:: link-view: frontend endpoints :: :: endpoints, mapping onto link-store's paths. p is for page as in pagination. :: only the /0/submissions endpoint provides updates. :: as with link-store, urls are expected to use +wood encoding. :: :: /json/0/submissions initial + updates for all :: /json/[p]/submissions/[collection] page for one collection :: /json/[p]/discussions/[wood-url]/[collection] page for url in collection :: /json/[n]/submission/[wood-url]/[collection] nth matching submission :: /json/seen mark-as-read updates :: :: /- *link-view, *invite-store, *group, link-listen-hook, group-hook, permission-hook, permission-group-hook, metadata-hook, contact-view /+ *link, metadata, *server, default-agent, verb, dbug, group-store, resource ~% %link-view-top ..is ~ :: |% +$ versioned-state $% state-0 state-1 == +$ state-0 $: %0 ~ == :: +$ state-1 $: %1 ~ == :: +$ card card:agent:gall -- :: =| state-1 =* state - :: %+ verb | %- agent:dbug ^- agent:gall =< |_ =bowl:gall +* this . do ~(. +> bowl) def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl) :: ++ on-init ^- (quip card _this) :_ this :~ [%pass /submissions %agent [our.bowl %link-store] %watch /submissions] [%pass /discussions %agent [our.bowl %link-store] %watch /discussions] [%pass /seen %agent [our.bowl %link-store] %watch /seen] :: =+ [%invite-action !>([%create /link])] [%pass /invitatory/create %agent [our.bowl %invite-store] %poke -] :: =+ /invitatory/link [%pass - %agent [our.bowl %invite-store] %watch -] :* %pass /srv %agent [our.bowl %file-server] %poke %file-server-action !>([%serve-dir /'~link' /app/landscape %.n]) == == :: ++ on-save !>(state) ++ on-load |= old-vase=vase ^- (quip card _this) =/ old !<(versioned-state old-vase) ?- -.old %1 [~ this] %0 :_ this(state [%1 ~]) :- [%pass /connect %arvo %e %disconnect [~ /'~link']] :~ :* %pass /srv %agent [our.bowl %file-server] %poke %file-server-action !>([%serve-dir /'~link' /app/landscape %.n]) == == == :: ++ on-poke |= [=mark =vase] ^- (quip card _this) ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) :_ this ?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase) %link-action [(handle-action:do !<(action vase)) ~] :: %link-view-action (handle-view-action:do !<(view-action vase)) == :: ++ on-watch |= =path ^- (quip card _this) ?: ?=([%json %seen ~] path) [~ this] ?: ?=([%tile ~] path) :_ this ~[give-tile-data:do] ?. ?=([%json @ @ *] path) (on-watch:def path) =/ p=@ud (slav %ud i.t.path) ?+ t.t.path (on-watch:def path) [%submissions ~] :_ this (give-initial-submissions:do p ~) :: [%submissions ^] :_ this (give-initial-submissions:do p t.t.t.path) :: [%submission @ ^] :_ this (give-specific-submission:do p (break-discussion-path t.t.t.path)) :: [%discussions @ ^] :_ this (give-initial-discussions:do p (break-discussion-path t.t.t.path)) == :: ++ on-agent |= [=wire =sign:agent:gall] ^- (quip card _this) ?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign) %kick :_ this =/ app=term ?: ?=([%invites *] wire) %invite-store %link-store [%pass wire %agent [our.bowl app] %watch wire]~ :: %fact =* mark p.cage.sign =* vase q.cage.sign ?+ mark (on-agent:def wire sign) %invite-update [(handle-invite-update:do !<(invite-update vase)) this] %link-initial [~ this] :: %link-update :_ this :- (send-update:do !<(update vase)) ?: =(/discussions wire) ~ ~[give-tile-data:do] == == :: ++ on-arvo |= [=wire =sign-arvo] ^- (quip card _this) ?. ?=([%e %bound *] sign-arvo) (on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo) ~? !accepted.sign-arvo [dap.bowl "bind rejected!" binding.sign-arvo] [~ this] :: ++ on-peek on-peek:def ++ on-leave on-leave:def ++ on-fail on-fail:def -- :: ~% %link-view-logic ..card ~ |_ =bowl:gall +* md ~(. metadata bowl) :: ++ page-size 25 ++ get-paginated |* [page=(unit @ud) list=(list)] ^- [total=@ud pages=@ud page=_list] =/ l=@ud (lent list) :+ l %+ add (div l page-size) (min 1 (mod l page-size)) ?