rang), and map :: of labels to version numbers. :: :: `mim` is a cache of the content in the directories that are mounted :: to unix. Often, we convert to/from mime without anything really :: having changed; this lets us short-circuit that in some cases. :: Whenever you give an `%ergo`, you must update this. :: ++ dome $: ank/ankh :: state let/aeon :: top id hit/(map aeon tako) :: versions by id lab/(map @tas aeon) :: labels mim/(map path mime) :: mime cache fod/ford-cache :: ford cache fer/(unit reef-cache) :: reef cache == :: :: :: Commit state. :: :: -- `del` is the paths we're deleting. :: -- `ink` is the insertions of hoon files (short-circuited for :: bootstrapping). :: -- `ins` is all the other insertions. :: -- `dif` is the diffs in `dig` applied to their files. :: -- `mut` is the diffs between `muc` and the original files. :: ++ dork :: diff work $: del/(list path) :: deletes ink/(list (pair path cage)) :: hoon inserts ins/(list (pair path cage)) :: inserts dif/(list (trel path lobe cage)) :: changes mut/(list (trel path lobe cage)) :: mutations == :: :: :: Over-the-wire backfill request :: +$ fill [=desk =lobe] :: :: Ford cache :: +$ ford-cache $: vases=(map path [res=vase dez=(set path)]) marks=(map mark [res=dais dez=(set path)]) casts=(map mars [res=tube dez=(set path)]) == :: $reef-cache: built system files :: +$ reef-cache $: hoon=vase arvo=vase zuse=vase == :: :: Hash of a blob, for lookup in the object store (lat.ran) :: ++ lobe @uvI :: blob ref :: :: New desk data. :: :: Sent to other ships to update them about a particular desk. Includes a map :: of all new aeons to hashes of their commits, the most recent aeon, and sets :: of all new commits and data. :: ++ nako :: subscription state $: gar/(map aeon tako) :: new ids let/aeon :: next id lar/(set yaki) :: new commits bar/(set plop) :: new content == :: :: :: Formal vane state. :: :: -- `rom` is our domestic state. :: -- `hoy` is a collection of foreign ships where we know something about :: their clay. :: -- `ran` is the object store. :: -- `mon` is a collection of mount points (mount point name to urbit :: location). :: -- `hez` is the unix duct that %ergo's should be sent to. :: -- `cez` is a collection of named permission groups. :: -- `pud` is an update that's waiting on a kernel upgrade :: ++ raft :: filesystem $: rom=room :: domestic hoy=(map ship rung) :: foreign ran=rang :: hashes mon=(map term beam) :: mount points hez=(unit duct) :: sync duct cez=(map @ta crew) :: permission groups pud=(unit [=desk =yoki]) :: pending update pun=(list move) :: upgrade moves == :: :: :: Object store. :: :: Maps of commit hashes to commits and content hashes to content. :: ++ rang :: $: hut/(map tako yaki) :: lat/(map lobe blob) :: == :: :: :: Unvalidated response to a request. :: :: Like a ++rant, but with a page of data rather than a cage of it. :: ++ rand :: unvalidated rant $: p/{p/care q/case r/@tas} :: clade release book q/path :: spur r/page :: data == :: :: :: Generic desk state. :: :: -- `lim` is the most recent date we're confident we have all the :: information for. For local desks, this is always `now`. For foreign :: desks, this is the last time we got a full update from the foreign :: urbit. :: -- `ref` is a possible request manager. For local desks, this is null. :: For foreign desks, this keeps track of all pending foreign requests :: plus a cache of the responses to previous requests. :: -- `qyx` is the set of subscriptions, with listening ducts. These :: subscriptions exist only until they've been filled. :: -- `dom` is the actual state of the filetree. Since this is used almost :: exclusively in `++ze`, we describe it there. :: ++ rede :: universal project $: lim/@da :: complete to ref/(unit rind) :: outgoing requests qyx/cult :: subscribers dom/dome :: revision state per/regs :: read perms per path pew/regs :: write perms per path == :: :: :: Foreign request manager. :: :: When we send a request to a foreign ship, we keep track of it in here. This :: includes a request counter, a map of request numbers to requests, a reverse :: map of requesters to request numbers, a simple cache of common %sing :: requests, and a possible nako if we've received data from the other ship and :: are in the process of validating it. :: +$ rind :: request manager $: nix=@ud :: request index bom=(map @ud update-state) :: outstanding fod=(map duct @ud) :: current requests haw=(map mood (unit cage)) :: simple cache == :: :: :: Active downloads :: +$ update-state $: =duct =rave have=(map lobe blob) need=(list lobe) nako=(qeu (unit nako)) busy=_| == :: :: Result of a subscription :: ++ sub-result $% [%blab =mood data=(each cage lobe)] [%bleb ver=@ud ins=@ud range=(unit (pair aeon aeon))] [%balk cage=(unit (each cage lobe)) =mood] [%blas moods=(set mood)] [%blub ~] == :: :: Domestic ship. :: :: `hun` is the duct to dill, and `dos` is a collection of our desks. :: ++ room :: fs per ship $: hun/duct :: terminal duct dos/(map desk dojo) :: native desk == :: :: :: Stored request. :: :: Like a ++rave but with caches of current versions for %next and %many. :: Generally used when we store a request in our state somewhere. :: ++ cach (unit (unit (each cage lobe))) :: cached result +$ wove [for=(unit [=ship ver=@ud]) =rove] :: stored source + req ++ rove :: stored request $% [%sing =mood] :: single request [%next =mood aeon=(unit aeon) =cach] :: next version of one $: %mult :: next version of any =mool :: original request aeon=(unit aeon) :: checking for change old-cach=(map [=care =path] cach) :: old version new-cach=(map [=care =path] cach) :: new version == :: [%many track=? =moat lobes=(map path lobe)] :: change range == :: :: :: Foreign desk data. :: ++ rung $: rus=(map desk rede) :: neighbor desks == :: ++ move {p/duct q/(wind note gift:able)} :: local move ++ note :: out request $-> $~ [%b %wait *@da] :: $% $: %a :: to %ames $>(%plea task:able:ames) :: == :: $: %b :: to %behn $> $? %drip :: %rest :: %wait :: == :: task:able:behn :: == :: $: %c :: to %clay $> $? %info :: internal edit %merg :: merge desks %pork :: %warp :: %werp :: == :: task:able :: == :: $: %d :: to %dill $>(%flog task:able:dill) :: == :: $: %g :: to %gall $>(%deal task:able:gall) :: == :: $: %j :: by %jael $>(%public-keys task:able:jael) :: == == :: ++ riot (unit rant) :: response+complete ++ sign :: in result $<- $~ [%b %wake ~] :: $% $: %a :: by %ames $> $? %boon :: response %done :: (n)ack %lost :: lost boon == :: gift:able:ames :: == :: $: %b :: by %behn $% $>(%wake gift:able:behn) :: timer activate $>(%writ gift:able) :: XX %slip == == :: $: %c :: by %clay $> $? %mere :: %note :: %writ :: == :: gift:able :: == :: $: %j :: by %jael $>(%public-keys gift:able:jael) :: == :: $: @tas :: by any $>(%crud vane-task) :: XX strange == == :: -- => ~% %clay-utilities ..is ~ :: %utilities :: |% :: +sort-by-head: sorts alphabetically using the head of each element :: ++ sort-by-head |=([a=(pair path *) b=(pair path *)] (aor p.a p.b)) :: :: By convention: paf == (weld pax pat) :: ++ mode-to-commit |= [hat=(map path lobe) pax=path all=? mod=mode] ^- [deletes=(set path) changes=(map path cage)] =/ deletes %- silt %+ turn ^- (list path) %+ weld ^- (list path) %+ murn mod |= [pat=path mim=(unit mime)] ^- (unit path) ?^ mim ~ `pat ^- (list path) ?. all ~ =+ mad=(malt mod) =+ len=(lent pax) =/ descendants=(list path) %+ turn %+ skim ~(tap by hat) |= [paf=path lob=lobe] =(pax (scag len paf)) |= [paf=path lob=lobe] (slag len paf) %+ skim descendants |= pat=path (~(has by mad) pat) |= pat=path (weld pax pat) :: =/ changes %- malt %+ murn mod |= [pat=path mim=(unit mime)] ^- (unit [path cage]) ?~ mim ~ `[(weld pax pat) %mime !>(u.mim)] :: [deletes changes] -- => ~% %clay + ~ |% :: Printable form of a wove; useful for debugging :: ++ print-wove |= =wove :- for.wove ?- -.rove.wove %sing [%sing mood.rove.wove] %next [%next [mood aeon]:rove.wove] %mult [%mult [mool aeon]:rove.wove] %many [%many [track moat]:rove.wove] == :: :: Printable form of a cult; useful for debugging :: ++ print-cult |= =cult %+ turn ~(tap by cult) |= [=wove ducts=(set duct)] [ducts (print-wove wove)] :: ++ fusion => |% :: +an: $ankh interface door :: ++ an |_ nak=ankh :: +get: produce file at path :: ++ get |= =path ^- (unit cage) ?~ path ?~ fil.nak ~ `q.u.fil.nak ?~ kid=(~(get by dir.nak) i.path) ~ $(nak u.kid, path t.path) -- ++ with-face |=([face=@tas =vase] vase(p [%face face p.vase])) ++ with-faces =| res=(unit vase) |= vaz=(list [face=@tas =vase]) ^- vase ?~ vaz (need res) =/ faz (with-face i.vaz) =. res `?~(res faz (slop faz u.res)) $(vaz t.vaz) -- |% :: +wrap: external wrapper :: ++ wrap |* [* state:ford] [+<- +<+>-] :: cache.state :: ++ ford !. => |% +$ build $% [%file =path] [%mark =mark] [%cast =mars] [%vale =path] == +$ state $: baked=(map path cage) cache=ford-cache stack=(list (set path)) cycle=(set build) == +$ args $: bud=vase =ankh deletes=(set path) changes=(map path (each page lobe)) file-store=(map lobe blob) =ford-cache == -- |= args :: nub: internal mutable state for this computation :: =| nub=state =. cache.nub ford-cache |% :: +pop-stack: pop build stack, copying deps downward :: ++ pop-stack ^- [(set path) _stack.nub] =^ top=(set path) stack.nub stack.nub =? stack.nub ?=(^ stack.nub) stack.nub(i (~(uni in i.stack.nub) top)) [top stack.nub] :: ++ get-value |= =path ^- [cage state] ~| %error-validating^path ?^ got=(~(get by baked.nub) path) [u.got nub] =; [res=cage bun=state] =. nub bun =. baked.nub (~(put by baked.nub) path res) [res nub] ?: (~(has in cycle.nub) vale+path) ~|(cycle+vale+path^stack.nub !!) =. cycle.nub (~(put in cycle.nub) vale+path) ?^ change=(~(get by changes) path) =^ page nub ?: ?=(%& -.u.change) [p.u.change nub] ~| %ugly-lobe^p.u.change^path (lobe-to-page p.u.change) =^ cage nub (validate-page path page) [cage nub] ?< (~(has in deletes) path) ~| %file-not-found^path :_(nub (need (~(get an ankh) path))) :: +get-mark: build a mark definition :: ++ get-mark |= mak=mark ^- [dais state] ~| %error-building-mark^mak ?^ got=(~(get by marks.cache.nub) mak) =? stack.nub ?=(^ stack.nub) stack.nub(i (~(uni in i.stack.nub) dez.u.got)) [res.u.got nub] ?: (~(has in cycle.nub) mark+mak) ~|(cycle+mark+mak^stack.nub !!) =. cycle.nub (~(put in cycle.nub) mark+mak) =. stack.nub [~ stack.nub] =; res=[=dais nub=state] =. nub nub.res =^ top stack.nub pop-stack =. marks.cache.nub (~(put by marks.cache.nub) mak [dais.res top]) [dais.res nub] =^ cor=vase nub (build-fit %mar mak) =/ gad=vase (slap cor %limb %grad) ?@ q.gad =+ !<(mok=mark gad) =^ deg=dais nub $(mak mok) =^ tub=tube nub (get-cast mak mok) =^ but=tube nub (get-cast mok mak) :_ nub ^- dais |_ sam=vase ++ bunt (slap cor $+6) ++ diff |= new=vase ^- vase (~(diff deg (tub sam)) (tub new)) ++ form form:deg ++ join join:deg ++ mash mash:deg ++ pact |= diff=vase ^+ sam (but (~(pact deg (tub sam)) diff)) ++ vale |= =noun ^+ sam (slam (slap cor ^~((ream 'noun:grab'))) !>(noun)) ++ volt |= =noun ^+ sam [p:bunt noun] -- :_ nub =+ !<(fom=mark (slap gad %limb %form)) ^- dais |_ sam=vase ++ bunt (slap cor $+6) ++ diff |= new=vase ^- vase %+ slap (with-faces cor+cor sam+sam new+new ~) ^~((ream '(diff:~(grad cor sam) new)')) ++ form fom ++ join |= [a=vase b=vase] ^- (unit (unit vase)) ?: =(q.a q.b) ~ =; res `?~(q.res ~ `(slap res ^~((ream '?~(. !! u)')))) (slam (slap cor ^~((ream 'join:grad'))) (slop a b)) ++ mash |= [a=[=ship =desk diff=vase] b=[=ship =desk diff=vase]] ^- (unit vase) ?: =(q.diff.a q.diff.b) ~ :- ~ %+ slam (slap cor ^~((ream 'mash:grad'))) %+ slop :(slop !>(ship.a) !>(desk.a) diff.a) :(slop !>(ship.b) !>(desk.b) diff.b) ++ pact |= diff=vase ^+ sam %+ slap (with-faces cor+cor sam+sam diff+diff ~) ^~((ream '(pact:~(grad cor sam) diff)')) ++ vale |= =noun ^+ sam (slam (slap cor ^~((ream 'noun:grab'))) !>(noun)) ++ volt |= =noun ^+ sam [p:bunt noun] -- :: +get-cast: produce a $tube mark conversion gate from .a to .b :: ++ get-cast |= [a=mark b=mark] ^- [tube state] ~| error-building-cast+[a b] ?: =([%mime %hoon] [a b]) :_ nub |= sam=vase =+ !<(=mime sam) !>(q.q.mime) ?^ got=(~(get by casts.cache.nub) [a b]) =? stack.nub ?=(^ stack.nub) stack.nub(i (~(uni in i.stack.nub) dez.u.got)) [res.u.got nub] ?: (~(has in cycle.nub) cast+[a b]) ~|(cycle+cast+[a b]^stack.nub !!) =. stack.nub [~ stack.nub] =; res=[=tube nub=state] =. nub nub.res =^ top stack.nub pop-stack =. casts.cache.nub (~(put by casts.cache.nub) [a b] [tube.res top]) [tube.res nub] :: try +grow; is there a +grow core with a .b arm? :: =^ old=vase nub (build-fit %mar a) ?: =/ ram (mule |.((slap old ^~((ream 'grow'))))) ?: ?=(%| -.ram) %.n =/ lab (mule |.((slob b p.p.ram))) ?: ?=(%| -.lab) %.n p.lab :: +grow core has .b arm; use that :: :_ nub ^- tube |= sam=vase ^- vase %+ slap (with-faces old+old sam+sam ~) %- ream ;: (cury cat 3) '!: ' '~! old=old ' '~! sam=sam ' b ':~(grow old sam)' == :: try direct +grab :: =^ new=vase nub (build-fit %mar b) =/ rab (mule |.((slap new (ream (cat 3 a ':grab'))))) ?: &(?=(%& -.rab) ?=(^ q.p.rab)) :_(nub |=(sam=vase ~|([%grab a b] (slam p.rab sam)))) :: try +jump :: =/ jum (mule |.((slap old (ream (cat 3 b ':jump'))))) ?: ?=(%& -.jum) (compose-casts a !<(mark p.jum) b) :: try indirect +grab :: ?: ?=(%& -.rab) (compose-casts a !<(mark p.rab) b) ~|(no-cast-from+[a b] !!) :: ++ compose-casts |= [x=mark y=mark z=mark] ^- [tube state] =^ uno=tube nub (get-cast x y) =^ dos=tube nub (get-cast y z) :_(nub |=(sam=vase (dos (uno sam)))) :: ++ lobe-to-page |= =lobe ^- [page state] =/ =blob (~(got by file-store) lobe) |- ^- [page state] ?