/* v/http.c ** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "all.h" #include "vere/vere.h" static const c3_i TCP_BACKLOG = 16; /* _http_vec_to_meth(): convert h2o_iovec_t to meth */ static u3_weak _http_vec_to_meth(h2o_iovec_t vec_u) { return ( 0 == strncmp(vec_u.base, "GET", vec_u.len) ) ? c3__get : ( 0 == strncmp(vec_u.base, "PUT", vec_u.len) ) ? c3__put : ( 0 == strncmp(vec_u.base, "POST", vec_u.len) ) ? c3__post : ( 0 == strncmp(vec_u.base, "HEAD", vec_u.len) ) ? c3__head : ( 0 == strncmp(vec_u.base, "CONNECT", vec_u.len) ) ? c3__conn : ( 0 == strncmp(vec_u.base, "DELETE", vec_u.len) ) ? c3__delt : ( 0 == strncmp(vec_u.base, "OPTIONS", vec_u.len) ) ? c3__opts : ( 0 == strncmp(vec_u.base, "TRACE", vec_u.len) ) ? c3__trac : // TODO ?? // ( 0 == strncmp(vec_u.base, "PATCH", vec_u.len) ) ? c3__patc : u3_none; } /* _http_vec_to_atom(): convert h2o_iovec_t to atom (cord) */ static u3_noun _http_vec_to_atom(h2o_iovec_t vec_u) { return u3i_bytes(vec_u.len, (const c3_y*)vec_u.base); } /* _http_vec_to_octs(): convert h2o_iovec_t to (unit octs) */ static u3_noun _http_vec_to_octs(h2o_iovec_t vec_u) { if ( 0 == vec_u.len ) { return u3_nul; } // XX correct size_t -> atom? return u3nt(u3_nul, u3i_chubs(1, (const c3_d*)&vec_u.len), _http_vec_to_atom(vec_u)); } /* _http_vec_from_octs(): convert (unit octs) to h2o_iovec_t */ static h2o_iovec_t _http_vec_from_octs(u3_noun oct) { if ( u3_nul == oct ) { return h2o_iovec_init(0, 0); } // 2GB max if ( c3n == u3a_is_cat(u3h(u3t(oct))) ) { u3m_bail(c3__fail); } c3_w len_w = u3h(u3t(oct)); c3_y* buf_y = c3_malloc(1 + len_w); buf_y[len_w] = 0; u3r_bytes(0, len_w, buf_y, u3t(u3t(oct))); u3z(oct); return h2o_iovec_init(buf_y, len_w); } /* _http_heds_to_noun(): convert h2o_header_t to (list (pair @t @t)) */ static u3_noun _http_heds_to_noun(h2o_header_t* hed_u, c3_d hed_d) { u3_noun hed = u3_nul; c3_d dex_d = hed_d; h2o_header_t deh_u; while ( 0 < dex_d ) { deh_u = hed_u[--dex_d]; hed = u3nc(u3nc(_http_vec_to_atom(*deh_u.name), _http_vec_to_atom(deh_u.value)), hed); } return hed; } /* _http_heds_free(): free header linked list */ static void _http_heds_free(u3_hhed* hed_u) { while ( hed_u ) { u3_hhed* nex_u = hed_u->nex_u; free(hed_u->nam_c); free(hed_u->val_c); free(hed_u); hed_u = nex_u; } } /* _http_hed_new(): create u3_hhed from nam/val cords */ static u3_hhed* _http_hed_new(u3_atom nam, u3_atom val) { c3_w nam_w = u3r_met(3, nam); c3_w val_w = u3r_met(3, val); u3_hhed* hed_u = c3_malloc(sizeof(*hed_u)); hed_u->nam_c = c3_malloc(1 + nam_w); hed_u->val_c = c3_malloc(1 + val_w); hed_u->nam_c[nam_w] = 0; hed_u->val_c[val_w] = 0; hed_u->nex_u = 0; hed_u->nam_w = nam_w; hed_u->val_w = val_w; u3r_bytes(0, nam_w, (c3_y*)hed_u->nam_c, nam); u3r_bytes(0, val_w, (c3_y*)hed_u->val_c, val); return hed_u; } /* _http_heds_from_noun(): convert (list (pair @t @t)) to u3_hhed */ static u3_hhed* _http_heds_from_noun(u3_noun hed) { u3_noun deh = hed; u3_noun i_hed; u3_hhed* hed_u = 0; while ( u3_nul != hed ) { i_hed = u3h(hed); u3_hhed* nex_u = _http_hed_new(u3h(i_hed), u3t(i_hed)); nex_u->nex_u = hed_u; hed_u = nex_u; hed = u3t(hed); } u3z(deh); return hed_u; } /* _http_req_find(): find http request in connection by sequence. */ static u3_hreq* _http_req_find(u3_hcon* hon_u, c3_w seq_l) { u3_hreq* req_u = hon_u->req_u; // XX glories of linear search // while ( req_u ) { if ( seq_l == req_u->seq_l ) { return req_u; } req_u = req_u->nex_u; } return 0; } /* _http_req_link(): link http request to connection */ static void _http_req_link(u3_hcon* hon_u, u3_hreq* req_u) { req_u->hon_u = hon_u; req_u->seq_l = hon_u->seq_l++; req_u->nex_u = hon_u->req_u; hon_u->req_u = req_u; } /* _http_req_unlink(): remove http request from connection */ static void _http_req_unlink(u3_hreq* req_u) { u3_hcon* hon_u = req_u->hon_u; if ( hon_u->req_u == req_u ) { hon_u->req_u = req_u->nex_u; } else { u3_hreq* pre_u = hon_u->req_u; // XX glories of linear search // while ( pre_u ) { if ( pre_u->nex_u == req_u ) { pre_u->nex_u = req_u->nex_u; } else pre_u = pre_u->nex_u; } } } /* _http_req_free(): free http request. */ static void _http_req_free(u3_hreq* req_u) { _http_req_unlink(req_u); free(req_u); } /* _http_req_new(): receive http request. */ static u3_hreq* _http_req_new(u3_hcon* hon_u, h2o_req_t* rec_u) { u3_hreq* req_u = c3_malloc(sizeof(*req_u)); req_u->rec_u = rec_u; _http_req_link(hon_u, req_u); return req_u; } /* _http_req_to_duct(): translate srv/con/req to duct */ static u3_noun _http_req_to_duct(u3_hreq* req_u) { return u3nt(u3_blip, c3__http, u3nq(u3dc("scot", c3_s2('u','v'), req_u->hon_u->htp_u->sev_l), u3dc("scot", c3_s2('u','d'), req_u->hon_u->coq_l), u3dc("scot", c3_s2('u','d'), req_u->seq_l), u3_nul)); } /* _http_req_kill(): kill http request in %eyre. */ static void _http_req_kill(u3_hreq* req_u) { u3_noun pox = _http_req_to_duct(req_u); u3v_plan(pox, u3nc(c3__thud, u3_nul)); } /* _http_req_dispatch(): dispatch http request to %eyre */ static void _http_req_dispatch(u3_hreq* req_u, u3_noun req) { u3_noun pox = _http_req_to_duct(req_u); u3_noun typ = _(req_u->hon_u->htp_u->lop) ? c3__chis : c3__this; u3v_plan(pox, u3nq(typ, req_u->hon_u->htp_u->sec, u3nc(c3y, u3i_words(1, &req_u->hon_u->ipf_w)), req)); } /* _http_req_respond(): write httr to h2o_req_t->res and send */ static void _http_req_respond(u3_hreq* req_u, u3_noun sas, u3_noun hed, u3_noun bod) { h2o_req_t* rec_u = req_u->rec_u; rec_u->res.status = sas; rec_u->res.reason = (sas < 200) ? "weird" : (sas < 300) ? "ok" : (sas < 400) ? "moved" : (sas < 500) ? "missing" : "hosed"; u3_hhed* hed_u = _http_heds_from_noun(u3k(hed)); u3_hhed* deh_u = hed_u; while ( 0 != hed_u ) { h2o_add_header_by_str(&rec_u->pool, &rec_u->res.headers, hed_u->nam_c, hed_u->nam_w, 0, 0, hed_u->val_c, hed_u->val_w); hed_u = hed_u->nex_u; } h2o_iovec_t bod_u = _http_vec_from_octs(u3k(bod)); rec_u->res.content_length = bod_u.len; static h2o_generator_t gen_u = {0, 0}; h2o_start_response(rec_u, &gen_u); h2o_send(rec_u, &bod_u, 1, H2O_SEND_STATE_FINAL); _http_req_free(req_u); // XX allocate on &req_u->rec_u->pool and skip these? _http_heds_free(deh_u); free(bod_u.base); u3z(sas); u3z(hed); u3z(bod); } /* _http_rec_to_httq(): convert