#!/usr/bin/python # TODO: # - stdin (default) # - file (construct_value) # - stdout shouldn't require argument (also, should be default) # - -h text import sys import logging import json import requests import argparse logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format='%(levelname)s %(funcName)s %(lineno)s - %(message)s', stream=sys.stderr) logging.debug(['sys.argv', sys.argv]) def preprocess_args(old_args): """Split out [] We use [] to delimit tuples. The following syntaxes are all equivalent: -- --open --open a b --close --open c d --close --close -- [ [ a b ] [ c d ] ] -- [ [a b] [c d] ] -- [[a b] [c d]] -- etc We don't allow [[a b][c d]]. The rule is that we accept zero or more [ at the beginning of a token and zero or more ] at the end of a token. In this function, we convert all legal syntaxes to as if they were entered as in the first example above. This allows them to be parsed by a relatively sane argparse system. """ if old_args == []: return [] if old_args[0][0] == '[': if len(old_args[0]) > 1: return ['--open'] + preprocess_args([old_args[0][1:]] + old_args[1:]) else: return ['--open'] + preprocess_args(old_args[1:]) if old_args[0][-1] == ']': if len(old_args[0]) > 1: return preprocess_args([old_args[0][:-1]]) + \ ['--close'] + preprocess_args(old_args[1:]) else: return ['--close'] + preprocess_args(old_args[1:]) return [old_args[0]] + preprocess_args(old_args[1:]) args = preprocess_args(sys.argv[1:]) logging.debug(['preprocessed', args]) class sourceAction(argparse.Action): """Handle source flag. This is all the 'primitive' source flags -- no nesting, no tuple stuff, just one flag with one argument. Besides the normal argparse.Action arguments, we require the following named argument: -- which='foo'. Since all source flags use res.source, this specifies the key of the entry for this flag. """ def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs): self.which = kwargs['which'] del kwargs['which'] super(sourceAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs) def __call__(self, parser, res, new_value, option_string): logging.debug('%r %r' % (new_value, option_string)) logging.debug('source %s' % res.source) logging.debug('level %s' % res.level) if res.source is not None: def help(source, level): logging.debug('source %s' % source) logging.debug('level %s' % level) if not isinstance(source, list): raise ValueError('Already specified one source') elif level == 0: raise ValueError('Already specified a source %r %s' % (source, level)) elif level == 1: return source + [{self.which: self.construct_value(new_value)}] else: return source[:-1] + [help(source[-1], level - 1)] res.source = help(res.source, res.level) else: res.source = \ {self.which: self.construct_value(new_value)} logging.debug(res.source) def construct_value(self, new_value): return new_value class transformerAction(argparse.Action): """Handle transformer flag. This is all the tranformer flags. Each flag takes one argument and transforms the previous source. Besides the normal argparse.Action arguments, we require the following named arguments: -- which='foo'. Since all source flags use res.source, this specifies the key of the entry for this flag. -- nesting='foo'. The key for the argument is 'foo'. """ def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs): self.which = kwargs['which'] self.nesting = kwargs['nesting'] del kwargs['which'] del kwargs['nesting'] super(transformerAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs) def __call__(self, parser, res, new_value, option_string): logging.debug('%r %r' % (new_value, option_string)) logging.debug('source %s' % res.source) logging.debug('level %s' % res.level) if res.source is None: raise ValueError('Need source before transformer') else: def help(source, level): logging.debug('source %s' % source) logging.debug('level %s' % level) if level == 0: return {self.which: {self.nesting: new_value, "next": source}} elif not isinstance(source, list): raise ValueError('Already specified one source') else: return source[:-1] + [help(source[-1], level - 1)] res.source = help(res.source, res.level) logging.debug(res.source) def construct_value(self, new_value): return new_value class openAction(argparse.Action): """Handle open tuple. Opens a source tuple. Can only exist in the same places as any other source. """ def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs): super(openAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs) def __call__(self, parser, res, new_value, option_string): if res.level is None: res.level = 0 logging.debug('source %s' % res.source) logging.debug('level %s' % res.level) if res.source is None: res.source = [] res.level = 1 return def help(source, level): if not isinstance(source, list): raise ValueError('Starting tuple after source is finished') if level == 1: return (source + [[]], level + 1) elif level > 1: rsource, rlevel = help(source[-1], level - 1) return (source[:-1] + [rsource], rlevel + 1) else: raise ValueError('opening strange level %r %s' % (source, level)) res.source, res.level = help(res.source, res.level) class closeAction(argparse.Action): """Handle close tuple. Closes a source tuple. Can only exist when a tuple is already open. """ def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs): super(closeAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs) def __call__(self, parser, res, new_value, option_string): if res.level is None: raise ValueError('Ending tuple before starting one') logging.debug('level %s' % res.level) if res.source is None: raise ValueError('Ending tuple with empty source') def help(source, level): if not isinstance(source, list): raise ValueError('Ending tuple that isn\'t a tuple') if level == 1: return level - 1 elif level > 1: return help(source[-1], level - 1) + 1 else: raise ValueError('closing strange level %r %s' % (source, level)) res.level = help(res.source, res.level) logging.debug('level %s' % res.level) class sinkAction(argparse.Action): """Handle sink flag. We expect only one sinkAction to ever be executed. We recommend using mutually_exclusive_group's. Besides the normal action flags, we require the following named argument: -- which='foo'. Since all sink flags use res.sink, this specifies the key of the entry for this flag. """ def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs): self.which = kwargs['which'] del kwargs['which'] super(sinkAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs) def __call__(self, parser, res, new_value, option_string): old_value = res.sink if old_value: raise ValueError('Already specified sink') res.sink = {self.which: new_value} logging.debug(res.sink) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='headless urbit') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dojo', which='dojo', metavar='command-line', action=sourceAction, dest='source') parser.add_argument('-D', '--data', which='data', metavar='text-data', action=sourceAction) parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', which='file', metavar='path', action=sourceAction) parser.add_argument('-c', '--clay', which='clay', metavar='clay-path', action=sourceAction) parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', which='url', metavar='url', action=sourceAction) parser.add_argument('-a', '--api', which='api', metavar='api-command', action=sourceAction) parser.add_argument('-g', '--get-api', which='get-api', metavar='api:endpoint', action=sourceAction) parser.add_argument('-l', '--listen-api', which='listen-api', metavar='api:event', action=sourceAction) parser.add_argument('-m', '--as', which='as', metavar='mark', nesting='mark', action=transformerAction) parser.add_argument('-H', '--hoon', which='hoon', metavar='code', nesting='code', action=transformerAction) parser.add_argument('--open', nargs=0, action=openAction, dest='level') parser.add_argument('--close', nargs=0, action=closeAction) sinks = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) sinks.add_argument('-s', '--stdout', which='stdout', action=sinkAction, dest='sink') sinks.add_argument('-F', '--output-file', which='output-file', metavar='path', action=sinkAction) sinks.add_argument('-C', '--output-clay', which='output-clay', metavar='clay-path', action=sinkAction) sinks.add_argument('-U', '--output-url', which='url', metavar='url', action=sinkAction) sinks.add_argument('-t', '--to-api', which='to-api', metavar='api-command', action=sinkAction) sinks.add_argument('-n', '--send-api', which='send-api', metavar='api:endpoint', action=sinkAction) sinks.add_argument('-x', '--command', which='command', metavar='command', action=sinkAction) sinks.add_argument('-p', '--app', which='app', metavar='app', action=sinkAction) args = parser.parse_args(args) payload = {"source": args.source, "sink": args.sink} logging.debug(['payload', json.dumps(payload)]) url = "http://localhost:12321" r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload)) print r.text[1:-1].decode('string_escape')