- -.blob %direct [q.blob nub] %delta =/ [[=mark =parent=^lobe] diff=page] [q r]:blob =^ parent-page nub $(blob (~(got by file-store) parent-lobe)) =^ =cage nub (run-pact parent-page diff) [[p q.q]:cage nub] == :: ++ validate-page |= [=path =page] ^- [cage state] ~| validate-page-fail+path^from+p.page =/ mak=mark (head (flop path)) ?: =(mak p.page) (page-to-cage page) =^ [mark vax=vase] nub (page-to-cage page) =^ =tube nub (get-cast p.page mak) :_(nub [mak (tube vax)]) :: ++ page-to-cage |= =page ^- [cage state] ?: =(%hoon p.page) :_(nub [%hoon -:!>(*@t) q.page]) ?: =(%mime p.page) :_(nub [%mime !>(;;(mime q.page))]) =^ =dais nub (get-mark p.page) :_(nub [p.page (vale:dais q.page)]) :: ++ cast-path |= [=path mak=mark] ^- [cage state] =/ mok (head (flop path)) ~| error-casting-path+[path mok mak] =^ cag=cage nub (get-value path) ?: =(mok mak) [cag nub] =^ =tube nub (get-cast mok mak) ~| error-running-cast+[path mok mak] :_(nub [mak (tube q.cag)]) :: ++ run-pact |= [old=page diff=page] ^- [cage state] ?: ?=(%hoon p.old) =/ txt=wain (to-wain:format ;;(@t q.old)) =+ ;;(dif=(urge cord) q.diff) =/ new=@t (of-wain:format (lurk:differ txt dif)) :_(nub [%hoon !>(new)]) =^ dys=dais nub (get-mark p.old) =^ syd=dais nub (get-mark p.diff) :_(nub [p.old (~(pact dys (vale:dys q.old)) (vale:syd q.diff))]) :: ++ prelude |= =path ^- vase =^ cag=cage nub (get-value path) ?> =(%hoon p.cag) =/ tex=tape (trip !<(@t q.cag)) =/ =pile (parse-pile path tex) =. hoon.pile !,(*hoon .) =^ res=vase nub (run-pile pile) res :: ++ build-file |= =path ^- [vase state] ~| %error-building^path ?^ got=(~(get by vases.cache.nub) path) =? stack.nub ?=(^ stack.nub) stack.nub(i (~(uni in i.stack.nub) dez.u.got)) [res.u.got nub] ?: (~(has in cycle.nub) file+path) ~|(cycle+file+path^stack.nub !!) =. cycle.nub (~(put in cycle.nub) file+path) =. stack.nub [(sy path ~) stack.nub] =^ cag=cage nub (get-value path) ?> =(%hoon p.cag) =/ tex=tape (trip !<(@t q.cag)) =/ =pile (parse-pile path tex) =^ res=vase nub (run-pile pile) =^ top stack.nub pop-stack =. vases.cache.nub (~(put by vases.cache.nub) path [res top]) [res nub] :: ++ run-pile |= =pile =^ sut=vase nub (run-tauts bud %sur sur.pile) =^ sut=vase nub (run-tauts sut %lib lib.pile) =^ sut=vase nub (run-raw sut raw.pile) =^ sut=vase nub (run-bar sut bar.pile) =/ res=vase (road |.((slap sut hoon.pile))) [res nub] :: ++ parse-pile |= [pax=path tex=tape] ^- pile =/ [=hair res=(unit [=pile =nail])] ((pile-rule pax) [1 1] tex) ?^ res pile.u.res %- mean %- flop =/ lyn p.hair =/ col q.hair :~ leaf+"syntax error at [{} {}] in {}" leaf+(trip (snag (dec lyn) (to-wain:format (crip tex)))) leaf+(runt [(dec col) '-'] "^") == :: ++ pile-rule |= pax=path %- full %+ ifix [gay gay] %+ cook |=(pile +<) ;~ pfix :: parse optional /? and ignore :: ;~ pose (cold ~ ;~(plug net wut gap dem gap)) (easy ~) == :: ;~ plug ;~ pose ;~ sfix %+ cook |=((list (list taut)) (zing +<)) %+ more gap ;~ pfix ;~(plug net hep gap) (most ;~(plug com gaw) taut-rule) == gap == (easy ~) == :: ;~ pose ;~ sfix %+ cook |=((list (list taut)) (zing +<)) %+ more gap ;~ pfix ;~(plug net lus gap) (most ;~(plug com gaw) taut-rule) == gap == (easy ~) == :: ;~ pose ;~ sfix %+ cook |=((list [face=term =path]) +<) %+ more gap ;~ pfix ;~(plug net tis gap) %+ cook |=([term path] +<) ;~(plug sym ;~(pfix ;~(plug gap net) (more net urs:ab))) == gap == (easy ~) == :: ;~ pose ;~ sfix %+ cook |=((list [face=term =mark =path]) +<) %+ more gap ;~ pfix ;~(plug net tar gap) %+ cook |=([term mark path] +<) ;~ plug sym ;~(pfix ;~(plug gap cen) sym) ;~(pfix ;~(plug gap net) (more net urs:ab)) == == gap == (easy ~) == :: %+ cook |=(huz=(list hoon) `hoon`tssg+huz) (most gap tall:(vang & pax)) == == :: ++ taut-rule %+ cook |=(taut +<) ;~ pose (stag ~ ;~(pfix tar sym)) ;~(plug (stag ~ sym) ;~(pfix tis sym)) (cook |=(a=term [`a a]) sym) == :: ++ run-tauts |= [sut=vase wer=?(%lib %sur) taz=(list taut)] ^- [vase state] ?~ taz [sut nub] =^ pin=vase nub (build-fit wer pax.i.taz) =? p.pin ?=(^ face.i.taz) [%face u.face.i.taz p.pin] $(sut (slop pin sut), taz t.taz) :: ++ run-raw |= [sut=vase raw=(list [face=term =path])] ^- [vase state] ?~ raw [sut nub] =^ pin=vase nub (build-file (snoc path.i.raw %hoon)) =. p.pin [%face face.i.raw p.pin] $(sut (slop pin sut), raw t.raw) :: ++ run-bar |= [sut=vase bar=(list [face=term =mark =path])] ^- [vase state] ?~ bar [sut nub] =^ =cage nub (cast-path [path mark]:i.bar) =. p.q.cage [%face face.i.bar p.q.cage] $(sut (slop q.cage sut), bar t.bar) :: :: +build-fit: build file at path, maybe converting '-'s to '/'s in path :: ++ build-fit |= [pre=@tas pax=@tas] ^- [vase state] (build-file (fit-path pre pax)) :: :: +fit-path: find path, maybe converting '-'s to '/'s :: :: Try '-' before '/', applied left-to-right through the path, :: e.g. 'a-foo/bar' takes precedence over 'a/foo-bar'. :: ++ fit-path |= [pre=@tas pax=@tas] ^- path =/ paz (segments pax) |- ^- path ?~ paz ~|(no-file+pre^pax !!) =/ pux=path pre^(snoc i.paz %hoon) ?: (~(has in deletes) pux) $(paz t.paz) ?: (~(has by changes) pux) pux ?^ (~(get an ankh) pux) pux $(paz t.paz) -- -- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: section 4cA, filesystem logic :: :: This core contains the main logic of clay. Besides `++ze`, this directly :: contains the logic for commiting new revisions (local urbits), managing :: and notifying subscribers (reactivity), and pulling and validating content :: (remote urbits). :: :: The state includes: :: :: -- local urbit `our` :: -- current time `now` :: -- current duct `hen` :: -- scry handler `ski` :: -- all vane state `++raft` (rarely used, except for the object store) :: -- target urbit `her` :: -- target desk `syd` :: :: For local desks, `our` == `her` is one of the urbits on our pier. For :: foreign desks, `her` is the urbit the desk is on and `our` is the local :: urbit that's managing the relationship with the foreign urbit. Don't mix :: up those two, or there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. :: :: While setting up `++de`, we check if `our` == `her`. If so, we get :: the desk information from `dos.rom`. Otherwise, we get the rung from :: `hoy` and get the desk information from `rus` in there. In either case, :: we normalize the desk information to a `++rede`, which is all the :: desk-specific data that we utilize in `++de`. Because it's effectively :: a part of the `++de` state, let's look at what we've got: :: :: -- `lim` is the most recent date we're confident we have all the :: information for. For local desks, this is always `now`. For foreign :: desks, this is the last time we got a full update from the foreign :: urbit. :: -- `ref` is a possible request manager. For local desks, this is null. :: For foreign desks, this keeps track of all pending foreign requests :: plus a cache of the responses to previous requests. :: -- `qyx` is the set of subscriptions, with listening ducts. These :: subscriptions exist only until they've been filled. :: -- `dom` is the actual state of the filetree. Since this is used almost :: exclusively in `++ze`, we describe it there. :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ++ de :: per desk |= [our=ship now=@da ski=sley hen=duct raft] |= [her=ship syd=desk] :: XX ruf=raft crashes in the compiler :: =* ruf |4.+6.^$ :: =/ [mow=(list move) hun=(unit duct) rede] ?. =(our her) :: no duct, foreign +rede or default :: :+ ?: (~(has by hoy.ruf) her) ~ [hun.rom.ruf %pass /sinks %j %public-keys (silt her ~)]~ ~ =/ rus rus:(~(gut by hoy.ruf) her *rung) %+ ~(gut by rus) syd [lim=~2000.1.1 ref=`*rind qyx=~ dom=*dome per=~ pew=~] :: administrative duct, domestic +rede :: :+ ~ `hun.rom.ruf =/ jod (~(gut by dos.rom.ruf) syd *dojo) [lim=now ref=~ [qyx dom per pew]:jod] :: =* red=rede ->+ |% ++ abet :: resolve ^- [(list move) raft] :- (flop mow) ?. =(our her) :: save foreign +rede :: =/ run (~(gut by hoy.ruf) her *rung) =/ rug (~(put by rus.run) syd red) ruf(hoy (~(put by hoy.ruf) her run(rus rug))) :: save domestic +room :: %= ruf hun.rom (need hun) dos.rom (~(put by dos.rom.ruf) syd [qyx dom per pew]:red) == :: :: Handle `%sing` requests :: ++ aver |= {for/(unit ship) mun/mood} ^- [(unit (unit (each cage lobe))) ford-cache] =+ ezy=?~(ref ~ (~(get by haw.u.ref) mun)) ?^ ezy :_(fod.dom.red `(bind u.ezy |=(a/cage [%& a]))) ?: ?=([%s [%ud *] %late *] mun) :_ fod.dom.red ^- (unit (unit (each cage lobe))) :^ ~ ~ %& ^- cage :- %cass ?~ let.dom !>([0 *@da]) !>([let.dom t:(~(got by hut.ran) (~(got by hit.dom) let.dom))]) =+ nao=(case-to-aeon case.mun) ?~(nao [~ fod.dom.red] (read-at-aeon:ze for u.nao mun)) :: :: Queue a move. :: ++ emit |= mof/move %_(+> mow [mof mow]) :: :: Queue a list of moves :: ++ emil |= mof/(list move) %_(+> mow (weld (flop mof) mow)) :: :: Produce either null or a result along a subscription. :: :: Producing null means subscription has been completed or cancelled. :: ++ balk |= {hen/duct cay/(unit (each cage lobe)) mun/mood} ^+ +> ?~ cay (blub hen) (blab hen mun u.cay) :: :: Set timer. :: ++ bait |= {hen/duct tym/@da} (emit hen %pass /tyme/(scot %p her)/[syd] %b %wait tym) :: :: Cancel timer. :: ++ best |= {hen/duct tym/@da} (emit hen %pass /tyme/(scot %p her)/[syd] %b %rest tym) :: :: Give subscription result. :: :: Result can be either a direct result (cage) or a lobe of a result. In :: the latter case we fetch the data at the lobe and produce that. :: ++ blab |= [hen=duct mun=mood dat=(each cage lobe)] ^+ +> =^ =cage fod.dom ?: ?=(%& -.dat) [p.dat fod.dom] =^ =page fod.dom %- wrap:fusion (lobe-to-page:(ford:fusion static-ford-args) p.dat) =^ =cage fod.dom %- wrap:fusion (page-to-cage:(ford:fusion static-ford-args) page) [cage fod.dom] =/ gift [%writ ~ [care.mun case.mun syd] path.mun cage] ?: ?=(^ ref) (emit hen %slip %b %drip !>(gift)) (emit hen %give gift) :: ++ case-to-date |= =case ^- @da :: if the case is already a date, use it. :: ?: ?=([%da *] case) p.case :: translate other cases to dates :: =/ aey (case-to-aeon-before lim case) ?~ aey `@da`0 ?: =(0 u.aey) `@da`0 t:(aeon-to-yaki:ze u.aey) :: ++ case-to-aeon (cury case-to-aeon-before lim) :: :: Reduce a case to an aeon (version number) :: :: We produce null if we can't yet reduce the case for whatever :: resaon (usually either the time or aeon hasn't happened yet or :: the label hasn't been created). :: ++ case-to-aeon-before |= [lim=@da lok=case] ^- (unit aeon) ?- -.lok $da ?: (gth p.lok lim) ~ |- ^- (unit aeon) ?: =(0 let.dom) [~ 0] :: avoid underflow ?: %+ gte p.lok =< t ~| [%letdom let=let.dom hit=hit.dom hut=~(key by hut.ran)] ~| [%getdom (~(get by hit.dom) let.dom)] %- aeon-to-yaki:ze let.dom [~ let.dom] $(let.dom (dec let.dom)) :: $tas (~(get by lab.dom) p.lok) $ud ?:((gth p.lok let.dom) ~ [~ p.lok]) == :: ++ blas |= {hen/duct das/(set mood)} ^+ +> ?> ?=(^ das) :: translate the case to a date :: =/ cas [%da (case-to-date case.n.das)] =/ res (~(run in `(set mood)`das) |=(m/mood [care.m path.m])) =/ gift [%wris cas res] ?: ?=(^ ref) (emit hen %slip %b %drip !>(gift)) (emit hen %give gift) :: :: Give next step in a subscription. :: ++ bleb |= [hen=duct ver=@ud ins=@ud hip=(unit (pair aeon aeon))] ^+ +> %^ blab hen [%w [%ud ins] ~] :- %& ?~ hip [%null [%atom %n ~] ~] [%nako !>((make-nako:ze ver u.hip))] :: :: Tell subscriber that subscription is done. :: ++ blub |= hen/duct ?: ?=(^ ref) (emit hen %slip %b %drip !>([%writ ~])) (emit hen %give %writ ~) :: :: Lifts a function so that a single result can be fanned out over a set of :: subscriber ducts. :: :: Thus, `((duct-lift func) subs arg)` runs `(func sub arg)` for each `sub` :: in `subs`. :: ++ duct-lift |* send/_|=({duct *} ..duct-lift) |= {a/(set duct) arg/_+<+.send} ^+ ..duct-lift =+ all=~(tap by a) |- ^+ ..duct-lift ?~ all ..duct-lift =. +>.send ..duct-lift $(all t.all, duct-lift (send i.all arg)) :: ++ blub-all (duct-lift |=([a=duct ~] (blub a))) ++ blab-all (duct-lift blab) ++ blas-all (duct-lift blas) ++ balk-all (duct-lift balk) ++ bleb-all (duct-lift bleb) :: ++ static-ford-args [zuse:(need fer.dom) ank.dom ~ ~ lat.ran fod.dom] :: :: Transfer a request to another ship's clay. :: ++ send-over-ames |= [=duct =ship index=@ud =riff] ^+ +> :: =/ =desk p.riff =/ =wire /warp-index/(scot %p ship)/(scot %tas desk)/(scot %ud index) =/ =path [%question desk (scot %ud index) ~] (emit duct %pass wire %a %plea ship %c path [[%1 ~] riff]) :: :: Create a request that cannot be filled immediately. :: :: If it's a local request, we just put in in `qyx`, setting a timer if it's :: waiting for a particular time. If it's a foreign request, we add it to :: our request manager (ref, which is a ++rind) and make the request to the :: foreign ship. :: ++ duce :: produce request |= wov=wove ^+ +> =. wov (dedupe wov) =. qyx (~(put ju qyx) wov hen) ?~ ref (run-if-future rove.wov |=(@da (bait hen +<))) |- ^+ +>+.$ =/ =rave (rove-to-rave rove.wov) =. rave ?. ?=([%sing %v *] rave) rave [%many %| [%ud let.dom] case.mood.rave path.mood.rave] =+ inx=nix.u.ref =. +>+.$ =< ?>(?=(^ ref) .) (send-over-ames hen her inx syd `rave) %= +>+.$ nix.u.ref +(nix.u.ref) bom.u.ref (~(put by bom.u.ref) inx [hen rave ~ ~ ~ |]) fod.u.ref (~(put by fod.u.ref) hen inx) == :: :: If a similar request exists, switch to the existing request. :: :: "Similar" requests are those %next and %many requests which are the same :: up to starting case, but we're already after the starting case. This :: stacks later requests for something onto the same request so that they :: all get filled at once. :: ++ dedupe :: find existing alias |= wov/wove ^- wove =; won/(unit wove) (fall won wov) =* rov rove.wov ?