h2o_req_t to httq */ static u3_weak _http_rec_to_httq(h2o_req_t* rec_u) { u3_noun med = _http_vec_to_meth(rec_u->method); if ( u3_none == med ) { return u3_none; } u3_noun url = _http_vec_to_atom(rec_u->path); u3_noun hed = _http_heds_to_noun(rec_u->headers.entries, rec_u->headers.size); // restore host header hed = u3nc(u3nc(u3i_string("host"), _http_vec_to_atom(rec_u->authority)), hed); u3_noun bod = _http_vec_to_octs(rec_u->entity); return u3nq(med, url, hed, bod); } /* _http_rec_fail(): fail on bad h2o_req_t */ static void _http_rec_fail(h2o_req_t* rec_u, c3_i sas_i, c3_c* sas_c) { static h2o_generator_t gen_u = {0, 0}; rec_u->res.status = sas_i; rec_u->res.reason = sas_c; h2o_start_response(rec_u, &gen_u); h2o_send(rec_u, 0, 0, H2O_SEND_STATE_FINAL); } struct h2o_con_wrap { // see private st_h2o_http1_conn_t h2o_conn_t con_u; // connection struct { // see private st_h2o_uv_socket_t h2o_socket_t sok_u; // socket uv_stream_t* han_u; // client stream handler (u3_hcon) } *suv_u; }; /* _http_rec_accept(); handle incoming http request from h2o. */ static c3_i _http_rec_accept(h2o_handler_t* han_u, h2o_req_t* rec_u) { u3_weak req = _http_rec_to_httq(rec_u); if ( u3_none == req ) { if ( (u3C.wag_w & u3o_verbose) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "strange %.*s request\n", (int)rec_u->method.len, rec_u->method.base)); } _http_rec_fail(rec_u, 400, "bad request"); } else { // XX HTTP2 wat do? struct h2o_con_wrap* noc_u = (struct h2o_con_wrap*)rec_u->conn; u3_hcon* hon_u = (u3_hcon*)noc_u->suv_u->han_u; // sanity check c3_assert(hon_u->sok_u == &noc_u->suv_u->sok_u); u3_hreq* req_u = _http_req_new(hon_u, rec_u); _http_req_dispatch(req_u, req); } return 0; } /* _http_conn_find(): find http connection in server by sequence. */ static u3_hcon* _http_conn_find(u3_http *htp_u, c3_w coq_l) { u3_hcon* hon_u = htp_u->hon_u; // XX glories of linear search // while ( hon_u ) { if ( coq_l == hon_u->coq_l ) { return hon_u; } hon_u = hon_u->nex_u; } return 0; } /* _http_conn_link(): link http request to connection */ static void _http_conn_link(u3_http* htp_u, u3_hcon* hon_u) { hon_u->htp_u = htp_u; hon_u->coq_l = htp_u->coq_l++; hon_u->nex_u = htp_u->hon_u; htp_u->hon_u = hon_u; } /* _http_conn_unlink(): remove http request from connection */ static void _http_conn_unlink(u3_hcon* hon_u) { u3_http* htp_u = hon_u->htp_u; if ( htp_u->hon_u == hon_u ) { htp_u->hon_u = hon_u->nex_u; } else { u3_hcon *pre_u = htp_u->hon_u; // XX glories of linear search // while ( pre_u ) { if ( pre_u->nex_u == hon_u ) { pre_u->nex_u = hon_u->nex_u; } else pre_u = pre_u->nex_u; } } } /* _http_conn_free_early(): free http connection on failure. */ static void _http_conn_free_early(uv_handle_t* han_t) { u3_hcon* hon_u = (u3_hcon*)han_t; free(hon_u); } /* _http_conn_free(): free http connection on close. */ static void _http_conn_free(uv_handle_t* han_t) { u3_hcon* hon_u = (u3_hcon*)han_t; while ( 0 != hon_u->req_u ) { u3_hreq* req_u = hon_u->req_u; u3_hreq* nex_u = req_u->nex_u; _http_req_kill(req_u); _http_req_free(req_u); hon_u->req_u = nex_u; } _http_conn_unlink(hon_u); free(hon_u); } /* _http_conn_new(): create and accept http connection. */ static void _http_conn_new(u3_http* htp_u) { // TODO where? // u3_lo_open(); u3_hcon* hon_u = c3_malloc(sizeof(*hon_u)); hon_u->seq_l = 1; hon_u->req_u = 0; uv_tcp_init(u3L, &hon_u->wax_u); c3_i sas_i; if ( 0 != (sas_i = uv_accept((uv_stream_t*)&htp_u->wax_u, (uv_stream_t*)&hon_u->wax_u)) ) { if ( (u3C.wag_w & u3o_verbose) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "http: accept: %s\n", uv_strerror(sas_i))); } uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&hon_u->wax_u, (uv_close_cb)_http_conn_free_early); return; } _http_conn_link(htp_u, hon_u); hon_u->sok_u = h2o_uv_socket_create((uv_stream_t*)&hon_u->wax_u, (uv_close_cb)_http_conn_free); h2o_accept(htp_u->cep_u, hon_u->sok_u); // capture h2o connection (XX fragile) hon_u->con_u = (h2o_conn_t*)hon_u->sok_u->data; struct sockaddr_in adr_u; h2o_socket_getpeername(hon_u->sok_u, (struct sockaddr*)&adr_u); hon_u->ipf_w = ( adr_u.sin_family != AF_INET ) ? 0 : ntohl(adr_u.sin_addr.s_addr); // TODO where? // u3_lo_shut(c3y); } /* _http_serv_find(): find http server by sequence. */ static u3_http* _http_serv_find(c3_l sev_l) { u3_http* htp_u = u3_Host.htp_u; // XX glories of linear search // while ( htp_u ) { if ( sev_l == htp_u->sev_l ) { return htp_u; } htp_u = htp_u->nex_u; } return 0; } // XX serv link/unlink/free/new /* _http_serv_listen_cb(): uv_connection_cb for uv_listen */ static void _http_serv_listen_cb(uv_stream_t* str_u, c3_i sas_i) { u3_http* htp_u = (u3_http*)str_u; if ( 0 != sas_i ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "http: listen_cb: %s\n", uv_strerror(sas_i))); } else { _http_conn_new(htp_u); } } /* _http_serv_init_h2o(): initialize h2o ctx and handlers for server. */ static void _http_serv_init_h2o(u3_http* htp_u) { htp_u->fig_u = c3_calloc(sizeof(*htp_u->fig_u)); h2o_config_init(htp_u->fig_u); htp_u->fig_u->server_name = h2o_iovec_init( H2O_STRLIT("urbit/vere-" URBIT_VERSION)); // XX use u3_Host.ops_u.nam_c? Or ship.urbit.org? Multiple hosts? // see https://github.com/urbit/urbit/issues/914 htp_u->hos_u = h2o_config_register_host(htp_u->fig_u, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("default")), htp_u->por_w); htp_u->ctx_u = c3_calloc(sizeof(*htp_u->ctx_u)); htp_u->cep_u = c3_calloc(sizeof(*htp_u->cep_u)); htp_u->cep_u->ctx = (h2o_context_t*)htp_u->ctx_u; htp_u->cep_u->hosts = htp_u->fig_u->hosts; if ( c3y == htp_u->sec ) { htp_u->cep_u->ssl_ctx = u3_Host.tls_u; } htp_u->han_u = h2o_create_handler(&htp_u->hos_u->fallback_path, sizeof(*htp_u->han_u)); htp_u->han_u->on_req = _http_rec_accept; h2o_context_init(htp_u->ctx_u, u3L, htp_u->fig_u); } /* _http_serv_start(): start http server. */ static void _http_serv_start(u3_http* htp_u) { struct sockaddr_in adr_u; memset(&adr_u, 0, sizeof(adr_u)); adr_u.sin_family = AF_INET; if ( c3y == htp_u->lop ) { inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &adr_u.sin_addr); } else { adr_u.