=, eyre |% :: sort knots by date :: TODO when we change the write path to have trailing sig, remove here before sort ++ dor |= [a=knot b=knot] (gth (unt:chrono:userlib (slav %da a)) (unt:chrono:userlib (slav %da b))) :: checks if authorized ++ authed |= gas/epic ^- ? %+ lien ~(tap in (~(get ju aut.ced.gas) %$)) |= b/knot =((scot %p p.bem.gas) b) ++ no-title |= wat/wain ^- wain ?: =((scag 2 (trip -:wat)) "# ") +:wat wat ++ esoo |= d/@d ^- tape =/ t (yore d) ;: welp (scag 1 (scow %ud y.t)) (swag [2 3] (scow %ud y.t)) "-" (double m.t) "-" (double d.t.t) "T" (double h.t.t) ":" (double m.t.t) ":" (double s.t.t) "Z" == :: ud to leading zero tape ++ double |= a/@ud ^- tape =/ x (scow %ud a) ?: (lth a 10) (welp "0" x) x :: takes a map of knot * where knot is a serialized @da and returns the newest ++ latest |* a/(map knot *) ^- (pair knot *) =/ sa %+ sort ~(tap by a) |= [b=(pair knot *) c=(pair knot *)] (dor p.b p.c) ?~ sa *(pair knot *) i.sa ++ latest-post ''' /- collections /+ colls /= gas /$ fuel:html /= configs /: /===/web/collections /^ (map knot config:collections) /_ /collections-config/ :: tried to pull this func into a lib, but couldn't get the gill working correctly. grr. /= metawcom /; |= a/(map knot topicful:collections) ^- (pair knot topicful:collections) =/ sa %+ sort ~(tap by a) |= [b=(pair knot *) c=(pair knot *)] (gth (unt:chrono:userlib (slav %da p.b)) (unt:chrono:userlib (slav %da p.c))) ?~ sa *(pair knot topicful:collections) i.sa /: /%%/ /^ (map knot topicful:collections) /_ /collections-topic-full/ /= content /; |= a/(map knot manx) ^- (pair knot manx) =/ sa %+ sort ~(tap by a) |= [b=(pair knot *) c=(pair knot *)] (gth (unt:chrono:userlib (slav %da p.b)) (unt:chrono:userlib (slav %da p.c))) ?~ sa *(pair knot manx) i.sa /: /%%/ /^ (map knot manx) /_ /&elem&md&/collections-topic/ =/ config (~(get by configs) +<:s.bem.gas) ~& metawcom :: ^- manx ;div.container ;div.row ;input(type "hidden", name "urb-header", value "collection-index", title "{(trip desc:(need config))}", id "{(trip +<:s.bem.gas)}", ship "{(scow %p p.bem.gas)}"); ;div.col-sm-10.col-sm-offset-2 ;div.post.collection-post-page ;div.row.collection-date ;span.mr-2.text-black.text-500(urb-component "Elapsed", urb-timestring "{(esoo:colls mod.info.q.metawcom)}"); ;span: {(trip -:s.bem.gas)} == :: ;div#show ;div.row.tit.mt-6.collection-title ;h3: {(trip tit.info.q.metawcom)} == ;* ?: (authed:colls gas) ;= ;a(href ".collections-edit") ;button#edit-btn.btn.btn-primary.mb-4 ; Edit → == == == ;= ;div; == ;div.row.content.mb-18.mt-6 ;div: +{q.content} == ;* ?: comm:(need config) ;= ;div ;div.mb-2 ;span(urb-component "IconComment"); ;span: {<~(wyt by coms.q.metawcom)>} == ;ul ;* %+ turn %+ sort ~(tap by coms.q.metawcom) |= [a=[c=@da d=[mod=@da who=@p wat=wain]] b=[c=@da d=[mod=@da who=@p wat=wain]]] (lth (unt c.a) (unt c.b)) :: |= [c=@da d=[mod=@da who=@p wat=wain]] ;li.collection-comment ;div.collection-comment-avatar ;div(urb-component "AvatarSample1"); == ;div ;div ;a.collection-comment-author.text-mono(href "/~~/pages/nutalk/profile"): {(trip (scot %p who.d))} == ;p: {(trip (of-wain:format wat.d))} == ;span.collection-date.text-black.mr-2(urb-component "Elapsed", urb-timestring "{(esoo:colls mod.d)}"); ;span.collection-date: {(esoo:colls mod.d)} == == ;div(urb-component "CommentCreate", urb-coll "{(trip +<:s.bem.gas)}", urb-top "{(trip -:s.bem.gas)}"); == == ~ == == == == == ''' --