- -.rov $sing ~ $next =+ aey=(case-to-aeon case.mood.rov) ?~ aey ~ %- ~(rep in ~(key by qyx)) |= {haw/wove res/(unit wove)} ?^ res res ?. =(for.wov for.haw) ~ =* hav rove.haw =- ?:(- `haw ~) ?& ?=($next -.hav) =(mood.hav mood.rov(case case.mood.hav)) :: :: only a match if this request is before :: or at our starting case. =+ hay=(case-to-aeon case.mood.hav) ?~(hay | (lte u.hay u.aey)) == :: $mult =+ aey=(case-to-aeon case.mool.rov) ?~ aey ~ %- ~(rep in ~(key by qyx)) |= {haw/wove res/(unit wove)} ?^ res res ?. =(for.wov for.haw) ~ =* hav rove.haw =- ?:(- `haw ~) ?& ?=($mult -.hav) =(mool.hav mool.rov(case case.mool.hav)) :: :: only a match if this request is before :: or at our starting case, and it has been :: tested at least that far. =+ hay=(case-to-aeon case.mool.hav) ?& ?=(^ hay) (lte u.hay u.aey) ?=(^ aeon.hav) (gte u.aeon.hav u.aey) == == :: $many =+ aey=(case-to-aeon from.moat.rov) ?~ aey ~ %- ~(rep in ~(key by qyx)) |= {haw/wove res/(unit wove)} ?^ res res ?. =(for.wov for.haw) ~ =* hav rove.haw =- ?:(- `haw ~) ?& ?=($many -.hav) =(hav rov(from.moat from.moat.hav)) :: :: only a match if this request is before :: or at our starting case. =+ hay=(case-to-aeon from.moat.hav) ?~(hay | (lte u.hay u.aey)) == == :: :: Porcelain commit :: ++ info |= [deletes=(set path) changes=(map path cage)] ^+ ..park ?: =(0 let.dom) ?> ?=(~ deletes) =/ data=(map path (each page lobe)) (~(run by changes) |=(=cage &+[p q.q]:cage)) (park | &+[~ data] *rang) :: =/ parent-tako=tako (aeon-to-tako:ze let.dom) =/ data=(map path (each page lobe)) =/ parent-yaki (tako-to-yaki:ze parent-tako) =/ after-deletes %- ~(dif by q.parent-yaki) (malt (turn ~(tap in deletes) |=(=path [path *lobe]))) =/ after=(map path (each page lobe)) (~(run by after-deletes) |=(=lobe |+lobe)) %- ~(uni by after) ^- (map path (each page lobe)) (~(run by changes) |=(=cage &+[p q.q]:cage)) :: =/ =yuki [~[parent-tako] data] (park | &+yuki *rang) :: :: Unix commit :: ++ into |= [pax=path all=? mod=(list [pax=path mim=(unit mime)])] ^+ ..park :: filter out unchanged, cached %mime values :: =. mod %+ skip mod |= [pax=path mim=(unit mime)] ?~ mim | ?~ mum=(~(get by mim.dom) pax) | :: TODO: check mimetype :: =(q.u.mim q.u.mum) =/ =yaki ?: =(0 let.dom) *yaki (~(got by hut.ran) (~(got by hit.dom) let.dom)) (info (mode-to-commit q.yaki pax all mod)) :: :: Plumbing commit :: :: Guaranteed to finish in one event. :: :: XX needs to check that head is ancestor of tako :: XX needs to check tako in rang :: XX needs to check that commit doesn't have same date :: ++ park =/ check-sane | |^ |= [updated=? =yoki =rang] ^+ ..park =: hut.ran (~(uni by hut.rang) hut.ran) lat.ran (~(uni by lat.rang) lat.ran) == =/ new-data=(map path (each page lobe)) ?- -.yoki %& q.p.yoki %| (~(run by q.p.yoki) |=(=lobe |+lobe)) == =/ old-yaki ?: =(0 let.dom) *yaki (aeon-to-yaki:ze let.dom) =/ [deletes=(set path) changes=(map path (each page lobe))] (get-changes q.old-yaki new-data) ~| [from=let.dom deletes=deletes changes=~(key by changes)] :: :: promote ford cache :: promote and fill in ankh :: promote and fill in mime cache :: =/ sys-changes (need-sys-update changes) ?: ?& =(%home syd) !updated |(!=(~ sys-changes) !=(~ (need-vane-update changes))) == (sys-update yoki new-data changes) :: clear caches if zuse reloaded :: =/ is-zuse-new=? !=(~ sys-changes) =. fod.dom ?: is-zuse-new *ford-cache (promote-ford fod.dom deletes ~(key by changes)) =. fer.dom `(build-reef fer.dom ~(key by changes) new-data) =? ank.dom is-zuse-new *ankh =? changes is-zuse-new (changes-for-upgrade q.old-yaki deletes changes) :: =/ =args:ford:fusion [zuse:(need fer.dom) ank.dom deletes changes lat.ran fod.dom] :: =^ change-cages ford-cache.args (checkout-changes args changes) =/ sane-continuation (sane-changes changes change-cages) =/ new-blobs=(map lobe blob) %- malt %+ turn ~(tap by change-cages) |= [=path =lobe =cage] [lobe %direct lobe [p q.q]:cage] =/ data=(map path lobe) %- ~(urn by new-data) |= [=path value=(each page lobe)] ?- -.value %| p.value %& lobe:(~(got by change-cages) path) == :: if we didn't change the data and it's not a merge commit, abort :: :: very important to keep all permanent changes below this point :: ?: &(=([r.old-yaki ~] p.p.yoki) =(data q.old-yaki)) ..park =/ =yaki ?- -.yoki %& (make-yaki p.p.yoki data now) %| ?> =(data q.p.yoki) p.yoki == =: let.dom +(let.dom) hit.dom (~(put by hit.dom) +(let.dom) r.yaki) hut.ran (~(put by hut.ran) r.yaki yaki) lat.ran (~(uni by new-blobs) lat.ran) == =. file-store.args lat.ran :: =^ ankh ford-cache.args (checkout-ankh args deletes change-cages ank.dom) =/ null (sane-ankh sane-continuation ankh) =. ankh.args ankh =. ank.dom ankh =^ mim ford-cache.args (checkout-mime args deletes ~(key by changes)) =. mim.dom (apply-changes-to-mim mim.dom mim) =. fod.dom ford-cache.args =. ..park (emil (print q.old-yaki data)) :: wake:(ergo mim) :: :: Find which files changed or were deleted :: ++ get-changes |= [old=(map path lobe) new=(map path (each page lobe))] ^- [deletes=(set path) changes=(map path (each page lobe))] =/ old=(map path (each page lobe)) (~(run by old) |=(=lobe |+lobe)) :* %- silt ^- (list path) %+ murn ~(tap by (~(uni by old) new)) |= [=path *] ^- (unit ^path) =/ a (~(get by new) path) =/ b (~(get by old) path) ?: |(=(a b) !=(~ a)) ~ `path :: %- malt ^- (list [path (each page lobe)]) %+ murn ~(tap by (~(uni by old) new)) |= [=path *] ^- (unit [^path (each page lobe)]) =/ a (~(get by new) path) =/ b (~(get by old) path) ?: |(=(a b) ?=(~ a)) ~ `[path u.a] == :: Find all files for full desk rebuild :: ++ changes-for-upgrade |= $: old=(map path lobe) deletes=(set path) changes=(map path (each page lobe)) == ^+ changes =. old %+ roll ~(tap in deletes) |= [pax=path old=_old] (~(del by old) pax) =/ pre=_changes (~(run by old) |=(lob=lobe |+lob)) (~(uni by pre) changes) :: :: Keep any parts of the ford cache whose dependencies didn't change :: :: Make sure to invalidate any paths whose '-'s or '/'s could be :: converted in an import; i.e. /mar, /lib, and /sur hoon files. :: ++ promote-ford |= [=ford-cache deletes=(set path) changes=(set path)] ^+ ford-cache =/ invalid=(set path) (~(uni in deletes) changes) =. invalid %- ~(gas in invalid) %- zing %+ turn ~(tap in invalid) |= pax=path ^- (list path) =/ xap=path (flop pax) ?. &(=(%hoon (head xap)) ?=([?(%mar %sur %lib) @ @ *] pax)) ~ =- (turn - |=(suf=path [i.pax (snoc suf %hoon)])) %- segments %- crip =/ xup (tail xap) :: lose %hoon extension =/ pux (tail (flop xup)) :: lose static prefix %+ turn (tail (spud pux)) :: lose leading '/' |=(c=@tD `@tD`?:(=('/' c) '-' c)) :: convert '/' to '-' :: :* ((invalidate path vase) vases.ford-cache invalid) ((invalidate mark dais) marks.ford-cache invalid) ((invalidate mars tube) casts.ford-cache invalid) == :: ++ invalidate |* [key=mold value=mold] |= [cache=(map key [value dez=(set path)]) invalid=(set path)] =/ builds=(list [key value dez=(set path)]) ~(tap by cache) |- ^+ cache ?~ builds ~ ?: ?=(^ (~(int in dez.i.builds) invalid)) $(builds t.builds) (~(put by $(builds t.builds)) i.builds) :: ++ build-reef |= $: fer=(unit reef-cache) invalid=(set path) data=(map path (each page lobe)) == ^- reef-cache ?: =(%home syd) [!>(..ride) !>(..is) !>(..zuse)] |^ ?: |(?=(~ fer) (~(has in invalid) /sys/hoon/hoon)) =/ [home=? hoon=vase] ?: (same-as-home /sys/hoon/hoon) &+!>(..ride) |+build-hoon :- hoon =/ [home=? arvo=vase] ?: &(home (same-as-home /sys/arvo/hoon)) &+!>(..is) |+(build-arvo hoon) :- arvo ?: &(home (same-as-home /sys/zuse/hoon)) !>(..zuse) (build-zuse arvo) :- hoon.u.fer ?: (~(has in invalid) /sys/arvo/hoon) =/ [home=? arvo=vase] ?: &((same-as-home /sys/hoon/hoon) (same-as-home /sys/arvo/hoon)) &+!>(..is) |+(build-arvo hoon.u.fer) :- arvo ?: &(home (same-as-home /sys/zuse/hoon)) !>(..zuse) (build-zuse arvo) :- arvo.u.fer ?: (~(has in invalid) /sys/zuse/hoon) ?: ?& (same-as-home /sys/hoon/hoon) (same-as-home /sys/arvo/hoon) (same-as-home /sys/zuse/hoon) == !>(..zuse) (build-zuse arvo.u.fer) zuse.u.fer :: ++ build-hoon %- road |. ~> %slog.0^leaf+"clay: building hoon on {}" =/ gen ~> %mean.%hoon-parse-fail (path-to-hoon data /sys/hoon/hoon) ~> %mean.%hoon-compile-fail (slot 7 (slap !>(0) gen)) :: ++ build-arvo |= hoon=vase %- road |. ~> %slog.0^leaf+"clay: building arvo on {}" =/ gen ~> %mean.%arvo-parse-fail (path-to-hoon data /sys/arvo/hoon) ~> %mean.%arvo-compile-fail (slap (slap hoon gen) (ream '..is')) :: ++ build-zuse |= arvo=vase %- road |. ~> %slog.0^leaf+"clay: building zuse on {}" =/ gen ~> %mean.%zuse-parse-fail (path-to-hoon data /sys/zuse/hoon) ~> %mean.%zuse-compile-fail (slap arvo gen) :: ++ same-as-home |= =path ^- ? =/ our-lobe=lobe =/ datum (~(got by data) path) ?- -.datum %& (page-to-lobe %hoon (page-to-cord p.datum)) %| p.datum == =/ =dome dom:(~(got by dos.rom) %home) =/ =yaki (~(got by hut.ran) (~(got by hit.dome) let.dome)) =(`our-lobe (~(get by q.yaki) path)) -- :: ++ page-to-cord |= =page ^- @t ?+ p.page ~|([%sys-bad-mark p.page] !!) %hoon ;;(@t q.page) %mime q.q:;;(mime q.page) == :: ++ path-to-hoon |= [data=(map path (each page lobe)) =path] (rain path (path-to-cord data path)) :: ++ path-to-cord |= [data=(map path (each page lobe)) =path] ^- @t =/ datum (~(got by data) path) ?- -.datum %& (page-to-cord p.datum) %| (lobe-to-cord p.datum) == :: ++ lobe-to-cord |= =lobe ^- @t =- ?:(?=(%& -<) p.- (of-wain:format p.-)) |- ^- (each @t wain) =/ =blob (~(got by lat.ran) lobe) ?- -.blob %direct [%& ;;(@t q.q.blob)] %delta :- %| %+ lurk:differ =- ?:(?=(%| -<) p.- (to-wain:format p.-)) $(lobe q.q.blob) ;;((urge cord) q.r.blob) == :: :: Updated q.yaki :: ++ checkout-changes |= [=ford=args:ford:fusion changes=(map path (each page lobe))] =/ cans=(list [=path change=(each page lobe)]) ~(tap by changes) |- ^- [(map path [=lobe =cage]) ford-cache] ?~ cans [~ ford-cache.ford-args] =^ cage ford-cache.ford-args :: ~> %slog.[0 leaf+"clay: validating {(spud path.i.cans)}"] %- wrap:fusion (get-value:(ford:fusion ford-args) path.i.cans) =/ =lobe ?- -.change.i.cans %| p.change.i.cans :: Don't use p.change.i.cans because that's before casting to :: the correct mark. :: %& (page-to-lobe [p q.q]:cage) == =^ so-far ford-cache.ford-args $(cans t.cans) [(~(put by so-far) path.i.cans lobe cage) ford-cache.ford-args] :: :: Update ankh :: ++ checkout-ankh |= $: =ford=args:ford:fusion deletes=(set path) changes=(map path [lobe cage]) =ankh == ^+ [ankh ford-cache.ford-args] :: Delete :: =. ankh =/ dels ~(tap in deletes) |- ^- ^ankh =* outer-loop $ ?~ dels ankh =. ankh |- ^- ^ankh =* inner-loop $ ?~ i.dels ankh(fil ~) %= ankh dir %+ ~(put by dir.ankh) i.i.dels %= inner-loop i.dels t.i.dels ankh (~(gut by dir.ankh) i.i.dels *^ankh) == == outer-loop(dels t.dels) :: Add/change :: =/ cans=(list [=path =lobe =cage]) ~(tap by changes) |- ^+ [ankh ford-cache.ford-args] =* outer-loop $ ?~ cans [ankh ford-cache.ford-args] =^ new-ankh ford-cache.ford-args |- ^+ [ankh ford-cache.ford-args] =* inner-loop $ ?^ path.i.cans =^ child-ankh ford-cache.ford-args %= inner-loop path.i.cans t.path.i.cans ankh (~(gut by dir.ankh) i.path.i.cans *^ankh) == :- ankh(dir (~(put by dir.ankh) i.path.i.cans child-ankh)) ford-cache.ford-args [ankh(fil `[lobe.i.cans cage.i.cans]) ford-cache.ford-args] =. ankh new-ankh outer-loop(cans t.cans) :: :: Print notification to console :: ++ print |= [old=(map path lobe) new=(map path lobe)] ^- (list move) =/ [deletes=(set path) upserts=(map path (each page lobe))] (get-changes old (~(run by new) |=(=lobe |+lobe))) =/ upsert-set ~(key by upserts) =/ old-set ~(key by old) =/ changes=(set path) (~(int in upsert-set) old-set) =/ additions=(set path) (~(dif in upsert-set) old-set) ?~ hun ~ ?: =(0 let.dom) ~ |^ ;: weld (paths-to-notes '-' deletes) (paths-to-notes ':' changes) (paths-to-notes '+' additions) == :: ++ paths-to-notes |= [prefix=@tD paths=(set path)] %+ turn ~(tap in paths) |= =path [u.hun %give %note prefix (path-to-tank path)] :: ++ path-to-tank |= =path =/ pre=^path ~[(scot %p our) syd (scot %ud +(let.dom))] :+ %rose ["/" "/" ~] %+ turn (weld pre path) |= a=cord ^- tank ?: ((sane %ta) a) [%leaf (trip a)] [%leaf (dash:us (trip a) '\'' ~)] -- :: :: Check sanity :: ++ sane-changes |= $: changes=(map path (each page lobe)) change-cages=(map path [lobe cage]) == ^- (unit [(map path [lobe cage]) args:ford:fusion]) ?. check-sane ~ =/ tak=(unit tako) (~(get by hit.dom) let.dom) ?~ tak ~ =/ =yaki (~(got by hut.ran) u.tak) :: Assert all blobs hash to their lobe :: =/ foo %- ~(urn by lat.ran) |= [=lobe =blob] ?: ?=(%delta -.blob) ~ =/ actual-lobe=^lobe `@uv`(page-to-lobe q.blob) ~| [lobe p.blob actual-lobe] ?> &(=(lobe p.blob) =(lobe actual-lobe)) ~ :: Assert we calculated the same change-cages w/o cache :: :: XX remove deletes :: =/ all-changes=(map path (each page lobe)) =/ original=(map path (each page lobe)) (~(run by q.yaki) |=(=lobe |+lobe)) (~(uni by original) changes) =/ =args:ford:fusion [zuse:(need fer.dom) *ankh ~ all-changes lat.ran *ford-cache] =^ all-change-cages ford-cache.args (checkout-changes args all-changes) =/ ccs=(list [=path =lobe =cage]) ~(tap by change-cages) |- ^+ *sane-changes ?^ ccs ?. =(`[lobe cage]:i.ccs (~(get by all-change-cages) path.i.ccs)) ~| not-same-cages+path.i.ccs !! $(ccs t.ccs) `[all-change-cages args] :: ++ sane-ankh |= $: $= cont (unit [all-changes=(map path [lobe cage]) =ford=args:ford:fusion]) =test=ankh == ?. check-sane ~ :: Assert all new lobes are reachable. :: :: Needs to run after dome is updated :: =/ tak=(unit tako) (~(get by hit.dom) let.dom) ?