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } if ( c3y == htp_u->sec && 0 == u3_Host.tls_u ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "http: secure server not started: .urb/tls/ not found\n")); htp_u->por_w = 0; return; } uv_tcp_init(u3L, &htp_u->wax_u); /* Try ascending ports. */ while ( 1 ) { c3_i sas_i; adr_u.sin_port = htons(htp_u->por_w); sas_i = uv_tcp_bind(&htp_u->wax_u, (const struct sockaddr*)&adr_u, 0); if ( 0 != sas_i || 0 != (sas_i = uv_listen((uv_stream_t*)&htp_u->wax_u, TCP_BACKLOG, _http_serv_listen_cb)) ) { if ( UV_EADDRINUSE == sas_i ) { htp_u->por_w++; continue; } uL(fprintf(uH, "http: listen: %s\n", uv_strerror(sas_i))); htp_u->por_w = 0; return; } _http_serv_init_h2o(htp_u); uL(fprintf(uH, "http: live (%s, %s) on %d\n", (c3y == htp_u->sec) ? "secure" : "insecure", (c3y == htp_u->lop) ? "loopback" : "public", htp_u->por_w)); break; } } /* _http_init_tls: initialize OpenSSL context */ static SSL_CTX* _http_init_tls() { // XX require 1.1.0 and use TLS_server_method() SSL_CTX* tls_u = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method()); // XX use SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version() and SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version() SSL_CTX_set_options(tls_u, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 | // SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 | // XX test SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION); SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(tls_u); SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(tls_u, SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF); SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(tls_u, "ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:" "ECDH+AES128:DH+AES:ECDH+3DES:DH+3DES:RSA+AESGCM:" "RSA+AES:RSA+3DES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS"); c3_c pub_c[2048]; c3_c pir_c[2048]; c3_i ret_i; ret_i = snprintf(pub_c, 2048, "%s/.urb/tls/certificate.pem", u3_Host.dir_c); c3_assert(ret_i < 2048); ret_i = snprintf(pir_c, 2048, "%s/.urb/tls/private.pem", u3_Host.dir_c); c3_assert(ret_i < 2048); // TODO: SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file ? if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(tls_u, pub_c, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0) { uL(fprintf(uH, "https: failed to load certificate\n")); // c3_assert(0); return 0; } if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(tls_u, pir_c, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0 ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "https: failed to load private key\n")); // c3_assert(0); return 0; } return tls_u; } /* _http_write_ports_file(): update .http.ports */ static void _http_write_ports_file(c3_c *pax_c) { c3_i pal_i; c3_c *paf_c; c3_i por_i; u3_http *htp_u; pal_i = strlen(pax_c) + 13; /* includes NUL */ paf_c = u3a_malloc(pal_i); snprintf(paf_c, pal_i, "%s/%s", pax_c, ".http.ports"); por_i = open(paf_c, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); u3a_free(paf_c); for ( htp_u = u3_Host.htp_u; htp_u; htp_u = htp_u->nex_u ) { if ( 0 < htp_u->por_w ) { dprintf(por_i, "%u %s %s\n", htp_u->por_w, (c3y == htp_u->sec) ? "secure" : "insecure", (c3y == htp_u->lop) ? "loopback" : "public"); } } c3_sync(por_i); close(por_i); } /* _http_release_ports_file(): remove .http.ports */ static void _http_release_ports_file(c3_c *pax_c) { c3_i pal_i; c3_c *paf_c; pal_i = strlen(pax_c) + 13; /* includes NUL */ paf_c = u3a_malloc(pal_i); snprintf(paf_c, pal_i, "%s/%s", pax_c, ".http.ports"); unlink(paf_c); u3a_free(paf_c); } /* u3_http_ef_bake(): notify %eyre that we're live */ void u3_http_ef_bake(void) { u3_noun pax = u3nq(u3_blip, c3__http, u3k(u3A->sen), u3_nul); u3v_plan(pax, u3nc(c3__born, u3_nul)); } /* u3_http_ef_thou(): send %thou from %eyre as http response. */ void u3_http_ef_thou(c3_l sev_l, c3_l coq_l, c3_l seq_l, u3_noun rep) { u3_http* htp_u; u3_hcon* hon_u; u3_hreq* req_u; c3_w bug_w = u3C.wag_w & u3o_verbose; if ( !(htp_u = _http_serv_find(sev_l)) ) { if ( bug_w ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "http: server not found: %x\r\n", sev_l)); } } else if ( !(hon_u = _http_conn_find(htp_u, coq_l)) ) { if ( bug_w ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "http: connection not found: %x/%d\r\n", sev_l, coq_l)); } } else if ( !(req_u = _http_req_find(hon_u, seq_l)) ) { if ( bug_w ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "http: request not found: %x/%d/%d\r\n", sev_l, coq_l, seq_l)); } } else { u3_noun p_rep, q_rep, r_rep; if ( c3n == u3r_trel(rep, &p_rep, &q_rep, &r_rep) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "http: strange response\n")); } else { _http_req_respond(req_u, u3k(p_rep), u3k(q_rep), u3k(r_rep)); } } u3z(rep); } /* u3_http_io_init(): initialize http I/O. */ void u3_http_io_init() { // Lens port { u3_http *htp_u = c3_malloc(sizeof(*htp_u)); htp_u->sev_l = u3A->sev_l + 2; htp_u->coq_l = 1; htp_u->por_w = 12321; htp_u->sec = c3n; htp_u->lop = c3y; htp_u->cep_u = 0; htp_u->hos_u = 0; htp_u->hon_u = 0; htp_u->nex_u = 0; htp_u->nex_u = u3_Host.htp_u; u3_Host.htp_u = htp_u; } // Secure port. { u3_http *htp_u = c3_malloc(sizeof(*htp_u)); htp_u->sev_l = u3A->sev_l + 1; htp_u->coq_l = 1; htp_u->por_w = 8443; htp_u->sec = c3y; htp_u->lop = c3n; htp_u->cep_u = 0; htp_u->hos_u = 0; htp_u->hon_u = 0; htp_u->nex_u = 0; htp_u->nex_u = u3_Host.htp_u; u3_Host.htp_u = htp_u; } // Insecure port. { u3_http* htp_u = c3_malloc(sizeof(*htp_u)); htp_u->sev_l = u3A->sev_l; htp_u->coq_l = 1; htp_u->por_w = 8080; htp_u->sec = c3n; htp_u->lop = c3n; htp_u->cep_u = 0; htp_u->hos_u = 0; htp_u->hon_u = 0; htp_u->nex_u = 0; htp_u->nex_u = u3_Host.htp_u; u3_Host.htp_u = htp_u; } u3_Host.tls_u = _http_init_tls(); } /* u3_http_io_talk(): start http I/O. */ void u3_http_io_talk() { u3_http* htp_u; for ( htp_u = u3_Host.htp_u; htp_u; htp_u = htp_u->nex_u ) { _http_serv_start(htp_u); } _http_write_ports_file(u3_Host.dir_c); } /* u3_http_io_poll(): poll kernel for http I/O. */ void u3_http_io_poll(void) { } /* u3_http_io_exit(): shut down http. */ void u3_http_io_exit(void) { // XX shutdown servers cleanly _http_release_ports_file(u3_Host.dir_c); }