~ page list %+ swag [(mul u.page page-size) page-size] list :: ++ page-to-json =, enjs:format |* $: page-number=@ud [total-items=@ud total-pages=@ud page=(list)] item-to-json=$-(* json) == ^- json %- pairs :~ 'totalItems'^(numb total-items) 'totalPages'^(numb total-pages) 'pageNumber'^(numb page-number) 'page'^a+(turn page item-to-json) == ++ do-poke |= [app=term =mark =vase] ^- card [%pass /create/[app]/[mark] %agent [our.bowl app] %poke mark vase] :: ++ handle-invite-update |= upd=invite-update ^- (list card) ?. ?=(%accepted -.upd) ~ ?. =(/link path.upd) ~ =/ rid=resource (de-path:resource path.invite.upd) :~ :: add self :* %pass [%group-add path.invite.upd] %agent [entity.rid %group-hook] %poke %group-action !> ^- action:group-store [%add-members rid (sy our.bowl ~)] == :: sync the group :: %^ do-poke %group-hook %group-hook-action !> ^- action:group-hook [%add rid] :: :: sync the metadata :: %^ do-poke %metadata-hook %metadata-hook-action !> ^- metadata-hook-action:metadata-hook [%add-synced ship path]:invite.upd :: :: sync the collection :: %^ do-poke %link-listen-hook %link-listen-action !> ^- action:link-listen-hook [%watch ~[name.rid]] == :: ++ handle-action |= =action ^- card [%pass /action %agent [our.bowl %link-store] %poke %link-action !>(action)] :: ++ handle-view-action |= act=view-action ^- (list card) ?- -.act %create (handle-create +.act) %delete (handle-delete +.act) %invite (handle-invite +.act) == :: ++ handle-create |= [=path title=@t description=@t members=create-members real-group=?] ^- (list card) =/ group-path=^path ?- -.members %group path.members :: %ships [(scot %p our.bowl) path] == =; group-setup=(list card) %+ weld group-setup :~ :: add collection to metadata-store :: %^ do-poke %metadata-hook %metadata-action !> ^- metadata-action:md :^ %add group-path [%link path] %* . *metadata:md title title description description date-created now.bowl creator our.bowl == :: :: expose the metadata :: %^ do-poke %metadata-hook %metadata-hook-action !> ^- metadata-hook-action:metadata-hook [%add-owned group-path] :: :: watch the collection ourselves :: %^ do-poke %link-listen-hook %link-listen-action !> ^- action:link-listen-hook [%watch path] == ?: ?=(%group -.members) ~ :: if the group is "real", make contact-view do the heavy lifting =/ rid=resource (de-path:resource group-path) ?: real-group :- %^ do-poke %contact-view %contact-view-action !> ^- contact-view-action:contact-view [%groupify rid title description] %+ turn ~(tap in ships.members) |= =ship ^- card %^ do-poke %invite-hook %invite-action !> ^- invite-action :^ %invite /link (sham group-path eny.bowl) :* our.bowl %group-hook group-path ship title == :: for "unmanaged" groups, do it ourselves :: =/ =policy [%invite ships.members] :* :: create the new group :: %^ do-poke %group-store %group-action !> ^- action:group-store [%add-group rid policy %.y] :: :: send invites :: %+ turn ~(tap in ships.members) |= =ship ^- card %^ do-poke %invite-hook %invite-action !> ^- invite-action :^ %invite /link (sham group-path eny.bowl) :* our.bowl %group-hook group-path ship title == == :: ++ handle-delete |= =path ^- (list card) =/ groups=(list ^path) (groups-from-resource:md [%link path]) %- zing %+ turn groups |= =group=^path =/ rid=resource (de-path:resource group-path) %+ snoc ^- (list card) :: if it's a real group, we can't/shouldn't unsync it. this leaves us with :: no way to stop propagation of collection deletion. :: ?. ?=([%'~' ^] group-path) ~ :: if it's an unmanaged group, we just stop syncing the group & metadata, :: and clean up the group (after un-hooking it, to not push deletion). :: :~ %^ do-poke %group-hook %group-hook-action !> ^- action:group-hook [%remove rid] :: %^ do-poke %metadata-hook %metadata-hook-action !> ^- metadata-hook-action:metadata-hook [%remove group-path] :: %^ do-poke %group-store %group-action !> ^- action:group-store [%remove-group rid ~] == :: remove collection from metadata-store :: %^ do-poke %metadata-store %metadata-action !> ^- metadata-action:md [%remove group-path [%link path]] :: ++ handle-invite |= [=path ships=(set ship)] ^- (list card) %- zing %+ turn (groups-from-resource:md %link path) |= =group=^path ^- (list card) =/ rid=resource (de-path:resource group-path) :- %^ do-poke %group-store %group-action !