~ tak ~ =/ =yaki (~(got by hut.ran) u.tak) =/ files=(list [=path =lobe]) ~(tap by q.yaki) |- ^+ *sane-ankh ?^ files ?. (~(has by lat.ran) lobe.i.files) ~| missing-lobe=[path lobe] !! $(files t.files) :: :: Assert we can rebuild the ankh :: ?~ cont ~ =+ u.cont =^ ankh ford-cache.ford-args (checkout-ankh ford-args ~ all-changes *ankh) =| =path |- ^- ~ =* loop $ =/ fil (bind fil.ankh |=([=lobe =cage] [lobe p.cage q.q.cage])) =/ test (bind fil.ankh |=([=lobe =cage] [lobe p.cage q.q.cage])) ?. =(fil test) ~| [%not-same-file path ?=(~ fil.ankh) ?=(~ fil.test-ankh)] ~| ?~(fil.ankh ~ [[p p.q]:u.fil.ankh `@uv`(page-to-lobe [p q.q]:q.u.fil.ankh)]) ~| ?~(fil.test-ankh ~ [[p p.q]:u.fil.test-ankh `@uv`(page-to-lobe [p q.q]:q.u.fil.test-ankh)]) !! ?. =(~(key by dir.ankh) ~(key by dir.test-ankh)) ~| [%not-same-children path ~(key by dir.ankh) ~(key by dir.test-ankh)] !! =< ~ %+ turn ~(tap by dir.ankh) |= [=@ta =child=^ankh] ~| sane-ankh=[path ta] %= loop path (snoc path ta) ankh child-ankh test-ankh (~(got by dir.test-ankh) ta) == :: :: Find /sys changes; does not reload on first commit :: ++ need-sys-update |= changes=(map path (each page lobe)) ^- (map path (each page lobe)) ~+ ?: =(0 let.dom) ~ %- malt %+ skim ~(tap by changes) |= [=path *] ?| =(/sys/hoon/hoon path) =(/sys/arvo/hoon path) =(/sys/zuse/hoon path) == :: ++ need-vane-update |= changes=(map path (each page lobe)) ^- (map path (each page lobe)) ~+ ?: =(0 let.dom) ~ %- malt %+ skim ~(tap by changes) |= [=path *] =(/sys/vane (scag 2 path)) :: :: Delay current update until sys update is complete :: ++ sys-update |= $: =yoki data=(map path (each page lobe)) changes=(map path (each page lobe)) == ^+ ..park =/ updates %- ~(uni by (need-sys-update changes)) (need-vane-update changes) ?> =(~ pud) =. pud `[syd yoki] |^ %. [hen %slip %c %pork ~] =< emit ?: (~(has by updates) /sys/hoon/hoon) (reset &) ?: (~(has by updates) /sys/arvo/hoon) (reset |) ?: (~(has by updates) /sys/zuse/hoon) reboot =/ vanes=(list [=path *]) ~(tap by updates) |- ^+ ..park ?~ vanes ..park ?. ?=([%sys %vane * %hoon ~] path.i.vanes) ~& [%strange-sys-update path.i.vanes] $(vanes t.vanes) =. ..park (reload i.t.t.path.i.vanes) $(vanes t.vanes) :: ++ reset |= new-hoon=? ^+ ..park ?. new-hoon =/ arvo=@t (path-to-cord data /sys/arvo/hoon) =. ..park (pass-lyra hoon=~ arvo) reboot =/ hoon=@t (path-to-cord data /sys/hoon/hoon) =/ arvo=@t (path-to-cord data /sys/arvo/hoon) =. ..park (pass-lyra `hoon arvo) reboot :: ++ pass-lyra |= [hoon=(unit @t) arvo=@t] ^+ ..park (emit hen %pass /reset %d %flog %lyra hoon arvo) :: ++ reboot =/ zuse=@t (path-to-cord data /sys/zuse/hoon) =. ..park %- emit [hen %pass /reboot %d %flog %veer %$ /sys/zuse/hoon zuse] reload-all :: ++ reload-all =/ vanes=(list term) ~[%ames %behn %clay %dill %eyre %gall %iris %jael] |- ^+ ..park ?~ vanes ..park =. ..park (reload i.vanes) $(vanes t.vanes) :: ++ reload |= =term =/ vane=@t (path-to-cord data /sys/vane/[term]/hoon) %- emit =/ tip (end 3 1 term) =/ =path /sys/vane/[term]/hoon [hen %pass /reload %d %flog %veer tip path vane] -- -- :: :: We always say we're merging from 'ali' to 'bob'. The basic steps, :: not all of which are always needed, are: :: :: -- fetch ali's desk, async in case it's remote :: -- diff ali's desk against the mergebase :: -- diff bob's desk against the mergebase :: -- merge the diffs :: -- commit :: ++ start-merge |= [=ali=ship =ali=desk =case =germ] ^+ ..start-merge =/ =wire /merge/[syd]/(scot %p ali-ship)/[ali-desk]/[germ] (emit hen %pass wire %c %warp ali-ship ali-desk `[%sing %v case /]) :: ++ merge |= [=ali=ship =ali=desk =germ =riot] ^+ ..merge |^ ?~ riot (done %| %ali-unavailable >[ali-ship ali-desk germ]< ~) =/ ali-dome=dome:clay !<(dome:clay q.r.u.riot) =/ ali-yaki=yaki (~(got by hut.ran) (~(got by hit.ali-dome) let.ali-dome)) =/ bob-yaki=(unit yaki) ?~ let.dom ~ (~(get by hut.ran) (~(got by hit.dom) let.dom)) =/ merge-result (merge-by-germ ali-yaki bob-yaki) ?: ?=(%| -.merge-result) (done %| p.merge-result) ?~ p.merge-result (done %& ~) =. ..merge (done %& conflicts.u.p.merge-result) (park | new.u.p.merge-result ~ lat.u.p.merge-result) :: ++ done |= result=(each (set path) (pair term tang)) ^+ ..merge (emit hen %give %mere result) :: +$ merge-result [conflicts=(set path) new=yoki lat=(map lobe blob)] ++ merge-by-germ |= [=ali=yaki bob-yaki=(unit yaki)] ^- (each (unit merge-result) [term tang]) :: :: If this is an %init merge, we set the ali's commit to be :: bob's. :: ?: ?=(%init germ) ?> ?=(~ bob-yaki) &+`[conflicts=~ new=|+ali-yaki lat=~] :: =/ bob-yaki (need bob-yaki) |^ ^- (each (unit merge-result) [term tang]) ?- germ :: :: If this is a %only-this merge, we check to see if ali's and bob's :: commits are the same, in which case we're done. Otherwise, we :: check to see if ali's commit is in the ancestry of bob's, in :: which case we're done. Otherwise, we create a new commit with :: bob's data plus ali and bob as parents. :: %only-this ?: =(r.ali-yaki r.bob-yaki) &+~ ?: (~(has in (reachable-takos:ze r.bob-yaki)) r.ali-yaki) &+~ :* %& ~ conflicts=~ new=&+[[r.bob-yaki r.ali-yaki ~] (to-yuki q.bob-yaki)] lat=~ == :: :: If this is a %only-that merge, we check to see if ali's and bob's :: commits are the same, in which case we're done. Otherwise, we :: create a new commit with ali's data plus ali and bob as :: parents. :: %only-that ?: =(r.ali-yaki r.bob-yaki) &+~ :* %& ~ conflicts=~ new=&+[[r.bob-yaki r.ali-yaki ~] (to-yuki q.ali-yaki)] lat=~ == :: :: Create a merge commit with exactly the contents of the :: destination desk except take any files from the source commit :: which are not in the destination desk. :: %take-this ?: =(r.ali-yaki r.bob-yaki) &+~ ?: (~(has in (reachable-takos:ze r.bob-yaki)) r.ali-yaki) &+~ =/ new-data (~(uni by q.ali-yaki) q.bob-yaki) :* %& ~ conflicts=~ new=&+[[r.bob-yaki r.ali-yaki ~] (to-yuki new-data)] lat=~ == :: :: Create a merge commit with exactly the contents of the source :: commit except preserve any files from the destination desk :: which are not in the source commit. :: %take-that ?: =(r.ali-yaki r.bob-yaki) &+~ =/ new-data (~(uni by q.bob-yaki) q.ali-yaki) :* %& ~ conflicts=~ new=&+[[r.bob-yaki r.ali-yaki ~] (to-yuki new-data)] lat=~ == :: :: If this is a %fine merge, we check to see if ali's and bob's :: commits are the same, in which case we're done. Otherwise, we :: check to see if ali's commit is in the ancestry of bob's, in :: which case we're done. Otherwise, we check to see if bob's :: commit is in the ancestry of ali's. If not, this is not a :: fast-forward merge, so we error out. If it is, we add ali's :: commit to bob's desk and checkout. :: %fine ?: =(r.ali-yaki r.bob-yaki) &+~ ?: (~(has in (reachable-takos:ze r.bob-yaki)) r.ali-yaki) &+~ ?. (~(has in (reachable-takos:ze r.ali-yaki)) r.bob-yaki) :~ %| %bad-fine-merge leaf+"tried fast-forward but is not ancestor or descendant" == &+`[conflicts=~ new=|+ali-yaki lat=~] :: ?(%meet %mate %meld %meet-this %meet-that) ?: =(r.ali-yaki r.bob-yaki) &+~ ?: (~(has in (reachable-takos:ze r.bob-yaki)) r.ali-yaki) &+~ ?: (~(has in (reachable-takos:ze r.ali-yaki)) r.bob-yaki) $(germ %fine) =/ merge-points find-merge-points ?~ merge-points :~ %| %merge-no-merge-base leaf+"consider a %this or %that merge to get a mergebase" == =/ merge-point=yaki n.merge-points ?: ?=(?(%mate %meld) germ) =/ ali-diffs=cane (diff-base ali-yaki bob-yaki merge-point) =/ bob-diffs=cane (diff-base bob-yaki ali-yaki merge-point) =/ bof=(map path (unit cage)) (merge-conflicts can.ali-diffs can.bob-diffs) (build ali-yaki bob-yaki merge-point ali-diffs bob-diffs bof) =/ ali-diffs=cane (calc-diffs ali-yaki merge-point) =/ bob-diffs=cane (calc-diffs bob-yaki merge-point) =/ both-diffs=(map path *) %- %~ int by %- ~(uni by `(map path *)`new.ali-diffs) %- ~(uni by `(map path *)`cal.ali-diffs) %- ~(uni by `(map path *)`can.ali-diffs) `(map path *)`old.ali-diffs %- ~(uni by `(map path *)`new.bob-diffs) %- ~(uni by `(map path *)`cal.bob-diffs) %- ~(uni by `(map path *)`can.bob-diffs) `(map path *)`old.bob-diffs ?: &(?=(%meet germ) !=(~ both-diffs)) :~ %| %meet-conflict >~(key by both-diffs)< leaf+"consider a %mate merge" == =/ both-done=(map path lobe) |^ ?- germ %meet ~ %meet-this (resolve (~(uni by new.bob-diffs) cal.bob-diffs)) %meet-that (resolve (~(uni by new.ali-diffs) cal.ali-diffs)) == ++ resolve |= news=(map path lobe) %- malt ^- (list [path lobe]) %+ murn ~(tap by both-diffs) |= [=path *] ^- (unit [^path lobe]) =/ new (~(get by news) path) ?~ new ~ `[path u.new] -- :: =/ deleted %- ~(dif by (~(uni by old.ali-diffs) old.bob-diffs)) (~(run by both-done) |=(* ~)) =/ not-deleted=(map path lobe) %+ roll ~(tap by deleted) =< .(not-deleted q.merge-point) |= [[pax=path ~] not-deleted=(map path lobe)] (~(del by not-deleted) pax) =/ hat=(map path lobe) %- ~(uni by not-deleted) %- ~(uni by new.ali-diffs) %- ~(uni by new.bob-diffs) %- ~(uni by cal.ali-diffs) cal.bob-diffs :* %& ~ conflicts=~ new=&+[[r.bob-yaki r.ali-yaki ~] (to-yuki hat)] lat=~ == == :: ++ to-yuki |= m=(map path lobe) ^- (map path (each page lobe)) (~(run by m) |=(=lobe |+lobe)) :: :: Find the most recent common ancestor(s). :: :: Pretty sure this could be a lot more efficient. :: ++ find-merge-points ^- (set yaki) %- reduce-merge-points =+ r=(reachable-takos:ze r.ali-yaki) |- ^- (set yaki) ~! bob-yaki ?: (~(has in r) r.bob-yaki) (~(put in *(set yaki)) bob-yaki) %+ roll p.bob-yaki |= [t=tako s=(set yaki)] ?: (~(has in r) t) (~(put in s) (~(got by hut.ran) t)) (~(uni in s) ^$(bob-yaki (~(got by hut.ran) t))) :: :: Eliminate redundant merge-point candidates :: ++ reduce-merge-points |= unk=(set yaki) =| gud=(set yaki) =/ zar=(map tako (set tako)) %+ roll ~(tap in unk) |= [yak=yaki qar=(map tako (set tako))] (~(put by qar) r.yak (reachable-takos:ze r.yak)) |- ^- (set yaki) ?~ unk gud =+ bun=(~(del in `(set yaki)`unk) n.unk) ?: %+ levy ~(tap by (~(uni in gud) bun)) |= yak=yaki !(~(has in (~(got by zar) r.yak)) r.n.unk) $(gud (~(put in gud) n.unk), unk bun) $(unk bun) :: :: The set of changes between the mergebase and one of the desks :: being merged :: :: -- `new` is the set of files in the new desk and not in the :: mergebase. :: -- `cal` is the set of changes in the new desk from the :: mergebase except for any that are also in the other new desk. :: -- `can` is the set of changes in the new desk from the :: mergebase that are also in the other new desk (potential :: conflicts). :: -- `old` is the set of files in the mergebase and not in the :: new desk. :: +$ cane $: new=(map path lobe) cal=(map path lobe) can=(map path cage) old=(map path ~) == :: :: Calculate cane knowing there are no files changed by both :: desks :: ++ calc-diffs |= [hed=yaki bas=yaki] ^- cane :* %- molt %+ skip ~(tap by q.hed) |= [pax=path lob=lobe] (~(has by q.bas) pax) :: %- molt %+ skip ~(tap by q.hed) |= [pax=path lob=lobe] =+ (~(get by q.bas) pax) |(=(~ -) =([~ lob] -)) :: ~ :: %- malt ^- (list [path ~]) %+ murn ~(tap by q.bas) |= [pax=path lob=lobe] ^- (unit (pair path ~)) ?. =(~ (~(get by q.hed) pax)) ~ `[pax ~] == :: :: Diff yak against bas where different from yuk :: ++ diff-base |= [yak=yaki yuk=yaki bas=yaki] ^- cane =/ new=(map path lobe) %- malt %+ skip ~(tap by q.yak) |= [=path =lobe] (~(has by q.bas) path) :: =/ cal=(map path lobe) %- malt ^- (list [path lobe]) %+ murn ~(tap by q.bas) |= [pax=path lob=lobe] ^- (unit (pair path lobe)) =+ a=(~(get by q.yak) pax) =+ b=(~(get by q.yuk) pax) ?. ?& ?=(^ a) !=([~ lob] a) =([~ lob] b) == ~ `[pax +.a] :: =/ can=(map path cage) %- malt %+ murn ~(tap by q.bas) |= [=path =lobe] ^- (unit [^path cage]) =/ in-yak (~(get by q.yak) path) ?~ in-yak ~ ?: =(lobe u.in-yak) ~ =/ in-yuk (~(get by q.yuk) path) ?~ in-yuk ~ ?: =(lobe u.in-yuk) ~ ?: =(u.in-yak u.in-yuk) ~ `[path (diff-lobes lobe u.in-yak)] :: =/ old=(map path ~) %- malt ^- (list [path ~]) %+ murn ~(tap by q.bas) |= [pax=path lob=lobe] ?. =(~ (~(get by q.yak) pax)) ~ (some pax ~) :: [new cal can old] :: :: These can/should save their caches :: ++ lobe-to-cage |= =lobe ^- cage =^ =page fod.dom %- wrap:fusion (lobe-to-page:(ford:fusion static-ford-args) lobe) =^ =cage fod.dom %- wrap:fusion (page-to-cage:(ford:fusion static-ford-args) page) cage :: ++ get-dais |= =mark ^- dais =^ =dais fod.dom %- wrap:fusion (get-mark:(ford:fusion static-ford-args) mark) dais :: :: Diff two files on bob-desk :: ++ diff-lobes |= [=a=lobe =b=lobe] ^- cage =/ a-cage (lobe-to-cage a-lobe) =/ b-cage (lobe-to-cage b-lobe) ?> =(p.a-cage p.b-cage) =/ =dais (get-dais p.a-cage) [form:dais (~(diff dais q.a-cage) q.b-cage)] :: :: Merge diffs that are on the same file. :: ++ merge-conflicts |= [ali-conflicts=(map path cage) bob-conflicts=(map path cage)] ^- (map path (unit cage)) %- ~(urn by (~(int by ali-conflicts) bob-conflicts)) |= [=path *] ^- (unit cage) =/ cal=cage (~(got by ali-conflicts) path) =/ cob=cage (~(got by bob-conflicts) path) =/ =mark =+ (slag (dec (lent path)) path) ?~(- %$ i.-) =/ =dais (get-dais mark) =/ res=(unit (unit vase)) (~(join dais bunt:dais) q.cal q.cob) ?~ res `[form:dais q.cob] ?~ u.res ~ `[form:dais u.u.res] :: :: Apply the patches in bof to get the new merged content. :: :: Gather all the changes between ali's and bob's commits and the :: mergebase. This is similar to the %meet of ++merge, except :: where they touch the same file, we use the merged versions. :: ++ build |= $: ali=yaki bob=yaki bas=yaki dal=cane dob=cane bof=(map path (unit cage)) == ^- (each (unit merge-result) [term tang]) =/ both-patched=(map path cage) %- malt %+ murn ~(tap by bof) |= [=path cay=(unit cage)] ^- (unit [^path cage]) ?~ cay ~ :+ ~ path =+ (~(get by q.bas) path) ?~ - ~| %mate-strange-diff-no-base !! =/ =cage (lobe-to-cage u.-) =/ =dais (get-dais p.cage) ?> =(p.u.cay form.dais) :- p.cage (~(pact dais q.cage) q.u.cay) =/ con=(map path *) :: 2-change conflict %- molt %+ skim ~(tap by bof) |=([pax=path cay=(unit cage)] ?=(~ cay)) =/ cab=(map path lobe) :: conflict base %- ~(urn by con) |= [pax=path *] (~(got by q.bas) pax) =. con :: change+del conflict %- ~(uni by con) %- malt ^- (list [path *]) %+ skim ~(tap by old.dal) |= [pax=path ~] ?: (~(has by new.dob) pax) ~| %strange-add-and-del !! (~(has by can.dob) pax) =. con :: change+del conflict %- ~(uni by con) %- malt ^- (list [path *]) %+ skim ~(tap by old.dob) |= [pax=path ~] ?: (~(has by new.dal) pax) ~| %strange-del-and-add !! (~(has by can.dal) pax) =. con :: add+add conflict %- ~(uni by con) %- malt ^- (list [path *]) %+ skip ~(tap by (~(int by new.dal) new.dob)) |= [pax=path *] =((~(got by new.dal) pax) (~(got by new.dob) pax)) ?: &(?=(%mate germ) ?=(^ con)) =+ (turn ~(tap by `(map path *)`con) |=([path *] >[+<-]<)) [%| %mate-conflict -] =/ old=(map path lobe) :: oldies but goodies %+ roll ~(tap by (~(uni by old.dal) old.dob)) =< .(old q.bob) |= [[pax=path ~] old=(map path lobe)] (~(del by old) pax) =/ [hot=(map path lobe) lat=(map lobe blob)] :: new content %+ roll ~(tap by both-patched) |= [[pax=path cay=cage] hat=(map path lobe) lat=(map lobe blob)] =/ =blob [%direct (page-to-lobe [p q.q]:cay) [p q.q]:cay] :- (~(put by hat) pax p.blob) ?: (~(has by lat) p.blob) lat (~(put by lat) p.blob blob) =/ hat=(map path lobe) :: all the content %- ~(uni by old) %- ~(uni by new.dal) %- ~(uni by new.dob) %- ~(uni by cal.dal) %- ~(uni by cal.dob) %- ~(uni by hot) cab =/ del=(map path ?) (~(run by (~(uni by old.dal) old.dob)) |=(~ %|)) =/ new &+[[r.bob r.ali ~] (~(run by hat) |=(=lobe |+lobe))] :* %& ~ (silt (turn ~(tap by con) head)) new lat == -- -- :: :: Update mime cache :: ++ checkout-mime |= $: =ford=args:ford:fusion deletes=(set path) changes=(set path) == ^- [(map path (unit mime)) ford-cache] =/ mim=(map path (unit mime)) =/ dels=(list path) ~(tap by deletes) |- ^- (map path (unit mime)) ?~ dels ~ (~(put by $(dels t.dels)) i.dels ~) =/ cans=(list path) ~(tap by changes) |- ^- [(map path (unit mime)) ford-cache] ?~ cans [mim ford-cache.ford-args] =^ cage ford-cache.ford-args ~| mime-cast-fail+i.cans (wrap:fusion (cast-path:(ford:fusion ford-args) i.cans %mime)) =^ mim ford-cache.ford-args $(cans t.cans) [(~(put by mim) i.cans `!<(mime q.cage)) ford-cache.ford-args] :: :: Add or remove entries to the mime cache :: ++ apply-changes-to-mim |= [mim=(map path mime) changes=(map path (unit mime))] ^- (map path mime) =/ changes-l=(list [pax=path change=(unit mime)]) ~(tap by changes) |- ^- (map path mime) ?~ changes-l mim ?~ change.i.changes-l $(changes-l t.changes-l, mim (~(del by mim) pax.i.changes-l)) $(changes-l t.changes-l, mim (~(put by mim) [pax u.change]:i.changes-l)) :: :: Emit update to unix sync :: ++ ergo |= mim=(map path (unit mime)) ^+ ..park =/ must (must-ergo her syd mon (turn ~(tap by mim) head)) %- emil %+ turn ~(tap by must) |= [pot=term len=@ud pak=(set path)] :* (need hez) %give %ergo pot %+ turn ~(tap in pak) |= pax=path [(slag len pax) (~(got by mim) pax)] == :: :: Output is a map of mount points to {length-of-mounted-path set-of-paths}. :: ++ must-ergo |= [our=ship syd=desk mon=(map term beam) can/(list path)] ^- (map term (pair @ud (set path))) %- malt ^- (list (trel term @ud (set path))) %+ murn ~(tap by mon) |= {nam/term bem/beam} ^- (unit (trel term @ud (set path))) =- ?~(- ~ `[nam (lent s.bem) (silt `(list path)`-)]) %+ skim can |= pax/path &(=(p.bem our) =(q.bem syd) =((flop s.bem) (scag (lent s.bem) pax))) :: :: Mount a beam to unix :: ++ mount |= [pot=term =case =spur] ^+ ..mount =/ old-mon (~(get by mon) pot) ?^ old-mon %- (slog >%already-mounted< >u.old-mon< ~) ..mount =. mon (~(put by mon) pot [her syd case] spur) =/ =yaki (~(got by hut.ran) (~(got by hit.dom) let.dom)) =/ changes (~(run by q.yaki) |=(=lobe |+lobe)) =/ =args:ford:fusion [zuse:(need fer.dom) ank.dom ~ changes lat.ran fod.dom] =^ mim ford-cache.args (checkout-mime args ~ ~(key by changes)) =. mim.dom (apply-changes-to-mim mim.dom mim) =. fod.dom ford-cache.args (ergo mim) :: :: Set permissions for a node. :: ++ perm |= {pax/path rit/rite} ^+ +> =/ mis/(set @ta) %+ roll =- ~(tap in -) ?- -.rit $r who:(fall red.rit *rule) $w who:(fall wit.rit *rule) $rw (~(uni in who:(fall red.rit *rule)) who:(fall wit.rit *rule)) == |= {w/whom s/(set @ta)} ?: |(?=(%& -.w) (~(has by cez) p.w)) s (~(put in s) p.w) ?^ mis :: TODO remove this nasty hack :: ?. ?=([[%a *] *] hen) +>.$ =- (emit hen %give %done `[%perm-fail [%leaf "No such group(s): {-}"]~]) %+ roll ~(tap in `(set @ta)`mis) |= {g/@ta t/tape} ?~ t (trip g) :(weld t ", " (trip g)) :: TODO remove this nasty hack :: =< ?. ?=([[%a *] *] hen) . (emit hen %give %done ~) :: ?- -.rit $r wake(per (put-perm per pax red.rit)) $w wake(pew (put-perm pew pax wit.rit)) $rw wake(per (put-perm per pax red.rit), pew (put-perm pew pax wit.rit)) == :: ++ put-perm |= {pes/regs pax/path new/(unit rule)} ?~ new (~(del by pes) pax) (~(put by pes) pax u.new) :: :: Remove a group from all rules. :: ++ forget-crew |= nom/@ta %= +> per (forget-crew-in nom per) pew (forget-crew-in nom pew) == :: ++ forget-crew-in |= {nom/@ta pes/regs} %- ~(run by pes) |= r/rule r(who (~(del in who.r) |+nom)) :: :: Cancel a request. :: :: For local requests, we just remove it from `qyx`. For foreign requests, :: we remove it from `ref` and tell the foreign ship to cancel as well. :: ++ cancel-request :: release request ^+ . =^ wos/(list wove) qyx :_ (~(run by qyx) |=(a/(set duct) (~(del in a) hen))) %- ~(rep by qyx) |= {{a/wove b/(set duct)} c/(list wove)} ?.((~(has in b) hen) c [a c]) ?~ ref => .(ref `(unit rind)`ref) :: XX TMI ?: =(~ wos) + :: XX handle? |- ^+ +> ?~ wos +> $(wos t.wos, +> (run-if-future rove.i.wos |=(@da (best hen +<)))) ^+ ..cancel-request =+ nux=(~(get by fod.u.ref) hen) ?~ nux ..cancel-request =: fod.u.ref (~(del by fod.u.ref) hen) bom.u.ref (~(del by bom.u.ref) u.nux) == (send-over-ames hen her u.nux syd ~) :: :: Handles a request. :: :: `%sing` requests are handled by ++aver. `%next` requests are handled by :: running ++aver at the given case, and then subsequent cases until we find :: a case where the two results aren't equivalent. If it hasn't happened :: yet, we wait. `%many` requests are handled by producing as much as we can :: and then waiting if the subscription range extends into the future. :: ++ start-request |= [for=(unit [ship @ud]) rav=rave] ^+ ..start-request =^ [new-sub=(unit rove) sub-results=(list sub-result)] fod.dom (try-fill-sub for (rave-to-rove rav)) =. ..start-request (send-sub-results sub-results [hen ~ ~]) ?~ new-sub ..start-request (duce for u.new-sub) :: :: Called when a foreign ship answers one of our requests. :: :: If it's a `%many` request, process in +take-foreign-update :: :: After updating ref (our request manager), we handle %x, %w, and %y :: responses. For %x, we call ++validate-x to validate the type of :: the response. For %y, we coerce the result to an arch. :: ++ take-foreign-answer :: external change |= [inx=@ud rut=(unit rand)] ^+ +> ?> ?=(^ ref) =+ ruv=(~(get by bom.u.ref) inx) ?~ ruv +>.$ =/ rav=rave rave.u.ruv ?: ?=(%many -.rav) abet:(apex:(foreign-update inx) rut) ?~ rut :: nothing here, so cache that :: %_ wake haw.u.ref ?. ?=($sing -.rav) haw.u.ref (~(put by haw.u.ref) mood.rav ~) == |^ =/ result=(unit cage) (validate u.rut) =/ =mood [p.p q.p q]:u.rut =: haw.u.ref (~(put by haw.u.ref) mood result) bom.u.ref (~(del by bom.u.ref) inx) fod.u.ref (~(del by fod.u.ref) hen) == wake :: something here, so validate :: ++ validate |= =rand ^- (unit cage) ?- p.p.rand $a ~| %no-big-ford-builds-across-network-for-now !! $b ~| %i-guess-you-ought-to-build-your-own-marks !! $c ~| %casts-should-be-compiled-on-your-own-ship !! $d ~| %totally-temporary-error-please-replace-me !! $p ~| %requesting-foreign-permissions-is-invalid !! $r ~| %no-cages-please-they-are-just-way-too-big !! $s ~| %please-dont-get-your-takos-over-a-network !! $t ~| %requesting-foreign-directory-is-vaporware !! $u ~| %prolly-poor-idea-to-get-rang-over-network !! $v ~| %weird-shouldnt-get-v-request-from-network !! $z `(validate-z r.rand) $w `(validate-w r.rand) $x (validate-x [p.p q.p q r]:rand) $y `[p.r.rand !>(;;(arch q.r.rand))] == :: :: Make sure the incoming data is a %w response :: ++ validate-w |= =page ^- cage :- p.page ?+ p.page ~| %strange-w-over-nextwork !! $cass !>(;;(cass q.page)) $null [[%atom %n ~] ~] $nako !>(~|([%molding [&1 &2 &3]:q.page] ;;(nako q.page))) == :: :: Make sure that incoming data is of the mark it claims to be. :: ++ validate-x |= [car=care cas=case pax=path peg=page] ^- (unit cage) =/ vale-result %- mule |. %- wrap:fusion (page-to-cage:(ford:fusion static-ford-args) peg) ?: ?=(%| -.vale-result) %- (slog >%validate-x-failed< p.vale-result) ~ `-.p.vale-result :: :: Make sure the incoming data is a %z response :: ++ validate-z |= =page ^- cage ?> ?=(%uvi p.page) :- p.page !>(;;(@uvI q.page)) -- :: :: Respond to backfill request :: :: Maybe should verify the requester is allowed to access this blob? :: ++ give-backfill |= =lobe ^+ ..give-backfill (emit hen %give %boon (~(got by lat.ran) lobe)) :: :: Ingest foreign update, requesting missing blobs if necessary :: ++ foreign-update |= inx=@ud ?> ?=(^ ref) =/ [sat=update-state lost=?] =/ ruv (~(get by bom.u.ref) inx) ?~ ruv ~& [%clay-foreign-update-lost her syd inx] [*update-state &] [u.ruv |] =/ done=? | =. hen duct.sat |% ++ abet ^+ ..foreign-update ?: lost ..foreign-update ?: done =: bom.u.ref (~(del by bom.u.ref) inx) fod.u.ref (~(del by fod.u.ref) hen) == =<(?>(?=(^ ref) .) wake) =. bom.u.ref (~(put by bom.u.ref) inx sat) ..foreign-update :: ++ apex |= rut=(unit rand) ^+ ..abet ?: lost ..abet ?~ rut =. nako.sat (~(put to nako.sat) ~) work ?> ?=(%nako p.r.u.rut) =/ nako ;;(nako q.r.u.rut) =/ missing (missing-blobs nako) =. need.sat `(list lobe)`(welp need.sat ~(tap in missing)) =. nako.sat (~(put to nako.sat) ~ nako) work :: ++ missing-blobs |= =nako ^- (set lobe) =/ yakis ~(tap in lar.nako) |- ^- (set lobe) =* yaki-loop $ ?~ yakis ~ =/ lobes=(list [=path =lobe]) ~(tap by q.i.yakis) |- ^- (set lobe) =* blob-loop $ ?~ lobes yaki-loop(yakis t.yakis) ?: (~(has by lat.ran) lobe.i.lobes) blob-loop(lobes t.lobes) (~(put in blob-loop(lobes t.lobes)) lobe.i.lobes) :: :: Receive backfill response :: ++ take-backfill |= =blob ^+ ..abet ?: lost ..abet =? need.sat ?& ?=(%delta -.blob) !(~(has by lat.ran) q.q.blob) !(~(has by have.sat) q.q.blob) == [q.q.blob need.sat] :: We can't put a blob in lat.ran if its parent isn't already :: there. Unions are in reverse order so we don't overwrite :: existing blobs. :: =. ..abet ?: &(?=(%delta -.blob) !(~(has by lat.ran) q.q.blob)) ..abet(have.sat (~(uni by (malt [p.blob `^blob`blob] ~)) have.sat)) ..abet(lat.ran (~(uni by (malt [p.blob blob] ~)) lat.ran)) work(busy.sat |) :: :: Fetch next blob :: ++ work ^+ ..abet ?: busy.sat ..abet |- ^+ ..abet ?: =(~ need.sat) :: NB: if you change to release nakos as we get enough blobs :: for them instead of all at the end, you *must* store the :: `lim` that should be applied after the nako is complete and :: not use the one in the rave, since that will apply to the :: end of subscription. :: =. lat.ran (~(uni by have.sat) lat.ran) |- ^+ ..abet ?: =(~ nako.sat) ..abet =^ next=(unit nako) nako.sat ~(get to nako.sat) ?~ next ..abet(done &) =. ..abet (apply-foreign-update u.next) =. ..foreign-update =<(?>(?=(^ ref) .) wake) $ ?> ?=(^ need.sat) :: This is what removes an item from `need`. This happens every :: time we take a backfill response, but it could happen more than :: once if we somehow got this data in the meantime (maybe from :: another desk updating concurrently, or a previous update on this :: same desk). :: ?: ?| (~(has by lat.ran) i.need.sat) (~(has by have.sat) i.need.sat) == $(need.sat t.need.sat) :: Otherwise, fetch the next blob :: =/ =fill [syd i.need.sat] =/ =wire /back-index/(scot %p her)/[syd]/(scot %ud inx) =/ =path [%backfill syd (scot %ud inx) ~] =. ..foreign-update =< ?>(?=(^ ref) .) (emit hen %pass wire %a %plea her %c path fill) ..abet(busy.sat &) :: :: When we get a %w foreign update, store this in our state. :: :: We get the commits and blobs from the nako and add them to our :: object store, then we update the map of aeons to commits and the :: latest aeon. :: ++ apply-foreign-update |= =nako ^+ ..abet :: hit: updated commit-hashes by @ud case :: nut: new commit-hash/commit pairs :: hut: updated commits by hash :: nat: new blob-hash/blob pairs :: lat: updated blobs by hash :: =/ hit (~(uni by hit.dom) gar.nako) =/ nut (turn ~(tap in lar.nako) |=(=yaki [r.yaki yaki])) =/ hut (~(uni by (malt nut)) hut.ran) =/ nat (turn ~(tap in bar.nako) |=(=blob [p.blob blob])) =/ lat (~(uni by (malt nat)) lat.ran) :: traverse updated state and sanity check :: =+ ~| :* %bad-foreign-update [gar=gar.nako let=let.nako nut=(turn nut head) nat=(turn nat head)] [hitdom=hit.dom letdom=let.dom] == ?: =(0 let.nako) ~ =/ =aeon 1 |- ^- ~ =/ =tako ~| [%missing-aeon aeon] (~(got by hit) aeon) =/ =yaki ~| [%missing-tako tako] (~(got by hut) tako) =+ %+ turn ~(tap by q.yaki) |= [=path =lobe] ~| [%missing-blob path lobe] ?