> ^- action:group-store [%add-members rid ships] :: for managed groups, rely purely on group logic for invites :: ?. ?=([%'~' ^] group-path) ~ :: for unmanaged groups, send invites manually :: %+ turn ~(tap in ships) |= =ship ^- card %^ do-poke %invite-hook %invite-action !> ^- invite-action :^ %invite /link (sham group-path eny.bowl) :* our.bowl %group-hook group-path ship (rsh 3 1 (spat path)) == :: +give-tile-data: total unread count as json object :: ::NOTE the full recalc of totals here probably isn't the end of the world. :: but in case it is, well, here it is. :: ++ give-tile-data ^- card =; =json [%give %fact ~[/tile] %json !>(json)] %+ frond:enjs:format 'unseen' %- numb:enjs:format %- %~ rep in (scry-for (jug path url) /unseen) |= [[=path unseen=(set url)] total=@ud] %+ add total ~(wyt in unseen) :: :: +give-initial-submissions: page of submissions on path :: :: for the / path, give page for every path :: :: result is in the shape of: { :: "/some/path": { :: totalItems: 1, :: totalPages: 1, :: pageNumber: 0, :: page: [ :: { commentCount: 1, ...restOfTheSubmission } :: ] :: }, :: "/maybe/more": { etc } :: } :: ++ give-initial-submissions ~/ %link-view-initial-submissions |= [p=@ud =requested=path] ^- (list card) :_ :: only keep the base case alive (for updates), kick all others :: ?: &(=(0 p) ?=(~ requested-path)) ~ [%give %kick ~ ~]~ =; =json [%give %fact ~ %json !>(json)] %+ frond:enjs:format 'initial-submissions' %- pairs:enjs:format %+ turn %~ tap by %+ scry-for (map path submissions) [%submissions requested-path] |= [=path =submissions] ^- [@t json] :- (spat path) =; =json :: add unseen count :: ?> ?=(%o -.json) :- %o %+ ~(put by p.json) 'unseenCount' %- numb:enjs:format %~ wyt in %+ scry-for (set url) [%unseen path] ?: &(=(0 p) ?=(~ requested-path)) :: for a broad-scope initial result, only give total counts :: =, enjs:format %- pairs =+ l=(lent submissions) :~ 'totalItems'^(numb l) 'totalPages'^(numb (div l page-size)) == %^ page-to-json p %+ get-paginated `p submissions |= =submission ^- json =/ =json (submission:en-json submission) ?> ?=([%o *] json) :: add in seen status :: =. p.json %+ ~(put by p.json) 'seen' :- %b %+ scry-for ? [%seen (build-discussion-path path url.submission)] :: add in comment count :: =; comment-count=@ud :- %o %+ ~(put by p.json) 'commentCount' (numb:enjs:format comment-count) %- lent ~| [path url.submission] ^- comments =- (~(got by (~(got by -) path)) url.submission) %+ scry-for (per-path-url comments) :- %discussions (build-discussion-path path url.submission) :: ++ give-specific-submission |= [n=@ud =path =url] :_ [%give %kick ~ ~]~ =; =json [%give %fact ~ %json !>(json)] %+ frond:enjs:format 'submission' ^- json =; sub=(unit submission) ?~ sub ~ (submission:en-json u.sub) =/ =submissions =- (~(got by -) path) %+ scry-for (map ^path submissions) [%submissions path] |- ?~ submissions ~ =* sub i.submissions ?. =(url.sub url) $(submissions t.submissions) ?: =(0 n) `sub $(n (dec n), submissions t.submissions) :: ++ give-initial-discussions |= [p=@ud =path =url] ^- (list card) :_ ?: =(0 p) ~ [%give %kick ~ ~]~ =; =json [%give %fact ~ %json !>(json)] %+ frond:enjs:format 'initial-discussions' %^ page-to-json p %+ get-paginated `p =- (~(got by (~(got by -) path)) url) %+ scry-for (per-path-url comments) [%discussions (build-discussion-path path url)] comment:en-json :: ++ send-update |= =update ^- card ?+ -.update ~|([dap.bowl %unexpected-update -.update] !!) %submissions %+ give-json (update:en-json update) :~ /json/0/submissions (weld /json/0/submissions path.update) == :: %discussions %+ give-json (update:en-json update) :_ ~ %+ weld /json/0/discussions (build-discussion-path [path url]:update) :: %observation %+ give-json (update:en-json update) ~[/json/seen] == :: ++ give-json |= [=json paths=(list path)] ^- card [%give %fact paths %json !>(json)] :: ++ scry-for |* [=mold =path] .^ mold %gx (scot %p our.bowl) %link-store (scot %da now.bowl) (snoc `^path`path %noun) == --