> (~(has by lat) lobe) ~ ?: =(let.nako aeon) ~ $(aeon +(aeon)) :: produce updated state :: =/ =rave rave:(~(got by bom.u.ref) inx) ?> ?=(%many -.rave) =: let.dom (max let.nako let.dom) hit.dom hit hut.ran hut lat.ran lat :: Is this correct? Seeems like it should only go to `to` if :: we've gotten all the way to the end. Leaving this :: behavior unchanged for now, but I believe it's wrong. :: lim ?.(?=(%da -.to.moat.rave) lim p.to.moat.rave) == ..abet -- :: :: fire function if request is in future :: ++ run-if-future |= [rov=rove fun=$-(@da _.)] ^+ +>.$ %+ fall %+ bind ^- (unit @da) ?- -.rov %sing ?. ?=(%da -.case.mood.rov) ~ `p.case.mood.rov :: %next ~ %mult ~ %many %^ hunt lth ?. ?=(%da -.from.moat.rov) ~ ?. (lth now p.from.moat.rov) ~ [~ p.from.moat.rov] ?. ?=(%da -.to.moat.rov) ~ `(max now p.to.moat.rov) == fun +>.$ :: ++ rave-to-rove |= rav/rave ^- rove ?- -.rav %sing rav %next [- mood ~ ~]:rav %mult [- mool ~ ~ ~]:rav %many [- track moat ~]:rav == :: ++ rove-to-rave |= rov/rove ^- rave ?- -.rov %sing rov %next [- mood]:rov %mult [- mool]:rov %many [- track moat]:rov == :: ++ send-sub-results |= [sub-results=(list sub-result) ducts=(set duct)] ^+ ..wake ?~ sub-results ..wake =. ..wake ?- -.i.sub-results %blab (blab-all ducts +.i.sub-results) %bleb (bleb-all ducts +.i.sub-results) %balk (balk-all ducts +.i.sub-results) %blas (blas-all ducts +.i.sub-results) %blub (blub-all ducts +.i.sub-results) == $(sub-results t.sub-results) :: :: Loop through open subscriptions and check if we can fill any of :: them. :: ++ wake ^+ . =/ old-subs=(list [=wove ducts=(set duct)]) ~(tap by qyx) =| new-subs=(list [=wove ducts=(set duct)]) |- ^+ ..wake ?~ old-subs :: install new subs :: ..wake(qyx (~(gas by *cult) new-subs)) ?: =(~ ducts.i.old-subs) :: drop forgotten roves :: $(old-subs t.old-subs) =^ [new-sub=(unit rove) sub-results=(list sub-result)] fod.dom (try-fill-sub wove.i.old-subs) =. ..wake (send-sub-results sub-results ducts.i.old-subs) =. new-subs ?~ new-sub new-subs [[[for.wove.i.old-subs u.new-sub] ducts.i.old-subs] new-subs] $(old-subs t.old-subs) :: :: Try to fill a subscription :: ++ try-fill-sub |= [far=(unit [=ship ver=@ud]) rov=rove] ^- [[new-sub=(unit rove) (list sub-result)] ford-cache] =/ for=(unit ship) ?~(far ~ `ship.u.far) ?- -.rov %sing =/ cache-value=(unit (unit cage)) ?~(ref ~ (~(get by haw.u.ref) mood.rov)) ?^ cache-value :: if we have a result in our cache, produce it :: :_ fod.dom :- ~ ?~ u.cache-value [%blub ~]~ [%blab mood.rov %& u.u.cache-value]~ :: else, check to see if rove is for an aeon we know :: =/ aeon=(unit aeon) (case-to-aeon case.mood.rov) ?~ aeon [[`rov ~] fod.dom] :: we have the appropriate aeon, so read in the data :: =^ value=(unit (unit (each cage lobe))) fod.dom (read-at-aeon:ze for u.aeon mood.rov) ?~ value :: We don't have the data directly, which is potentially :: problematical. How can we fetch the data? :: ?: =(0 u.aeon) ~& [%clay-sing-indirect-data-0 `path`[syd '0' path.mood.rov]] [[~ ~] fod.dom] ~& [%clay-sing-indirect-data desk=syd mood=mood.rov aeon=u.aeon] [[`rov ~] fod.dom] :: we have the data, so we produce the results :: [[~ [%balk u.value mood.rov]~] fod.dom] :: :: %next is just %mult with one path, so we pretend %next = %mult here. :: ?(%next %mult) :: because %mult requests need to wait on multiple files for each :: revision that needs to be checked for changes, we keep two :: cache maps. {old} is the revision at {(dec aeon)}, {new} is :: the revision at {aeon}. if we have no {aeon} yet, that means :: it was still unknown last time we checked. :: =* vor rov |^ =/ rov=rove ?: ?=(%mult -.vor) vor :* %mult [case [[care path] ~ ~]]:mood.vor aeon.vor [[[care.mood.vor path.mood.vor] cach.vor] ~ ~] ~ == ?> ?=(%mult -.rov) :: we will either respond or store the maybe updated request. :: =; [res=(each (map mood (unit (each cage lobe))) rove) fod=ford-cache] :_ fod ?: ?=(%& -.res) (respond p.res) (store p.res) :: recurse here on next aeon if possible/needed. :: |- ^- [(each (map mood (unit (each cage lobe))) rove) ford-cache] :: if we don't have an aeon yet, see if we have one now. :: ?~ aeon.rov =/ aeon=(unit aeon) (case-to-aeon case.mool.rov) :: if we still don't, wait. :: ?~ aeon [|+rov fod.dom] :: if we do, update the request and retry. :: $(aeon.rov `+(u.aeon), old-cach.rov ~, new-cach.rov ~) :: if old isn't complete, try filling in the gaps. :: =^ o fod.dom ?: (complete old-cach.rov) [old-cach.rov fod.dom] (read-unknown mool.rov(case [%ud (dec u.aeon.rov)]) old-cach.rov) =. old-cach.rov o :: if the next aeon we want to compare is in the future, wait again. :: =/ next-aeon=(unit aeon) (case-to-aeon [%ud u.aeon.rov]) ?~ next-aeon [|+rov fod.dom] :: if new isn't complete, try filling in the gaps. :: =^ n fod.dom ?: (complete new-cach.rov) [new-cach.rov fod.dom] (read-unknown mool.rov(case [%ud u.aeon.rov]) new-cach.rov) =. new-cach.rov n :: if they're still not both complete, wait again. :: ?. ?& (complete old-cach.rov) (complete new-cach.rov) == [|+rov fod.dom] :: both complete, so check if anything has changed :: =/ changes=(map mood (unit (each cage lobe))) %+ roll ~(tap by old-cach.rov) |= $: [[car=care pax=path] old-cach-value=cach] changes=(map mood (unit (each cage lobe))) == =/ new-cach-value=cach (~(got by new-cach.rov) car pax) ?< |(?=(~ old-cach-value) ?=(~ new-cach-value)) =/ new-entry=(unit (pair mood (unit (each cage lobe)))) =/ =mood [car [%ud u.aeon.rov] pax] ?~ u.old-cach-value ?~ u.new-cach-value :: not added :: ~ :: added :: `[mood `u.u.new-cach-value] ?~ u.new-cach-value :: deleted :: `[mood ~] ?: (equivalent-data:ze u.u.new-cach-value u.u.old-cach-value) :: unchanged :: ~ :: changed :: `[mood `u.u.new-cach-value] :: if changed, save the change :: ?~ new-entry changes (~(put by changes) u.new-entry) :: if there are any changes, send response. if none, move on to :: next aeon. :: ?^ changes [&+changes fod.dom] $(u.aeon.rov +(u.aeon.rov), new-cach.rov ~) :: :: check again later :: ++ store |= rov=rove ^- [new-sub=(unit rove) (list sub-result)] =/ new-rove=rove ?> ?=(%mult -.rov) ?: ?=(%mult -.vor) rov ?> ?=([* ~ ~] old-cach.rov) =* one n.old-cach.rov [%next [care.p.one case.mool.rov path.p.one] aeon.rov q.one] [`new-rove ~] :: :: send changes :: ++ respond |= res=(map mood (unit (each cage lobe))) ^- [new-sub=(unit rove) (list sub-result)] :- ~ ?: ?=(%mult -.vor) [%blas ~(key by res)]~ ?> ?=([* ~ ~] res) ?~ q.n.res [%blub ~]~ [%blab [p u.q]:n.res]~ :: :: no unknowns :: ++ complete |= hav=(map (pair care path) cach) ?& ?=(^ hav) (levy ~(tap by `(map (pair care path) cach)`hav) know) == :: :: know about file in cach :: ++ know |=({(pair care path) c/cach} ?=(^ c)) :: :: fill in the blanks :: ++ read-unknown |= [=mool hav=(map (pair care path) cach)] ^- [_hav ford-cache] =? hav ?=(~ hav) %- malt ^- (list (pair (pair care path) cach)) %+ turn ~(tap in paths.mool) |= [c=care p=path] ^- [[care path] cach] [[c p] ~] |- ^+ [hav fod.dom] ?~ hav [hav fod.dom] =^ lef fod.dom $(hav l.hav) =. l.hav lef =^ rig fod.dom $(hav r.hav) =. r.hav rig =/ [[=care =path] =cach] n.hav ?^ cach [hav fod.dom] =^ q fod.dom (aver for care case.mool path) =. q.n.hav q [hav fod.dom] -- :: %many :_ fod.dom =/ from-aeon (case-to-aeon from.moat.rov) ?~ from-aeon :: haven't entered the relevant range, so do nothing :: [`rov ~] =/ to-aeon (case-to-aeon to.moat.rov) =/ ver ?~(far %1 ver.u.far) ?~ to-aeon :: we're in the middle of the range, so produce what we can, :: but don't end the subscription :: :: update "from" case to the aeon after now :: =. from.moat.rov [%ud +(let.dom)] :- `rov =/ new-lobes=(map path lobe) (lobes-at-path:ze for let.dom path.moat.rov) ?: =(lobes.rov new-lobes) :: if no changes, don't produce results :: ~ :: else changes, so produce them :: [%bleb ver let.dom ?:(track.rov ~ `[u.from-aeon let.dom])]~ :: we're past the end of the range, so end subscription :: :- ~ =/ new-lobes=(map path lobe) (lobes-at-path:ze for u.to-aeon path.moat.rov) :: if changed, give subscription result :: =/ bleb=(list sub-result) ?: =(lobes.rov new-lobes) ~ [%bleb ver +(u.from-aeon) ?:(track.rov ~ `[u.from-aeon u.to-aeon])]~ :: end subscription :: =/ blub=(list sub-result) [%blub ~]~ (weld bleb blub) == :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: This core has no additional state, and the distinction exists purely for :: documentation. The overarching theme is that `++de` directly contains :: logic for metadata about the desk, while `++ze` is composed primarily :: of helper functions for manipulating the desk state (`++dome`) itself. :: Functions include: :: :: -- converting between cases, commit hashes, commits, content hashes, :: and content :: -- creating commits and content and adding them to the tree :: -- finding which data needs to be sent over the network to keep the :: other urbit up-to-date :: -- reading from the file tree through different `++care` options :: -- the `++me` core for merging. :: :: The dome is composed of the following: :: :: -- `ank` is the ankh, which is the file data itself. An ankh is both :: a possible file and a possible directory. An ankh has both: :: -- `fil`, a possible file, stored as both a cage and its hash :: -- `dir`, a map of @ta to more ankhs. :: -- `let` is the number of the most recent revision. :: -- `hit` is a map of revision numbers to commit hashes. :: -- `lab` is a map of labels to revision numbers. :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: Other utility functions :: ++ ze |% :: These convert between aeon (version number), tako (commit hash), yaki :: (commit data structure), lobe (content hash), and blob (content). :: :: XX the following are duplicated from the +state core :: ++ aeon-to-tako ~(got by hit.dom) ++ aeon-to-yaki |=(=aeon (tako-to-yaki (aeon-to-tako aeon))) ++ lobe-to-blob ~(got by lat.ran) ++ tako-to-yaki ~(got by hut.ran) ++ lobe-to-mark |= a/lobe => (lobe-to-blob a) ?- - $delta p.q $direct p.q == :: :: Checks whether two pieces of data (either cages or lobes) are the same. :: ++ equivalent-data |= {one/(each cage lobe) two/(each cage lobe)} ^- ? ?: ?=(%& -.one) ?: ?=(%& -.two) =([p q.q]:p.one [p q.q]:p.two) =(p.two (page-to-lobe [p q.q]:p.one)) ?: ?=(%& -.two) =(p.one (page-to-lobe [p q.q]:p.two)) =(p.one p.two) :: :: Gets a map of the data at the given path and all children of it. :: ++ lobes-at-path |= {for/(unit ship) yon/aeon pax/path} ^- (map path lobe) ?: =(0 yon) ~ :: we use %z for the check because it looks at all child paths. ?. |(?=(~ for) (may-read u.for %z yon pax)) ~ %- malt %+ skim %~ tap by =< q %- aeon-to-yaki yon |= {p/path q/lobe} ?| ?=(~ pax) ?& !?=(~ p) =(-.pax -.p) $(p +.p, pax +.pax) == == :: :: Creates a nako of all the changes between a and b. :: ++ make-nako |= [ver=@ud a=aeon b=aeon] ^- nako :+ ?> (lte b let.dom) |- ?: =(b let.dom) hit.dom $(hit.dom (~(del by hit.dom) let.dom), let.dom (dec let.dom)) b ?: =(0 b) [~ ~] (data-twixt-takos =(0 ver) (~(get by hit.dom) a) (aeon-to-tako b)) :: :: Traverse parentage and find all ancestor hashes :: ++ reachable-takos :: reachable |= p/tako ^- (set tako) =| s=(set tako) |- ^- (set tako) =. s (~(put in s) p) =+ y=(tako-to-yaki p) |- ^- (set tako) ?~ p.y s ?: (~(has in s) i.p.y) $(p.y t.p.y) =. s ^$(p i.p.y) $(p.y t.p.y) :: :: Gets the data between two commit hashes, assuming the first is an :: ancestor of the second. :: :: Get all the takos before `a`, then get all takos before `b` except the :: ones we found before `a`. Then convert the takos to yakis and also get :: all the data in all the yakis. :: :: What happens if you run an %init merge on a desk that already :: had a commit? :: ++ data-twixt-takos |= [plops=? a=(unit tako) b=tako] ^- [(set yaki) (set plop)] =+ old=?~(a ~ (reachable-takos u.a)) =/ yal=(set tako) %- silt %+ skip ~(tap in (reachable-takos b)) |=(tak=tako (~(has in old) tak)) :- (silt (turn ~(tap in yal) tako-to-yaki)) ?. plops ~ (silt (turn ~(tap in (new-lobes (new-lobes ~ old) yal)) lobe-to-blob)) :: :: Get all the lobes that are referenced in `a` except those that are :: already in `b`. :: ++ new-lobes :: object hash set |= {b/(set lobe) a/(set tako)} :: that aren't in b ^- (set lobe) %+ roll ~(tap in a) |= {tak/tako bar/(set lobe)} ^- (set lobe) =+ yak=(tako-to-yaki tak) %+ roll ~(tap by q.yak) =< .(far bar) |= {{path lob/lobe} far/(set lobe)} ^- (set lobe) ?~ (~(has in b) lob) :: don't need far =+ gar=(lobe-to-blob lob) ?- -.gar $direct (~(put in far) lob) $delta (~(put in $(lob q.q.gar)) lob) == :: :: Probably can get rid of the cache checks because they happen in :: ford :: ++ read-a !. |= [=aeon =path] ^- [(unit (unit (each cage lobe))) ford-cache] ?. =(aeon let.dom) [~ fod.dom] =/ cached=(unit [=vase *]) (~(get by vases.fod.dom) path) ?^ cached :_(fod.dom [~ ~ %& %vase !>(vase.u.cached)]) =/ x (read-x aeon path) ?~ x [~ fod.dom] ?~ u.x [[~ ~] fod.dom] :: should never happen at current aeon ?: ?=(%| -.u.u.x) [~ fod.dom] =^ =vase fod.dom %- wrap:fusion (build-file:(ford:fusion static-ford-args) path) :_(fod.dom [~ ~ %& %vase !>(vase)]) :: ++ read-b !. |= [=aeon =path] ^- [(unit (unit (each cage lobe))) ford-cache] ?. =(aeon let.dom) [~ fod.dom] ?. ?=([@ ~] path) [[~ ~] fod.dom] =/ cached=(unit [=dais *]) (~(get by marks.fod.dom) i.path) ?^ cached :_(fod.dom [~ ~ %& %dais !>(dais.u.cached)]) =^ =dais fod.dom %- wrap:fusion (get-mark:(ford:fusion static-ford-args) i.path) :_(fod.dom [~ ~ %& %dais !>(dais)]) :: ++ read-c !. |= [=aeon =path] ^- [(unit (unit (each cage lobe))) ford-cache] ?. =(aeon let.dom) [~ fod.dom] ?. ?=([@ @ ~] path) [[~ ~] fod.dom] =/ cached=(unit [=tube *]) (~(get by casts.fod.dom) [i i.t]:path) ?^ cached :_(fod.dom [~ ~ %& %tube !>(tube.u.cached)]) =^ =tube fod.dom %- wrap:fusion (get-cast:(ford:fusion static-ford-args) [i i.t]:path) :_(fod.dom [~ ~ %& %tube !>(tube)]) :: :: Gets the permissions that apply to a particular node. :: :: If the node has no permissions of its own, we use its parent's. :: If no permissions have been set for the entire tree above the node, :: we default to fully private (empty whitelist). :: ++ read-p |= pax/path ^- (unit (unit (each cage lobe))) =- [~ ~ %& %noun !>(-)] :- (read-p-in pax per.red) (read-p-in pax pew.red) :: ++ read-p-in |= {pax/path pes/regs} ^- dict =/ rul/(unit rule) (~(get by pes) pax) ?^ rul :+ pax mod.u.rul %- ~(rep in who.u.rul) |= {w/whom out/(pair (set ship) (map @ta crew))} ?: ?=({%& @p} w) [(~(put in p.out) +.w) q.out] =/ cru/(unit crew) (~(get by cez.ruf) +.w) ?~ cru out [p.out (~(put by q.out) +.w u.cru)] ?~ pax [/ %white ~ ~] $(pax (scag (dec (lent pax)) `path`pax)) :: ++ may-read |= {who/ship car/care yon/aeon pax/path} ^- ? ?+ car (allowed-by who pax per.red) :: $p =(who our) :: ?($y $z) =+ tak=(~(get by hit.dom) yon) ?~ tak | =+ yak=(tako-to-yaki u.tak) =+ len=(lent pax) =- (levy ~(tap in -) |=(p/path (allowed-by who p per.red))) %+ roll ~(tap in (~(del in ~(key by q.yak)) pax)) |= {p/path s/(set path)} ?. =(pax (scag len p)) s %- ~(put in s) ?: ?=($z car) p (scag +(len) p) == :: ++ may-write |= {w/ship p/path} (allowed-by w p pew.red) :: ++ allowed-by |= {who/ship pax/path pes/regs} ^- ? =/ rul/real rul:(read-p-in pax pes) =/ in-list/? ?| (~(has in p.who.rul) who) :: %- ~(rep by q.who.rul) |= {{@ta cru/crew} out/_|} ?: out & (~(has in cru) who) == ?: =(%black mod.rul) !in-list in-list :: +content-hash: get hash of contents (%cz hash) :: ++ content-hash |= [=yaki pax=path] ^- @uvI =+ len=(lent pax) =/ descendants/(list (pair path lobe)) %+ turn %+ skim ~(tap by (~(del by q.yaki) pax)) |= {paf/path lob/lobe} =(pax (scag len paf)) |= {paf/path lob/lobe} [(slag len paf) lob] =+ us=(~(get by q.yaki) pax) ?: &(?=(~ descendants) ?=(~ us)) *@uvI %+ roll ^- (list (pair path lobe)) [[~ ?~(us *lobe u.us)] descendants] |=({{path lobe} @uvI} (shax (jam +<))) :: +read-r: %x wrapped in a vase :: ++ read-r |= [yon=aeon pax=path] ^- (unit (unit cage)) =/ x (read-x yon pax) ?~ x ~ ?~ u.x [~ ~] ?> ?=(%& -.u.u.x) ``[p.p.u.u.x !>(q.p.u.u.x)] :: +read-s: produce yaki or blob for given tako or lobe :: ++ read-s |= [yon=aeon pax=path] ^- (unit (unit cage)) ?. ?=([?(%yaki %blob %hash %cage %open %late) * ~] pax) `~ ?- i.pax %yaki =/ yak=(unit yaki) (~(get by hut.ran) (slav %uv i.t.pax)) ?~ yak ~ ``yaki+[-:!>(*yaki) u.yak] :: %blob =/ bol=(unit blob) (~(get by lat.ran) (slav %uv i.t.pax)) ?~ bol ~ ``blob+[-:!>(*blob) u.bol] :: %hash =/ yak=(unit yaki) (~(get by hut.ran) (slav %uv i.t.pax)) ?~ yak ~ ``uvi+[-:!>(*@uvI) (content-hash u.yak /)] :: %cage :: should save ford cache :: =/ =lobe (slav %uv i.t.pax) =^ =page fod.dom %- wrap:fusion (lobe-to-page:(ford:fusion static-ford-args) lobe) =^ =cage fod.dom %- wrap:fusion (page-to-cage:(ford:fusion static-ford-args) page) ``cage+[-:!>(*^cage) cage] :: %open ``open+!>(prelude:(ford:fusion static-ford-args)) :: %late !! :: handled in +aver == :: +read-t: produce the list of paths within a yaki with :pax as prefix :: ++ read-t |= [yon=aeon pax=path] ^- (unit (unit [%file-list (hypo (list path))])) :: if asked for version 0, produce an empty list of files :: ?: =(0 yon) ``[%file-list -:!>(*(list path)) *(list path)] :: if asked for a future version, we don't have an answer :: ?~ tak=(~(get by hit.dom) yon) ~ :: look up the yaki snapshot based on the version :: =/ yak=yaki (tako-to-yaki u.tak) :: calculate the path length once outside the loop :: =/ path-length (lent pax) :: :^ ~ ~ %file-list :- -:!>(*(list path)) ^- (list path) :: sort the matching paths alphabetically :: =- (sort - aor) :: traverse the filesystem, filtering for paths with :pax as prefix :: %+ skim ~(tap in ~(key by q.yak)) |=(paf=path =(pax (scag path-length paf))) :: :: Checks for existence of a node at an aeon. :: :: This checks for existence of content at the node, and does *not* look :: at any of its children. :: ++ read-u |= [yon=aeon pax=path] ^- (unit (unit (each [%flag (hypo ?)] lobe))) :: if asked for a future version, we don't have an answer :: ?~ tak=(~(get by hit.dom) yon) ~ :: look up the yaki snapshot based on the version :: =/ yak=yaki (tako-to-yaki u.tak) :: produce the result based on whether or not there's a file at :pax :: ``[%& %flag -:!>(*?) (~(has by q.yak) pax)] :: :: Gets the dome (desk state) at a particular aeon. :: :: For past aeons, we don't give an actual ankh in the dome, but the rest :: of the data is legit. We also never send the mime cache over the wire. :: ++ read-v |= {yon/aeon pax/path} ^- (unit (unit {$dome (hypo dome:clay)})) ?: (lth yon let.dom) :* ~ ~ %dome -:!>(*dome:clay) ^- dome:clay :* ank=`[[%ank-in-old-v-not-implemented *ankh] ~ ~] let=yon hit=(molt (skim ~(tap by hit.dom) |=({p/@ud *} (lte p yon)))) lab=(molt (skim ~(tap by lab.dom) |=({* p/@ud} (lte p yon)))) == == ?: (gth yon let.dom) ~ ``[%dome -:!>(*dome:clay) [ank let hit lab]:dom] :: :: Gets all cases refering to the same revision as the given case. :: :: For the %da case, we give just the canonical timestamp of the revision. :: ++ read-w |= cas/case ^- (unit (unit (each cage lobe))) =+ aey=(case-to-aeon cas) ?~ aey ~ =- [~ ~ %& %cass !>(-)] ^- cass :- u.aey ?: =(0 u.aey) `@da`0 t:(aeon-to-yaki u.aey) :: :: Get the data at a node. :: :: If it's in our ankh (current state cache), we can just produce :: the result. Otherwise, we've got to look up the node at the :: aeon to get the content hash, use that to find the blob, and use :: the blob to get the data. We also special-case the hoon mark :: for bootstrapping purposes. :: ++ read-x |= [yon=aeon pax=path] ^- (unit (unit (each cage lobe))) ?: =(0 yon) [~ ~] =+ tak=(~(get by hit.dom) yon) ?~ tak ~ ?: &(?=(~ ref) =(yon let.dom)) :- ~ %+ bind fil.ank:(descend-path:(zu ank.dom) pax) |=(a/{p/lobe q/cage} [%& q.a]) =+ yak=(tako-to-yaki u.tak) =+ lob=(~(get by q.yak) pax) ?~ lob [~ ~] =+ mar=(lobe-to-mark u.lob) :: should convert any lobe to cage :: ?. ?=($hoon mar) [~ ~ %| u.lob] :^ ~ ~ %& :+ mar [%atom %t ~] |- ^- @t :: (urge cord) would be faster =+ bol=(lobe-to-blob u.lob) ?: ?=($direct -.bol) ;;(@t q.q.bol) ?> ?=($delta -.bol) =+ txt=$(u.lob q.q.bol) ?> ?=($txt-diff p.r.bol) =+ dif=;;((urge cord) q.r.bol) =, format =+ pac=(of-wain (lurk:differ (to-wain (cat 3 txt '\0a')) dif)) ?~ pac '' (end 3 (dec (met 3 pac)) pac) :: :: Gets an arch (directory listing) at a node. :: ++ read-y |= {yon/aeon pax/path} ^- (unit (unit {$arch (hypo arch)})) ?: =(0 yon) ``[%arch -:!>(*arch) *arch] =+ tak=(~(get by hit.dom) yon) ?~ tak ~ =+ yak=(tako-to-yaki u.tak) =+ len=(lent pax) :^ ~ ~ %arch :: ~& cy+pax :- -:!>(*arch) ^- arch :- (~(get by q.yak) pax) ^- (map knot ~) %- molt ^- (list (pair knot ~)) %+ turn ^- (list (pair path lobe)) %+ skim ~(tap by (~(del by q.yak) pax)) |= {paf/path lob/lobe} =(pax (scag len paf)) |= {paf/path lob/lobe} =+ pat=(slag len paf) [?>(?=(^ pat) i.pat) ~] :: :: Gets a recursive hash of a node and all its children. :: ++ read-z |= {yon/aeon pax/path} ^- (unit (unit {$uvi (hypo @uvI)})) ?: =(0 yon) ``uvi+[-:!>(*@uvI) *@uvI] =+ tak=(~(get by hit.dom) yon) ?~ tak ~ [~ ~ %uvi -:!>(*@uvI) (content-hash (tako-to-yaki u.tak) pax)] :: :: Get a value at an aeon. :: :: Value can be either null, meaning we don't have it yet, [null null], :: meaning we know it doesn't exist, or [null null (each cage lobe)], :: meaning we either have the value directly or a content hash of the :: value. :: ++ read-at-aeon :: read-at-aeon:ze |= [for=(unit ship) yon=aeon mun=mood] :: seek and read ^- [(unit (unit (each cage lobe))) ford-cache] =* fod fod.dom ?. |(?=(~ for) (may-read u.for care.mun yon path.mun)) [~ fod] :: virtualize to catch and produce deterministic failures :: !. =- ?:(?=(%& -<) p.- ((slog p.-) [[~ ~] fod])) %- mule |. ?- care.mun %d :_ fod :: XX this should only allow reads at the current date :: ?: !=(our her) [~ ~] ?^ path.mun ~&(%no-cd-path [~ ~]) [~ ~ %& %noun !>(~(key by dos.rom.ruf))] :: %a (read-a yon path.mun) %b (read-b yon path.mun) %c (read-c yon path.mun) %p :_(fod (read-p path.mun)) %r :_(fod (bind (read-r yon path.mun) (lift |=(a=cage [%& a])))) %s :_(fod (bind (read-s yon path.mun) (lift |=(a=cage [%& a])))) %t :_(fod (bind (read-t yon path.mun) (lift |=(a=cage [%& a])))) %u :_(fod (read-u yon path.mun)) %v :_(fod (bind (read-v yon path.mun) (lift |=(a/cage [%& a])))) %w :_(fod (read-w case.mun)) %x :_(fod (read-x yon path.mun)) %y :_(fod (bind (read-y yon path.mun) (lift |=(a/cage [%& a])))) %z :_(fod (bind (read-z yon path.mun) (lift |=(a/cage [%& a])))) == :: Traverse an ankh. :: ++ zu :: filesystem |= ank/ankh :: filesystem state =| ram/path :: reverse path into |% ++ descend :: descend |= lol/@ta ^+ +> =+ you=(~(get by dir.ank) lol) +>.$(ram [lol ram], ank ?~(you [~ ~] u.you)) :: ++ descend-path :: descend recursively |= way/path ^+ +> ?~(way +> $(way t.way, +> (descend i.way))) -- -- -- -- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: section 4cA, filesystem vane :: :: This is the arvo interface vane. Our formal state is a `++raft`, which :: has five components: :: :: -- `rom` is the state for all local desks. :: -- `hoy` is the state for all foreign desks. :: -- `ran` is the global, hash-addressed object store. :: -- `mon` is the set of mount points in unix. :: -- `hez` is the duct to the unix sync. :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =| :: instrument state $: ver=%5 :: vane version ruf=raft :: revision tree == :: |= [our=ship now=@da eny=@uvJ ski=sley] :: current invocation |% :: ++ call :: handle request |= $: hen=duct dud=(unit goof) type=* wrapped-task=(hobo task:able) == ^- [(list move) _..^$] :: =/ req=task:able ((harden task:able) wrapped-task) :: :: error notifications "downcast" to %crud :: =? req ?=(^ dud) ~| %crud-in-crud ?< ?=(%crud -.req) [%crud -.req tang.u.dud] :: ?- -.req %boat :_ ..^$ [hen %give %hill (turn ~(tap by mon.ruf) head)]~ :: %cred =. cez.ruf ?~ cew.req (~(del by cez.ruf) nom.req) (~(put by cez.ruf) nom.req cew.req) :: wake all desks, a request may have been affected. =| mos/(list move) =/ des ~(tap in ~(key by dos.rom.ruf)) |- ?~ des [[[hen %give %done ~] mos] ..^^$] =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) our i.des) =^ mor ruf =< abet:wake ?: ?=(^ cew.req) den (forget-crew:den nom.req) $(des t.des, mos (weld mos mor)) :: %crew [[hen %give %cruz cez.ruf]~ ..^$] :: %crow =/ des ~(tap by dos.rom.ruf) =| rus/(map desk {r/regs w/regs}) |^ ?~ des [[hen %give %croz rus]~ ..^^$] =+ per=(filter-rules per.q.i.des) =+ pew=(filter-rules pew.q.i.des) =? rus |(?=(^ per) ?=(^ pew)) (~(put by rus) p.i.des per pew) $(des t.des) :: ++ filter-rules |= pes/regs ^+ pes =- (~(gas in *regs) -) %+ skim ~(tap by pes) |= {p/path r/rule} (~(has in who.r) |+nom.req) -- :: %crud [[[hen %slip %d %flog req] ~] ..^$] :: %drop ~& %clay-idle [~ ..^$] :: %info ?: ?=(%| -.dit.req) ~| %labelling-not-implemented !! =/ [deletes=(set path) changes=(map path cage)] =/ =soba p.dit.req =| deletes=(set path) =| changes=(map path cage) |- ^+ [deletes changes] ?~ soba [deletes changes] ?- -.q.i.soba %del $(soba t.soba, deletes (~(put in deletes) p.i.soba)) %ins $(soba t.soba, changes (~(put by changes) [p p.q]:i.soba)) %mut $(soba t.soba, changes (~(put by changes) [p p.q]:i.soba)) %dif ~|(%dif-not-implemented !!) == =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) our des.req) abet:(info:den deletes changes) [mos ..^$] :: %init [~ ..^$(hun.rom.ruf hen)] :: %into =. hez.ruf `hen =+ bem=(~(get by mon.ruf) des.req) ?: &(?=(~ bem) !=(%$ des.req)) ~|([%bad-mount-point-from-unix des.req] !!) =/ bem/beam ?^ bem u.bem [[our %home %ud 1] ~] =/ dos (~(get by dos.rom.ruf) q.bem) ?~ dos !! :: fire next in queue =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) our q.bem) abet:(into:den (flop s.bem) all.req fis.req) [mos ..^$] :: %merg :: direct state up ?: =(%$ des.req) ~&(%merg-no-desk !!) =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) our des.req) abet:(start-merge:den her.req dem.req cas.req how.req) [mos ..^$] :: %mont =. hez.ruf ?^(hez.ruf hez.ruf `[[%$ %sync ~] ~]) =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) p.bem.req q.bem.req) abet:(mount:den pot.req r.bem.req s.bem.req) [mos ..^$] :: %dirk ?~ hez.ruf ~& %no-sync-duct [~ ..^$] ?. (~(has by mon.ruf) des.req) ~& [%not-mounted des.req] [~ ..^$] [~[[u.hez.ruf %give %dirk des.req]] ..^$] :: %ogre ?~ hez.ruf ~& %no-sync-duct [~ ..^$] =* pot pot.req ?@ pot ?. (~(has by mon.ruf) pot) ~& [%not-mounted pot] [~ ..^$] :_ ..^$(mon.ruf (~(del by mon.ruf) pot)) [u.hez.ruf %give %ogre pot]~ :_ %_ ..^$ mon.ruf %- molt %+ skip ~(tap by mon.ruf) (corl (cury test pot) tail) == %+ turn (skim ~(tap by mon.ruf) (corl (cury test pot) tail)) |= {pon/term bem/beam} [u.hez.ruf %give %ogre pon] :: %park =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) our des.req) abet:(park:den | [yok ran]:req) [mos ..^$] :: %pork =/ [syd=desk =yoki] (need pud.ruf) =. pud.ruf ~ =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) our syd) abet:(park:den & yoki *rang) [mos ..^$] :: %perm =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) our des.req) abet:(perm:den pax.req rit.req) [mos ..^$] :: %trim [~ ..^$] :: %vega :: wake all desks, then send pending notifications :: =^ wake-moves ..^$ =/ desks=(list [=ship =desk]) %+ welp (turn ~(tap by dos.rom.ruf) |=([=desk *] [our desk])) %- zing %+ turn ~(tap by hoy.ruf) |= [=ship =rung] %+ turn ~(tap by rus.rung) |= [=desk *] [ship desk] |- ^+ [*(list move) ..^^$] ?~ desks [~ ..^^$] =^ moves-1 ..^^$ $(desks t.desks) =^ moves-2 ruf abet:wake:((de our now ski hen ruf) [ship desk]:i.desks) [(weld moves-1 moves-2) ..^^$] [(welp wake-moves pun.ruf) ..^$(pun.ruf ~)] :: ?(%warp %werp) :: capture whether this read is on behalf of another ship :: for permissions enforcement :: =^ for req ?: ?=(%warp -.req) [~ req] :: ?: =(our who.req) :: [~ [%warp wer.req rif.req]] =^ ver rif.req ?@ -.rif.req [%0 rif.req] [-<.rif.req +.rif.req] ?> ?=(@ -.rif.req) :- ?:(=(our who.req) ~ `[who.req ver]) [%warp wer.req rif.req] :: ?> ?=(%warp -.req) =* rif rif.req =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) wer.req p.rif) =< abet ?~ q.rif cancel-request:den (start-request:den for u.q.rif) [mos ..^$] :: %plea =* her ship.req =* pax path.plea.req =* res payload.plea.req :: ?: ?=([%backfill *] pax) =+ ;;(=fill res) =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) our desk.fill) abet:(give-backfill:den +.fill) [[[hen %give %done ~] mos] ..^$] ?> ?=([%question *] pax) =+ ryf=;;(riff-any res) :_ ..^$ :~ [hen %give %done ~] =/ =wire [%foreign-warp (scot %p her) t.pax] [hen %pass wire %c %werp her our ryf] == == :: ++ load !: |^ |= old=any-state ~! [old=old new=*state-4] =? old ?=(%2 -.old) (load-2-to-3 old) =? old ?=(%3 -.old) (load-3-to-4 old) =? old ?=(%4 -.old) (load-4-to-5 old) ?> ?=(%5 -.old) ..^^$(ruf +.old) :: ++ load-4-to-5 |= =state-4 ^- state-5 state-4(- %5, pun ~) :: ++ load-3-to-4 |= =state-3 ^- state-4 |^ =- state-3(- %4, hoy hoy.-, rom (room-3-to-4 rom.state-3)) ^- hoy=(map ship rung) %- ~(run by hoy.state-3) |= =rung-3 ^- rung %- ~(run by rus.rung-3) |= =rede-3 ^- rede =- rede-3(ref ref.-, qyx (cult-3-to-4 qyx.rede-3)) ^- ref=(unit rind) ?~ ref.rede-3 ~ =- `u.ref.rede-3(bom bom.-) ^- bom=(map @ud update-state) %- ~(run by bom.u.ref.rede-3) |= [=duct =rave] ^- update-state [duct rave ~ ~ ~ |] :: ++ room-3-to-4 |= =room-3 ^- room =- room-3(dos dos.-) ^- dos=(map desk dojo) %- ~(run by dos.room-3) |= =dojo-3 ^- dojo dojo-3(qyx (cult-3-to-4 qyx.dojo-3)) :: ++ cult-3-to-4 |= =cult-3 ^- cult %- malt %+ turn ~(tap by cult-3) |= [=wove-3 ducts=(set duct)] ^- [wove (set duct)] :_ ducts :_ rove.wove-3 ?~ for.wove-3 ~ `[u.for.wove-3 %0] -- :: ++ load-2-to-3 |= =state-2 ^- state-3 |^ =- state-2(- %3, rom rom.-, hoy hoy.-, |7 [pud=~ pun.-]) :+ ^- pun=(list move) %+ welp ?~ act.state-2 ~ ?. =(%merge -.eval-data.u.act.state-2) ~ =/ err :- %ford-fusion [leaf+"active merge canceled due to upgrade to ford fusion" ~] [hen.u.act.state-2 %slip %b %drip !>([%mere %| err])]~ ^- (list move) %+ murn ~(tap to cue.state-2) :: use ^ so we don't have to track definition of +task :: |= [=duct task=^] ^- (unit move) ?. =(%merg -.task) ~& "queued clay write canceled due to upgrade to ford fusion:" ~& [duct [- +<]:task] ~ =/ err :- %ford-fusion [leaf+"queued merge canceled due to upgrade to ford fusion" ~] `[duct %slip %b %drip !>([%mere %| err])] ^- rom=room-3 :- hun.rom.state-2 %- ~(urn by dos.rom.state-2) |= [=desk =dojo-2] ^- dojo-3 =- dojo-2(dom -) ^- dome =/ fer=(unit reef-cache) ?~ let.dom.dojo-2 ~ =/ =yaki (~(got by hut.ran.state-2) (~(got by hit.dom.dojo-2) let.dom.dojo-2)) `(build-reef desk q.yaki) [ank let hit lab mim fod=*ford-cache fer=fer]:[dom.dojo-2 .] ^- hoy=(map ship rung-3) %- ~(run by hoy.state-2) |= =rung-2 ^- rung-3 %- ~(run by rus.rung-2) |= =rede-2 ^- rede-3 =- rede-2(ref ref.-, dom dom.-) :- ^- dom=dome [ank let hit lab mim fod=*ford-cache fer=~]:[dom.rede-2 .] ^- ref=(unit rind-3) ?~ ref.rede-2 ~ :- ~ ^- rind-3 =/ rin=rind-3 [nix bom fod haw]:u.ref.rede-2 =. rin =/ pur=(list [inx=@ud =rand *]) ~(tap by pur.u.ref.rede-2) |- ^+ rin ?~ pur rin =/ =mood [p.p q.p q]:rand.i.pur =: haw.rin (~(put by haw.rin) mood ~) bom.rin (~(del by bom.rin) inx.i.pur) fod.rin ?~ got=(~(get by bom.rin) inx.i.pur) fod.rin (~(del by fod.rin) p.u.got) == $(pur t.pur) =/ pud ~(tap to waiting.pud.u.ref.rede-2) |- ^+ rin ?~ pud rin =: bom.rin (~(del by bom.rin) inx.i.pud) fod.rin ?~ got=(~(get by bom.rin) inx.i.pud) fod.rin (~(del by fod.rin) p.u.got) == $(pud t.pud) :: ++ build-reef |= [=desk data=(map path lobe)] ^- reef-cache ~> %slog.0^leaf+"clay: building reef on {}" ?: =(%home desk) [!>(..ride) !>(..is) !>(..zuse)] |^ =/ [home=? hoon=vase] ?: (same-as-home /sys/hoon/hoon) &+!>(..ride) |+build-hoon :- hoon =/ [home=? arvo=vase] ?: &(home (same-as-home /sys/arvo/hoon)) &+!>(..is) |+(build-arvo hoon) :- arvo ?: &(home (same-as-home /sys/zuse/hoon)) !>(..zuse) (build-zuse arvo) :: ++ build-hoon %- road |. ~> %slog.0^leaf+"clay: building hoon on {}" =/ gen ~> %mean.%hoon-parse-fail %+ rain /sys/hoon/hoon (lobe-to-cord (~(got by data) /sys/hoon/hoon)) ~> %mean.%hoon-compile-fail (slot 7 (slap !>(0) gen)) :: ++ build-arvo |= hoon=vase %- road |. ~> %slog.0^leaf+"clay: building arvo on {}" =/ gen ~> %mean.%arvo-parse-fail %+ rain /sys/arvo/hoon (lobe-to-cord (~(got by data) /sys/arvo/hoon)) ~> %mean.%arvo-compile-fail (slap (slap hoon gen) (ream '..is')) :: ++ build-zuse |= arvo=vase %- road |. ~> %slog.0^leaf+"clay: building zuse on {}" =/ gen ~> %mean.%zuse-parse-fail %+ rain /sys/zuse/hoon (lobe-to-cord (~(got by data) /sys/zuse/hoon)) ~> %mean.%zuse-compile-fail (slap arvo gen) :: ++ same-as-home |= =path ^- ? =/ our-lobe=lobe (~(got by data) path) =/ =dome-2 dom:(~(got by dos.rom.state-2) %home) =/ =yaki (~(got by hut.ran.state-2) (~(got by hit.dome-2) let.dome-2)) =(`our-lobe (~(get by q.yaki) path)) :: ++ lobe-to-cord |= =lobe ^- @t =- ?:(?=(%& -<) p.- (of-wain:format p.-)) |- ^- (each @t wain) =/ =blob (~(got by lat.ran.state-2) lobe) ?- -.blob %direct [%& ;;(@t q.q.blob)] %delta :- %| %+ lurk:differ =- ?:(?=(%| -<) p.- (to-wain:format p.-)) $(lobe q.q.blob) ~| diff=r.blob ;;((urge cord) q.r.blob) == -- -- :: +$ any-state $%(state-5 state-4 state-3 state-2) +$ state-5 [%5 raft] +$ state-4 $: %4 rom=room hoy=(map ship rung) ran=rang mon=(map term beam) hez=(unit duct) cez=(map @ta crew) pud=(unit [=desk =yoki]) pun=(list *) == +$ state-3 $: %3 rom=room-3 hoy=(map ship rung-3) ran=rang mon=(map term beam) hez=(unit duct) cez=(map @ta crew) pud=(unit [=desk =yoki]) pun=(list *) == +$ rung-3 rus=(map desk rede-3) +$ rede-3 $: lim/@da ref/(unit rind-3) qyx/cult-3 dom/dome per/regs pew/regs == +$ rind-3 $: nix/@ud bom/(map @ud {p/duct q/rave}) fod/(map duct @ud) haw/(map mood (unit cage)) == +$ room-3 $: hun/duct dos/(map desk dojo-3) == ++ dojo-3 $: qyx/cult-3 dom/dome per/regs pew/regs == +$ cult-3 (jug wove-3 duct) +$ wove-3 [for=(unit ship) =rove] +$ state-2 $: %2 rom=room-2 :: domestic hoy=(map ship rung-2) :: foreign ran=rang :: hashes mon=(map term beam) :: mount points hez=(unit duct) :: sync duct cez=(map @ta crew) :: permission groups cue=(qeu [=duct task=^]) :: queued requests act=active-write-2 :: active write == :: +$ room-2 $: hun/duct :: terminal duct dos/(map desk dojo-2) :: native desk == :: +$ dojo-2 $: qyx/cult-3 :: subscribers dom/dome-2 :: desk state per/regs :: read perms per path pew/regs :: write perms per path == +$ dome-2 $: ank/ankh :: state let/aeon :: top id hit/(map aeon tako) :: versions by id lab/(map @tas aeon) :: labels mim/(map path mime) :: mime cache == :: +$ rung-2 rus=(map desk rede-2) +$ rede-2 $: lim/@da :: complete to ref/(unit rind-2) :: outgoing requests qyx/cult-3 :: subscribers dom/dome-2 :: revision state per/regs :: read perms per path pew/regs :: write perms per path == :: +$ rind-2 $: nix/@ud :: request index bom/(map @ud {p/duct q/rave}) :: outstanding fod/(map duct @ud) :: current requests haw/(map mood (unit cage)) :: simple cache pud/update-qeu-2 :: active updates pur/request-map-2 :: active requests == :: +$ request-map-2 (map inx=@ud [=rand eval-form=*]) +$ update-qeu-2 $: waiting=(qeu [inx=@ud rut=(unit rand)]) eval-data=(unit [inx=@ud rut=(unit rand) eval-form=*]) == +$ active-write-2 (unit [hen=duct req=* eval-data=^]) -- :: ++ scry :: inspect |= {fur/(unit (set monk)) ren/@tas why/shop syd/desk lot/coin tyl/path} ^- (unit (unit cage)) ?. ?=(%& -.why) ~ =* his p.why ?: &(=(ren %$) =(tyl /whey)) ``mass+!>(whey) :: ~& scry+[ren `path`[(scot %p his) syd ~(rent co lot) tyl]] :: =- ~& %scry-done - =+ luk=?.(?=(%$ -.lot) ~ ((soft case) p.lot)) ?~ luk [~ ~] ?: =(%$ ren) [~ ~] =+ run=((soft care) ren) ?~ run [~ ~] ::TODO if it ever gets filled properly, pass in the full fur. =/ for/(unit ship) %- ~(rep in (fall fur ~)) |= {m/monk s/(unit ship)} ?^ s s ?: ?=(%| -.m) ~ ?: =(p.m his) ~ `p.m =/ den ((de our now ski [/scryduct ~] ruf) his syd) =/ result (mule |.(-:(aver:den for u.run u.luk tyl))) ?: ?=(%| -.result) %- (slog >%clay-scry-fail< p.result) ~ ?~ p.result ~ ?~ u.p.result [~ ~] :: should convert %| case to cage :: ?: ?=(%& -.u.u.p.result) ``p.u.u.p.result ~ :: :: We clear the ford cache by replacing it with its bunt as a literal. :: This nests within +ford-cache without reference to +type, +hoon, or :: anything else in the sample of cache objects. Otherwise we would be :: contravariant in the those types, which makes them harder to change. :: ++ stay :- ver %= ruf dos.rom %- ~(run by dos.rom.ruf) |= =dojo dojo(fod.dom [~ ~ ~]) :: hoy %- ~(run by hoy.ruf) |= =rung %= rung rus %- ~(run by rus.rung) |= =rede rede(fod.dom [~ ~ ~]) == == :: ++ take :: accept response |= [tea=wire hen=duct dud=(unit goof) hin=(hypo sign)] ^+ [*(list move) ..^$] ?^ dud ~|(%clay-take-dud (mean tang.u.dud)) :: ?: ?=([%merge @ @ @ @ ~] tea) ?> ?=(%writ +<.q.hin) =* syd i.t.tea =/ ali-ship (slav %p i.t.t.tea) =* ali-desk i.t.t.t.tea =/ germ (germ i.t.t.t.t.tea) =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) our i.t.tea) abet:(merge:den ali-ship ali-desk germ p.q.hin) [mos ..^$] :: ?: ?=([%foreign-warp *] tea) ?> ?=(%writ +<.q.hin) :_ ..^$ [hen %give %boon `(unit rand)`(bind `riot`p.q.hin rant-to-rand)]~ :: ?: ?=([%warp-index @ @ @ ~] tea) ?+ +<.q.hin ~| %clay-warp-index-strange !! %done ?~ error.q.hin [~ ..^$] :: TODO better error handling :: ~& %clay-take-warp-index-error^our^tea^tag.u.error.q.hin %- (slog tang.u.error.q.hin) [~ ..^$] :: %lost ~| %clay-take-lost^our :: TODO better error handling !! :: %boon =+ ;; res=(unit rand) payload.q.hin :: =/ her=ship (slav %p i.t.tea) =/ =desk (slav %tas i.t.t.tea) =/ index=@ud (slav %ud i.t.t.t.tea) :: =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) her desk) abet:(take-foreign-answer:den index res) [mos ..^$] == :: ?: ?=([%back-index @ @ @ ~] tea) ?+ +<.q.hin ~| %clay-backfill-index-strange !! %done ?~ error.q.hin [~ ..^$] :: TODO better error handling :: ~& %clay-take-backfill-index-error^our^tea^tag.u.error.q.hin %- (slog tang.u.error.q.hin) [~ ..^$] :: %lost ~| %clay-take-backfill-lost^our :: TODO better error handling !! :: %boon =+ ;; =blob payload.q.hin :: =/ her=ship (slav %p i.t.tea) =/ =desk (slav %tas i.t.t.tea) =/ index=@ud (slav %ud i.t.t.t.tea) :: =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) her desk) abet:abet:(take-backfill:(foreign-update:den index) blob) [mos ..^$] == :: ?: ?=([%sinks ~] tea) ?> ?=(%public-keys +<.q.hin) ?. ?=(%breach -.public-keys-result.q.hin) [~ ..^$] =/ who who.public-keys-result.q.hin ?: =(our who) [~ ..^$] :: Cancel subscriptions :: =/ foreign-desk=(unit rung) (~(get by hoy.ruf) who) ?~ foreign-desk [~ ..^$] =/ cancel-ducts=(list duct) %- zing ^- (list (list duct)) %+ turn ~(tap by rus.u.foreign-desk) |= [=desk =rede] ^- (list duct) %- zing ^- (list (list duct)) %+ turn ~(tap by qyx.rede) |= [=wove ducts=(set duct)] :: ~& [%sunk-wove desk (print-wove wove) ducts] ~(tap in ducts) =/ cancel-moves=(list move) %+ turn cancel-ducts |=(=duct [duct %slip %b %drip !>([%writ ~])]) :: delete local state of foreign desk :: =. hoy.ruf (~(del by hoy.ruf) who) [cancel-moves ..^$] :: ?- -.+.q.hin %public-keys ~|([%public-keys-raw tea] !!) %crud [[[hen %slip %d %flog +.q.hin] ~] ..^$] :: %mere ?: ?=(%& -.p.+.q.hin) ~& 'initial merge succeeded' [~ ..^$] ~> %slog. :^ 0 %rose [" " "[" "]"] :^ leaf+"initial merge failed" leaf+"my most sincere apologies" >p.p.p.+.q.hin< q.p.p.+.q.hin [~ ..^$] :: %note [[hen %give +.q.hin]~ ..^$] %wake :: TODO: handle behn errors :: ?^ error.q.hin [[hen %slip %d %flog %crud %wake u.error.q.hin]~ ..^$] :: ?. ?=([%tyme @ @ ~] tea) ~& [%clay-strange-timer tea] [~ ..^$] =/ her (slav %p i.t.tea) =/ syd (slav %tas i.t.t.tea) =^ mos ruf =/ den ((de our now ski hen ruf) her syd) abet:wake:den [mos ..^$] :: :: handled in the wire dispatcher :: %boon !! %lost !! %writ %- (slog leaf+"clay: strange writ (expected on upgrade to Fusion)" ~) [~ ..^$] :: %done ?~ error=error.q.hin [~ ..^$] %- (slog >%clay-lost< >tag.u.error< tang.u.error) [~ ..^$] == :: ++ rant-to-rand |= rant ^- rand [p q [p q.q]:r] :: +whey: produce memory usage report :: ++ whey ^- (list mass) =/ domestic %+ turn (sort ~(tap by dos.rom.ruf) aor) |= [=desk =dojo] :+ desk %| :~ ankh+&+ank.dom.dojo mime+&+mim.dom.dojo ford-vases+&+vases.fod.dom.dojo ford-marks+&+marks.fod.dom.dojo ford-casts+&+casts.fod.dom.dojo == :~ domestic+|+domestic foreign+&+hoy.ruf :+ %object-store %| :~ commits+&+hut.ran.ruf blobs+&+lat.ran.ruf == == --